#Hotchner x daughter reader
luveline · 4 months
I wanted to know how Aaron Hotchner would react to discovering the existence of a daughter (something from college perhaps), she would be his copy both in appearance and personality
—Hotch has a surprise visitor and the world spins on a new axis. daughter!reader, 2.2k
readers physical traits like hair and skin colour are not mentioned, but she is described as looking like her mother (also not described) and as sharing some characteristics with Hotch!<3 I also altered canon so that Hotch and Haley take a break at college 
“There is a kid in your office.” 
Hotch pulls his phone away to check. D. Morgan blinks on his phone screen. It’s a slightly absurd sentence. 
“There’s a child in my office?” he asks, returning the phone to his ear. 
“I’m standing with her right now. She won’t tell me who she is. Anderson let her in.” 
“How old?” Hotch asks, scratching his cheek. God forbid he steal two minutes of peace in the bathroom. 
“How old are you, sweetheart?”
“I’m twenty two,” a feminine voice says. 
“You said kid,” Hotch says, frowning. 
“Anyone under twenty five is a kid to me. Are you on your way?” 
He sighs. “Yeah,” he says, and hangs up, dropping the small body of his phone into his pocket. Twenty two isn’t a kid, it’s a year younger than Spencer was when he started at the BAU; Hotch doesn’t underestimate the intelligence of young adults. Why you’re in his office is another thing. He can’t have one day without inconvenience. 
Hotch makes his way into the BAU office and up the stairs to the half level where his own office resides. Morgan leans against the door with his arms crossed, standing to attention when Hotch passes. 
“Thanks, Morgan,” Hotch says. 
Morgan nods, sending a curious gaze at you before he leaves. 
You’re dressed very formally for someone your age, but it’s not as though this is different from the norm of the building. You have on a dark shirt with a starched collar and a fitted blazer, a crisp skirt, and leather Mary Jane heels, one pressed flat to the back of the other. 
You stand when he comes in. 
“Mr. Hotchner?” you ask. 
“Yes?” he asks. 
You have a small file in your hand. Paper with worn edges pokes out of one side as though you’d been looking through it and put it hastily away, and the Manila file itself is fresh.
“Do we know one another?” he asks. 
You look familiar. It’s possible he would’ve known your parents —it could make sense. A colleague or acquaintance assumed he could help you with something, and you in your naivety you made your way in. 
“I think you know my mother.” 
“And she was?” he prompts. Not impolite, but needing to move forward. He’s very busy. 
You take a small step back. “Mr. Hotchner,” you say again, something nervous in your eyes as you lift your chin, “I don’t want to waste your time. I’m aware I might sound foolish, or that this… might not be something you want to hear, but. My mother told me you met in college, and that…” 
You bite your lip. 
He’s incredibly confused now. Not one to let a stranger suffer whether in real pain or awkwardness, he opens his hand. “Can I?” 
“Yes, sir,” you say.
You don’t want to pass it over, but you do as he’s asked. 
The photograph is a shock, held with a paperclip to a magnolia sheet of paper. It’s of Hotch, undoubtedly, a much younger Hotch sitting on a bench with a woman he recognises immediately. He only looks at her, and he knows why you’re here, and he knows exactly what you’re thinking. 
“Do you remember her?” you ask quietly.
He doesn’t answer.
“She says you’re the only man that could… possibly be my father.” You hold your hands behind your back. 
He lifts the photograph. There’s not much else to look at, only your photo ID, your birth certificate where he is glaringly not listed, as well as your mother’s birth certificate, and proof of her enrollment at George Washington University. 
You look a little teary. Trying very hard to be sober, as you have been since he laid eyes on you, but clearly getting more and more upset as time goes on. He’s feeling a similar ache, a searing pain in his chest, staring at you from over the Manila folder to really, really look at you. He swears he can see something of himself in your face, though he’s not sure what. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking. 
There’s certainly some of him in your frown. 
“I think you should sit down,” he says softly. 
You sit down immediately in the chair you’d inhabited a few minutes ago. 
He’s not sure what to say. Are you sure it could only be him? Is your mother? But you’re looking at him with an expression he practically trademarked, whether he wanted to or not, and the proof is in his hands: you’re your mother’s daughter, and Hotch would have slept with her almost twenty three years ago. He doesn’t need much time to do the math. 
“I realise my word alone isn’t a lot to go on, sir, so– so if you’d want to, I’ll of course submit for a paternity test. Or if you want nothing to do with me, that’s okay too.” 
“It’s not okay,” he says, closing your folder. 
Your eyes widen just a touch. 
“Can I sit with you?” he asks. 
You push your chair back to make lots of room. He sits in the chair besides yours, cautious that being across a desk from you is insensitive, or cold, at least. 
He looks at you and he’s sure that you’re his. The longer you sit there, the more sure he becomes.
“I do want a paternity test,” he says, watching your tight nod. 
He believes you. And truly, if he was unsure of what you’re saying he’d still give you grace now, because the first time you meet your father should be full of love. He should’ve been there to hold you in one arm twenty two years ago, he should’ve been there for you through everything he’s already missed. 
“But I believe you,” he says.
“You do?” 
“I’m a very good judge of character. I know that you believe what you’re telling me completely,” he says.
“When you’re nervous your hand drifts to your chest, but you didn’t move when you suggested I’m your father. You haven’t once checked the door or looked toward the camera in the corner of the room.” And the full truth. “I want to believe you.” 
“Why?” you ask.
“You look like your mother, but…” He lets himself smile. “You sound like me.” 
You laugh under your breath. “Hopefully not so deep.” 
“I’ve had it described to me as mellifluous.” 
“I’ve wanted to hear your voice since I can remember. My mom didn’t talk about you much, but I’ve always wondered. She told me she didn’t know who you were, and…”
“And you believed her. Any child would do the same.” 
“She’s made mistakes.” You look to him with eyebrows gently pinched, asking him to understand. “But I looked you up. When she told me your name, I looked for you online, and… I always thought I never needed you, even if I wanted to know you. I thought you might want to know me. I thought that a man like you would want to know.”
There’s something you’re not saying. Hotch doesn’t mind. “Of course I want to know you.” 
You chance a smile at him. “You really believe me?” 
“You were expecting me to turn you away.” 
“No, just– I’m not a kid, even if your colleague said so. And I’m not an image of you, I don’t have your eyes. All I have is that photograph. There's not much evidence to go on.” 
He sees no reason why a young girl like you would walk into his office and tell him who you are. Self preservation insists on a paternity test, and soon —UnSubs haven’t ever done something so conniving as imitating a family member yet, but there’s no prediction for evil— but Hotch has an inherent sense of the truth.  
“What do you do?” he asks. 
You frown. “Sorry?” 
“What do you do?” he asks again, “You’re dressed like a lawyer.” 
You nod with a smile you’re pushing into a flat line unsuccessfully. “I’m at GWU. For law, like you and my mom.” 
“She only just told you who I am?” He speaks each word carefully. 
“The photo fell out of an old album, and I had a funny feeling. I asked her about it and she said I’m too much like you. She admitted it like the secret had been eating her alive.” You look at your hand on the armrest. “We aren’t getting along right now.” 
“I don’t know why she wouldn’t tell you. Or me,” he says honestly. 
“I don’t know either.” 
Hotch is expecting a lot more awkwardness than he feels as he puts his hand over yours. You stay very still. 
“Thank you for coming here today.” He gives your hand the barest squeeze and stands. “Have you eaten? I could take you out for dinner,” he suggests. 
You stand with him. “Are you serious?” you ask, gentle and pleased at once. 
“I think you have a lot to tell me, and I’d love to listen.” 
“You’re not working?” 
Sometimes, sometimes, there are things that can be worked around or held on the back burner. You and Hotch go for lunch. 
Aaron Hotchner knows many important people. Your paternity test takes a day, less than twenty four hours from the time you both submit samples, but you have a class you can’t miss and he’s sure you’re nervous, so you don’t meet again for two days regardless. By then, you both know the results. (And Aaron’s had to have a very strange conversation with his wife, in which she doesn’t believe him, and then has to sit down.) 
He can admit to being far more protective of you once he knows the truth for sure, though he knows it before the results come back. You’re his daughter, and he’s left you without a father for two decades of your life, your formative years, time he can never get back. 
He doesn’t even know what to do. How can he make up for it? Twenty two years of birthday cards? He feels like buying you a diamond necklace with a stone for each year, and then he wants to buy you a house, but mostly he wants to give you a hug. He thinks about it for so long the morning before he’s scheduled to meet you again that it makes him as upset as he’s ever been in his life, desperate to say sorry to you and your mother and furious with her for keeping you a secret. 
He thinks of all those years without an inkling of your existence, and now you’re the only thing he can think about. His remorse makes him sick. 
You’re smiling when you see him. For a millisecond, you look like Jack. 
“Hi, Mr. Hotchner!” you say, standing from the table, your formal dress and cardigan pressed neatly, your hands held behind your back.
‘Mr. Hotchner’ will need to be fixed quickly, though he won’t force you to call him anything else. He can’t help himself, however.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says softly. 
You pause, and you laugh. “This is weird.” 
He doesn’t mean to make it weirder, but he opens his arms, and he waits for an indication that you might not want a hug before he leans in to hold you. You’re still so young. There’s still time for him to be a good father to you. 
He can’t say everything he needs to in his hug, and at the end of the day he’s a stranger to you; you probably don’t want him to hug you for too long. But he rubs your back, and he promises himself that he won’t let you down twice.
Your arm curls tentatively behind his back. For a second, you press your face to his shoulder and breathe. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, pulling away. 
Your lip twitches to one side like his would when presented with such heavy sincerity. “I’m okay. How did, um, Haley take the news?” 
“She just wants to meet you, okay? You’re part of my family now.” 
You give no indication you’ve heard what it is he’s saying to you, or whether you like it as you sit down at the dinner table. He quite likes that some way, somehow, you’ve become like him, but he wonders if he might not love it so much when he asks how your mom is taking this new development and you just smile. 
“We’re going to tell Jack about everything this weekend,” he adds. “He’ll be excited, if no one else.” 
“And Haley doesn’t mind?” 
“She’s not going to ask you to babysit anytime soon, honey, but no, of course she doesn’t. He should meet his sister before she’s too old for legos.” 
You actually laugh. 
Dad humour transcends age, and for that, Hotch is grateful. 
only after I finished did I wonder if I misinterpreted the request and this was supposed to be x reader with a shared daughter so if that’s the case I’m sorry original requester!! and I can totally write that if that’s what you meant 🫶❤️
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spaceyrosie · 4 months
I won't hurt you anymore
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Summary: you got hurt that caused you to be hospitalised while your dad was out for a case and instead of comforting you, Hotch came home angry about your decision.
Warnings: heavy angst, sadness, reader got hurt, Haley’s death, (tw: abandonment issues), Hotch was in the wrong, only slight comfort in the end
Author’s note: I only write sad things :( but here's another angst father-daughter relationship (no, not that kind of relationship 😌)
Word count: 1.2k
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Hotch was tired, no he was exhausted.
But he has never felt this scared. He fumbled with his keys, the metal cold against his clammy skin, his movements jerky with adrenaline. 
Bursting through the apartment door, he was met with the flickering blue light of the television illuminating the living room with the sound muted. There, on the sofa, a small silhouette huddled beneath a blanket, their form dwarfed by the oversized furniture.
“What in God’s name were you thinking?!” The words erupted from him, booming into the silent living room. Hotch wasn’t thinking straight. All he could feel was fear choking him, making his voice course.
You flinched at the harshness in his tone. Your gaze remained fixed on the late-night talk show playing silently on the screen, your mind not registering anything.
"I had to pull myself out of an active case," he continued his voice a low growl. It was a telltale sign, a chink in his usually stoic armour that betrayed the fear gnawing at him. "Only for Garcia to call me telling me that the hospital called and you had discharged yourself," He trailed off, frustration lacing his voice. "Dammit, y/n, I told Anderson to stay with you! Gosh, what were you thinking?!"
Silence stretched, thick and heavy, suffocating the room with unspoken words. Hotch tapped his foot impatiently, a reflection to the frantic hammering of his heart. He needed a response, anything to break the suffocating quiet.
