words-and-neon 5 years
Hi, I really love your poetry! I think it's great! How do you come up with such themes?
Hey! Thanks haha.
I am sincerely surprised that you鈥檝e found my account considering I really haven鈥檛 posted on it for some 2 years maybe? Or more? :D
But again - thank you xd The themes are really just me untangling my brain...in rhyme. I don鈥檛 put to paper a preconceived theme but merely write - in a planned process - an idea or a feeling inside me in a way that seems, atleast for me, fun. :D
I鈥檓 sorry for the untimely reply but as you can see I am really inactive on here and don鈥檛 even bother to put up my new poetry on here but maybe I should reconsider that haha Anyway, I hope this answers your question. Have an awesome day!
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words-and-neon 7 years
By The Flow
If the world is crushed by words, Then why does silence seem so damning? Every hand,picking a picture, Black and white,but why does it matter? The eye and mind make a brilliant mixture Of the seen and the judged, Of the imagined and unthought, Of that that we think is hidden in plain sight Of that that we cannot see because of the sharp light.
It blinds us and then we seek dark shelters, Inside our head memories become melters. The process is simple: Add a little colour, Swirl the solid, Make the large smaller, Twist the knife Make the air squalid, Bring falseness to life. As by then,the truth is brought to defeat. Rinse and repeat.
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words-and-neon 7 years
Haiku #5
Thoughts that walk on stars belong to the minds that dare roam the boundless sky.
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words-and-neon 8 years
Haiku #4
For one to taste life he has to drown in its lakes; both toxic and pure.
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words-and-neon 8 years
Haiku #3
Our minds represent the thoughts that the universe has about itself.
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words-and-neon 8 years
Haiku #2
Black and white are not illusions but ways by which we scale shades of gray.聽
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words-and-neon 8 years
How blind is the eye that sees through everyone's words and yet no one's soul.
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words-and-neon 8 years
Fiery Glow Of Hope
I see a heart. Not made of blood and flesh, but of worlds taken apart. I see a face. Not made of lies and blurs, but of scars hard to embrace. I see an eye. Not made of sparks and stars, but of a black hole's bare sky. I see a tiny glint. Not made of fragile dreams and hopes. But of pure white; a strong,sanguine hint. And then,I see a fiery glow. Not made of bare skies,scars and worlds parted, but of sincere stars and dreams,their serene flow. And through that flow I soar,with placid hopes that grow.
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words-and-neon 8 years
Just A Plea To The Hurt
Dear stranger,have you seen your reflection in a mirror of your battered soul today? Saw nothing but dark,bitter rejection and maybe an ounce of heart-piercing decay? But I plead - do not lament your imperfection and replenish in wells of moments from blue to gray. Turn the light on,for how is it introspection when you can't see the mirror,when dark is all you weigh?
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words-and-neon 8 years
Fragile Dance Of Consciousness
If only,these walls that surround me, icy remnants of a blazing sun, could melt down,let me be a loose sea and revel in the tides of no one. If only,these mists that have crowned me, icy prince of glazing past-someone, could dissipate,let me see and free the lands where the warmth could not have won. Yet there is no strength to crush these walls. And no warmth to dissipate these mists. Hence,I'm pulled by light that darkness calls to a polar dance that coexists.
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words-and-neon 8 years
Guiding The Confused Heart
I close my eyes and open my mind. See the blank horizon and paint blind feelings and thoughts - precise yet vague. No clear roots,but I see the plague. So,where does it come from,I wonder? A mute sound,suffocated thunder on the not lifeless,nor lifeful, now-painted horizon,strifeful. I open my eyes and close my mind. See the filled horizon,with defined shapes and structures - crammed yet hollow. No reason for me to wallow. I know where it comes from,no ponder. The beauty,thoughtless,left to wander by shapes - both lifeful and lifeless, across the horizon,strifeless. I open my eyes and open my mind. See an unfinished horizon and bind its shapes, paint my blind feelings and thoughts. And I see,at awe,what my heart soughts.
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words-and-neon 8 years
A Void Roars
How do I banish this void, this dejected,bitter delight that haunts me,a celluloid feeling: a loner's kryptonite. And,you see,I wait for it, a tranquilic softness to tune while picking words to unknit but only ache I hear,its typhoon. Not until I turn,and then see golden sun's joy,silver moon's plea, I hear and calm the grating roar, and let it take me to the day darker than the night before.
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words-and-neon 8 years
The Truth,Embraced
I'm sitting here,drinking the night, in this room,with a glimpse of light. The silence - loud,almost whispers, the thoughts I hide,but it lispers. A fake calmness roaming across, but a wind of dread wrecks with force. Suddenly,my covers are blown; the thoughts I've hidden - they're all gone.
Left,right,left,right.To no avail,though I still glare, I glare,but all I can see is empty air. The silence gets louder; crying,screaming, The purple sky melts,the daylight comes, revealing the thoughts,the ceiling. Then,the wind lashes again. Smashes them onto me. My soul's overrun. I crash,undone.
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