wolfbeastau · 3 years
Light of the Holiday Pt 2
Link to Full Chapter
The festive holidays weren't the first holidays that Luz had experienced on her time in the Isles. She had been there for the Coronation Anniversary, the 30 days where the sun hadn't set, the Isles version of Halloween. To say the least she had some decent experience with holidays it felt like. But this time something felt different about the upcoming festivities and not entirely in a good way. OR Luz begins to understand why the Boiling Isles version of Christmas is so important to them, even more so then the human realm.
Part 2
Eda was waiting at the front door of The Owl House when they touched down a short while later. A look of concern quickly morphing into relief. “You cut it awfully close kid.”
“Do not blame her. Her arrival is mostly on me.” Mrs. Reyes cut in before Luz could protest or Eda could start a lecture. “I am afraid that I underestimated the amount of time it would take to get the last needed supplies.”
That did nothing to make Eda happier instead it just redirected her agitation to the other witch. This was actually why she hadn’t wanted Luz to go over at all. “Well, you’re back before sundown at least.” She finally settled on. “Go on ahead and go in Luz I just want a quick chat with Mrs. Reyes here.”
Eda waited to make sure Luz was inside the house before turning to the other witch. “I’m sorry I know you said you really need to do this run, but I am having a hard time fully believing it.” Finally, letting her agitation be seen on full display.
Mrs. Reyes cocked an eyebrow at that. “I was not exaggerating when I said I needed to shop earlier, I can assure you Edalyn. I made the rather unfortunate discovery this morning that we didn’t quiet account for all the changes that have happened within the past year. The shopping run was not for pleasure, I assure you. Finding candles this late before the start is rather difficult, I found out.”
Eda deflated a bit at that. Well, she couldn’t fault the other witch entirely then. And she knew full well why Luz was the one called upon, even if she might not still have been the fondest of what had happened. “Sorry. I just worry about the kid. Most know we have to be careful for the next month. But with her being unfamiliar with the territory, I’m worried how she’s going to handle it.”
Mrs. Reyes gave a dismissive wave at that. “It is fine. I know how protective you are of her though like I said the circumstances were unforeseen and should not happen again.” Would not happen again, she silently added. She would make sure that this time next year they were stocked well ahead of time. At least they had caught it before nightfall. That could have been disastrous.
“Were you able to get the supplies at least?” Eda asked. Wondering for a moment if she had an extra candle to spare if they needed it. Luz would be heartbroken if something happened to any of the Reyes.
“I will not say it was easy, but yes we did. Thank you for asking.” Mrs. Reyes gave a reassuring smile. “Though I should probably get going. If I leave any later, I risk getting caught outside once the long nights begin.”
Eda nodded. “Safe travels and look forward to seeing everyone again on the New Year.”
“Likewise.” Mrs. Reyes said before kicking off.
Eda watched her go for a minute before stepping into the house and closing the door behind her. She still had some last preparations to do before she could relax. But having Luz back helped significantly.
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wolfbeastau · 3 years
Light of the Holiday (Part 1)
Link to Full Chapter Summary: The festive holidays weren't the first holidays that Luz had experienced on her time in the Isles. She had been there for the Coronation Anniversary, the 30 days where the sun hadn't set, the Isles version of Halloween. To say the least she had some decent experience with holidays it felt like. But this time something felt different about the upcoming festivities and not entirely in a good way. OR Luz begins to understand why the Boiling Isles version of Christmas is so important to them, even more so then the human realm. :readmore: Part 1 Luz over her six months on the Isles had experienced her fair share of festivities. Some more somber, some more upbeat. But before now she hadn’t really experienced anything that came with such a feeling of trepidation. It was such a stark contrast to the anniversary of the eve of Belos’ coronation only a couple of weeks back that Luz was having such a hard time wrapping her head around it. Before now, she hadn’t really seen anything that the community seemed to fear. But that really was the best way she could describe the atmosphere that surrounded the final hours of the year before the sun disappeared for thirty days. Luz guess she understood to an extent. Thirty days with no sun did seem a bit freaky. It was not something she had experienced herself before. Her house wasn’t anywhere near the Artic Circle back on Earth. But still considering just how powerful some of the creatures were, how powerful Eda was, it did kind of surprise her. Though it was telling that Eda had been reluctant to let her go into town when the Reyes had called to ask if she could do emergency babysitting. Eda for all her griping about the Reyes twins when they had been at The Owl House the last time didn’t really mind the Reyes, though Luz knew she would never admit the entire affair to anyone if asked. So for Eda to have actually been visibly reluctant to let her leave was telling and it really only had happened because Mrs. Reyes had assured Eda that if it started to get close to sundown, she would give her a ride back on her own staff. So to say the least, Luz knew something was definitely different this time around. Though she was having a hard time fully understanding what. Luz stood up from her seat on the floor next to one of the Reyes twins, Victoria, as Mrs. Reyes came into the sitting room area in the late afternoon. “Thank you again for watching the children while I did a final run. I do not enjoy going shopping at the last minute. However, I had thought Lucius had got the last supplies we needed for the next month. I will need to be more careful next year, that is for certain.” Luz gave a dismissive wave at that. “It’s not a problem. Like I’ve said in the past, they’re good kids.” Well, usually anyway. Luz had seen the temper and issues that had led to the Reyes’s going through multiple babysitters. But having been in the outcast role before, even if it was entirely different for her, if anything the problems had only made her want to get to know the kids more, not less. Mrs. Reyes gave a small warm smile at that. “It is nice to hear someone take a genuine liking to them. I do wish