witchstilllearning · 5 years
Astro Witch 101
So, you love astrology but have just realised that you are no longer just your sun sign. It’s a confusing and intimidating thing for a beginner astro-witch to see. That’s why I have decided to create a little guide to help anyone out. This will be the very basics but will be added to over time. Baby steps for baby-witches.
Sun Sign = The controller. This is your main sign. The sign you have known your whole life thinking that’s where it ended.
Moon Sign = Your inner-self. Your emotions, inner-thoughts, wants and needs are all controlled by your moon sign.
Ascendant/Rising = Acceptably called either, the Ascendant/Rising is your natural mask in the face of society. So basically, this is how people view you.
Mercury = A very important sign, it rules your decision making mind. It is how you communicate and can be easy to spot in a person.
Venus = This sign rules love and finances.
Mars = Most represent Mars with anger, and this is true. But it is so much more than that. This sign rules our animal instincts, energy, action and sexual desires.
Jupiter = This sign covers rules both generosity, tolerance and wisdom.
Saturn = This sign represents fears, our limitations and responsibility
Uranus = This sign is all about individuality. Progressiveness, forward-thinking and fresh-starts.
Neptune = This sign rules the subconscious. Dreams, psychic-sensitivity and inspiration.
Pluto = This sign represents rebirth. New-beginnings and growth.
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
Travel Altar/ Altar in a Box
I have a cat and my cat is an asshole. I’d love to have a big beautiful altar set up on my dresser, but Pip is the kind of cat that likes to knock things off of high places, take things that don’t belong to her and run, and hide things. To get around this, I decided to make an altar in a box. I used the small box that I already had, but you can use any size or shape box that you want! 
I started with a box. Obviously. I got mine from Hobby Lobby ages ago and had stained it with a dark stain and put box corners on it so that it looked nice. I had been using it as a catch-all for oddities and found objects, but decided that I would have to use it for my altar, as it’s the only box that I have. 
Step one was already done, as I had done it last year. Decorate the box. Like I said, I stained mine and added some dark box corners. I also used black ink to darken up the gold clasp so that it wasn’t so bright in comparison to the rest of the box. I wanted it to look a bit more vintage and worn.
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Next, I cut a rectangular piece of fabric to line the box with. I forgot to take a picture of the fabric before gluing it in, so I quickly cut out this smaller piece to show you what I did. In order to make sure that the cloth lay flat around the edges and not bunch up, I cut off the corners. Like so.
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And then I used hot glue to attach it to the box. I folded the raw edges of the fabric under so that they were hidden and the finished product looked a bit cleaner. This step was an absolute pain and I burned my fingers on the glue a few times.
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After that, I cut a piece of thick board to fit inside the box. You could use cardboard or chipboard, too. I used what I had on hand. This piece of board will be used a shelf. You’ll see what I mean later. Here, I’m just making sure that the board fits. I actually ended up cutting it down a bit, because with the fabric lining in, and taking into account the fabric that will be covering the board itself, it was a bit too wide to fit inside the box.
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Once I was confident that I’d cut it down to a size that would fit, I covered it with the same fabric I used to line the box. This picture shows the underside of the board where the fabric was glued down.
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Next was probably the easiest step - gluing that board into the box to make our shelf. The board is glued onto the lid of the box so that when it’s closed, it sits flat against the back wall of the box, and when it’s open, it makes a little shelf! If you make this box, be sure to make the shelf narrow enough that you can still close your box. You don’t want it hitting the bottom and preventing the lid from closing all the way.
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Next, we add the ribbon to the sides so that the lid stays upright when the box is open instead of falling back. Without the ribbon, your shelf is useless. I didn’t measure very well, just made sure that the ribbon wasn’t too short so that the box wouldn’t open all the way. If you’re using two ribbons like I did, it’s also important to make sure that both pieces of ribbon are the same length. 
If you use something other than hot glue, you may want to do this step before you put your lining in. Because I used hot glue, I was able to peel back the front corners of the lining so that I could glue the ribbon down, and then replace the fabric over top so that the end of the ribbon was hidden underneath. 
