words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n.  /ˌintərˌteksCHo͞oˈalitē/ The relationship between two texts, or references in one text to another
Loved by thefrankinator
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n.  /ˈbro͞ohäˌhä/ A fuss or uproar; a noisy and overexcited reaction
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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v.  /ˈblaT͟Hər/ To talk on and on of unimportant things; to talk in a nonsensical manner
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n. /kəˈlōkwēəˌlizəm/ A word or phrase that is not formal. Comparable to slang, jargon and sometimes euphemism.
"Many writers have been extraordinarily awkward in daily exchange, but the greatest give the impression that their style was nursed by the closest attention to colloquial speech." - Thornton Wilder
Loved by saxgirl
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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v. /kah-meh-lar/ To love, to want, and to need in the Gypsy language.
Loved by Anonymous
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n. /doo-pull-ya/ Croatian for a tree hollow.
Loved by selenatar
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n. /ˈmiskrēənt/ A lawbreaker, or someone who is not restrained by moral principles.
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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adj. /särˈdänik/ Scornful and mocking.
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n. /məˈlizmə/ A group of notes sung to one syllable of text; melodic embellishment. 
Loved by the-music-is-everywhere
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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adj. /ˈpel ˈmel/ Disorganized, recklessly hasty.
"Let us to it pellmell. If not to Heaven, then hand in hand to Hell." - Shakespeare
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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adv. German for 'sometimes'
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n. /ləˈk(y)o͞onə/ A missing piece; a blank space; a gap.
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n. /ˈkadrē/ A small group of specifically trained professionals, typically military or revolutionary. Literally means 'frame' or 'framework' in French.
Loved by evolive
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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adj. /fəˈlāSHəs/ A misleading and false argument; deceitful
"Human memory is a marvelous but fallacious instrument. The memories which lie within us are not carved in stone." - Primo Levi
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n. /ˈfistiˌkəfs/ A fist fight
"If you want to throw down in fisticuffs, fine, I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary waitin' for ya...right here!" - Ron Burgundy
Loved by suush
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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adj. Never fading, everlasting.
"It made him jealous to imagine them lost in this amaranthine profundity." - Sir Compton Mackenzie
Loved by suush
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words-we-love-blog · 13 years
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n. /əˈflātəs/ A strong creative impulse or divine inspiration.
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