winters-void · 3 years
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winters-void · 4 years
A Real Father
relationship: Geralt x OC! Daughter (or reader)
a/n:  Requests are open! Thank you for reading!
warnings: abusive father (not geralt), minor character death, angst, fluff at the end, violence, mentions of blood. 
Geralt found his heart pounding in his ears. He watched as the Striga fell to the ground, shriveling up and dying. It had curled around itself in a fetal position, protecting itself in it's final moments. He realized sadly that there was no saving this cursed being, anyone who knew anything was dead or 100's of miles away and before he found answers this whole town would be dead. It had almost killed half of them anyways.He'd already been paid so he needed to finish the job. As his potion wore off and he felt his eyes return to normal, he heard whimpering coming from one of the rooms and looked around confused.
As he walked around a corner and into a corridor he heard a young girls cries get louder and louder each passing second. "Mama!" A young voice squeaked. He entered the room from which the cries were coming from. A young girl was sobbing over the body of a woman who was presumably the mother she was crying out for. "Mama wake up!"
Geralt slowly entered, trying to not startle the girl as much as possible. The girl heard him and turned around quickly. "Sir! Help my mama! The king made us come in here, please help!" " Even from where he stood he knew there was no helping this girls mother."Still, he knelt down on the other side of her body and felt for a pulse. Already knowing the answer he sighed looking at the girl.
"I'm sorry." Geralt told her watching as the young girls eyes grew larger and filled with more tears. That's when the floodgates broke and the girl began to wail. Despite being the mere age of 6 the girl knew what his tone of voice and choice of words meant. He put a gentle hand on the girls back and she fell into his arms. "Why did the king make you come here?"
"My mama stole some bread to feed us." The girl whimpered into his chest. "We haven't eaten in days and he punished us."
Geralt felt his blood boil. He knew the king of this place was a no good piece of shit. He took a deep breath before helping the girl to her feet. "Where's your father?"
"Please don't make me go to him." She spoke, visible fear appearing on her face. He reached up to scratch the back of his neck and the girl visibly flinched. It was that moment he noticed how underneath all the dirt and grime on her skin were bruises ranging in various shades of purple. On her neck there was a scar going up to her cheek and down to her collar bone. It was a shiny pink meaning it was fairly new and healing. "Please." She whimpered.
He felt his shoulders tense up and he looked up at the sky taking in a deep breath. He knew he'd never let this girl go back to her father, based off of the condition she was in now; starving, bruised and smaller than the average six year old he'd just be sending her to her death. Especially with her mother dead, this girl was surely about to receive every beating her mother would get.
"I won't." He spoke gruffly. "We should bury your mother. Then we'll figure out what to do with you."
The young girl nodded wiping away a tear before looking towards her mother. She was bloody and had some organs missing. She closed her eyes knowing this image of her mother would be engraved in her mind forever. She had protected her daughter with her dying breath from this Striga. Part of her blamed herself for them being here in the first place. The young girl had been complaining about being hungry for a long time. In an act of desperation her mother stole a loaf of bread and block of cheese. They'd been caught and the King sent them to be food for the Striga.
"Can it be under a tree?" The girl sniffled. "She'd always tell me stories under trees."
"Sure." He grunted, he hoisted the girls mother into his arms gently holding her in a bridal carry and led the girl outside. Roach was tied to a tree branch, gently he set the girls mother down and hoisted the girl onto roach. "I'll bury her. Roach will keep you company"
"Thank you-" The girl paused realizing she didn't know this silver-haired mans name.
"Geralt." He told her and she nodded.
"I'm Rielah" She told him. "Thank you for burying her."
Geralt only nodded and picked up her mother once more. He went a little ways away to a suitable tree and buried the girls mother in a peaceful place, he gently lowered her into the ground and covered her back up with dirt before placing a yellow flower on top of the fresh grave. When he returned back to the girl she was petting Roach's mane lazily. Looking back at her, her pale skin was streaked with red from her tears and her hair was disheveled.
The road was no place for a child, but possibly he could find somewhere that would take good care of her somewhere along the way. For now though, he supposed she could stay with him.
If someone had told him nearly a decade ago that he would be taking care of a teenage girl he would have laughed in their face. But now, watching as Rielah pouted in the booth of the tavern they were staying at he realized that she was technically his responsibility and had been for quite a while. It was quite obvious that the young girl had grown on him over time, and he loved her as he would his own daughter.
"Stop that." He mumbled sitting down next to her with a drink in his hand. The girl only glared at him before turning to face the bar again.
"Stop what?" She asked coyly.
"Pouting." Geralt scolded and Rielah only huffed again. "You're staying at the inn while I hunt this Selkimore."
"Fine." Rielah spoke adjusting herself so that her back was facing him. Ever since they had arrived in this dreadful little village Rielah had been off. She was moody and irritable and didn't seem to want to be left alone for more than a minute.
Ever since the girl had joined him on his journeys he'd made it clear that she would be safer wherever they were as far away from the monsters he was fighting as possible. When she was little he did his best to find someone to take care of her but it was blatantly obvious the girl had become his daughter and he didn't trust anyone when it came to her wellbeing. He watched as she picked at the meal he bought her and he shook his head.
"May I go back to the room then?" She asked
"As long as you stay put." Geralt said nodding and by the time he got the words out she was gone and rushing to their room at the inn. "Teenagers."
Rielah looked over her shoulder as she opened the door to their room, making sure no one had followed her and holding the dagger Geralt had given her for emergencies close to her chest. When she was inside the room safely, she locked the door quickly- debating on whether or not to push something in front of it. She decided against it, realizing she didn't want Geralt to question her motives as to why. She knew she'd been acting odd since they got here but this was the place she was born. She didn't want to run into her father; she'd heard some of the townspeople mentioning his name in passing and felt her blood run cold.
