can you do a halloween prompt list? pleasssssssse
We also have Halloween prompts here. And a new 31 prompt list:
1. Let my friend pick out my costume and it was a mistake2. Found an abandoned bag of candy outside and I want to eat them3. We’re camping on Halloween and there’s something walking around our camp4. Accidentally gave out novelty condoms thinking they were chocolates5. Was watching scary/paranormal videos on Youtube and the power went out6. What I thought was a fake tarantula is real and on my shoulder, help please7. I was pretending to be a fake scarecrow and freaked out a kid and now I’m in trouble8. We’re exploring an abandoned building and keep hearing something in the shadows9. Please come over I’m home alone and I think someone or something is in my home10. I cut myself when carving a pumpkin and it’s bad but it’s really not that bad right11. Ghost hunting on Halloween and something definitely grabbed my leg twice now12. I opened the door for trick-or-treaters and someone let a bat loose in my house13. Thought it’d be cool to visit a graveyard on Halloween but we’re not alone afterall 14. Cats keep attacking me because my costume is a giant jellyfish 15. I think this mannequin is following me16. My peacock costume apparently challenged a real peacock, stop laughing and help17. I looked outside and there’s a set of footprints leading to my window but leaving18. It’s Halloween and the awful people next door are putting up Christmas decorations, I must stop this madness19. I went to a cemetery on Halloween and I’m pretty sure I stumbled on some graverobbers20. Found a piano in an abandoned house and it just started playing on it’s own21. This is the third street that I’ve gone to and seen the same creepy clown 22. Every year my house gets TP’d so this year I’m waiting with a paintball gun23. I dressed as a cat and a big dog has me stuck in a tree24. Neighbor’s kids are camping in their backyard after trick-or-treating and I must scare25. Someone is throwing water balloons filled with shaving cream at houses and it’s not me26. Old lady we’re all sure is a witch is actually giving out candy for Halloween this year, I’m going to try getting some to see if they’re poisoned 27. School bus full of creepy kids hopefully dressed up as zombies just parked outside28. Waiting for the people who egg my house every year while armed with two dozen of my own eggs29. The kid I’m taking trick-or-treating just got a can of beans from the last house, I’m going back to ask what the hell30. Took a shortcut home after a Halloween party through the woods and something is following me31. I swear that jack-o-lantern just winked at me
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Currently accepting requests for new prompt lists
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Hey! Just wanted to know if you had any parent and son prompts!
theres some parent and kid ones here
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Hey there! I want to ask for permission to reblog and use your 10 sentences prompts (summer edition) to practice my writing skills! Thank you either way and sorry to bug you!
All prompts can be reblogged and used :)
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Do you have a 12 days of Christmas prompt list or something like that?
There might be one in the holiday tags :) And if not, we can probably do one this year
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15 days of writing (summer fair, words edition)
Candied Apple
Monster Trucks
Petting Zoo
Exhibit Display
Ferris Wheel
Booth Games
Game Prizes
Fried Food
Outdoors Concert 
Runaway Animal
Photo Strip
Dust Cloud
Activity Booths
Sheep Racing
Lemonade Stand
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7 days prompts (summer fair)
You took the last bag of cotton candy so you’re either going to share it with me or I’m going to fight you for it.
I don’t like heights but my friends pressured me onto the Ferris wheel, don’t laugh my knuckles aren’t that white from hanging onto the bar.
My friends convinced me to get on stage at the karaoke stand and apparently I can’t stop staring at you or sing oh no.
You yelled when a pig in the petting zoo nibbled your pant leg and that only made it charge after you and I can’t stop laughing.
I’m not lurking around the photo booths like a creeper, my friends are in one of these booths and I don’t know which one.
One of the rides spun a lot faster than you expected and your shoe fell off and hit me in the head what the heck
Look you seem like a nice person so I want you to know this booth I’m watching is rigged don’t waste your money
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15 days sentence prompts (Randoms)
“You sold me out?!”
