Little Update
Alright y’all, i have so many thoughts in my head lately I’ve been walking 3 miles a day to clear my mind and get the writing juices flowing onto paper. Now of course the idea’s have been about Mr. Matty Healy because... why not and also have a few about Pedro. Also have some very very old drafts of Harry and Luke hemmings and some hockey/ football players that I’d like to post just they aren’t done yet. 
I have a massive story i think coming about Matty. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and well... just know its coming. I right now just got back from goat yoga and do i have a sweet blurb about that?  yes, yes I do. Might come out this weekend might come out tonight depending on how my night goes.  please send in your thoughts and feedback, I’m always looking on ways to improve my writing and outlook on things. 
As always, all the love,
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Sooooo. What are we all feeling about a possible enemies to lovers type of story. I have been playing around with this idea for awhile but I just had an experience with this one player (basically similar interactions each time) Thinking maybe our boy Mat Barzal or maybe Joe Burrow (spice things up) let me know what y’all think...
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Hey y'all!!!! I could really use someone to talk to. Had an interaction occur this weekend and could really use some outside advice!!! honestly will probably end up writing something about it!
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*I’m thinking about having this part in the story that I am currently working on but it is a bit different so PLEASE let me know what you think. I’ve had this idea in my head for awhile now and spending time with my niece has made me really think about kids of my own one day. Also please note that this story is supposed to take place when Harry is 30. I’m hoping the one direction reunion comes WAYYYYY before that but to just make the story flow a bit better I had to make him older.  Anyways, as always, all the love,
“Where daddy?” your youngest daughter asked as you and your children take your seats in the front of the crowd. “He’s back stage.” your oldest daughter  said. “Why?” Your two year old daughter asked once again. “Because that man right there” she points to James  “is going to ask him some questions for tv.” your oldest daughter tried to explain as best as a five year old could. You just chuckled to yourself listening to your daughters talking when you felt your phone go off.
Did you guys get to your seats alright? 
You quickly answered knowing that he was about to come on stage at any moment. 
Just sat down, the girls are excited to see you preform.  
See you soon my loves. 
You were going to respond when you heard James ask the crowd to put their hands together for Harry styles. Your two daughters jumped out of their seats and started cheering for their dad. Harry had walked out from the back stopping briefly to wave at his daughters before giving you a wink. You could feel yourself blushing, there wasn’t a day that went by that you didn’t love Harry as much as you loved him when you first started dating. Your two daughters called out to their dad as he sat down next to James which only caused him to laugh a bit before blowing them kisses. 
“Harry...” James said making Harry chuckle “James.” Harry said getting serious and looking him in the eyes.  “It’s been awhile since we had you on the show.” James started out. “How’ve you been?” “I’ve been amazing. I just put out another album, spending a lot of time at home with my beautiful family, just kind of basking in this time together before going on the road again.” He said looking at you. “Well I think you just answered all the questions that i had prepared for the show tonight so... ladies and gentlemen, Harry styles.” James said laughing as everyone started clapping.  Harry gave a joking shrug and stood up pretending to head backstage. “No no no I’m just kidding. Sit down.” James continued laughing. “You took some time off from touring and in that time you made this album, you want to talk about the new album a bit? I mean during your one direction time if felt as though you guys were always on the road and then the hiatus happened and you all had your solo careers and you put out your self titled album, toured. Took some time to put out fine line, toured then the pandemic happened so it pushed tour off a bit and then you finished tour, took a year to  write your third album, toured that one and now you’re putting out your fourth album? James asked looking at Harry. 
“Yeah...” *coughs* “So, the first five years of one direction we put out an album each year and we toured almost all of them besides the last album which we still yet have to do... ” Harry smirks as the crowd cheers. “I love touring and whether you were here from the one direction days or just discovered my music yesterday I really appreciate all your support and I know all the rest of the boys appreciate it as well. I had just met my then girlfriend before hiatus happened. On tour actual, it’s a funny story. But anyways I took some time off after the hiatus hit and really I tried to find who I was. I was in two movie “Dunkirk” and also “Don’t worry darling”.  As far as music I had then put out my self titled album and toured that. Took some time off to write Fine Line, started touring that a bit but like you said the pandemic shut everything down so i had to wait a year to tour that album. And then I took about a year to write the third album, wrote most of that while touring Fine line.  I toured that one of course , and then I took year and a half... not really off, but instead trying to write a album that meant a lot to not only me but my family as well. Can any of you guess what I am going to do next?” Harry asked gesturing towards the crowd. “Tour!” they all yelled back as harry smiled. “So tell us about your album that is coming out.” James said.