Geralt knew she was from around this general area, they'd met in a rundown castle where the Striga resided and they traveled on from there never really discussing her past unless it was about her mother. Even that was rare though. Their relationship didn't offer much speaking, sure he spoke to her more than most but they were both quiet natured people so it worked out. Most of their communication existed by body language. A raised eyebrow typically asked if one was okay and a gentle hand on the back told the other they were there.
After drawing the blinds and doing all the other precautionary measures Geralt had instilled from a young age she sat down on the bed and waited for Geralt's return. She felt as if she wouldn't get much sleep this night and decided to read one of the novels they had picked up for her on their adventures. Geralt realized she would need some form of entertainment while he was away on his hunts and taught her to read. It was an easy way for her to pass the time.
Hours passed and Rielah set down her book bored. She knew she should go to bed but she didn't want to let down her guard down if Geralt wasn't there. Part of her felt like her father had been watching them ever since they arrived. The scars he had left on her both physically and mentally from when she was a child were still left littering her thoughts and skin. She heard the doorknob begin to twist and sat up straight. Logic told her it was just Geralt seeing as she had locked it and he had the only key, but fear told her it was her biological father.
The door opened, daylight seeping in behind it and Geralt stepped in covered in the guts of a Selkimore and she wrinkled her nose. "You've got something right-" She hesitated before gesturing to his body "everywhere actually, and you smell."
"Nice to see you too Rielah." Geralt said with a grunt before walking to the tub full of bathwater. She scrunched her nose once more and turned around to give him so privacy. "There's some Oren's in my pouch. Go get some food we can eat in between villages and whatever else you'd like. I'll meet you out when I'm clean."
Rielah nodded, gulping slightly. She hadn't been alone here without Geralt other than last night in the room. This was different though, being in the village would be putting her into a vulnerable position if she ran into her father. Grabbing Geralt's pouch out of the saddle bag she grabbed her black cloak and pulled up the hood over her head. She walked through the village, remaining as unnoticeable as possible until she found a man selling bread and cheeses.
"How much for two loafs?" She asked. Bread typically got them a long way on the road. They could pair it with meat Geralt hunted and eat it alone.
"10 Oren" The man grumbled and she fished it out of her pocket, not letting the man how much she actually had in case he tried to raise the prices. She took the loafs of her choosing and handed the man the money. He took it and shoved it into his own pocket.
Turning around she noticed a woman selling some clothes. She thought back to Geralt coming back drenched in the Selkimore guts and blood and decided he'd probably need a new shirt. She saw a black long sleeve shirt and decided that one would do. Next to it she saw a handmade necklace with a purple stone attached to it. She knew she'd never be able to afford it but it was pretty to look at.
"It's a pretty gem." A man said from beside her causing her to jump.
"Yes, it is." She said backing away cautiously.
"Suitable for a girl like you." The man spoke. "Maybe to draw attention away from that ugly scar Rielah." Her blood ran cold at the usage of her name and her eyes grew wide. Geralt was the only one who should know her name here. She tried not to show it, but she was petrified. There was no need to guess who this man was, it was her father. The man she'd been doing her best to avoid. "I've been waiting for you to show your face. Without that dastardly Witcher."
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." She told him playing dumb attempting to make her voice sound as normal and unwavering as possible. "I really should be on my way my f-"
"Your father?" He sneered coldly. "You're right I have been looking for you. Ever since you ran off a decade ago you little shit. It's time you return home."
The man grabbed her wrist and jerked it harshly. At that moment, the hood of her cloak fell off revealing her face. More importantly though, it revealed the scar he had left many years ago. It had healed nicely over the years but there was still a thin white line from the mark he had made. Looking at the girls face and the fear showing in her hazel eyes. She felt herself retreating to the tiny young child terrified of her father. The one before Geralt; who taught her that a father is supposed to love their daughter unconditionally even when they make it hard. Not beat them for no reason.
"Sir-" Rielah spoke trying to jerk her hand away from her father only for his grip to get tighter. "I really must get going."
"Theres really no denying it now Rielah." The man sneered. She didn't even know her fathers name. What kind of a father did that make him? "You've been gone for a long time, but I'd know that scar from anywhere. I oughta give you another one for being away for so long with that damn Witcher."
"Rielah!" A deep voice called out and her head whipped around, golden tufts of hair getting in her face as she noticed Geralt making his way through the crowd.
"Geralt!" She shrieked watching as he looked back and forth for the teenager. "Daddy!"
That was enough to get Geralt's heart pounding in his ears. The girl he cared for was shrieking his name in fear. Pushing through the crowd he spotted her golden hair, getting closer he noticed a man holding her wrist in a death grip.
"Quiet girl." He heard the man grunt as he tried to get her to budge and walk.
He reached around to his back where his sword was kept and drew it upon the man. "Get your hands off of her."
Noticing the sword, Rielah's birth father let go of her hand and she let tears fall as she ran behind her true father; Geralt who ushered her directly behind him.
"I believe you have what's mine Witcher" The man sneered. "You took my daughter from me, cost me nearly a fortune to replace her hands at the fields. I bet you killed my wife too."
"Your wife was killed protecting Rielah, who is no longer your daughter and hasn't been since the moment you first laid a hand on her." Geralt gritted out. "If all you're worried about is the profit she can bring you in the fields you're a sorry excuse of a father." Geralt said pressing his sword closer to the man's neck. "She's been my daughter for the past decade, and if you lay a hand on her ever again it will be the last time you touch anything." The man glared at her from her place behind the silver-haired Witcher and she shuddered underneath his gaze. "I suggest you move along."