You shifted, the movement sending a fresh jolt of pain through your injured arm. Taking a shaky breath, you tried to focus, to clear the fog of confusion and pain clouding your mind. 
But the only thing that came through was a suffocating tightness in your chest, a pressure that had nothing to do with the broken bone.
“Say something, y/n Hotchner!” His voice was clipped, laced with a tightly leashed anger.
The words tumbled out before you could stop them. "No, Dad, you didn’t leave the team," you whispered, your voice raw with barely contained tears. "You had to leave me." You spoke quietly, the words echoing in the silence of the apartment.
Hotch's breath hitched. He closed his eyes for a moment, the stark accusation in your voice a physical blow.
“You left me.,” you continued, your voice monotone but laced with a tremor that betrayed your calm facade. “I was hurt, scared and alone but you left me.”
“Did you know how scared I was when Garcia called saying you left against medical advice?” His voice rose trying to defend on his outburst.
The sound of your choked sob shattered the peace, “I was scared, dad!” You all but shouted, the raw pain in your voice made Hotch stunned as he looked at your teary face. “I was scared and alone and in so much pain.” Tears streamed down your face, blurring your vision..��
“Do you know how scary it was?” You choked out, each word causing your chest to heave. “I needed someone-”
“Honey, I-” He started, his voice thick with remorse.
“I needed my dad,” you cut him off, your voice trembling. “But you weren’t there.” This time you dared into his eyes, hoping to find any closure from the overwhelming emotions brewing in your chest.
The accusation hung heavy in the air, hitting him like a physical blow. 
He knelt before you, his gaze drawn to the telltale signs of your ordeal – the bandage on your arm, the stitches marring your face, a face so similar to your mother, the loss of his life. His heart ached, a dull throbbing that mirrored the dull ache of regret in his gut. He tried to hold your shoulders, but you flinched before shrugging it off.
“I want Mom,” you cried out, somehow pleading for an inconceivable wish. “Why can’t you be here for me?” It was as if a dam had broken within you, unleashing a torrent of pent-up emotions.
“I- honey, I-”  He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Finally, he managed a choked, "I'm so sorry, honey."
Sorry doesn’t even begin to the sorrow he felt.
“Why didn’t you hold me? I needed you!”
You buried your face in your hands, the events of the day crashing down on you with renewed intensity. 
“How could you send Anderson?" you continued, the anger a desperate attempt to hold back the tide of tears. "We're in the same city, Dad!”
“You can’t even make time for me, even when I’m hurt.” And the words did not stop pouring, all the pain you felt when he left you for work. Since your Mom died a year ago, you noticed he had taken more work, staying up late at the Bureau and bringing work home. It hurts you, of course it did. 
"I hate you!" The words tore from your throat. You didn't mean it, not truly, but the pain and fear were a tangled mess in your chest, spilling out in the most primal way you knew how. Hotch took you into his arms as you struggle against his hold.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Your fists pounded a weak rhythm against his back, more out of frustration than anger.
"Shh…shh… I’m sorry," he soothed as he held onto his ground. "I'm so sorry, honey. I'm so sorry." His voice was thick with remorse as he held you close.
A choked sob escaped your lips, the words "I hate you" dissolving into a whimper. Tears streamed down your face, hot and stinging, soaking the fabric of his suit. "I hate you," you whispered again, the accusation laced with a tremor of fear. "Why can't I hate you?"
Hotch rocks you gently, “I got you now, honey. I got you.”
He understood the illogical outburst, the desperate need to lash out at the one person who was supposed to be a constant. The sobs eventually subsided into hiccups, your body trembling with exhaustion. Hotch didn't let go, his embrace a silent promise of safety.
Pulling back slightly, his thumb brushed away a tear that fell from your eyes. His gaze, softened with a tenderness you hadn't seen in a while. "Look at me, y/n," he murmured.
"There's no excuse for leaving you when you were afraid and hurting," he said, each word heavy with sincerity. "And the regret of neglecting you will stay with me. I can't rewind time, but I promise, honey, I'll be there for you from now on."
A flicker of doubt, a remnant of your hurt, crossed your eyes. "Even when you're working a case?" 
Hotch met your gaze, "It's past time I make you a priority," he said. "I'm so sorry I didn't make that decision sooner." A heavy silence settled between you, thick with the weight of his words and the unspoken promises they carried.
He held you close, a silent promise echoing in his embrace. Your eyelids grew heavy, the emotional rollercoaster taking its toll. He continued to rock you gently, a steady rhythm against the silence of the apartment.
"Go to sleep, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. 
"I'm here now." 
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hushedlover · 11 months
an aaron hotchner x reader where she brings in their kid to the office!! i feel like this could be super cute!!
“Aw, look at her chubby little cheeks!”
Garcia squeals, making grabby hands at the little girl resting on your hip. You laugh and let the blonde woman take your toddler from your arms. The 2 year old claps in delight and immediately latches her hands onto the chunky necklace Garcia was wearing. She was like a crow, anything shiny immediately was in her hands.
“You did good, mama,” Derek smiles as he pulls you into a side hug. You grin up at him and hug him back.
“Thanks, Morgan. Any idea where Aaron is at?” You ask, smiling warmly as Spencer and JJ come over to coo at your little girl too.
“Last I saw, him and Rossi were talking in his office,” Derek chuckles as little Hotchner tugs on Reid’s hair. You smile as you watch her look over at the sound of the deep laugh, your baby immediately squealing at the sight of Uncle Derek.
Suddenly you’re being pulled into a warm chest from behind, strong arms wrapping around your waist to tug you backwards. You laugh softly as Aaron takes a deep breath with his nose pressed to your hair.
“My favorite girls,” He murmurs. “The best surprise.”
“Brought you lunch, too. Thought maybe we could do a picnic,” you hum back. It’s impossible not to lean back into his warmth and close your eyes, just resting like that for a moment.
“Maybe we could steal a few minutes for just us. I don’t think anyone is going to be letting our girl go for the next little bit,” Aaron says with a hint of a laugh in his voice. He watches as his team passes around your little girl, listening intently to the senseless babbles that make up the story she’s telling.
“Sounds perfect to me.”
Pulling out of Aaron’s arms, you grab his large hand and interlace your fingers. JJ catches your eye and send a wink along with a thumbs up, assuring you that she’d keep an eye on your baby girl. Tugging, you lead Aaron out of the bullpen with the team smirking and laughing at the two of you.
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can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
sorry it’s so long! love your works!
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter reader
Request: can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
I do love young Hotch daughter who is completely opposite to her dad. Around season 1, Hailey is alive and just had Jack.
Third person pov...
Hailey smiles as her Husband runs around after their hyperactive 2 year old, little Y/N Hotchner was a ball of sunshine and energy.
The 2 year old was excited she had a baby brother and loved to play with him, though she loved playing with her Daddy even more.
Currently the little ball of energy was running around the house away from her Dad who was attempting to put her in her clothes, she was going to work with him for the day.
The little girl was only half dressed as she ran before the man could put her trousers on, giggling she shouts "no daddy!" As the man almost grabs her, a smile on his face.
Still chasing the girl, surprised at how quick she was for a tot, though he wasn't running more like in slow motion, wanting the chase to last a little longer, it wasn't every day he got to do this with his daughter (besides he had time before work started)
From the living room, Hailey watches her Husband and daughter with a smile on her face as she held her sleeping baby, Jack was sound asleep as if nothing was happening.
As they make another loop around the house Aaron stops and hops into the doorway of the living room, back pressed against the wall, Hailey watches her husband as he made a shush motion.
"Daddy?" Calls Y/N as the tot ran past the room, a confused look on her face and she looked for her dad. Poking her head around the door she looked at her Mum. "Where daddy?" She asks a pout on her lips.
Hailey fails to hide her smile as her daughter was grabbed and thrown upside down, giggling madly Y/N yelled to be let down. "Daddy! Let go" giggling even more when her tummy was tickled.
"Never, now its time for naughty girls to be dressed" he tells his daughter smiling wickedly as he continues to tickle his daughter, the H/C girl only wiggled in his grasp.
"No no daddy, wanna wear princess dress" yells the tot, Aaron stops his attack and looks at his wife. Hailey only shrugs her shoudlers.
Ever since her birthday Y/N loved one gift in particular, it was a beautiful poofy princess dress her parents got specially made for her.
She loved wearing it every time they went out and was always careful to keep it clean. Hotch sighs of course she would want to wear it to his work.
Looking down at the sad puppy look hisbwas getting he gave in. Hanging his head he stood up Y/N in his arms.
"Okay, Princess dress it is" he declared, dramatically, while bouncing the little girl in his arms before walking upstairs with a happy Y/N "yayy" cheers the young girl.
Finally ready to go Hotch grabbed his brief case, his lunch and Y/N lunch. As he headed for the door he called for Y/N the little girl eagerly bouncing over to him as he helped her put on her light up shoes.
"Ready princess" he asks her, Y/N gives him a huge gumming smile. "Yes Sir Daddy!" She saluted him before hugging her Mum and baby brother before leaving. "Good luck" Hailey whispers as she kisses Aaron.
When they arrived at the FBI headquarters Hotch pulls his daughter aside. "Now N/N, I know your excited, but I need you to stay close to me today okay? The office is busy and I don't want you to get lost" he explains to the girl.
Y/N smiles and hugs his neck giggling. "Yes Daddy! I be good" she smiles, Hotch pats her head a smile on his lips. "Thank you N/N" the two Hotchners then walk into the busy building.
And what a pair they made, Hotch in his usual suit and red tie combo, his stoic expresson on his face. Y/N in her pink poffy dress with light up shoes waving and smiling at all the agents she sees.
Once they get to the bullpen, Y/N is introduced to the team who are all excited to meet the young girl. Soon Hotch is busy in his office mountains of paperwork to go through.
On the floor lays Y/N, the young girl had grown bored it staying in the office. She had drawn lots of pictures, played with her toys. Now she wanted to explore.
Getting up from the floor she walks over to the door and opens it quietly, giggling silently she squeezes through the gap and is now free from the room.
Giggling she runs around the bullpen looking at all the desk and the members of her daddy's team, one person stand out to her, that's person being Spencer Reid who had jsut recently joined the BAU.
Walking up to thr agent she grabs onto his pant leg and shakes his gaining the surprised Dr's attention, looking doen and the girl dressed in pink spencer gives her an awkward smile.
"Hi..?" He says Y/N grins up at him. "Hi! I'm Y/N" she tells him proudly. Spencer is taken aback how smiley Hotches daughter is.
"I'm Spencer, nice to meet you Y/N" he says, before Y/N holds her arms up to him, Spencer was confused before realising she wanted to be picked up.
Nervously looking over to his bosses office he picks the girl up and sets her down on his lap, Y/Ns smiles brightens as she was held by the young man.
The brown haired man was surprised again when the ball on energy on his lap twisted around so she could koala hug him, pressing tightly to him Spencer hugged her back.
" your nice" came a muffled voice pressed to his chest, Spencer let out a surprised laugh at that making Y/N erupted into giggles all over again.
After hugging spencer the H/C tot began moving around as he tried to work, afgwr wriggling a bit she finally settled behind him, half sitting on top of his chair and half holding onto his back.
Y/N happily played with the agents hair as Spencer worked, he was slowly getting used to the girl spending time with him.
As this happened a very worried Dad was panicking in his office trying to find his daughter, after going through everything in his office Hotch threw open his door and stepped down the ramp into the bullpen.
Morgan stood from his desk as he saw the worried expression on the man's face. "Woah woah, what's happened Hotch?" He asks the worried man.
Shoulders shaking Aaron explained he couldn't find his daughter anywhere, instead of helping Derek just laughed and pointed.
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot sorry for the wait! Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word Count : 1375
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ddejavvu · 1 year
if you would ever consider writing more tutor!reid x hotchner! reader, could i please request something where maybe she gets a really high grade on an assignment or midterm and she shows up to the office to tell spencer in person? maybe they’ve been together for a little at this point <333 i hope you’re doing well we appreciate you so much
part 1
Usually when you rush through the doors of the BAU, you beeline for your dad's office. You've been told not to run a thousand times, but nothing ever stops you when you're excited, and the team has learned to ignore your thunderous footsteps until you've gotten the enthusiasm out of your system.
