#c: andromeda black. 」
aesthetic-crows · 3 days
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Andromeda Black -
The one who got away
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
made a playlist for the noble house of black !
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inlumenhq · 2 years
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Andromeda Black, 28, Slytherin alum, Kayla Wallace fc, TAKEN.
Birthday: 19th July Gender & Pronouns: Cis-female, she/her Occupation: Unemployed, ex-healer in St. Mungo’s pediatric ward Sided with: Neutral - OOTP lean
Positive Traits: Observant, loyal, protective, resolute, family-oriented Negative Traits: Self-assured, worrier, quick-witted, strong-willed, calculating 
Andromeda was the quiet sibling. Middle child, well-mannered, and clever. Cygnus and Druella thought little of their secondborn until the day the teen ran off without a second glance. Walburga blasted Andromeda’s name off the tapestry, and the family was supposed to think little of the traitor. Ignorance should have been bliss, but Andromeda was the main focus of the pureblood tabloids. Runaway, pregnant, and married to a muggleborn, all while a war was looming overhead. It was risky, but Andromeda chose happiness, and happiness was what they got for a while.
Everything changed the day Frank Longbottom showed up at the Tonks’ residence. Andromeda exchanged no pleasantries since the auror’s arrival was unannounced. Edward had gone out to run errands, and Frank brought the news that Ted would not return. There was no explanation since details were still being examined, but Andromeda could piece together that there was an attack and several community members had vanished without a trace.
There was no time to mourn and no one to talk to when it came to no gut feeling that the love of their life may still be around. Andromeda’s family was all too happy to regain control of the daughter that got away. There was one condition when it came to being kept out of harm’s way. Andromeda would marry Laurent Burke - no questions asked, no complaints, and a pregnancy announced within a year of marriage. 
As much as Andromeda would have put up a fight on the matter, it wasn’t worth the risk of putting Nymphadora in harm’s way. There would be no forgiving themselves if the only source of happiness in their life got destroyed. That thought alone left Andromeda biting their tongue and agreeing to the terms. Keep Nymphadora safe and allow the rest to fall into place, finding room for rebellion once certain the purebloods weren’t planning to make an example out of their small family.
Severus Prince - Andromeda occasionally got potions from Severus, keeping to slight banter when speaking to them. Andromeda was already disowned when rumors of Severus being Abraxas’ child spread and it was nice to have the purebloods’ interest off of them for a little while. Being thrust back into the pureblood world has Andromeda realizing they and Severus may be more similar to each other than initially thought.
Edward Tonks - Losing Edward nearly cost Andromeda everything. Livelihood and a life spent content in a cottage by the coast came crashing down the moment Ted failed to return from running errands. An auror arrived at the door to deliver the news that Edward was presumed dead, but the gut feeling that Andromeda’s soulmate was gone forever didn’t accompany receiving that news.
Laurent Burke - Despises. In a last-ditch effort on the Black’s end of things, there is a betrothal in the works between Laurent and Andromeda. Strict expectations of producing a child within a year of the marriage have been made clear, with Andromeda having little choice but to accept fate. It’s that or risking losing Nymphadora - the only good thing left in Andromeda’s life.
Narcissa Malfoy - Trying to pull Narcissa back out of the clutches of Lucius and Bellatrix and back onto the good side. Andromeda is unaware that Narcissa pulls many of the strings behind the family’s involvement in the Dark Lord’s cause. 
Bios and posts that reference Andromeda Black can be found by clicking this sentence.
suggested fc’s
Olivia Cooke, Jenna Coleman, Samantha Barks
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notwaldenpond · 2 years
where; acid whomst; andromeda @xavecamour​
Usually when Walden came here, it was to visit Sera. Some times to get a bit drunk and dance but most often to visit Sera. For once he was interested in the manager. Everything felt off. “Andie,” he said as he approached, “Don’t mean to interrupt, but do you have a moment?”
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nasa · 1 year
5 Years, 8 Discoveries: NASA Exoplanet Explorer Sees Dancing Stars & a Star-Shredding Black Hole
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This all-sky mosaic was constructed from 912 Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) images. Prominent features include the Milky Way, a glowing arc that represents the bright central plane of our galaxy, and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds – satellite galaxies of our own located, respectively, 160,000 and 200,000 light-years away. In the northern sky, look for the small, oblong shape of the Andromeda galaxy (M 31), the closest big spiral galaxy, located 2.5 million light-years away. The black regions are areas of sky that TESS didn’t image. Credit: NASA/MIT/TESS and Ethan Kruse (University of Maryland College Park)
On April 18, 2018, we launched the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, better known as TESS. It was designed to search for planets beyond our solar system – exoplanets – and to discover worlds for our James Webb Space Telescope, which launched three years later, to further explore. TESS images sections of sky, one hemisphere at a time. When we put all the images together, we get a great look at Earth’s sky!
In its five years in space, TESS has discovered 326 planets and more than 4,300 planet candidates. Along the way, the spacecraft has observed a plethora of other objects in space, including watching as a black hole devoured a star and seeing six stars dancing in space. Here are some notable results from TESS so far:
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During its first five years in space, our Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has discovered exoplanets and identified worlds that can be further explored by the James Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
1. TESS’ first discovery was a world called Pi Mensae c. It orbits the star Pi Mensae, about 60 light-years away from Earth and visible to the unaided eye in the Southern Hemisphere. This discovery kicked off NASA's new era of planet hunting.
2. Studying planets often helps us learn about stars too! Data from TESS & Spitzer helped scientists detect a planet around the young, flaring star AU Mic, providing a unique way to study how planets form, evolve, and interact with active stars.
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Located less than 32 light-years from Earth, AU Microscopii is among the youngest planetary systems ever observed by astronomers, and its star throws vicious temper tantrums. This devilish young system holds planet AU Mic b captive inside a looming disk of ghostly dust and ceaselessly torments it with deadly blasts of X-rays and other radiation, thwarting any chance of life… as we know it! Beware! There is no escaping the stellar fury of this system. The monstrous flares of AU Mic will have you begging for eternal darkness. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
3. In addition to finding exoplanets on its own, TESS serves as a pathfinder for the James Webb Space Telescope. TESS discovered the rocky world LHS 3844 b, but Webb will tell us more about its composition. Our telescopes, much like our scientists, work together.
4. Though TESS may be a planet-hunter, it also helps us study black holes! In 2019, TESS saw a ‘‘tidal disruption event,’’ otherwise known as a black hole shredding a star.
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When a star strays too close to a black hole, intense tides break it apart into a stream of gas. The tail of the stream escapes the system, while the rest of it swings back around, surrounding the black hole with a disk of debris. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
5. In 2020, TESS discovered its first Earth-size world in the habitable zone of its star – the distance from a star at which liquid water could exist on a planet’s surface. Earlier this year, a second rocky planet was discovered in the system.
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You can see the exoplanets that orbit the star TOI 700 moving within two marked habitable zones, a conservative habitable zone, and an optimistic habitable zone. Planet d orbits within the conservative habitable zone, while planet e moves within an optimistic habitable zone, the range of distances from a star where liquid surface water could be present at some point in a planet’s history. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
6. Astronomers used TESS to find a six-star system where all stars undergo eclipses. Three binary pairs orbit each other, and, in turn, the pairs are engaged in an elaborate gravitational dance in a cosmic ballroom 1,900 light-years away in the constellation Eridanus.
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7. Thanks to TESS, we learned that Delta Scuti stars pulse to the beat of their own drummer. Most seem to oscillate randomly, but we now know HD 31901 taps out a beat that merges 55 pulsation patterns.
