willfangirlforfood · 4 years
What’s Mine is yours chapter 6
Izuku spun to look at Katsuki, hands flying up to cover his mouth, eyes, if possible, wider than usual. In the past, Katsuki would have found the abject horror on the nerd’s face hilarious, but right now it was just another punch to the gut.
He watched Izuku flinch away from him. He watched the nerd’s head whip between the door that Todoroki just went through, and back to him. Watched the tears start to fill those big emerald eyes. Heard Izuku mutter an apology to him for 'what he had said.’
Before he could say a word, all he could see is green hair flying away from him and doors slamming between them. His hand dropped to his side, his mouth opened and closed a couple of times, still unable to get the words he knew he should have said out into the empty space the nerd used to occupy.
 Over the next few weeks, Katsuki noticed that things were, no pun intended, chilly between Izuku and his (other) soulmate. This did not make Katsuki feel better like he thought it should. A fact that frustrated Katsuki and made him even snappier and more waspish than he previously had been.
“Bakubro!” Kirishima was yelling at him as he got onto the bus to their licensing exam, and honestly, Katsuki couldn’t think of a better place to sit than with the rock. It was better than getting stuck with the spark plug, or invisibitch.
He flung himself into the seat and scooted over by the window. Kirishima then perched on the outside edge of the seat and Katsuki roughly jammed his headphones into his ears, pulling his hoodie over his head. He proceeded to stare broodily out the window for the entire trip to the arena.
 When the test began, Izuku immediately took charge, and because Katsuki found that new confidence incredibly, distractingly attractive, he decided to go off on his own. However, much to his chagrin, the electric wonder and Kirishima decided to follow him.
Katsuki also noticed that the Icy-Hot dweeb had decided to go off on his own as well instead of staying to assist his other half. Katsuki almost went back, but there was still way too much left unsaid there, and he was not up for hashing that out right at this moment.
To Katsuki’s eternal surprise, the only reason he and Kirishima passed the first part of the test was because of the moronic lightning rod, and as they entered the space for those who have passed, he searched the room for Todoroki and Izuku, finding them clustered with their other classmates. He breathed a sigh of relief.
That relief didn’t last long, because the next part of the test was starting, and Izuku was walking past him, shooting him a triumphant little grin. Katsuki’s brain was short-circuiting. Izuku turned that smile on Todoroki, and Katsuki’s brain was a tangle of red rage and green jealousy.
This was not good. Katsuki listened to the instructions that they were to save and triage the victims in this area. That they would be ranked on their ability to do so, but Katsuki could not get his brain to function enough to be civil to the examiners.
He was rude to two people who were pretending to be injured during the scenario. He was distracted and preoccupied during the fight with Gang Orca.
With all of this, plus his shortcomings in the first part of the test, he was only vaguely surprised at his failure to pass the test. What did surprise him was that he was going to be stuck in a make-up class with Todoroki.
How could the golden boy have failed? Were things really that bad with him and the nerd? Katsuki was proud of Izuku for passing. He could also see how the nerd was both euphoric about passing and heartbroken over whatever issues still existed between him and Todoroki.
Katsuki wasn’t sure what, if there was anything he could do, but he resolved that if he had to do these classes with the dual user, he was going to figure out how to fix his nerd while they are stuck together.
  On the first day of the class for those who failed the exam, Katsuki and Todoroki walked to the train together. They rode in silence, though Katsuki noticed that Todoroki never stopped staring at a photo of him and Izuku on his phone.
Katsuki rolled his eyes at the absolutely pining look on Todoroki’s face. “What’s up with you and the nerd?” he asked, trying to appear unconcerned and condescending, and apparently failing miserably, as Todoroki snorts.
“Subtle, Bakugo, real subtle.” He leaned his head back against the window of the train, scrubbing his hands over his tired eyes. “I suppose there is no reason NOT to tell you. Since you were right there for the beginning of it, eavesdropping and all.” Todoroki raised an eyebrow at Katsuki.
Katsuki refused to dignify this with a blush. He set his mouth into a snarl instead. “Yeah, I heard some. Why the HELL would you tell the nerd that I love him if you don’t plan on giving up on him?”
