Return to Sender (RTS) spells are a great way to send back any negativity sent towards you, whether this be a hex, a curse, the evil eye, or just someone sending general bad vibes your way. You don't have to put up with that. Send it right back to them. I do not follow any wiccan redes, nor do I believe in the rule of three because it does not apply to me or my practice. If you are justified in your actions, hex them. If they sent you nasty shit, send that shit right back where it came from. It's like Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.
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Send that shit right back!
I'm going to give you a couple RTS spells to try out, They all send shit back but it's your preference.
Return To Sender #1
1 black candle 1 white candle protection sigil cinnamon garlic juniper black salt cayenne pepper
carve "return to sender" into the black candle and dress with juniper, black salt, cayenne pepper
carve protection sigil into white candle (or put candle on top of sigil on paper) and dress with cinnamon and garlic.
light both and say "as this flame burns bright, so does my protection grow stronger. as this candle burns down, this energy will return to it's sender ten fold.
(any substitutes that may be needed for juniper or black salt or whatnot, just use herbs or spices that correspond to banishing.
Reflect a Hex
(Return to sender #2)
1 Protection candle 1 black candle paper and pen black salt small mirror
write target's name/birthday on paper and fold away from you.
Place black salt on mirror, covering it completely
scrape some away in the middle so the paper can stand up in a '/' shape
Light black candle (off to side) and say: "I reflect this spell back to you, enemy estranged. All harm and ill intent is yours to obtain. so mote it be"
How do I prevent this shit in the first place?
Make baneful wards. Create wards and protections that send back all negativity that is "not of your highest good" so that maybe anything you view as troublesome can get in BUT it will be for character development and growth. Any negativity sent for no damn reason except to be shitty will be sent back.
Hell, make your ward catch their bullshit, charge it up for a while, and send it back 10 times stronger. Make them regret it.
Baneful Wards that Bite Back
(please, for the love of fuck, do this outside)
. personal item or taglock of the person bothering you . florida water (to ignite, literally, this spell will literally go up in flames. Also for protection and warding) . dragons blood (banishing negativity) . defensive sigil (or protection sigil) . 3 juniper berries (for returning negativity back to sender) . rosemary (protection) . vervain (protection from harm)
Crush taglock and mix with florida water, rosemary, vervain, and dragons blood.
form mixture into your defensive sigil
pop the juniper berries in the middle
set it on fire and let it burn itself out.
bury remains.
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Difference Between Charms, Enchantments, Amulets, and Talismans
Charms: A charm's main magical purpose is to bring about luck, happiness, love, good fortune, health, etc. It isn't strong magic, but it's something. Ex.: "See a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck", that's a charm and it's said by school children all the time. It's an object that is spoken over to give it a little bit of magic. It doesn't have to rhyme, and it can be whispered, but it can help bring about a minor magical intention. (It's like the first-level armor you get in a video game. It's not strong, but it helps)
Enchantments: Enchantments are usually worn or carried and the objects are themselves magic. They are wearable or portable spells that effect the wearer/carrier. They can have a much larger effect than charms can, however, they are a bit more complex in the making - creating a spell, speaking over it, and whatnot.
Enchantment hows and whys can be found here.
Amulets Amulets are magical objects that protect people from evil spirits, negative energy, disease or illness, general harm, bad luck, etc. People believe that the amulet has some kind of magical power that protects the person possessing the charm.
Amulets are all different types, which includes herbs, stone, garlic, coal, horseshoes, plant or animal parts, coins, or any other metals. Amulets also include various signs and symbols. Amulets can be of the general type or can be personalized or changed according to the person going to use them.
It is often used in the form of jewelry so that it stays within the person every time and the chances of losing it becomes negligible. Amulets are natural objects and do not harm anyone. They improve the quality of life of a person having it as they satisfy the natural desired of the individual.
Talismans Talismans are magical objects supposed to give strength and power to the person possessing them. People also believe that it provides some kind of magical abilities to the person having it.
Talismans are natural amplifiers. They boost up the energy and empower the people leading them to make the right choices. Talisman is usually in a single piece, made up of gemstone or any other crystals. Talisman is a magical charm that can be customized or changed according to the person.
The talisman can be personalized according to the requirement. Some of them are supposed to bring joy and happiness, some of them bring health, some bring good quality of life, and so on.