“Well, so like I had said, i took sometime to figure out who i was as a solo artist and you know when you’re performing a certain type of music for so long you yourself kinda get lost. But I had my now wife y/n by my side and she kinda helped me to reconnect with myself and be comfortable with making the music on my first album, she has supported me day in a day out and I can’t thank her enough. I then went onto write Fine Line and that album was written while y/n and I had broken up and we were seeing other people and there was just something about y/n that I couldn’t let go...” Harry stopped when he heard people the crowd awe. “Don’t worry, we ended up back together... clearly.” harry laughed. “But by the time the third album came out I was already married and now i took some time off to spend with my wife and daughters and that’s how the fourth album was born, it was based on all the emotions that I was feeling. I was surrounded by friends and family, so this album is upbeat and happy, it’s about love, loving yourself, being in love, loving life, and loving one another. 
“Not to switch topics but you mentioned your wife...” James said. “I did... can we get a round of applause for my beautiful wife.” Harry asked as both him and Jame as well as the crowd started to cheer and clap. “You both are hardly ever on social media...” James started as Harry just nodded in agreement. “But when you guys are the fans get the best content, whether that be either you doing something or her doing something, sometimes it’s something your kids have done or something about your pets, and the fans just love it. A lot of the comments that i see is them asking for you two to be their parents. How does that make you two feel?” James chuckled. “Uh, well, my wife and I both agreed that we wanted to raise our kids out of the spot light so we try not to post too much but we would welcome whoever into our family with open arms... we just want everyone to feel loved and treated with kindness.” Harry said looking to the crowd as they clapped. “Speaking of welcoming people into your family, your latest post that the both of you posted was that you two are expecting your third child together!” James announced. “Wait a minute, three children?” Harry asked as though he was in shock by the news. Harry started to count on his fingers “Darcy... Angelique... and um... baby styles...” He held up three fingers “One, two, three, yep three... ” Harry pursed his lips and blew out air while still looking like he  was in shock causing everyone to laugh  “ladies and gentlemen give a round of applause for the expecting couple” James exclaimed. “I remember when you were on here when you two were first engaged and the next thing I knew you two were having your first child together and then your second, and now third!” Jame stated. “Well, that’s how it works James, you can’t have your second child first...” Harry Joked.
“Your wife is here today, is she not?” James asked. “She is, and my two beautiful daughters are here today as well.” Harry stated. “Almost three children now, what is that like?.” James said looking to Harry. “Honestly I don’t think I could had picked a better partner to raise children with. I don’t know how y/n does it all. Together y/n and I have two beautiful daughters with another child on the way. Darcy, our oldest had just turned five last month and Angelique our newly middle child will turn three in two months. They are both keep us on our toes, and are both super sassy, we think they get that from their uncle Louis...” Harry laughs. “But they are truly a blessing to the both of us. They love traveling with us, and are generally well behaved, um they do fight like normal siblings but at the end of the day you can find them cuddled up together on the sofa watching a disney movie, that comes from their uncle Liam” Harry stated looking at you and your children. 
“You really give a lot of credit to your wife, you guys have been married for four   years now? Where did you find the time to make music and get married and have children?” James questioned. “You’re really going to have me gushing over my family on live tv?” Harry asked smiling at James. “The fans want to know, you guys are pretty private.” James said laughing. “ We did get married in 2020, before covid hit, we found time in between touring, so we’ve been married for 4 years now. “How long had you guys been dating prior to getting married.” James asked.  “ 5 years actually believe it or not. I met her back in the start of 2015, I was 21 and she was 18 and the moment I saw her I was head over heels for her. She wasn’t too keen on me however and really made me work to even take her out on our first date.” Harry said looking over as you recalled your first date. “Why didn’t you just walk over to her and say “hello love,  I’m Harry Styles, member of one direction one of the worlds biggest boyband...” I mean come on you are super famous. I’m sure that would had won her over.” James laughed. “It might have but I don’t really like to bring fame into my relationships.” Harry said. “So, how did you win over such a gorgeous lady?”  James questioned. “I just happened to go on a trolley ride that she was working on that day, it was an amusement park trolley. It was a private ride for the guys and I. Her and her coworker put on this little show, taught us about the history of the park we were at, they got dressed up as different people and sang songs. It was just amazing. Later that day I had asked if she could give me a tour of the park itself and we went on rides, I asked her to come to the concert that night but she declined. I think it was close to 2 months after meeting I asked her on a date to which she turned me down. It was maybe six months into knowing each other that she finally agreed to go on a date with me,” Harry laughed. “SIX MONTHS? Y/N! WHAT WERE YOU DOING TO THIS POOR BOY?” James questioned you. “She was in college and working full time and helping out her family and playing sports... but yes ladies and gentlemen it took me, Harry styles six months to get a first date with y/n. Which was a beautiful picnic and then I...” Harry stopped laughing a bit. “I set up this homemade movie theater type thing  later on that night” Harry stated which made the crowd awe once again.  