Todoroki smiled at him, “Izuku and I do not keep secrets from one another. Possibly to the detriment of our relationship,” he grimaces, ”but he deserved to know, and I deserved to know if I needed to worry.”
“The issue with the two of us now is that, as you heard, there is a reason for me to worry, and neither of us are sure what to do with that information.” He looked at Katsuki, laughing sardonically. “I don’t want to lose him, but I don’t want him to feel like something is missing. I want to be enough for him, but I know that you will always be there in his heart. I hate you for what you did to him, but I know that you are the thing that is missing for him.”
He laughed again. “Sometimes I think that sharing him is the only real way to make this whole thing work, but then we are back to the whole me hating you thing.” He groaned and dropped his face into his hands. “Is that even allowed? He still doesn’t believe that you could ever love him, but if I could convince him of it, is it legal? Would it be enough for me to keep even a piece of him? Would it be enough for you?” He looked at Katsuki desperately, and Katsuki was again left speechless.
@nothinginthisblog @lefleurgalaxy @staelart @Nia-raritta @todorokitops @todsshi @reyna-avila-ramirez-alreanaldo
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willfangirlforfood · 5 years
707 deleted the SSUM
So, we are officially at the one year anniversary of when we were supposed to get the SSUM and we have heard no word on it since. The web page @cheritzteam has for it still says March 2018.
I personally have a theory for this.
The SSUM is the game 707 created that he lost the password for and therefore could not release it.
Some of us in the SSUM discord chat went even further with this and decided that Seven must have deleted the game so he wouldn't lose MC. (The MCs do look awful similar....)
As 707's birthday is less than three months away, I want to propose that we ask him directly. Tweet to him asking if he deleted The SSUM during the leadup to his birthday.
Maybe then, we will get some answers from the heretofore unresponsive @cheritzteam .
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willfangirlforfood · 6 years
For later
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Villain Deku AU Part One! 
Just wanted to join in on the fun lol 
Section 1 (part…HERE, 2, 3)
Section 2: Part 1, 2
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willfangirlforfood · 6 years
Introducing me (my first fanfic)
Introducing Me
A Lukanette Song Fic by Hallettatme
Luka flopped down on his bed after the concert on his boat. His mind filled with thoughts of bluebell colored eyes and pigtails, as he came down from the all consuming high of playing his music for an audience. He had heard about Marinette from his sister plenty of times and had even seen the girl in the pictures that she had shown him of her friends, specifically pointing out the girl that had made it all possible, a smile lighting her up in a way he hadn’t seen in a while. Pictures, and even the story behind them did not do the girl justice. In person, she was electric. He stayed up even later that night, mulling over his next move in trying to get closer to her.
Marinette was walking to school that next Monday, daydreaming about telling Adrien how she felt about him for about the billionth time, knowing she would never be able to get the words out. She had just reached space of sidewalk outside the school, when she bumped into something, hard. She felt herself falling backwards, and the something reached out, placing an arm around her waist to keep her from falling onto her rear end in an undignified heap. She looked up, and saw electric turquoise hair above her, the sun haloing out from behind the person’s head as they asked her if she was alright. “Sorry! Omigosh I am so sorry!” She rushed to apologize to the person, “I wasn’t paying attention.” As her eyes adjusted, she realized that she knew the person whose arm encircled her waist. “Oh! Luka! It was you I bumped into. Are you alright?” She asked, smiling up at him. “Hey there Ma-Ma-Marinette.” He grinned down at her before removing his arm and blushing a bit. “I’m fine. I was just getting ready to head out from walking Juleka to school when I bumped into you.” He grinned at his own terrible pun. They talked for a few more minutes before they went their separate ways, making sure to exchange numbers prior to doing so. Alya, who had seen all of this from the steps of the school, smirked as Marinette rushed up the steps to her. On their way to class, Alya could not help but to tease her friend about the new “statue” that seemed to be having some effect on Marinette’s heart. Mari, of course, denied everything… “Although,” she thought to herself,” He does make my heart flutter a bit, but not like Adrien.”