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How To Sense Your Own Energy
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Energy Work 101: Sensing Energy
When first trying to sense energy, it's suggested you try on crystals and objects first. The first step to learning to sense crystal energy is to discover which is your sending hand and which is your receiving. Although some ambidextrous people can sense energy equally in both hands, most people find they have one hand in which they feel energy more strongly. Typically, your receiving hand is your nondominant hand and it draws in universal energy. Your sending hand is your dominant hand (the hand with which you write) and moves energy out of the body and back out to the universe after the receiving hand has drawn it in. The process of sending and receiving energy is constant, but you can also consciously direct the energy flow, during healing and meditation, for example.
SENSING YOUR OWN ENERGY FIELD: A simple way to become familiar with energy is to learn to sense your own. Start by rubbing the palms of your hands together to activate the tiny energy centers located here. Then draw your hands apart and slowly move them together, palms facing one another until you feel the quality of the energy shift or change. Continue moving your hands together and apart to become familiar with the feeling of your energy.
Don't get caught up on if you can or cannot feel it right away. Use visualization if it helps you. You aren't imagining it and you're doing great. Take a minute to just play with the energy. Make it grow larger, make it tiny. Envision it turning into different elements, different shapes, moving around away from your hands using your will and intent to guide it. Play with it, see or sense it in your mind's eye, and roll with it. It may seem silly at first, but I promise it works.
For some, sensing energy is difficult, it may come more naturally to others but don't get discouraged. Keep practicing.
SENSING DEITY AND SPIRIT ENERGY: One great way to get a feel for the energy of your spirits or deities is going to be to have them come to you and put their energy on your back or hands or whatever you feel is right for you. What does the energy feel like? Do you get any images from it? What color do they feel like? Hot or cold? What makes their energy different from others? In my practice, Bast feels like red velvet. Hades feels cold but fatherly. Rhiannon feels like the color yellow and pale flowers, Medusa feels like staring up at the sun through a lemon tree. See how the energy of the deities feels to you. It may be different for everyone.
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Some Additional Ideas for Your Day-to-Day Spells
When you wake up in the morning, write down some goals or things that you quite really want to get done that day on a piece f paper. A red pen is always good as red is very fiery and will put a fire under your ass to get it done. Then, make a nice cup of coffee (or any caffeinated drink like tea) and sip it while thinking of what you want to get down. When you come down to the last slip. fold up your piece of paper and put it into the coffee and close it in the cup with a plate. When the goals are complete, give thanks and take it out.
Write something on the left-hand side of your body for inner influence and to bring things to you gently. I was going to say to remove things but I thought the entire idea of writing something you want to remove on you would not be suited. To assert power, write it on the right side of the body.
A lot of people use the Abracadabra square as a method for basing other reductive spells. So, if you need something to be removed, you can write it in the same way such as
Another Rendition of the Above is done in the generative formula which would be something like:
Making a piggy bank out of a plastic bottle on which one has written signs of Jupiter and consecrated thereby. Each day, a coin is added (even some loose change) with an incantation to Jupiter to increase financial security.
Heat up quite literally anything, a knife, a needle, etc. and throw it into some cold water to cool down something.
You can take blessed water or a non-toxic, water-soluble marker and draw either symbol of healing or a prayer on a bowl and pour water onto it. The water can then be prayed over further and can be administered for various things. The following was taken from an app called Runic Formulas:
DAGAZ + LAGUZ + DAGAS (the runes are displayed in the app and should be written on the bottom of a bowl. One may then pour natural water or a water that has been infused with chamomile or lavender to bless both the ingredients' natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal or topic uses and the water for better aid)
The above formula is used, as said in the app, To moisturize and treat the skin
Whereby one would petition the Runes Dagaz and Laguz for their aid in the matter, pour the water on and then can rub it onto the affected area or use it in the making of a compress.
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Sneaky Witchcraft!
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Using songs as spells. (Singing it for extra charge)
Intention behind simple tasks (chapstick blessing to keep the lips soft and the words persuasive, lotion to keep the skin smooth and repel buggies etc)
Booping a child's nose and using that intention to dispel fear and/or bless the child in question. (Now a favorite past time for my itty bitty nephew.)