This time, though, instead of racing up the stairs, you rush to Spencer's desk.
"Spence!" You call, and he has little time to turn and take you in before you're grabbing greedily at his face, pressing your lips to his in a clumsy, over-eager kiss.
Ever-dramatic, several BAU mouths fall open around the bullpen. Emily's eyes are shining with amusement, and Derek looks like he's seen a ghost, while various shit-eating grins pass around the small space. Spencer reacts slow, but places his hand over your own on his cheek, blinking bewilderedly when you draw back.
"Angel-" He starts, and the team is only more enthused to hear a nickname like that drop from his lips like it's commonplace, "What-?"
"I got a 100%," You breathe, almost too excited to form actual words. Luckily, you don't have to, because Spencer shoots out of his seat at the news, nearly knocking you backwards if he hadn't caught you around the waist.
The kiss he presses to your lips is equally as urgent and impromptu as the one you'd captured him in, only this time he's the one holding onto you. You have no problem throwing your arms around his neck and giggling into the affection, and when you part lips it's with shaky, shallow breaths.
"That's amazing," He gushes, kissing again at your slightly shiny lips, "Angel, that's incredible!"
"You're incredible!" You counter, "I never would have done it without your help, Spence."
"You two kissed!" Penelope informs you, standing bewilderedly in the doorway of the kitchenette, "Y/N, you- you kissed Spencer!"
"She does that a lot," Your dad emerges from behind her, a note of resignation in his voice even though he swears he's happy for you, "Mostly at my house."
"They-" Penelope turns, dumbfounded as she stares at her boss, "You knew?"
"He caught us," You admit sheepishly, leaning against Spencer's chest, "We were studying math, but- well, we got distracted."
Morgan snickers, standing up to clap Spencer on the shoulder, "Hey, nice one, pretty boy. I'm proud of you. Gonna study anatomy next?"
Your dad's voice drowns out any indignant groans from the team, booming so loudly over the bullpen that you duck your face instinctively against Spencer's chest.
"Agent Morgan, my office, now!"
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elizabethsnuts · 1 month
do you know about the tiktoks where there’s a baby named azai (he’s soooooo cute!) who loves to say hi to people at target?! would you be willing to write something like that with Hotchner!reader?!? but she does it whenever he has to take her to work? ☺️❤️
Social Butterfly
Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!Reader
Summary: When your dad takes you to work you can’t help but say hi to everyone that walks past.
You were back at work with Aaron, not surprising since you always seemed to be able to wriggle out of going to daycare. There was a bunch of sicknesses going around your daycare and Aaron preferred you to not be at risk of getting sick because he knew from experience how weak your immune system was.
You were standing in the elevator, your tiny hand in Aaron’s. He looked down at you and sighed. “Alright, you know what I’m going to say. Don’t say hi to every person you see, okay?”
You chucked your tiny thumb up and grinned, your pacifier still in between your lips. “Okay!”
Aaron gave you a little smile and picked you up under your arms to set you on his hip. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Aaron walked out of the elevator with you, immediately there were other FBI agents around. You grinned and waved excitedly. “Hi! Hi!”
You didn’t know this agent, and neither did Aaron but you didn’t care, you just wanted to say hi. The agent turned to you and smiled. “Hey there, sweetheart! Are you here with your dad?”
You nodded your little head, patting Aaron on the shoulder. “Daddy. He FBI!”
The agent chuckled and nodded, giving you a little high-five. “That’s so cool! I hope you have fun. I’m in the FBI too!”
You gasped and smiled, you thought it was so crazy that someone else was part of the FBI like your dad. “Both!”
The agent nodded and showed you his badge. “Yeah, we’re both in the FBI! Did you know that everyone in this building is in the FBI?”
Your little jaw dropped, your pacifier almost falling out of your mouth. “Daddy! Everyone here FBI!”
Aaron nodded and pushed your pacifier back into your mouth. “That’s right, everyone here is part of the FBI.”
The agent gave you a wave goodbye and one last high-five. You giggled and Aaron kept walking. He was secretly amused that you couldn’t help but say hi to everyone you saw. You saw another agent walk past and you immediately waved again.
“Hi! Hi!” You giggled as the agent waved back but kept walking. You loved going to work with your dad and seeing everyone.
Aaron shook his head with a small smile, gently rubbing your back. “What have I said about talking to strangers?”
You shook your head and giggled, eagerly waving to another person passing by. “Hi!” You turned back to Aaron and smiled. “Daddy’s friends.”
Aaron shook his head and kissed your cheek. “Y/N, I don’t know these people. Neither do you.”
You giggled and waved to another person. “I friendly.”
Aaron nodded in agreement, fixing the soft hair that had fallen out of your tiny hair tie. “Yes, you are.”
Aaron eventually made it to the bullpen and he pointed to all his team members. “N/N, these are Daddy’s friends, okay? You know them, but you don’t know the random people walking by.”
You nodded your head, looking around at everyone. You excitedly waved at them. “Hi, Aunty JJ! Hi! Aunty Emily! Uncle Spencer! Hi, hi, hi! Uncle Derek! Hi!”
Aaron chuckled and put you down, letting you run over to everyone and say hi to them. He watched as you gave everyone a hug and a wave, repeatedly saying hi to them. He would have to keep working on stranger danger with you but he’d let you keep being friendly to everyone for the time being.
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the-guilty-writer · 8 months
Aaron x daughter!reader where she is struggling with her mental health and has a crying breakdown in the middle of the night and he gets up from bed to comfort her?
My controversial opinion is that Hotch would be the best BAU parent for mental health struggles ❤
(Note that this is probably medically inaccurate, but I was too lazy to look it up)
Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
It wasn't unusual for teenagers to struggle with mental health - this was a fact that Aaron Hotchner knew simply from studying behavior for so many years. The stages of brain development and the hormones impacted the mental state of many adolescents. The phase of life led to a more stereotypical phase of emotional ups and downs. He hoped that you'd be one of the many kids that grew out of such intense struggles as you got older.
Many parents would see that as an excuse not to validate the experiences, but he knew better. The idea that one might grow out of struggles was no reason to neglect them in the present.
It's why he didn't hesitate to get out of bed in the middle of the night when he heard you sobbing in your bedroom. He stroked your hair and hugged you tight, not caring that it would leave tear stains on his shirt.
The words he spoke were calm, validating, soothing. He kept his demeanor soft and steady, anchoring you to earth with his presence. Some nights you simply needed a good cry - a way to release all the energy that had built up inside - and he was always there to comfort you however you needed.
When your body grew tired and the tears stopped flowing, he stayed with you. He tucked you into bed, just as he had when you were a little girl, making sure the blankets kept you warm and safe for the night ahead.
In the case you got cold or felt unsafe, he made sure you knew he was only a call away.
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princessxt · 4 months
Oii julia, queria pedir um aaron hotcher em que a filha dele estivesse na fase rebelde e saísse escondido de casa e algo acontece, obgd desde já q você cresça mt
You can make a request in the comments or by asking me a question!
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Stay with me
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Pairing(s): Aaron Hotchner x Daugther!Reader
Gender: Angst
Warnings: Blood, torture, mention of death, criminal minds stuff
Having a teenager at home wasn't easy, and Aaron Hotchner knew that. Y/n had just lost her mother, and was dealing with it in a natural way, rebelling against her father. Aaron tried everything to ease the pain of loss for her children, spending more time with them and putting them in therapy. This worked for a while, but later, her daughter's rebelliousness got out of her control. She left and only came back late, leaving her father worried, remembering the cases of dead teenagers that he had already worked with. She said that all her father's concern was nonsense, until one night, she ends up realizing that her father was right.
The Bau team was on a case,in Quantico. 4 teenagers had been tortured and killed, this messed with Aaron's mind, remembering his daughter, who was alone at home with her younger brother, Jack.
There were few clues in the case, and what affected Aaron the most were the similarities between the victims, who also looked like Y/n.
"It could be revenge. With the similarity between them. The killer sees the victims as someone who did him wrong in the past, so he takes revenge." Morgan says, twirling a pen in his hand as he examines case files.
"The killer could have been a victim of bullying in childhood by a girl with those characteristics. Or even been attacked by a woman like that." Spencer moves away from the board where he has photos of the victims pasted.
Aaron could barely focus on what was in front of him. He stood up and excused himself from his companions, ignoring their questions about his well-being.
He hurriedly enters his office and picks up his phone, dialing his home phone number. After a few seconds of calling, the phone is answered, and on the other end of the line he can hear his youngest son's voice saying "hello.".
"Hi honey, where's your sister?" He relaxes his shoulders after realizing that his youngest was okay. Little did he know what was coming.
"She's not here yet. I thought she warned you." Aaron's shoulders soon tensed again. His breathing hitched and his hands began to sweat.
"She hasn't arrived yet? Are you sure? Has she looked in her room yet?" He stutters, hoping that his son just didn't notice the older girl's arrival.
"I'm sure. The room is empty. I'm alone here" The boy says on the other end of the line. This couldn't be happening.
"Okay dear. Go to Aunt Sharon's house. And stay with her until I call." He tells the child to go to the neighbor's house, who was already an acquaintance of the agent. The phone is hung up and Aaron goes to the Garcia's room, knocking on the door and receiving permission to enter shortly afterwards.
"Wow, you're pale, is everything okay?" Garcia asks seeing the chef's condition.
"I need you to track Y/n's phone. She's not home yet." Aaron sees Garcia's face tense up and she immediately goes to her computer, typing quickly, But Aaron wasn't paying attention to that.
He only remembered the details of the case, and was afraid that a photo of his daughter would be the next to be placed on the victims board.
Meanwhile, Garcia anxiously typed on the computer, afraid of where Y/n was.
Not long after, she manages to track the phone.
"She's in a dead end on the street near the center. I think you should go check with Morgan or Emily." She turns to look at Aaron, but he was already out of the room, heading to his car. Garcia, worried, goes to the room where the other agents were and tells everyone what was possibly happening.
With Aaron, he drove fast, without thinking about the traffic laws he was breaking, at that moment, only his daughter's safety mattered.
Arriving at the dead end, he gets out of the car slamming the door behind him and goes to the end, finding his daughter's backpack thrown on the floor, along with her coat and her phone. Near his daughter's items was a piece of cloth , with a strong smell of alcohol and a few drops of blood near him. Aaron could feel the floor heave below his feet.
Fear ran down his spine. He felt like he was being shot when he understood what happened there. He was motionless, unresponsive as he held his daughter's coat, and could still smell the sweet smell of her perfume.
Behind him, Emily and Derek arrive and observe the scene, I understand what was happening.
"Hotch" Derek comes close to him and subtly touches his shoulder, while Emily calls the rest of the team to talk about what happened.
"He took my daughter." That was the only thing Aaron could say.
Y/n was smart and did something that would help the investigations before being taken. Her father always taught her and her brother self-defense. When she realized what would happen, she fought with the suspect and managed to injure him, making his blood drip onto the floor. This led the team to discover his identity.
"Garcia, find any place that has anything to do with him. It could be a family member's house."JJ tells Garcia while examining everything he had on the suspect.
It didn't take long for the blonde to find an old house far enough away that a person could scream and no one would hear.
All the agents were apprehensive when they arrived at the scene. They didn't know what they would find inside.
When they entered, the agents saw a horrible scene. Y/n was sitting in a chair, with her arms and legs tied, tape covering her mouth. There were bloody tools everywhere. Blood that was probably the girl's, who had cuts all over his body.
She raises her head, seeing the movement in front of her and her gaze goes to her father. Before she could say anything, all the agents point their weapons behind her.
The suspect gets closer to Y/n and puts a knife to the girl's throat before they can react.
"John, don't do that. She's not his sister" JJ takes over everyone and tries to negotiate with the suspect, who was neglected by his older sister during his childhood.