“Did she know who you were?” James asked. “She knew of us because of her sisters being fans but it wasn’t something that made her think “Oh man I need to date this man because he’s in a boyband.” Harry laughed. “Did she meet the other lads speaking of boyband?” James questioned. “She did, she had met them here and there a few times before dating but once we were dating she invited all of them over for a dinner... “ Harry laughed  “I remember she made this HUGE dinner because she wanted to make sure everyone had something that they liked to eat and she made a bunch of desserts. She was so nervous that it actually made me nervous just watching her it was like a chicken running around with their head cut off.  By the time the boys got there she was covered head to toe in all different types of spices and flour.” Harry finished laughing. You could feel yourself chuckle recalling the event. “The boys went home with a lot of leftovers that night.” Harry said while James and the crowd laughed.  
“Anyways...So we were officially dating in June of 2015 and a year passed.  We had you know, moved in together basically spent every day together, so November of  2016 that I had asked her to marry me. You know I was feeling really good, I was casted in a movie and my album was nearly finished. I knew that I was going to be going on tour and I wanted her to come with me.” Harry said “I take it that she said yes?” James joked. “No, she waited another six months to give me an answer...” Harry joked back. “No, no she said yes right away. *coughs* so then 2017 my self titled album came out and dunkirk and that was going great y/n had come with me on tour for a bit, but y/n and I had decided to break up only a year after being engaged and it was pretty rough. We thought we were moving too fast, she was still trying to get a degree, I wasn’t really home and our schedules weren’t lining up. So I finished up the tour in 2018 for my self titled album, um  y/n and I had reconnected in september of that year after both of us had dated other people.  I spent that year writing Fine Line, so that’s what that album is about. But we both agreed that we still had feeling for one another and we wanted to pick up where we left things so we were re-engaged in 2018. Beginning of 2019 Fine line was released and we had also found out that we were expecting our first daughter. We both talked about getting married as soon  as we found out about our baby but after a many many long conversations we agreed that we didn’t need to be married before having Darcy but in 2020 we finally tied the knot, we actually waited until Darcy was able to walk so she could be our flower girl. Freddie and Bear both carried the rings down the aisle for us, it was great to have the guys at the wedding. Not long after we were married we found out that we were expecting Angelique.” Harry finished looking at you and smiled. “Wow, so you guys have been together for roughly 9 years, married, 4 albums out and now expecting your third child together. Would you had ever thought that you would be a father?” James asked. 
“Oh for sure, I’ve always loved children. While in One direction we had Lux around. All the boys and us are now fathers and it really is something, i wouldn’t change it for the world.” Harry answered. “Any more children after this one?” James asked as Harry looked to you and smirked. “ I think that is up to the misses. I mean, I’m 30 now, she’s 27 with a five and almost three year old and a new baby soon. we still have time if we would want any more children.” Harry finished off the statement. 
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someone PLEASE message me and lets talk about one direction!!! i miss those good old days so much. can we just go back to 2010 to 2014ish and forget about corona for a bit?????
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Hey y’all Im really trying to get back into writing, it’s been crazy (despite not being able to go anywhere...) But all my requests I got a few months are gone. I still am writing for the hockey guys but since 5sos dropped their album I am really feeling them. Please send some in about the guys and i will try my best to get to them!!!! it helps me sleep! All the love, K 
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Hi, I have a request for Jake.G, he’s on the Ellen show doing the game "Who’d you rather" and he always choose the same woman and admits that she’s his celebrity crush. If you could write that it would be amazing, thank you xx
Hey, thanks for the request, I am really trying to get back into writing but I will try to write this for you! If I dont get to it this week I will try next, but keep after me so that way I do it! All the love, K
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Running Scared
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*roughly based off of the song All too Well by T.Swift. I’m deep in the Jake feels at the moment so please bare with me. Hope y’all enjoy. As always, all the love.
*Warnings: there is a decent age gap between the reader and Jake*
*present (reader is about 26 and Jake is 36)*
 You were back in town and your parents had asked you to come have  dinner with them at the Gyllenhaals. you were suppose to be getting ready but you found yourself sitting on the bed on your phone in your old room at your parents house. “Maybe I was a young, naive, little girl” you thought as you were scrolling through Instagram seeing picture of a guy that you thought was going to be your best friend for the rest of your life. You couldn’t get away from him, everywhere you looked there he was, and it was all because of his new movie coming out. He sure did know what he wanted to do with his life, how could you blame him, someone who as talented as him should be doing exactly what he was doing. You couldn’t help yourself but watch some of his interviews just to hear his voice, a voice that you could listen to all day long, you came across a clip of him reading one of your favorite books as a kid. 
