#( once upon a time. ) « biography; regulus.
witbeyondxmeasure · 4 years
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copper-dust · 3 years
Masterlist of my favourite HP fics
Sorted by weirdly specific theme:
Two-ships-passing-in-the-night encounters between characters of different generations:
A Conversation That’s Not About Dora by stereolightning
Harry and Remus talk (and don't talk) about women, and other things.
Seventeen Minutes to Midnight in Casablanca by Laura Laurent
Sirius Black sits in the kitchen at Grimmauld Place on New Year's Eve when in walks Ginny Weasley. She's pretty and he's a bit smashed but she's supposed to be with Harry. What happens? A missing moment from OotP. Rated R---but you'll be very bored if you're looking for illicit romantic scenes between teenage girls and older men.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by The Divine Comedian
"Penny for your thoughts?" said a voice in the dark.
One minute Remus had been alone in the garden, leaning against the Weasleys' broomstick shed, facing away from the Burrow and that peculiar limbo between Order meeting and wedding preparations. But then he lit up, and the flame briefly illuminated the face of Hermione, now lounging next to him.
Examining one character from multiple POVs:
Daddy’s Favourite by Dzeytoun
Severus Snape has long complained about Albus Dumbledore's favoritism toward Harry Potter. Usually his voice is alone. But is he the only one who feels that way, or is he just the only one who voices the opinion? Here is how several people view the relationship between Dumbledore and Harry in the wake of Harry's fifth year.
In the House of the Quick and Hungry by Laura Laurent
The finer aspects of Ginny Weasley's life, all entwined, in their own way, within the story of how she wound up with Harry Potter.
The travelogues of one Remus John Lupin:
Letters in Praise of Emptiness by ignipes
July, 1985. Remus spends the full moon at a very unusual monastery and remembers an encounter with a very unusual Death Eater.
Man-eaters of Kumaon by ignipes
April, 1982. Remus Lupin travels to India to track a creature that has been devouring villagers in the Himalayan foothills.
Silence Kit by fluorescentgrey
Five records Remus Lupin smashed 1981-1994, and one he didn't.
The Girl Under the Mulberry Bush by aegle
Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks embark on a diplomatic mission for the Order.
Well-plotted action-adventure, novella or novel-length:
A Difference in the Family: The Snape Chronicles by Rannaro
We have the testimony of Harry, but witnesses can be notoriously unreliable, especially when they have only part of the story. This is a biography of Severus Snape from his birth until his death. It is canon-compatible, and it is Snape's point of view.
A Feast in Azkaban by Nyx Fixx
How did Sirius Black Spend twelve years in Azkaban and come out relatively sane, when others in his situation went mad or died of despair in a matter of weeks? 
Blackpool by TheDivineComedian
When Regulus is five, he nearly drowns in the sea off Blackpool. When Regulus is eleven, his brother befriends a ghost. It’s not until Regulus is eighteen and ready to die that the Black family’s darkest secret finally unravels. It might, perhaps, change everything.
Run by Toujours Padfoot
The village of the dead is not as peaceful as it seems.
The afterlife
Death and King’s Cross by sciathan file
Who was to know Death had etiquette enough to be personalized? Ensemble fic.
Just a wicked, original concept and great execution:
Allotted Portions by kangeiko
There is a room in the Ministery that is not warded. Set during GoF; goings-on at the Department of Mysteries.
Majesty by kelly_chambliss
Once upon a time, a great queen met a very powerful witch. . . Minerva McGonagall and Queen Elizabeth II.
The Memory of Water by White Hound
A view of the Voldemort wars, seen from below the surface. One-shot.
Music at the Close by rachelindeed
An unusual prank forces Lily and Snape into exchanges of borrowed and involuntary eloquence. It changes little between them.
A Handful of Dust by fluorescentgrey
Or: the Decline and Fall of the Hobgoblins, 1983-1991. "Nothing good ever happens in a Knockturn Alley dive bar after midnight..."
Sweet, melancholy nostalgia and memories of the Marauders:
Broomflight by mad_martha
"How come she married him?" Harry asked miserably. "She hated him!"
Potions by rachelindeed
Ever since fifth year, the dynamics of Potions Class have grown increasingly complex.
The Die is Cast by stereolightning
After Hogwarts but before Harry, James and Lily invite Remus to live with them. Their flat is full of laughter and sunlight and is exactly what he needs. For eight weeks between Halloween and Christmas, their arrangement is easy and the pranks are a happy distraction from the omnipresent darkness. But all good things must come to an end...
Missing moments from canon
Abacomancy by fluorescentgrey
Five records from Hogwarts, 1993-4, and one after.
Alive On Air by loneraven
“This is River, transmitting on all frequencies. This is River, transmitting on all possible frequencies. Is there anyone out there listening? We hope so.”
Calibration by TheDivineComedian
Remus's mind is usually a tidy place. The worst has already happened, what's left to be scared of? His fears are labelled, annotated, and most of all, archived. For one evening, though, he'll have to let them come out and play. 
Historical fiction AU
Desperado by fluorescentgrey
West Texas, 1861. “I’m unsure when we elected to hand the reigns of this operation over to a hophead felon and a bottom-tier bounty hunter.”
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darkestnightrp · 3 years
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FRANK LONGBOTTOM is a TWENTY-EIGHT YEAR OLD who works for THE MINISTRY as a AUROR. They are a PUREBLOOD who currently sides with the LOYAL (UNDERCOVER IN RESISTANCE). Frank is a TAKEN character with a face claim of REMY HII. They are played by NAT and will use HE/HIM pronouns.
WHERE WE BEGAN → You were just an infant when your parents were killed, they’d spoke out against the Dark Lord one too many times and just like that they were gone. You were left to be raised by your grandmother on your father’s side. Nana Longbottom was a perfect pureblood in every way, and she’d see to it that you didn’t make the same mistakes as your parents before you. No, you’d be a good pureblood child and the perfect heir to continue the Longbottom name, you’d do what your mother and father couldn’t. When you got old enough to start asking questions about them your grandmother got solemn, her head shaking as if she didn’t want to tell you but you pressed like any child would. Murdered by muggleborns who didn’t think that your parents were doing the right thing by following the Dark Lord, she said. And just like that rage filled your little body at the thought of a mudblood killing your parents. Who did they think they were? They were lucky that the Dark Lord even allowed them to have their magic! It funny how one life can change with a lie. DURING SCHOOL  → In school you made your grandmother proud, speaking out against the muggleborns and listening to the teachings of how pureblood were expected to act. You did everything that was expected of you, including making the correct friends for your future. What you hadn’t expected was little Alice Fortescue to catch you attention as quickly as they did. Smart, funny, and easy on the eyes, you found yourself smitten from a young age and befriended them with ease. You two had similar values and wanted to uphold the pureblood beliefs. Little did you know just how much this indviduals would bare on your future from the first interaction. You didn’t struggle making friends outside of Alice, in fact, you were popular with many people your age because of how well you carried yourself. You made it clear that you were here to serve the Dark Lord and that was all the majority needed to hear to accept you into the ‘club’. WHERE WE ARE NOW → When you graduated you hadn’t a clear path in mind but upon learning Alice was joining the Auror field you decided to give it a shot. You were hooked from the very first day in training when you’d managed to catch a muggleborn on the run for informing a muggle of the wizarding world. Here you could do your parents proud, you could make your grandmother happy, and it helped that Alice was there as well. The two of you began dating right after the whispers of the Resistance caught your ear and once they’d found out that Regulus was behind things you began tailing him. It was due to this that you were able to sneak your way into their little underground club, promising that you were here because you no longer wanted to do the things the Dark Lord was asking of you. Many of the members bought it but you can tell that not everyone believes that you’re there for good reasons, but that’s okay. You’re a patient person and you can wait as long as it takes for them to give you enough information to tell the Dark Lord and put an end to this Resistance once and for all.
ALICE FORTESCUE - Engaged: You’d do anything for Alice, hence why you’re stuck spying on the Resistance waiting for them to trust you enough with anything so that you can report it to the Dark Lord. Alice asked this of you and you won’t fail them. ALASTOR MOODY - Avoids: If anyone could put together that you’re not here for the benefit of the Resistance it would be Alastor. For this reason you keep as far away from them as possible. RABASTAN LESTRANGE - Trying to befriend: Rabastan is calling the shots and you can’t seem to get close enough for them to even notice you. You keep on your toes, smiling and hoping that you’ll get in with the top members soon. They’ve got all the information the Dark Lord will want. CONNECTIONS FRANK LONGBOTTOM IS MENTIONED IN
FC SUGGESTIONS: David Corenswet, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Charles Melton 
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narcissawilted · 3 years
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n a r c i s s a   l u c r e t i a   b l a c k
name: narcissa lucretia black. pronunciation: naar·si·suh  loo·kree·shuh   blak. meaning: narcissa- daffodil, narcissism, numb. lucretia- to succeed, wealth. birthday: october 3rd. age: eighteen. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: heterosexual. siblings: bellatrix black, andromeda black. parents: cygnus black, druella black nee rosier. other family: orion black (uncle), walburga black (aunt), alphard black (uncle), sirius black (cousin), regulus black (cousin), evan rosier (cousin). languages: english, french, spanish, greek, gaelic, russian. current residence: walden macnair’s home. hometown: norfolk.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: slytherin. year of graduation: 1979. occupation: socialite. pet: two pet snakes named ophelia and desdemona. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: luna moth. luna moths represent rebirth, renewal of body and spirit, regeneration and may even symbolize the soul itself. luna moths, like many types of moths and butterflies, are quite beautiful in appearance and have docile personalities. their physical beauty and charm make these large moths symbols of reflection, nourishment and life. boggart: narcissa’s greatest fear is always feeling as powerless, controlled, and alone as she has been for the majority of her life. she sees so many people, even lowly mudbloods, with friends and love and warmth in their lives, but she doesn’t have it. she’s so afraid she never will. amortentia:   snow. the crisp, biting scent that hits your nose the second that you step foot outside the morning after a fresh snow is one of narcissa’s favorite things in the world. especially if it’s the first snow of the year. something about that is just so different and special. she couldn’t quite put into words the way winter made her feel. christmas garland. christmas was always exciting to narcissa because it meant that there would be more people in the household than just her sisters and parents. she loved seeing her aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins, especially when they brought her presents. she also loved how much effort went into decorating their home for the holidays with garland, wreaths, candles, tinsel, and charms. narcissa was nothing if not a connoisseur of beauty. peppermint. narcissa, nor any of the Black sisters, were allowed sweets growing up. druella insisted that it would make them fat and lazy and completely undesirable. as a result, the closest thing they were allowed to have was peppermints, and narcissa went overboard on them. she almost always keeps a tin of them next to her bed. wand type: 12 1/3″, pine wood wand with a unicorn hair core, understandably delicate. pine is a quiet wood, not powerful, not weak. it is a softwood, and thus has a bit more yield, making it more inclined to a quick-learning but less powerful wands. it is, however, excellent for divination. pine wands choose independent, individual masters who may be perceived as loners, intriguing, and perhaps mysterious. pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, including garrick ollivander who had never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. the pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic. delicate wands are a special case. it takes special care to learn spells with this wand, but it is rarely extremely powerful. they tend to choose witches and wizards with somewhat frail personalities, and once a spell is learned, although it is not as strong, it is extremely reliable. unicorn hair can be used in wandmaking; they produce the most consistent magic, least subject to fluctuations and blockages, most difficult to turn to the dark arts and the most faithful of wands. however, they do not make the most powerful of wands and are prone to melancholy if mishandled.  affiliation: narcissa is loyal only to her family.
height: 5′6″. hair color: pale blonde. eye color: mint green. typical hair style: parted in the center and hangs straight to her shoulders. fashion style: narcissa wears only the color black unless it is a very special occasion. she only wears skirts and dresses, no pants. she prefers a short black dress with a high neckline and no sleeves with a late modern appearance. cissy wears boots with a heels most often. she has a love for jewelry that looks like bugs. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: narcissa is known for being pale and icy in appearance and demeanor, but strikingly beautiful especially against the darkness usually around her. her eyes are hawklike and intelligent, but the rest of her expression is almost always unreadable. she has no blemishes to speak of, but a scar on her thigh and one on her collarbone.
positive traits: maternal. thoughtful. observant. negative traits: icy. haughty. deceitful. theme song: behind blue eyes by the who
narcissa likes bugs and insects decidedly more than she likes most people. there has never been a time when she wasn’t completely enamored and fascinated by the often spurned creatures. in her opinion, they are by far the most beautiful and stunning creatures. she has extensive knowledge of them and has created a haven for all manner of insects in the greenhouse at black manor.
narcissa has always secretly dreamed of going to study dragons in romania. she’s always loved them and been fascinated by them. however, she knows that would never be allowed so she would never voice it out loud. in fact, only a handful of people even realize how much she loves the creatures. 
christmas is decidedly narcissa favorite time of the year. it is the one time that she allows herself to warm up and be totally enraptured by the holiday. her face will light up as bright as any tinseled tree. she will spend hours out in the snow and picks her presents meticulously for everyone she deems deserves one.
From the moment she entered this world, during that liminal time before the sun has risen, but the sky is still lighter than in the depths of the night, Narcissa was the antithesis to the traditional Blacks. Where her sisters, mother, father, cousins had dark hair, sharp features, cutting eyes, and venomous mouths, Narcissa was a ghost; soft, curved, delicate, haunting.