"She's not to blame for the things her sister did. Drop the knife and get away from her. If you hurt her, you'll be just like your sister. Do you want to be like your sister?" JJ approaches them. The suspect had tears in her eyes. Y/n looked at her father, also with tears in her eyes. Aaron watches the scene, ready to attack the suspect at any moment.
But JJ knew what he was doing, and with a few more sentences, he managed to get him to drop the knife, moving away from the younger one.
Before anything else, Aaron goes to his daughter, who can no longer hold back her tears, and sobs while her father unties her.
"I'm here, darling. Daddy's here" He removes the ropes from her body and the tape from her mouth. The girl's reaction was to fall into her father's arms, while she allowed herself to cry, finally feeling safe.
A few hours later, Y/n was already in the hospital, with her injuries treated, resting, with her father in a chair beside her holding her hand and her younger brother lying with her in bed, afraid of losing her, so how he lost his mother a few months earlier.
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ray4hotchner · 1 year
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❀ 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: aaron hotchner x reader
❀ 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: A short drabble of Aaron being a girl dad🤍
❀ 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 1k
❀ 𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣’𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖: Hey, my loves🥰 I just saw this video and immediately thought of Aaron and had to write something short and cute. Thank for reading and let me know what you think. Comment if you want to be tagged in other Aaron fics🤍
❀ 𝕞𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕒𝕔𝕔: @iyv-ray24
───────── 🍂🥧🕯️🍁─────────
It was one of those lazy Sundays. Aaron sat at the kitchen table, engrossed in his laptop as he tackled his emails. Jack, meanwhile, diligently worked on his science project at the kitchen island. You had just placed a Sunday roast dinner and a pumpkin pie into the oven before joining Jack to help him with his model of the solar system.
The kitchen was filled with a delicious aroma, accompanied by soft music playing in the background. The dark, rainy fall weather outside only added to the cozy ambiance of the room. Even after four years of marriage, you couldn't believe that this was your life now—your home, your family.
Little footsteps echoed through the house as Violet, your 3-year-old daughter, joyfully entered the kitchen. She proudly displayed the fourth outfit she had changed into in the last hour, undoubtedly leaving her room in quite a mess. But that was a problem for later. No one was going to stop her now, especially not when she was so enthusiastically staging a runway show for the entire family. She loved the attention she received from everyone and erupted into giggles whenever she got enough compliments.
Now in a pink, flowy dress, she gracefully walked up to you and her brother, performing a little spin while awaiting your verdict.
"Wow, Vi, this is the best one yet," exclaimed Jack, making his little sister giggle.
"He's absolutely right, sweetheart. This dress looks so pretty," you chimed in. Violet skipped over to her father to bask in some more of his attention. As she approached, he promptly pushed his laptop aside and turned his full attention toward her.
"Oh wow, look at this adorable little princess," he exclaimed.
She twinkled her eyes at him, tugging at the hem of her dress and performing a delicate curtsy before asking, "Will you dance with me daddy?"
"Of course, my angel," he replied, rising to his feet, which prompted giggles from Jack and you in the background. She had him so wrapped around her tiny fingers that he couldn't deny her anything.
"Can you hold me and spin really fast?" she asked sweetly as he lifted her into his arms.
"Of course, pumpkin. What song do you want?"
"Tangled!" Of course, 'Tangled' was her favorite Disney movie, and she never went to sleep without her Pascal stuffy.
"Alexa, play 'I See the Lights,'" Aaron said, and the soft melody began to fill the kitchen. They both started singing and swaying to the music, while you and Jack watched them with big smiles on your faces.
Seeing them together made your heart swell with love. You had known that Aaron was an amazing father from the moment you met him years ago. His gentleness and affection toward Jack had only deepened your love for him.
After getting married, Jack insisted on wanting a sibling, and you were confident that Aaron would be wonderful with your child too. However, he exceeded all your expectations.
Aaron had even reduced his workload to support you during and after the pregnancy and when they found out it was going to be a baby girl, both he and Jack had erupted with excitement.
Jack stood up, turned towards you, and extended his hand, asking, "Mom, may I have this dance?"
"How could I say no to such a handsome prince?" you replied, rising and taking his hand. Jack had grown so much taller since the time you first met him, when Aaron introduced you as his girlfriend. Now, he was a teenager and almost as tall as you, clearly taking after his dad in height.
Now, all of you were twirling around in the kitchen, and as your eyes met Aaron's, all you could see was pure love and bliss. The song was coming to an end when the oven timer went off.
"Thank you for the dance, my love," you said, kissing Jack on the head before walking over to the oven.
Aaron did one last, big spin with Violet in his arms, causing her to laugh cheerfully. With a big kiss on her cheek, he gently set her down, and she instantly ran over to her brother, clearly not finished with dancing.
The two siblings continued dancing while you pulled the pie out of the oven and checked on the chicken.
Aaron came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He buried his face in your neck, leaving little kisses there. You placed your hand on his cheek and tilted your neck to give him better access.
"I love you so much, you know that," he whispered in your ear.
You turned around within his embrace, your hands laced around his neck. "I know, honey, I love you too."
"I'm so grateful that you chose me," Aaron said with a mixture of tenderness and sincerity in his voice.
"Aaron," you began, your eyes welling up with affectionate tears, but he stopped you, his gaze filled with warmth and appreciation.
"No, really. You gave me this," he said, pointing towards the kids with his head, "you gave me a family and a home… happiness."
"And this is only a home and a family because you are a part of it, my love," you replied, kissing his dimple.
He gazed at the kids, a glimmer of nostalgia and love in his eyes, and then back at you, his expression filled with affection. With a mischievous smile, he said, "I think we should make another one."
"Another what?" you asked, raising an eyebrow, a mix of surprise and curiosity in your voice.
"Another baby," he answered with a grin, a playful spark in his eyes that mirrored his excitement.
"Oh no, Aaron Hotchner. Don't give me that look," you said, trying to pull away, but he held you close and brought you into a kiss. You were immediately lost in the touch of his lips.
"Eww, Jackie, Mom and Dad are being gross again!" Violet exclaimed, pointing with her finger at you, which made everyone laugh.
"Okay, okay. The dance party is postponed until after dinner. Now, everyone, wash your hands and help me set the table, please," you announced, pushing Aaron away after whispering suggestively into his ear, "We'll talk about this tonight."
𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕤: @callm3c0nfus3d @mrs-ssa-hotch
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I Needed You
Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!reader (reader is sixteen)
Summary: Your dad was usually your best friend, but lately everything has been different.
Warnings: Reader skips school, reader and Hotch get into a fight, brief mentions of smoking and drinking, reader cusses a little, Haley and Jack didn't exist cause kids make me uncomfortable
Word Count: 2384
A/N: This is my first Criminal Minds fic! It is a little stereotypical because I'm still learning how to write in second person and write Hotch. I'm counting this as a starter fic. In the future I will write more creatively, and I have a series in the works. Any and all feedback is appreciative, but please be kind.
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You didn’t know that you wanted to hurt him when it started.
There was no malice intended, fuck, there was barely eny forethought at all. Sometimes, the subconscious makes decisions and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
Your father was an important man. Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI was not an easy role to get. Nor was it an easy one to keep. He was barely ever home, either at the office or away on the case. He did his best to call often at night, but as you got older it got less and less frequent.
When he was home he was a great dad. Movie nights happened often, he helped with homework, and you made meals together on some nights. You were even fairly acquainted with the team, though you weren’t close to any of them. Though you dad loved and trusted the team, he preferred to keep both lives separate. When asked why he would usually mumble something along the lines of “safety”. 
Unfortunately, those good nights became less and less frequent.
We got called out on a case. I’ll be in Oregon. Call Garcia if there’s an emergency. There are leftovers in the fridge.
Love you,
It had been case after case for months. There was hardly even a week passing between each one. You didn’t blame your dad - you couldn’t really.
But goddamn were you lonely. 
You had friends, but they couldn’t hang out all the time. And nothing was like the company of your dad. He was usually your best friend.
“Hey dad?” You knocked on the door of his home office, waiting for his response before coming in.
“What’s up?” He didn’t glance up, focused on the paper in front of him.
“I need help with my Algebra homework. I keep trying to solve the problem and it just won’t work…” You were nearly in tears over it.
“Give me a little bit, and I’ll be out.” he still didn’t look up from his work.
“Ok.” You said quietly and closed the door. He never used to bring work home with him. 
If he ever came out to help you, it was too late. You fell asleep, curled up on your bed, the assignment pushed to the side. The next morning before school, you struggled through it on your own. He had already left. 
It was hard to not be upset. You knew his job was demanding. You knew he got stressed. But he was all you had.
Didn’t he realize that?
It all started with a group project. 
You were paired together in biology, and you had to do a research project on one of the topics given. The kids you were paired with were kids you knew, but not well.
You were surprised when you found yourself actually enjoying the project for once.
“So who wants to give the presentation?” Jake asked your little group.
“Nose goes!” You shouted, pressing your finger to the tip of your nose.
The four others quickly followed, leaving Casey the last one. She groaned.
“Oh come on, I hate that stuff.”
“No one likes it! And to be honest, I don’t think anyone pays attention during this stuff anyways.” You pointed out.
The group was sitting in Jake’s room, trying to make the final decisions for the presentation. It was to happen during the first period the next morning, and they were supposed to be the last group.
“I swear, after this is done I'm just leaving school. Screw the rest of the day, a presentation first period is grounds for leaving!”
Jake seemed to consider this carefully, pursing his lips and cocking his head. “Why don’t we all leave?”
“Yeah, sure, Jake.” You laughed.
“No, I’m serious!” He grinned, jumping up from where he was sitting on the edge of his bed. “Why not? I can forge my parents' signatures. If you get me an example of your parents signatures, I bet I can do those too! I can make notes.”
“I don’t know, Jake.” You said quietly. “If my dad found out I think I wouldn’t be allowed to leave my house until graduation.”
“Come on!” He whined, looking at the whole group. “I think we can pull it off. Do any of you actually want to be there?”
No. The answer was the same for all of them.
“You know what, I’m in.” Casey spoke up first.
The other two quickly agreed, leaving everyone’s eyes on you.
Your dad was on a case. If you were ever going to be able to pull it off, it would be then. And he hadn’t been checking up on you as much ever since you turned sixteen. 
You looked up at your new friends and grinned. 
“Let’s do it.”
It wasn’t a one time thing. 
It became quite often actually. Leaving the school was less likely, but sneaking off to hide somewhere for a period happened weekly. Your grades really weren’t any worse or any better. You were still having issues but it wasn’t like you were getting any help with them, so why bother with class?
You considered it very low on the rebellion stage. All you did was miss class sometimes to hang out with your friends. It wasn’t like you were getting high or drinking…
You got sloppy. That’s all it was.
You decided to leave after the second period, texting Jake and Casey who quickly joined you. You had a headache and a school environment is the worst place for having a headache. 
Jake’s parents were at work, so the three of you hung out at his place for the day. It was only a few blocks away, and you had only just got your license, so you didn’t have a car yet. 
You made it back to school before you bus left, hurriedly getting on it and riding home.
When you got dropped off, the first thing you noticed was your dad’s car in the driveway. 
He’s not supposed to be back until this weekend.
You rushed inside, swinging the door open.
He was standing in the middle of the room, a panicked expression on his face when his eyes snapped up.
“Oh thank god,” He breathed out, eyes roving over you, looking for injuries. “She’s here. She’s safe, Garcia.”
He hung up on her, and tossed the phone onto the end table before engulfing you in a hug. “I thought you were gone.”
You hugged him back, confused but still excited to see him.
“I thought you weren’t gonna be back till the weekend at the earliest?”
“We got home early…” He trailed off, pulling away. One eyebrow was raised. “The school called and said you never showed up to third period. Or anything after that.”
Oh, shit.
He took in your shocked expression and frowned, jaw clenching. “I thought someone had taken you.”
“I’m fine…”
“What the hell were you thinking?” His voice was calm.
“Dad, I-”
“Skipping school? Why would you do that? Is something going on?” He was peering at you with an intense gaze. “Are you being bullied?”
“No!” you searched your brain for any excuse. 
“Do you know how irresponsible this is? You’re at school to learn, y/n. You’re at school to prepare for your future.”