“What do you mean “maybe”? It was a yes or no question!”
“If you say that one more time, you’ll hope for death.”
“No no, your hair looks...unique. It’s okay, I’m sure we can fix it!”
“It’s just a frog, why are you so scared?”
“I’m just saying, if anyone could do it, it’d be me. That’s not cocky!”
“If I’m an idiot, what’s that make you?”
“I didn’t know you could make a flower crown.”
“You can’t just strap a paper horn on a dog and say it’s a unicorn!”
“I’m not crying, it’s just dusty in here, stop looking at me.” 
“Lavender? Plum? Violet? They’re all purple!”
“It’s not only for kids just because it’s a kid’s movie!”
“Trust me, I know exactly what I’m doing. Mostly.”
“Your’re not listening to anything, your headphones are unplugged!”
“Did you just eat that flower?”
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7 Days of Writing (Plot Twists)
A is a monster hunter, B is a monster. They meet when B isn’t in monster form and start to fall for each other, one night they meet while A is hunting and B is a monster
A and B have been dating a few weeks, A is an undercover cop and B is a criminal boss, they don’t know about each other until B is brought into the station one day
A is a restaurant owner/chief/cook and B is a harsh food critic, they meet on a blind date, B had done an anonymous review of A’s restaurant that wasn’t very flattering 
A and B are online gaming enemies, but they meet in real life and hit it off until they find out their online gamer names
A is a local teacher who coaches the school’s sports team, B is a parent who coaches the community's sports team, they meet at a parent/teacher conference and make date plans, only to find out they’re coaching opposite teams at a big/important game the next day
A is an avid bird watcher, B is an owner of some private land and doesn’t allow trespassers. Some rare breed of birds take to living on B’s land and A sneaks around to watch and get photos of them 
A is allergic to/dislikes cats(or other animal of choice), B owns a cat(choice animal) rescue center, they’ve been dating for a few months when B has to go into the center for an emergency while on a date with A, who doesn’t know what B does exactly and tags along
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15 Days of Writing (New and different AUs)
A is a cam-performer and B stumbles upon their show and is dumbstuck
A has a mobile pet salon and B found a filthy stray in need of a bath ASAP
A recently moved in downstairs and B is a very loud upstairs neighbor and steals WiFi
A is a cop and B is a sexworker who A is in denial about loving even as they let B off with warnings all the time
A is a pet walker and B is a recovering pet thief who doesn’t know if it’s the pets or pet walker they’re after now
A found a wounded rare bird and B is the park ranger who responds to their call for help
A works at a childrens hospital and B is a single parent who’s kid is having major surgery 
A’s shoe laces got caught in the escalator and B is the technician who’s trying to fix the situation
A is a pizza delivery driver and B jumps into their car to try stealing the pizza
A is a former drug dealer and B is a recovering addict and they both try to keep the other from knowing about their pasts
A works at a photo scene in the mall and goes in costume into the 24 hour store B works at
A’s been arrested and is waiting handcuffed to a bench in the police station, B is there to deliver donuts and can’t help giving A one
A is an activist for animal rights and B works at an aquarium that rehabilitates marine life to free into the wild but A didn’t get the memo
A is a yard duty for a preschool and B is a new substitute teacher who got turned around in the halls 
A’s pet recently died and B owns a headstone shop and thinks the grave marker is for a person not a pet
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10 WRITING PROMPTS PT 4 (Kids, Parents Edition)
I know I said I’d get up with the kid in the morning but I’m hoping you can’t tell I’m fake sleeping and hoping you will do it instead
You were supposed to get diaper rash cream at the store but now you’re texting pictures of the shelves and asking what you forgot come on
We’re camping and you think you lost the kid but they’re napping in the tent and I’m not telling you yet so you watch them better next time
I’m really sorry the kid’s copying a bad word I said and I keep laughing but come on look how cute that is
It’s our first date since having the kid and you keep texting the sitter and trying to facetime them instead of enjoying dinner
We’re trying to fool around while the kid is asleep but we heard a noise and now we’re freaking out if they heard or seen us or not
I know it’s silly but humor the kid and “kill the spider”, I know it’s just stray hairs knotted up but it scares them so do it come on
You asked me to get the kid’s school things together but it’s morning and I forgot no I’m not trying to rush it before you notice
