witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
“Tell me about it.” Severus rolled his eyes. “I’m always over their bullshit.” He watched the sixth years fall, a slight smirk on his face, and then glared at them menacingly while Reg told them off. (Honestly, who would be foolish enough to try to steal from a Black?)
Severus sighed and shook his head dramatically. “I really would rather be anywhere else. But as long as I’m here, I might as well have some food.” He grinned and clapped Regulus on the shoulder. “As long as it’s your treat, of course. I did just help you save the Black family riches, after all.”
He glanced out at the large crowds of people and the many vendors and frowned. “Do you think we can find somewhere that’s not overrun by students?”
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Reg nodded and flashed his friend a smile. “Of course we can... Everyone always hangs around the same three spots anyways.” He wiggled his brows. “We’ll go somewhere only I know.” Regulus joked and wiggled his fingers in front of Severus’s face. 
“Now tell me, how did the wildly talents Severus Snape spend his summer?” Reg asked as he lead them towards one of the shops. “I don’t want anything less than all of the details my friend. I’ll spare you the yawns on mine. Lots of parties. Lots of trying to make up for Sirius, ya know.  The usual.” He groaned. “I’d much rather hear what you did. C’mon.” He continued with a smirk. 
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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Regulus laughed and shook his head. “Definitely wait at least a week.” He shrugged for a moment and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “Ya want one?” He asked casually. “Mum and dad aren’t here. Live a little, cus.” He joked. 
closed starter for: @witbeyondxmeasure​
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“Did you know Mother sent me with a little under 100 trunks and an agenda for every single day that I’m here?,” Narcissa asked, laughing as she stood next to her cousin. She never would’ve complained about Druella around just about anyone else, but around him, she let a soft chuckle pass her lips as she sipped her cider. “I’m wondering how long I should wait before tossing it in the fire. Thoughts?” 
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
Amelia was surprised that Ted had approached her. Not that she was upset, he was kind and usually had a smile plastered on his face. She just didn’t think he knew who she was. She smiled and nodded. “I mean, sure... If you were talking to me that is.” The Hufflepuff joked. “Do you think they’ve got all the chocolate stuff they had last year?” She asked. “I remember it being so good and I might have possibly wished I could figured out how to recreate it half the year. They never told me though.” She said with a small sigh. 
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ted was extremely exicted for school to start back, he’d missed his friends over the summer and while he could definitely come to the wizarding world to visit them, most of his break was spent in the muggle world with his parents. this year was going to be great and he was determined to make it such. plus gryffindor had to win the quidditch cup! he was the captain now! they had to win!
he was excited to see everyone and it was hard to decide who he wanted to speak to and spend time with. he knew too many people and had too many friends, so instead of planning who to speak to he was just being kind and saying hey to whoever passed. “i was about to go get some food. want to join?” he asked the nearest person.
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
Severus raised a single eyebrow at his friend. “Indeed.” He looked up at the sixth years floating in the air and shrugged. “If you wish. Though, you may have to contend with some of those Gryffindors over there if you do.” He glanced toward a loud group of students gathered not too far away.
He supposed that the kids in the air must have done something to provoke Regulus. They would probably deserve the pain of falling from Reg’s levitation charm. “Perhaps you could give them a scare, at least?”
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Regulus groaned and shook his head. “I don’t wanna deal with them right now. The school year hasnt even started and I’m already over their bullshit.” He told him in an annoyed tone. “A scare?” He asked after a moment. “Interesting...” He let out a low chuckle. 
In a single flick of his wrist, Regulus let the group of students fall quickly, only to stop and allow them to hover lightly just above the ground. They had screamed and Regulus had laughed. He twirled his wand around and they fell next couple of inches between the air and the ground. “That’ll teach you idiots to try and steal from a Black. You better watch yourselves this year, yeah?” He narrowed his eyes at them before turning back to Severus. 
“Alright, let’s go. I know you don’t even want to be here. Let’s just get some food, a drink and whatever potion-y shit ya need, ight?” He asked with a smile. 
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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In Andromeda’s opinion, there were many inconveniences that came with being a part of House Black but, if there was something that she did appreciate about her family, it was how fiercely protective they were of each other (as long as you did what you had to still be considered family, but she’d rather not think about that at the moment). Even her reaction at her cousin’s comment was a roll of her eyes, Andromeda was truly thankful of him stepping in. “ I don’t need you -or anyone, for that matter- to save my arse, Reg.”