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I ran out of hot glue for the second ribbon, so I was forced to switch to E600, which works very very well, but takes some time to dry. I glued down the ribbon and let it dry enough that it wouldn’t move around, then glued the lining back in place. I used binder clips to hold the fabric in place while it dried.
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I left the project while it dried and went to eat dinner. When I came back, I was able to take the clips off, and the box was done!
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At this point, you can decorate the inside of your box how you see fit! If you make one of these for yourself, be sure to tag me! I’d love to see what you come up with. Happy crafting and blessed be.
Some notes: 
When gluing in the lining, put the glue on the box, not the fabric. This allows you to fold under the edge of the fabric and stick it down without burning yourself.
Before you cut your shelf, take into account that there is going to be fabric covering the board and the box, making the fit a bit snugger. Don’t do what I did and cut your board, then have to go back and shave some more material off so that it fits.
If you have fat hands like I do, you may want to use only one ribbon, on the opposite side of your dominant hand. I’m right-handed, so I may end up going back and cutting off the ribbon on the right side of the box.
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
Loki Playlist
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The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
Grace - You Don’t Own Me 
Carrie Underwood - Blown Away
Caravan Palace - Wonderland
Midsommarnatt (Traditional Scandinavian Folk Music)
Twenty One Pilots - Heathens
Caravan Palace - Lone Digger
The Weeknd - I Feel It Coming ft. Daft Punk
Lindsey Stirling - Shadows
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
Fall Out Boy - Centuries
Fall Out Boy -  Light ‘Em Up  
Come Little Children
Lindsey Stirling - The Arena
Panic! at the Disco - Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time
Lindsey Stirling - Hold My Heart feat. ZZ Ward 
The Weeknd - Starboy (official) ft. Daft Punk
Phildel - Beside You - The Disappearance of the Girl
These are just songs I associate with him based on personal experience.
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started Practicing
Chakras are part of closed practices. Find a different theory on energy centres and how they work. I have my own here but there are many more that exist.
Do your research. Question everything. Don’t follow Tumblr posts blindly. Do your research, make sure that research is credible. Some authors out there are shitty (Edred Thorsson for example). Some Etsy shop owners appropriate. Do your research.
Support minority businesses! Support local businesses!
The best basic herbs to have on hand are: sage, rosemary, cinnamon, thyme, lavender, sea salt. 
For the love of the gods, please ward. The first time you ward, you will most likely sleep upwards of 10+ hours because it is draining as hell but WARD. Wards will keep you safe from entities that seek to harm you.
ALWAYS have a good banishing spell and a good return to sender spell on hand if you need it. Here is Part 1 of a good masterpost on protections and warding.
Always be a skeptic. Don’t just believe things blindly. Is a god telling you they’re an actual god? Question them. Do your research on that god. Always question.
DO NOT INGEST ESSENTIAL OILS. They’re meant to be applied topically with a carrier oil. Don’t ingest them.
Some herbs will interact with your medication if you’re on them. If you’re on medication and want to try herbal remedies, talk to your doctor to make sure that your herbal remedy won’t negatively interact with your medication.
Tarot cards don’t need to be gifted or stolen in order to work. That’s a myth. However, if you feel like you’d like your tarot decks to be gifted to you, do that. Whatever you’re comfortable with.
Your first tarot deck doesn’t have to be explicitly Raider Waite Smith. My first deck was a variation on the traditional RWS style and it allowed me to read tarot more intuitively.
There’s no shame in using a tarot guidebook. There’s 78 cards that’s a LOT to memorize. I haven’t memorized them all and I’ve been reading tarot for two years now. Take your time and don’t be embarrassed to read tarot from a guidebook. I do paid tarot readings and still use my guidebooks.
If you’re worried about wasting food as an offering, it’s okay to eat them. I do it. Many others do it. If you’re still wary about eating the food, if you have plant friends, you can just bury the offerings (especially relevant for chthonic worshippers).
The Theoi website is one of the best for information on Hellenism. Every thing written on that website is cited back to an Ancient Greek text, or even several.
PLEASE PRACTICE FIRE SAFETY. If you’re burning an object in a metal bowl, don’t touch the bowl afterwards. You may burn yourself. Have something to put out a fire on hand should something happen. Don’t burn hair. Crack a window so you don’t inhale smoke. Be safe with fire.