Blasting music to break up icky vibes throughout the house
Diffuser or incense certain scents work as offerings, cleansing, or just good way to bring luck into the home.
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How to tell if you have been hexed
Symptoms (symptoms will vary depending on the type of hex or curse thrown) - Lethargy, confusion, emotional fluxuation, lack of motivation, and shift in energy are basic symptoms, however, sometimes it's NOT a hex, sometimes it's JUST mercury retrograde or your depression or paranoia or anxiety. DO NOT DISMISS THE MUNDANE WITH THIS.
Hex divination - there are a few ways to see if you have been hexed, here are my favorites.
Matches Take two matches and strike them at the same time. Toss them in a bowl of water. If they make an X, you have been hexed. If they make a V, someone has attempted it. If they separate like | | then you have not been hexed.
another match test is taking two matches and rub them all over your body. Toss them in the water the same as above. the answers are the same as previously mentioned
Other options include: runic readings tarot divination "they love me, they love me not" flower petal divination "they hexed me, they hexed me not" lol Oomancy/egg reading
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Divination Masterpost
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"A Huge Tarot Masterpost" info
"Four Ways To Read Tarot Reversals" interpretation
"Tarot Tips" info
"Yes/No Tips" interpretation
"The Ultimate Yes/No Tarot Guide" interpretation
"Tarot & Oracle Spreads" info
"Tarot Technique: Dominant Energy" info
"Tarot Basics" info
"Tarot & Oracle Spreads Masterpost" info
"Tarot Tips For Beginners" info
"How To Read Tarot For Yourself" info
"How To Get The Most Out Of A General Spread" info
"How To Achieve Truthful Tarot Readings" info
"How To Get Yourself Back Into Tarot/To Do More Tarot" info
"Introduction Go Tarot" info
"How & When To Cleanse Your Tarot Cards" info
"Cleansing Tarot Cards" info
"A Detailed Guide Too Cleansing Your Tarot Deck" info
"Tarot Card Meanings" interpretation
"Five Card Spread" tarot spread
"Tarot Card Meanings Masterlist" interpretation
"Tarot Major Arcana" info
"All About Tarot: The Major Arcana" info
Other Divination Methods
"Divination101: Pendulums" info
"Pendulum Basics" info
"Pendulum" info
"Pendulum Tips" info
"Introduction To Cartomancy" info
"Cartomancy ABC Guide" info
"Types Of Divination" info
"Windvexer's Divination Masterpost" info
"Divination Masterpost" info
"Another Divination Masterpost" info
"How To Do Shufflemancy" info
"How To Make & Read Your Own Osteomancy Set" article link info
"How To Read Playing Cards" info & interpretation
"Playing Card Suit Meanings" interpretation
"Quick Reference For Cartomancy" interpretation
"Using Playing Cards For Divination" info
"Major Differences: Tarot vs. Playing Cards" info
"Major Arcana For Playing Cards" info
"When To Consult Divination" tip
"Osteomancy Masterpost" list
"Scrying: Witchcraft 101" info
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Welcome to manifestmoons
Magical water properties. A part of Grimoire Basics Volume 3
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All About: House Spirits
Well, it's about time I brought them up once again, in their own post. This guide may be on the lengthy side, but it's here to explain what they are and how to begin working with them.
What the hell is a house spirit?
House spirits come from all different cultures and folklore. Known as, you guessed it, guardians of the home. They protect the house itself, the land around it (they get along with the land spirit(s) most of the time), and they also protect the family if treated right. A home certainly doesn't feel like one without these presiding spirits helping. In fact it gives the home a life of it's own.
What do they look like? Are there types?
Across many cultures, there are these spirits and the folklore varies for each. In my tribe, we consider them to usually be little dwarves or goblins that must be appeased, otherwise they will cause bad luck or even resort to curses. Regular offerings are required. Then there are the land spirits, which is a whole other topic. If given regular offerings and respect, we believe that they will not only generate good luck and events for us, but protect us and help with our daily lives. For the witches of the tribe, they will often assist in rituals and spells. That all being said, this has carried over into my personal beliefs. Many cultures describe house spirits assisting with the same things and if they are displeased, bad occurrences following. As far as looks go, it depends on the folklore surrounding your area and your cultural background(s). You may believe in one or two types or an entire spectrum of house spirits from the realm of the fair folk. You could have one house spirit or twelve. It's entirely up to your home. In some cultures, there are door spirits (yes, that guard the doors) and ones that work in the kitchen, among others for different functions of the home.