more saw it that way.” Luz said nothing to that. The difficulty of retaining a babysitter for the twins before Luz had met them was a well-discussed matter. Though she had never admitted it partly why she was attached to the twins was because she understood what it was like to be viewed oddly. Though admittedly those were different situations, apparently the understanding comradery had been enough for the twins to latch onto her very early on. “Like I said they’re good kids.” Glancing in the window's direction. “I should probably get going though if I want to make it home before dark though.” “Yes, the last thing you need to be is get caught out in the dark this time of year.” Mrs. Reyes agreed. “Though this brings up something I was wondering about. I must admit that I am surprised that you are not going back to Earth during the month.” Mrs. Reyes noted after a slight pause as they moved towards the front door of the house. “I technically should still be in school this time of year. And Mom is saying I’m at ‘boarding school’ since no one back home would even begin to believe the actual truth. Me being back on Earth would cause more problems than not.” Luz explained. She would be going home for the family reunion, but that was just for the day. The rest of the time she would be on the Isles. Sure it would have been safer to go back to Earth, and she was sure her Mami would have preferred that. However, it would have caused even more problems for her to go home. Besides, at the very least with her Mami’s work, it would be kind of lonely if she went back home. Not that she would say that because she knew her Mami would feel guilty if she admitted that. And it wasn’t like she was used to it having done it before... but she did like the companionship that came with Eda, not having to work the same odd hours as her Mami did. So she was staying on the Isles. Even if there was definitely something going on with the coming weeks that Luz didn’t fully understand. Eda had promised to explain to her at some point what the Aeterna Nocte actually was and everything revolving around it. Including why people seemed to hunker down for the duration of an entire month. However, Eda had been too busy with her own preparations to do that yet. So there was a slight disconnect for Luz because she still didn’t fully understand anything involving the coming month. “Oh dear, it really is later than I realized.” Mrs. Reyes said to herself, looking out the door for a moment at the sun that was slowly lowering itself on the horizon. “Let me get my staff and I will give you a ride home.” Luz frowned at that, wondering where this was coming from. It wasn’t like she hadn’t gotten back to The Owl House late on a couple of occasions after all. She got that something was different today, but she didn’t really understand why she couldn’t keep her normal routine. “It’s okay, I can walk home.” Mrs. Reyes shook her head at that. “No, Edalyn would have my head if I allowed that and for good reason. Trust me, you do not want to be out once the sun goes down.”
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
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A doodle drawn by the Eye.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
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Luz mid-transformation, both colored and black-and-white. Drawn by The Eye.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
The day of the first family reunion after Luz had started living on the Isles was one she had been both excited and dreaded. On one hand she couldn't wait to introduce the rest of the family to actual genuine magic. And to her girlfriend. On the other hand....she was fairly sure that one of her aunts was going to cause problems. And with that came concerns.
Eda, Lilith, and Amity meet the Noceda pack and there are metaphorical fireworks. And not of the pretty variety.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
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Owlbeast Eda with Puppy Luz sketch.  Credit again goes to Apiatart (aka Frog as listed in our header) for the art.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
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Camila in her wolf form! Credit goes to Star (the Eye).
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
Angry dog
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Another Wolf Luz sketch.  Credit again goes to Apiatart (aka Frog as listed in our header) for the art.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
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More wolf Luz art! Credit goes to Apiatart (aka Frog as listed in our header) for the art.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
It wasn't the first time that Luz's desire to help the family figure out the curse had come back to bite her. Though it certainly was the first time that it had backfired as spectacularly as it had this time.
Luz finds out the hard way that figuring out the curse here on the Boiling Isles was going to be even harder then she had imagined.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
Luz didn't expect to step through a magic door that morning.
She didn't expect to get recruited for a heist by a witch wanted by magical law.
More than that, she didn't expect to want to stay.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
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Happy Halloween everyone ^-^
Have a fanart of a happy Puppy chillin in a pumpkin.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
Luz hadn't been entirely sure how she was going to explain to Eda that she came from a pack of shapeshifters. Only that she was probably going to need to figure it out before the next full moon. However, a certain boiling rainstorm unexpectedly forces the conversation.
Eda and King finding out about the curse went nowhere near the plan Luz had been trying to piece together.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
Luz buries something while in wolf form that she’s still searching for, days later. Eda says it’s fine but Luz is upset even with the reassurances.
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wolfbeastau · 4 years
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The legs are admittedly a bit wonky but over all I think this came out pretty well done.
Wolf Mode Features Include:
Doubled Eyes, Ears, and Tail
Human-esque front paws/Sort of opposable thumbs (not shown in this art piece oops)
Option to Split Jaw
Tusks and large fangs
Ear floof that’s like, cat whiskers kind of. Sense air flow and stuff with them.
Other things not visible or only visible under specific circumstances.
- Eye 👁
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