Dropping her tone, she smiled at him. “I’m okay,” she replied. “I was just trying to see above all these people, it’s not my fault I can only do that in my tip toes.” Maybe she should have practiced more walking in high heels like her mother told her to do, that way she wouldn’t stumble whenever her heels left the ground. “Also, now I don’t have ice cream. Don’t go around kicking me while I’m down, Reggie.”
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He rolled his eyes at her. “Oh, god. Please don’t call me Reggie. You know how much I hate that.” He told her with a groan. Regulus shrugged and flashed her a smile at the mention of seeing above everyone else. “I can help with that, I’m taller. I can tell you what’s going on.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Nothing.” He chuckled and placed a hand over her shoulders. “Well, c’mon then. I’ll buy ya another one. Hell, I’ll buy you two.” 
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
( @xslythcrin​ ) 
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Regulus ran up to Zaya and pulled her into a tight hug and lifting her off the ground. “Oh, thank god you’re here, Z!” He exclaimed, putting her back down. “Come on, tell me about your summer.” He said with a smile. “You wanna go get something to drink, my treat. Or you wanna watch me play some pranks on the Gryffindor prefects.” Regulus replied. “I mean... Come on, they are annoying.” 
He chuckled and shrugged. “Oh wait, you probably don’t wanna get involved with me since you are head girl or whatever.” He joked. 
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
( @halfprinceseverus​ ) 
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Regulus had caught the eyes of some sixth years trying to steal his wallet and thought they would pull a fast on on him. He dragged the two of them by their collars towards a less crowded place and pulled his wand out. “Wingardium Leviosa” Regulus shouted the moment his wand was drawn. He chuckled lightly and watch them float above him, screaming loudly and begging him to put them down. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw someone he recognized. “Ahh, Severus.” His eyes widened. “Shit! I was supposed to meet you.” He groaned and shook his head. “Sorry.. I got a little distracted.” He motioned towards the floating students. “Think I should drop ‘em from all the way up here?” Regulus asked with a laugh. 
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
Amelia was looking forward to this year. She was going to be a prefect, she had finally figured out how to get her brothers to make their own friends and she was almost at the end of her journey for Hogwarts. 
When she decided to come to the festival, she wasn’t really sure why in the first place but when she found everyone having fun, she smiled. Someone approached her and asked about the games. Amelia shrugged. “I mean, I think it’s a possibility.” She chuckled lightly. “I would say it’s probably only fair for the first years. Everyone else is on their own.” She admitted.
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while ophelia wasn’t the most excited for school to start, she was very excited to be able to get out of her house. the rowle manor was giant and it made it easier to avoid her father, but considering she didn’t have the best relationship with her family she was ready for a break. hopefully it was going to be a good school year, but she wasn’t exactly keeping her hopes up. 
she headed through the crowds of people, with a butterbeer in her hands. it was great seeing everyone so happy and excited before the stress of classes. she stopped by one of the games to watch a younger student attempt to win. “do you think the games are rigged?” she asked the person standing closest to her. “or do you think they’re fair for everyone?”
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
Regulus was minding his own business when out of the corner of his eye, he saw his cousin fall into the stranger. They looked shady, which meant Regulus needed to make his way over there. He moved quickly and flashed them a cold smile. “Yeah, I’ve got it. Thanks. She’s my cousin. You can go now.” He replied, waving them off. He shot them a look. “Did I stutter? Get bent, mate.” Regulus said in a more firm tone. 
When they walked away, he smiled at Andromeda. “You okay?” He asked her cautiously. “You should really be more carful, A.” He told her with a chuckle. “I’m not always gonna be here to save your arse.” 
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Andromeda looked around for a second, ice cream cone in her hand. Where in Merlin’s name had her friends gone? She’d just gone to get herself a snack, now she was lost in a sea of people with her companions nowhere in sight. She sighed, she should have just gone with her sisters, at least they wouldn’t have left her alone. 
She stood on the tips of her toes, trying to find someone in the crowd, but felt a bump on her back at the same time. She couldn’t even say anything before she felt herself stumbling. Had it not been for the person in front of her, she would have fallen face first into the pavement. “Oh Merlin!,” she exclaimed as she tried to hold onto the person. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to!”
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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《The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black》
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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Hogwarts Houses - Hufflepuff: Girls
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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Bahar Sahin as İnci in “Kayitdisi” (ep.3)
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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「 ( amelia. ) conversations with.. 
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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Tyler Posey in Cool People in LA.
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witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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#THAT FLUFFY HAIR (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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