*flashback (reader around 6 years old, Jake around 16)*
“Where are we going?” you asked your parents  “We are going over to the Gyllenhaals honey, you know Maggie and Jake...” your mom said. “Yay, I love spending time with Jake.” you giggled. “Well that’s good sweetie because your mommy and I are going out with their mommy and daddy and Jake said that he wouldn’t mind watching you.” you dad said. “A whole night with Jake? Cool!” you said.   You’re parents knocked on the door only to be greeted by Jake. “Hey” He said hugging your parents. “Mom and Dad are just about done getting ready, please come in.” Jake said stepping aside to allow you into the house. “How are you y/n?” Jake asked. “I’m good, mommy and daddy said that you were going to watch me tonight.” You said excitedly. It wasn’t the first time that Jake had babysat you. Honestly he was your favorite babysitter. Jake just smiled.
Jake had just made your favorite meal. Chicken fingers and Mac and Cheese and for dessert he cut you a piece of cake. Jake had let you alone to play with some toys that you brought along while he cleaned up from dinner. not too long after he asked if you wanted to watch a movie. “How about Toy Story?” Jake asked looking through the movies. “I love that movie!” you yelled. Jake placed the movie in the tape player and walked over to the sofa. It started off with you both eating popcorn, slowly as time went on you could feel yourself getting tired. You moved closer over to Jake and snuggled into him. After the movie had ended Jake woke you up asking if you wanted to go to bed, you nodded sleepily and he carried you up and laid you the spare bed. “Jake, can you read me a bedtime story?” you asked looking at him. “Sure.” He said grabbing a book off the shelf. “How about goodnight moon?” He asked. “My favorite!” you said curling up under the blanket 
You still kept that book in a box in the back of your closet in your apartment.  You could feel the feelings coming back of how you felt about Jake. You threw your phone expecting it to hit the bed next to you but instead it fell to the ground. Getting off the bed you picked it up off the floor but not before noticing something under your bed. It was a box, opening it you saw all your old school stuff, you were a pretty good student. Looking through the papers you came across a math test which had a score of 100% probably the only one with 100% on it. 
*Flashback (reader is about 10 and jake is about 20)*
“Hey! What are you doing here?” Jake asked walking into the dinning area of his house, “Parents are out of town and they think that i wouldn’t be okay alone at home so i have to stay here for the weekend.’” you said not looking up from your homework. “What are you doing home? shouldn’t you be at college” you asked. “Just getting a few things.” Jake said before walking away, going up stairs. “This is so stupid!” you yelled. Jake came back into the room . “What?” he asked. “This math homework, I want to be a writer, where is math going to come into play?” you asked. “Well,you never know when you are going to need math in real life situations. What’s the problem?” He asked sitting down next to you. placing his bag on the floor.
You could recall staying up all night with Jake doing problem after problem. He had spent the weekend at home making sure that you could pass your test, barely making it back to college for his own classes. He had spent a lot of his summers at home, you recalled spending the whole summer with him since your parents had gone to help with a movie and they didn’t want to drag you with making you spend a summer away from friends so they left you with the Gyllenhaals.
*Flashback (reader is 16 and Jake is 26)* 
Your parents had to go out of the states for a movie they were helping to produce, you had to stay with the gyllenhaals the entire summer, it was exciting. It would had been a boring summer but Jake was home and was able to take you places, you guys went to movies, to the beach. Every Sunday night you guys would unwind with a movie at home. It was your favorite summer by far. That was the summer you started to fall for Jake. 
“Stupid” you thought thinking back to that summer. You remembered those stories you would write based on the adventures you guys went on. It helped you to develop your writing style, Jake would read the stories and help you correct certain things, improving your story. You continued to look through the box coming across the flowers you kept from prom, they were all dried up but still in tact. 
*Flashback (reader is about 17 and jake is about 27)* 
You felt your heart sink when your date didn’t show up. You sat there on the steps outside your house when you heard a familiar voice. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing on the steps crying?” you looked up to see Jake standing in front of you. “He didn’t show up...” You said wiping your tears away. “What a jerk.” Jake said sitting down next to you wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into him. You rested your head on his shoulder. You two sat there for a while in silence “It is what it is.” you said shifting to stand up. “What time does prom end?” “Not for another hour or so...” you said looking at him confused. “Come on.” Jake said grabbing your hand and headed to his house. You waited while he ran upstairs, it didn’t take long before he came back down dressed in one of his suits. “Shall we?” He asked. 