The third and final disappointment to Cygnus the Third who so desperately wanted a son, Narcissa was all but ignored by her father from the beginning. If he wasn’t presenting her with a lavishly expensive doll or gown, he didn’t care to talk to his youngest. Bellatrix was the apple of his eye.
Alternatively, Druella became enamoured with their fair daughter. Her features were unlike any others in the family, and Druella valued two things above all else; beauty and how that beauty can be useful to her. Before Narcissa was even capable of speech, she had a string of pearls too tight around her neck like a collar that her mother used to remind her that her grasp was inescapable. Her youth consisted of years of lessons, tutors, and strict schedules. Even by Fitzwilliam Darcy standards, Narcissa would be considered an accomplished young lady. The better she became at any given task, the more her mother demanded of her. There was no such thing as perfect to Druella, only more to improve upon. That was the beginning of Narcissa’s deceptions. She was certain to never show how talented she was, and let her family believe she was completely average.
She envied Andromeda, whose quiet nature and subdued appearance made her free of their parents tutelage. The middle child was left to her own devices and could go as she pleased throughout the day. If ever given a moment, Narcissa would soon enough steal away to a private corner of the attic, basement, or garden with an old tome from the Black’s personal library. Of course, her respites never lasted too long. The house elves, her sisters, or even her mother would find her and drag her back into the endless lessons. Narcissa never complained. She did all that her mother asked, biding her time.
The solitary light at the end of the tunnel was Hogwarts. Bellatrix had gone, Andromeda had gone, and Narcissa had been left solitary for a year, yearning for the day she’d be able to board the train at King’s Cross Station and disappear to a year away from her suffocating mother. It occurred to her a few months before she was meant to leave for school that perhaps her mother wouldn’t allow it. She even thought she’d overheard Druella begging Cygnus to let her homeschool Narcissa for the rest of her academic career, but thankfully, he’d sternly refuted his wife. Narcissa needed to be sociable and influential at school if the Black family was to continue its powerful grip on society.
Druella wept when Narcissa packed her trunk for her first year. She’d been distraught about her youngest daughter leaving for weeks. Their mother kept wringing her hands and proclaiming that she had no idea what she would do with her time now. Narcissa feigned regret for leaving and assured her mother that she’d find some way to fill her time. However, Narcissa had never been more excited to experience the freedom that came with school. From the moment she stepped on the train, it felt as if a world lifted from her shoulders. Even her pearl necklace didn’t feel quite so strangling.
Narcissa sat in a compartment with Andromeda and a few of her classmates instead of trying to find other first years to talk to. Frankly, she appreciated simply looking at the scenery as they went along. She enjoyed just sitting and being without having to do anything. Andromeda warned her that there would be people at Hogwarts who would have heard of her, and there would be plenty of rumors about her and her family, but Narcissa didn’t care. They could say that she was the devil incarnate, and she’d still be excited to hear a voice that wasn’t her mother’s saying it.
After the sorting ceremony, she began to realize the full implications of her sister’s warning. She unpacked her trunk in the Slytherin dormitory with the rest of the first year girls and attempted to make her first friends. They all smiled until names were exchanged. She heard the whispers when her back was turned. They only intensified when the eldest Black sister appeared to check on Narcissa her first day. After a quick greeting and good luck, Bellatrix told the rest of the Slytherin girls to be nice to her sister or else. As kind as the gesture had meant to be, it assured Narcissa a rather lonely first year. Even those who wanted to suck up to a Black sister didn’t bother to talk to Narcissa for fear of invoking Bellatrix’s wrath. Not to mention, Andromeda came off far more personable- an easier friend.
Narcissa threw herself into learning who she actually was. She had plenty of free time without friends to worry about and without her mother’s constant presence, though she did have to dedicate a portion of her week to responding to her mother’s letters. She decided to have average marks in her classes despite fully understanding the material and even studying further than what the classes required. It was to her advantage the world continued to see her as the beautiful sister. While the rumors about her spread even more, Narcissa became more and more lonely. She decided to play into the persona that everyone had created for her.
Her school life continued as such until the middle of her third year. Narcissa began to study legillimancies and occlumencies. She was very good at it. Disturbingly good at it. During the middle of the night, she began to explore the innermost thoughts of her schoolmates, professors, and anyone else she thought would be interesting to understand. The more accomplished she became, the more willing she was to do what was ethically questionable. The more ethically questionable her decisions became the more her curiosity for the darker arts and divination became. However, her studies no longer fill that space in her that craves connection.
Things changed when she agreed to an engagement with Lucius Malfoy prior to her graduation from Hogwarts. He was one of the few to ever see through her facades, and managed to melt away a bit of her ice over the years. However, it was soon revealed that he’d been promised to her by her father from the beginning making everything a lie. This enraged the girl who promptly called off the engagement and absconded from her parents home. While the Blacks are trying their best to keep this a secret, Narcissa has been well hidden from everyone looking to pull her back into the fold.
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troublecominghq · 3 years
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character name(s)/alias/etc: regulus arcturus black / r.a.b.
character age and date of birth: got stuck in the fold at 17, got out in august of year 120, so currently 18ish // year 78
character's pronouns/gender identity/romantic & sexual identity: he/they, agender, demisexual greyromantic
character faceclaim: timothee chalamet
oc or canon + which fandom affiliated with: canon, hp
currently located: treod, l’osau
moral alignment + people/groups etc they are aligned to: lawful neutral, his main allegiance is with the black family, or whatever is left of it, then the noir branch, and then the magical world of albion/hogwarts in general.
tell us about their personality/the kind of character they are/what kind of goals etc they have: regulus is defined by his capability to combine extremely conservative and progressive views at the same time. he is goal-oriented and is willing to bend social norms and go against orders to get what he wants, but he does hold respect for some hierarchies.
family is extremely important to him, as is following its traditions, but he can, at times, interpret them in ways that seem most fit to a particular situation and his own needs.
he’s extremely charming when he wants to, charismatic and good at getting people on his side. good manipulator. due to his upbringing he does however find it hard to forge genuine emotional connections with others and feels like it’s constantly necessary to be on guard with the rest of the world. his main defense mechanism is an inflated sense of self-worth and general arrogance.
now that he has found out that decades have passed since he got frozen in the fold and the dark lord has been destroyed, regulus’ main goal is to restore the black family and whatever is left of its property. he also wants to get rid of the fold, out of pure spite and anger of losing so much time to it.
biography: regulus was born in a pure blood family, the noble and most ancient house of black, and he carried this name with dignity and grace. he respected the traditions of the world he grew up in, and when he saw his brother sirius drift further and further away from what the heir of their house should be, he didn't hesitate to make himself the perfect son.
he loved sirius, of course, more than anything, but regulus wasn't born to live in someone's shadow, he was born to shine. and shine he did.
he was sorted into slytherin, as a proper black should, and he was brilliant in his studies, the top of his year on every single exam, a prefect. he even joined the quidditch team and became a seeker, another jewel in his crown.
of course, all of those were just temporary means to improve his status at hogwarts, and what regulus really had his eyes set upon was true power and influence after graduation, and when he learned about a group of older students, practicing dark arts and serving their ‘dark lord’, he knew that this was his and his family’s chance. regulus didn't particularly support all their ideals from the very beginning, but he saw an opportunity and wouldn't be a slytherin, or a black, if he didn't chase it.
so he became a death eater, and that was when his life started to crumble. blacks had never been a light family, not by any means, but there was a difference between darkness and pure madness, and this new dark lord was leaning into the latter with every passing day.
unfortunately for him, regulus, one of his youngest and seemingly most harmless followers, was also a genius and he wasn't about to let one madman destroy the world he and his family had thrived in for centuries.
so he used every trick he knew to sniff out every single of voldemort’s secrets and develop a scheme of bringing him down.
in the end, it was his pride that doomed him.
perhaps, if he hadn’t followed the trail to one of the horcruxes into the shadow fold in ravka alone, he would have gotten out safe, but regulus was too assured of his own skills. he ended up overwhelmed by the monsters of the fold, and had to resort to using a shield spell he had prepared as his last possible resort. he put himself in magical stasis, sending out a message to his parents about what had happened to him.
unfortunately for him, now that his powers were split between two major spells, his patronus couldn’t get all the way through the shadows of the fold.
and so regulus black was lost to the world.
until, years later, a particular sun summoner made her way through the fold on a ship following a route that went right across where he had spent the last decades. after such a long time of use, the spell he had put on himself was frail enough to be disrupted by the sudden surge of light and magic, and he found himself free once more.
almost completely magically drained and having lost twenty six years.
he had just enough strength left to apparate out of the fold, and after spending a couple of utterly miserable days recovering and making his way to os kervo, he reached it only to find the hidden black house his family had previously used during travels to ravka empty and filled with dust.
using a couple of spells here and there, regulus managed to get aboard a ship going from os kervo to treod, where he quickly got in touch with the senior black family branch, the noirs. from them, he soon learned the fate that his family had met in albion, which both saddened and enraged him. but he was still a black, and he had no intentions of being the last one.
so regulus went back to what he had done all those years before. scheming.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Karli!
You have been accepted for the role of non-biography character REGULUS BLACK with the faceclaim of Timothée Chalamet! I really enjoyed how you had him craft himself into a foil/compensation for Sirius and I loved all the tangles you created to drag him to the Horcrux, and through its aftermath. I’m so excited to see everything that he’s going to bring to this roleplay and thrilled to get to watch you challenge yourself with such a different character! He’s going to be a mess, and it’s going to be so much fun!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Karli
AGE: 29
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Normal level I’ve been showing - quarantine allows a lot of time for admining and writing.
NAME: Regulus Arcturus Black 
AGE: December 29, 1960 | Age 21
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis-male. He/Him. Regulus doesn’t have an answer to the question of sexuality. He’s never really thought about it because he’s never needed to think about it. Being the only true heir to the Black family fortune, paired with Sirius’ betrayal of the family, Regulus knew his duty from the very first time his brother mentioned the name James Potter. Regulus would find an acceptable witch - or perhaps be paired with one - and they would have a family together to continue the bloodline. Of course, that never happened and now the world thinks him dead. He’s not really interested in exploring with anyone at the moment - but his eyes are more prone to wander now that he’s allowed to let them. If I were to put a label on him, he’s very likely pansexual without knowing it.
While Regulus had always been good at magic, there was very little he was great at. An average wizard in most subjects, he managed several O.W.L.S, but no outstandings. That was okay with him - people generally knew what to expect when it came to Regulus Black. Everything except his passion for Divination. While he was never a very surprising bloke, that came as a shock to everyone - including himself. Thirteen and looking for something to believe in - something other than the words spouted at him by the older Slytherins or his parents, something other than the growing war on the outside and the whispered name of a Dark Lord - Divination might’ve found Regulus just at the right time. Or, perhaps, that had always been his destiny.
Other than his love for a subject that most look down on, Regulus was fairly consistent. He’d joined the Slytherin Quidditch Team because his parents expected him to get involved and meet respectable friends - and that was fun enough. There wasn’t the same sort of passion for Quidditch as he had for Divination, but he had made the team as Seeker, which meant he was good enough. Always striving for that semblance of pride from someone else would be something that eventually led him down the path that was supposed to kill him. At a tender age of fourteen, however, he wasn’t thinking about any of this. He’d just needed more acceptance in his life.
Ever since Sirius abandoned him for shinier friends, Regulus has been a cynic. That’s the case, even now. He believes the magical world is ending because of Voldemort - and it’s the only reason he defected. Not because he doesn’t believe, in part, some of the rhetoric that his master is spewing - not because he wants to be brave and noble. In the end, he wants magic to survive.
Regulus is cunning. Perhaps that was what pulled him away from his brother, all those years ago. Sorted into rival houses, it left only one final string on the rope tying them together. While he may not have the most intelligence of anyone in a room, Regulus notices things. He’s observant. He was able to learn about Horcruxes - discover about the Dark Lord’s life - and find one… all without his master knowing.
While his heart seems cold, there’s still something left inside of it. He cares about his brother - his family - and many other things, even if he doesn’t show it. He seems apathetic about most things to most people, but there’s part of him that wants to be more than who he is. There’s part of him that wants things to be better between him and Sirius, especially, but there’s little left in him that believes that can happen. He’d come to the Order for a reason, however - and that means not everything is lost. He might be on his last strand of it, but there’s still just a tiny bit of hope left.
Regulus will never be the life of the party, nor does he want to be. He’s fairly quiet, preferring to weigh his words before speaking them. There is power in words, he knows, and he doesn’t want to give his power away without conscience thought. He is bigoted, however, and therefore will likely push back against the wrong things with the wrong people, especially now that he’s surrounded by all these bleeding hearts.
Since his near-death at the lake, things have been sporadic for him. Once consistent and stable, Regulus’ magic has become erratic and hard to control. He also can sense things that may or may not be true. He believes in it, though. After all, Divination is all about the unexplainable.
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF FAMILY:  (tw: violence, suicidal ideation)
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black have never been known for their gentle, warm souls. Orion and Walburga weren’t any different - but Regulus had Sirius. His older brother got them both into trouble more often than not, but also always took the blame. The anger his parents felt were directed at him over Regulus, something that came with the fact that Sirius wasn’t actually Walburga’s son. Still, with Sirius, it felt safe. And that was enough for them. It didn’t matter if they had different mothers (something both were forbidden to ever talk about outside the home, though it was brought up a lot with thinly-veiled threats) because blood was blood. Family was family.