A few weeks later she was out with Alya and Nino at the park, when she saw that same familiar Turquoise and Black hair jogging up to them. His blue eyes dancing with inaudible laughter as he called, “Hey there! Ma-Ma-Marinette!” He came to a stop in front of her, completely ignoring that Alya and Nino are there. He decides its best to just get right to the point, instead of flirting. Juleka has informed him that Marinette is oblivious, and he is not really interested in playing guessing games. “I was just coming over to see if you would like to go to dinner, and the Jagged Stone concert with me on Saturday?” He paused, sucked in a breath and added,” You know. Like a date?” His voice quirked up at the end in a nervous question. Marinette looked up at him, blushing furiously and stuttering quite a bit, her heart beating a mile a minute which had her even more flustered. “Well…I... I mean… I don’t know you… I mean I know you, but we aren’t friends…. I mean we are friends but not like close, and I just think maybe I need to know more about you before going on a date with you.” She finally managed to get out before she fell into mumbling something about how much she loved Adrien that Luka, thankfully, didn’t hear. He looked a little defeated for a moment before his eyes glinted in determination. “I understand.” He said grinning mischievously as he obviously had an idea. “I gotta go Mari. See you around alright?” He waved as he ran off in the direction of his home. Alya and Nino were just staring at Marinette with their jaws hanging open in surprise. After a few moments, Alya shook her head and flashed a look at Nino that seemed to say, “Be right back, Girl talk.” He just nodded. She grabbed Marinette by the wrist and dragged her over to a bench, shoving her not quite gently onto it and exclaiming, “Girl! Why did you turn Luka down, and none of this I love Adrien crap? You have been trying for so long to get his attention and it hasn’t been working. Maybe its time you try giving Adrien some space, and just give someone else a shot. Luka is HOT, and he is obviously serious about his interest in you if he just came out and asked you on a date.” Marinette looked up at her, a slightly self-deprecating smile gracing her lips. “I never told him I wouldn’t give him a chance. I just said I would like to know more about him.” Alya squealed and hugged her tightly around the neck. The girls headed back over to a very confused Nino giggling madly. As they did this, Adrien appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, from behind them. “What’s so funny?” He asked, his face openly curious and friendly. “Oh, a guy just asked Mari out on a date.” Alya said, her words still tinged with the giggles from before. “Yeah, it was seriously cool the way Luka just walked up and asked her. Dude has some serious confidence.” He chuckled. “Too bad that Mari turned him down.” He added. Adrien wondered how Marinette getting asked out was funny. She was smart and funny and gorgeous, and…. A weird feeling was happening somewhere in the vicinity of Adrien’s lungs… maybe the pollen was up…. Who was Luka to ask Mari out though? He barely knew her. Then he heard from somewhere outside of his head what Nino had said about Marinette turning the guy down, and the pressure in his chest seemed to release a bit. He grinned at everyone,” Sounds like you all have had an interesting afternoon so far. What are you guys up to next?” They told him which café they were headed to for lunch, and he decided to join them. They headed that way as a guy with a guitar slung across his back, reentered the park and saw where they were headed. He grinned and headed in the same direction.
At the café, they ordered food, and drinks and were chatting pretty easily… which was odd. Adrien noticed that Marinette wasn’t stuttering, blushing, and trying to get as far away as possible. She was chatting with everyone, including Adrien easily. He furrowed his brow, trying to figure out what had changed in the past few weeks, as he thought back to the fact that she hadn’t been doing those things for a while now. How had he not noticed? He bit his lip in thought as the conversation flowed around him… until it suddenly didn’t anymore. He looked up to see why everyone got so quiet, and his chest tightened again as he saw Luka standing next to Marinette’s chair, his guitar held in his hands. He didn’t hear what Luka said to her, but he saw her flush prettily as he started to play the acoustic instrument. He decided to listen intently as he watched the others.
The tune was light and playful as he plucked the strings and sang along.
I'm, I'm good at wasting time
I think lyrics need to rhyme
And you're not asking
But I'm trying to grow a mustache
Adrien Rolled his eyes, but as he looked at Marinette, hoping she would look at one of them, like “get a load of this guy”, he saw that she was grinning kind of… sappily at Luka.
I eat cheese, but only on pizza, please
And sometimes on a homemade quesadilla
Otherwise it smells like feet to me
He narrowed his eyes a bit, knowing that the smell of Camembert permeated his clothing unless he wore more deodorant and cologne that strictly necessary for someone who didn’t have a cheese loving Kwami in their pocket at all times. He saw Mari giggle at that and felt the feeling in his chest intensify and spread to his airway.