Personalize your spells! If you find a spell on tumblr that you wanna try but don’t have an ingredient, go with your instinct and research what it could be replaced with! Tumblr spells are guidelines and you can modify that shit to your heart’s content.
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
Apparently my name was so unpopular when I was born that they didn't have enough data to calculate my "modern" name B/
Time has an interactive feature to discover what your name would be if you were born today, based on popularity of your birth year vs. now.
My name would be Mylah. With all apologies to anyone named Mylah, I am now very happy to be named not Mylah.
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
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More to Come!
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
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If you cannot have a grimoire but still want to write, put things in-between school notes.
If you’re alone in your practice, try joining some witchy communities such as The Bubbling Cauldron or Hogwarts!
If you’re just starting to learn astrology, focus on your sun/moon/rising first.
DreamMoods is an extensive dictionary for dream interpretation. 
Use different perfumes/facial sprays for different glamour intents.
Sore throat? Lemon, honey, and ginger tea.
Egg-shells make for great fertilizer for those herb gardens!
If you really want to be safe with grimoire writing, write in shorthand or code.
Rosemary can be a replacement for sage with smoke cleansing, also smells nicer!
If you live in a snowy area, make snow water!
If you’re interested in sea magic but live nowhere near a sea, try building an ocean shadow-box. 
Turn music notes into sigils!
Bake cookies with the flavour that corresponds to your intent! (lemon for cleansing, chocolate for love, etc) 
Non-consensual love spells are NOT okay. 
Non-consensual spells on another person are NEVER okay (unless they deserve to be cursed…that’s another ballpark).
Make sure to ask consent before doing a reading for someone.
If you want to learn more about Nordic mythology, this site is a great starting ground. 
These oils are bad to have/diffuse around cats/dogs!
Draw sigils inside of your shoes.
Keep sigils on your school notes/folders for help with academics. 
If you are allowed to draw on a test, draw a simple/quick sigil to help you pass.
If you want some really subtle kitchen-witchery, stews and soups are your friend. 
You do not have to identify as a specific type of witch.
Put your sigils on electronics so they charge with minimum effort.
Bury a raw egg in the front of your home for abundance and protection. 
If you are a painter, try mixing essential oils/incense ashes into your paint.
Carve or put a sigil with your intention on/under a candle for extra effectiveness.
Emoji spells can be printed and burned, if you want something more effective for them.
If you do offerings, make it a habit to do one before you go to bed.
Meditate with incense and candles related to your deity when looking for guidance .
You can craft a makeshift ouija board out of cardboard and a shot glass.
Make sure you check that whatever incense/candles you’re using is safe for your pets, cats and small animals especially have very sensitive respiratory systems .
Offerings, like food, are good when doing a spell asking for help from spirits and deities.
You do not need a fancy altar to be a witch.
Altar = work-space, alter = alternate. 
Honey will make the outcomes of your spells more effective and positive.
You do not need to celebrate the Sabbats!
Moonglow will personalise jewellery for you that has the moon phase from the day of the event you choose.
If you don’t have a candle, you can visualize lighting one.
If you can’t have your altar set up all the time, set it up super nice with candles, incense, all that good stuff, and take a video. Then you can full screen that as a substitute when you aren’t able to do the real deal.
Cayenne pepper helps to remove spiritual blockages.
Spirit shops are often scams or abusive, be careful. 
Most metaphysical shops (online and in-store) are WAY overpriced. Watch for gem shows, farmers markets, thrift stores, and grocery stores in your area.
Wicca is a religion that sometimes involves witchcraft, witchcraft is a secular practice which some Wiccans practice. The two are not synonymous. 
Thyme can be used to aid in dream spells.
Guided meditations and yoga classes that encompass witchy practices are great for new witches!
“Magick” was a term coined by Crowley, a known antisemitic, racist, sexist and all-around asshole. Be mindful of this, using “magic” or “witchcraft” is much better.
Inspiration from spells can come from anywhere. Pop culture is a great source of inspiration, such as my all-star spell. 
Something as simple as taking a shower can be a great cleansing method.
Tea tree oil helps treat acne and can also be used for strength!
