whythobro · 4 months
Posts like this miss entirely the point 😞
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There was controversy. As much as I ,as a Greek, enjoyed the game many agreed that the game was showing a diversity fit for the USA. The difference is that a post managed to get many views to cause a debate.
The point isn't what the artists did, who just did their job, is the studios and corporations behind the scenes that push the forced diversity into a culture that has been overshadowed.
Again i will say this example, had the game be about Chinese/Egyptian/ Hindu mythology would it make sense for the deities to be of different ethnicity?
No. So the same goes for the Greek gods.
People simply ask ,why Greeks are being tossed aside and forgotten and don't get respected for simply saying they want representation in the entertainment industry. It's nothing about racism or white supremacism or "haters are losing it right now".
Ethnicity matters and Greek culture is still thriving despite the hardships it endured. The bare minimum we ask is seeing ourselves being represented in media the way it's respected.
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whythobro · 8 months
Sooo I’ve decided to call this rewrite Wish upon the stars, mainly because it’s fun to say. I just wanna outline a few of my ideas for its plot in this plot, since I am working on writing a little something for it.
• Asha is constantly sneaking into Rosas and away from the hidden hamlet, why though? Why is she running away from the hidden paradise her family is in? Because she believes Magnifico could have saved her father. Her dad dies from a sickness no one could cure, and when Asha goes to Rosas Dahlia’s grandmother has the same thing. Asha is heartbroken, thinking she’s now doomed to die, only to come back a week later to her fully cured. When asking Dahlia she discovers Magnifico cured her in a day and she’s good as new now, Asha is happy for her and furious that her dad didn’t have to die, if her mum just had to take him to Magnifico (who she now thinks isn’t evil due to how incredible Rosas is) then he would still be alive. So there’s the explanation as to why Asha is so quick to leave the Hamlet.
• No this is NOT Aster x Asha. Aster is non-binary and aroace in this, don’t ask me what made me make this decision, I just wanted to. As I said this is Asha x Dahlia, again I can’t explain this decision, it just is decided.
• Sakina my love 🫶 when Magnifico and Amaya are defeated she becomes queen as she was the leader of the hidden hamlet and has that experience, Dahlia becomes the royal baker and Asha the royal sorceress.
• In this Magnifico is actually, y’know, evil. He lies about his backstory and Amaya is also evil. I’ll reveal more detail later on when it’s more solid.
I have more in the works! Both writing, design, art and I’m working on the songs! I’ll return soon!
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whythobro · 8 months
Screw it, I’m doing my own wish rewrite.
So I recently made that post going over how I would have done wish differently personally, so I’m expanding on that.
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This is Stars design! Yes they are called Aster (though I am tempted to call them Orion) and yeah, they’re non-binary. They’re a celestial being, they can literally be anything.
Aster actually shows up quite late in the story, that way we get to know Asha more. It’s after the hamlet is attacked, she runs to the wishing tree and sings ‘This wish’ (edited a little of course) and it there she calls them down.
They come crashing down from the sky and they meet, blah blah blah, extra stuff I’ll do later, they begin working together.
I’m not sure wether I want Aster to be mute or not but I am leaning towards it.
Here’s some inspo I have right now for their outfit.
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Idk what to call this AU. Maybe ‘Wish upon the stars’? Ideas are appreciated!
ALSO THIS IS NOT ASTER X ASHA!! Asha x Dahlia around here partner.
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whythobro · 8 months
Talk to me about:
• Greek Mythology
• History
• Wish
• Star Wars
• Fantastic beasts
• Arthurian legend
• King Magnifico
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whythobro · 8 months
Will never get over the fact that Athena is Zeus’ favourite kid. She’s his most special talented princess. She’s crying? Someone will be cursed for eternity. She needs something? Done in an instant. She wants something? Zeus is gonna leave his new fling to get it. Ares is dying? Zeus does not give a fuck. Athena is sad.
Zeus: Someone’s is about to get shocked! Who got the crumbs in the butter?!-
Athena: Me.
Zeus: Oh then that’s okay. You’re very stressed with war and spreading wisdom I understand. ☺️ *Leaves*
Athena turning to Poseidon: I just saved your life. Be thankful.
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whythobro · 8 months
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This design for Magnifico would have been so much better. Original Magnifico looks… tired. Like a single dad that really needs a nap. But this? This is evil. I can’t exactly place why, but he is.
He seems kind, caring, soft, loving. He’s the type of person you feel inclined to trust. I can understand this man being a villain no one realises because he looks kind. I would also change it so that the wishes are said to be granted but in reality he makes replicas that fit what he wants that person to do, and hows that person gonna know it not their wish? They forget it when it’s taken away!
And the hamlet Asha lives in? Not the suburbs anymore, it’s a refuge hidden from Magnifico where people go to keep their wish from being taken. But Asha doesn’t believe he’s evil, so she leaves the refuge and goes through the interview to be an apprentice and gets the job! And later on he tricks her into giving up the refuge and it’s attacked and it’s then that Asha realises he’s evil. That’s the first half of the movie.
Second half features star boy as Asha in her heart break and guilt makes a wish and he comes down, boom story plays out.
Amaya’s evil and they HAVE THE CAT I WANT THE CAT GIVE ME THE CAT DISNEY. And when they’re defeated Sakina becomes queen because she was the head of the refuge and knows how to safely rule while Asha studies magic, the wishes are given back and people pursue them on their own.