Regulus himself didn’t have a bad relationship with either Orion or Walburga, though he wouldn’t say it was really a good one, either. It was just… a relationship. Their version of normalcy. Walburga’s shrieks of disgust at the way the magical world was moving and their father tuning out into himself to not have to listen to the wife that had been arranged for him wasn’t exactly pleasant - but that was normal for Regulus and he thought nothing about it.
It wasn’t until Sirius went to Hogwarts that things began to change. At the tender age of ten, without his brother there as a distraction, he heard more of what his parents said. They were able to convince him of all their viewpoints. Muggles were dangerous, Muggleborns were magic-stealers, half-breeds were brought up to kill people like him. There was still an idea of what if behind the words - Sirius’ voice in his head, as his brother always beat to his own drum  - but it was easier to believe the two people raising him when it was just him on his own. Regulus had always been quieter, more introspective than his brother. With Sirius off at school, there was less trouble - less arguing and destruction. And, because of this, his parents were proud of him, it seemed.
When he joined Sirius at school and was sorted into Slytherin, Regulus let out a breath of relief. The year before, Sirius had stopped writing home. He had found friends, Regulus knew. People who did not fit in with the Black family lifestyle. There was James Potter - new money, a blood traitor, and apparently… the brother Sirius really loved. Then Lupin and Pettigrew, of course. A group of misfits who didn’t deserve who Sirius could’ve been.
So when Slytherin came… Regulus was glad for it. He could be who his parents wanted without restraint. Sirius had chosen to leave him for a life beyond what they were supposed to be. If there wasn’t any room left in his brother’s heart for him, Regulus had to find another way to fit in. But Slytherin was hard - and, with it, came a life of responsibility. The farther Sirius got away from Regulus, the more he leaned into the blood supremacy rhetoric. In order to survive in House Salazar, he had to believe these things. And Sirius stopped trying to teach him differently long ago.
When his brother ran away - to James Potter’s house, no less - Regulus wasn’t surprised. Sirius’ actions had been leading up to this and he was done being disappointed in the person who once filled his whole life. What did surprise him, however, was the discovery that pushed Sirius to abandon the family. The argument between his brother and their parents was a loud, shocking one full of family revelations. The thing that Walburga held over him - the mother who didn’t want him - turned darker than even Regulus had expected.
Sirius’ biological mother was dead. By Walburga’s own hand. It was enough to make his brother leave without a goodbye and Regulus watched from his bedroom window with Kreacher next to him, a steely expression on his face, as Sirius walked out of their lives forever. Perhaps blood wasn’t blood and family wasn’t family, after all.
After Sirius officially left them, it was all over for Regulus. Any inkling of an idea that he could be something else was gone. Sirius got to be whoever he wanted to be, leaving Regulus to be everything they were supposed to be. Regulus kneeled by the Dark Lord’s side prior to his 7th year at Hogwarts and, upon his graduation, was granted the Mark. It was an honor - he would serve the family and bring respect to the Black family name.
But, as the war continued, he saw the truth behind what the Dark Lord wanted. He didn’t care about making the world a better place where wix could rule over those lesser than them. He only cared about power and, with that, came destruction. Regulus, who had always liked Divination, could see what the future held with Lord Voldemort in control of the world. It wasn’t just the Muggle world which would hurt - it was the Wizarding World, too. Magical humanity wouldn’t be able to survive under the Dark Lord’s rule. And that possibility was more frightening than even himself dying in the war. He consulted his tarot cards and believed that the magical world was coming to an end.
Regulus began looking for ways to take down Lord Voldemort - the existence of magic depended on it. It came in the form of Horcruxes. The word - simple, muttered under the breath of the Dark Lord where Regulus shouldn’t have heard - sparked a desire for knowledge in Regulus. He learned of their meaning - and how they were made. He spent months diving into as much of the life of his master as he could find. Tom Marvolo Riddle. Lord Voldemort. And discovered the cave.
The trip would be his last. He knew it - the fortunes had told it. He brought Kreacher along because Kreacher was the only thing he trusted (even if he was supposed to hate house elves, Kreacher he loved; Kreacher was his only friend). He was ready to die - not for some noble, Gryffindor reason. He just… was ready to not exist anymore. The knowledge of only him knowing about these Horcruxes had weighed on him. He didn’t want to be part of the Dark Lord’s cause anymore, but he didn’t want to be in charge of his take down, either. There was no longer Sirius to let him know it would be alright. It wouldn’t be alright.
The Dark Lord would never die and the world would end. Regulus didn’t want to see it happen.
But, if Regulus could go out with a final fuck you to the one person that gave him the Mark that destroyed his life, he would. He drank the potion (Sirius was there, in front of him, why was he there?) and crawled into the water to drink (the hands, pulling him under, he can still feel them now.)
He’d told Kreacher to take the locket and to leave him. It was the only order his old confidant defied. As Regulus choked on the water, felt himself drift amongst the dead bodies in the lake, ready to become one of him, hands moved around him. House elf magic was different - and Kreacher got him out.
Regulus woke up in an abandoned flat outside a Muggle town. It had all the necessities, but looked overturned - as though the occupants had left England in a hurry, likely to escape from the war. Kreacher was gone (perhaps dead or at least punished by his own hand), but next to Regulus was his wand and the locket. A Horcrux. A piece of the Dark Lord’s soul. He read about his own disappearance in a stolen Daily Prophet, listened to them talk about him being a possible casualty of war on the Wireless. His family would be grieving, but he would be safe. For all anyone knew, he was dead - and he intended to keep it that way.
He survived on stolen food from the Muggle community and kept his head down for a year, the piece of soul forever with him. He didn’t have a plan because his plan had been to die. Not to mention - the effects of nearly dying in a lake full of dead, magical bodies had taken its toll. Regulus, who had always been a steady spell-caster (never great, never bad, just steady), was now sporadic. Sometimes, he could cast a charm more powerful than he’d ever been able to before - other times, it would barely be a wisp of energy.
And then there was the sensing. Having always enjoyed the art of Divination, Regulus knew that some magic wasn’t as well known as others. But, now, it was like he could sense things he hadn’t been able to before. The darkness before an attack - the feeling of trauma. The problem was… half the time, this didn’t turn out to be real. He’d feel a chill down his spine, preparing for more attacks in the paper - and nothing came. It was hard to manage. Nothing was the truth anymore. He wasn’t himself anymore. He’d been brought back from the dead, but some of the dead had come with him.
There was no telling what made him write to Sirius on the date of his death, one year later - but there was something that made him believe that now was the right time. He was a walking deck of tarot cards now and he had to listen to his own senses. He packed up the Horcrux, kept his wand tight, and followed his brother into the Order of the Phoenix. 
OCCUPATION: Being “dead,” Regulus does not work. Even prior to death, he didn’t really have a job. He lived with his parents at the time and worked for the Dark Lord. Being so young and just out of Hogwarts, he might’ve considered looking into the Ministry of Magic for work, had he not discovered about the Horcruxes. Until his mishap with the inferi, he was a very consistent and steady spell-caster. Not amazing or really excelling at any one thing, but steady. Had he had the chance to seek employment, he might’ve considered the International Magical Office of Law.
Regulus wants to end the war. That’s all. The Order is just a means to the end - as he feels they’re the only ones that might even come close to taking the Dark Lord down. That being said, he doesn’t really care who wins - he just knows who he wants to lose. This whole thing didn’t come from some big epiphany or a change of heart about Muggles and mudbloods… he just believes that Lord Voldemort is going to make the entire magical world crash and burn. Regulus wants to save magical humanity and he thinks that, if Voldemort wins, that’s the end of life, as his cards foretold.
For the past year, he’s been isolated on his own with this locket he knows to be a Horcrux. He doesn’t know what to do about it, how to find the others he assumes there to be, or how to destroy it. Sirius has admittedly come to his mind several times since his death, but the idea of finding his estranged brother, who he hasn’t seen since he was sixteen, was too hard to really consider until recently. As the war continued and Voldemort gained more and more power (the Daily Prophet comes in handy for something!), Regulus knew he had to push himself forward. And thus the letter to Sirius. Does he believe in the Order’s cause? Not really. Does he believe anyone else could take this secretive information and actually do something with it? No. The Order is the only hope for humanity - so he’ll put his energy into it if he has to.
The only reason Regulus hasn’t died yet is because a majority of the population thinks he already has. If the Dark Lord were to discover that one of his youngest members to ever have been given the Dark Mark had betrayed him, Regulus would very likely be at the top of Voldemort’s Most Want to Kill List (Regulus assumes his old master has one of these somewhere, anyway). As it is, Voldemort is none-the-wiser to the betrayal. Regulus doesn’t know whether the Dark Lord has discovered his note left over in the basin with the fake locket yet - but it’s only a matter of time.
For the last year, Regulus survived by using magic to steal food from unsuspecting Muggle communities and living in the abandoned home where Kreacher deposited him. Regulus has never been built much for camping, but survival is survival. He’s not ashamed of using his magic against the Muggles - they’re just Muggles! - and doesn’t ever intend on paying them back. His life is more important, after all.
Now that he’s back with the Order, his survival will depend on them keeping their mouths shut about him being alive - and taking the information he has seriously. He doesn’t like relying on others this much - especially the rag-tag team of misfits his brother loves so much - but he doesn’t have much of a choice. He can’t find these Horcruxes on his own and he needs the Order, just as much as they needed his information about how to truly take down the Dark Lord. He’ll survive by staying at the McKinnon Farm, most likely. If they’ll have him.
Sirius Black. The thing about Sirius that a lot of people don’t know is that there was love there, once. In fact, Sirius used to be the person Regulus felt most at ease with. They played together when they were young. He was the person Regulus looked most up to, as a child. But then Sirius had to go off to Hogwarts and find a new family. The farther Sirius got away from Regulus and the Black family, the more Regulus felt he needed to push opposite. As Sirius rebelled, Regulus became the son his parents always wanted. While Sirius got to be whoever he wanted with friends who would accept him, Regulus needed to prove to those around him that he was worthy. In Regulus’ mind, his older brother abandoned him to become something Regulus would never have the ability to be. Sirius is selfish. Perhaps, however, Regulus does have more of his brother in him than he originally thought. After all, defying the Dark Lord and faking his own death is a bigger act of rebellion than Sirius ever pulled off. Now that they’re back in each other’s lives, it’s bound to be rocky. But just because things aren’t good doesn’t mean the love is gone.
Caradoc Dearborn. When it comes to this “Inner Circle” thing (Regulus would like to point out that the Dark Lord, too, has one of those), he’d prefer to do business mainly with Caradoc. The man is a pureblood, for one - but he’s also straight-forward and doesn’t play games. Regulus doesn’t have to worry about the meaning behind Dearborn’s words like he does with Edgar Bones. What he says is what he means - and that’s something that makes Regulus feel more secure.
Lydia Avery & Cordelia Greengrass. If there’s anyone more surprising to have been fighting against the Dark Lord, it’s these two. Regulus knows them from growing up in their world - Lydia seems too nice to play it risky, while Regulus always assumed Cordelia was the perfect pureblood princess. Then again, he was the perfect pureblood prince… so perhaps things have changed. They seem relatively new to this whole thing - just like him - and there’s comfort in that.
Other purebloods from high society. Regulus can’t believe how many people he knows are fighting for this cause when they would’ve been safe no matter who won (if the world didn’t end, at least). However, the Order is full of familiar faces of his old life. Isla, Ryland, Branwen, Archibald, Emma, and even more Regulus recognizes! While it’s more than he would’ve ever assumed, he feels he has someone to talk to, at least.
Maurice Creevey. There’s not much to do when keeping your head down for a year and playing dead - but the Wireless helps. It’s something he listened to practically all day, every day, and so he’s stumbled upon more radio stations he never would’ve listened to a year ago. Maurice’s is one of them. It’s hidden - he’d discovered the first password from listening in on the neighbors - but interesting. While Regulus can’t agree with a majority of the rhetoric (really, it’s so radical, which only proves the point that Muggleborns are a problem!), he’s still listening. It’s made him think. And that’s something.
The Marauders. The group of his brother’s idiotic friends who took Sirius away from him. Now that they’re one down - James Potter had been the worst of them, too! - they’re a bit less unbearable. But what’s this about Lupin being a fucking werewolf? And then there’s Pettigrew… Regulus knows a secret about him. Sirius really knows how to pick them!
Peter Pettigrew. Speaking of Peter, Regulus knows something about him that Peter likely wouldn’t want spread. They’d both been under those masks a year ago, after all. He doesn’t know if the Dark Lord has granted Pettigrew with a Mark like he had Regulus, but it is clear now that Peter has been betraying the Order for years. Despite contrary belief, Peter actually isn’t stupid - he’s managed to spy for this long, after all! - but Regulus also knows that Peter knows Regulus is aware of his secret. Regulus doesn’t plan on telling the Order about the betrayal. So long as Peter doesn’t fuck up their chances at taking down the Dark Lord.
Severus Snape. Regulus doesn’t know what Severus is playing at. Has he truly defected to the Order’s side or is he like Peter and taking them all for a ride? Regulus doesn’t really care to find out - unless Severus plans on telling of Regulus’ own betrayal to the Dark Lord. He’d like to stay dead and therefore safe. He’s not above taking action if he means his own survival - or the survival of the Wizarding World - is at stake.
Andromeda Tonks. Along with Sirius, Andromeda is the other blasted-off member of his family from Regulus’ generation. In Regulus’ opinion, Andromeda was stupid. She wasn’t like Sirius - she could’ve had it all! And, yet, she’d thrown it away for a mudblood! It’s not like she was his favorite cousin when she was around, but he didn’t not like her either. It feels weird having her back. He’d spent most of his life with her off the tapestry, disowned by the family. He remembers more of his life without Andromeda than with her. Like Sirius, he’s not surprised she decided to help the cause. They always had the most bleeding hearts in the family.