Amethyst is pretty much good for everything.
Having a familiar is not necessary to being a witch!
If you do acrylics, try out a witchy design! 
Tourmaline absorbs negative energy and does not need to be cleansed of it as often.
It’s not necessary to keep a grimoire unless you want to/it’s genuinely helpful for you.
Most agate is dyed.
Menstrual blood is one of the most potent forms of blood for blood magic.
Citrine can be used for prosperity and wealth. Take it to job interviews!
If you plant mint, make sure you use a pot. That shit spreads like wildfire.
Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting down cross legged, anything that makes your mind clear can work for it.
If you need to bury a spell or offering, use something biodegradable like a lettuce leaf instead of a jar.
Different flavours of soda can be drank according to your intent.
If you play an instrument, turn spells into song. 
If you want your spell to rhyme, use a rhyming dictionary.
The word g*psy is a racial slur.
Some common flowers for glamours are roses, lilac,and lavender. 
Numerology/number spells can be used for those who enjoy math.  
Try living zero-waste for a week, month, or forever!
Opalite, goldstone, and bismuth are man-made.
“One note here might be wise. Healing magic should always be used in addition to conventional medicine and never as a replacement. Doctors are the only people qualified to help your body heal itself “ - Scott Cunningham
When moving into a new home, light three candles. White for cleansing, green for prosperity, and black to banish anything negative.
Polytheism = multiple gods/goddesses.
Monotheism = one god/goddess.
Pantheism = the universe is the god/all gods exist.
Panentheism = reality is identical with divinity.
Paganism = umbrella term for religions such as Wicca, Druidry, and Heathenry.
Charge your pet’s collar/leash with safety and protection.
Sketch sigils on your pet’s collar!
Follow the law, for goodness sake.
Taking from graveyards is illegal unless special permission is given.
Ouija boards are not the danger-zone everyone makes them out to be, check out @theouijagirl​ . 
Since it’s coming up on summer, making herb/flower infused ice lollies is great for intent!
Teaching minors religion (witchcraft is defined as a religion by law in America) is illegal.
Sun tea is a good way to get some sun energy in your system.
Fluorite is the gay stone and nobody can argue with me.
Try making teas/lemonade with sun or moon water.
If you are not a secret witch but live with those who do not approve, try to be considerate and understand their side as well.
Science places have better prices on crystals that spiritual places.
Museums also often have amazing prices on crystals.
If a religion is open, feel free to nose around and learn about them until you find one that suits you!
If weather allows, go outside barefooted to ground and connect with the earth on a whole ‘nother level.
Brick dust can be used for protection.
Mirrors are a great amplification tool.
If drawing sigils on your skin, lip liners and eyeliners are great.
Cleanse yourself by going on Tumblr because there’s so much salt.
Eat a peppermint before an interview to attract employment.
Dill and salt will reverse a curse.
To flush something out of your life, write it on a piece of flush-able material, and flush that shit down the toilet.
Not everyone practices the same way, do what is respectful and feels good to you. You are awesome!
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
Pet Protection Spell
My animals are a very important part of my life, and should anything ever happen to them, I would be distraught. As I was reading my learning material, I came across a spell similar to this one of my own creation, and I thought it would be a good place for me to start.
The Purpose: To Protect a Pet from Harm
Tools: A pet tag with the pet’s name, a small bowl, olive oil, lavender and vervain of any sort (whether it’s the actual herb or essential oil, whichever it readily available), a brown candle, and optional tiger’s eye and amethyst crystals to add a bit more to the spell.
Casting the Spell: Cast the protective circle. Clear your mind and light the brown candle, and place it before you, keeping the pet you wish to protect foremost in your thoughts. Power a bit of olive oil in the small bowl, adding the lavender and vervain, mixing it so that it is evenly distributed within the oil. You may have the tiger’s eye and amethyst there to add their powers as well to the spell. Take the pet tag and dip it in the oil mixture, anointing the tag. Let the tag lay in the oil as you utter the spell, asking your Diety to aid in your magic:
Oh, Dear God, of all that’s light, Protect my friend both day and night. To this creature, let not befall, Any harm, unto their paw. As they rest, as they sleep, By my side do my friend keep. By your Grace, I ask these things, And to Your glory, I do sing.