Spitting on the pair, Rielah's father turned around and walked off and Rielah let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "So that's why you wanted to come on the hunt. This is your home."
Guiltily, Rielah nodded and Geralt clasped a hand on her shoulder. "I wanted to tell you, but-"
"You don't need to explain yourself little one." Geralt said fixing the girls cloak and stroking a piece of hair behind her ear. "I see no need to return to this disgusting place anyways."
"Thank you Geralt." She said wrapping him in a hug. Rarely did they ever show physical affection to another but she felt like a hug was in order. Geralt was tense but eventually let down his guard and hugged the girl back."You've always been my father."
"You've been my daughter for a long time Rielah," He told her as they began to walk to Roach. He helped her up before getting on behind her. "That man has never been your father, and I'll never hesitate to protect you and I sure as hell will never lay a hand on you."
She nodded, grabbing Roach's reigns and leaning back against Geralt to steady herself as they left the girls hometown. As they left, she didn't look back once knowing that place was never her home. Her home had always been on the road with Geralt and Roach. He'd always been her father. He'd been the one to raise her, teach her, feed her. Everything about him was what a father should be doing for their daughter.
"I love you Geralt." She whispered quietly.
"Hmmm." He grunted refraining towards their usual silence on the road. She knew that was his way of saying it back, it was their language. He knew her better than she knew herself at times. She stared at the road ahead, wondering where it would take them next.
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winters-void · 4 years
a/n: this is based off of episode 9 of season 5 “100″ of criminal minds. -Requests are open.
warning: death, blood, violence, angst, George foyet, murder
relationship: dad! Hotchner x daughter! reader, Spencer Reid x reader (light)
Y/n felt her heart in her chest. She couldn't hear, over her heartbeat and her vision was blurred due to the immense amount of tears in her eyes. She felt Spencer's hand on her shoulder and that was all it took to break down. She fell to her knee's being caught along the way by Spencer and began to bawl into his shoulder. His cane fell to the side as he held her close as she broke down into his body.
— previously —
Y/n was exhausted. She graciously took a cup of coffee from Spencer as they made their way up to the bullpen. Finally, there had been a break in the Foyet case. She was so tired of this devil. It seemed like he was everywhere she looked. Even if he wasn't there physically.
She could feel him in her dreams, plaguing her with nightmares. Every time she looked at the family photo on her desk, and a picture of her and Jack from her little brother's 3rd birthday she was reminded of the torment he had caused her family. From stabbing her father and leaving him at the hospital, and now threatening Jack and her mother. She was so tired of it.
They were working on a geographical profile now, focusing on the two different addresses from the letters he had sent. Garcia and Kevin where cross referencing a list of Foyet's medications, trying to find something that he couldn't get over the counter or on the streets.
"Okay so what are we going to do about the two cities?" J.J. asked. "Usually we need 3 different points to get an accurate geographic profile."
"That's all we got right now." Derek speaks from beside her.
"Gaithersburg, Rockville, D.C., Alexandria, Bowie, Annapolis." Prentiss begins listing off nearby cities.
"Where the hell are you Foyet?"
Wasn't that the question of the hour? Of the year actually. All Y/n wanted was to have her family under one roof again. Even if her parents were divorced, she just wanted the ability to call her mom after a long case and play with her little brother. Instead, they were placed into protective custody. She knew they were safe, at least she hoped they were.
The team wasn't told where they were going whatsoever, it was safer that way. No way of knowing where your mom and brother were, and not knowing how to contact them. There was a small amount of people who knew where they were located.
"Okay, me and the boy found a thyroid medication that has no substitute over the counter. You gotta get it from a pharmacist, but a lot of people are on it." Garcia said bursting into the bullpen with a laptop in her hand.
"Find the midpoint between the 2 cities." Rossi told her. "And isolate names in a 25-mile radius."
"153 names." Garcia told him.
"He's smart enough to use a different name." Y/n spoke up. "This guy lived off of the grid for years."
"What kind of names should we be looking for." Derek asks.
"He could've easily stolen someones identity." Prentiss speaks up pointing toward Derek, reminding Y/n of the night her father got stabbed and Foyet checked him into the hospital using Derek's credentials.
"No, he's a narcissist in love with his own mythology." her dad speaks up, flipping through a file. "He'd use a name connected with the case."
"A victim maybe, a cop." Rossi adds.
"Okay, let's check the Foyet files for a list of names, and... nothing." Garcia says shaking her head.
"Wait a minute guys." Her boyfriend speaks up. "Foyet likes things to have meaning to him. The eye of providence, the addresses he wrote on the bus that led us back to him."
Spencer stands up, walking to the bored and writing "George Foyet" on it. "Maybe he's doing the same thing with the alias."
"Like an anagram or something." Prentiss says catching on.
Spencer begins crossing letters out and drawing arrows. Y/n wonders what's going on in his mind. He's always been brilliant and she's not sure she'll understand how he does it all.
"You see something Spence?" She asks him.
"Not yet."
"Reid, he named himself the reaper." Her dad tells him and suddenly 'the reaper' appears on the board as well and Spencer repeats his process of crossing out letters and making arrows.
All of a sudden he turns around, with a name. "Peter Rhea." He speaks.
"There's a Peter Rhea in Arlington." Garcia says looking down at her laptop.
"We found him." Rossi says.
The team begins to suit up. Y/n pulling on her vest as calm as possible. Her hands are shaking and everyone notices. This isn't the normal Y/n whatsoever. She just wants her life to go back to normal. With a case hitting this close to home, she can't help but feel like her nerves are racking up against her.