And I, I really like it when the moon looks like a toenail
And I love you when you say my name
L-Love? Did they already know each other that well? How was he so out of the loop on what was happening with his friend… another wave of… whatever this feeling was burned through his chest as he thought the word he had always used to describe her.
If you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that shows if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, slightly amusing
Introducing me
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo
La da da da
La da da da da da da da, da
“God this is cheesy, but its working.” Adrien though begrudgingly, as he watched the smaller girl blush scarlet, her eyes trained on Luka, smiling softly at him… the way she used to smile at Adrien when she thought he wasn’t looking. At this moment he realized what he was feeling. He was jealous. This was “his Mari”, and this guy was trying to take her from him.
I never trust a dog to watch my food
And I like to use to the word "dude"
As a noun, or an adverb, or an adjective
Adrien saw her laugh out loud at this, staring at Luka like the entire rest of the café had disappeared. She batted her eyelashes shyly, and Luka never looked away from her, his eyes trained on her, giving her the same exact look.
And I've never really been into cars
I like really cool guitars and superheroes
And checks with lots of zeros on 'em
I love the sound of violins
And making someone smile
Adrien snorted at the part about the checks, and looked to Alya and Nino, hoping they at least would agree with him about how lame this was, but there was Alya, her phone out in one hand, recording Luka and Mari, her cheek resting on her other hand, elbow propped on the table, eyes soft, quietly sighing every so often. Nino was nodding along, a grin on his face giving excited thumbs ups behind Mari’s back to Luka.
If you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that shows if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
And my heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, possibly amusing
Introducing me
Adrien felt betrayed by everyone, including himself. He knew that Alya and Nino had been trying to get him to notice and date Marinette for months, and he had been so wrapped up in Ladybug that he couldn’t see her. This was all his fault.
Well, you probably know more than you ever wanted to
So be careful when you ask next time
Luka winked at Mari and Adrien wanted to rip his eyelashes out one at a time when she blushed and giggled again. He watched her stand up, looking up into the taller boy’s eyes as he finished up the song.
So if you wanna know
Here it goes
Gonna tell you this
The part of me that shows if you're close
Gonna let you see everything
But remember that you asked for it
I'll try to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
But you wanna hear what lives in my brain
And my heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing?
At times confusing, hopefully amusing
Introducing me
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo
Introducing me
Marinette clapped enthusiastically along with Alya and Nino and the small crowed that none of the small group had noticed forming to watch the adorable display. Luka slung his guitar back across his back, and took one of Marinette’s hands, grinning like a doofus. “So,” He said nervously, “Do you know enough now to let me take you on that date?” Adrien watched, feeling like a fist was clenching his heart as she nodded, and invited him to have lunch with them. After everyone had eaten, Adrien watched as Luka put his hoodie around Marinette’s shoulders and walked her toward her parents’ bakery, after everyone said their goodbyes. After they had gone so far as to be out of his sight, he turned and started walking, alone, back to his mansion. Knowing that it was his own fault. That he was the only one to blame for losing his chance with the beautiful girl.
This is also posted on AO3 under username hallettatme and possibly on fanfiction.net as doyoushipwhoiship
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willfangirlforfood · 6 years
Seriously... This is a great fic.
Green Eyed Cat-Monster Chat-pter Sept
Characters:  Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Mlle Bustier, Ms Medeleiev, Chloé Bourgeois, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng
Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, Chat Noir/Marinette, Marinette/Luka
Warnings: A little angst, a little fluff, a little swearing, a little kissing
Word Count: 10,150
Summary:  When Marinette accidentally sees Chat Noir drop his transformation so many things suddenly make sense, but matters are quickly confused again when she bumps into Luka Couffaine, literally.  With both he and a certain cat-boy suddenly vying for her affection, what is she supposed to do?
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‘Nothing happened, Alya.  I told you last night when I text you.’  Marinette complained as she pulled her outfit out of the closet.
‘Chat Noir literally took you out of class when there wasn’t an akuma.  Something has to have happened.’  Alya argued.