Emmeline Vance. It’s been over a year since Regulus has been able to have access to a real healer. He’s glad Emmeline is working with the Order simply because he does need help. The side-effects of dying for a few minutes and inhaling all that magic has really done a number on him. He’d tried to fix it himself, but he’s not well-versed in healing spells, and probably did more harm to himself than good. He hopes Emmeline can help put him back together.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Chemistry! I don’t plan much on shipping with Regulus, but am 100% open to something happening with any of the characters if a bit of chemistry comes up!
Regulus didn’t have a lot of true friends at Hogwarts. He had his housemates and he was readily accepted as a Black family member in the House of Slytherin. But being in Slytherin also had rules. You fit in or you were out. It was kill or be killed. So Regulus adapted. While Sirius was able to find loving friends and become his true self in Gryffindor, thus leaving Regulus behind, Regulus had Slytherin. And that meant leaning even more into everything they’d learned from their parents. The rhetoric of pureblood is best had always been ingrained in his mind but, come Hogwarts, it became a lifestyle.
Regulus truly believes it, too. He’s bound to use the word mudblood in the presence of the Order and doesn’t always understand why people are so touchy about it. He doesn’t trust werewolves or goblins - he believes house elves are meant to be servants (even if one of his best confidants was one). Being a pureblood from a wealthy, high society family means he’s always been incredibly privileged. He grew up with money and class and never wanted for much (other than unconditional love, particularly from his brother). If the war were to have ended while he was in school, Regulus would’ve been safe.
However it didn’t end and he’s no longer safe. The biggest obstacle for him now is that he’d betrayed the Dark Lord. Even his family name can’t protect him. His privilege is gone. However, he still lives by all the biases he’s ever learned. He will judge the half-breeds in the Order. He will be condescending and confused by muggleborns who can perform magic well. He will look at his bloodline like it’s better. He won’t agree with having the werewolves in the woods and probably feel very weird around all the muggleborns at the farm. While he’s lost a lot of his privilege in the world of Voldemort, that doesn’t mean general society feels the same. He’s a cis, white, pureblooded male.
If he hadn’t pissed off the Dark Lord, he would’ve been golden.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? This is the roleplay I created 8 months ago and I just cannot believe how AMAZING it’s turned out. I never expected HR to get as far as it did. I love the players, the plots that we’ve all created together, and everything about this rpg. Now that James is dead, I’d like to challenge myself by playing a character I’ve never played before. I wanted someone completely opposite of James - and Regulus came to my mind because he can really fuck some shit up and bring something new to the plot.
PLOT DROP IDEAS: Mostly, the biggest thing for Regulus is that he’s bringing up the fact that the Order can’t win without defeating the Horcruxes - which I think has a lot of potential for missions and other events and plot drops! I also can’t wait to explore the people in his family he’s coming back to! Sirius and Andromeda both thought he was dead for the past year. And then there are all the people he grew up with. I’m super excited for it all! I’d give some other plot drop ideas, but I think that’ll spoil some admin things we have planned, huzzah!
Regulus life used to be able to be defined in two parts: before Sirius and after Sirius. His brother, who had once been his best and only friend, had found something different, leaving Regulus behind to become the person their parents always wanted. While Sirius rebelled against the pureblood rhetoric of the Black family, Regulus leaned into it. He had to in order to survive in Slytherin. Sirius left them - and Regulus became the perfect pureblood son to be the heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Then he took the Dark Mark. And, soon, his life became before the Dark Lord and after the Dark Lord. While Regulus truly did believe most of what his master preached, he also believed that a world ruled by Voldemort meant the end of magical humanity. Ever passionate about Divination, Regulus consulted his tarot cards, his crystal ball, his tea leaves… and all he saw was destruction. The death of himself - the death of the Wizarding World. His rebellion wasn’t like Sirius’ - it wasn’t loud or brash or dramatic. It came with the knowledge of a Horcrux and where to find it. He wanted Voldemort to lose because he wanted the world to survive. When he went to the lake, he never expected to come out alive. He’d thought death had been his destiny. But Kreacher had defied him - saved him - and left him with the world believing him dead, a Horcrux around his neck.
There have been times in the past year where Regulus thought about reaching out to Sirius, but he wasn’t ready - something kept him away. It wasn’t until his cards told him now was the time that he wrote the letter, explaining to his brother that he was alive and had crucial information for the Order. Regulus knows what this means for him. He could’ve stayed dead for the remainder of the war - perhaps gotten out of the country. But where would that leave the Wizarding World? He wants magic to survive - and therefore he must work with the Order of the Phoenix. While he doesn’t really believe in their cause, he does believe that the organization is the only thing that possibly has a chance at stopping Voldemort. He has knowledge on how to do so - now they just need to listen. It doesn’t matter if the side-effects of his near-death in the lake (the bursts of magic, the sense of something surrounding them) makes him less stable than he’s ever been - what matters is that only he knows the truth about how to take down the Dark Lord. The Order may not trust Regulus, but he knows that there will be no humanity left without him. 
FC CHOICES: Timothée Chalamet (alt: Tyler Young, Logan Lerman)
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risingphoenixrp · 4 years
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Remus John Lupin | 18 | Gryffindor | Half-blood | Member of the Order | FC: Joe Keery |
Date of birth: 10 March, 1960., England
Occupation: Bookstore Clerk
Set ship: not set
Remus Lupin has a furry little problem, and no, its not a lack of shaving intimate areas. For only being half human, Remus actually prides himself on his hygiene abilities, and he usually smells far better than any of his friends. Though occasionally smelly, his friends are something Remus is eternally grateful for, without them, he knows he would be a much sadder person with far fewer detentions on his school record. Merits (or rather, lack of them) aside, Remus is thankful he’s found a group of people that see beyond his disease. James, Sirius and Peter made him feel affirmed in ways he couldn’t have imagined before he found their friendship, when the three of them turn into animals, they make him feel like a human being.
It, of course, wasn’t always that easy. The complications of his disease combined with his frequent nightmares and left him wondering if he’d even be able to attend school if he even got accepted at all. No one spoke of it, but he and his parents wondered the same thing on the eve of his 11th birthday; would he even be admitted? The Great Horned owl carrying his letter was one of the best things Remus had ever seen, the hand written note from Dumbledore assuring him that they would help him handle his disease brought both relief and grief. He wasn’t even thinking about making friends or what he could learn once he entered the castle walls, all he wanted for his secret to stay hidden.
Hogwarts has this magic to it that can’t be learned, the magic of Hogwarts is it lets you become yourself. At Hogwarts, he got to be Remus Lupin, Gryffindor. Remus Lupin, Prefect. Remus Lupin, Marauder. Remus Lupin, snarky asshole. He didn’t have to be Remus Lupin, kid-who-got-bit-by-werewolf. He learned magic, he learned how to make friends, he learned how a well placed quiet quip can send people into fits of giggles. He learned how to be more than his disease, and therefore, he became himself. He know people generally view him as the babysitter for the other three, and he lets them think what they want, regardless of how wrong they are. Sarcastic and quick, Remus has the best poker face out of the group of them, and is usually in charge of talking the group’s way out of trouble. That being said, Remus did work harder than anyone else to prove his intelligence, his kindness and his worth. This self appointed pressure was probably due to being a werewolf; if anyone ever did find out, they wouldn’t have anything else to use against him. James once theorized that Remus worked harder than anyone else because that was how his animalistic hunger manifested itself, and Remus thinks that sounds quite a bit more impressive and a lot less pathetic. As for his romantic life, animalistic and otherwise, Remus isn’t entirely sure who he’s attracted to. He knows he loves women, his brief affair with Doe in Hogwarts told him that, but he wonders if there could be a man in his life, one who doesn’t regularly transform with him into beasts, that is. The prospect of possibly dating a man might have scared him once upon a time, but now, he knows his friends will have his hideously scarred back no matter what.
Upon graduation, Remus was worried. His secret was safe, but where in the hell was he going to get a job that allowed him to have weeks off at a time? He turned down offers from both Sirius and James to help him out, determined to make his own way. He has a tiny little flat in muggle London above a bookstore, a bookstore that happened to have a ‘now hiring’ sign that looked about as old as Remus himself in the front window. The store is lined floor to ceilings with books and ran by a very old man named Clarence who despite his grey hair still has a big black mustache. When Remus told him he was interested in the position but could only work three weeks of the month, Clarence informed him that he could dance around naked in the stacks in the time that he was working and as long as he helped customers and was okay with alphabetizing an infinite amount of books, he was hired. Remus sleeps literally up until five minutes before his shifts start, gets up and then usually gets paid to sleep behind the counter. Clarence never comes in on the days that he works, and neither, really does anyone else. But it’s a job, his job, he even bought a plant for his new apartment. Every time the full moon comes around, he rings Clarence from the telephone in the shop, reminds him, and then comes in the next week. It’s a life beyond what he could have hoped for, and the more he looks into the research being done in regards to finding a cure for Lychantropy, the more hope he was for the future.
Remus joined the Order on principal, as they are dedicated to taking down a group of people that don’t view Remus as a person. Personally, he thinks the dehumanization of marginalized groups through terror and genocide make someone less of a person, but that’s just his opinion. With James, Sirius and Peter by his side, it feels almost like nothing has changed, but Remus isn’t stupid. He knows the war is coming, he knows it’s going to be ugly, but he also knows they’re going to win.
And, he knows, if he dies, he will die among friends. Who could ask for anything more?
James Potter
Peter Pettigrew
Sirius Black
Lily Evans
Dorcas Meadowes
Alice Fortescue-Prewett
Emmeline Vance
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Current status: Taken
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hollowedrpg · 5 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, KATHERINE! — You’ve been accepted for the role of Sirius Black. I’m so thrilled to have someone who understands Sirius so well to be writing them. They’re the highs and the lows, never the in between. Black or white, never grey. And god, do they feel things with all their being. They’re incredibly self destructive, and I can’t wait until you press their buttons enough to explode. 
Thank you so much for applying. Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the follow list. Welcome to Hollowed Souls!
name: katherine age: (23 preferred pronouns: she/her timezone: cst activity: (include a brief explanation): I have a full time job, so I cannot guarantee daily activity, but I tend to do replies during the week. I am less active on the weekends. On a scale of 1-10, I would say a 7. are you applying for more than one character?: no, just Sirus Black how do you feel about your character dying?: I’m all for it. I’m a sucker for putting my character through hell, and this would quite literally be it. The way Sirius’ emotions seem to be going, it seems likely.
ic details.
full name: sirius arcturus black date of birth: november 3 former hogwarts house: gryffindor sexuality: pansexual gender/pronouns: non-binary, he/they face claim: samuel larsen
how do you interpret this character’s personality? how will you play them? include two weaknesses & two strengths. Sirius feels deeply for their chosen family. Especially when their ‘real’ family disowned them over a choice that was not technically theirs to make. The Sorting Hat’s decisions are non-negotiable; he didn’t ask to be a Gryffindor, but that’s where he was meant to be. As Regulus began to take Sirius’ place as the golden child, he might’ve shrunk in on himself. All they ever wanted was for their parents to notice him, and if that could not happen, despite their best efforts, they might as well fade into the background– but James saved them. Then Remus, then Peter. Loyalty runs deep in Gryffindor, and that is something Sirius related to immediately. He loves his friends, and would die for them without a second thought. With this, Sirius lost his light when James died. As their biography suggests, something instantly changed– they lost their best friend over a war that, up until now, they hadn’t truly taken a stance in. A once easy-going, carefree (albeit to a fault) person was mangled into something unrecognizable, full of anger and bitterness. And so, he joined the Order, determined to avenge James and end the war. Sirius is be so blinded by his goal– kill Voldemort– that he will stop at nothing to do it, even if that means harming himself, or others, unintentionally.
STRENGTHS: Sirius is, as mentioned, incredibly loyal. They would do anything for their friends: would lay down their life, would fight an unbeatable war, to do them right and proud. They are desperate to prove themself worthy of other peoples’ love, which can lead to reckless decisions. Sirius is quick-witted. Their mischievousness began as a child, desperate for their parents’ attention, and they got fairly creative with how they went about it. Sirius went out of their way to get into trouble, and with James at their side at Hogwarts, they were really able to hone their skills. This manifested into cleverness as an adult. Sirius has toned own after James’ death– the loss of their best friend making them mostly quiet and bitter– but the wit is still there. Despite it all, they can still crack a joke here and there. Despite it all, they can still plan battles and outwit the enemy. Sirius’ emotions aside, they are an asset to the Order.