"Hey." Spencer says placing a hand on her waist gently. The rest of the team looks away giving them a moment. "You're okay. We're going to get him."
"Are we?" She asks, voice cracking.
Y/n, Spencer, J.J. Derek and Rossi were in an empty building across the street from Foyet's apartment. They had a swat team behind them and Y/n was sitting next to Rossi, her back to Spencer who was leaning on his cane.
"SWAT's getting antsy." Jennifer told Morgan. She didn't really listen to what else they had to say. She just focused on the building ahead of them.
Less than 15 minutes later, the decision to move was made. Derek sent in someone with a camera to look under the door of Foyet's apartment.
"What's that on the floor?" Her dad asked from beside her.
"That's his mail." Derek said and the decision to move out was made. They ran across the street, guns drawn, followed by the SWAT team and undercover units.
They busted into the apartment quickly, discovering Foyet wasn't there.
"He's not coming back here, he left an untouched meal." Her father declared.
"You drop your mail like this when you're startled, when you need to get out of dodge quick." Rossi tells him.
"Something tipped him off, he knew we were coming."
"Suitcases are open there's some clothes missing, there's a safe with a stash of guns in it." Derek says coming back into the kitchen with J.J.
"He didn't even bother to lock them up again." J.J. adds.
"If he's in a hurry, he'll make a mistake." Rossi says.
"Yeah but when Foyet gets cornered he starts killing." Hotch says leaving the room.
"We're not gonna let that happen."
"We need Garcia to get on this." Y/n whisper watching Foyet's screen. It's continuously deleting files from its system. As Garcia reworks the files, you notice something in a picture. "Wait, stop, stop! Is that-"
"The US Marshall assigned to my family." Her dad says looking right at her. He leaves a message on Kassmeyers cell before locking eyes with Y/n. "Let's go."
The black SUV's halt to a stop outside of the U.S. Marshals house. When walking inside, they find Kassmeyer on the ground, slowly dying. Rossi gets an ambulance as your father tries to communicate with him.
Y/n could hear the sirens of the ambulance now as medics came in.  "Gunshot wounds to each leg he's missing several fingers and he's badly beaten." Spencer said from beside her.
"Clear out of the way" the medics ordered her father before getting to work. As they got into the ambulance Hotch followed him into the vehicle leaving Y/n with the rest of the team breathing heavily. She felt Spencer grab a shaking hand and squeeze it tight.
Later on the team received a phone call from Hotchner, telling them that Foyet called Y/n's mother from Sam's phone.
"We'll get Garcia to trace it. J.J." Morgan said nodding at J.J. to start working on that.
"He told her she was compromised and I was dead, and that Y/n was in critical condition." Her dad told them.
"Well have you called her?" Prentiss ask him.
"No. He said to throw her phone away and to buy a disposable." Y/n heard her dad say. She wanted to vomit. There was too much happening at once. She wanted to be calm and collected but there was too much on the line. This case was targeting her home, her family.
"Hotch we're gonna come get you right now." Morgan told him.
"No, Anderson's bringing me a car."
"You want us to meet you back at the office?"
"I'm hoping that she's just going to call me, at least, to check. Maybe even Y/n."  
"Foyet posed as a Marshal, called from a number that she recognized." Derek told him.
"And then he did what gets him off. He scared her." Rossi added.
"No, He paralyzed her. He overwhelmed her." Prentiss told the team.
"And now, she trusts him. Where do you think he would take her?" Spencer asked him.
"Witness protection had her living in New Jersey." Prentiss told Spencer.
"He has a head start. He could be there now."
"Garcia's got a trace." J.J. told the team a form of somewhat good news.
"He's bouncing between a few towers." Garcia spoke being added to the call.
"Where?" Y/n's dad asked panicked.
"Fairfax County." Garcia told him.
"He's still local?" Y/n asked confused. "He wants to be close."
"Send the coordinates to my phone." Hotch told her.
Hotchner hung up from the phone call, and the team watched as he called another number.
"Wait that phone's on?" Prentiss asked.
"Hotch is calling Foyet."
"Garcia get us connected to that call." Y/n spoke grabbing the phone.
"Agent Hotchner." Y/n heard Foyet's voice on the phone and her blood ran cold.
"If you touch her.." She heard her father tell him.
"Be gentle, like I was with you?" Foyet asks and Y/n is reminded of walking into her fathers empty apartment find his blood on the floor. "What the hell took you so long? I was beginning to think this phone was dead or something. Why so quiet? You usually lash out when you're frustrated."
"I'm not frustrated. You're more predictable than you think." Her father spoke lowly.
"Am I?" Foyet asked.
"You didn't know where Haley was so you made her come to you."
"You make me sound lazy."
"Just another way for you to show control." Hotch told him. "Your mother tried to protect you from your father but she wasn't strong enough and you hated her for that didn't you? You decided that all women were weak."
"Those are your words, not mine."
"What were you 9 when you killed them?"
"It was a car accident."
"That you couldn't take credit for. That had to be hard for you. But poor George got another chance, the little orphan was saved. By the wealthy, sterile Eastside couple, the Foyets and the story should've ended there." Hotchner spoke, analyzing the Reaper.
"I don't believe in fairy tales, do you?" Foyet asked him.
"That's the thing, George. This isn't a fairy tale." Hotch told him. "You don't have to write this story, you don't have to do any of this. I know you're exhausted, always looking over your shoulder." Her father was pleading with the man now. "Always wondering when the other shoe is gonna drop. Haven't you gotten what you wanted? You've set yourself apart from anybody we've ever dealt with. You're not just a famous serial killer, you're the reaper. We're gonna study you and your methods for years and years."