Okay so, I live in an apartment building. Can I still work with them?
Yes. When I used to live in apartments, I found it was an either/or situation regarding how many were there. Some buildings have only a few that roam around, sometimes only one that protects the entire building, or there may be multiple hanging out in one apartment. Most complexes have multiple however. And then for the lucky buildings that have one for each apartment...those are nice. I've included a short offering ritual at the end of this post, which you can use to ask questions about whatever you wish to know, including how many there are in the building.
What kind of offerings do they like?
Milk, honey, bread, and herbs are a safe bet. They especially like bread baked by you, as they see it as a labor of love and that your energy is in there. Taking time to tend to the garden and taking care of your property & home in general are things they like to see. Don't leave the house a huge mess, as many prefer a tidy atmosphere. Not an offering per say, but important to mention nonetheless.
What should I put on their altar?
I keep my altar for them in the kitchen, as it is in a place that is undisturbed and can't be torn up by my land shark (aka, my dog). I also feel that most of the house spirits I have worked with in my life enjoy hanging out in this area of the home. They seem to like assisting in kitchen magic and cooking in general and the warmth of the stove. You may also want to include a small area near the front door if you believe that there are separate spirits for there. I'd recommend a shelf, as it won't take up as much space in the entryway.
Okay, back on track. Plants (if the space gets enough light), a cauldron, candles, offering bowls, a chalice, glass, or mug of some sort. A special spoon to stir the drinks or potions with. Decorative pieces from nature. Things you craft by hand.
How can I begin working with them?
Anytime, in reality. However, you do have to develop an actual relationship with them. This can take time and the more you speak to them, give offerings, and invite them in as you cook or clean, the more they will be willing to help with your spellwork, wards, and healing. Try the introduction ritual I've included. See what happens. Document it. Try again another time the following week. And just...keep going. Make sure that they know you haven't forgotten about them by leaving a small nightly glass of milk out before you head to bed. It doesn't have to be filled to the rim (hey, cost of living is ridiculous right now). It can be a splash with a squirt of honey added. Or a sprinkle of herbs on their bowl. Or maybe a small helping of what you whipped up for dinner. Point is to show them that you acknowledge and respect their presence. That will be the biggest component. Do the ritual once a week until you start seeing signs of contact. Once you do, make your own ritual with them. Incorporate them into your daily life. Ask them to help with blessing your cooking. Ask them to make sure your wards are in tact. Ask the door spirit to purify the energy of anyone that walks in & make bad people resist coming by. Start seeing if they'd like to sit in on a ritual, if you feel comfortable with that idea. Ask for a blessing when you clean the house & to assist you in removing all the bad energy.
Brief introductory ritual
To introduce yourself to your house spirits, I recommend sitting in your kitchen. If you consider your hearth to be the living room, you can choose to do it there. Make sure to bring offerings with that you feel will be applicable. Freshly baked bread (from your own hands) and some milk with honey stirred in would make a wonderful first treat. I usually introduce myself in a new home by bringing these treats to the location of choice, and start by speaking my intention aloud which goes something like:
"Spirits of the home,
Guardians and Protectors of this dwelling,
Please come sit with me and enjoy these offerings.
I wish to have a working relationship where we can honor, respect, and help each other."
I usually spend about ten-twenty minutes meditating after this is spoken aloud. Sometimes you will feel a strong presence. This is the time I take to set up my kitchen altar as well. If there is a place that I am able to create a mini-altar by the front door, I do so there for the door spirits. The land spirits get their own little thing out in the backyard. I've found in the many places I've lived, they almost always work together and some house spirits spend quite some time out there too!
From here on out, you'll develop your relationship with regular offerings and take it from there!
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Rain water or moon water
One drop of rosemary essential oil
Two drops of lemon essential oil
One drop of peppermint essential oil
One drop of lavender essential oil
An empty cleansed mistime spray bottle
NOTE: make sure you get a decent sized spray bottle, not a super tiny one because you need enough space for a good amount of water for the oils to evenly disperse in! You don’t want too little water and too much essential oil! If you need to, cut down on the oil drops you’re putting into it if it’s a slightly smaller bottle than the one shown in my picture.
