xeniden · 2 years
sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog lately, existence has been uh. interesting. i'm not able to coin new xenidens right now, but feel free to continue to submit them!
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xeniden · 2 years
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I do not support the idea of someone who is 100% non-disabled either physically or mental health wise (or any other fashion that I don't know the words for) going out of their way to become disabled through injury or negligence.
I do not support someone who has been born and raised as x identities/race/culture/ethnicity/etc for no reason "transitioning" to another race/culture/ethnicity/etc.
I do not support the idea of being transage. Having dysphoria over your age is a reasonable thing because it can feel overwhelming to grow up or to feel like you have mentally grown up past your bodily age, but it isn't reasonable to become transage because of it. Time is a kinda scary reality of all living things and we kind of have to deal with it. Systems who experience age dysphoria are valid, but being a system member who is a different age is a different matter than being a minor who claims to be an adult or being an adult who claims to be a minor. Those things are harmful. Being clear that your mental age as an system member is fine though. Just gotta be clear with the difference between your mental and physical age.
I personally used to have trouble with identifying my own age. When I was 14 I thought I was 12, when I was 16 I thought I was 14, when I was 18 I thought I was 16. It was a struggle, but I just had to deal with it and do my best to cope or re-align myself with reality. That feeling of confusion did not give me the right to identify as two years younger than my bodily age.
I support transspecies people wholeheartedly. Just be safe with it if physical transition is a goal. I wouldn't call that a transgender identity though, since it doesn't have to do with gender.
If anyone is wondering why I differentiate the four, becoming disabled or another race tramples on those who already experience that life and the difficulties that may come with it, while transitioning to be an animal can be due to species dysphoria that may come with being a therian or otherkin.
I don't see any harm in living as an animal. Saying this as someone who's a therian myself and knows therians who would rather live out their lives as the animal they are if at all possible. If anyone has any good arguments for why transitioning into an animal is actually fucked up for anyone involved, you can let me know. I'm not saying this to start arguments, just educate me if you feel the need.
BIID in specific is a topic I don't know enough about to really say much on, but I think I would consider it a form of disability to have the condition itself? Of course it depends on the person and if they self-identify as a person who is (mentally/psychologically) disabled, but I do believe it "qualifies." I've heard that it can be a genuine and lifechanging struggle for someone who's impacted by the condition. I'm saying this as someone who doesn't know a ton about it though, so take my word with a grain of salt.
I hope this makes sense and clears up some things.
TLDR; I guess I don't support trans-x, but I do support situations in which transition to something unusual harms no one involved or related.
Does your blog support all trans-x identities?
I'm not 100% sure what that means sorry
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xeniden · 2 years
Are Xenidens Inherently LGBT+? like if a non-LGBT+ person identifies as a Xeniden, are they now in the LGBT+ community?
I don't think so? Since it's for people who are and aren't LGBT+ in some way. It's not a trans identity, it's just an identity identity, if that makes sense. Pretty flag and new ters =/= LGBT. Kinda like how being a therian doesn't make you LGBT.
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xeniden · 2 years
Hi! Xeniden is so interesting!!! Your blog is very cool the question is, can I make a flag for xeniden identities??? If yes thank you so much god ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎✔︎
Already got a flag, but thanks ya!
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xeniden · 2 years
coining three xenidens
These were not coined by me, there were coined by discord user ALDA#3877 on the 29th of August, 2022
Nocturniden: a xeniden related to nocturnal/night
Algoriden: a xeniden related to coldness (algor is the latin word for cold/coldness)
Cloudburstiden: a xeniden related to thunderstorms, dark clouds, lighting, and heavy rain
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xeniden · 2 years
IncremidenimageName,, ×× Voididen[Void•i•den]Etymology,, xx 'Void' means darkness and emptiness. 'iden' is the suffix in xenidens. Description,, ×× This ecompasses the feeling of being a void or void-like creature that lives in the deepeat darkest parts of the universe. Scene/Description,, ×× "A dark void surrounds you, there is literally nothing. You can imagine what you want it to be but it is still just a dark, mysterious, empty void."