Foyet took a moment to respond. "You know what I've been thinking? Haley looks pretty good with dark hair. She's lost some weight, must be all the stress you've caused her. Where's the little man? Oh. There he is. Does he like Captain America because of you?"
Another phone rang in the background. Y/n's eyes began to swell with tears. This sick bastard was watching her family. He was playing them like a fiddle.
"That's your wife. Hold please." She listened closely as Foyet answered the other phone. "Mrs. Hotchner."
"I'm here." Y/n heard her mothers voice and she closed her eyes to hold back the tears. It was the first time she'd heard it in months. Never in a million years did she think this would be the circumstance.
"Open the gate and I'll drive in." Foyet told her, and not knowing any better her mother agreed. "Aaron? I really got to go."
Her mind wasn't there while the team was talking. She was just trying to think of where they could be. It clicked once Reid recited Foyet's end of the conversation.
"The gate. The fucking gate. He's going to my house." She blurted. "The one I grew up in."
Immediately she grabbed a pair of keys to one of the SUV's and began heading out the door.
"No, give me the key's you're in no condition to drive." Derek said. "I'll call Hotch."
"Foyet's going to your house Hotch." Derek told him.
"I know." Her father spoke.
"We're sending a full tactical unit. We're on our way."
With that the phone was hung up and Garcia's voice came through to the line they were all connected with. "Foyet's calling Hotch."
"Garcia can you get us on?" Derek asked her.
"Aaron?" Her mothers shocked voice said. "You're okay? What about Y/n?"
"I'm fine." Hotch said and y/n could tell her father was swallowing his tears. Attempting to make it seem like he was okay. "Y/n's fine as well. She's with the team."
"But.. he said that-" Haley cut herself off. "Oh Aaron."
"He can hear us right?"
"Yes. I am so sorry." her mother apologized and Y/n bit her lip. She felt Spencer place a hand on her back.
"Haley, show him no weakness." Her father told him. "No fear."
"I know, Same told me about him. Is he uh-"
"No Sam is fine." Hotch lied. Sam was indeed very not fine.
"Aaron, Aaron, Aaron." Foyet spoke up. The reality of this situation becoming a lot clearer to Y/n ever second that passed. "Is that why your marriage broke up? Because you're a liar?"
"Don't listen to him Haley."
"I have Sam's service phone right here. They sent out a mass text about his death. You can take a look if you want."
"He's trying to scare you." Her father told her. "Did you even tell her what this was about? About the deal?"
"He's just trying to make you angry."
"Well she should be, she's gonna d-i-e." Foyet spoke up, taunting the family. "Your kids are going to be motherless because of your inflated ego."
"Ignore him Haley." Hotch spoke.
" I'm sure you don't want her to know about this part either." Foyet added. "You know, all he had to do was stop looking for me and you wouldn't be in this mess."
"Don't react."
"What is he talking about?" Haley asked.
"Tell Jack I need him working the case." Y/n knew what that meant. Jack needed to hide. She prayed that he would remember and listen to their father.
"What?" Haley asked confused.
"Tell Jack I need him working the case."
"Did you hear that?" Haley asked her younger brother.
"Hi daddy." Jack spoke into the phone causing Y/n to lurch forward. Her heart ached for her younger brother. His whole world was about to change and he was too innocent for that.
"Hi Buddy." Her dad said voice cracking.
"Is George a bad guy?"
"Yes he is." Hotchner said clearing his throat. "Jack, I need you on this case with me and your sister. Do you understand? We need you to work the case with me."
"Ok daddy." Jack said and Y/n hoped he knew what to do. He was a smart kid, and it was one of his favorite spots to be in when Y/n and Aaron worked on a case at home together.
"Jack, hug your mom for me and sissy okay?" Her dad knew she was listening in. She heard some shuffling and knew Jack was giving Haley a hug for the last time.
"Mommy hug me too tight." Jack said unknowing of the situation at hand.
"I'm sorry." Haley's voice said gently.
"Why are you sad?" Jack asked.
"Oh, I just love you so much." Haley said. "You and your sister are the light of my life."
"Mommy, I gotta go. I'm working the case." Jack told her. Y/n heard Jack's footsteps retreat from the room. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. They were still too far away.
"He's so cute." Foyet said. "He's like a little Junior G-Man. I'll be right up, Jackie boy!"
"Is he gone?" Hotch asked her.
"Yes." Haley responded wiping away her tears and sniffling.
"You're so strong, Haley. You're stronger than I ever was." Aaron told her.
"You'll hurry right?" She asked. Y/n looked at Derek almost as if urging the car to go faster and she felt Spencer grab her hand. She'd be squeezing her fist so tight there were imprints left from her nails.
"I know you didn't sign on for this." Her father told her.
"Neither did you."
"I'm sorry for everything." Her father admitted.
"Promise me that you will tell him how we met and how you used to make me laugh." This was her goodbye.
"He needs to know that you weren't always so serious Aaron. I want him to believe in love because it is the most important thing. But you need to show him. Promise me."
"I promise." Her fathers voice was a whisper. Tears were quietly streaming down her face at this point.
A moment of silence thickened the air, before the sharp sound of 3 gunshots rang out. Y/n broke down in the back of the van letting out a steady stream of quiet tears and flinching at the sound. Derek and Rossi looked back at the girl as Spencer pulled her close letting the girl sob into his shoulder.
"Mom-" She croaked out in barely a whisper. She knew Haley was dead. She knew Foyet would make sure of that. She was in shock at the moment. She didn't want to believe her mother was dead, but she knew that was the case.