The spell is complete. You may let it soak longer in the oil if you like, but as long as the tag was fully covered, the spell will be complete.
This spell is mainly aimed toward the Christian Diety, as I am a Christian Witch, but please feel free to use it as you would to whichever Diety you worship. Also, while it does appear that this spell is aimed toward furry friends, as the owner of a bearded dragon, it may also work for the scaly friends as well. Rather than using a pet tag, you may find something else, maybe an item in their tank, to use. I plan on getting a tag with my dragon’s name on it, just so I can hang it on her tank for protections.
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
For Loki 💚
I look into my own two eyes
To the mirror I say “hello trouble, hello strife”
“No” the mirror whispers back “I am your trouble not your strife
And I am here to tell you this
If out of the storm you want, you must become what it is”
I look into my own two eyes
There in the mirror it’s not my own face looking back at mine
He looks at me with ice blue eyes
The flaming hair is telling no lies
“Come dance within the flames with me
Become what others fear to see”
“Evil?” I ask with a shaking voice
He laughs and tells me
“That’s your choice”
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- this is just a little poem I wrote for Loki
(I found the picture on pinterest. Artist is T.K Labus. This art is amazing.)
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
what do you like to do to worship loki? need some ideas/suggestions cause i feel bad lmao rip
Don’t feel bad! I think a lot of us have been there before, where we are not really sure what to do. Here’s a list of some of my favorite things I do in my practice/worship of Loki. Warning, some things are more abstract ways of worship by basically dedicating a lot of my day-to-day life to Loki and living by codes I believe Loki would like me to live by. 
Making time for Loki every day (Time to talk to him, pray to him, say thanks, things like that)
I dedicate my “parenthood” to Loki. To do this, I volunteer at a local animal shelter. You can do this by babysitting, working with disabled children, volunteering/working at places that help animals or children, donating/helping charities that help LGBT children/teens, and other similar things.
Once I have more space, I plan on dedicating more space to Loki by making an altar
I wear an oil diffuser necklace with the green pad inside (a color I associate with Loki) and lavender oil since lavender is associated with Loki
I live by a code of loyalty to my friends and my boyfriend as a form of worship to Loki and Sigyn. We are familiar with the story of Sigyn sticking by Loki when he was tied up with the venomous snake above him. I stick by a similar loyalty to those I am close to.
I invite Loki to eat dinner with me by leaving a small portion of the food I made on a separate plate for him. Loki prefers I not let offerings go to waste, so once my meal is finished if I’m still hungry I’ll eat that portion or save it to eat later. 
Honestly? Self care. I dedicate my self care to Loki and Sigyn. It’s a little different, but I find Loki finds joy in me taking proper care of myself physically and mentally. I find things associated with Loki to incorporate into self care routines. Some examples of this are listening to music I associate with Loki, lavender bath bombs or body washes, lighting relaxing candles (particularly in smells associated with Loki) 
It’s said that Loki gave humans fire, so another thing I like to do is make a fire in my fire pit to enjoy the fire’s beauty and warmth and thank Loki for his gift to mankind. 
Other lokeans, feel free to add!!
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
If you’re a secret witch
Use a shoe box to hide your more obvious items.
Keep herbs stored in ziploc bags to easily conceal them.
Take up “rock collecting”.
Candles and incense because they “smell good!”
Use an Altoids tin as an altar.
Buy crystal jewelry.
Use perfume to cleanse.
Essential oils can be used in place of most herbs and are less obvious.
Get into cooking, buying herbs is justified then. Plus, kitchen magic!
Use old makeup/perfume/mason jars for spell jars.
You can use almost any necklace as a pendulum.
Use spice jars for tiny spell bottles.
Put an altar in a spare drawer.
Playing cards can be used in place of tarot cards and are very common.
There are a lot of virtual apps geared towards witches that are easily hidden.
You can put sigils, tiny crystals, among other things in lockets to hide them but be able to wear them.
Farmer’s almanacs are just as good as the witch geared ones if you add some information to them, and they are more mundane.
Acorn caps make good biodegradable offering cups.
Get into crafts! You can make some really cool witch stuff that can also just be taken as “artsy”.