You smiled remembering how everyone looked at you and Jake when you showed up at prom with him. They guy that was suppose to take you was dancing with your best friend. usually you would had ran away crying but Jake held you closer, a slow song started right as you walked in, Jake lead you to the dance floor, pulling you in close he placed his hands on your hips swaying back and forth, you looked around, you could feel yourself shaking because everyone's eyes were on you “Hey...” Jake said placing a hand on your chin to turn your face towards him. “I got you, just look at me.” Jake said. You felt yourself relax, resting your head on him as you dancing to the song. That following summer you and Jake had spent the entire summer together, traveling to his sets, late night just talking about anything and everything, you could feel yourself really starting to like Jake and you thought he felt the same way. Shaking your head and pushing those thoughts away you continued to look through the box. The last thing that you pulled out was a college letter. 
*flashback (reader is 18 and jake is 28)*
“Come on honey, open the letter.” your mom encouraged. “He should be here by now.” you said looking out of the window. “Sweetie, you know that he is busy filming. you can text him to let him know whether or not you got in.” your dad said. you checked your phone to see if he had texted you, nothing. you had no choice but to open the letter. Reading the first line you let out a scream of excitement “You got in?” your parents asked. “I got in!” you yelled hugging them. You were going to NYU for college to pursue your writing career. Jake had promised to come home so he could be there when you opened the letter but he hadn’t even texted you. When it was finally time for you to move into college he was nowhere to be found, you hadn’t heard from him all summer but you saw that he was out and about with is girlfriend, you could feel your heart shatter. This was both of your dreams, for you to get into NYU and you would live with him at his place in New York that way your parents didn’t have to worry about housing and whether or not you would be safe, it was a bulletproof plan. Jake was still living in New York, living his dream, just not the one that you dreamt of together.
You placed everything back into the box and pushed it back under the bed. You finally decided that it was time to get ready for dinner. You had showered and in the midst of doing your hair when your mom walked in “Hey honey, the Gyllenhaals had just texted and said that Jake was home, this is going to be so much fun.” you mom said excitedly. “Yay!” you pretended to be excited. You were mad at him still, he basically left you the summer you graduated college, he had stopped coming home and hardly texted you, he seemed to be too busy with those girls he was dating and all the movies he was promoting and filming. You finished doing your hair and makeup before heading downstairs. You put on a maroon dress accompanied by a plaid scarf, grabbing your knee high boots you headed down the stairs to meet up with your parents. The Gyllenhaals lived a few houses down so you all just walked. Your mom knocked on the door. Jake had opened the door. “Hey guys, come in!” Jake said excitedly. your parents walked in first and you followed behind. You could feel eyes on you, turning around you saw Jake starting at you. 
“You’ve grown.” Jake said walking up to you. “That’s what happens in life Jake.” you said before walking away. Both families were talking to one another before sitting down for dinner. You could feel Jakes eyes on your the entire time you were there. “So y/n, no boyfriend.” Jake asked,  “Actually, y/n is engaged. The wedding is in a few months.” Your mom said before grabbing your hand to show off your ring. “He is an editor.” you dad chimed in. “Jake, did we forget to tell you? It’s going to be the... 18th of January. You’ll be attending, right?”Jake’s mom asked. “I think I’m going to be out of state.” Jake  mumbled. Your parents continued talking about the wedding but you found yourself looking at Jake. His whole demeanor changed. He was now tense hardly making any eye contact with you. You and Jake had been asked to clear the table wash up some of the dishes. Jake dried while you washed. It was just like old times when both of you were younger. “How’ve you been.” you asked Jake. “Well.” Jake responded not looking at you. You continued to wash while Jake dried in silence. 
You knew Jake all to well to know that he was mad. “What’s your issue?” You asked turning off the water. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Jake said as he continued to dry the dish in his hand. “Bullshit Jake...” you said grabbing the towel out of his hands. “What the hell y/n?” Jake said looking at you. “I come in and you couldn’t stop looking at me and then my parents bring up me being engaged and you completely changed. Why?” you asked. “ I don’t know what you are talking about y/n, now can we get back to cleaning up?” Jake asked. “are you mad?” You asked looking at him. “No.” Jake said “you totally are... Oh this is great, you are mad because I’m engaged aren’t you jake?” you asked looking at him. “I AM NOT MAD!” Jake said raising his voice. “You totally are... but you have no reason to be, and you want to know why Jake?” you said, Jake raised his eyebrows at you. “I should be the one to be mad at you.” “And why is is that?” Jake asked now surprised. “Because you left me!” you yelled not caring who heard. Jake looked taken back, he  motioned you to be quiet before quickly grabbing your wrist and leading you upstairs to his childhood  bedroom, the twin size bed still sitting where you remembered it was. “Don’t touch me.” you said pulling your wrist away from Jake “What are you talking about, I left you!” Jake yelled. “Oh please, you did what you always do, you ran because you were scared Jake!” You yelled back. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Jake said looking down at the ground. “That’s why you still aren’t married Jake, you leave right before it gets too far. You get close and then you just...” you quieted down. “I what?” Jake yelled. “...leave.” You said fuming. “You don’t know anything y/n, you don’t know how I felt...” He said looking at you. “I don’t know anything? Then why don’t you fill me in Jake?” you asked even more mad than you were seconds ago. Jake stayed silent. “Let me tell you what i do know Jake... I knew how I felt when we would drive up state, singing in the car, not caring what we sounded like to those around us, I knew how i felt when your mom pulled out the photo albums showing me pictures of you when you were a child on the tee ball team. I remember you getting all embarrassed because of your thick glasses you were wearing in those pictures. you thought you looked goofy but i thought you looked cute.” you said looking at him, you could feel yourself getting all choked up thinking about the past. 