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Sound waves bouncing around inside a star cause it to expand and contract, which results in detectable brightness changes. This animation depicts one type of Delta Scuti pulsation — called a radial mode — that is driven by waves (blue arrows) traveling between the star's core and surface. In reality, a star may pulsate in many different modes, creating complicated patterns that enable scientists to learn about its interior. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
8. Last is a galaxy that flares like clockwork! With TESS and Swift, astronomers identified the most predictably and frequently flaring active galaxy yet. ASASSN-14ko, which is 570 million light-years away, brightens every 114 days!
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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anghraine · 4 months
Do you have any favorite/interesting short essays? I'm in between semesters and not wanting to fall totally out of practice reading academic writing.
I do! It seems like you're specifically thinking of academic essays, which for me are generally specialized enough that it's a bit difficult to recommend them without knowing what topics someone is interested in.
That said, some academic essays worth reading, which are available on JSTOR:
Julia Prewitt Brown's 1990 review "The Feminist Depreciation of Jane Austen" articulated a lot of my frustration with feminist critics' often rather narrow readings of Austen (it's not anti-feminist, but rather pointing out the short-sighted form of feminism and bizarre hot takes in what was then the established feminist literature on Austen specifically). 11 pages long.
Elizabeth McGrath's 1992 article "The Black Andromeda" about the whitewashing of Andromeda (especially in reference to Ovid's Andromeda) in art and general discourse around her. 16 pages long.
Jacqueline Jones Royster's 1996 essay "When The First Voice You Hear Is Not Your Own." I have a lot of gripes with composition studies, but this one's good. 11 pages long.
William K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley's 1946 "The Intentional Fallacy" is very dated, but also very worth reading in terms of the history of anti-intentionalism, especially given how important anti-intentionalism is to modern fandom (usually in reference to Barthes's "Death of the Author" but the basic concept long predates it). 19 pages long.
It belatedly occurred to me that you might be looking for shorter or more casual essays than these, or on less directly academic topics (though maybe not!). For instance, if you're more "here" for SF/F than my other interests, there are some great essays in Uncanny Magazine and Reactor among others (I find Reactor a bit hit and miss, but when it hits, it hits hard). For instance, I recently read and enjoyed "Seven of Nine is a Third-Culture Kid" by Dawn Xiana Moon and "On Learning to Read Generously" by Molly Templeton.
I could also give you some recommendations for essays more directly about history or psychology in some area that I find interesting, but that's likely to be less accessible and I assumed not what a follower of mine was likely looking for.
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noblehouseofgay · 1 month
Marauders x avatar (au idea)
Loooong ass post but it's so worth it
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The Blacks are a powerful firebending family. One of the most powerful actually. Orion is obviously firelord. Sirius and regulus have a healthier zuko and azula dynamic. They obviously keep their own personality, but I think regulus is more like zuko and sirius is more like azula personality wise, action wise it's the other way around. But they kind of mix and match. I think alphard and Andromeda are the Irohs of the family
I think sirius got banished (zuko) and regulus stayed back being the perfect child (azula). And sirius went to find alphard and Andromeda for help (iroh). Down the line tho I think regulus finally leaves and goes to his brother and his new friends to help them (zuko). So like I said, they trade off.
Tho since sirius has Andromeda and alphard, regulus has narcissa. Bellatrix is essentially azula tho character wise. So they're all kind of just sharing the characters around. But you see the vision. Bella and sirius are the more reckless unhinged sibling, regulus and narcissa are the more quiet and calculated sibling.
The Potters are a water tribe. James is obviously sokka (spreading both my zukka and jegulus agenda).
I think remus would make a good earth bender. And it would be an easy way for him to have scars. Plus- disabled remus (maybe not blind, but still)!! Marlene has major toph energy so she's earth as well
Pandora is an air bender. No explanation needed. And since they're siblings, Evan is also an air bender. Twin avatars maybe 👀??
Dorcas and barty live in the fire nation. Easy way to make them best friends with reg. Dorcas gives mai energy 100%.
But if barty wasn't a fire bender he'd be earth bender, another one with toph energy. He would also love throwing rocks.
Yk actually, earth bender works well for barty bc of his dad. His dad would definitely be in thr group trying to hide the war from the earth kingdom, and all barty wants to do is fight back against him. So barty could go either way
Lily isn't a bender, but she lives in the earth kingdom. Other non benders would be mary and Peter. Peter lives with the water tribe (potters), mary lives in the earth kingdom
Lily c o u l d be a water bender instead, filling in as the katara. Bc I like james and Lily being more like siblings than anything
Bonus content:
- lily meeting an ethereal air bender and falling so hard
- fire x water zukka/jegulus!!!!!!
- sirius and remus having a petty rivalry going on at first (ysuft vibes)
- Remus and Lily (toph and katara) bonding
- barty thinking Evans air bender tattoos are super fucking cool
- pandora being the first to want to trust regulus, even if the rest of the group isn't as trusting yet
- for the play episode, remus gets the "the scars NOT ON THE WRONG SIDE" line
- Regulus gets "don't see the family resemblance?" line
- lily with healing abilities <3
- painted lady lily!!
- blue spirit regulus!!
- instead of the blind bandit, remus could be the scarred bandit
- remus "sounds to me like you're scared boulder" lupin
- pandora "I laugh at gravity all the time" rosier
- pandora teaching all the sheltered fire kids how to dance <33
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basiatlu · 10 months
On Theft in Art
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First: thank you to the anon here and the other many people who brought this to my attention! I know you did it out of support of me and I love you for it.
I was ready to keep it private as I didn’t want anything negative to come up and be associated with my art. But as I was asked across different platforms concerning the art in question I realized it really bummed me out. I’m here to have a good time in the fandom and create with you all. We have a good thing here in the community and I didn’t want any smoke with another artist - a mutual even.
So to help me feel a little better about it I want to turn this into an opportunity to teach others on the differences between Reference, Inspiration, Reinterpretation, and Theft
Reference: (usually) a visual source of information in order to better understand something. Example here is of my reference board and the art I am currently working on.
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My favorite example of a professional using reference photos is by Hirohiko Araki (creator and artist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), who uses fashion editorials and photoshoots ALL the time it’s awesome - tysm @yumiaiyuma for showing me this goldmine
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Study and Inspiration: here is a great example from the wonderful Stephanie Pepper. Notice the caption stating these are studies, the movie it is from, and I will even go on to say that this artist is influenced or inspired by the prolific works of J. C. Leyendecker (but what’s key is that Stephanie Pepper has developed and practiced to the point of deviating from his work and become a style of art completely her own - and she’s so recognizable in my opinion!)
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Personal Example for Inspiration:
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An Example of Reinterpretation: note - Both these classical artists whose works are being recycled are dead and no longer missing out on potential work and income. Where stealing ideas and art from current artists hurts them financially and mentally and emotionally. Howl as The Fallen Angel by _mimimaru on Instagram is an interpretation of a 1847 painting by Alexandre Cabanel and is now considered public domain // the Mickey Mouse self portrait was by Charles Boyer and is a parody of the famous illustration by Norman Rockwell and was commissioned by Walt Disney, himself.
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Now here’s the part that is concerning to several people, myself included.
Recently, an artist found the reference I used, and decided to draw Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Regulus staring at Sirius getting supposedly punished by Walburga Black off screen.
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Let’s be clear: this isn’t a matter of tracing or claiming my image as their own. I do not mind at all if myself and another artist end up using the same reference. It happens all the time. Referencing and studying is not stealing. Reinterpretation is great for meme art challenges and paying respect to old classics. Even being inspired and doing one’s own version of another artist’s idea is totally cool, especially if you tag and/or shoutout the artist that inspired you.
