witchyaffairs · 11 months
﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚ Observations of the 22 degree in astrology 🫂 ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
The 22 degree is Capricorn ruled and so as such, will give Capricorn like traits to whatever planet it has grasp on. The 22 degree is known as the "kill or be killed" or "assassin" degree. Normally when I hear about this degree it’s most of the time negative, which in a way, is understandable. However having this degree in your chart shouldn’t make you scared that bad things will happen to you. The 22 degree can manifest really positively in a persons life but it can cause some hardships as well. All in all, this post isn’t meant to scare anyone who have these placements.
Warning: mentions of religious trauma, abuse, addiction.
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I’ve noticed people with this placement, myself included, tend to be very restless.
There is a constant need to complete or finish something, but we don’t know what it is.
Many people in my life who have this degree in personal planets, especially on their sun, north node and ascendant, tend to have no idea what they want to do with their life.
They have a strong knowing that they have a mission or purpose in this lifetime but have no idea what this mission/purpose is.
People with the 22 degree on their sun go through either many ego deaths that help them overcome subconscious blocks that stood in their way, or have one long drawn out ego death that can last several years. This obviously can be seen as a bad thing, but the journey is worth while, and in the long run it is beneficial.
Venus in 22 degree may possibly experience a lot of abuse and misuse of power within relationships, physically and mentally.
Neptune in 22 degree may struggle with addictions and in worst cases can lead to life long damages to the mental and physical health.
Having Neptune in this degree also can tell you that you may struggle with maladaptive daydreaming and find it hard to break free from delusions and fantasies you have created within your head. This would be amplified if Neptune is in the third house or is in conjunction to Mercury.
Ascendant in the 22 degree may feel at times they want someone to control and fix their life for the better. These individuals may feel very tired from constantly being in control (in unhealthy circumstances they can be super controlling of everything in their life, sometimes the people as well) and turn to others to help let them rest.
Asc in 22 degree may funnily enough also have a saviour complex, esp if asc is in virgo/pisces. They could easily help others take control of their own lives and could be seen as the "stable” friend that is always there for everyone. Deep down they just want to be taken care of.
If the Asc is in contact with venus or has major aspects to planets in the second or 7th house, these individuals could rely on relationships to feel wanted.
What Asc and honestly Venus in 22 degree need to learn is that they are doing fine on their own, and while it is definitely more than okay to ask for help, they can learn the importance of being independent and standing up for oneself.
Uranus in 22 degree can result in someone who is unpredictable and could have constant change happening to them. The worst case I’ve seen where this degree has fully taken a hold of someone is in Andrew Tates chart 😭 Bro has a sagittarius sun conjunct uranus, both of which are in the 22 degree. Ofc if you have these placements it doesn’t mean your like him, it all depends on how you choose to let these placements manifest.
Venus/Asc in 22 degree may have low self esteem and don’t regard themselves as attractive . These natives are genuinely beautiful but they just can’t see it for themselves and tend to pick themselves apart ( this is esp true if venus or ascendant is in contact with neptune)
Moon at 22 degree may have issues expressing their more emotional and or feminine side. Depending on aspects, the sign, and where the Moon is placed in the chart, this could be due to childhood and environmental problems, where you may have not been able to freely express your emotions.
Similarly, Mercury at the 22 degree can indicate struggling with freely expressing your opinions and thoughts.
^This also goes for people who’s 3rd/9th house are at the 22 degree.
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In terms of health, the 22 degree could show us where on the body we could experience pain.
For example a person with mercury at the 22 degree could have lung problems, Jupiter at the 22 degree could indicate dealing with kidney problems or pain in the thighs.
Moon at 22 degree could indicate having issues with the mother, same goes with sun (father) at 22 degrees.
Having sun or moon at the 22 degree could also mean that your mother or father exudes Capricorn like traits. They could be hardworking and focused on their career while providing for the family.
