whotfatemymenemen · 4 months
I will never be in an irl situation as funny as when I inetracted with haley (who clearly likes alex), said "I'm going to get such a nice tan this summer." and then alex, who is standing right next to haley when I interact with said "Hey Farmer girl. You've got a nice tan going." Ajsksjshshsjjsjsjsjks
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whotfatemymenemen · 4 months
So, for context I'm not really a theater kid, but I do at least know their names.
Anyway, last night while I was looking through pinterest I saw a post about hamlet. My brain decided that it was a fun post, so I remembered it today.
Problem was, I realized I was mixing it up with another play.
Using my big brain, I thought about what play I was mixing it up with but I came up with nothing other than "Uhh, there were some presidents or somethinggg,,?? I think there were some nice songs,,maybe??"
As I was laying in bed, I remembered:
Hamilton. I was mixing up Hamlet with Hamilton.
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whotfatemymenemen · 5 months
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Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon
May Allāh grant them Jannat ul Firdaws. Aameen
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whotfatemymenemen · 6 months
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does anyone else feel completely fucking insane thinking about the sheer volume of claims that have been proven baseless but are still repeated as fact by people in power. like i know "gaslighting" isnt a useful word when it comes to public officials but i dont know how else to describe the feeling of constantly being told that reality isnt what it is
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whotfatemymenemen · 8 months
I don't usually post often as I am a consumer more than a creator, but I feel like I need to say this somewhere or I will fucking shoot someone.(preferably a soldier.)
Isreal is commiting actual war crimes. Israel also actively ignores calls for 'humanitarian ceasefire', just in case they couldn't look more like a fucking cartoon villain in levels of evil. Multiple nations are also calling for the borders to be opened due to the lack of resources on the Palestinian side because the deaths daily are incredibly high, high enough that the people who were told to evacuate are returning home because it really doesn't fucking matter if thay are gonna die either way.
(I also tried to find some footage of the multiple Israeli soldiers that use kind phrases like 'If your neighbour is Arab, go to his house and shoot him' but unfortunately I couldn't find it. Do know that it is out there though.)
If you consider human rights important, I would like you to kick the first Israel-supporter you find in the shins. And burn down a mcdonalds for sending resources to Israel soldiers.
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whotfatemymenemen · 1 year
I think people need to take some things fucking seriously. Like,
There has been an earthquake in Turkey, and I’m talking about 7.5-7.7 levels.
And I’ve heard people calling the helping…,hotlines(???) to prank them, and a few teenagers shouting and fucking pretending that they were there to save the people trapped under the rubbles. To be honest, I don’t consider these creatures human anymore, cause they sure as hell don’t deserve it.
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whotfatemymenemen · 1 year
Like, my daily activities include:
•wake up
•stay in bed for 20 mins
•turn on phone and ban the porn bots on tumblr
•listen to music
Like, on of this is not like the others bro.
Jesus, nobody warned me about the amount of pron-bots that will follow you on tumblr
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whotfatemymenemen · 1 year
Jesus, nobody warned me about the amount of pron-bots that will follow you on tumblr
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whotfatemymenemen · 1 year
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This came out a little blurred (most likely because I had an exam & had to use it becauee I forgot I had another eraser), but look which creepyboye visited me!
(I actually meant to post this alot earlier, but I kiiinda forgot about it lmao)
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whotfatemymenemen · 2 years
Does anyone wanna be my friend, I kinda lost my last one :(
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whotfatemymenemen · 2 years
I feel like that dude you’d see only like twice in a club you’re in or something and you aren’t even sure if he’s in it or not
I just realized that making an account, posting very little (to the point that I probably got banned in some places for being a bot), and then suddenly commenting about my new hyperfixation because I couldn’t find enough content about it is incredibly ominous sjajkskna
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whotfatemymenemen · 2 years
I just realized that making an account, posting very little (to the point that I probably got banned in some places for being a bot), and then suddenly commenting about my new hyperfixation because I couldn’t find enough content about it is incredibly ominous sjajkskna
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whotfatemymenemen · 2 years
Actually, I’ve finished reading svsss (and the extras,) and like, what if in the airplane extras shang qinghua actually left?
Like, the angst of it all would be enough to keep me crying and in this fandom for longer
The idea that he leaves behind a note, explaining that he won’t return, won’t be found, and definitely the fact that trying to track him would be pointless.
Just…the sadness that would happen afterwards. I need me some fics like that. I need the anger and the sadness of it all.
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whotfatemymenemen · 2 years
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oh god what did i do
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whotfatemymenemen · 2 years
Crusty nefres my fucking name
It becomes Wonn
Imma do this because I’m fucking bored.
What’s your url?
Now take away any and all numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0), take away the letters F, Z, M, Q, L, H, B, T, P, E, A, Y, S, B, D, and X, take away all dashes (-),
What’s your new fucked up version of your url?
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whotfatemymenemen · 2 years
I got radiance
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Oh boy another uQuiz
Find out which Hollow Knight character u are :) Best suited to those who know the games pretty well but you can probably get some enjoyment out of it even if you don’t know it that well
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whotfatemymenemen · 3 years
I’m sorry, someone on Pinterest recognized Pukicho by, and I quote “the guy from tumblr who ate shit-sandwich”??!!??????Like, What The Fuck Happened????!?
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