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xeniden · 2 years
👽 Alieniden 👽
👽👽👽 Description: A xeniden based on identifying with aliens, either from fictional universes or not, It's Alieniden because it includes every alien species.
Colours: Green, Red, Purple, Blue, It can have many colors as you want, because aliens do not really have a defined color depending on the fictional work.
Themes and aesthetics: crystals, aliens, planets, stars, space, galaxy, universe, dreamcore/weirdcore, it includes various other aspects depending on the fictional universe the type of alien you identify with.
Name ideas: Pollux, Phecda, Polaris, Regulus, Luminara, etc...
Pronoun and Music ideas: It can be anything related to aliens, it doesn't need to be specific because it's an idea of diversity, because not every alien follow the same rule, also it's not an obligatory thing.
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xeniden · 2 years
Does your blog support all trans-x identities?
I'm not 100% sure what that means sorry
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xeniden · 3 years
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Name,, ×× Incremiden [in•crem•i•den]
Etymology,, ×× From the latin word "incrementum", which means growth.
Description,, ×× This is a xeniden for regrowth. It is specifically linked to regrowth surrounding dead or dying plant life; whether that be trees, flowers, entire forests or fields.
Attributed Scene/Description,, ×× "The rotting log you pass while walking through the forest. Its simple enough with lichen and simple shrooms growing off its bark. The centre is half pulp, now, and there are holes in the solid pieces where bugs burrowed throughout. A tree is growing out of the pulp. there are vines crawling up its frame. You wouldnt see it unless you tripped on it, and if you tripped on it- youd just let loose a swear, fall, then get up and walk away. To you- its nothing. To the forest, its rebirth."
Colors,, ×× Dark greens, dark browns, tans, lime, forest leaves, light filtered through leaves.
Themes & Aesthetics,, ×× Obstructed sunlight through leaves, maybe forestcore? A bit of cottagecore. Botanical academia can also be linked to this xeniden.
Names,, ×× Adamae, Barkley, Anastasia, Nova, Kia, Genesis, Janus, Neo, Novak, Eva, Zoe
Pronouns,, ×× [bloo/bloom] [moss/mosses] [lie/life] [gre/green] [gro/grow] [spo/spore] [sa/sage]
Outfit Themes/Inspos,, ×× Think botanical academia and cottagecore mix. Tan and brown coats that slide off your shoulders. Vine and flower-shaped rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Green and/or hazel contacts (if you're interested in that). Light and airy shirts to wear while out in the sun all day. Small backpacks that hang off one shoulder. Cloth messenger bags <3
Potential Interests/Hobbies,, ×× Forestry, Plant-decomposition, biome studies, forest hikes, sun-bathing next to a creek or river, sleeping in the sun, mycology, decomposers in general.
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×× additional info ××
What is a Xeniden,,? ×× A xeniden is another form of expression for your identity that is completely unrelated to your gender. The exact pieces of your identity it represents, though, is up to the user. These can work parallel to your genders / labels, and can be used by anyone MOGAI / LIOM and non-MOGAI / LIOM alike. [Carrd & Tumblr]
Originally coined when,,? ×× Mar 7, 2k22
Original created by,,? ×× Azrail / Gorey Hyacinth [Hyacinth-Creations]
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xeniden · 3 years
Do you accept creating labels or do you know someone who coins Xenidens? I'm not good with getting attention and there's a specific thing I identify as... but... I'm afraid y know? It's related to one specific anime, very specific thing...
I reblog coiners! You don't have to be popular to coin something ^_^ just follow the creation rules. Also be sure to use tags like #xeniden #xenidens #iden etc and people can find you.
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xeniden · 3 years
I have a very fluid perception of self, can I be fluid-xeniden? :0
Yes, this would be called idenfluid! any terms that are meta about xenidens go idenword instead of wordiden!
to clarify:
Fluididen = an iden based on fluids and liquids such as water or lava
Idenfluid = describing a person whose xenidens change around sometimes
I plan to make a post soon about meta labels such as idenfluid, idenflux, stuff like that since I have been asked a few times.
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xeniden · 3 years
Hi!! Sorry I just wanna check I understand the concept right (shh I’m stupid /j). Xenidens are just things that are intrinsic or linked to your personal identity right? Not gender, but who you are as a person?