The line went dead after the sound of her father throwing the phone and she knew they needed to get to the house as fast as possible.  Morgan sped down the street of her old home, skidding to a stop in front of the house. They found her father relentlessly beating Foyet to death before Morgan wrapped his arms around him and pulled him away.
"Hotch! Hotch!" He yelled. "He's dead. Hotch stop, come on, stop it. It's over, It's over." She watched as her father broke down in Morgans arms. "It's okay it's over man."
Y/n felt her heart in her chest. She couldn't hear, over her heartbeat and her vision was blurred due to the immense amount of tears in her eyes. She felt Spencer's hand on her shoulder and that was all it took to break down. She fell to her knee's being caught along the way by Spencer and began to bawl into his shoulder. His cane fell to the side as he held her close as she broke down into his body.
"Jack-" Y/n said before bolting from the room and into her fathers office. She heard his footsteps behind her. She went to the ottoman that served as a storage unit and opened the lid, not quite knowing what to expect. Her father appeared behind her, a breath of relief escaping both of them to see Jack's face.
"I work the case, just like Daddy said." Jack spoke innocently.
More tears rolled down Y/n's face as she reached into the box to pull her brother out. "Good job Bub" She whispered pulling him into her arms and falling into her dad's embrace.
"What happened to you daddy?"
"I'm okay. I want you to go outside with Ms. Jareau okay?" Hotch told his youngest.
"Come here, sweetheart." J.J. said picking her little brother up and taking her down the stairs.
"Where is she dad?" Y/n asked and slowly they walked into the bedroom where Derek was checking her mothers pulse. She was laying there lifeless, and stained with her own blood.
"I'm so sorry Hotch." Derek whispered and slowly she dropped to her knees next to her mother letting out a sob.Grabbing her hand and falling on top of her not caring. about the blood seeping onto her.
"Mom." She sobbed. "Please, no-"
She knew there was no coming back from this. Still, her mind didn't want to process that the woman who raised her was really gone. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Her mom was supposed to be there while Jack grew up, and to watch them both get married and become a grandmother.
"Y/n." Hotchner spoke laying a hand on his daughters back.
She let out a flood of tears screaming into her mothers body as her body racked with sobs shaking violently. She let go and fell back into her fathers embrace staring at her mother's lifeless eyes as he hugged her tightly.
"Get out of here." She faintly heard Derek say. "Go see if they need any help downstairs."
"She was already gone." Y/n told Strauss looking blankly at the table. "My dad could do nothing for her, but there's not a doubt in my mind that he saved my brother from what Foyet would've done to him. He would be dead as well."
"She died rather quickly." Strauss told her. Y/n flinched at the word. It was still hard to process that her mother was really gone. "She didn't suffer much."
"That doesn't make it right." Y/n snapped before biting her tongue. "I'm sorry-"
"I'm sorry for your loss." Strauss told her. "If there's anything your family needs-"
"Thank you."
Y/n stood up and nodded at the director before walking to the bullpen to be with Jack and the rest of the team again. She sat down next to Spencer as Jack ran to his sister.
"Hi Bub." She said pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Hi sissy." It wasn't long after that when her father joined and Jack got down from her lap to greet their father in a hug. Reid placed a loving hand on her back and she felt herself relax for the first time in that day into his embrace.
She grabbed his hand subtly and squeezed it tight. I Love you.
He squeezed it back in response and she nodded. I love you too.
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winters-void · 4 years
Hey there! May I ask for an angsty piece of Geralt x Reader with prompts 4 and 7? Unrequited love and all that🥺 i’m ready to get hurt
Thank you for the request! I don’t write angst very often but I hope I met your expectations 💙
4. “Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture.”
7. “You can’t leave.”
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You promised yourself you would never fall in love ever again. You’ve been hurt so many times that you felt like your heart couldn’t take any more. So you’ve hidden behind your wit and sarcasm and tried so hard not to let anyone in. But of course it changed the moment you met Jaskier and Geralt. You felt the connection right away and you weren’t sure how it happened but you all agreed to travel together. You were great with a sword but also had some healing abilities so you were a good addition to their little team. At first you were happy that you bonded with them on a true friendship level and no other feelings were involved. You’ ve had so many amazing adventures together and it seemed like you were meant to meet and “work” together. 
But of course after one of the most dangerous fights when Geralt almost died your feelings changed. You were shocked and beyond terrified that you could lose him. You were worried for Jaskier too but you realised those two feelings were different. From that moment you were in constant battle with yourself, you didn’t want to feel that way especially when Geralt seemed to send you so many mixed signals. You still blush when you think about that one time when the night was extremely cold and you were shivering so hard, your teeth chattering. You obviously couldn’t fall asleep and next thing you know, Geralt is laying his bedroll next to you and without asking or hesitation wrapped himself around you to warm you up. It felt amazing and you fell asleep almost immediately. When you woke up in the morning he was gone. You tried not to get your hopes up but it happened anyway. You were so curious if it meant something for him but he was his stoic grumpy self as always, behaving like it was a completely normal thing to do and you should just go on with your lives. When you tried to chat with him he just grunted in response so you gave up. 
You weren’t sure Jaskier noticed your little crush and you decided it was better for him not to know. It was your secret hidden deep inside. You felt like every time you got over it, the Witcher did something to make you think about him again. Like that time when you fell off your horse and lost your consciousness. When you woke up, he was at your side, tending to your wounds and you could swear you saw worry in his eyes. 
“What happened?” You asked confused and he looked at you briefly.