I genuinely love and appreciate everyone who has brought this to my attention and who has been supportive and defensive of me with this. That reaction means more to me than anything else in this whole ordeal, if I’m being honest. So thank you all so much, with all my heart.
In closing: Do I hope this is all one gigantic coincidence? Absolutely. It’s one of those very uncool things that hurts my heart as an artist. I just want everyone to enjoy art and inspire each other so we can all grow. I do not want any malice to come from this either. I just wanted to inform everyone that I am aware of this, and give some of my thoughts on it. I also wanted to use this as a way to educate everyone on artistic process and why these things might happen sometimes.
Edit: me and the artist have chatted and we see it as a silly coincidence ♡ and honestly I'm happy and so relieved with that. But I think a lot of this info is still good to be mindful of in a creative community where we circulate ideas and content regularly.
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If Alphard Black was alive during canon, would that change/affect anything? Besides giving Draco a competent grandparent figure to maybe, perhaps slightly negate some of the influence of incompetent father figure.
Alphard Black, a great character @therealvinelle and I have completely made up for our own purposes.
Honestly, the way Harry sees it, no or else so minimally it's going to be no.
Where Does Alphard Fit In?
Alphard in this universe lives far past his original due date in the early 1980's/late 1970's. Potentially, this means no money willed to Sirius as he's not dead, but we'll go with @therealvinelle and my convenient interpretation of "gifted money to Sirius" in which case Alphard's not quite regretting giving that money but very :/ about it when a few years later Sirius is found to be Death Eater Number 2 who blew up an entire Muggle street in cold blood and sold his best friend, wife, and child out to You-Know-Who directly.
Alphard doesn't suspect this is false given the sheer emotional gut punch he receives around this time that is Bellatrix being a confirmed die-hard Death Eater who has tortured a fucking baby/murdered many/and tortured people into insanity, Regulus's disappearance and presumed death, and Narcissa being married to what clearly is a Death Eater who is now in dire straits and is bribing everyone he can to stay out of Azkaban. At this rate, why shouldn't Sirius have done this? Everyone else in Alphard's life has. Just par for the course.
(As an aside, I doubt Sirius would have gone to live with Alphard when he ran away because a) he didn't canonically b) he had support through the Potters c) the entire point was to run away from the family and that would just be running to family. So, they didn't have a period where they were very close and we remain in the canon world where Sirius was pretty surprised to have gotten money from his uncle like that and then doesn't really think about it.)
Alphard spends the 1980's onwards in a daze of extreme sadness as Regulus has presumably killed himself for no reason the family can discern, Sirius turned out to be a lunatic Death Eater no one suspected (which means he ran off from the family for no reason??? Sirius???), Bellatrix is in Azkaban deservedly for crimes so heinous Alphard really doesn't want to think about it, Narcissa is still fucking married to Lucius who is so clearly a Death Eater it's practically a running joke and sees 0 problem with this (and it's worse because Lucius is doing so well! This is great! He's filling the power vacuum!), Alphard's sister dies at some point during this period as does his second cousin/brother-in-law, and we're basically looking at a guy who's going to be hanging out with Andromeda (and fuck what the family thinks at this point, Alphard's so tired) who looks like the only remaining sane one and telling Narcissa to "PLEASE LEAVE LUCIUS" and being Draco's sad sad grandfather/granduncle figure who's very :/ about Lucius and Narcissa privately talking about how great Voldemort and the Death Eaters are.
I imagine Alphard's very dubious about the Boy Who Lived thing but mostly he just doesn't care. It's just so stupid and his life's misery and people are acting like he's supposed to be happy because at least Voldemort's gone. He doesn't expect to ever interact with Harry Potter because, well, why would he?
Alphard's role comes in more when Sirius escapes Azkaban and I imagine the Aurors aren't sure whether to guard him or not. However, Sirius doesn't give a fuck about his uncle and so he never comes around. Alphard has no reason not to assume that Sirius is on the run somewhere and is guilty as hell given Sirius canonically did not get a chance to prove his innocence.
More to the point, Harry has no reason to hear more about Alphard Black than he already did in canon.
Grimmauld Place was willed to Harry directly from Sirius and so Alphard wouldn't come into the picture there anymore than any of the other Blacks did when Sirius died.
Harry has no reason to interact with Alphard later as there's no suspicion that Alphard would have a Horcrux and he learns about RAB from Kreacher without having to interrogate Alphard about anything.
Draco still becomes a Death Eater because he really has no choice when it comes to saving his family/he wouldn't listen to his boring old grandfather/granduncle anymore than he did his mother/Snape of why this is a bad idea and he should be very careful.
Basically, Alphard would be one of the many witnesses to the tumultuous years that are canon and would have no real affect on it.
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valkariel · 8 months
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Inspired by Teeny Andromeda's "Wraith" :>
Head: Sable Death Mask - default Body: Scion Traveler's Jacket - jet black Hands: Virtu Goetia Gloves - dalamud red Legs: Augmented Deepshadow Breeches of Casting - default Feet: Bogatyr's Thighboots of Casting - default
Alt Head: Model C-2 Tactical Hood - dalamud red | Augmented Crystarium Halfmask of Casting | Prestige High Allagan Mask of Casting Alt Hands: Gloves of the Black Griffin - jet black Alt Shoes: Scion Healer's Highboots | YoRHa Type-53 Thighboots of Casting
Earring: High Allagan Earrings of Casting Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Asphodelos Staff - gunmetal black Off Hand: --
Alt Weapon: Kinna Rod | Hellhoud Staff | Blackbosom Blood Reaper
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Mount: -- Location: Faeberry Atelier
Shader: Faeberry Studio
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little-mary-marauders · 9 months
My thoughts on characters I remembered in math class.
Regulus Black: Aka the better Black. Pandora Lovegood: PLEASE PLEASE MOMMY. Barty Crouch JR: Fruity asf. Evan Rosier: Lowkey manipulative sometimes (I WAS MAD AT HIM BCZ OF A FICT) James Potter: LOML,HUSBAND. Sirius Black: B for leaving reg but aesthetic>>> Remus (moony) Lupin: Moony>>> Entire Marauders/HP Universe. Peter Pettingrew: Young Peter>>> Older Peter Marlene McKinnon: She can do whatever she wants to me. Run me over and I'll apologize for being in the way. Mary Macdonald: Cute asf. Lily Evans: Sometimes my girl needs to calm down. (IDK OKAY SHES THE LOML MATH CLASS FUCKS ME UP) Alice Prewitt: Older sis Frank Longbottom: ILY, Older brother. Dorcas Meadows: Ur hand in marriage darling. Harry Potter: Child of Reg and Jamie, Lily = Surrogate mother. Also fuck head for naming his son that. Ron Weasley: Stfu not everything has to be abt u, ily tho. Hermione Granger: Remus 2.0 Ginny Weasley: BAMF AKA Dorcas Meadows reincarnate. Bellatrix Black/Lestrange: Someone save her from the Rudolph the red nose deer wannabe. Narcissa Black/Malfoy: Deserved love. Andromeda Black/Tonks: Slayed when she ran. W*llb*rga Black (burnt burger): The devil doesn't even like you. Or*on Black: Hell won't accept your sorry ass. L*c*us Malfoy: I hope you rot in hell, if satan lets you in. Avery: Bitch. Mulicber: Mother Fucker. Snivellus: Needs to wash his hair. Draco Malfoy: Needs to stop saying "My father will-" Mathew Riddle: Hot. Blaise Zabini: Eh, nice, depends tho. Crabbe: Idk, stupid and somehow turned black. Goyle: Idiot. Theodore Nott: Cute, Hot, Rich, Daddy issues. Pansy: Dora the explorer wannabe. Albus Severus Potter: Deserves a better father.