Marinette shook her head at Alya’s persistence.  ‘They thought Adrien and I were at risk so kept an eye on us for the afternoon.  That’s it.’
‘And did you and Adrien get to talk?’
‘They kept us at different locations.’
‘Pity.’  Alya replied.  ‘Okay, onto the next.  What are you wearing tonight?’
‘I’ll send you pics as soon as I’m changed.’
‘You mean you’re not dressed yet?’
‘I just finished doing my hair and makeup.  I was about to get dressed when you called!’  Marinette complained defensively.
‘I need to know what you’re wearing before you put it on.  What if you chose something bad to sabotage tonight so that you could safely go after Adrien?’
‘I am not trying to sabotage tonight!’
‘I mean subconsciously.’  Alya replied.
‘Not even subconsciously.  I’ll show you in a few minutes, but I have to finish up!’
‘Yeah, okay.’  Alya’s sigh was loud down the line.  ‘But if I don’t like it expect another call!’
‘Obviously.’  Marinette replied with a small smile.  ‘I’ll message you later.’
‘Make sure you do.’
‘Bye, Alya.’  She said, hanging up and throwing the phone onto her chaise.
Keep reading
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willfangirlforfood · 6 years
I seriously love this fic
Green Eyed Cat-Monster Chat-pter Six
Characters:  Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Mlle Bustier, Ms Medeleiev, Chloé Bourgeois, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng
Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, Chat Noir/Marinette, Marinette/Luka
Warnings: A little angst, a little fluff, a little swearing, a little kissing
Word Count: 10,150
Summary:  When Marinette accidentally sees Chat Noir drop his transformation so many things suddenly make sense, but matters are quickly confused again when she bumps into Luka Couffaine, literally.  With both he and a certain cat-boy suddenly vying for her affection, what is she supposed to do?
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‘What did he do?  I have never seen you so angry, and I never thought I would see you turn down lunch with Adrien!’  Alya said.  They had managed to get a quiet corner in the locker room and Marinette sank heavily onto the bench with a sigh.
‘He saw Luka and I together.’
‘When were you and Luka together?’  Nino pulled a face, knowing school had been disrupted yesterday by an akuma.
‘Shall I just start at the beginning?’  She asked.
‘Maybe you should.’  Alya agreed.
Marinette explained as best she could about the museum, amending the story enough that it sounded like she bumped into Adrien after Luka left.
‘Let’s just say it didn’t end well.’
‘That’s an understatement.’  Alya folded her arms.  ‘All this time crushing on Adrien, you finally give someone else a chance, an older man no less, and that’s what gives him a kick in the ass?  What did you do?’
‘I accused him of only asking because of Luka and of being territorial.  And I left.’
‘You just walked away?  From Adrien Agreste?’  Alya asked in disbelief as Marinette pulled a face.
‘So what are you going to do now?’  Nino asked.
‘I’m going to ignore him and go on my date with Luka.’
‘You’re actually going to go on a date with him?’
‘Yeah, I am.’
‘After Adrien said he wanted to go on a date with you?’  Alya said in disbelief.
‘After Adrien made an ass of himself trying to do so!’  Marinette got to her feet.  ‘I’ll talk to him when I’m ready, but that’s not going to be today.  Excuse me.’  She made her way into the girls bathroom, knowing she was going to hide again, but she didn’t want to go over any more details.
The bell rang and classes resumed, but Adrien was noticeably absent.
‘See?’  Chloe sneered.  ‘He’d rather get in trouble for ditching than have to share a classroom with you.’
‘You know what, Chloe…’  Marinette started to get up but Ms Mendeleiev entered, insisting they take their seats.  Alya pulled on Marinette’s arm, encouraging her down.
‘We’re going to pick off where we left off on Wednesday.’  Ms Mendeleiev began, but the door burst open, and standing there was Chat Noir.
‘Oh no.’  Marinette groaned, dropping her head into her hands.
‘Sorry to interrupt.’  He nodded to Ms Mendeleiev.  ‘I need to take Marinette Dupain-Cheng to safety.’
‘No, you don’t.’  Marinette argued.
‘If Chat Noir needs you to go with him, you go with him.’  Ms Mendeleiev snapped.
‘Also, Adrien Agreste is at a safe location with Ladybug.’  Chat added rapidly as Marinette glared at him.