Taking a few pinches from your parent’s kitchen cabinets is never a bad idea . Unless caught.
Store things in big, boring looking books.
Seashells and rocks with natural holes make great windchime elements.
You can say your bos/grimoire is a dream journal, which are fairly common and not suspicious.
Draw sigils on with lotion or washable marker.
A tea bag in your clothing drawer can help imbue clothing with the attributes of the tea you use.
Draw sigils on the bottom of your shoes.
Make a virtual altar instead of a physical one.
Always remember to clear that browsing history!
Draw small sigils on your nails then cover them with nailpolish.
Pretty much everything at a craft store can be used for witchcraft. Except maybe the older people who shop there.
You can buy really really small jars online and make them traveling spell jars.
You can enchant jewelry to keep spells close to you.
You can make friendship bracelets/lanyards with colors corresponding to your intent.
Enchanting something you wear daily like glasses or shoes with a ward is something that could be done if one doesn’t wear jewelry.
If you’re into sewing/cross-stitching: incorporate secret sigils into the design.
You can grow plant ingredients under the guise of eating healthier.
Buy soap/shampoo etc with scents to match different intents.
Pencil cases are inconspicuous!
You can use birthday candles instead of actual candles.
Obtaining scented candles a covert way of having colored candles… and if you want scentless you can just say you like the aesthetic but not the smell.
Bath salts can have magical intent and be just as effective as a for bath.
Doodling is a great way to cover up sigils in a notebook.
Grow plants. Collect rainwater. Say rainwater is for plants. Cackle to self.
Make a private discord server for taking to deities.
Threads that hang off of clothing or coats are good for thread magic so long as you don’t have to do a ton with them.
Cleaning and cleansing go hand in hand.
Virtual or sketched altar.
Usually the isle that carries Ethnic food carries SUPER cheap herbs.
All astrology is just you getting really into horoscopes.
If you want a more accurate birth chart, ask your parents for your time of birth. Say it’s out of curiosity.
Weird witch stuff lying around? You like the aesthetic from Charmed.
Sigils don’t have to be considered witchcraft. Say they’re like a good luck charm.
Make your own jewelry, beads, gems,threads, color correlation, etc.
Pinterest boards are great for various things. Dedicating things to deities, saving spells, etc.
Stuffed animals as representations of deities.
Thread magic = sewing and crocheting.
Side blogs on Tumblr are similar to pinterest boards!
Sigils on the bottom of hair spray cans for glamours.
Nail Polish = color correlation.
Quote: “My room smells weird so that’s why I’m burning like 100 candles and some incense”. Works every time.
You can make your own tarot cards with inconspicuous symbols and photos on them, say they’re drawings.
Fairy lights in your room because they “look cool”.
Put your bos in something that looks like a school notebook.
Leave offerings outside if safe. Bury them! But don’t bury things that are bad for the enviroment!!!
If you want to use a ouija board, there are quite a few virtual ones.
Any herbs you can get be purely for tea and nothing else.
If someone catches you meditating, tell them it’s for relaxation.
Draw sigils on the top of your ceiling fan. The fan will charge them while on! - Not recommended you do with a permanent marker!
Draw a sigil on the charger base of your electronic devices.
Charge your makeup/hair products/perfume/cologne up with whatever you’d like.
Lemon water makes a great cleansing spray and is usually not suspicious.
Sigils inside your phone case!
Enchant your jewelry or watches.
Draw a sigil with a white crayon on paper.
Put a pouch of herbs in your clothing drawers, if someone finds them, say it’s to decrease bad smells.
Incorporate magic into art.
Study herb pouch and gemstones in your backpack.
Oils and herb pillow for your glasses case to encourage clear vision.
Make your own paper and use flowers/seeds/etc to create a design.
Sticky notes for sigils inside a school locker.
Correlate your clothing to your intent that day.
Sigils on a hair ribbon or enchanted ribbon.
Put your intent into your food and drinks.
Learn to make your own tea.
Keep a penny in your pocket for luck.
Google drive vs physical bos if you’re worried about your parents seeing it
Slowly start buying candles and bam you wont be questioned because they are just candles!
Craft store stars painted with black-light paint placed on your ceiling in constellation arrangements.