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fiendishfyre · 3 months
What are your thoughts on the connection that Bella, Andy, and Cissy have with each other?
Bellatrix and Andromeda were the closest, often thought to be twins. Look most alike in almost all ways. They were each others best friends. Bellatrix and Narcissa have the least closest bond, too far apart in age and just mannerism. Narcissa too docile to Bella outward behavior. Andy and Cissa better than the above, Andy being the middle kid, tried to sometimes be a mediator but was quite strong willed too and caused her fair share of issues. But whether they have stronger connections to specific siblings, they are still sisters and no one can mess with the other without leaving unscathed. They protect each other. They coordinate how they all dress. They do each others hairs, they sneak away and go to the Black Crypts when they visit the Black Castle (this is all my hc Black family related things, hahahaha.) They love each other. So when Andromeda leaves, it pains them greatly. Especially Bellatrix who pushes further into Blood supremacy. So angered and hurt by her sisters betrayal. c: Okay, enough for now, feel free to add your own hcs and views!
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starfata · 1 year
Star Names
I have, once again, gotten into Harry Potter fanfiction. To be specific, Rigel Black chronicles recursive fanfiction.
So I'm making my way through wikipedia, going through the constellations and star names, making notes on the ones that are most Given Name-like, ignoring the ones that are after 1980 (quite a few), and noting the ones that might still be too modern/muggle for the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black.
Then I bought a book called Star Names, their Lore and meaning by Richard Hinckley Allen* and went through that. Given how confusing the book is to me, and how it includes poetical names as well as designations, I've marked the beginning of his contributions with *, the end with (RHA).
After all that work, I may as well share it.
Organised by Constellation, the genitive, and sometimes the constellation's abbreviation. Then the names of stars, which I haven't sorted at all. I used the Caelum constellation as a cutoff, which was something like 1756, which cut out suprisingly little compared to the post 1990 cutoff. The IAU has been Busy the last few decades, so many wonderful star names...
Too modern list
Nahn (1971)
Navi, Regor, Dnoces- (before 1967, by astronaut Gus Grissom)
Kaffa, Kruz, Haris, Heze, Ksora, Tyl, Achird (1950's)
Avior (1930's)
Miram (20th Century)
Leaena (Lioness, Leo Minor 1870)
Pulcherrima (loveliest, sometime before 1864)
Miaplacidus (1856) *(Maiaplacidus in 1835 typo) (RHA)
*Libella, (Norma, post 1840) (RHA)
Malus (Mast), proposed constellation, 1844
*Debilissima- Vega star, 1823 (RHA)
*Norma Nilotica- 1822 (RHA)
Noctua- Noctuae (owl, 1822)
Rotanev, Sualocin (1814)
Dalim (1803/1814)
Felis (cat, 1799) *Faelis (RHA)
*Niveau (Norma, 1776) (RHA)
The List
Andromeda- Andromedae (myth, princess) *The Woman Chained, Mulier Catenata, Persea (wife of Perseus), Cepheis (daughter of Cepheus), Virgo Devota (a scholiast), (Asnade, Alarmalah, Antamarda,) *Almara- sea calf(RHA)
Stars- Alpheratz/Sirrah/Sirra, Mirach/Mizar/Mirac/Merach, Almach, Nembus, Adhil, Almak, Manus Catenata, *Mirax/Mirath, Ventrale, Miyan (Persian)/Artulosia (Coptic)/Wabir (Khorasmian)- well mouth (RHA)
Antlia- Antliae (air pump)
Apus- Apodis (bird of paradise), *Apous, Avis, (RHA)
Aquarius- Aquarii (water carrier), *le Verseau, Amphora, Diota, Juvenis, Ganymedes, Puer Idaeus, Iliacus, Aristaeus, Cecrops, Hydridurus, Idrudurus, Hauritor Aquae, Imma, Monius, Eldelis, Daulo, Dolium, Aquary, Aquarye, Effusor, Eusor Aquae, Eluvius Aquarri,(RHA)
Stars- Sadalsund Rucbah, Sheat, El Melik, Lucida Fortunae Fortunarum, Hydor, Albali, Ancha, Situla, Albulaan, *Urna, Bunda, Kalpeny, Alpin, Mantile, Mantellum, Sidus Eastrum Regis (RHA)
Aquila- Aquilae (eagle) *Aigle (French) Adler (German), Jovis Ales (bird of Jove), Jovis Armiger (armor bearing of Jove), Merops (King of Cos), Vultur Volans, Flying Grype, possibly Erign (Euphratean, powerful bird), possibly Muru (Persian, bird) (RHA)
Stars- Aquila Tarazed, Alshāin, Deneb el Okab, *Atair, Alcair, Alcar, Althar, Althair, Attair, Alchayr, Gherges, Neshr, Alshain (RHA)
Ara - Arae (altar) *Altare (Italy) Antel and Encensoir (France), Ara Thymiamatis, Thymele (Altar of Dionysus), Arala, Apta Altaria, Acerra (altar where perfume burned for dead), Batillus (incense pan), Focus, Lar (hearth), Vesta. Pharus, Piteus (pit), (RHA)
Aries- Arietis (ram) *Ariete (Italy), Bèlier (France) Widder (Germany), Wider, Bamm (Anglo-saxon), Multans (Anhlo-Norman. 12th C), Phrixea Ovis, Phrixus, Athamas, Cornus, Corniger, Laniger, Vervex, Arcanus, Montone, Tèli (Hebrew), Amru/Emru (Syrian), Bara/Bere/Berre (persian), Kriya (Greek) (RHA)
Stars- Hamal, Sheratan, Mesarthim, Lilii Borea, *Hammel, Arnum, Padevar, Shalisha (RHA)
Auriga- Aurigae (charioteer) *Wainman, Cocher (French), Cocchiere (Italian), Fuhrmann (German), Hyginus, Heniochus, Erichthonius, Erechtheus, Erichtonius, Myrtilus, Cillas, Trethon, Bellerophon, Phaëthon, Aurigator, Arator, Mavors (Mars), Maforte, Ophiultus, Mafurtius (RHA)
Stars- Capella, Haedus/Hoedus Maaz, *Alhaior, Alanac, Alanat, Alioc, Capra, Gaper, Hircus, Crepa, Olenia, Olenie, Olenium, Cabrilla (Spain), Chevre (France), Alathod, Atud, Alcahela, Menkalina, Menkalinam, Aurigae Manns, Haedi, Dolones, Stimulus, (RHA)