‘Is he really?’  Marinette said sarcastically.
‘Girl, I know you’re pissed with Adrien, but you should go with Chat Noir, if he thinks there’s good reason.’  Alya encouraged her.
‘I think I’ll be fine.’  She argued.  ‘There hasn’t even been an akuma alert.’
‘Marinette!’  Ms Mendeleiev raised her voice.  ‘You will go with Chat Noir!  Now!’
Marinette resisted rolling her eyes as she got to her feet, Chloe laughing from her seat.
‘That’s right, Marinette, go with that mangy alleycat.  He’s much more your league.’
Marinette swung her bag over her shoulder, hitting Chloe in the back of the head as she turned towards the front.  ‘Oops.’  Marinette shot her a look before heading out of the door without so much as even looking at Chat, who closed the door behind them.
‘I can’t believe you did that.’  She complained as he caught up with her.
‘I had to get you to talk to me somehow.’
‘I’m still not talking to you.’
‘You kind of are, princess.’  He quirked her a sideways smile as he drew his baton.
‘No, I’m arguing with you.  That’s something completely different.’
‘If we’re going to argue let’s do it somewhere more private.’  He said as he scooped her up in his arms without breaking his stride.
‘Put me down.’  She growled.
‘I need to get you to safety.’
‘With Adrien and Ladybug.  Really?’
‘Really.’  He extended his baton until they landed on the roof then set off as she folded her arms angrily.
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Chat didn’t stop until he reached The Louvre, setting her back on her feet on the roof overlooking the pyramid.
‘You saw us working on my assignment.’  She stated, knowing the location was far from a coincidence.
‘If that’s what you want to call it.’  He leant back on the roof and folded his arms.
‘That’s what we were doing.’  She turned to him angrily.
‘I don’t remember the assignment including kissing.’
Marinette folded her arms to match his and gave him a defiant look.  ‘He kissed my cheek.  I didn’t ask him to.’
‘You agreed to go on a date with him.’
‘What was I supposed to do?’  She threw her arms up in the air.  ‘Wait for you forever?  You weren’t interested until Luka was!’
‘That’s not true.’  He argued, even as he realised it was.
‘It’s completely true.  So what is it?  You don’t want me but no one else can have me either?  Because that’s not very fair.’
‘I never said I didn’t want you.’
‘You didn’t exactly make it obvious that you did.  Calling me just a friend at every opportunity pretty much saw to that.’  She recrossed her arms.
‘When did I…oh.’  He realised she was right.  He had been caught up in the fact he had wanted Ladybug for so long that he had forgotten it had put Marinette firmly in the friendzone.
‘Yes, oh.  And that hurts.  You were so blinded by Ladybug you couldn’t see what was right in front of you.  So when Luka asked me I figured I had nothing to lose by going on a date with him.’
‘I’m not the only one who did that.’  He said, ignoring her mentioning Luka again.
‘Did what?’  She asked in confusion.
‘Couldn’t see what was right in front of me.’  He shifted slightly as he pouted.  ‘You couldn’t see Chat for Adrien.  That’s not who I am, not entirely.’
‘I saw Chat.’  She argued.  ‘I’ve always seen you, both sides of you, and had I not met Adrien first then Chat would have had a damn good chance!’
‘What?’  His head shot up to look at her.  ‘You…like me, like this?’
‘I did until you started acting like a jealous idiot.’  She huffed.
‘You mean because I came to my senses you don’t like me now?’  He said sceptically but she knew it hurt him.
‘I mean you need to come up with something better than effectively kidnapping me to get me to think you’re interested, and not because someone else beat you to it.’  She shook her head.  She found it hard to stay mad with him but she had to keep some distance or her resolve would melt.  She needed to know she was worth something to him as Marinette, not just because he was jealous.  ‘I’m going home, and unless there’s an akuma I think we should patrol separately tomorrow night.’
He looked at his feet.  ‘If that’s what you want.’
‘It’s not what I want, it’s what I think we both need.’
‘Fine.’  He sighed, knowing, as always, she was right.  ‘I’ll see you, princess.’
Marinette didn’t speak again, instead she made her way across the rooftop, taking shelter behind a chimney before transforming and setting off for home.