“I know.”
“Do you?” He ran a hand down his face. “What if something happened, and no one could reach you because you weren’t at school?”
“I have a cell phone.” 
His glare told you that was not the right thing to say. “Ok, what if something happened to you! What if someone saw a teenage girl wandering around during school hours and decided to take advantage of that! At school you’re at least protected.”
“I don’t just wander!”
“Are you saying this is a regular thing?”
Shut up, y/n.
When you were silent he took that as a “yes”. 
“Where do you go? Do you have a secret boyfriend?”
“Are you doing drugs? Drinking?”
“Dad, stop!” You finally shouted. “I get it, what I did was wrong!”
“I don’t think you do get it!” He took a deep breath. “Why hasn’t the school called me until now?”
You hesitated. 
“Y/N. I’m gonna need an answer.”
“My friend… can forge signatures.”
He closed his eyes. It was silent for far too long. 
“You’re grounded.”
“I know.”
“I know.” you rolled your eyes.
“Hey!” he snapped, raising his voice slightly to catch your attention. “Don’t act like this isn’t your fault. I will be calling the school to let them know that you can only leave when I call in and let them know. No more notes.”
“What if you’re on a case?”
“I’ll remember.”
“Sure.” You scoffed. “Are you gonna tell the school?”
He hesitated. “No. But only because I’m certain it won’t happen anymore.” 
You grabbed your backpack and went to your room in a huff.
He was right. Skipping was dumb.
But now you were going to be even more alone.
Hotch didn’t like how the fight ended.
Honestly, he wasn’t sure what to do with you in general. You were usually such a good kid. None of this made sense to him.
Keeping tabs on you wasn’t easy with his job. The hours were long and the work was important. He texted you to check in a lot more than he had been, but all he got was one word responses. 
You were being tight-lipped about what friends you had been skipping with. The loyalty would’ve been a good thing in most other circumstances.
When he did come home, you stayed in your room. Some nights you wouldn’t even eat dinner with him. 
It was stressing him out.
Rossi knocked on his office door about a week after the fight. He let himself in and sat across from Aaron.
“You’re on edge.”
“That obvious?” Hotch muttered.
“What’s going on? Is Y/N ok?”
Aaron shook his head. “She got in trouble last week. I found out she’s been regularly skipping school.”
Rossi winced. “Y/N? That’s surprising.”
“I know.” Hotch nodded. “She’s grounded. She has to come home after school first thing, and she isn’t allowed to hang out with friends until further notice. But…”
“But?” Rossi prompted after a short time. 
“I expected her to come around sooner. She’s a smart kid, she had to know she would be in trouble for this. But it’s been a week now, and she still won’t talk to me! I just don’t understand what happened.”
“You know what I’m going to say.” Rossi said, smiling gently.
“I know, I need to talk to her. I just wish she would come to me like she used to.”
That night your dad knocked on your bedroom door.
“Come in.” You said, though you really didn’t want him to.
You were bored. And really lonely. 
Jake and Casey were sympathetic, but you didn’t get to hang out. And even if you did text them all the time, it wasn’t the same.
“Hey…” His voice was gentle as he entered the room and quietly shut the door behind him.
You were sitting at your desk, your algebra sitting in front of you. Most of it was undone, and the few problems that were done had been erased and re-wrote multiple times. None of it was adding up.
You were silent, waiting for him to talk first.
“I think we need to talk. Can I sit?” 
You nodded and he sat on the bed, across from you. 
“I know you’re upset about being grounded.” He started. “But what you did was wrong.”
“I know that.”
“Then why are you still so mad?”
You sighed and looked away. “I really don’t want to talk about this.”
His face fell, and he genuinely looked hurt. “Honey, I just want you to come to me again. You know I’m always here for you.”
White hot searing anger flared up quickly and your eyes snapped to him.
“No, that’s bullshit!” You stood and crossed your arms. “What are you talking about? We haven’t had an actual conversation in months!”
“That’s not true!” He was standing now too.
“Yes it is!” you stood your ground. “You’re always at work or bringing it here! Even if you’re not on a case, you’re doing paperwork and shit and you still don’t come home.”
“Y/N, my job is important!” He defended himself. “I’m sorry that it takes so much time, but I do my best to keep it at work!”
“You used to! Now I can’t even ask for help with homework without being brushed off.” Your hands were trembling. “You don’t talk to me when you’re on cases anymore, and we haven’t had a movie night in three months!”
He was taken aback. “Y/N, I-”
You shook your head, fighting tears. “I don’t have anyone else, dad. No one else can help me with my homework, no one else texts me to check up on me during the day. I get that your job is important, but I wish I was too.”
His heart shattered.
He had been aware that work had been more intense lately, but he had no idea how badly it was affecting you. 
“Y/N, honey…” He hurried across the room and wrapped you in a hug, letting you sob into his shirt. Your shoulders shook and you clung on like you were going to lose him. “I’m so sorry…”
The apology didn’t excuse it. It didn’t make up for you feeling abandoned for so long. 
“You were skipping school because you thought no one would care.” He muttered, the answer finally hitting him.
You choked out another sob, silently nodded. 
“Of course I care…” He said, holding you close to him. “I’m sorry I’ve been distant. I promise, I won’t bring work home anymore. And I’ll make sure to text you more and call when I’m on cases.”
“I’m sorry, I’m being needy…”
“No.” He promised, looking her in the eye. “You’re not. You’re the most important thing in my life.”
You sniffle and nod, finally smiling. 
“C’mon, let’s go get some dinner.” He kissed your forehead and led you out of the room.
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Chocolate & Movies
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Imagine: having period cramps is one of the worst things, but luckily you have a dad who knows what will help, or in other words Aaron Hotchner is the best father you could ask for
Warnings: period, period cramps, pain, you know normal period things (me writing this as a woman knowing full well most men don’t know what I actually mean), hotch being the best dad ever, hotch cuddles, hotch hugs, idk what more
A/N Me 🤝 writing fics for my own comfort
This is my first Criminal Minds fic so I hope I did ok, and if you have a request for Criminal Minds pls send them in
So I’m mainly writing this because my period cramps are worse than normal, and I can take a lot of pain before it gets too much, and my period cramps are usually bad, so thought why not write some comfort fic about it and here we are, this is for anyone who have period cramps so enjoy I guess, sorry that it’s short
Side note: I wanted to ad that this is what usually helps me I’m not saying it helps everyone
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You knew you should’ve been up by now, but there was no energy in your body to do so. All your energy went to not cry out in loud sobs of pain. It felt like someone was stabbing knives into your stomach and twisting them around. Any position you tried made the excruciating pain worse. Even the thought of walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water to take with the medication caused the pain to spike up. Your nauseous state didn’t help nor the fact that it felt like you were going to faint as soon as you lifted your head up.
Jack had already left for school and you were supposed to be in your father’s car in ten minutes so that he could drive you to school. However if you had a say in the matter that would not be the case, if you got your will through you’d be at home the whole day wallowing in the pain you got once a month as you (in your dramatic words) bled out.
You were about to take your phone (not wanting to yell) to ask your father if you could stay home when you heard his voice yell out to you. “Y/N, we’re leaving in ten, you ready?” seconds later when he hadn’t gotten a response, your door swung open and the bright light from outside shined inside your once dark room. Your dad saw you laying on the bed and even if he wasn’t a profiler he would still have been able to see the pain that you were trying to hide from showing on your face.
Aaron’s face softened as concern washed over his expression the more he looked at you. He went over to your bed and crouched down, his hand going out in concern towards your forehead thinking you might have a fever and a headache at first, but you felt completely fine against his hand. “What’s wrong honey” he heard you take a deep breath before letting out some few mumbled words “period cramps, hurt a lot”
“You wanna stay home” Aaron noticed how you sighed in relief at his question, and was glad that he had understood the situation right. He got a nod from you and went out of your room to tell the school you weren’t coming in today. Not long after he was back to crouching beside your bed, this time caressing your arm softly.
“I have to go to work, but we won’t have a case for a while so you can come with me if you want, we can stop at the store on the way and get-“ he was cut of by a groan coming from you as you tried to once more not give in to the pain.
“Yeah I’d like to come with you if it means I get to cuddle with you, otherwise I’ll stay here”
“Go get ready, I’ll get you a glass of water for the meds, okay?” Hotch got another nod from you and he went out to leave you to get dressed, well as dressed as pajamapants and one of your fathers oversized hoodie was. You took the painkillers, your phone, charger, headphones and grabbed the coziest blanket you could find and went out to the car.
Not soon after you’d been to the store, bought a ton of chocolate and were now in your fathers office. Aaron had changed from working by the desk to sitting on the couch writing reports as you cuddled into him. Headphones on (as to not disturb your father from his work) as your comfort show was playing on your phone. A bunch of chocolate wrappers were spread around on the floor and desk.
And even later that day when you got home, Aaron cuddled with you as you watched movies and ate chocolate. A heat pad (is that what they are called, I literally have no clue, says the person who always uses them) laid across your stomach, which together with the warmth from your father relieved some of the pain. That along with the fact that Aaron’s hugs could always bring some of the pain away. Maybe it was a dad thing, you didn’t know but you were happy that your father was a great hugger, and that his hugs always made you feel okay.
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*not my gif <3
Hotch's Office
Aaron Hotchner x Child!Reid!Reader
Summary: Reader wanders off to Aaron's office.
Warnings: None, reader is smart like her dad and loves astrophysics
Word Count: ~300
Spencer carried you into the bullpen and sat you down by his desk next to him.
Your babysitter cancelled last minute and the BAU didn't have a case assigned that day so Spencer decided to take you with him to work.
You had books and a few puzzles to keep you busy while he worked on filling out paperwork and reports.
Your dad also brought a pair of headphones for you, if you wanted to watch something or if the noises of the people in the office started to bug you.
Spencer got up to go ask Penelope about something.
He saw that you were busy reading and knew you wouldn't want to be interrupted.
The odds of you leaving his desk alone were low and he wasn't planning to take long so he left the room.
You finished your last book, and your third of the day, and your dad still wasn't back.
You looked at the books he had on his desk and questioned whether any of them would be interesting to read, he usually didn't mind if you read any of his books.
None of them piqued your interest so you just sat there, bored out of your mind.
You looked over at the other BAU members who were working at their desks.
They were clearly busy so you didn't want to distract them. But you were so bored.
Spencer's heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he got back to his desk and saw you were missing.
His eyes nervously scanned the room, not seeing you anywhere.
"Relax, genius, she's in Hotch's office," Emily said, seeing Spencer's worried expression.
"Oh, okay. Thank you." Spencer breathed a sigh of relief.
Spencer didn't want you disrupting Aaron while he was working so he quickly made his way to Aaron's office.
His door was already open, Spencer could hear you excitedly talking about something inside.
He knocked on the office door to make his presence known.
"Hi, Daddy," you greeted him from your place on Hotch's desk.
"Hi, sweetie, what are you doing?"
"Telling Uncle Hotch about astrophysics." She looked up at her dad innocently.
"Oh," Spencer chuckled. "Uncle Hotch has work to do, baby."
"But he likes hearing about astrophysics." She said, turning back to look at Hotch, "Right?"
"I do," Hotch smiled at you, "But sadly your dad is also right."
"But I haven't even gotten to the origin of cosmic rays yet," You pouted.
"Well, why don't you tell me about that the next time I see you?" Hotch suggested.
You mulled it over for a second before nodding, "Okay."
You hopped down from Hotch's desk and went to your dad who quickly picked you up and started exiting the office.
"Bye, Hotch," You waved goodbye to him over Spencer's shoulder.
"Bye, honey," He waved back before getting back to the report he was filling out.
"I like him," You mumbled to Spencer, resting your head on his shoulder.
Hotch liked you, too.
fin. ♡
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spaceyrosie · 8 months
for you, i would ruin myself
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader, hints of Aaron Hotchner x Emily Prentiss Summary: Hotch is a busy man and he truly tried his best to be there for his children, until one day they got into a serious accident, leaving his daughter to be seriously injured. Warnings: heavy angst, sadness, reader got seriously hurt, descriptive injuries, blood, mentions of death, Haley's death, Hotch really tried his best, cliffhanger Author's note: I've been wanting to write for Aaron Hotchner for a while now and have finally gotten the time and inspiration to do so. I don't know if I should make a second part. Word count: 2.1k
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“Dad! Hurry or Jack’s going to eat the cake all by himself!” you hollered from the living room.