Boötes- Boötis (ox/herdsman) *Bouvier (French), Bootis, Bootres, Arator, Boetes, Clamans, Clamator, Plorans, Alhava, Herdsman, Artophilaxe, Gustos, Arctni Custos, Lyacon, Areas, Sepentrio, Atlas, Philomelns, Nimrod, Icarus, Icarius, Cheguius, Chegininus, Thegius, Bubulus, Sabazius, Carman, Lanceator, Ogka (RHA)
Stars- Arcturus, Izar, Mizar, Mirak, Muphrid, Lancea Lanceator, Seginus, Ceginus, Princeps, *Aramec, Arcturi, Gladius, Kolanza, Pugio, Asad, Audiens/Audens. Artue, Arthurns, Arturis, Ariture, Arctuzona, Arctur (German), Arturo (Italian, Spanish),Mufrid, Mufride, Asellus, Clava, Inkalunis, Kalurns, Incalurus, Merga, Marrna, Falx Italica (RHA)
Caelum- Caeli, abbr Cael- Chisel *Burin (French), Bulino (Italian), Praxiteles
Cancer- Crab, *Litoreus, Astacus, Cammarus, Nepa, Lernaeus, Sartono
Stars- *Acubene, Azubene, Cirros, Cirrus, Flagella, Sartan, Sertan, Asini, Aselline, Elnatret, Nubilum, Nebulosa, Presepe, Pesebre, Mellest, Mallephon, Ermelia, Tegmine, Tegmen, Piatos (RHA)
Canes Venatici- Canum Venaticorm (hunting dogs) *Chiens du Chasse, Levriers (French), Jaghunde (German), Levrieri (Italian) (RHA)
Stars- Cor Caroli (Charles' heart), Asterion, Chara (joy), *Catuli, Coeur de Charles (French), Cnor di Carlo (Italian), Herz Earls (German), La Superba (RHA)
Canis Major- Canis Majoris (greater dog), *Canis, Canicula, Erigonaeos, Icarius, Sirion, Syrius Dexter, Magnus, Secundus, Alter, Sequens, Kelbo Gavoro, Greip (RHA)
Stars- Sirius, Sothis, Adara/Udara/Adhara, Wezen/Weseb, Aludra, Mirzam, Mirza * Serins, Latrator Anubis, Halabor, Gabbar, Ecbar, Habor, Sira, Vanand, Sivinam, Elseiri, Elsere, Sceara, Scera, Elchabar, Aschere, Alsere, Thoth, Sihor, Sothi, Solechin, Hannabeah (barker, Phoenician), Murzin, Adard, Udra (RHA)
Canis Minor- Canis Minoris (lesser dog) *Praecanis, Procanis, Gatellus, Catulus, Canis Orionis, Erigonins, Argion Ascemie, Algameisa, Fovea, Morns, Alchamizo, Alasgar, Dog of Tobias (RHA)
Stars- Procyon, Antecanis, Elgomaisa, Gomeisa, *Procion/Prochion, Siair, Siami, Aschemie, Algomeysa, Algomeyla, Algomeiza, Algomisa, Algomiza, Algomyso, Pallika, Palura, Gomeiza, (RHA)
Capricornus- capricorni (horned goat) *Capricorno (Italian) Steinbock (German), Bucca/Buccan Horn (Anglo Saxon), Gaper, Hircus Corniger, Capra ilia Amalthea, Pelagi Procella (ocean storm), Imbrifer (rain bringing one), Gelidus, Athalpis, Aegoceros, Alcaucurus, Alcantaras, Elgedi, Gadio, Mendes, Azazel, Oxirinque, Akokera, (RHA) Stars- Nashira
Cassiopeia (myth, princess)* Cassiope, Cassiepeia, Cassiepia, Carion, Mulier Sedes, Sedes, Sella, Solium, Inthronata, Cerva (a roe), Jostandis (girdle) (RHA)
Stars- Schedar, Caph, Rucba, Rucbar, Segin* Shedar, Schedir, Shedis, Zedaron, Chaph, Ruchbah (RHA)
Centaurus- Centauri (centaur)* Minotaurus, Peleanor, Pelethronius, Chiron/Chyron, Philyrides, Phililyrydes, Sonipes, Asemarik, Asmeat, Albeze, Albezze, Albizze, Birdun, Arma (RHA) Stars- Rigil Kentaurus, Toliman, Hadar, Agena, Menkent, Alnair
Cepheus- Cephei (myth)* Cēphēe (French), Cefeo (Italian), Vir regius, Regulus, Flammiger, Incensus, Cantans, Sonans, Kankaus, Kifaūs, Phicares, Phicarus, Caicans, Chipus (RHA) Stars- Errai, Arrai *Alderamin, Alfirk, Ficares, Garnet Star, Castula (RHA)
Cerburus * Cerbero (Italian), Ramo (the branch), Rameau et Cerbere (French) (RHA)
Cetus- Ceti (myth, sea monster)* Baleine (French), Balaena (Italian), Wallfisch (German), Pristis, Pristix, Cete, Belua (beast), Elketos, Elkaitos (RHA) Stars- Diphda, Menkar, Mira, Collum Ceti, Stella Mira, * Monkar, Difda, Rana Secunda, Boten, Dheneb, Schemali (RHA)
Circinus- Circini (compass)* Zirkel (German), Compasso (Italian), Compass (French) (RHA)
Columba- Columbae, abb Colm, (Dove)* Columba noae (Noah's dove), Colomba (Italian) Taube (German) (RHA) Stars- Phact, Phaet, Phad
Coma Berenices (myth, Berenices hair) * Chavelure (French), Chioma (Italian), Haupthaat (German), Ariadne's Hair, Crines, Capilli, Cincinnus, Trica, Tricas, Tericas, Rose Wreath, Ivy Wreath, Rosa (RHA) Stars- Diadem
Corona Borealis (northern crown) *Corona Borea, Ariadnea Corona, Corona Ariadnae, Corona Ariadnes, Cessa Corona, Corona Gnosida, Corona Cretica, Gnossis, Minoia Corona, Diadema Coeli, Oculus, Maera, Naxius, Ardor, Parma, Alphena, Caer Arianrod, (RHA) Stars- Alphecca, Gemma, Ashtaroth, Gnosia (knowledge), Nusakan *Munir, Munic, Gema, (RHA)
Corona Australis (southern crown) *Corona Austrina/Meridiata/Meridionalis/Notia, Südliche Krone (German), Couronne Australe (French), Centaur's Crown, Rota Ixionis, Coelum, Coelulum, Corolla, (RHA) Stars- Alphecca Meridiana (Alphecca South)
Corvus- Corvi (crow/raven) *Raven, Rabe (German), Corbeau (French), Corvo, Phoebeius Ales, Avis Eicarius, Emansor, Pomptina (RHA) Stars- Gienah, Gienah Ghurab, Algorab, Alchiba
Crater- Crateris (cup) *Coupe (French), Becher (German), Tazza (Italian), Cratera, Creter, Uma, Calix, Scyphus, Poculum, Alhas, Alker, Elkis, Patera, Elvarad, Pharmaz, Alkes, Alhes (RHA)
Crux- Crucis (cross) *Crur, Kreuz (German), Croce (Italian), Croix (French) Croisade, Mandorla, El Crucero, Crosier, Crusero, Crosers, Cruzero (RHA) Stars- Mimosa
Cygnus- Cygni (swan) *Cygne (French), Cigno (Italian), Cisne (Spanish), Schwan (German), Ales, Avis, Volucris, Olor, Myrtilus, Adige, Hyresym, Galina (RHA) Stars- Deneb, Arided, Ardidif, Arrioph (Gallina, Rosemund in poetry), Sadr, Sador, Aljanah, Al Janah, Fawaris, Albireo *Arion, Alberio, Abbireo, Albeiro, Hierizim, (RHA)
Delphinus- Delphini (dolphin) *Dauphin (French) Delfino (Italy), Delphin (Germany), Delphis, Delphyn, Delphyne, Dolphyne, Curvus, Persuasor, Smon, Hermippus, Acestes, Zizumara, Dulfin, (RHA) Stars- Dzaneb al Delphin, Cauda Delphini