Also Magnifico and Amaya just straight up die, maybe Amaya falls off of something and Magnifico jumps after her idk. Disneys villains either are set free or killed, except for Hans but he’s not magical.
He instead was raised in a community for wizards, a refuge like Asha’s, he says that his was attacked burned down. This is a lie. He grows powerful and so he burns it down and kills everyone.
If you’re gonna make a villain, do it right. Give it to me I’ll do it. Don’t just make a regular guy that has PTSD and just needs a hug and genuine help.
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whythobro · 8 months
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whythobro · 8 months
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Me @ Magnifico
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whythobro · 9 months
I’ve changed up the look of my account but I swear I’m still a Magnifico fan account, I just really like old paintings depicting some form of witch/sorceress
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whythobro · 9 months
Imagine Magnifico in lush. He’d go bonkers I know it.
Amaya while dragging him away from eating the posh chocolate body wash: NO
Magnifico having the time of his life and about to buy the whole shop: YES
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When she’s not stopping him from eating it she’s also having the time of her life. She’s gonna buy so many candles. All the bath bombs. She’s talking to every worker and asking them how they are and what their personal advice is.
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whythobro · 9 months
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She’s actually so adorable, it’s unreal. She’s so cutie patootie. How dare you all ignore her. She’s so important to me.
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whythobro · 9 months
So like, is no one gonna talk about the fact that Asha calls Sabino ‘Saba’ which is Hebrew for grandfather meaning either she or some part of her family is Jewish? And I mean when she greets those people at the start of the movie she says ‘hola’, ‘shalom’ and ‘Salam’ that’s Spanish, Hebrew and Arab. Which makes sense since the main religions in the area Rosas is set in is Christianity, Judaism and Islam. And it’s likely Asha could be Jewish.
Are we all just gonna skip over this?
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whythobro · 9 months
Really quickly made and messy asf and just a headshot but uhhhh
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I love her your honour??? The outfits you made?? Scrumptious. Magical.
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Art/idea friends I’m on my hands and knees can y’all give me some ideas or inspo bc I really wanna play around with these designs but brain empty
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whythobro · 9 months
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Magnifico’s human mother can’t have children, she’s infertile but she and her husband are desperate to have a child. So she prays to the Gods and wishes on a star. If I wrote wish SHE would be the one singing ‘this wish’ with some edited lyrics or a different original song.
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The God Limos sees that one whose technically under their domain is making these prayers and wishing and they realise they have an excuse to get rid of Magnifico as they were wanting to hurt his mother but they knew they would get caught. But because there was a wish of it it could be possible that the woman had managed to bring down a star, and the worst happened and that star was Magnifico who was turned mortal, and Gods can’t make people immortal.
They would have their own song about how they control more than everyone realises and how they’ll make them see. Also yes they’re non-binary as infertility effects men, woman, land and more.
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Adoptive parents very happy. This would be where ‘at all costs’ is sung to baby Magnifico.
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Biological parents… not so much.
The sun goddess and moon god are the king and queen of this pantheon. They’d sing a reprise of at all costs with edited lyrics and a quieter more sad tune, with happy notes at the end that at least Star is safe.
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Star gets to be a privileged beloved prince and Magnifico gets to be a farmer whose still beloved.
Star being privileged is important so that when he comes down to Asha makes her wish he comes down to help and is bit stuck up but learns more empathy and kindness (reference to emperors new groove)
Also they get their own song as children, with their own separate verses and of course a duet chorus.
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whythobro · 9 months
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I drew it.
No no no cause what if Magnifico was a star? Keyword there being ‘was’. For one reason or another he was taken from his parents and brother (star) and stripped of his divinity and marooned on earth, maybe a vengeful family member which could have been a reference to Hercules (HERACLES).
He’s left with some magic and is raised by farmers. One day he finds out about his past, he gets angry and runs off and while he’s gone his home is attacked, he comes back right as the bandits leave and he tries to save his parents but can’t and they die. He runs off and is just kind of there for a year or two before a powerful sorcerer finds him and recognises his magic and so takes him in and trains him.
It’s all like:
Star: “You’ll get the whole world and all its power. But it’s at the cost of her.”
Magnifico: *Visibly conflicted* “… I just want to go home.”
Star: “You already are.”
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whythobro · 9 months
No no no cause what if Magnifico was a star? Keyword there being ‘was’. For one reason or another he was taken from his parents and brother (star) and stripped of his divinity and marooned on earth, maybe a vengeful family member which could have been a reference to Hercules (HERACLES).
He’s left with some magic and is raised by farmers. One day he finds out about his past, he gets angry and runs off and while he’s gone his home is attacked, he comes back right as the bandits leave and he tries to save his parents but can’t and they die. He runs off and is just kind of there for a year or two before a powerful sorcerer finds him and recognises his magic and so takes him in and trains him.
It’s all like:
Star: “You’ll get the whole world and all its power. But it’s at the cost of her.”
Magnifico: *Visibly conflicted* “… I just want to go home.”
Star: “You already are.”
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whythobro · 9 months
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Whatever divine presence controls this worlds affairs took its eyes of me and I immediately went insane.
It’s chicken run. It’s the chickens. From chicken run.
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