WEAKNESSES: Due to his rocky relationship with his family, Sirius has always had trouble controlling his emotions. When he feels anger, he really feels it, and the same for sadness, and happiness, and so on. His emotions are high and can often get in the way of his decision-making. If he believes something is right, he’ll act upon it. If he’s angry, he’ll let it out. Of course, with happiness and love, this can sometimes be a positive thing, but that leads to weakness number two: Sirius is codependent on his friends. At Hogwarts, he latched onto both James and Remus. Without a true family of his own, Sirius made a family from his friends. Now that James is dead (though Sirius has a hard time speaking the words aloud) their attachment to Remus has gotten much worse. Without Remus, Sirius would be more lost than they already are; this makes them fiercely protective of Remus.
how has the war affected this character, emotionally and otherwise? Sirius’ life, thus far, has been filled with incredibly hard choices, that he himself often did not get to make. He was sorted into Gryffindor when his family bled Slytherin green, and much to their parents’ dismay, found a family among them. When the war came, he was stuck with one foot on either side, loyalty to both his family and his friends putting him in a tough situation. Sirius would probably not have chosen a clear side at all, were it not for James’ death. Sirius missed James’ funeral because they could not stand attending it. Being there, lowering the casket, saying their words, felt too real. Too permanent. They are not quite ready to say goodbye to their best friend. Godric’s Hollow felt like the right choice– a chance to be close to James once more, walk where he walked, stand where he stood. Sirius is someone utterly driven by his grief, even if they are unaware of it.
where does this character currently stand? with those who wish to hide in godric’s hollow until the war ends, with those who wish to rebuild the order and continue fighting the war, or on neither side? why? After James’ death, Sirius believes he has no choice but to join the Order and finish the war. Suddenly, everything felt crystal clear. Where morality was once on a gray scale, it was now black and white: Voldemort and his followers were evil, and the Order was not. He declared his stance immediately, joined the Order, ruined what little relationship he had left with his family, and got to work.
Since joining the Order after Lily and James’ deaths, what’s something reckless Sirius has done that’s made people question whether they should remain a part of the Order? Sirius lost it during Glenda Chittock’s radio show. She mentioned the dead– good news– and they took off without a second thought, their Animagus barreling through the crowd and into the woods. It was all they could think about for the past year. James being alive was the best case scenario, the one Sirius dreamed night after night. Surely it couldn’t be real…could it? When they finally returned to Order headquarters, exhausted and covered in dirt, eyes watched him warily. They knew Sirius was struggling– they were all struggling– but there was still work to be done. They didn’t even know what Glenda’s broadcast meant. They feared Sirius’ disappearing act meant they were too fragile to handle the Order. Ever since then, Sirius has been watched, much like, well, a dog.
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starboyblack · 6 years
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bubble bubble toil and trouble / i heard rumors that [ regulus black ] is a [ death eaters ] ! [ he ] is [ cis male ] and eighteen years old ! they are often mistaken for [ nick robinson ] and known to be [ loyal and snarky ] ! i wonder if they’ll survive the war. 
Nicknames: Reg Birthday: March 12, 2000 (Age: 18; Zodiac Sign: Pisces) Blood Status: Pureblood Sexuality: Questioning Occupation: Unemployed
other information:
Wand: 9 inches, phoenix feather, ebony, slightly bendy Patronus: Sparrow Boggart: His father Amortentia: sea spray, lemon grass, mint, cilantro, and clean linen Positive Traits: Loyal, Creative, Intelligent Negative Traits: Snarky, Insecure, Melancholic 
   Regulus was not supposed to be the Black heir, but just a few years ago, he was thrust upon the proverbial throne due to his brother’s traitorous ways. Somehow, even when he was young and otherwise slow, he knew that eventually he would have to become the heir that his parents wanted, and even they seemed to know this too. He grew up a shy child with a lot of hope, and despite the nasty things he would hear people say about his older brother or his family in general, he followed them blindly with curious doe eyes.
   At Hogwarts, he didn’t stand out. There were much bigger and more confident purebloods in the Slytherin common room, and at first, he tried to show that he was worth the alliance, but most would laugh. He was the scrawny little product of years of purity breeding with purity, and even a surname as notorious as his wasn’t enough to earn respect. At home, he felt the same kind of neglect. His mother and father never kissed or hardly ever looked at each other. It took Regulus a long time to realize that the Black children only existed due to necessity, not for love.
The only comfort he had found in his otherwise, what he coined, a meaningless existed was with Sirius. He followed him everywhere. He respected him, and though Regulus never knew anything of love, he could suspect that what he felt for him was brotherly love. So, when Sirius excommunicated from the family, and he was brought into the foyer for his mother to show the other children a lesson should they too reject their family name, he no longer felt that love. He became a hollow shell of himself: a once creative, artistic young boy who lost all hope.
Regulus is very artistic. He can draw, sing, and sculpt.
Ever since Sirius left, Regulus was burdened with rebuilding the shame, and he absolutely hates his brother for it.
He joined the Death Eaters before he graduated Hogwarts; though he still feels like he is disrespected and viewed as just a pawn, he does his best to fight for his family and what he believes in.
At home, he is very mild-mannered. He hardly speaks, keeps his eyes down, and walks as softly as possible. His parents never laid hands on him, but he is terrified of his father, more than he is of his mother. Outside of the Black house, he unleashes all his pent up aggression with fighting, drinking, smoking, and otherwise causing other mischief. It’s not uncommon for him to throw a punch for no reason.
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socialtonks · 6 years
just my ted application, nothing to worry about here.. just want it on record
AGE & BIRTHDAY: 21 & 06/08
ACTIVITY: 6/10, you’ve seen :)
TRIGGERS: Blood & Needles
HAVE YOU READ THE RULES?: My favorite character is a tie between Neville Longbottom, Remus Lupin, and Regulus Black
DO YOU HAVE ANY PREVIOUS ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE?: I have been in multiple roleplays over multiple platforms in the past 10.5 years
HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US?: I saw your posts in /tagged/marauders-roleplay
CHARACTER’S FULL NAME: Edward William “Ted” Tonks
OCCUPATION: Social Worker
SHIPS: Ted/Andromeda, Ted/Chemistry
ANTI-SHIPS: Ted/Forced
WHY THIS CHARACTER?: Ted has such a large heart and wants to do the right thing for his family. He loves Andromeda and Nymphadora so much and, while he cannot stand the political climate, he knows that he is not proficient enough in magic nor brave enough to fight in this war. He needs to be home with his family when he can.
WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER’S RELATIONSHIP TO THEIR HOGWARTS HOUSE?: At first Ted didn’t think anything of the yellow and black, Hufflepuff had a funny name and the students resembled bumblebees with their ties. He didn’t mind, though. He liked hiding in the dungeons near the kitchens where the common room was. Nobody bothered him there. It was a welcome relief when the bullying started in. He hadn’t realized people disliked the badgers so much and it was only worse once people started in about his muggle parents. Hufflepuff was a safe haven from the rest of the world.
WHAT DOES YOUR CHARACTER HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH IN THE WAR?: Survival. For himself and his family he hopes that they can bunker down and survive this mess. He knows it’s not brave of him to keep his head down and hide away but he believes that there will be plenty of time to make it up to the world if he can make it to the end.
WHAT’S YOUR CHARACTER’S PLAN FOR AFTER THE WAR?: Live a full life with his wife. He wants to grow old beside her, watch their children, grandchildren, and --because rumor has it wizards live practically forever-- maybe even their great-grandchildren grow up. He has thought about opening a bakery once it’s all over. Live the quiet life. He likes the idea of the quiet life.
1. Baking is Ted’s passion. He uses it as stress relief and as a general hobby. He uses no magic when he’s in the kitchen if he can help it. He’s not terrible at cooking but he prefers to bake. Any recipe he can get his hands on he will bake. Muffins almost every morning, brownies or other pastries for dessert every night when he can, homemade birthday cakes for everyone he knows, anything he can do he will.
2. Ted kills plants. He calls this his least-Hufflepuff quality. No one should allow Ted near any plant they care about because it will wither and die within days. He’s tried listening to Tilden’s broadcasts and nothing she has said has ever or will ever help him improve. He apologizes to everyone who ever attempts to give him any sort of plant for any reason.
3. Ted loves to watch quidditch but he hates flying. He doesn’t trust a stick to keep him in the air, let alone one of those “romantic broom rides” where multiple people are on one broom at a time. He’ll cheer for whatever team that those around him are cheering for now that he’s no longer in school and cheering for Hufflepuff.
4. Ted’s handwriting is beautiful. He got into calligraphy when he found out they were expected to write using a quill and bottle of ink. His handwriting with a pencil had been abysmal but he’d trained himself the whole summer before his first year so he wouldn’t look like a dingus. He took out countless books from the library to practice.
1. Boggart: Andromeda’s dead body
2. Star Sign: Scorpio
3. Patronus: Hawk
4. Favorite Spell:  Titillando, the tickling jinx
5. Quote: “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” --Michael J. Fox
6. Amortentia Scents: Andromeda’s favorite perfume, melting chocolate, and coffee brewing in the morning
7. Wand: 11″ Black Walnut and Unicorn Hair, Springy
8. Favorite Class: Ancient Runes
9. Least Favorite Class: Herbology
10. Allergies: None
11. Thoughts on Love: The thing that is most important to him in the world.
12. Drinks/Smokes?: Occasionally/No
13. Type of Drunk: Goofy
14. Nervous Ticks: Pacing, Stuttering, Avoiding Eye Contact
15. Pet Peeves: Talking too loudly, insulting people around him
Born on November 17th, 1952, Edward William “Ted” Tonks was born to Nuru and Daw Tonks, they insisted on raising their son to be the most British child they could. They did everything that they could to put all of that National Pride into him. He still had parts of his family’s heritage of course, there wasn’t much one could do about that when raised by immigrants. Some things would always slip through and he wasn’t ashamed of who his parents were but it wasn’t always easy having the parents that he did.
He had spent his entire life being picked on for who his parents were, that they didn’t speak the same way as the other kids’ parents and that he sometimes brought weird food in his lunchbox to school. Ted tried not to mind it, tried to keep his head down and focus really hard on his schoolwork, even then. He got decent grades but strove to be better, to fit in among his peers.
The problem was exacerbated by a mysterious person by the name of Minerva McGonagall showing up at his door with a letter letting him know that he had magical powers and was being accepted into a school for people like him without ever applying. He thought back to all of those miraculous hiding places he’d found in school whenever he’d been picked on.
His parents were more reluctant than he was to send their child to a school for people who were different given how hard they had worked to make him as “normal” as possible. Unfortunately they couldn’t control that and away he went to a school where he still didn’t fit in. He thought this school might finally be different, that he would make as much sense as anyone else, but he was still singled out for being a “mudblood.”
As each year passed it got easier, he supposed. The bullying hurt less and he made friends that liked him for him. It got even better when he finally grew closer to Andromeda. He understood that she couldn’t be as open about their friendship and, while it stung a little, he understood and allowed the relationship to develop as naturally as it could in their environment.
Dating Andromeda Black blindsided him not because he wasn’t aware that he was in love with her but because he didn’t think she could ever love him. Loving Andromeda has always been easy. From the moment they met on the Hogwarts Express he has known he loved her. There was something hypnotizing about his wife that he couldn’t resist.
His wife. The words sounded perfect to him when applied to Andromeda. That was what made it so easy to propose their seventh year. Life has gotten better for him and his family with the arrival of Nymphadora and his job as a social worker taking off despite the darkness creeping in at the edges of their happy life together. He just hopes it stays happy.
Sometimes Ted needed rude reminders that he needed to be less of a slob and sometimes those reminders came in the form of crayon scribbles all over his case files. Of course, he had absolutely no idea who could have possibly done this crime. As he found the crime scene he heard Nymphadora’s pleased giggles. He spun, finding his toddler with firetruck red hair with a matching crayon held tightly in her little fist. She was so excited, so smug that she had colored all over her father’s papers.
“You... little... STINKER!” He shouted, attacking her in a tickle ambush and listening to her happy little squeals. These were the moments that Ted lived for, the moments where the outside world was trapped far far away and all that existed was him and his family within. A ball of sunlight in an otherwise dark world.
He relented once his wife entered the living room, hugging their child to his chest and watching her hair spin between every color imaginable in her glee. “What d’you think, ‘Dromeda? You think that she’s had enough?” He snickered, now smug himself. Ted approached his wife and placed a kiss upon her cheek before handing their daughter over.
“I’ll go start supper.”
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immoralrpg-blog · 7 years
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Congratulations, KYRA, you have been accepted for the role of AMYCUS CARROW, with the faceclaim of MATTHEW DADDARIO. 'Baby, he is mayhem in human form’ --- a stunning line, and a perfect fit for Amycus! Amycus’ self-destructive nature and his love for Alecto are things that shouldn’t really go hand-in-hand, and yet somehow, they do. Your focus on the extra things - like his talent for piano or his other little quirks - is what truly made him stand out in the end. Please head along to the CHECKLIST for your next steps.
CHARACTER NAME: Amycus Nero Carrow.
Amycus ;; In Greek the meaning is “friendly”. Quite an apparent contradiction to him.
Nero ;; An ancient Sabine name that meant, “strong and energetic”. In Latin, “black”.
Carrow ;; It is derived from the old English word ‘carr’, meaning “rock”, and a word of Celtic origin; ‘hoh’, meaning “spur of the hill”.
Matthew Daddario.
Douglas Booth
Jack Falahee
Amycus Carrow, distant and unsalvageable. He who is drunk on the great, devastating void. He who has become a part of the abyss; devoting oneself to playing the role of the destroyer. Baby, he is mayhem in human form. You knew long ago you should have walked away when he was headed your way. And yet, this monster was once a boy. That unresponsive heart of his once had a strong pulse.
Born into the Carrow line, seconds before his twin sister, Alecto, the title of heir hung over his head like an axe just waiting to come down. He was first; baring the weight of expectations and facing the harsh responses to failure. Despite this, he bloomed in the midst of darkness. He gladly accepted each challenge and flourished because of it. There wasn’t a trial he couldn’t overcome. There wasn’t a test he finished without perfect marks. He was a Carrow, after all. And Carrow’s were conquerors. They would swallow their own blood before they swallowed their pride. They would raise hell for one another before anyone dared to harm them.