Dorado- Doradus (dolphin fish) *Dorade (French), Xiphias,
Draco- Draconis (dragon) *Drache (German), Dragone (Italian, Anguis, Coluber, Python, Audax, Arctoe et Draco, Monstrum, Maximus Anguis, Ladon, Tanem, (RHA) Stars- Eltanin, Rastaban, Asuia, Alwaid, Aldib, Altais, Edasich, Thuban, Adib, Grumium, Nodus Primus, Erakis, Kuma, Giausar/Gianfar, Giansar, Giauzar, Dsiban, Dziban, Alsafi, Athāfi, Arrakis, Errakis, Al Rakis, *Etanin, Aben, Taben, Alanin, Altanino, Daban, Taeban, Adive, Eddib, Rastaben, Asvia, Rasaben, Etanim, Jais, Genam, (RHA)
Equuleus- Equulei (pony) *The Foal, Eculeus, Cavallino (Italian), Celeris, Cyllarus, Hinnulus, Rosa Mystica, (RHA)
Stars- Kitalpha, Kitalphar
Eridanus- Eridani (myth, river) *Eridan (French), Eridano (Italian), Amnis, Flumen, Fluvius, Padis Nilus, Gyon, Mulda, Melo, Vardi, Guad, Guagi, Alvahar, Nar, Nahar (RHA)
Stars- Archernar/Achenar, Acamar, Cursa/Kursa, Dhalim, Postrema Fluminis, Zaurak/Zaurac, Theemim, Theemin, Beemin, Azha, Beid, Angetenar, Zibal *Ecnar, Acarnar, Sulcus (RHA)
Fornax- Fornacis- the furnace/brazier
Gemini- Geminorum (twins) *Gemelli (Italian), Gēmeaux (French), Ledaei Fratres, Anaces, Algeuze, Elgeuzi, Gieuz, Apollo and Hercules, Triptolemus and Iasion, Theseus and Pirithoüs, Alioure, Duo Pavones (RHA)
Stars- Castor, Pollux, Muekher al Dzira, Alhena, Almeisan, Calx, Nuhuta, Tejat, Mebsuta, Propus, Praepes, Alzirr, Alzir *Almisan, Almeisam, Melaeta, Mebusta, Meboula, Menita, Mesoula, Propus Praepes, Tropus (RHA) *Castor- Eques, Apollo, Alefar, Aphelion, Aphellan, Avellar, Avelar, Anelar, Theseus, Phoebus, Algueze. (RHA) *Pollux- Polluces, Pugil, Aracaleus, Iracleus, Garacles, Rasalgeuze.(RHA)
Grus- Gruis (crane) *Le Groe (French), der Kranich (German)(RHA) Stars- Alnair
*Phoenicopterus- The flamingo. Bittour, Bittern (RHA)
Hercules- Herculis (myth, hero,), *Ercole (Italian), Melkarth, Engonasi, Engonasis, Engonasin, Gencenixus, Ingeniclus, Ingelicla Imago, Procidens, Saltator, Clavator, Claviger, Nessus, Nisus, Malica, Melica, Melicerta, Melicartes, Aper Cemuator, Ceteus, Alcides, Almannus, Celticus, Pataeus, Maceris, Desanaus, Desanes, Dorsanes, Ixion, Prometheus, Thamŷris, Oetaeus, Sanctus, Theseus, Melius, Ovillus, Diodas, Manilius, Orpheus, Trapezius, Temuelles, Samson, Elhathi, Alchete, Alcheti, Algethi, Row of Pearls (RHA)
Stars- Ruticulus, Rasalgethi, Masym, Misam, Sarin, Maasym, Marsic, Marfik, Marfak *Rutilico, Korneforos, Ras Algiatha, Ras Algetta, Marsia, Mirfac, Marfic, Masini, Mazym, Mazim, Gaiam, Guyam, Cujam (RHA)
*Horologium- pendulum clock, Orloge (French), Orologio (Italy), Pendeluhr (German) (RHA)
Hydra- Hydrae (myth, monster) *Hydre (French), Nepa, Nepas, Hydros, Hidra, Idra, Ydra, Idrus, Asina, Asnia, Asvia, Coluber, Echidna, Furiosus, Magnanimus, Lieu (RHA)
Stars- Alphard, Alfard *Alpherd, Alphrad, Alphora, Cor Hydrae, Collum Hydrae, (RHA)
Hydrus- Hydri (lesser water snake)
Lacerta- Lacertae (lizard) *Lēzard (French), Eidechse (German), Eidexe, Stellio (Stellion Newt)(RHA)
Leo- Leonis abbr Leon (lion) *Leone (Italian), Leun (Anglo-Norman), Nemeaus, Artān, Aryē, Asad, Alasia, Aleser, Asis, Assid, Alasado, Asid, Ellesed, Alezet, Leya, Leyaya (RHA)
Stars- Regulus, Denebola, Algieba/Juba, Zosma, Zozma, Zozca, Zosca, Dhur, Algenubi, Chertan, Chort, Coxa, Adhafera, Aldafera, Adhafara, Subra, Rasalas, Alteris, *Rex, Sharru, Miyan, Musu, Basilica Stella, Begia, Basilicus, Cor Leonis, Kale Alased, Achir, Nian, Nebulasit, Alesit, Nebollasid, Dafira, Asumpha, Serpha, Mutatrix, Avdem, Asphulia, Algieb, Zubra, Alterf
Leo Minor- Leo Minoris (lesser lion) *Leoncino (Italian) (RHA)
Stars- Praecipua*/Praecipna (RHA)
Lepus- Leporis (Hare) *Lepues, Haee (German), Lebre (Portugese), Lepre (Italian), Lièvre (French), Lepus Auritus/Levipes/Velox, Alaraebet, Elarneb, Hameb, Arnebeth (RHA)
Stars- Arneb, Arsh, Nihal
Libra - Librae- Scales *Bilancia (Italian), Peise (Anglo Norman), Zichos, Jugum, Noctipares, Mochos, Astraea, Tulam, Tolam, Almisan, Almizen, Mizin (RHA)
Stars- *Mizan, Aliemin, Zaban, Fasarivas (RHA)
Lupus- Lupii (wolf) *Wolff (German), Lupo (Italian), Loup (French) Bestia, Fera, Hostia, Hostiola, Panthera, Fera Lupus, Leaena, Martius, Lupa, Lycisca, Belua (RHA)
Stars- Kekouan
Lynx- Lyncis *Lynx sibe Tigris (Lynx or Tiger), Linx (French), Lince (Italian), Luchs (German) (RHA)
Lyra- Lyrae (Lyre, harp) *Leier (Germany), Lira (Italy), Clara Fides Cyllenea, Mercurialis, Cithara, Apollinis, Orphei, Orphica, Fidicen, Canticum, Aquilaris, Sangue, Mesanguo, Asange, Asenger, Azzango, Asanja, Arnig, Aznig, Brinex, Harapha, Hearpe, Harpa, Talyn Arthur, Albegala ange Albegalo, Lutaria, Marino, Testudo, Galapago, Testa Pupilla, Nablon, Nablium, Allore, Alloure, Alchoro, Lura (RHA)
Stars- Vega, Fidis, Lucida Lyrae *Fides, Fidicula Vuega, (RHA)
Mensa- Mensae (table)
Microscopium- *Neper (the auger), Bohrer, (RHA)
Monoceros- Monocerotis (unicorn) *Liocorno (Italy), Cervus, (RHA)
Musca- Muscae (fly) *Abeille (French), Mosca (Italian) (RHA)
Norma- Normae (carpenter's level) *Norma et Regula (the level and square), Quadra Euclidis, Lineas (Germany) (RHA)
Octans- Octanis (Octant, predecursor to sextant), *Octant, Ottante (Italian), Oktant (German)
Ophiuchus- Ophiuchi (myth, serpent bearer) *Ophiuchuls vel Serpentsrius, Ofiuco (Italian), Serpentaire (French), Ophiulchus, Ophiultus, Serpentiger, Serpentiharius, Anfuifer (RHA) Stars- Sabik. Cheleb, Celbarai, Kelb Alrai, Alrai, Sinistra, Muliphen, Marfic, Marfik, *Arangue, Alange, Rasalange, Alangue, Azalange, Alhague (RHA)
