xiaosspear · 3 months
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an eternity without you part VI || xiao x reader
You expected the place Xiao was taking you to be nearby, but it turned into a full day of walking, evading the Fatui, and flying over mountains in Xiao’s arms.
Finally, you land in Inazuma, atop Tenshukaku.
"Why are we in Inazuma?" you ask, frustration evident in your voice. You had repeatedly asked Xiao where you were going, but he had ignored you each time.
Xiao sets you down, his expression stern. "There’s nothing to show you," he says, his tone edged with impatience. "Can't you see how dangerous your situation is? There's no point in you staying in Liyue right now. You'll draw unnecessary attention to yourself."
His gaze softens slightly as he continues, "I want you to stay here for a while. When the talk dies down and Childe leaves, I'll come back for you. Then you can return to Liyue."
You look at him, surprised by the mixture of concern and frustration in his eyes. "Xiao, I can’t just hide away here. I want to help, to be by your side."
Xiao turns away, his shoulders tense. "Your presence in Liyue right now is a danger—to you and to everyone else. Trust me on this. Stay here. I'll handle things in Liyue."
A lump forms in your throat, but you nod in understanding, looking at Xiao with sadness in your eyes. As he prepares to take off once again, you call out, "Hey -wait."
Xiao pauses, tilting his head slightly to glance back at you. You rarely got attached to people, but saying goodbye to him felt surprisingly difficult, even though you knew you’d see him again. You take a hesitant step closer, the urge to fall into his arms for a tight hug growing stronger. You push those thoughts away, thinking, "No, he sticks around because Zhongli told him to. He probably doesn’t even see me as a friend."
Taking a deep breath, you muster your courage and speak up, "Stay safe, okay?"
Xiao's eyes soften as he nods, turning back around. He stands there for a moment, then, in a barely audible whisper, says, "I do." With a powerful kick, he launches himself off the Tenshukaku roof. In an instant, the teal trail and the faint scent of Qingxin flowers are gone.
You furrow your brows, puzzled at how he heard you. The confusion quickly gives way to a faint smile as you realize, "So he does see me as a friend and not just as a burden."
You make your way down from the rooftop, hopping gracefully from roofs to poles, your adeptus abilities making the descent effortless. As your feet touch the ground, familiar faces come into view. Their expressions light up with joy, mirroring your own happiness at seeing them again. Ayaka and Thoma, ever the gracious hosts, quickly organize a small gathering in your honor.
The evening is filled with laughter and warmth. The courtyard is adorned with lanterns, casting a soft, inviting glow over the scene. Tables are laden with delicious Inazuman delicacies, and the air is filled with the scent of fresh sakura blossoms.
As you sit surrounded by friends, you begin to recount your recent adventures. You describe the various monsters you've faced, the challenges you've overcome, and the new skills you've honed. Ayaka listens intently, her eyes wide with admiration. Itto occasionally interjects with a humorous comment, making everyone laugh.
The night progresses with the exchange of stories and experiences. You hear about the latest happenings in Inazuma, the small victories, and the day-to-day lives of your friends. The sense of camaraderie is palpable, and for a moment, the worries and dangers you’ve been facing seem far away.
As the evening winds down, you find yourself sitting by the water's edge, gazing at the reflection of the moon. Ayaka joins you, offering a cup of warm tea. "It's good to have you back," she says softly.
You smile, feeling a deep sense of belonging. Despite the looming threats and uncertainties, moments like these remind you of why you fight and who you fight for. The bonds of friendship and the shared memories make all the hardships worthwhile.
You say, "I'm so glad to be back. I missed everyone so much... I don't know how long I will stay here."
Ayaka looks at you with a knowing smile. "Xiao is strong and resourceful. He’ll find a way to come back for you. In the meantime, you have all of us here."
You nod, comforted by her words, but a part of you still aches with uncertainty. "I know. It's just... hard to be away, especially when things are so uncertain."
Heizou joins the two of you, bringing a warmth to the conversation. "Hey, we'll make sure you have plenty to do to keep your mind off things. And who knows? Maybe your little yaksha will be back sooner than you think."