“I.. I remember how i felt dancing with you in the refrigerator light that night I applied for NYU, I was scared about the future, you told me about your past, i thought you were going to be my future, but now that’s long gone Jake.” you said pausing to see his facial expression. “maybe we got lost in translation, maybe i asked for too much, maybe i thought we were more than what we wer. And so what it is wasn’t right? what we had was rare. And then you come back just to break me like that promise...” you said stopping yourself before you started crying. “Promise? What promise?” Jake asked looking at you.
“Of course you wouldn’t remember, why would you Jake, you know i thought that this feeling would pass as time went on but it was like i was paralyzed by it. I’m trying to get back to being the old me but, I just can’t. Not with seeing you everywhere and anywhere...” Jake cut you off. “College... living together... Y/n, I am so sorry...” Jake began as if he just remember the dream you both had but it was your turn to cut him off, “No Jake, you don’t get to apologize, not after all these years. You ran away...” you started “Because I loved you!” Jake blurted out. you were taken back, at a loss for words, Jake and you both just looked at eachother, for a few seconds the room was silent. “Loved? Jake...” you were still looking for those words when Jake spoke “Love...” Jake said. All of the sudden you weren’t feeling so well, you walked over to the bed sitting on it with your head in your hands. “Y/n, I didn’t know how to tell you back then, you were so young, what 18? For christ sake I was 28, i use to babysit you when you were younger y/n, now tell me that doesn’t sound creepy.” Jake said sitting next to you.
“But you dated all those other girls and  now are in a tizzy because I am engaged.” you said. “Because I was trying to get over you! You don’t know how hard it was for me y/n.” Jake started  “I love you y/n, and I know that you love me, still, you said that that feelings not there but I know they are... ” Jake said taking you by your hand. “Jake, I.....I’m engaged.” you said. “But I know that you aren’t happy.” Jake said. “If you really love me Jake, you would be happy for me, not here trying to make me feel bad about being happy...If I mean that much to you, then come to the wedding.” You said getting up and walking out.
It has been a few weeks later and you found yourself sitting in your apartment.   The excitement of the holidays were long over and you were back home.You kept replaying the words that Jake said. “I love you y/n, and i know that you love me, still...” Did you still love him? who were you kidding, of course you did. You never stopping loving him. You glanced down at your finger, the shiny ring reflecting up at you. It was only a few weeks until the wedding. 
“But I know that you aren’t happy...” you replayed in your head. You knew that you weren’t truly happy either. You loved your fiance but you weren’t in love with him, he was just someone that you thought would help you get over your feelings for Jake. It turns out that you were still  in love with Jake, even after all these years. You thought making all these different decisions for your wedding was the hardest thing you had to do. Looking past your dress and out the window you saw the beautiful city lights that you had dreamed of as a kid. You were right where you wanted to be, the city, the job, the relationship, just not the guy you dreamt of it being with. You knew that you couldn’t leave your fiance for Jake. 
All those things that Jake had said to you over the holiday made you feel like you had those butterflies fluttering in your tummy, for Christ sake, he told you he loved you, but you weren’t sure that you could trust him. What if the going got tough? would he run away scared? There was only one thing left to do... go through with the wedding, both of your families were flying across the states just to see you guys. 
It was finally your wedding day, you had just gotten your bridesmaids pictures done, it was them helping you put on your dress, there were a few pictures of your dad seeing you all dressed up. Everything was going according to plan, it was almost perfect, except for one thing....Jake. You found yourself hoping and praying that he was going to be sitting in the church when you got there. You wanted to see him one last time, you needed to see him before you say I do. There was a slight knock on your door, you could feel your heart skip a beat, Jake? you thought. Hearing your maid of honor telling the person that they would give you the note you felt yourself getting nervous. 
“It’s from your soon to be husband.” you maid of honor said. You thanked her and took the note, looking at you confused “Aren’t you going to open it?” She asked. “Oh, um yeah... why don’t you guys start heading down to the lobby, I’ll read it and then head down.” you said acting like you were going to open the note. “Alright, come one girls...” your friend said. Once you were alone in your room you could feel yourself starting to get nervous. You knew that it wasn’t right going through with the wedding when the only man you could think of is Jake. You headed out the door, leaving the note on the bed unread. 