Orion- Orionis (myth, hunter) *Oarion, Aorion, Argion, Dianae Amasius, Comes Dianae, Jugula, Jeuze, Sugia, Asugia, Audax, Bellator, Fortis, Fortisisimus (RHA) Stars- Rigel, Algebar, Elgebar, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Alnilam, Saiph, Meissa, Rekbah al Jauza al Yemrniat, Tabit, *Mirzam, Gula, Klaria (greek, armlet), Begel, Riglon, Algauza, Mintaka, Mintika, Zona, Ensis, Ell, Manica, Thabit (RHA)
Pavo- Pavonis (peacock) *Pavone (Italian), Faon (French), Pfau (German) (RHA) Pegasus- Pegasi *Pegase (French), Pegaso (Italian), Melanippe, Menalippe, Theano, Cornipes, Alatus, Pegasides (RHA) Stars- Enif, Enir, Scheat, Seat Alpheras, Markab, Salm, *Artulos, Algemo, Enf, Homam (RHA)
Perseus- Persei (myth, hero), *Perseo (Italian), Persēe (France), Parasiea, Profugus, Cyllenius, Alove (RHA)
Stars- Alcheb, Mirphak, Misam, Atik, Ati, Demon star/Algol/Gorgona/Gorgonea, *Algenib, Chenib, Mirzue, Alove, Gorgonis Ora (RHA)
Phoenix, *Phènix (French), Fenice (Italian), Phönix (German) (RHA) Stars- Phoenicis, Cymbae
Pictor- Pictoris (easel)
Pisces- Piscium (fish) *Pesci (Italian), Poissons (French), Fixus (Anglo Saxon), Peisnn (Anglo Norman), Echiguen, Ichiguen, Aquilonicus, Aquilonaris, Nuni, Celeste Lasca, Dercis, Dercetis, Dercrete, Phaecetis, Dagiotho, Dione, Hermidone, Ittha/Anta/Titu/Mina/Minam (Tamil) (RHA)
Stars- Alpherg, Alrischa, Alrescha, Alrisha, Kaitain, Okda, Samaka/Samakah, * Desmos, Vincla, Kuton, (RHA)
Piscis Austrinus (southern fish) Formalhaut *Fomahant, Phomelhant, Phomant (RHA)
Pyxis/Pyxis Nautica- Pyxidis (mariner's compass), *Boussole (French), Bussola (Italian) (RHA)
Saggitarius- Sagittarii (archer), *Sagittiger, Sagittary, Sagitar, Scytta (Anglo Saxon), Crotos, Croton, Arcus, Pharetra,(RHA)
Stars- Kaus Australis (southern bow), Thalith al Warida (3rd of Warida), Sadira, Ascella
Scorpius- Scorpii (scorpion), * Scorpio, Scorpios, Hacerab, Scorpioun, Escorpiun (Anglo Norman), Throwend (Anglo Saxon), (RHA)
Stars- Antares, Cor Scorpii, Vespertilio, Satevis, Shaula, Larawag, Sargas, Acrab, Elacrab, Graffias, Lesath, Lesuth, Apollyon, *Insidiata, Antar, Iclil, Stephani (crown, coptic), Venand, Shauka, Mosclek, Shomlek, Sarur (RHA)
Sculptor- Sculptoris Serpens- Serpentis (serpent), *il Serpente (Italy), Anguilla, Anguis, Caesius, Laocoön, Serpens, Herculeus, Serpentis Lernaeus, Draco Lesbius, Tiberinas (RHA) Stars- Alga, Alya,
Taurus- Tauri (bull), * il Toro (Italy), le Taureau (France), der Stier (Germany), Portitor, Proditor, Europae, Agenoreus, Tyrius, Inachis, Cornus, Altor, Ataur, Altauro, Tora, Fearr (Anglo Saxon) (RHA)
Stars- Elnath, Aldebaran, Ain, Oculus Boreas, Hyadum, Cleeia, Kleeia, Ruby Star, *Aldebara, Aldeboran, Debiron, Atin, Hain Altor, Baharu (RHA)
Pleiades, *Peren, Parur, Perven, Pervis, Parviz, Parwin, Parven, Pliades, Plias, Peleiades, Sette Palommielle (7 Dovelets), Butrum, Vergiliae, Signatricia Lumina, Hedperides, Griglean, Grioglachan, Plejadi (Italy), Plejaden (Germany), Atorage, Athoraiae, Athorace, Altorich, Neith, Gallinelle, Gallinella, Crannarain (RHA)
Stars- Alcyone, Atlas, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta/Taygete, Celaeno/Celeno, Pleione, Asterope/Sterope, *Alcione, Alcinoe, Altione, Altorich, Athorric, Pleias, Mea, Maya, Maija, Electa, Atlantiz, Plione (RHA)
Hyades- Stars- *Kleea, Eudora, Koronis, Phaeo, Phaesula, Aesula/Pedile, Ambrosia, Dione, Thyene/Thyone, Polyxo, Phyto, Paricilicium (RHA)
Triangulum- Triangle, *Dreieck (German), Triangolo (Italian), Deltoton, Deltotum, Delta, Nilus, Trigonum, Trigonus, Triangula, Trigon, Tricuspis, Triquetrum, Trinity, Sicilia, Trinacria, Triquetra, Mutlatun (RHA)
Triangulum Australe- Southern Triangle Stars- Atria, Betria, Gatria
Tucana- Tucanae- Toucan, *Toucana, Touchan, Tukan (German), Toucano (Italian) (RHA)
Ursa Major- Ursae Majoris (great bear) *Orsa Maggiore (Italian), Grande Ourse (French), Arctos, Arctoe, Arctoi, Kallisto, Lycaonia, Erymanthis, Maenalia Arctos, Maenalis, Parrhasis, Parrasis, Wain/Wagon, Arthur's Chariot, Charere (chariot), Amaxa, Aganna/Akanna/Ajala, Cateletto (Italian, bier), Carro, Càrreta, Wagon of Odin, Woden, Wuotan, Horwagen, Hurwagen, Vaynes, Triones, Sepentrio/Septemtrio, Benenas, Benath As, Ben et thasch, Cynosuris, Helice, Catuli (lapdogs), Grigirean, Crann, Casserole (French, sausepan) (RHA)
Stars- Alioth, Allioth, Aliath, Dubhe, Alkaid, Benetnasch, Mizar, Phecda, Phegda, Pheka, Phad, Tania Australis, Tania Borealis, Talitha, Megrez, Muscida, Alula Borealis, Alkaphra, Alphrika, Alcor *Dubb, Merak, Miraë, Phaed, Phekda, Aliot, Risalioth, Alabieth, Aliare, Aliore, Alcore, Mirach, Micar, Mirak, Mizat, Elkeid, Benenaim, Bennenatz, Benenacx, Beninax, Benenath, Benenatz, Ackiar, Ackaïr, Alchayr, Talita, Alula Borealis, Awla, Acola, Eques Stellula (little starry horseman), Alkor (RHA)
Ursa Minor, *Orsa Minore (Italy), Unosoura, Phoenice, Horne, Bocina (bugle), Bogina (boa), Rukab, Tramontane (RHA)
Stars- Alruccabah, Yildun, Vildiur, Yilduz, Gildun, Alasco, Pherkad, Pherkard, Polaris, Cynosura, Stella Maris, Phoenice, Tramontana, Angel Stern, Navigatoria, * Alrucaba, Ludentes, Ludiones, Vigiles, Pollaris, Nortes (Spaniards), Cinosura,
Virgo- Virginis (virgins)* Mæden (Anglo Saxon), Pulcele (AN), Arista, Aristae Puella, Spicafera Virgo Cereris, Irene, Pax, Concordia, Fortuna, Ano, Atargatis, Cybele, Diana, Minerva, Panda, Pantica, Thespia, Beltis, Belit, Eladari, Eleadari, Adrendesa, Sunbala, Sumbela, Bethulta (RHA)
Stars- Spica, Azimech, Almuredin, Vindemediator, Vindemiatrix, Auva, Minelauva, Zaniah, Syrma, Khambalia *Spicum, Spigha (Italian), Erigone, Arista, Khoritos, Acimon, Alaraph, Alaces, Alazel, Azimon, Azimech, Eleazalet, Zavijava, Zavijan, Ninsar, Porrima, Antevorta, Postvorta, Prosa, Prorsa, Alacast, Alcalst, Almucedie (RHA)