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willfangirlforfood · 6 years
Thanks @miraculousmumma please when is the next installment?
Green Eyed Cat-Monster Masterlist
Characters:  Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Mlle Bustier, Ms Medeleiev, Chloé Bourgeois, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng
Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, Chat Noir/Marinette, Marinette/Luka
Warnings: A little angst, a little fluff, a little swearing, a little kissing
Word Count: 10,150
Summary:  When Marinette accidentally sees Chat Noir drop his transformation so many things suddenly make sense, but matters are quickly confused again when she bumps into Luka Couffaine, literally.  With both he and a certain cat-boy suddenly vying for her affection, what is she supposed to do?
Dedicated with love to @the-lazy-workaholic-blog & @jeni2727 .  I love you guys!
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
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I have been bad lately, and focusing more on my Instagram than my Tumblr... It is Ainsleycooksclean (shameless plug) but tonight I had home made ramen with enoki mushrooms, bean sprouts and garlic crusted pork cutlets. Also had a glass of this amazing wine. It's 65 calories for a 5 oz pour. I'll try to be better. Love and light Ainsley
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
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I can die happy now.
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
If you are looking at keto as an option, please do it under the strict monitoring of a physician.
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Today the Ketogenic Diet is now one of the world’s most searched diets on Google?
In 2012, it was rated a score of 11 on the Google trends search engine and now it’s ranked over 100. That’s nearly a one thousand percent increase.
Here are a few simple rules:
- Consume a high fat/moderate protein breakfast
- Consume only 30-50 grams of carbohydrates between 3-7 p.m. (If you workout, post training only)
- Keep protein moderate (To much protein spikes insulin as well)
- Cheat on your diet every 7 days between 3-7p.m. to reset leptin levels (If you workout, post training only)
Your ULTIMATE fitness source for diet plans, workouts, motivation, and expert advice on building muscle, losing fat and gaining strength. Visit the link in the bio or copy and paste here=>https://TurnAroundFitness.com
#lowcarb #lchf #paleo #ketosis #ketogenic #weightloss #lowcarbhighfat #fitness #eatclean #ketodiet #fitfam #healthy #foodporn #glutenfree #cleaneating #diet #primal #weightlossjourney #ketogenicdiet #realfood #atkins #food #health #nutrition #foodie #highfat #healthyfood #fit #comidadeverdade #protein
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
I would love this.
everyone who reblogs this
will receive a piece of art based on their url
e v e r y o n e
tag people, reblog, so on
now i tag people
@frnkfuckniero @joshdunsleftdrumstick @the-black-melody @the10dollarfoundingfather @markdebutslimitlessly @opaiescents
no reblogs will be taken after DEC 31st
but i will start this again
(make sure submissions are open)
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
Here is the thing about AA though. They don't make you believe in any SPECIFIC higher power.... I have been in NA & AA for 5 years, and I am still as witchy as ever. I don't have to pretend to be anything but my badass witchy self because my higher power my be ancient god's and goddesses, but I have one. I know one girl who's dog is her higher power. No one judges what your higher power is in AA you literally just have to have one. The salvation army is a bag of judgy dicks but AA and NA save lives no matter who or what you look to. 
It’s that time of year to say no to the Salvation Army.
Never forget they let a Trans woman die instead of helping her.
Never forget they have tossed entire families on the street for having an LGBT child.
Never forget they tell non Christian families that unless they convert they will not help them.
Never forget that the Salvation Army is bigoted and hateful, many of the bell ringers routinely heckle and harass LGBT couples.
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
But seriously, Vaccinate your fucking kids
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
Goodbye Net Neutrality. In a 3:2 Vote, Net Neutrality has just been repealed. We are now outside of the international law regarding the Internet. This is how dictatorships start. I probably wont be on tumblr at all once AT&T packages it up and puts a price on my free expression.
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
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Tonight I roasted a couple Cornish game hens with rainbow carrots, multicolored fingering potatoes and cranberries. I am so excited about all the yummy fall/winter produce that is out right now, and these little hens will give me chicken for my salads for the rest of the week at work.
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willfangirlforfood · 7 years
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Headconnon where Zen from mystic messenger is playing the role of prince Zen in snow white with the red hair. 😍😍😍
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