“Something scared your horse and you fell down, hit your head pretty hard.” He replied softly and you felt him squeeze your hand. He cares. You thought feeling warm inside. 
“Oh Melitele, (Y/N)! You scared me! I’m so glad you are okay!” It was Jaskier coming rapidly to hug you and caress your other hand. 
“It’s okay, Jask. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” You smiled at him and he sighed smiling back. 
You recovered quite quickly and you hit the road again. One night you agreed to stay in an inn that held small festivities. Jaskier was asked to sing so he was delighted. You sat with Geralt drinking some ale and you were grateful for a moment alone with him. You didn’t have to talk much, you’ve learned his moods and expressions quite well to communicate. Your peaceful moment got disturbed by a man approaching your table. 
“Hello my lady, I am Radko. May I offer you some fine wine?” He asked nonchalantly and smiled at you. You had to admit he was handsome with a beautiful and charming smile. You felt Geralt shift beside you and you turned to  see him glaring  at the man. It boosted your confidence but you weren’t interested in strangers.
“That is very kind of you but I am all good here, thank you.” His smile faltered but he wasn’t persistent. He bowed his head and walked away. Geralt shifted again and seemed to relax but you tried not to read anything into that. You were about to ask him if he was okay when the door opened and he visibly froze. There was a beautiful woman with long black locks. His breath hitched and you were confused. The mysterious woman sat down in a corner and Geralt immediately stood up.
“I’ll be back later.” He said not even looking at you and went to sit beside her. They seemed to know each other and you had to admit you felt hurt. You were stupid to think he would care about you that much and maybe have some feelings. You saw the way he looked at her. In that moment Jaskier finished his singing and came to you to drink something and rest. He got a bit worried when you didn’t speak up or mock his performance.
“Everything okay, (Y/n)?” He asked and when you didn’t respond he followed your line of sight. “Oh…” Was all he said when he realised what was going on. 
“Why am I so stupid, Jask?” You asked suddenly angry with yourself.
“Hey, hey… You’re not stupid, okay? He is the one being stupid for not seeing what treasure he already has.” The bard put his hand on yours in support. You closed your eyes to block the view but it was already burned into your brain. You were so mad at yourself for letting it happen again. You promised yourself and you failed. 
“I can’t do this, Jaskier.” You said suddenly and the bards’ brows rose in confusion.
“What are you talking about?” He asked with a frown.
“I can’t deal with all of that again. I can’t do this to myself.” You explained hoping he’d understand. “I think this is it for me. I heard there is a healer in the next village and she needs help. I’m going to go stay with her.” You added casting your eyes downward trying to stop the tears. 
“Fuck… No, that’s not right…” Jaskier panicked, he cared about your friendship deeply and didn’t want to lose you. 
“But I have to, don’t make it harder, Jask. You know I love you but I have to take care of myself. This is for the best. And my door will always be open for you, remember that. Take care of him, will you?” You teared up but got up and kissed Jaskier on the cheek which was also wet. 
“Be careful, (Y/N). Don’t do anything stupid without me and I promise I’ll come visit you as much as I can…” He promised and squeezed your hand when you gathered your things and started to leave. You went past Geralt who was fully focused on his friend and got out of the inn heading for your horse. The Witcher sensed you and your tears and turned around to look for you but failed. He excused the woman and went to Jaskier. His stomach twisted when he noticed he was crying. 
“What’s going on? Where is (Y/N)?” he asked, trying to remain calm. 
“Fuck you, Geralt.” The bard mumbled and glared at the white haired man. Geralt was filled with confusion and decided to look for you on his own. He left the inn and was happy to find you by the horses.
“Oh, there you are. What did you do to Jaskier?” He asked, trying to be funny for once. But his humour vanished when you turned at him with tears and anger in your eyes. 
“What’s going on?” Geralt was beyond confused and worried.
“I’m leaving.” You stated simply and turned to your horse.
“What? Why? You can’t leave us.” His eyes were wide and pleading.
“Stop torturing me!” You said in a raised voice which surprised him.
“What are you talking about? I am not torturing you!” 
“Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture…” You said quietly and looked down. It took him a few seconds to connect the dots. 
“Oh, (Y/N)... I didn’t know… I….”
“Don’t. I don’t want your pity. Go back to that woman, I’ve seen the way you looked at her. And I’m not going to watch it and pretend I don’t care. It’s time for me to move on and take care of myself. Good luck, Geralt.” It took all your strength to say that and get on your horse. You looked at him one last time to see him speechless and maybe scared? But you didn’t want to think about it. You took a deep breath and rode off. You think you heard him shouting your name and cursing but you didn’t dare to check it.
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winters-void · 4 years
Soft!Geralt Headcanons
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Geralt of Rivia x reader
This man is angsty AF
But what's to say that he can't be soft???