You chuckle softly, appreciating their support. "Thanks, Heizou. I guess I just need to be patient."
As the night deepens, you decide to walk around Inazuma alone, feeling a pull to visit your grandmother's house where you once lived. The familiar streets bring back memories, and you hope to find some comfort there. As you make your way through the quiet, moonlit paths, the sound of people speaking Russian catches your attention.
Your heart sinks, recognizing the language of the Fatui.
Peeking from behind a neighboring house, your worst fears are confirmed.
The Fatui are scavenging through your grandmother's house, tossing belongings aside in their search for anything related to your condition. The sight of your grandmother's cherished home being ransacked brings tears to your eyes, but you know you can't afford to blow your cover.
You turn and run back into the now silent city, the night air cool against your face as tears stream down your cheeks. Seeking solace, you climb up to a secluded mountain spot and sit down, looking at the moon and the horizon.
The beauty of the scene offers a small measure of comfort. You find peace in the thought that Xiao, wherever he is, is looking at the same moon.
As you sit there, the weight of the situation presses down on you. The Fatui's relentless pursuit has reached even the sacred spaces of your past.
You whisper a silent promise to the moon, to stay strong and to reunite with him soon.
The night grows deeper, and the stars begin to dot the sky. The quietness of the mountain and the distant sounds of the ocean provide a soothing backdrop to your troubled thoughts.
You wipe away your tears, determined to face whatever comes next with the strength you've gained from your journey and the support of your friends. And with the moon as your witness, you vow to protect those you care about and find a way to overcome the challenges ahead.
A few weeks pass, and with each night, your longing for Xiao intensifies. There are no signs or messages from him, and the uncertainty gnaws at your heart. However, you refuse to let this weigh you down. Determined to stay strong, you spend most of your days overworking yourself—practicing combat skills, refining strategies, and learning how to make the most of your Hydro Vision.
The familiar surroundings of Inazuma become your training ground, and you push yourself harder with each passing day. Ei, who has always been like a mother figure to you, offers her guidance.
Her lessons are invaluable, and her presence is a source of comfort and strength. She teaches you not only the art of combat but also the importance of patience and perseverance.
Under her watchful eye, you learn to harness your vision more effectively. You become more attuned to the flow of water, using it to create powerful attacks and defensive maneuvers.
Each practice session brings you closer to mastering your abilities, and the progress you make is a testament to your dedication.
Despite your rigorous training, the nights remain difficult. The loneliness is palpable, and you find yourself often gazing at the moon, wondering if Xiao is looking at the same sky. The thought of him brings a mix of comfort and longing, and you hold onto the hope that he will return soon.
It was nighttime. You and Kazuha were sitting on Beidou's ship, which was now empty, waiting for the morning to come to carry cargo and passengers.
Kazuha had just finished rolling up some naku weed in a dried sakura bloom petal, lighting it up with a small campfire you two had made on the deck. You were lying close by on your back, staring at the moon.
"Didn't you smoke just now? Calm down," you teased Kazuha with slight concern in your voice.
Kazuha exhaled a soft laugh, the smoke curling up into the night sky. "I'm too far off now. It takes me like three of these to feel something. Beidou told me to go on a tolerance break, but that made me want to jump off this same ship on day two. On the other hand, I bet you'd be out of it after a few hits," he mocked playfully.
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Maybe you're right. I'm not as seasoned as you, Kazuha."
He smirked, taking another drag and looking out over the calm sea. "It's a strange kind of peace, being out here on the open water. Almost makes you forget everything else."
You nodded, the gentle rocking of the ship and the soft sound of the waves adding to the serene atmosphere. "Yeah, it's nice. Makes you feel like you're a part of something bigger, doesn't it?"
Kazuha glanced at you, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "It does. The sea, the sky, the stars... It all puts things in perspective."
Kazuha passes the joint to you, and you take a drag, inhaling deeply and holding it in, as the fragrant smoke swirls around in the night air. The glow of the campfire casts flickering shadows on the deck of Beidou's ship, lending a serene ambiance to the scene.