Meeting the girls in the lobby they could tell that something was wrong. “Nervous?” they asked. “Just a little.” you said. “well the limo is here and they said that the guests are being seated now at the church, waiting for your arrival.” “Let’s do this.” you said heading out the hotel doors and  into the limo. 
As the church came into sight you could feel your body shaking. “Hey... It’s going to be alright y/n...” your best friend said. “I know.” you replied half heartedly. You and your bridal team took their places at the door lining up in order of how they would stand at the altar. One by one they disappeared through the doors and down the aisle. You felt yourself wanting to run, run away from all of this. If you just wouldn’t had seen Jake at Thanksgiving everything would had been fine. Glancing down at the flowers in your hand your eyes caught the shine of your ring. 
You could hear the music beginning to play signaling you to walk through the doors, usually it would be any girls favorite song to hear on their wedding day but to you it sounds like a death march. “Are you ready miss?” the man at the door asked. “Yeah, i’m ready.” You said as they opened the door to reveal your fiance at the end of the aisle. You walked to your dad grabbing his arm. “Are you sure you want to do this, we can turn around right now and go home...” your dad said. “I’m sure.” you said continuing to walk down the aisle, that was until you saw Jake sitting in the middle of the church. You could feel yourself slow down even more looking at him, he was looking back at you, smile on his face but the look of don’t do this in his eyes. You were finally at the altar, you were so focused on Jake that you didn’t even hear anyone talking, you felt your dad whisper in your ear “Go to him.” those words snapped you out of your thoughts. 
Looking at your dad confused he was looking back at Jake. You shook your head and headed up their stairs to meet your fiance, grabbing his hands. When it was time for your vowels you couldn’t remember what you had written, trying to recall from memory. Your fiance laughed telling you that it was okay, that it was an emotional day. Your fiance said his vowels without any issues. You hardly heard them. The only thing that you heard was the gasps, bringing you back to reality. Looking at the crowd you saw Jake standing there in the middle of the aisle you had walked down. 
“Sorry, I’m so sorry everyone, I’m not usually someone who objects. But, I just couldn’t sit there when there are so many things that I have yet to say to y/n. You had refused to look at Jake, continuing to look at your fiance. “Y/n... Please.” You could hear the pain in his voice. You turned to give Jake your full attention only hoping this whole thing would soon be over. Jake and walked closer to the altar, standing at the bottom of the steps looking straight at you, as if only talking to you with no one else around. 
“I know that I said a lot of stupid things that last night we saw each other...” of course you did you thought. “But I really meant what I said.... I love you.” Which caused you to laugh. “Listen, I was young and dumb, I didn’t think that it would be okay for me to date someone who is 10 years younger than me, I thought our parents would be displeased, that the media would change me into this monster that I wasn’t, but I was selfish and only thinking about myself. So yes, I moved, I had girlfriends, but the truth is I was just trying to get over you, and I honestly thought i had. When I saw you at Thanksgiving, all those feelings came back, and when I heard that you were engaged, I was furious, not at you but at myself for not being able to tell you all the things I remember all too well. I thought that I had missed my chance...” Jake stopped looking at you for any sign, any sign at all.
“Is that all?” your fiance had asked looking at him, you felt your fiance trying to turn you back around to get on with the ceremony. “ “Do you remember the time we were driving and I almost ran the red?” Jake asked. “Oh come on.” your fiance said looking at you. You had let go of your fiance’s hands and walked down a few steps to get closer to Jake to listen to him. You wanted to hear what he had to say since he recalled one of the most scariest moments between the two of you. “I almost ran the red because i was looking at you, watching the wind blow through your hair.” Jake said. “I screamed, and you apologized the rest of the ride, asking if I wanted to drive the rest of the way.” You recalled. “Because I couldn’t imagine life without. Do you remember how the leaves looked, they were so pretty...”   Jake stated. “They were just starting to turn.” you smiled remembering.  “I remember you coming over to my place the night that we found out that you got into NYU, how we danced in the refrigerator light. How the light looked glistening off of your skin. I remember that scarf you left at my sisters house that one Thanksgiving when you were much younger, how you were so upset because that was the last scarf at the store and you had gotten such a good deal on it... I still have it.” Jake said smiling “After all these years?  You found it?” You asked. “It’s in one of my draws.  I told you, I remember all too well.” Jake finished. You could feel yourself starting to tear up, he really did mean it, that he loves  you. “But you ran...” you said “Because I was scared... but i’m not scared anymore.” He said looking you in the eyes. “Um, not to be mean but, we are kind of in the middle of getting married, come on y/n.” your fiance said behind you. “Please.” Jake mouthed. “I....I...  I can’t” You said walking down the steps and out the doors. 