The school sent home a project for our kid to do but it’s really complicated and they want help but only your’s they refuse me
Look I remember I said no pets until the kid’s older but they found this animal and it’s cute and they’re cute can we please keep it please
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10 WRITING PROMPTS PT 3 (Kids, Single Parent Edition)
It’s 3am and my kid is out of diapers please I know this sucks to last minute ring up someone I’m really sorry but it’s an emergency
Your kid literally shoved their finger to the second knuckle in their nose and wiped it on my leg and I don’t know what to do about this
I know it might be inappropriate to ask out my kid’s doctor but the nurse took them out of the room to weigh them and now’s my only chance
I’m not a creep but I seen your kid asking for this toy and you said you couldn’t afford it right now so I bought it for them maybe
My kid is lost somewhere in this changing room and I’m really sorry but have you seen a little human running wild through here
Don’t judge me but my kid’s clothes are all messed up and I’m trying to change them in the back of our car right next to your’s 
Your kid threw a cookie at me and I’m sorry I laughed and embarrassed your or them but it was kind of cute don’t punish them please
I’ve heard you signing in the middle of every night this week and it’s so off key- oh sorry I didn’t know those were lullabies or that you had a kid
So you’re the new teacher’s aid in my kid’s class and I was not expecting you to be so cute or charming and also my kid loves you 
Apparently your kid scaled my backyard fence to pet my cat and now I have a scared kid crying for their parent and a freaked out cat in a tree
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7 Days of Writing 14 (Time travel AUs)
Listen I know this sounds like bullshit but I’m from the future and I’m here to keep you from being murdered okay
You were my significant other in a previous life but you didn’t reincarnate this time so I found a way to go into the past to see you again
I’m from the past and you don’t believe me but I just came here to find a cure for someone and you need to help me
I managed to create time travel- but it’s only for short bursts forward or backwards and you don’t believe me but I’ll prove it
I swear you’re my significant other from an alternate dimension and no I’m not a stalker you told me all this personal info in the other world
We’re in a hotel together except I’m somehow two years ahead of you and I keep finding your notes and think I’m losing it
When I got on the plane it was one year but during the red-eye something happened and we landed in the future 
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7 Days of writing 13 (unusual encounters)
Ok it’s weird that we’ve met while auditioning for parts in a condom/K-Y Jelly commercial but wow you are cute I don’t even have to act now
Excuse me but that moose in your backyard is under my care and I really need to get it back
I know it’s strange that I’m naked on your patio but if you give me some clothes or a blanket I’ll explain everything
The elevator got stuck between floors and I’m giving you a boost to get out the roof hatch but oh man I never noticed your nice butt before
I know it’s probably poor taste to ask you out during your relative’s funeral but I don’t know if I’ll ever see you again so
Listen you’ve been standing on the sidewalk outside of my house for the last three hours are you a murderer waiting for me to fall asleep or what
This is a little awkward since I’m cuffed in the back of your squad car but you’re incredible and when I make bail I’d love to take you to lunch
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15 Days of Writing (Christmas)
A is the mall Santa and B is one of his elves (bonus: C is the other elf and tries to convince the two to sneak into Santa’s workshop to makeout)
A got candy canes to make peppermint bark but B didn’t know and ate them all (bonus: C bought an extra box of candy canes already)
A wants to decorate on December 1st and B wants to do it on Thanksgiving night (bonus: C hangs up lights while the Turkey is cooking)
A has never had stockings so B tries to make A’s extra special (bonus: C gets custom made stockings)
A won’t let anyone open gifts without Santa hats or reindeer antlers on but B hides all the festive head wear (bonus: C shows up dressed as Santa)
A wants to watch It’s a Wonderful Life before bed Christmas Eve, B insists on A Christmas Story (bonus: they watch both, C cries for most of them)
A thinks the top of the tree needs a star, B wants an angel at the top (bonus: C ends up having to find a way to put both on the tree)
A wants to start stringing lights/garland from top to bottom on the tree, B wants to do it bottom to top (bonus: C doesn’t care as long as the back of the tree is decorated who cares if no one sees back there!)