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Ideas on how to capture/store Solar Energy and why I like them:
☼ Sun water
This one is pretty basic and reliable, because it’s basic. Take a jar, fill it with clean water, leave in direct sunlight for however long you feel is right, and seal it after. The energy collected is direct but dispersed, so I personally wouldn’t recommend it for aggressive spells or strong, impulse-based magic. Works with protection, grounding, cleansing, and meditative magic though.
☼ Suncatchers
An easy way to get “lighter” Solar energy than with the water, since it’s stored in a transparent crystal and not in a dense, moving body of water. Very passive in nature, so won’t do well if used to be dragged out and forced in an aggressive spell. Has a cumulative effect, can work for protective spells, warding, keeping the space clean and light-filled.
☼ Mirrors/system of mirrors
This one is a bit more action-driven, because it requires light to be directed, moved, and interacted with to collect. I personally recommend using this one for at-the-moment spells when Solar power needs to be directed in a pointed way. Works for “aggressive” action spells, cleansing, fuelling hexes, and general spellwork.
! Warning: Mirrors can be a fire hazard in warmer seasons, because they direct heat as well. Do not leave these unsupervised.
☼ Reflective stones/transparent stones
Works very similar to suncatchers, but, depending on the stone’s properties, can alternate Solar energy’s impulse in whatever way you want it to be alternated. The list is pretty much endless, base it off your own correspondences. Can be used for storing Solar power on your altar or other place of energy focus, fuelling spells, personal grounding, and other “passive” magic work.
☼ Phosphorescent materials
Be careful not to get any toxic ones, but keeping a statuette made of material that collects Solar heat and glows in the dark after might be nice for those who want to use the “nightly” aspect of Solar power. Kind of similar to using moonlight, but without any association with Lunar entities. Might be used to work with the Cthonic power of the Sun, personal warding if you do any nightly rituals and need protection, or to fuel spells.
☼ Prisms
Similarly to mirrors, this one collects and redirects Solar energy. If you need to fuel a spell, directly affect someone/something with a beam of good old sunlight (and whatever it carries in your case), or actively banish an entity, this can be nice assistance.
☼ Circles made of metal (gold, bronze, heat-keeping materials)
Circular shapes are a traditional Solar symbol in many cultures, and collecting heat of the Sun within those might be helpful in magic. Leave one in direct sunlight until it’s warm enough (do not burn yourself) and use it later. Can be helpful in offering to Solar entities, warding (circle is a protective shape), or fuelling protective spells.
☼ Tanning/sunbasking
Lastly, you are your most powerful magical tool. If your health allows you to, safely tan up when you naturally can, or just bask in the Light. Collect the heat with your very skin, use it in your magic as your body naturally - slowly - cools down. Can be helpful in doing Tarot or similar work, casting spells, and generally connecting to Solar entities. Invite yourself in Their field of power.
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P. S. These are tips from my experience. Do not treat it as a universal guide.
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I am a witch who's trying to get back into witchcraft after an immense amount of burn out. The burn out wasn't due to the witchcraft, it was due to things piling on my brain in general. What sort of things do you suggest to ease myself back into it? If you don't have an answer that's okay, just thought to ask
I've been dealing with this myself and I actually just made a video on it that I really like not too long ago, so I think I can help you!
How to Come Back to the Craft After Burn Out (+ A Guide to doing Witchcraft with Low Spoons) 
I was burnt out in general and because of the craft, particularly because of the way I was filtering my personal practice through social media. I realized a lot of my burnout was tied to pushing myself, and shame. I feel like maybe this is common. This is a mix of both personal and witchy advice, and I may be projecting, but I think you have to focus first and foremost on not rushing back in and getting overwhelmed by adding a bunch of stuff to your routine at once and trying to do everything right or perfect. A good practice or routine is sustainable, not perfect. Perfect is the enemy of good, and also the enemy of done. I've had to focus on this a lot recently. 