Mercury at the 22 degree could indicate having a speech impediment when younger or rather being scared to speak because of the way their voice sounds.
Mercury at the 22 degree can achieve a lot through their voice once they overcome self limiting beliefs that had to do with their voice/education. These people can make great singers, reporters, writers, literally anything speech related.
Saturn at the 22 degree could indicate having strong and life changing karma in this life time.
Saturn at 22 degree could also mean struggling to stick to a routine and finds it hard to do things long term, (relationships, career ect)
Ascendant at the 22 degree indicates having a sophisticated look and having good facial structure. Props to the cap degree ig
Mars at the 22 degree, esp if in contact with the ascendant, could mean you have a striking appearance. One that grabs peoples attention.
Mars at the 22 degree could also indicate being overly competitive.
Jupiter at the 22 degree can indicate a person who has had bad experiences with religion and or spiritual practises.
Jupiter at the 22 degree can also indicate a person who struggles to get back up after dealing with setbacks in their love life/career/academics/money ect. This is because Jupiter rules faith and wisdom and with the 22 degree here, it can make one easily spiral into their failures.
However through these setbacks that a individual with jupiter at the 22 degree can experience. They grow stronger and wiser, and eventually after dealing with these failures, nothing can really stop them.
Lilith at the 22 degree may find it hard to express themselves. Some individuals with this placement could be repulsed by provocative and sexual things but deep down, they just don’t know how to express that side of them. The other half with this placement could be actively seeking how to express their inner dark feminine but find it hard to connect with it.
Chiron at the 22 degree can indicate experiencing something traumatic and life changing . Whatever was experienced, individuals with this placement turn their trauma into something they can help prevent and heal others with.
Individuals with Uranus at the 22 degree could experience many troubles and go through bad things online.
Having a house at the 22 degree gives insight into where in life you may have a figurative death/problems.
First house: Dealing with insecurities about physical appearance, not knowing or understanding your place in the world, confused about identity
Second house: Issues with finances and money, over spending, could have a deep rooted fear of living in poverty and not having much money, this could be a wound one carries because of financial struggles when they were younger, self-esteem issues
Third house: arguments and fights could break out easily between siblings , disharmony between neighbours, disturbances in neighbourhood, school probably wasn’t something you looked forward to lol, educational problems, not thinking your smart enough, communication problems
Fourth house: Problems in the house hold, death of a family member when very young, scared of starting a family or raising children, disharmony between family members, home may have not been a safe/warm place for these individuals.
Fifth house: struggles relating to expressing oneself creatively, may find it hard to do or be involved in things that require creativity, issues with fertility and childbirth, may like to play things safe and not risk anything, short term relationships/crushes had some negative attribute to it, struggles with artistic/creative endeavours.
Sixth house: problems with coworkers, struggling to stick to a routine, not knowing what career you want to pursue, bad experiences at work, can indicate being either super focused on health due to paranoia or negligent of one’s health.
Seventh house: toxic relationships, karmic debts within relationships, not wanting to marry, troubles with business endeavours, could attract toxic people.
Eighth house: issues related to sex, scared of sexual related things, could have experienced gone to funerals a lot, near death experiences, troubles related to witchcraft and spirituality, superstitious.
Ninth house: religious trauma, constantly trying to find something to believe in, or could want nothing to do with religion, could experience troubles over seas.
Tenth house: death in career, fear of being viewed badly by public opinion, struggling with fitting into society’s standards, could have a very beneficial career that puts you into the public eye, problems with authority figures and the father can arise.
Eleventh house: not fitting in friend groups, could indicate having toxic and bad friendships, people with the 22 degree here may feel their manifestations and wishes will never come in.
Twelfth house: Having subconscious feelings of doubt and worry that set you back a lot, death related dreams, could dream a lot about death and or fighting for your life, could have a lot of people praying upon your downfall from the shadows bc they’re "hidden enemies"
Thankyou for reading
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