Volans- Volantis- flying fish
Vulpecula- Velpeculae (fox), * Vulpecula cum Ansere (,the little fox with the goose), Volpe Colla Oca (Italy), Fuchs, Füchschen (German), Petit Renard avec l'Oie, Vulpes, Vulpecula, (RHA) Stars- Anser
Argo Navis- Argus Navis (myth, ship) *Schiff (German), Navire Argo (French), *Nave Argo (Italian), Argolica Navis (Cicero), Ratis Heroun (Heroes raft), Navis Jasonis, Osiridis, Celox Jasonis, Curris Marris (sea chariot) (RHA)
Puppis- (poop deck) *Argoa Puppis (RHA)
Stars- Naos
Carina- Carinae (keel)
Stars- Canopus, Soheil, Soheila, Suhel, Wazn, Hadar, Aspidiske, Turais, Tureis, *Karbana, Suhilon, Subilon (RHA)
Vela- Velorum (sails) *Segel (German) (RHA)
Stars- Suhail, Alsephina
Former Constellations Anguilla- Anguillae (eel) Antinous/*Antnoüs- (historical person, god/hero) aka Ganymede, Puer Adrianaeus, Troicus, Pincerna, Pocillator, Phrygius (RHA)
Rosae (rose) Tigis- Tigridis (Tigris river) Siren and Ceneus (myth) Apis (bee) Aranea- Aranae (long legged spider) Apes- Apium (bees) Vespa- vespae (bees/wasps) Asselli and Praesep (myth,Dionyus's asses and manger) Bufo- Bufonis (toad) Capra and Haedi (myth,Goat Amalthea and kids) Cerberus- Cerberi Deltoton- delta Gallus- Galli (rooster) Hirudo (leech) Lilium- Lilii (Fleur de Lys) Manis (pangolin) Pinna Marina- Pinnae Marinae (mussel) Phaethon- (myth, river) Ramus Pomifer (apple bearing branch)
Asterisms- Pleiades, Hyades, Warida, Thalith, *Thronos of Caesaris, Tre Facelle, Al Mīzān (scale beam), Row of pearls, Nairn (Persian), Testudo, Eahne, (RHA)
Unsure of lists Ruby star, Garnet Star, Stella Maris, Hydrobius, *Necht (unidentified Egyptian constellation) Ina, Mere, Vena, Aumea, Nubilosa, Luminosa, Sirian, Aelian, Paria (RHA)
Zodiac- *Zodiacus, Orbis, Orbita Solis, Belteus Stellatus (starry belt), Fascia (band/milky way), Cerole (zodiac is Cerole of Bestes), Mielan circul Zodiacum (great zodiac circle, Anglo Saxon) (RHA)
Generic- Nebula, Asterism, Nova, Pulsar, Borealis, Australis, Astromeric, Astronomer, Lucida, Zenith, Astra, Astro, Cosmos, Celestial, Galaxy, Cluster, Pearl Cluster, *Trigon, Decans, Decania, Decane, Decanica, Degane, Deganae, Decima, Decani, Sidera, Signa, Constellatio, Stellatio, (RHA)
*Milky Way- Aroch, Arocea, Strazu, Hilde, Hulde, Veierveien, Maiarati (RHA)
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Bracket C Round 1
Poll 30
Bianka Andromeda (@axolotlfied) vs. Zenaku Ryuu  (@max-plushie)
187. Bianka Andromeda (@axolotlfied)
literally what's not to love. she's fashionable, she's a hacker, she's an alien, she's 4'11", she's trans, she's autistic, she's gay and homophobic, she's gaslighting, she's gatekeeping, and she's girlbossing all the time for no reason. also she's from a comic called exofall that I've been working on for years
a short green girl with a black bob, opaque sunglasses, cute outfits, and massive heels
188. Zenaku Ryuu  (@max-plushie)
1. zenaku is a silly detective guy with his silly little adopted daughter. 2. zen also is a silly little dark web hacker!! uhh lets see what else * shifts my glasses and looks down at papers* 3. he's an ex vet so hes really good with weapons and combat and eventually becomes an assassin!! 4. he's a tired pathetic dad. internet loves those. 5. THEYRE A BADASS!!! typa character you can draw in camo pants and those tight ass black turtleneck lookin shirts. 6. zen is also on the autism spectrum!!! please he is my silly little guy
6'2; thick, mid length, black, messy hair; yellowy hazel eyes; eyebags, freckles, littered with scars; got that scruffy chin hair; often wears tactical gear OR tanktops+parkas+sweatpants; has a dad bod but still fit? imagine those soft abs some guys got, kinda there kinda not. muscles show the most when he flexes.
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jlaclassified · 9 months
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I've been waiting forever to read Aquaman: Andromeda, and it was worth it. It's an Aquaman vs Black Manta comic that reads like something from a vintage issue of Heavy Metal.
I knew Christian Ward's work from Ody-C and Andromeda is very much in that psychedelic mythical vein.
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There are shades of Alien, The Thing, and HP Lovecraft in this story of scientists trapped in a tiny submarine while an ancient Atlantean artifact slowly drives them insane.
When I was a teenager I wrote a short fan fiction about Aqualad being one of the hybrid sons of Cthulhu, so you could see why I was excited to read this. If the movies were more like this then maybe people would care about the DC movies.
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weirdnotal · 1 year
A normal black family dinner chaos edition
Sirius whispering: I poisoned someone's drink but I forgot who's
Andromeda whisper yelling: YOU DID WHAT
Ted: *moves drinks away from Tonks*
Regulus: the way this dinner is going I hope it's mine
Remus: *downs his drink* *waits a lil* I don't think it was mine
*James and Lily look on in terror*
Bellatrix: shut up or I'm going to hurt one of you-
Regulus: if you lay a hand on any of them I will crave your wrist bone out with a butter knife
James: good lord-
Lily: absolutely no-
Tonks: *handing him a butter knife* here you go!
Remus: y'know I think it might've been my c- *passes out*
All of them:
All the rest of the blacks:
Sirius: well fuck
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