With this in mind, you might be wondering where you should even begin when it comes to actually practicing again. Remember to go slow. I’d suggest thinking about what you were doing and interested in before and start practicing and researching whatever sounds the most fun when you’re ready. You could also go over any notes you had about your practice before, if you had a blog or something look at that, etc. You get the idea! It will help you remember and might inspire you. If you really enjoyed tarot for example, you could do that when you feel inspired to. Starting slow is important. if you want go slower you could just do whatever practices you were doing before, or like now, whenever you feel like it. You could also try working witchcraft into your routine. Routine is hard for a lot of people but it doesn’t have to be intense. It can just be adding one thing. That’s all it needs to be. It could be something you do once a month, once a week, when you wake up, after you brush your teeth, only some days or whatever you think will make you feel the best.  
Of course I don’t know anything about your practice but to inspire you and others, here’s some ways you can easily introduce magic into your life. 
Daily divination  A tarot card every morning is what I like to do but you could use any kind of divination you like! 
Meditation  Meditate for a few minutes every morning/evening. Even 2 minutes makes a difference. Also, despite popular belief meditation does not have to be emptying your mind. 
Dream interpretation  Interpret or just journal about your dreams! Honestly journaling in general I think is great for witches. 
Witchy items of the day  Pick out some items to carry on you for the day. This could be crystals or herbs you want the properties of, a hag stone, or other items with properties you want to draw to you or use in your practice. 
Intention in drinks & food!  If you have coffee or tea every morning or day you can stir intention into it. Clockwise for things you want in, counterclockwise for things you want to banish. Or that’s the typical belief/way people suggest doing it. You can also stir sigils into it or add items to your drinks/food with or by intention. 
Enchanting personal care  Another way you can bring magic in your everyday life is enchanting personal care products. I’d do this for added layers of warding but you could get super creative with this and do whatever intention you like. 
Sigils sigils sigils  Sigils are fun to make. You can use them for a ton of other things on this list. Stir them into your drinks. Draw a sigil on your skin using lotion. Write them on your walls for warding. Sigils, sigils, ... sigils! 
Spritz cleansing If you have a hard time cleansing or not a lot of energy right now when you DO have energy you can put together a mixture for cleansing using a spritz bottle and then you have it done and ready to go ahead of time for many cleansing sessions. Beware of herbs and things you add if you have any allergies/pets. Actually just research any plants you handle anyway. 
Layering your wards  If you’re struggling with burn out right now you probably don’t have a lot of energy so this is a tip I like for when this happens and just the long term overall. Always add small layers using different methods to your personal and spacial wards. An example of this I love is some of the above, carrying an item with strong protective properties or writing sigils on the bottom of your shoes/sewing them into your clothes/etc are some other ideas I love. Customize as needed! Be creative! 
Basically just think of things you do everyday and try to make it witchy! Or think of practices you want to do more, like maybe cleansing, and figure out how to make it easier. 
Also I did mention research. I think in addition to picking a practice to try again or add to your routine, picking a topic to research that sparks interest may help too. Here are some ideas for that!
Circle casting 
Meditation methods 
Divination types (some are listed below)
Oracle cards 
Dream interpretation 
Spell types & spell construction 
Other symbols & what they mean
The Theban alphabet 
Color magic 
Moon phases 
The Elements 
Correspondences of days, times, etc 
Moon water
Black salt
Plants, herbs, and spices in witchcraft  
Local plants 
Local history & folklore 
Pantheons & their deities 
Deity work
Spirit work
Astral projection 
Hope this helps 💕
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Cleansing, Charging, Warding & Banishing
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How to Cleanse
Find the target of your cleansing
Pick and appropriate method of cleansing
Hold your intention while cleansing. Stay focused and grounded
Follow up by filling the cleansed space with positive energy to avoid negative energies from coming back in
When to Cleanse
When you get a new tool
When a tool/room feels stale or off
When your tools or space come into contact with negative energy
Whenever your intuition tells you its time
Common Methods
Use the Elements Cleanse a room with water, fire, earth, or air. Soak or sprinkle with water, pass through flame or smoke, sprinkle or bury in dirt
Smoke Cleansing Use the smoke of herbs and plants to cleanse a space, item, or person. Pick herbs that correspond to your needs, light a bundle, and lead the smoke
Salt Salt will soak up all negative energies
Sun & Moonlight Let your item cleanse in the sunlight or moonlight, or open your windows to cleanse a space
Crystals Use corresponding crystals to cleanse a space or item. Carry them around to cleanse your spirit
How to Charge
Pick your target. Anything you want to fill with energy
Choose a method of charging that is appropriate for your item
Hold your intention while charging. Stay focused on transferring energy to the target item
Listen to your intuition. You’ll know when an item has been charged
When to Charge
After you cleanse a tool/item
When an item/tool doesn’t feel as potent or feels weak
When energy becomes stagnant
When you want an item to hold a certain intention/purpose
Charging Methods
Sun & Moonlight Set an object in the sun or moonlight to let it soak up that energy
Crystals Crystals that have been charged and cleansed can be used to charge other items
Elements Use the power of the elements to charge items metaphorically or literally
Visualization Picture your energy and intention flowing into your item and filling it with power
Herbs Charge an item with corresponding herbs by passing them through herb smoke, anointing with herbal oils, etc
Sound Use singing bowls, bells, or corresponding music to fill an item or space with energy
Banishing & Warding
What’s the Difference?