You were sitting in your bridal room, packing up your stuff. Your ex fiance had come down asking you to come back, there was no such luck for him, except he had gotten the ring that has been haunting you for months. Your bridal shower has come down to your room, they didn’t dare ask you to come back, instead they understood and said that they would go and pack their things. Your mom had come and asked if you were okay, you cried on her shoulder. “Honey, your father and I knew this was going to happen....” you looked at her. “That Jake would interject?” you asked sitting back. “No, that you two would be together. I know that you liked.... ryan.... jack.... whatever his name was, but there was always something between you and Jake. Don’t worry about the wedding, you are still young, there can always be another.” Your mom said patting you on the shoulder before leaving you all alone. 
The was a light knock. “Come in.” you said not getting up from the bed, you have been sitting there since you talked to your mom. Jake walked in, not saying anything but just taking in your state of appearance. He didn’t say anything but just sat beside you. “Did you really mean all those things that you have said?” you asked not daring to look at him. “That I love you... yes. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I am so sorry  I left you.” before you knew what you were doing you felt your lips on his. It was a quick peck, taking both of you by surprise. “Sorry...” You said. “Not as sorry as  I am for this.” Jake said before crashing his lips on yours again, you could feel his hand cupping your cheek. You both pulled away but not before Jake grabbed your hands in his. Looking down he saw that there was no ring. 
“He wanted me to come back and finish the ceremony.... I gave the ring back. Clearly he wasn’t the type of man I thought he was. He was rather rude to you.” You said. “Well I don’t think any guy would appreciate a random guy crashing his wedding and confessing his love to the person he was going to marry.” Jake said laughing. “I love you Jake, I never stopped.” You said trying to change the subject. “I know you do. And even though I might had dated those other actresses who were wonderful people. They could never compare to you.” Jake said. 
“You know. My dad told me to go to you...” You said laughing “What?” He asked looking a little confused. “My dad, before I walked up the stairs he told me to go to you.” You said. “wow, you know your dad said the same thing when I walked into the church, he said go to her.” Jake said looking at you with a smile. Just then you heard another knock on the door. “Come on in.” you hollard. “Hey honey, your mother said that...” you dad stopped short looking at the situation in front of him. Jake sitting on your bed, you still in your wedding dress with the makeup smeared down your face. “Finally.” your dad said before walking back out of the room.  
You and Jake both started laughing. “Alright.... But in all seriousness, Jake if this is going to work between us, you have to promise me something.” you said looking at him. “What’s that?” “No more running scared. If the going gets tough. you stay and we talk it through.” you said. “deal. But that goes for you too.” He said. “Deal.” You felt Jake place a kiss on your cheek before getting up. “Where are you going?” you asked. “I thought you might want to get changed, and I was hoping we could go and get some food.” Jake stated. “Oh Jake, how you win over my heart day after day.” you said laughing.”Haha funny, see you in... five?” He asked. “Of course.”
*3 years later*
You woke up grabbing the robe and wrapping it around you and walking out onto the deck. You watched as the sun appeared above the mountains.  “Sleep well?” A man asked. “Like a baby since I was sleeping next to you.” You said placing a kiss on the man’s head. you sat down next to him, looking over and smiling. “It looks good on you.” He said taking your hand, the both of you looked down at the two rings shining bright from the sun. “I could say the same thing about yours.” You said gesturing to his hand. “Do we really have to leave this beautiful place?” you asked changing the subject. “Not if you don’t want to, our honeymoon could last a lifetime.” Jake said looking at you. “as long as we are together.” you finished.   
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Spider-Man: Far from Home‘s Gag Reel
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Alright y’all, so since im deep in the feels for Jake Gyllenhaal, i was thinking about an imagine or something about him. message me and let me know what y’all think!
 fear not im still in hockey mood, just haven’t had the chance to write anything lately so.
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Via Jake Gyllenhaal instagram story
This is so cute, awwnn ❤
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Okay me at work 
« yeah no, yeah no, I mean it, I mean yeah, it is, I mean I, yeah, people tend to consider me, I guess I guess, the movies I make are a little weird…yeah…»
- Jake Gyllenhaal
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If Marvel wants me to hate their villains, can they maybe stop making them goOD LOOKING??
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lowkey looking for someone to talk to about the new spiderman movie and also Jake gyllenhaal in general because he is one FINE looking man, and also Tom Holland because like how can you no like those two? SO if anyone is feeling the same way I am, lets message!!!!
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So, went to get Spiderman FFH on opening night and needless to say I am once again in love with Tom Holland but also Jake Gyllenhaal, like their romance is just so.... and Jake on Broadway in sea wall/ a life, i wanna go!!!!... send help...
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