Drink fruit infused water/tea.
Carry salt in old film bottles or similar cases to help cleanse your purse or bag.
Salt packets are free at fast food places.
Enchant your bank account/wallet/piggy bank/etc so that it charges your money!
Use travel size medicine bottles to hold random mini witch things: twig, pebbles, sand, salt, etc.
Draw elemental items to encourage their energies around you.
Leave sticky notes with magical symbols on your desk or in your locker to generate positive energy for the next school day overnight.
Terrariums and shadowboxes have always been popular, make it your altar or invitation to the fae.
Fairy gardens have been a thing for a long, long time. They’re not suspicious and very good for attracting the fae!
Enchant counter bowls of fruit or breads so that the food decays slower.
Remember that you’re still loved and valid as a secret witch 💖🌙
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
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( repost of my first edit ever from my old blog! )
greek gods as movie posters
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
🌑Emoji Spell to help feel more connected to the moon during any phase🌑
✨like to charge✨ 🕯reblog to cast🕯
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
Ink Scrying
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Scrying has been a method of divination for hundreds of years and how it can be done varies in a plethora of ways from black mirrors, smoke, fire, etc. In this post, I’ll be writing on my personal method of scrying, ink scrying. It’s not revolutionary or brand new but it is definitely an uncommon type of divining!
The Tools 
Plain water (tap or bottled)
Moon water
A white bowl (clear would also work)
A paintbrush
Calligraphy ink
3 tealights
3 crystals of your choice (I personally use labradorite, amethyst, and clear quartz)
The Setup
Set up the circle. I do this by alternating between my tealights and crystals. This is to ensure outside energy doesn’t interfere with my readings and to amplify my psychic senses for the reading.
Then I prepare the bowl itself, which is now encircled by the tealights and crystals. I don’t measure exactly but I try to keep a 3:1 ratio of plain and moon water, respectively. 
(Optional) When reading for clients I create a loose energy tether to ensure that I’m reading for their query. This step is generally unimportant if you’re reading for yourself.
I stir the water gently with my paintbrush to combine the waters and to create some motion for the ink to spread out.
The moment of glory! After removing excess water, I dip my brush into my inkpot and dip my brush into the bowl. I intuitively choose how many times I dip my brush in, so it can be anywhere between 2 and 12!
From here you would go on as you would regular scrying. Taking note of images you see in the ink itself as well as allowing visions to come forth. 
When I’m done, I clear out the energy used in the reading by swirling the ink in my bowl and blowing out my candles.
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
Terfs, Fascists, Racists, Homophobes, Pedophiles, Aphobes and Nazis Are not Welcome to this Blog
Seriously, don’t fucking follow me. I may look like an uwu witch blog but I am not an uwu witch at heart
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
MC’s Guidebook: Incense
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An easy thing many witches will have in their arsenal of spell items will be incense. However safety is a thing and a lot of people don’t even look into incense as possibly being harmful, even though it’s helpful in some ways as well.
What is Incense?
Incense is by google’s definition:  a gum, spice, or other substance that is burned for the sweet smell it produces. Typically it is a stick or cone made from a packed powder that is scented and burnable. Once it burns it releases the scent embedded in the powder.
How Do I Use It?
Incense is simple. Here is a step by step guide on how to use it that no one asked for:
1. Go to a store or to a site online, buy some. 2. Also buy a incense holder. 3. Set Incense in holder. Gather a lighter or match. 4. Light the Incense. Let it burn for a few seconds. 5. Blow out the fire. 6. Incense should smolder until completely burned out.
And that my dears is how you use it.
What is it Used for?
Incense is used for a lot of things. Here’s a list of a few.
Making a room smell nice
Calming the fuck down
Representing the Element Air
Things to do Before You Burn Incense:
Yep. Safety first. I know I know the boring and so not fun shit. But I assure this is important to know before hand.
1. Make sure you aren’t allergic to the smells you may be burning(it happens dude) also make sure you don’t have a problem with smoke. 2. Make sure your A/C is on. 3. Turn on that Fan as well 4. Open the windows 5. Make sure your animals are not close to the smoke 7. Leave the door open. 8. Make sure ash can’t get on a flammable surface. 9. Make sure the burner isn’t placed on anything that can burn.