Thus, there is a reason only one name has ever been scrawled upon his heart. One person. One reason his acute loss of feeling hasn’t completely vanished. Alecto. His sister, his blood, and his other half. His love for his sister is insurmountable. He may fight, curse, and often wish to extract her tongue from her body - but, he still doted on her. There was never any question of if he would ruin another person for hurting her. It was only a matter of when would he. Amycus knows she can handle herself, but he does not tolerate any harm to those of his blood.
Or maybe he should say he use to not tolerate it. It is difficult to muster up an ounce of attentiveness when his brain is shot and words slurred. If he just put the bottle down for one second he might see the fire blazing all around his mesomorphic frame. It’s a shame those perfect marks and dashing smiles couldn’t save him. It is far too late now, though. They long ago destroyed the boy in him. His parents could have held their tongues, or their fist. But, they didn’t. And his heart became polluted with bitterness; chains shackling him to that one emotion. No longer did he flinch, grovel, or take rage out on himself. He stopped doing what was asked or following every rule, and just drank bottles dry at every pureblood party he attended. He stopped living by the rules and started living for the risks.
Somewhere along the way he lost himself. He crumbled into nothingness only to rebuild himself in the image of something monstrous. But, my god, was he still good at playing human. It is so easy to forget every horrible thing he has done with his tongue across your skin, his words etched into your heart. He speaks inhumanly pleasurable things only to rip your still beating heart out of your chest. Looks like he isn’t playing the role of destroyer anymore, darling. He stopped playing awhile ago. Now he has become the destroyer; and it only took destroying himself to get here.
describe your secret in your own way.
“ Secret. What secret? ” He laughs, the sound piercing the air sharper than a chill upon exposed skin. “ Do you think any of us have secrets? Because I think that just being alive means we don’t have any. In this society, we are all under a microscope and exposed. ” A pause. Amycus straightens his spine as clipped fingernails scrapped against the wood of his wand. “ Secrets are only secrets if somebody is dead. ”
The question is, who would he have to silence to keep his? He checks himself. Swallowing hard and looking away. Only one person knew how deep his trouble ran and she wouldn’t breathe a word of it. Yet. Part of him worries that it’ll only be a matter of time before she gives up hope, too. Fuck. Did he really just think that as an actual possibility? Never. It was just a couple drinks every now and then. He’s allowed that. No, he is owed that.
When his eyes find theirs again, he’s calm.
your family life. how’s it like?
“ Fuck man. How about personal. Does that describe it well enough for you? ” He snaps. Something flickers across his face, possibly pain, but it disappears as he tilts his head back, eyes look fixedly at the ceiling. For long moments, he stares at the ceiling, something burning inside him. If there was anything to say, it would never come from him.
pick one word to describe yourself. why that word?
“ Conqueror, ” he cuts in, a small curve lifting the side of his lip. There is no hesitation. He knows who he is. Empty liquor bottles may litter the floor, the faint stench on his breath. But, that doesn’t erase his blood. It vilifies him, yes. His parents would be in a frenzy and the Ministry indignant over him. None would remove his title, though. Lest they try and be met with bruised, cracked knuckles meeting flesh. A rampage bursting forth from him that they would soon wish they hadn’t set into motion. His voice inches louder, “ I’ll always be known as a conqueror. It’s in my blood. ” It’s spoken with such breathtaking surety. Why does it taste like a lie upon his tongue then?
what side are you on? order of the phoenix? death eaters? neutral? why?
He remains expressionless. His eyes contemplatively look at them, making them squirm a bit under scrutiny. He thought of how quickly he could force a frisson of fear to travel down their body if he spoke openly, without distortion.
It appealed to him. Would their brow furrow further or would they go bug-eyed? No, some part of him knew their fury and fear would both be magnified. Once they heard a morsel of the gory details they’d pray they hadn’t. They don’t understand. None of them do. They point fingers at others and call them villains before ambling off to seek out another to condemn. What if he were to say neutral? Would they not just laugh in his face and call him a dirty, rotten liar? They already selected his side for him moments after being sorted into Slytherin.
Avoiding an answer, he never once breaks his gaze as he poses his own question. “ Why don’t you tell me? ”
what’s your boggart?
" Ah, wouldn’t everybody like to know that. ” He’s never thought about it. Somehow he already knows, in his bones, though. There’s a quiet knowledge and it lingers. Lingering when he goes to parties, when he drinks a little too much, or when silence seems to be the only thing between them anymore.
Alecto could leave him. She is here now, but for how long.
Already has laughter been replaced by brows knitted in a frown. He will plod down the hallways at home, swaying fiercely, while she merely huffs at him with disapproval. Day after day, he drinks, and he drinks, attempts at stitching himself up. And he no longer opens up. So, at least, he knows it will be his fault when she stops covering up his late nights.
Still, his form begins to hunch forward, only slightly, as well as the tiniest droop of his head. God, he can be such a damn coward. All these minuscule withdrawals and distance - it’ll give him plenty of solitude soon enough, whether wanted or not. And it’s a paralyzing thought. Because, honestly, he doesn’t know what the fuck is wrong with him. Sure, it is easy to blame his upbringing and the alcohol. If that was it, though, then why couldn’t it be fixed by Alecto, Regulus, or even Petunia. Why did he still feel this need?
Forking his fingers through his hair for the third time, his leg bounces ferociously beneath the table. “ Uptight people. I mean, really, some of you need to learn how to let loose. ” He laughs. It’s a soft, choked sound. He doesn’t expect them to believe him. Even he doesn’t believe himself. He only leaves it at that.
Deep down, buried beneath layers of built up indifference, a voice screams at him to say it. Once. Just once. Even if it is only for yourself. Abandonment.
He doesn’t. Rather, he gets up from his seat, stretching extravagantly and yawning, eyes never meeting the others again. “ So, we’re done here. ” He states with no room for argument. Pausing only a second, as if waiting for them to challenge him, before taking long-legged strides out of the room.
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olympiansrpg1-blog · 7 years
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Congratulations, Harper! You have been accepted as Atlas (FC: Ricky Whittle). Richard shows a lot of intensity and promise, things that we were looking for in our skeleton of Atlas. Please be sure to message the main within 24 hours of acceptances with your account, read over the checklist, follow everyone on the masterlist, and track all tags. Congratulations, once again, and welcome to Olympians!
*Below is a sample application, please bear in mind that this does not reflect everything that is expected in an application as I went into full detail of my character.
OOC information
Name/alias: Harper
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Time zone: GMT+10
Triggers: Extreme gore
IC information
Skeleton wanted: Atlas
Faceclaim wanted: Ricky Whittle, Brett Dalton, Godfrey Gao, Ryan Guzman, DJ Cotrona
Character’s full name: Richard Regulus Johnson
Richard: Means "brave power", derived from the Germanic elements ric "power, rule" and hard "brave, hardy". The Normans introduced this name to Britain, and it has been very common there since that time. It was borne by three kings of England including Richard I the Lionheart, one of the leaders of the Third Crusade in the 12th century.
Regulus: Roman cognomen meaning "prince, little king", a diminutive of Latin rex "king". This was the cognomen of several 3rd-century BC consuls from the gens Atilia. It was also the name of several early saints. A star in the constellation Leo bears this name as well.
Age/Birthday: 29/August 12th
Character biography OR para sample:
You have always been a king, this is a legacy that you have always known, the blood of royals running through your veins as your father let the heavy weight of the crown turn him into something cruel and marred by years of complacency.
It all started when you were a child, little legs running around the streets of New York City with not a single care in the world. You had always had the men and women with dark suits surrounding you at all times, so much so that they had faded into the background of your life. Your father wanted to always assure that his little prince would be protected, that there was nothing to fear in this life so long as you were safe. And for some reason, you always believed him. His words were like honey, sweet and filled with liquid gold. Your earliest recollection is sitting in his lap as a child, bouncing on one knee as he promised you that you would hold the weight of the world on your shoulders one day like he did. New York City was your birthright, Olympus was yours to claim whenever he would become too old to manage it.
“Richie, all of this will be yours, I promise you.”
The words echoed in your ears at night, satin sheets comforting you in the night as you slept on peacefully, assured that nothing in this life would be amiss. It was until halfway through your seventh year that life would hit you harder than it ever had before. You can still remember the way your mother clutched your hand, a firm and tight hold as tears ran down your cherubic cheeks. You can remember your father kneeling down on his knees to apologize to you, something in his tone telling you that he was both relieved that you and your mother were leaving but mournful of it as well. That was why you never once regretted moving to Germany with her, that was why your tears stopped spilling over the moment you both climbed into that town car with all of your belongings packed up into a suitcase. It was a dawn of a new era, young as you were, you knew that you had to become something that your father would be proud of one day as he was no longer here to watch you grow.
Moving to a new country was far harder than your pre-teen mind could have imagined, getting acclimated to a new environment when all you’ve ever known was a metropolitan city where everyone spoke English and you practiced safety in numbers with employees of your father. Your mother, however, always remained resilient through it all, every wayward spill and every heartbreak, she was there to save you from it all. You were just a mere child, unsure of what the rest of the world could do to you, but it was only when you grew to a teenager did you understand the toll that you were taking on your own mother. Where you could not understand the distant look in her eyes when your father called when you were younger, you knew now that it was because of the distinct female voices that you could clearly hear on the other side of the line. Where you did not understand why you had to leave, you once began to realize the veiled truth behind it all when your father would visit for only days at a time, making excuses that he had a business to run before jetting off once more.
The more and more you grew into Germany, the same Germany grew into you. This was home, you could hardly remember the urban jungle that was New York until you were reminded that a legacy was still a legacy and it was your rightful place in the throne when you were ready to claim it. You often heard whispers, tiny inklings of the things that were happening as you would often open news articles of strange misgivings that took place there. You heard tales of the Greek who ran the city, running it amuck and controlling it with fear and power, a thorn in your side as you heard of the mere existence of Zeus and Hades, two deities that represented so much in mythology as well as being known as Cronus’ sons in them as well. The title should have been yours. After all, you were the one true child of Cronus and it was your duty to lift up the world that he had built for you, you would remind them all that it was for you. Anger was not an emotion that you often greeted with open arms, quite the opposite, really. Determination was ever present in the forefront of your mind, coaxing itself to prove your worth more and more with each passing day. It was the only way that you could show that you deserved it far more than they did, the two looming figures that were ever present in Cronus’ life where you were absent. Every time he visited, you were sure to show him just how far you had come since the last time, proving that there was far much more to you than just being his son.
It was when you graduated that you knew that you had to prepare yourself. After all, your father had promised you a kingdom, but what would a kingdom be without loyal subjects? You had no doubt that he had his own who had done his bidding for an entire lifetime, but you did not know them nor did you trust them in the same manner that he did. So, you began collecting and analyzing, only the best of the best allowed to serve as you promised them a life much more than the ones they lived now and family to always return home to. Just because yours was splintered did not mean that you could not make another one, this one stronger and with a bond better than one simply rooted by a child. You were becoming a king in your own right, growing up from the little prince your father once called you and your mother was the high priestess who you would turn to for decisions that you were not sure you could not make alone. Gone were the large eyes of curiosity that only a child could hold, gone was the innocence that your father often mistook for weakness in you, gone were the dreams of a conflictless world where you reigned supreme. It was all replaced by strong shoulders, a devious look in your eyes, and a smile that could light up the world but hands that could strike out the moment something went amiss. You became a weapon, your own body purely made for the fight, but you had others who could fight for you first before you could even raise a finger. You only looked for the genuine, the loyal, garnered and gained their trust in the most intimate way you possibly could.
It was only when you heard about the passing of Eurydice did you dare to reach out to a member of the Olympians, offering your condolences to the one who called themselves Orpheus a mere few months after the “accident”. It was easy to sway them, to pluck them from the ranks of your father’s officers and coerce them to offer up the details of the incident as well as the aftermath along with everything that came along with the gang. It did not take very long or much thought for you to open your arms up to Orpheus, knowing full well what it was like to have been left behind by someone that you thought cared for you. You did not do it out of jealousy, no, you did it because despite all the claims you make, you still have a kind heart for the wayward souls that floated through life without any semblance of a family. The strong would only be weak without a foundation, it was your duty to give that to them as well as a shelter to run to when the storm grew too strong for one person. Right before your very eyes, you all became a cohesive unit, a family that you could be just as proud of as the one you left behind, if not more. Your legacy was finally beginning to come together.
Or so you thought. When you heard the news of your father’s untimely demise, it was like a lightning bolt through your spine. You could feel death’s cold clutches coming for you too, how fitting for Zeus and Hades to have claimed the defunct family that was now Olympus as their own. You laughed at the cruelty of life, your father having left you nothing as though he had forgotten about you. Something cruel began to sprout from the ground that which you stood, balled fists at your sides as you saw your life’s purpose crash down before you. The weak would have given up, but no, you were Atlas. You were Richard Johnson, son of the once great Harvey and it was only right that you take back what was rightfully yours. They say heavy is the head that wears the crown, but not if they had been born with it pressed upon their heads... And you’ve always known  it was meant for you.
So you watched, in the shadows, allowed the prey to believe that they were predators and take each other out while you waited for a proper time to rise. You sent others out in your steed to gather information as you planned with them all, mechanically took out those who were weak in mind, but strong in body to them all. It was easy for the Olympians to become just as complacent as your father had been, never expecting those to infiltrate from the outside and wreak havoc on a place that was never theirs to begin with. You could only watch them with a laugh, lighting their world ablaze as you brought your own into New York City. They say Atlas carries the world on his shoulders: a heavy burden to bear in the face of what the world is now, but what would his purpose be without it?