A comes home to find B dangling from the roof by Christmas lights (bonus: C is at the top trying to pull them up)
A bought all their gifts early but B waited until the last minute and has to brave the mall at it’s busiest (bonus: C catches on and keeps A from knowing)
A was too excited to grab jacket when they ran outside, and B chases after them to try and wrestle them into one (bonus: C has to take care of them both when they get sick)
A wants to get a real tree, B wants an artificial one (bonus: C makes a compromise by getting a fake tree but helping A decorate an outside tree, too)
A grew up opening gifts on Christmas eve and B grew up opening them Christmas day and they both want to do their way (bonus: C sneaks into the gifts and the food while A and B are arguing)
A doesn’t sing but B wants to go caroling or at least singing around the tree (bonus: C likewise wants to go caroling and puppy-dog-eyes A)
A’s bummed not to see family for the holidays so B, who usually isn’t very festive, goes out of their way to make A’s holidays nice (bonus: C sets up a surprise Skype date with A’s family)
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15 Writing Prompts (Who’s)
Who puts up holiday decorations weeks or months ahead of time, and who tries to put everything back away until the holiday is closer
Who likes white chocolate, and who despises it completely
Who sings loudly along with songs regardless of talent, and who groans in dismay and turns the radio up louder
Who loves pineapple on pizza, and who subtly picks the pineapple off of their slices
Who sleeps with limbs hanging off the bed, and who hides under the blankets with all their limbs pulled in close
Who buys the salt and vinegar chips, and who hides the bag because they really hate how the chips smell 
Who drives “like an old granny” all the time, and who is the “speed demon”
Who insists on always dressing up on Halloween, and who wants to stay home and hand out candy
Who stops to greet all the animals they pass, and who walks faster so the animals don’t “get” them
Who watches the scary/suspenseful movies, and who tries to scare them during the movie
Who spends an eternity getting ready to go somewhere, and who fusses about the time and being late
Who plays or tries to play the piano, and who climbs on the piano and tries to lay “seductively” on top
Who uses their phone to check the time, and who insists on using a watch instead
Who wakes up before the alarm clock goes off, and hits snooze half a dozen times
Who picks the flowers while on a hike, and who is attacked or fears being attacked by bees
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7 DAYS OF WRITING PT 12 (Scenarios)
Character has just woken up to a strange noise outside, they go outside to investigate and find themselves locked out on accident. The noise gets louder as they try to find a way inside.
It’s raining, character(s) have to walk home in the downpour and have no umbrella. They take shelter on a random porch in hopes the rain will let up, and the door behind them opens.
The power goes out in town but there’s no storm or other obvious reason for the blackouts. It’s nearly time for the sun to go down and the power’s still out with no sign of coming back on.
Medieval times, and a neighboring kingdom has sent an invading force over. The local king’s troops are spread thin, and many townsfolk have to take up arms, too.
The animal control shelter has somehow gotten opened up and all the animals are freed. The officer needs help gathering the animals!
At a campground and a kid gets lost, the kid’s walking around a tent and asks for help getting back to their campsite.
A boat sinks and the passengers load into lifeboats except for the couple who don’t make it to the boats in time and have to bob in the ocean with their life jackets. 
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