Jack giggled “No I’m not,” his hand reaching out for the cookies they baked together that afternoon.
It was a peaceful day, one you have wished for a while now. Your dad’s job made it challenging for him to be home during the weekends, but today is one of the days he has taken the day off to celebrate your birthday.
“I’m coming!” Aaron replied walking to the living room to his children.
He had asked you a few weeks prior if you wanted a party for your birthday but you replied only wanting a small and quiet birthday with him and Jack. “I just want to celebrate the moment with the people I love the most, but I don’t get to do that these days.”
Aaron understands that reference, he has been travelling for work a lot in the past months. This is your first birthday since Haley passed, and it’s hard to celebrate without her.
Pulling Jack to his lap, they both sang Happy Birthday before you blew out the candles. Jack cheered, “We eat the cake and cookies now, Daddy? Please,” Giving his best pout, Aaron laughed.
“At least let y/n cut the cake first,” he chuckled while ruffling his son's hair.
As you are about to slice into the cake, they hear the dreaded ringtone from his work phone. Grimacing slightly, he picked up the call and lifted Jack from his lap before walking to the kitchen, “Hotchner. Yes, JJ?”
You tried not to let your emotions down, you knew this was part of his job. But, your fingers trembled as you sliced the cake before handing a plate to Jack. Your dad is still talking on the phone in the kitchen and judging by how his voice lowered, you know what’s about to come.
You tried to bite back the tears that were threatening to fall - will there be a time when your dad can make more time for his own family?
He walks back into the room, face pulled into a frown. He knelt before you, gaze heavy, “I’m so sorry, honey.” He started. “We got pulled into a case. I got to fly to Arizona.”
His apology lingered in the air. You nod, not really trusting your voice at the moment. You swallowed down your disappointment before forcing out a smile. 
“It’s alright, dad.” Your reply was short. You couldn’t let him see the cracks behind your smile. He carried enough burdens, with the weight of his job and being a single parent of two, you couldn’t add your disappointment to his plate.
He frowns not convinced, “Really, me and Jack will just watch Star Wars after this.” Who you are trying to convince, him or yourself, you are not sure.
He looks into your eyes, “I’ll make it up to you, honey,” he whispers, his hand cupping your cheek. You savour this moment - when was the last time Dad held you?
“We’ll be fine, Dad,” You turned away, breaking the contact, and he took the cue to grab his go-bag. Your eyes are misting up but you quickly wipe the tears away not wanting Jack or your dad to see it.
It was your birthday, after all, you are supposed to feel happy, right? Right?
Standing by the door, he crouched down to hug you before pulling away to speak to you, “Happy birthday, honey. I’ll be back soon.”
You watched him walk out the door, knowing he would not be coming home anytime soon.
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The next time Hotch dissapoints you was during the end of school year.
The ticking clock felt like a curse, each second mocking his fading hope. Hotch cursed when he saw the time - 3 hours until 7.00 pm.
Looking at the evidence board, he pinched his eyebrows together, the pins and photos taunting him with a case and the fact that he will be disappointing his daughter, again. 
He felt a buzz from his pocket notifying a text from you.
I’m getting ready for the show. See you there!
He didn’t get to reply to the text as Morgan notified him the tactical team was ready to go to the unsub’s place. Pulling on his vest, it felt tight against his chest, burned with frustration and anxiety about the situation. He gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white, as he led the team to the location provided.
Emily sat beside him noticing his tense posture, “You alright, Hotch?”
He doesn’t want his emotions to cloud his judgment while being in the field. Shifting his gaze into a stoic focus, he said, “Yeah, just ready to wrap the case after we catch the unsub.”
Emily was not convinced as her gaze cut through his stoic mask with her head tilted to the side and eyebrow arched. Hotch sighs, “Y/N’s recital… it’s tonight. Her solo. And I won’t be there.”
She winced, the weight of his unspoken pain echoing in the silence of the car.
“I promised to be there but I know even if we get this guy on time, by the time we arrive in Quantico, the show is finished.”
You squinted through the glare of the spotlights where a sea face blurred in your vision. Your eyes, desperate with searching, landed on Aunt Jessica’s sympathetic gaze, followed by the emptiness of the reserved seat beside her. She waved when you both locked eyes and gave you an apologetic look when your eyes lingered on the empty seat next to her.
The audience applauded after your fingers hit the last note, but all you can hear is the deafening silence inside your head. Flashes of should’ve, would’ve echoed in your head, as the seat next to Aunt Jess remained empty even until you took the final bow.
The case dragged on as Hotch and Prentiss interrogate the unsub into a confession. By the time the team puts their reports in, it's almost midnight.
Hotch tiptoed into the living room, the house quiet. Your bedroom door flicked open and you felt your dad’s presence.
“I'm sorry, honey.” His voice rasped, each word carving deeper into your disappointment.
“I-” You started, voice thick with unshed tears “I- I understand, Dad.” The lie tasted bitter in your mouth.
When he remained quiet, you continued, “It's part of the job, right.” You whispered, voice cracking at the end.
Hotch swallowed his guilt, he'll never get to see her perform on stage. “Honey, I-” He puts a hand on your shoulder to offer some sort of comfort. But, the both of you know nothing can take back his action. “I really tried to be there, y/n,” He said instead.
Still looking away from him, you took a shuddered breath before sighing, “I just…” you whispered, “I wished you were there.”
Silence consumed the room as they both weighed their words in.
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Somehow, too many disappointments led him to situations he regrets.
Hotch frowned deepened when the traffic slows during the drive back to Quantico. 
“Traffic’s unusual at this hour,” Prentiss muttered on his side.
Hotch grunted not in the mood. The team got called in for a case over the weekend, and they just finished wrapping it up. Despite it being local, he is still pissed to be working on his day off.
Sirens wailed behind their SUV, and he glanced in the rear mirror where an ambulance was passing through the traffic. The traffic moved slowly and they passed by a few police cars parked by the roadside trying to control the traffic where an accident had happened.
Amidst the flashing lights, he saw it - a black sedan crumpled beyond recognition. His breath hitched in his throat as he saw the plates before he pulled to a sudden stop by the roadside.
“Hotch? Why did we stop?”
She followed his gaze to the plate numbers before realisation dawned on her. Not caring to answer her, he jumped out of the SUV before running towards the scene. The smell of gasoline overwhelms his nostrils as his eyes wildly look around the crash site. An officer pulled in front of him, “Sir, please step back.”
“My family!” His roar cut through the atmosphere as he tried to shove past the officer. “Let me through! That’s my family!”
“Aaron!” A familiar voice hollered and he spotted Jessica’s wild curls from a distance. Jessica stumbled toward him, her face smudged with soot and blood stained her shirt. Dread fills his chest as he takes in the condition she is in.
“Jess!” His voice, usually calm and composed, cracked as he pulled her into a crushing embrace. “What’s happened? Where’s Jack?” He threw many questions. “Jess, tell me what happened! Oh my God, where’s y/n?” Aaron could feel the thumping in his chest.
Jess was crying, “I’m sorry, Aaron. I’m really sorry,” she choked out and he almost lost his mind when he heard those words from her.
Then a small figure emerge from the chaos, “Daddy!” Jack’s familiar voice brought some peace to his racing heart. Running towards the boy, who was being attended by a paramedic, he crouched down to console his son’s terrified sobs, “Hey, buddy. Oh Jack, ohh,” Jack was crying, a deep gash etched across his forehead.
His gaze, frantic and desperate, scoured the scene before he landed on a stretcher with you lying on top. He felt his heart drop when he saw your face, pale with a brutal gash mirroring the one on Jack’s head.
“y/n!” The name ripped from his throat as he nearly scrambled to run towards you.
“y/n! Open your eyes, sweetheart,” Aaron begged as he stood by your side. 
“Sir, please step aside so we can help her,” One of the paramedics told him.
He begged, “P-please, she’s my daughter,” Tears were streaming down his face, “Y/n, I’m here, sweetheart. I’m here,” He sobbed trying to take hold of your hand. It felt cold to his touch, you have lost too much blood, causing your body temperature to drop.
You stirred before your eyes fluttered open, “D- dad?” your voice croaked.
Gripping your hand tightly, “I’m here, honey. Dad’s here,” Aaron assured.
Gaze unfocused as your eyes stared ahead, “D- dad, you’re h-here?” You try to reach out. Aaron tried to smooth out the hair out of your face, his face coming into your view.
“I’m here, y/n.” He assured again.
“Dad… it hurts...” You cried, and Hotch felt like his heart had been stabbed. Your whole body was on fire and your breathing hurt. Tears were streaming down your cheeks, mingling with the blood smearing your face.
“I know, sweetheart, I know. But you’re going to be okay. They are going to help you, okay.” His reassurances trembled, knowing he should not make any promises given the condition you are in.
Before you could reply, your eyes fluttered shut before your grip slackened in his. He panicked, calling out your name, “Wake up y/n,” His calloused hand cupped your cheeks, a silent plea etched in his words.
“Don’t do this, honey. Open your eyes, y/n.” His voice, usually strong and steady, cracked as he choked back a sob.
“Step aside, sir.” One of the paramedics immediately rushed.
Right in front of him, he saw another paramedic insert a breathing tube into his daughter’s mouth to help you breathe. Aaron saw his world turned dark when the monitor connecting to your chest beeped rapidly, signalling the heart's struggle to beat rhythmically. 
Hotch felt like he failed you.
He failed to protect you.
He failed to be the father you need.
“We are going to be taking your daughter to Georgetown University Hospital, sir,” The paramedic informed as the stretcher was wheeled into the ambulance. “She’s not stable, you can follow us in your vehicle,” He said sympathetically.
His fingers dug into the cold metal of the stretcher, refusing to let go. "I have to be with her," his voice rough with desperation. "Please, just let me hold her hand."
The paramedic's gaze softened, but his hands stayed firm. "She's losing too much blood, sir. Every minute counts. You'll be with her soon, I promise."
Aaron nodded and released his grip, a sob escaping his throat. Images flickered behind his eyes: empty birthday chairs, unanswered phone calls, a whispered promise to come home. How many times had he failed to be there? How many moments had slipped through his fingers, swallowed by the demands of work?
Haley’s pained voice, etched in his memory, morphed into y/n’s bloodied face.
How many times have you needed him but he wasn’t there?
How many times did he leave his family for work?
His knees buckled as he watched the ambulance drive into the night, flashing sirens blurring into the smoked air. His hands trembled on his side unable to control the weight of guilt inside him.
Emily’s voice cut through the fog, “Hotch,” No amount of words can offer him any comfort in that moment. She tried, nevertheless, “She’s strong, Aaron.” 
He hopes so.
He really hopes that you’ll be okay.
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spnjediavenger · 8 months
It Won't Last Forever (Chapter 1)
Title: It Won’t Last Forever (Chapter 1)
Type: multi-chapter; father!Hotch x teen!daughter!reader, some bau x teen!reader (platonic!)
Warnings: canon-typical Criminal Minds sadness and/or violence, blood, light injury description
POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNINGS: panic attack description, flashbacks, alludes to PTSD, family death
Spoilers: S5 SPOILERS
Notes: I changed the end of the episode a bit. Sorrynotsorry.
The panic attack and PTSD description is a mix of my own experience and some I read online - this is not how ALL panic attacks and PTSD are experienced.
Y/n/n is a general nickname, N/n is going to be a nickname only Spencer uses for Y/n
Information creds at the end; I took some info verbatim to use in some of Spencer’s info dumps
As always, love and/or constructive/friendly criticism is welcome and encouraged!