You are coming for the throne and you will never lose sight of it ever again, such has always been your birthright.
Character Development:
I’d certainly love to have Richard make some really questionable decisions, letting his want for revenge truly affect him, so much so that the Titans would band together and try to urge someone into talking to him about it.
Although I’d love for Atlas to come out on top, I do think he needs a bit of a reality check. Running a mob in New York City isn’t the easiest thing in the world, especially when he only trusts a certain amount of people. Every gang needs its lackeys and you could have to be able to recruit in order to get some, something that he isn’t entirely familiar with.
Even if he wasn’t close to his father, I would still also like to have him grieve for Cronus for a little bit, especially if/when he finds out that Hera is responsible for his untimely death and it wasn’t simply a case of passing away due to age and stress.
I would also, maybe, like for the international arms dealing to eventually make its way into Tartarus, rather than just gambling. Even though Rhea is handling things in Germany for him, this is a new territory and Richard would rather have connections to things around him than those that are thousands of miles away and too far to help immediately.
Maybe an actual rational conversation between him and Zeus/Hades, where they can actually all acknowledge the fact that they’re all a little bit responsible for the fall of Olympus and maybe realizing that they all need each other to survive. This, of course, is probably far into the future.
-- Harvey was the one who put a gun in Richard’s hand as a child, urging him to learn how to shoot before he could even learn how to ride a bike. However, it was Rhea who was the one who taught him how to shoot with accuracy. She was the one who taught him where it would hurt most to shoot a man without killing them and where it would simply be a clean through and through and where the vital organs were. Like most things in his life, it seems as though Cronus would start them and Rhea would finish and forge them into an ability and so much more.
-- Prior to Orpheus’ visit to Germany, Richard was in the process of rooting a crime syndicate in the heart of Berlin, eventually planning on taking Olympus international in his time as the boss as he thought he would automatically assume the throne. With the announcement of Harvey’s death, he has left the up and rising weapons dealing venture to the capable hands of someone he trusts while he attempts claim Olympus.
-- While cruel to others, there is no one he loves more than the Titans he’s surrounded himself with. While they have strength in number, for him, that is also where they are weakest. There is nothing he wouldn’t do in order to help them in their times of need, even going on a suicide mission just to rescue them from someone else’s clutches and there is no one he trusts more to have his back when he needs them. The basis of their relationships is all founded on a mutual trust that he knows cannot be broken just by pure torture or manipulation.
-- (TW: Abuse) During his attendance at the University of Mannheim, Richard came across a puppy that had clearly not been taken care of by its owner. With matted black fur, multiple scabs, and a limp, it was only logical to him that he took the dog and nursed it back to health in the confines of his own apartment. Since then, he has found a lifelong companion in Hyas, named after the archer son of Atlas who hunted monsters. He has not left his side since that fateful night and Richard has never once thought about leaving him behind.
-- Richie holds a certain fascination for the night sky, constellations glittering as though they were alive, framed by the light of the moon. He is able to recite all the constellations by heart, a spark in his eyes as he talks about their origin stories as well. There is nothing more that he enjoys than to lay in the grass and stare up at the sky when he has the time to do so. Unfortunately, with his arrival in New York, not only is he not able to look at all the stars with the pollution in the air, but he does not have the time either.
-- (TW: Torture) Ruthless as he is, Richard is known to occasionally make an appearance during interrogations, not wanting to put Hyperion solely in charge of such an important matter despite the fact that he knows that they are the best of the best. After all, he wants to be able to have his fun with people that have crossed him as well as those who seated themselves at the feet of those who have wronged him. Though his method is not brutal, it is more emotional and mental and he often enjoys driving them crazy from simple things like loud, noisy music being played over and over on a sound system for hours and dragging a subject into freezing cold water until they crack under the pressure.
-- After the dissolution of Rhea and Cronus’ relationship, something inside of Richie changed. Though young and not quite understanding the truth of what had happened, he vowed to himself that he would never put love before his business. Though he’s had a few flings in the past, they have never been serious as he has not allowed them to be. Love is mostly an idea to him, something that is, above all, a distraction when it comes to his goals in life. While this may be true, that does not mean he does not know how to be charismatic. In fact, it’s rather the opposite. He uses his looks to his advantage, twisting his good looks whenever he can to get what he wants outside of those he considers family.
-- Though he considers manipulation one of his favorite methods, Richard is a big believer in assuring that things are done the right way by doing them himself. He is not about delegating jobs out to others to take care of, but taking part in them and putting himself in the line of fire as he is a man of action as well as showing face so others realize that he is not afraid to give his life for those he considers close. He knows that Zeus and Hades’ ultimate downfall is that they do not know their people and their people ultimately do not trust them in the same manner that his team does with him.
-- Richard’s earliest memory is one of Cronus and Rhea strolling in Central Park with him clinging onto both of their arms, his father endearingly calling him ���little king” as they swung him back and forth. He can still remember the look of joy on Rhea’s face and the laughter that left his own lips as they formed one united front. It is, by far, one of his dearest memories and one he holds close to him. Though he knows he can never get that back, especially with Harvey’s demise, he hopes that his mother can one day find the same happiness with another.
 (x) (x) (x)
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allurehq-blog · 7 years
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blood status: pureblood clubs: duelling club pronouns: he/they sexuality: gay
To be ignored or to be groomed into a perfect little pet, to be shrieked at or to be spoiled. There’s a very fine line between negligence and puppeteering, if you really think about it. After all, it is entirely neglectful to force your child to walk along a line that you deem proper, just as neglectful to turn your nose up at them and ignore them when it isn’t necessary to your own goals.
Willful neglect, a sense of blankness and maybe disdain, was what he got from his father. The shadow behind Walburga, Orion Black never scared Sirius the way his mother did. He was the paper shuffling in the morning and the paper shuffling at night, he was racking coughs, he was judgmental eyes and scoffs but he was never violence, never more than a raised voice. Walburga was the fiend in the night, the one that Sirius still has nightmares about now. Sirius was too loud or too rambunctious, too bright or too annoying, tooeverything. His existence was a bane on hers, and so he made himself louder, made himself more rambunctious, made himself brighter, made himself even more annoying.
After all, it kept her eyes off of Regulus.
He tried to run away, once, after his mother had nearly pulled all the hair from his head trying to catch him running down the halls. He was ten, and he would be starting Hogwarts the next year, and he nearly ran that night. He did not. He could not. He was far too afraid of what would happen to him in the real world.
That had nothing on the day he was sorted. People who knew his family’s name gasped, narrowed their eyes, whispered behind their hands. A Black, in Gryffindor? Oh, his family will be ashamed.
Fun fact, they were not ashamed. They were absolutely and without a doubt livid. It didn’t help that he made sure to rub it in their faces every time he returned home, hanging up banners and erecting a shrine to Godric Gryffindor in his room. His jaw was set hard and herefused to give in or take them down, because if there was ever something that Sirius Black was proud of, it was the fact that maybe, deep down, there was something worthwhile in him and the Sorting Hat had seen that. So he fought tooth and nail, threw it back in their faces, and watched them tear themselves apart over it. His apathy towards his family stemmed from a bone deep ache, pain he couldn’t deny, but would never admit.
Still, his parents put some influence on him, a sneer and cold eyes to those who he disliked, and a cruel streak towards those he hated. Severus Snape was the prime example, and an example that occasionally makes Sirius sick to his stomach when he thinks of the damage he nearly did because of his own damn pride and stupid prejudices. He is too much like his parents sometimes, and he cannot deny it. He cannot always fight it, either. It’s under his skin like an old world curse, but Sirius would do anything to make it all end.
Leaving his family’s home was an easy enough decision, all things considered, if you look back on the abuse and pain he’d endured. Of course he didn’t sit awake at night with his head between his knees, sobbing and trying not to puke. Of course he didn’t stare himself down in the mirror and snarl out through bared teeth that he was nothing more than a coward. Of course he didn’t feel his heart tearing completely in two when his parents said nothing as he walked out the door. Of course it didn’t kill him inside to take up residence in the Potter home, the place that had been sanctuary. Of course it didn’t knock him to his knees to be welcomed so easily, to be loved so openly. Sirius had never made an easier decision in his life, of course.
Of course.
A patchwork boy who glued himself back together, a masterpiece with tears all the way through. The brightest star in the room, the dawning of a new day. Sirius Black, though broken, will never give up.
the marauders; the family by choice. meeting the marauders was fate. he could’ve chosen any carriage on the train that morning as he boarded his first express to school, but choosing to sit in the one all the way in the back was a gut instinct - and it’d been the right one, one that he’s been thankful for ever since. it’d only taken a few minutes for the initial shyness of a first meeting to wear away - at least with the one who eagerly greeted sirius and called himself james. and from that initial hello, sirius felt like he’d known him all his life with the way they got along. through that first evening in the school, as sirius stuck by these three boys, watching as one by one they were sorted in gryffindor, he was left with a bittersweet feeling inside of him. all his life he was told he was going to do wonderful things in slytherin, like his family before him, and he was ready. there couldn’t be anything better than that, making his family proud - but there was also something that made him want to stay with james and remus and peter. during that first evening in the gryffindor dorms, as he came to terrible realization that this meant he’d have to write home and tell his parents what he’d done, how he must’ve done something wrong to end up in gryffindor - it was a comfort to know that these three boys were by his side as well, trying to speak kindly to him and cheer him up. they might not have understood the immense weight that sat upon his shoulders, nor did they know of the pressure that his parents put on him to follow in the plans that had been laid out for him since he was a child - but they were kind and understanding when sirius hadn’t expected them to be. they stood by him through everything that unfolded over the next years, more than he could’ve ever expected. when living with his family was out of the question, it was james who offered to open his doors to sirius, without a single moment of hesitation. sirius knew he’d never be able to repay the potters for their kindness and their generosity, so he knew he’d have to show his devotion to the marauders in his own ways. in his undying loyalty to james. in his solemn swearing to make sure nothing happened to remus, full moon or not. in his caring words and compassion to peter. these were his brothers now - this was his family, and he’d do anything to protect it.
regulus black, narcissa black; the family by blood. there’s an age old saying of blood being thicker than water. in the realm of the pureblood idealism, this term was often used as a source of advocacy for blood purity. and so, with the black family, it’s no surprise that it was a widely used term within their family. family came before anything - but there was something that the children had yet to understand. of how when they said family, they meant the black name, and not the people beside them. when sirius’ parents had told him they were having another son, sirius was barely two. and still, he’d known enough about what that meant. there was something so overwhelming about the thought of having a friend for life, and in that very moment he swore that he would teach his brother everything. as the two boys grew up, sirius stuck to that promise, taking care of regulus, teaching him everything - from how to tie his shoes to how to fly on a broom. they were inseparable as children, as they only had one another in a house that had quickly become devoid of love and affection. they relied on each other and they clung to each other, quiet whispers of reassurance late in the night as they snuck into each other’s room. when sirius left for hogwarts, regulus had pleaded with him to write all the time, telling him of the adventures in slytherin. however, when sirius wrote for the first time and told him the news of gryffindor, the response had a different tone than what he was expecting. over time, months passing, the replies became shorter - the love and adoration in regulus’ voice became colder. his whole family has turned his back on him following his decision to move in with james, which only tends to make it more difficult when he sees both narcissa and regulus at school. it’s not as if he’s seeing family, but strangers. he can feel the separation between them - he can feel the animosity that’s grown in the family. he loves his brother, but the question that still remains unanswered is whether or not his brother still loves him. 
fabian prewett; the friend with benefits. they were partners in herbology in fifth year. that’s how it started, at least. sirius knew from the start he had lucked out because he constantly fell asleep in that class - something about the greenroom always being warm and talking about plants made him doze off immediately. but he needed to learn enough for the OWLs that year if he had any hopes of being able to pass them, and fabian was friendly and knowledgeable in the subject. even better, they were willing to study with him without asking for anything in return - simply doing it out of the kindness of their heart. sirius was never one to particularly hit the books, goofing off with james whenever lily or remus tried to get him to do so. but there was something about fabian volunteering their afternoons to study with him in the library that made sirius actually want to put in the effort to do better, as if he wanted to show fabian that he wasn’t a waste of time - that he wasn’t this big screw up that was bound to let down everyone who put their faith in him. when he received an ‘exceeds expectations’ on his OWL, he had let out a yell of joy, before running to the hufflepuff dorms in search of fabian before anyone else. sirius found them there, a wide and excited smile on his face as he showed them the results. i’m so proud of you, fabian had said, and the words left sirius blindsided for a moment, unsure if he’d ever heard the phrase before. his heart ached something fierce, because how could someone so pure and so good actually be real, and without thinking, sirius kissed them. it had been an accident, something he was prepared to quickly apologize for, but fabian didn’t stop him, so sirius didn’t stop either, everything becoming a blur. it’s continued on through the past year, and they don’t talk about what it is or what it isn’t - because they don’t know. it’s uncomplicated and it’s casual and it’s enjoyable, and that’s all it is.
hestia jones; the enigma. sirius has been familiar with the pureblood lifestyle since he can remember. it’s been bred into him, with the black family motto of ‘toujours pur’ following him whereever he went. and just in the way that he seemed to do so with everything that his family placed in front of him, he rejected the ideas as quickly as he could. it wasn’t easy, and it certainly wasn’t something that happened overnight, as he’d been raised thinking that muggleborns were beneath him - that anyone less than a pureblood was lower than he was. but as soon as he entered hogwarts, he was surrounded by muggleborns and half bloods, and saw that there was truly nothing that separated who they were from who he was. he’d made his stance on pureblood ideology and the death eaters very clear from the start - which it’s why it’s more confusing to him that hestia jones won’t let up on him. she follows him, antagonizes him, and repeatedly tries to interrogate him in the corridors, as if she’s looking for him to make a mistake and slip up somehow. he can’t pinpoint what her angle is exactly, but he’s seen and heard enough about her that he knows she’s fallen in deep with the slytherin crowd that he’s hear so much about. it’s a odd story, of course, considering that she is a muggleborn, and this group of people make a habit of antagonizing the muggleborns in the school, but motives aside, sirius knows that she is in farther over her head than she realizes. playing with the world of dark magic and the people known as death eaters is not something be taken lightly, especially is you do have muggle blood running in your veins. though these people may accept her in this moment, there will come a time when they will turn on her. yet, despite his best intentions of explaining this to her, she ignores him every single time. 