Like come on, he'd give THE best hugs (like SUPER soft hugs)
Probably gives the most softest kisses ever
Sure, Geralt can be a little heavy handed, but with you, he would be very gentle
Besides Geralt, you're the only one who's allowed to pet Roach (and ride on Roach-provided that Geralt takes the reins, or course)
Get would be rather closed off at first, not wanting to start anything; but once you two were together for a while, he would warm up to you (a lot)
You're probably the only one (besides Roach) that he can actually talk to about his feelings and such)
Geralt would be scared to be intimate with you at the start (because of being a Witcher), but would soon have his hands all over you
He would teach you self-defense, in case you were ever alone and he wasn't near by to protect you
You would both have sex when you can, wih Geralt being super gentle with you, taking his time, making sure that you feel good
This man could last for HOURS
You would always tend to Geralt's wounds after he'd been in a fight-he'd trust you in that way
He normally doesn't say it a lot, but he deeply appreciates and loves you
VVVV protective of one another
If someone so much as laid a finger on you, they'd probably be seriously injured or worse (--expelled--)
Geralt would be slightly jealous of you being good friends with Jaskier (this would probably end up in quite a bit of jealously sex-most of the time)
You being one of his weaknesses (besides Roach--and of course Jaskier)
He would often give you heart eyes whenever you weren't looking (of whenever you did something badass)
You both helping each other out when needed
On occasion, he'd give you a big ass soft hug (and he'd probably want to stay like that for a hot while)
This man ABSOLUTELY has to be the big spoon- no questions asked
Always has an arm draped over you, keeping you close
This man is warm AF, and to be honest, when in bed with Geralt, you just love to bury your head into his chest (I mean- who wouldn't want to squish their face into his tiddies, come on!!)
Even though you both aren't really verbal about your love for each other, you both know that you love each other dearly, and would kill for one another (and would kill for Jaskier too- don't worry)
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winters-void · 4 years
relationship: Geralt x reader
a/n: Requests are open
warnings: fluff
The sun began to peak above the dark forest, beams of light shining through roof of leaves and making its way to the forest floor. Opening your eyes, you see Geralt is still asleep. Wispy strands of white hair frame his face making you smile. You love the rare occasions you get to wake up before him. Typically he wakes at the drop of a leaf, or any other minuscule sound that might occur in the forest. It's in his nature to be alert, to protect you both from any monsters that might appear. Though, he would never put you in danger on purpose. If he had the tiniest gut feeling that the forest floor wouldn't be safe you'd find yourself riding Roach to wherever he did deem safe.
Whenever Geralt is asleep, he looks softer than usual. Typically he has a hard exterior up, not willing to let anyone in. But asleep? He's the Geralt that only you get to see. The soft one, with loving touches, long embraces, and the one who whispers sweet nothings into your ear. The man who is typically made up of one word answers (usually 'fuck') to everyone else, but when it comes to you could go on and on about anything.
You gently lay your hand on his cheek, feeling his warm skin under your touch. Brushing a couple strands of white hair out of his face you can't help but admire his relaxed state. It had been weeks since either of you had felt this relaxed to take a quick breather and just enjoy each others presence without worrying of some monster or man trying to get the best of you. Slowly his amber eyes fluttered open and you felt his hand lay on top of yours on his face, gently stroking your knuckles.
"Good morning my love." You spoke softly. He smiled looking into your eyes before opening his mouth.
"Good morning." He said. Geralt's voice was deeper than usual. That was one of your favorite things about waking up next to him. His morning voice was always significantly lower, raspier and always made your heart flutter. "Did you sleep well?"
"In your arms?" You questioned giggling. "Always."
Pressing a kiss to his lips you smile in his embrace. He pulls away gently before looking around and surveying the area. "We should probably wake them up." He says pointing towards the sleeping mat's that Jaskier and Ciri lay on.
"No, let them rest." You speak looking at the lioness cub of Cintra and the bard. "We've got long days ahead, they'll need as much as they can get."
He looks at you for a moment, almost arguing that the long days are exactly why you should wake them up but thinks against it. He knows you're right. If they get at least one night of good, unbothered sleep, they'll be far less likely to complain as much during the days ahead. Besides, it had been a while since Ciri has gotten a rested nights sleep. Before Geralt and her found each other she'd been on the run for a long time, always looking over her shoulder for threats.
"I'll get breakfast." Geralt grunted and you nodded as he pressed a tender kiss to your temple. "Pack up Roach."
"We really should see about getting another horse." You spoke to yourself as you began rolling up the sleeping mat you and Geralt shared. It was by no means comfy, but it got the job done. "Maybe we should find somewhere to settle down for a while."
Geralt was already gone so your words fell upon empty ears. Looking over to Ciri and Jaskier, you began to think. Surely Ciri didn't ask for this type of life. Always on the road, looking for coin. Jaskier was just tagging along as he saw fit, running from the lords who caught him sleeping with their wives. You giggled at the thought. This type of lifestyle couldn't go on forever. They deserved to at least have a home.
You knew the dangers of it. If someone caught wind of where the Geralt of Rivia lived with his misfit family, there was bound to be trouble. Still, it was worth the risk if it meant Ciri had a soft place to lay her head every night. You were a mediocre mage, and Geralt was a Witcher. You heard a twig snap to your right, and noticed your Witcher's silver head appear through the trees, lugging a deer over his shoulder.
"That was quick." You spoke.
"Got lucky." He told you sitting on a fallen log and beginning to prep the meat.
"I was thinking-" You told Geralt, watching him gently.
"That's never good." He snorts and you kick him playfully.
"So the Witcher does have a sense of humor." You speak rolling your eyes. "Anyways, what if we found somewhere to call home?"
"Where do you think we're going now?" Geralt asks, looking at you. You look into his amber eyes confused.
"What do you mean, I thought we were just looking for work where we could get it."
"I mean yes, but I think it's time we find a place to call our own." Geralt shrugs. "Especially if those two are with us now."
"Who would have thought. Big bad Geralt of Rivia has a soft spot." You tease lightly tapping his nose with your index finger.
"You've always known my love." He tells you standing up and encircling your waist in his arms, placing his forehead against your own. "Just don't tell anyone."
You hear shuffling behind the both of you and turn around slowly. Jaskier and Ciri are both sitting up staring at the two of you with a confused look. Suddenly Jaskier's face lights up in a bright smile.
"I'm so writing a song about this." He says making Ciri hit him playfully. "Ow!"
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