Word count: 3,169
“Sometimes the loudest cries for help are silent.” Harlan Coben
The scene the team walked into wasn’t quite what they expected it would be. Hell, it wasn't what Hotch expected it would be. Not in the end anyway. He expected the blood on the floor. Even on the walls. But he thought he would walk in and find Foyet and be part of the final fight. What he didn’t expect was to find his daughter slightly beaten standing in the bedroom with a gun in her hands and Foyet dead on the floor - a bullet hole dead center in his forehead. 
Hotch quickly went to check that Jack was ok and send him out of the house with JJ before coming back to see his daughter. 
Y//n heard his movement and spun on her heel, gun pointed at him, eyes wild and body shaking.
“Y/n, honey, it’s me. It’s dad,” he said, holding his hands up in a calming manner. 
“Daddy?” she whispered shakily, body still trembling. 
“That’s right, sweetheart. It’s ok now. I need you to drop the gun, honey.” Hotch had tears running down his face from grief and he couldn’t hide that right now. But he also needed to talk Y/n down, who was clearly in shock. 
The girl’s eyes flicked down to the weapon in her hands and she began to shake more. She looked back up at her dad. “I worked the case, too. I… I had to… I couldn’t let him hurt Jack too…” she trailed off as she turned her head to the ground and saw her mother’s lifeless body laying there. 
“I know, honey. It’s ok. But I need you to drop the gun now, ok? It’s all over.”
She looked down at the gun again, to Foyet’s body, then her dad and finally dropped the gun. Hotch was quick to kick it away and pull his daughter into his arms, glad she was safe. Her arms stayed at her sides and she stared straight ahead into the hallway. Hotch pulled back and tried to look into her eyes but they were devoid of anything. He called Morgan back into the room and asked him to take Y/n outside to have her looked at and informed him that she was in shock. Hotch walked over to Haley’s body and Morgan put an arm around Y/n’s shoulders to lead her to the ambulance outside. 
Each member of the team watched her, ready to offer comfort and condolences but Y/n just stared empty ahead. They looked at each other, concerned, but chalked it up to her being in shock. Some might think this day would be the eye of the storm. But the storm was just getting started. 
Hotch did his best to be there for his kids through losing Haley while not neglecting his own feelings and need to cope. Jack was so young that he didn’t fully understand what was going on; Y/n, though, should have been showing signs of coping. Or even just feeling. But she didn’t. For a teenager who just lost her mother, she was surprisingly calm. Hotch hadn’t seen her cry once since her death. And frankly, he was concerned. He tried approaching her and getting her to talk but she just kept telling him she was fine. She put on a happier façade around Jack but Hotch could see right through it. The rest of his team, when they would visit, noticed too. They were all worried. 
One Saturday, Hotch had to go into work. Jack was over at a friend’s house and would be sleeping over so that would leave Y/n by herself. 
He stopped by her room and tapped his knuckles on her door. A very quiet ‘come in’ sounded and he opened the door to find the girl sitting in the window seat staring outside, arms hugging her knees to her chest. 
“Hey, sweetheart. The team and I have to go into work. Do you want to come with me? Say hi to everyone? They all miss you. Might be a good idea to get out of the house for a bit with Jack at his friend’s,” he suggested.
Y/n let out a sigh through her nose and reluctantly nodded. She grabbed a hoodie and her mini backpack. Hotch held an arm out and she let him wrap it around her shoulders and lead her to the car. 
The ride to the BAU was quiet and uncomfortable. Well, it was uncomfortable for Hotch anyway. He spared glances at Y/n as she stared blankly out the window as they drove, no emotion to her features. 
As they entered the bullpen, all eyes looked up and smiles appeared on everyone’s faces. 
“Heeey! What’s happening Y/n/n?” Morgan said, getting up and opening his arms for a hug. Y/n returned the hug to a bare minimum and remained quiet. 
“Hey, how’s it going Y/n?” Emily was next, rocking her a bit as they hugged. The girl shrugged and let Spencer hug her next. 
“I think I found the perfect book for you to read next,” he said. Y/n forced a half smile and nodded. 
JJ came up next but decided against saying anything, noticing her reactions, or rather, lack thereof. 
“Oh my goodness gracious did I hear that baby Hotchner is here?!” Penelope’s voice rang through the room. She ran over and practically crushed Y/n in her arms. “Why did no one tell me our favorite Hotchner was coming?! Oh uh, no offense, sir,” she added, looking at her boss. 
He gave a small, humored smile. “Non taken.”
Penelope looked back to Y/n and frowned. “Oh my sweetness. What’s going on? Talk to Auntie Penny.”
“I’m fine,” she said quickly, then turned to her dad. “I’m gonna go to your office.”
“Alright, sweetheart.”
The team watched as she ascended the stairs, accepting a hug from Rossi as he came out of his own office, and shut herself in her dad’s. 
Morgan looked over to Hotch as Rossi came down. “She still isn’t saying anything?”
Hotch shook his head. 
“Have you tried taking her to therapy?” Rossi asked.
“She won’t even talk to me, Dave. Why would she talk to a stranger?”
“Because it’s not you. You should know that sometimes it’s hardest to open up to those you’re closest to.”
Hotch sighed. “I don’t think she’d take to the idea. She won’t even admit to anything being wrong.”
“Could she still be in shock?” Morgan offered.
“This far away from the trauma? It’s been a couple weeks - is that common?” JJ asked. 
“Typically, emotional shock lasts for minutes to days, but can last for weeks to months depending on the severity of the trauma. And considering there are multiple sources of trauma for Y/n that her mind is pulling from it’s actually not surprising that she’s still experiencing symptoms,” Reid came in with an info dump. 
“As much as I’m worried about Y/n, I’d like to get this case out of the way,” Hotch said, trying to change the subject. The others nodded slightly solemnly and got to work. 
A few hours into the visit, Y/n left her dad’s office to grab a snack. She passed the round table room and heard snippets of the team talking. 
“He may have the same mask but this man is nothing like Foyet.”
Y/n froze and almost tripped over her feet. Her breath caught in her throat and she shook her head to try and clear it. 
The movement caught Morgan’s attention and he tapped Hotch to stop his mention of Foyet. 
“You ok, kid?” Morgan called out to her. 
Snapping out of her thoughts, Y/n nodded. “Yeah, fine,” she said, and continued walking. The team shared looks but continued their work. 
Y/n bounced down the steps to the break room. She grabbed a glass from the counter and filled it with water and went to get a snack from one of the cabinets but the door was stuck. She groaned and gave a harder tug. With a bit too much momentum, the door flew open and the corner caught her under her eye. She gasped and dropped the glass, causing it to shatter on the ground. This caught the team’s attention from upstairs. 
The sting under her eye sent her back two weeks and suddenly Foyet was in front of her. 
“You weren’t the one I was figuring on fighting. But I’ll take it,” he smirked, punching her again. She fell to the ground, hands getting cut on the glass under her. But she didn’t notice. 
She kicked his knee, sending him to the ground with her. He grabbed his leg and she had the chance to get up. 
“Y/n.” That wasn’t Foyet’s voice. 
She grabbed the gun that had fallen out of her hands and pointed it at Foyet. He grabbed her legs and pulled them from under her. She gasped as her head hit the ground. 
Hotch tried grabbing Y/n’s flailing limbs to keep her from injuring herself further. He was trying to get through to her and get her to open her eyes but it was like she didn’t hear him. 
Y/n kicked her legs at him and landed one in the face. She took the moment to stand once more and shoot him square in the forehead. 
Y/n sucked in a deep breath as her eyes opened and she saw her father in front of her, his familiar grip on her wrists. 
“Daddy?” she whispered. Her body was shaking. 
Hotch swallowed the sob his body wanted to release at the familiarity of these events. “That’s right, sweetheart. It’s ok now.”
Y/n glanced around the room to remind herself where she was and saw blood on the ground. 
Haley’s body lay on the floor, blood seeping through her clothes from multiple gunshot wounds. She let out a broken gasp and moved away.
She jerked and tried to back away but Hotch kept his grip on her. She began hyperventilating. 
“Y/n, honey, everything is fine. That’s your blood, you cut your hands. You’re at the BAU.” He tried to keep his tone light but he was desperate to help his little girl. He didn’t know what to do.
“Hotch, maybe let me try?” Spencer spoke up. 
“She’s my daughter,” he defended. 
“Aaron, she needs someone who’s level-headed right now,” Rossi said. “Let the kid help.”
Hotch gave Spencer an apologetic look and nodded. Spencer hobbled over and carefully knelt down to Y/n’s level. 
“N/n, it’s Spencer,” he said gently. “I need you to look at me; can you do that, sweetheart?”
Y/n’s ears picked up on ‘N/n.’ Only one person ever called her that. Her wild eyes looked around until they landed on the youngest member of the BAU team. 
“Spencer,” she gasped, still hyperventilating. 
He smiled a bit. “That’s it. I need you to try and breathe for me ok? You’re having a panic attack. Can I help you move away from the glass?”
The girl nodded and Spencer guided her away and into a chair that Rossi had pulled out for her.
“Good job. Now, follow my breathing ok? Breath in for four, hold for four, let out for four.”
The girl nodded but as soon as she tried to take a deep breath, a sob came out making her practically choke on it. Hotch held a hand over his mouth and turned away, unable to stand seeing his daughter like this. 
Spencer rubbed Y/n’s back soothingly as she coughed. 
“Alright, that’s ok. Put your head between your knees instead. Putting your head below your heart will increase blood circulation to your brain and keep you from getting dizzy or passing-“
“Reid,” Morgan interrupted him, afraid his info dump would make things worse. 
“No,” Y/n whimpered. “Keep talking.” Listening to Reid talk was actually helping and giving her something else to focus on.
The boy nodded and kept guiding her actions as he continued talking, keeping a gentle tone instead of the usual teacher-like one his info dumps typically sported. “Morgan, grab some ice,” he said over his shoulder then turned back to Y/n. “Panic attacks are common for a number of psychological illnesses and can be connected to trauma. There are different types of attacks and I’m assuming this is situational-induced attack; these occur as a response to something specific and expected. They can happen in anticipation of a trigger or immediately after exposure to it. Triggers from traumatic events are quite common. Thanks, Morgan. Here, hold this. One way to stop panic attacks, especially when steadying your breathing is difficult, is to stimulate the senses. This works to interrupt the automatic reactions to the panic attack to snap the body out of the symptoms. Smelling something strong or holding ice are common methods and usually the most helpful. And one of the most important things to remember,” he added as he saw she finally began to relax, “is that while panic attacks may feel like they are never-ending, they usually peak within 10 minutes. It won’t last forever.”
“It won’t last forever,” she whispered after him. 
Spencer nodded and pushed some hair out of her face when she looked up. “It won’t last forever. You did great, N/n.”
The girl gave a small smile. It was the first real one Hotch had seen since before Haley died. He let out a relieved sigh and Rossi squeezed his shoulder. 
Spencer glanced at Hotch and looked back at Y/n. “Can you let your dad clean your hands and eye up, Y/n? Those need to be taken care of.”
The girl nodded and Spencer smiled and kissed her head as he stood to walk away. Hotch put a hand on his shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. A silent ‘thank you.’ Spencer patted Hotch’s shoulder and left the room. 
Y/n’s eyes drooped a bit as tiredness overtook her. The panic attack had drained a lot of her energy. Hotch let her sit in silence as he tended to her wounds, not missing the flinch when he first touched her eye. But he wouldn’t bring it up now. He now knew he couldn’t wait for her to be comfortable talking but he would at least wait until she had more energy.
After wrapping her hands and cleaning her eye, Hotch took Y/n home. The team was just about done for the day anyway and the others told him that Y/n was his main priority right now. He thanked them and left.
It was around dinner time when they arrived home so Hotch suggested Y/n get changed into some comfy clothes and take a nap while he ordered takeout. She wordlessly nodded and went to her room. Hotch sighed and grabbed his phone to get working on dinner.
When the food came, Hotch and Y/n ate in silence save for the TV in the background. Y/n seemed to be a little less tired but Hotch could tell she had a lot of things running through her mind. 
Once they finished eating and the dishes were taken care of, Hotch approached Y/n before she could retreat to her room.
“Honey? Can we talk please?”