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asongofdragonsrp · 6 years
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You were molded from gold. Your father saw it, and your country believe in you. You were their Apollo. Under their attention, your wings glittered like the sun. Every charming smile and word was for their cameras, you played for them. How quickly did you fall, a poisonous lying sending you in a downtrodden spiral. The dirt on your name dulled your shine, but you still persevere. Greatness was always meant for you.
Alexei Kosta Krum was born in the sea city of Varna to Ivan Krum and Katrarzyna Jagiello. The Ancient House of Krum was considered the pride of Bulgaria, with its roots tracing back to the 8th century. Deriving its house name from Khan Krum, who expanded Bulgaria to the Tatra mountains and ruled with prosperity, the house is one of the oldest eastern nobilities. It was said that Khan Krum gave his first born to the legendary Baba Yaga in exchange for the blessing of magic, with the old witch granting the wish. Pureblood as could be, Alexei was the son of royalty. The Krums had a rich history of magical law, arts and most importantly, Quidditch. The sport made the family modern day celebrities amongst the international wizarding community. Ivan, known as a Ivan the Terrible by other teams, was one of the best chasers to ever grace the national team. Renown for his speed, his violent maneuvers and dashingly good looks, Ivan easily became a Quidditch star. When his son was born, newspapers wondered if Alexei would show promise in the sport.
As a child, Alexei spent countless of hours practicing Quidditch. Rigorous training and expectation turned him into steel, there was reputation to uphold. At first, Ivan was skeptical of his sons skills. He didn’t quite fit in as a chaser, much to his father’s disappoint , nor was he quick enough to be a seeker. Upon picking up a beater bat, everything fell into place. Alexei tactical mind and size was desirable for the position, and it simply felt natural. From that moment on, he’d be on the pitch. Ivan’s old teammates would join the young prodigy, teaching him every play, every game-winning move. Alexei was out on a broom from the when the sun rose to early night.
When the time came, Alexei was sent to Durmstrang Institute, a move his delicate mother was nervous about. With its history of dark magic, Katrarzyna worried what impact it might have on a forming mind. Still, much to her protests, Alexei left to the northern school, and the game changed. While at home, he saw himself as normal, the other Durmstrang students saw a celebrity. Without so much as a tryout, he was given the beater position on the Eagle’s team. Pureblood hierarchy placed him at the top, and Alexei found himself engrossed in the fame, the women, the sports. Men wanted to be him, the female students wanted to be with him. Alexei was every bit as charming as his father, with brains that exceeded the expectation of his professor. He quickly rose to be the Quidditch captain, with head coaches from all over the continent came to see him play.  Alexei shined so brightly that he was the youngest member admitted to the Bulgarian National Team.
Like Icarus, flying too close to the sun meant you had further to fall. When Alexei turned seventeen, a close friend of his was caught practicing dark magic on muggles at a party he’d attended. Though he had no hand in the act, his friend claimed that Alexei had taken part in the tortures. Newspapers exploded, and the magical police descended on the Krum household. Alexei was arrested for the accusations, and it seemed as if Bulgaria’s Golden Boy was burning before everyone’s eyes. It took months of court cases for him to clear his name. The entire country watched eagerly, as veritaserum was used on Alexei to get the truth. Newspapers thrived, making money off of every word the young star said. Once a verdict was reached, Alexei was free. Ivan and Katrarzyna were appalled by the entire ordeal, worried as to what the damage may have been on their son’s reputation. The time had been a wake up call for Alexei to tread lightly, it was too easy for him to lose everything that he’d worked for.  A furious Katrarzyna removed Alexei from Durmstrang.
As Alexei wondered what his next step may be, he was approached by the Montrose Magpies- the best team historically in the British league. Such an offer was hard to deny, and after months of suffering through ministry cases and law, Alexei agreed to join. An idea sparked in Katrarzyna’s mind, hoping her son would still finish his learning at school. The Krums enrolled him in Hogwarts, where Alexei was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw. While attending his first month, Katrazyna wrote to her son that she was expecting. In 1976 , Alexei became an older brother to Viktor Krum. As long as he stayed out of trouble, Bulgaria would have it’s national captain, The Magpies would have their star player, and the Krum’s their reputation. Although, with the impending war, it is easier said than done.
LUDOVIC BAGMAN ━ Somewhat friends, refuses to join the Ravenclaw team as a beater to avoid injury EMMA VANITY ━ Acquaintances, thinks she has potential if she applied herself more TED TONKS ━ Friends, appreciates his normalcy, finds his muggleborn childhood fascinating REGULUS BLACK ━ Somewhat friends, appreciates his quiet nature
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risingphoenixrp · 4 years
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Titus Mulciber | 24 | Slytherin | Pureblood | Deatheater | FC: Avan Jogia
Date of Birth: 1953, England
Occupation: Potions Apprentice to Rodolphus Lestrange
Ship: No Set Ship
For many, obsessions start young. For Titus Mulciber, discovering the body of his Grandfather was the start of his. The little boy had laughed upon the discovery, thinking his grandfather was playing a trick, and his laughter continued once it became clear that Deacon Mulciber’s death was far from fake. Death was delightful to young Titus,  he saw it as something sacred instead of something to be feared. Since his first funeral, Titus began planning his own the way that many young children plan their wedding or their future. Every detail, down to what he will be wearing has been planned into oblivion. Normal parents would have worried about their small child’s obsession with death, but Illidora and Morgan Mulciber were far from normal. His father had been close with Tom Riddle during his time at school, and had married his mother with the sole purpose of breeding more children for Voldemort’s army. Out of the three sons they have, Titus is easily their favorite, and his obsession with dying and darkness was fueled along by his parents and extended family, needless to say the Sorting Hat screamed Slytherin before it had even touched the boy’s head. He quickly joined forces with the other boys in his year who were just as pure, just as reckless. Roiser and Nott among some of his closest friends, the boys who were signed on with Voldemort before birth.
As he got older, his obsession manifested itself in darker and darker ways. One of the few students who actually enjoyed History of Magic, he began researching the most gruesome deaths in Wizarding history, and he often found himself dreaming of perfecting genocide the way Grindlewald did, or punishing people the way Morganna had, never bothering finishing the end of their stories because he knew none of them were as strong as the Dark Lord was. As he went through school, he would pick random half-bloods or muggleborns and fantasize about killing them, before finally, in his 7th year, it just became too much. Mary MacDonald, as he had been saying for several years now, would make such a lovely corpse. Before bed he would picture her body sprawled out on the floor, dark black hair fanned around her last expression. He saw her one day, walking alone, and he couldn’t fight the temptation any longer. He made her scream, and he felt something inside of himself burst with joy, he had to be stopped, knocked unconscious by some fool teacher who didn’t see, didn’t understand that he was doing her a favor. Had it not been for his father’s remembrance of Slughorn’s love of crystalized pineapple, he would very likely be in a cell at the moment. He was required to stay away from Mary for the remainder of the year, and though his fantasies generally changed subject, he still dreams of killing her.  Probably due to his obsession with death, Titus is also obsessed with bondage and blood-play. He doesn’t care who is in his bed, as long as they come close to killing him. He lives for the moments where he feels he is going to die, and gets off on it because each time he doesn’t he cheats the best mistress.
Upon his graduation, Titus made his parents proud and fit quickly into the ranks of the younger Deatheaters. Voldemort rewarded his patience and his parent’s loyalty by allowed Titus to make his first kill. The face, the scream, the flash of green and the thud of the body when it hit the floor will be cemented in his mind forever, this muggle woman much more important than whomever he had lost his virginity to. For now, it has been decided learning the trade of potion making from Rodolphus Lestrange is the best use for him, but Titus knows its only a matter of time before he claims his next victim. Death has become something Titus can cause, and while he still keeps his funeral plans in the back of his mind, he plans on being the cause for many others before his own death comes.
Cassiel Avery
Maya Zabini
Regulus Black
The Carrow Twins
Rodolphus Lestrange
Mary MacDonald
Evan Rosier
Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape
Barty Crouch Jr.
Status: Open
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You were molded from gold. Your father saw it, and your country believe in you. You were their Apollo. Under their attention, your wings glittered like the sun. Every charming smile and word was for their cameras, you played for them. How quickly did you fall, a poisonous lying sending you in a downtrodden spiral. The dirt on your name dulled your shine, but you still persevere. Greatness was always meant for you.
Alexei Kosta Krum was born in the sea city of Varna to Ivan Krum and Katrarzyna Jagiello. The Ancient House of Krum was considered the pride of Bulgaria, with its roots tracing back to the 8th century. Deriving its house name from Khan Krum, who expanded Bulgaria to the Tatra mountains and ruled with prosperity, the house is one of the oldest eastern nobilities. It was said that Khan Krum gave his first born to the legendary Baba Yaga in exchange for the blessing of magic, with the old witch granting the wish. Pureblood as could be, Alexei was the son of royalty. The Krums had a rich history of magical law, arts and most importantly, Quidditch. The sport made the family modern day celebrities amongst the international wizarding community. Ivan, known as a Ivan the Terrible by other teams, was one of the best chasers to ever grace the national team. Renown for his speed, his violent maneuvers and dashingly good looks, Ivan easily became a Quidditch star. When his son was born, newspapers wondered if Alexei would show promise in the sport.
As a child, Alexei spent countless of hours practicing Quidditch. Rigorous training and expectation turned him into steel, there was reputation to uphold. At first, Ivan was skeptical of his sons skills. He didn’t quite fit in as a chaser, much to his father’s disappoint , nor was he quick enough to be a seeker. Upon picking up a beater bat, everything fell into place. Alexei tactical mind and size was desirable for the position, and it simply felt natural. From that moment on, he’d be on the pitch. Ivan’s old teammates would join the young prodigy, teaching him every play, every game-winning move. Alexei was out on a broom from the when the sun rose to early night.
When the time came, Alexei was sent to Durmstrang Institute, a move his delicate mother was nervous about. With its history of dark magic, Katrarzyna worried what impact it might have on a forming mind. Still, much to her protests, Alexei left to the northern school, and the game changed. While at home, he saw himself as normal, the other Durmstrang students saw a celebrity. Without so much as a tryout, he was given the beater position on the Eagle’s team. Pureblood hierarchy placed him at the top, and Alexei found himself engrossed in the fame, the women, the sports. Men wanted to be him, the female students wanted to be with him. Alexei was every bit as charming as his father, with brains that exceeded the expectation of his professor. He quickly rose to be the Quidditch captain, with head coaches from all over the continent came to see him play.  Alexei shined so brightly that he was the youngest member admitted to the Bulgarian National Team.
Like Icarus, flying too close to the sun meant you had further to fall. When Alexei turned seventeen, a close friend of his was caught practicing dark magic on muggles at a party he’d attended. Though he had no hand in the act, his friend claimed that Alexei had taken part in the tortures. Newspapers exploded, and the magical police descended on the Krum household. Alexei was arrested for the accusations, and it seemed as if Bulgaria’s Golden Boy was burning before everyone’s eyes. It took months of court cases for him to clear his name. The entire country watched eagerly, as veritaserum was used on Alexei to get the truth. Newspapers thrived, making money off of every word the young star said. Once a verdict was reached, Alexei was free. Ivan and Katrarzyna were appalled by the entire ordeal, worried as to what the damage may have been on their son’s reputation. The time had been a wake up call for Alexei to tread lightly, it was too easy for him to lose everything that he’d worked for.  A furious Katrarzyna removed Alexei from Durmstrang.
As Alexei wondered what his next step may be, he was approached by the Montrose Magpies- the best team historically in the British league. Such an offer was hard to deny, and after months of suffering through ministry cases and law, Alexei agreed to join. An idea sparked in Katrarzyna’s mind, hoping her son would still finish his learning at school. The Krums enrolled him in Hogwarts, where Alexei was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw. While attending his first month, Katrazyna wrote to her son that she was expecting. In 1976 , Alexei became an older brother to Viktor Krum. As long as he stayed out of trouble, Bulgaria would have it’s national captain, The Magpies would have their star player, and the Krum’s their reputation. Although, with the impending war, it is easier said than done.
LUDOVIC BAGMAN ━ Somewhat friends, refuses to join the Ravenclaw team as a beater to avoid injury EMMA VANITY ━ Acquaintances, thinks she has potential if she applied herself more TED TONKS ━ Friends, appreciates his normalcy, finds his muggleborn childhood fascinating REGULUS BLACK ━ Somewhat friends, appreciates his quiet nature
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