Yes! But they aren't inflexible. Just as your interests, hobbies, and perception as self change, or even simply your labels attached to that, so can your xeniden labels.
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xeniden · 3 years
oml I just found these and I'm in love!!!
haha glad you like them !!! i'm honestly super happy to see the community slowly forming around this and people using them, when i first made these people thought it was dumb Q_ Q but i am very happy to see that others can relate to the concept as well !!!!!!!
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xeniden · 3 years
Hey, hope you’re doing well. I was wondering if xenidens can be similar to kins? /gq
(Sorry, I’m new to this concept.)
Xenidens are separate from the idea of genders, sexuality, and kins (etc,) but may be tangentially related! It entirely depends on the person using it how they choose to perceive their own xeniden. However, xenidens are never intended to be exclusive to any particular demographic, as to have the broadest reach possible.
If someone wants to replace their kin with a xeniden label, that is perfectly acceptable! (For example, forestiden over forestkin if one so chooses.)
Overall, xenidens are all about expression and how you feel about whatever aspect of yourself you are referring to when you use the label.
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xeniden · 3 years
btw if i ever post a xeniden that has already been posted by its coiner pls lmk so i can reblog their post! also if you coin something and make a post for it and i haven't reblogged yet it please let me know so i can do so!
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xeniden · 3 years
Hello, I made xenidens! They are not synonymous with "xenoidentities" made by transmeds and truscum or whoever it was. The parallel was unintentional, and has been clarified various times. Given that "xenidens" are relatively new to the public (I made them a year ago but didn't post about it til this year) I strongly doubt that they are currently being used primarily by anti-xenic folk. Even if that is true, everyone is welcome to "reclaim" the concept into this newer and more wholesome version.
warning that xenidens are used by transmeds a lot to ‘reclaim’ xenogenders and are sometimes promoted as a ‘non-harmful alternative’ to xenogenders! not everyone who uses xenidens are like this, some of them are very xenogender accepting, but just a heads up
darn :( transmeds fuck with everything huh?
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xeniden · 3 years
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Name,, ×× Rotiden
Description,, ×× A xeniden based on a connection to rot, decomposition or decay. It represents both outdoor and indoor death, but most specifically the process of decomposing that dead plants and animals go through.
Colors,, ×× Dark red, muddy reds, brown, black, off-white.
Themes and Aesthstics,, ×× Partially-exposed animal skeletons, eyes, holes in various limbs, zombie-like skin, trees and plants covered in mushrooms, decomposers (as in animals/plants that do this), flys leaving a corpse, corpses in general.
Name ideas,, ×× Lilth, Mara, Cain, Clay, Kek, Merripen, Osiris, Samael, Azrail, Bela, Jela, Vendetta, Blessed, Karro
Pronoun ideas,, ×× [rot/rots] [ro/rot/rots] [decay/decays] [fe/fes/fester] [spoil/spoilt/spoils] [cor/corpse/corpses] [wil/wilt/wilts]
Potential interests/hobbies,, ×× Vulturecore, mycology/mushrooms, entomology/bugs, corvids (crows, vultures, etc.)
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×× additional info ××
What is a Xeniden,,? ×× A xeniden is another form of expression for your identity that is completely unrelated to your gender. The exact pieces of your identity it represents, though, is up to the user. These can work parallel to your genders / labels, and can be used by anyone MOGAI / LIOM and non-MOGAI / LIOM alike. [Carrd & Tumblr]
Originally coined when,,? ×× Feb 17, 2k22
Original created by,,? ×× Azrail / Gorey Hyacinth [Hyacinth-Creations]
×× header featuring rotting / decomposing apple & animal below ××
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[BEGIN ID: An image header featuring three images. The first one on the farthest left is a half-decomposed skull, appearing to be belonging to a canine; the skin is very thin and hardly on the skull and it is clean of all organs, guts, blood and muscle. The second image in the middle is a rotting red apple that appears to have a bite taken out of it; the insides are partially yellowed and the edges of the bite are furled over slightly. The final image on the right is a rotting tree covered in moss; the wood inside is dark and visibly falling out onto the ground. :END ID]
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