Notice how this list is about air flow. THAT’S BECAUSE TOO MUCH SMOKE CAN KILL YOU AND THE ANIMALS IN YOUR HOME! So please do these things to keep every being in your home happy and healthy!
Animals and Incense:
Can You Burn Incense if you Have Animals?
Technically yes. You can. But please look up what your pet can handle and what they may be allergic to breathing in. If the animal cannot escape the room to another room you may have a case of animal abuse on you. Especially if you aren’t doing the above things.
How Much is too Much for My Animal?
The lungs of our animals are much smaller than ours. So think of it as if someone decided to puff cigarette or vape smoke in your face for a good 30 minuets. Again hence why the above things were mentioned.
What scents are safe to burn around my Animal?
Google it my friend. That would be a long list as its different for each animal and there’s a lot of domesticated animals.
Why Was This Mentioned?
A few weeks ago during the full moon I had burned incense. I had the door to the room I was in open, the fan was going as well as the A/C was on. The windows weren’t open because I didn’t really see it fit since I took a lot of precautions. My roommates cat sat right next to where I was working and didn’t move. The thing is after that the next day she became really lethargic and worried, we opened the windows and kept a close eye on her. The thing is, we have no clue if it was the incense or if she hurt herself and was really dramatic about it, but either way we(my roommate and I) agreed to not burn incense anymore. It was once and I had burned incense before and it didn’t affect her as I never burned it without giving the cat a way of getting out of the room.
Essentially, you can make your animals sick when you have smoke and or incense filling your house even if it doesn’t seem like it.
What Do I Do If My Animal is Acting weird a few Days after burning incense?
Check to see if what you burned is something they are allergic to
Open all windows(that have screens)
Keep the air flowing
Take them to the Vet ASAP especially if signs worsen withing 32 hours(for cats anyways. but a good rule of thumb.
Check them for other injuries just to be safe.
Incense Alternatives
You don’t have to use Incense especially if you aren’t allowed smoke or want to be safe with your animals. So here’s a few Alternatives to use instead of it:
Essential Oils(ones meant to burn. Please Don’t Digest them.)
Air Diffusers
Sprays(like Febreeze and plug in scent diffusers)
This was short and to the point I hope you enjoyed! Please stay safe out there dears!
Sincerely, The Sleepy Witch
Created: 11.08.2018
Edited: 3/18/2019
Compiled by me from personal experience and common sense
DO NOT REPOST. Reblogging is Fine.
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witchstilllearning · 5 years
Simple Ancestor Offerings
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Originally posted on nightshadeandroses.wordpress.com
Our ancestors love and watch over us, sometimes even without our knowledge. However, if we neglect our ancestors and the bond that they share with us, their watchful eye may begin to wander when we need it the most. And just like you may feel hurt if a loved one ignores you, your ancestors may be saddened by a lack of communication.
Offerings, even if they are simple, are a great way to show your ancestors that you appreciate how they watch over and guide you. Of course, the more thoughtful the offering, the more appreciated it will be.
It is important to remember that offerings needn’t be expensive to be thoughtful. An offering that you pour your love into even if it is inexpensive will most likely be more appreciated and well-received than an expensive offering that you give flippantly.
Some of the items listed are traditional ancestor offerings while others are more modern and based in UPG; please use this list as a guide or a source of inspiration rather than a set-in-stone rule book.
Traditional Offerings
Food that your ancestors enjoyed while they were alive
Art (preferably created by you)
Coins and money
Write poems or letters to your ancestors
Non-Traditional Offerings
Spotify playlists of their favorite songs
Create a collage of pictures of your ancestors to use as a phone or laptop background
Create a blog or website to act as a digital altar for your ancestors
Did one of your ancestors love a particular hobby or craft? Learn how to do it yourself!
Once you have selected what you want to offer, simply place it on your altar and pray to your ancestors, dedicating the object or act to them.
If the offering is something edible that will rot over time, dispose of it by burying or burning if possible. If not, throwing it away will suffice as well. Different traditions have certain protocols for disposing of offerings, so do a bit of research to see what works best in your belief system.
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