Warding is… a gentler form of defensive magic. It’s used in a general sense. Warding is used to protect and guard from negative energies. It is used to redirect energy away from you or your space.
Banishing is… far more specific and direct. It’s used to get rid of a particular energy, spirit, or person. Banishing is a very strong form of defensive magic.
Warding Methods
Guardians Create a guardian to guard your home or space from negative energies. Use a small object, enchant it with your intention, and keep it in a safe, permanent place.
Crystals Corresponding crystals can be worn as jewelry to protect against negative energy. Placing crystals in a room or around your house will create a protective barrier.
Salt Sprinkle salt around your doors and windows or make protection jars.
Herbs Burn protective herbs and pass the smoke through your space or tools or sprinkle herbal oils and tinctures on yourself and your space for protective barriers.
Visualization Use your intention and energy to visualize a powerful barrier of protecting light around yourself or your space.
Banishing Methods
Use the Elements Burn a slip of paper with your target's name on it. Throw a leaf with your target’s name on it into a running river. Burn corresponding herbs and pass the smoke through your space.
Candles Anoint your candles with corresponding herbs and oils, then burn it. When the candle has burned out, the banishing is complete
Sigils Make your own banishing sigil or find one that resonates with you. Place it in the space or on the item you are banishing energy from.
Herbs & Tinctures Use herbal smoke to force energy out of a space or object. Make a spray or herbal tincture to sprinkle around your home.
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🎨Art Magic Ideas🎨
Use enchanted waters such as moon, elemental or holy waters to enchant your paint water
Create a thoughtform for/ensorcell a tool (paintbrush, pencil, needle, etc.) to assist your spell(s)
Recite chants/prayers/affirmations (intention) as you work
Experiment using herbs, resins, teas, etc. to make magical pigments
Make sigil stamps out of erasers, cork, hot glue, etc.
Create a portrait of your shadow self, or your witch/wizard/whatever-sona
Compile or record different playlists for different spell 'genres', meditation, and "vision board-ing"
Create your own recycled handmade enchanted paper for petitions
Protect your spells by documenting them in pictograms- use only images to portray the process
Use a recycled or handmade decorated container to house your 'personal demons'
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witheredunknownrose · 2 years
if this question is rude i am sorry in advance any fiction where moon water type magic is used correctly
Also sorry if I'm not understanding the question. I can't think of any fiction where moon water Magic is used correctly. I hope that's what you were asking.
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witheredunknownrose · 2 years
Go Follow my tik tok for free readings of almost any kind. (By that I mean all the readings I am able to do I do for free) I will post witch tips and respond more on there. (I'm more active on tik tok) Stay Witchy!
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witheredunknownrose · 2 years
Bruh I straight up just got the Xbox Series X go to set it up and my old one is like haha I'm alive.
People of tumbler I call on you for some technical help. I have the original Xbox one from 2013 and last night it asked to do an update so I was like okay cool. Well it made it to the second part of the update and it was around 7pm at the time we left it overnight and it never turned back on and now will not turn on, but it makes a very faint almost sounds like dying sound when I touch a button every now and again. Does anyone know what to do. We tried almost every troubleshooting thing we could find on the internet to try and get it to turn back on but it just won't. There is no red ring.
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