Y/n looked at her father and saw hope in his eyes. But almost in a pleading way. She weighed her options in her head but soon gave a resigned sigh and nodded. She took her dad’s outstretched hand and let him lead her to the couch. Y/n hugged her legs to her chest and Hotch brought a leg up so he could face her.
“Y/n…you don’t have to share anything you don’t want to…I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. But sweetheart, you have to let something out. Anything. I was going to let things go until you weren’t in shock but after today I don’t feel comfortable considering that luxury anymore. We’ve all been through a lot and you’re no exception. Keeping things bottled up isn’t healthy. As much as I hate to see you upset, it’s worried me that you haven’t cried once. Please just tell me something, honey. No one can help you if you don’t let us in.”
As Hotch talked, Y/n could feel the slightest sting begin behind her eyes. In all honesty - she was worried about her lack of emotion too. But she didn’t have it in her to say anything about it. It took too much energy.
She let out another sigh and looked down at her hands. “I haven’t said anything the past two weeks because I haven’t felt anything the past two weeks,” she said quietly. “It’s like my mind was a void. I put on a happy face for Jack because I know he needs me. But the rest of the time I just couldn’t be bothered. But today…”
Hotch watched her as her voice drifted off. “What happened today?” he asked gently.
Y/n took a shaky breath. “I heard someone say his name and I froze. I don’t know why. But I couldn’t move for a second. Then in the break room the stupid cabinet was stuck then it hit my eye when I tried jerking it open and all of a sudden I was back there. He was in front of me. It was like I was living it all over again.” At this point, her voice started shaking and tears were glossing over her eyes. “He had punched me when I threatened him and that’s what I think brought it on. It was in the same place the door hit. I could hear you calling my name sometimes but it sounded far away. But I saw everything again and I…I felt. I think it happened too fast the first time and my brain couldn’t catch up, b-but this time…this time it could.” She turned her red eyes up to her father’s, which were also beginning to redden. “I-I shot him, dad. I killed someone. And mom-” a cry escaped her lips and Hotch wasted no time in pulling her into his arms.
Ugly sobs forced their way out of Y/n’s lips as she clung to her father for dear life. Her fingers dug into his shoulders but right now he couldn’t care less.
“I couldn’t save her, daddy! I tried!”
Hotch started crying harder at seeing Y/n breaking down. “I know- I know you did, sweetheart. It’s ok. It wasn’t your job to. It’s not your fault.”
Y/n buried her face into his shoulder, soaking his shirt with tears and snot. They both wrapped their arms around each other tighter and cried. Hotch held her head with one hand while the other remained on her back, rubbing up and down. 
Nothing else was said. Right now, nothing else needed to be said. The Hotchner family had each other’s backs. They had a long road ahead of them, but they would get through it. Together.
Misty Copeland once said: “Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.”
(Chapter 2) ->
Creds: how-to-stop-a-panic-attack-5202930
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Hii! Can I get a request with Hotchner daughter reader where she is like 5-6 years old, and she is "obsessed" with Reid and maybe Hotch a little jealous bc thats her baby and
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Aaron Hotchner X Spencer Reid X Daughter Reader
Request: Hii! Can I get a request with Hotchner daughter reader  where she is like 5-6 years old, and she is "obsessed" with Reid and maybe Hotch a little jealous bc thats his baby
Third person pov...
It was always a busy day in the Hotchner household, with Aaron Hotchner balancing his job as a BAU Unit Chief and his duties as a single father to his daughter and son But despite his hectic schedule, he always made sure to spend quality time with his children.
At the moment, Aaron was helping his daughter get dressed as she would be going to work with him today, Jack had school, Aaron had dropped him of earlier.
The two were currently in the little girls room, Aaron kneeling on the floor going throug his daughter clothes before her voice made him turn towards her.
"Daddy, can I wear my princess dress today?" the 5-year-old asked with wide, hopeful eyes, Aaron couldn't resist her adorable request and smiled.
"Of course you can, princess. But let's make sure you wear some comfy shoes too.' He carefully picked out a pair of sparkly flats for her to wear.
Once the 5 year offer as dressed the two headed out the door and to the FBI headquarters.
The young gurl was bursting with excitement as she followed her dad, Aaron Hotchner, to the BAU headquarters. Being five years old, she didn't really understand what her dad did for work, but you knew it was important and cool.
'Morning, Uncle Spencer!' The girl exclaimed as she ran up to the tall, lanky man standing at his desk.
"Good morning, Y/N" Reid smiled down at the girl, He loved spending time with Y/N she was a bright light at the office and always had the most interesting questions.
"Can I help you with anything today?" She asked with wide eyes.
Reid chuckled, 'Of course, you can help me with everything!'
'Y/N, come on, we have to go to my office,' your dad called out.
'Okay, bye Uncle Spencer!' Y/N waved as she followed her dad.
As the H/C girl walked through the office, she noticed her dad's colleague, Derek Morgan, staring at her and her dad with a smirk.
'What's so funny, Morgan?' Hotch asked, noticing his expression.
'Nothing, Hotch. Just admiring how much Y/N looks like her dad,' Morgan teased, winking at the girl.
They all watched in amusement as she turned to the man with a pout, "But I want to look like Uncle Spencer!"
Hotch laughed and ruffled his daughters hair, 'Trust me, Y/N, you're much cuter than Uncle Spencer.'
They both entered the mans office and he sat the girl down in a chair while he went through some paperwork.
'Hey, Y/N, do you want to help me catch some bad guys?' The dad asked, his serious tone making the 5 year old sit up straighter in her chair.
'Really?' Y/N asked with excitement.
'Of course, you're my secret weapon,' the dad grinned before handing his daughter a pen and a clipboard.
While Hotch worked on the computer,
Y/N scribbled on the clipboard, feeling very important. Suddenly, Y/N heard her dad's phone ring and his face fell as he answered it.
'What's wrong, Daddy?' Y/N asked, sensing his sudden shift in mood.
'Nothing, Y/N. Just a case,' Her dad replied with a forced smile.
'Is it dangerous?' The 5 year old asked with concern.
'Probably not, don't worry,' the dad reassured her.
But she could see the worry in his eyes. She knew it was a lie. The little 5 yrar old knew her dad's job was dangerous and didn't like the idea of him getting hurt.
'Uncle Spencer will keep you safe,' She said, still holding onto the belief that Reid was her protector.
Hotches tired face softened at his daughters words and he gave a small smile, 'Yes, he will.'
Y/N apent the rest of the day helping her dad at the office, keeping her mind off the case. But as the team headed out, the little girl couldn't help but feel a little sad that her daddy had to leave.
Before the tewm headed out Spencer walked up to the young child, he looked at her sad face and thought if something to cheer her up.
'Hey, why don't we make a deal?' Reid suggested, giving thr girl a gentle smile and holding her hand.
'What kind of deal?' She girl asked, intrigued her sad expression vanishing.
'You keep an eye on me and make sure I stay safe, and I'll do the same for your dad,' Reid said with a smile.
Y/N odded eagerly, 'Deal!'
Reid grinned and picked the young child up, both laughing he began spinning around many times before placing you back on the ground.
Both dizzy but smiles on their faces.
'Come on, let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into,' Reid chuckled as he took the girls hand again, they both made their way out of the office.
Y/Ns dad watched the two with a mix of amusement and jealousy. He knew his daughter adored Reid and he couldn't blame her. Reid was a great friend and role model, and he was glad to have him in his children's life.
But as the two of them walked around the bullpen, he couldn't help but feel a little left out. He was Y/Ns dad, after all. But he knew that she were in good hands with her Uncle Spencer, and that was all that mattered.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, woo 2 in one night this is strange, decided to treat you guys to two of these oneshots I know you've missed them, I'm still working on getting through the rest of the requests but I will get through them thank you for your patience.
Sorry for this one being shorter than usual anyway sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count : 1016
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hotch hiring spencer to tutor his (college aged) daughter, and hes so impressed with how much theyve been studying and how hes helped her grades, until one day he walks in on one of their "study sessions," but they're not really studying at all.....
Aaron knew there'd be no better person to turn to than Dr. Spencer Reid when his daughter began struggling with her college course load. You're having trouble studying efficiently, you spend so much time at your desk scribbling down ineffective notes that you forget to eat, sleep, and take care of yourself. He's worried about you, his heart aches for his baby girl, so he asks Spencer to start coming over on Saturdays to help you.
It works great. Not only do your grades skyrocket, but your mood does too, no longer sullen from having no free time or sleep schedule. You're back to your old self, maybe even happier now, and Aaron can't hold back the smile on his face as he ascends the stairs, an array of your favorite snacks in hand.
Spencer's inhumanly obsessed with cheez-its, and your own snack of choice is held in his other hand. He thinks the least he can do to thank Spencer is feed the man, seeing as he's so skinny sometimes his snug sweater vests are loose. You swing the door shut during your study sessions, at Aaron's own request, because he couldn't hear the television downstairs over the sound of your chatter. He doesn't think to knock, he's sure the creaking of your door's old hinges will be enough of a sound to break you out of your study stupor.
"Y/N, Spencer, I brought- oh my god."
Your dad's voice nearly goes down a full octave, sending your stomach swirling. He speaks low when he's mad, and watching you scramble out of Spencer's lap and straighten your wrinkled top, you're sure he's livid.
"I- uh, Hotch," Spencer babbles, but you smack the back of his hand to get him to shut up. He runs his fingers through his hair instead, combing out the strands that you'd mussed while licking over his bottom lip.
"Dad!" You chime, "Um- I'm sorry, we- I didn't know you'd come in. We just- we were studying, but then, I- I got distracted, really, it wasn't Spencer's fault, we- I just- I-"
"Stop." Aaron shuts his eyes, snack bags now shoved carelessly onto your bedside table as your dad brings a hand to his face. You're sure this is scarier than any situation Spencer's ever faced before, including aggravated unsubs and near-shootings.
Your dad buries his face in his hand, one large enough to cover his features. It's almost scarier not seeing his stern face; you wonder if his eyes are glowing red.
"Hotch- sir, I'm so sorry." Spencer tries again, and your dad holds up his free hand to silence him. He doesn't need to be told twice, or- thrice, and he closes his mouth.
"How long have you two been doing this?" He asks, muffled by his hand in front of his face.
"Only two weeks. Or- Saturdays, only two days. Just- this time, and, uh, the last time."
"It started last week?"
"Yes." You confirm, nodding even if he can't see.
"Are you studying?"
"Yes." You promise, smoothing out a rumpled study guide and hoping he can't hear it, "Uh- this is our- well, my break."
"Fantastic." Your dad drawls, finally dragging his palm down his face and looking you dead in the eyes. It looks like it almost hurts him to do so, and you feel residual pain in your stomach, churning away again.
"I suppose there are worse people you could be doing that with." He muses carefully, "Though I wish you weren't doing it at all. But you're in college."
"I am," You nod.
"And you're an adult."
"I am."
"And I can't tell you what to do anymore."
You stay silent, not wanting to push your luck.
"Okay. There's nothing I can do," He decides, face still more stoic than when he'd entered, intent on giving you snacks. If he'd had known you'd been eating Spencer's face, he would have saved them for later.
"Don't do it here." He pleads, "At least not while I'm here. And- and while I'm here," He warns, looking at Spencer this time, "This door stays open. Understand?"
"Yes, dad." You nod, and Spencer echoes it with 'sir' as a replacement.
"Study." Aaron narrows his eyes at the both of you, pointedly jamming the door stop beneath the door until it's practically punching a hole through the wall where the knob hits, "If your grades drop again, this is over."
"Yes, dad." You call again, waiting until he storms off down the stairs to even breathe in Spencer's direction.
"Oh my god," Spencer groans, burying his face in his hands, "Oh my god, that was- that was awful."
"He didn't say no!" You point out, grinning at the blushy man beside you, "That went, like, a thousand times better than I was expecting."
"At least I don't have to hide it anymore. Do you know how hard it was for me to pretend I wasn't putting the moves on his daughter while we were in Dallas this past week?"
"I know how hard it was to pretend I wasn't tonguing his agent during dinner last night," You shrug, grinning at Spencer who looks like he's not quite ready to be relieved yet, "No more secrets for either of us, pretty boy."
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