You and Kazuha have been conversing for hours now, sharing both profound insights and lighthearted banter under the moonlit sky.
After some time, the weight of the day's events and the soothing effects of the naku weed begin to settle in. You feel a pleasant warmth spreading through your body, easing the tension that had been building up inside you. The conversations meander from philosophical musings about life and purpose to playful debates about the best way to enjoy a quiet evening.
As the night progresses, you find yourself drifting into a reflective mood. You reach out beside you, fingers brushing over the cool deck until they close around the Qingxin flower you had found earlier that day.
Bringing it to your nose, you inhale its delicate fragrance—a reminder of the tranquil moments spent in Liyue, where Xiao's presence had brought a sense of calm amidst the chaos.
The scent triggers memories of Xiao—his stoic demeanor, his unwavering dedication to protecting others, and the rare glimpses of vulnerability he had shown. You remember the quiet moments shared together, the unspoken understanding that had developed between you, and the bond that had formed despite the challenges you faced.
Kazuha notices the pensive look on your face and shifts closer, his own expression thoughtful yet gentle. "What's on your mind?" he asks softly, his voice carrying a soothing cadence.
You glance at him, a mix of emotions playing in your eyes. "This flower... it reminds me of someone important to me. Someone I had to leave behind," you admit, your voice tinged with longing.
Kazuha nods empathetically, his gaze turning towards the distant horizon. "Distance can be difficult, especially when it separates us from those we care about deeply. But sometimes, it's the separation that strengthens our bonds and deepens our appreciation for the moments we share."
You sigh softly, twirling the Qingxin flower between your fingers. "I miss him," you confess quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I wonder where he is now, what he's doing, if he's thinking about me too..."
"He's out there," Kazuha assures you gently, his words carrying a sense of reassurance. "He is resilient, and he knows how to navigate through challenges. And when the time is right, fate will bring you together again."
You find comfort in Kazuha's words, feeling a sense of solace amidst the uncertainty. The tranquility of the night envelops you, the gentle lull of the waves against the ship's hull and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures creating a serene backdrop.
The Qingxin flower's fragrance continues to linger in the air, intertwining with your thoughts of Xiao and anchoring you to the memories you hold dear.
As the night deepens and weariness settles in, you lean back against the ship's railing, cradling the Qingxin flower in your hand. "Thank you, Kazuha," you murmur gratefully, a small smile playing on your lips. "For listening, for understanding, for the... weed?."
Kazuha smiles warmly in return, his eyes reflecting the moonlight as he nods. "Anytime," he replies softly. "Rest now. Tomorrow holds new possibilities."
With Kazuha's comforting presence beside you and thoughts of Xiao in your heart, you allow yourself to surrender to sleep, the Qingxin flower still clasped gently in your hand.
In that moment, surrounded by the peaceful night and the camaraderie of friends, you find solace in knowing that despite the physical distance, the bond you share with Xiao remains steadfast and enduring.
Tonight was surprisingly devoid of nightmares, a welcome relief. Instead, a dream had visited—a blurry yet comforting vision of Liyue, its landscapes painted with memories of new friends, and of Xiao. The tranquility of the dream was abruptly shattered as a dull ache in your head jolted you awake.
Opening your eyes, the blurry figure before you materialized into Beidou, who tossed an apple your way with a mix of jest and irritation. "Good morning, beautiful," she quipped. "So, while I entrusted you with guarding my ship, you and Kazuha decided to get high and then catch up on beauty sleep?"
Her playful sarcasm was laced with an undercurrent of mild disapproval, yet you sensed that Kazuha was likely to bear the brunt of her displeasure.
As you rubbed your temples, memories of the hazy night of shared laughter and deep conversations with Kazuha flooded back, mingling with the remnants of the dream that had slipped away like morning mist.
Despite Beidou's teasing, you knew her trust in you extended beyond occasional slip-ups. But as you glanced at the horizon tinged with the first rays of dawn, thoughts of Liyue and the friends left behind weighed heavily on your mind.
As the calming tune of Kazuha's Shibabue emitted from the ship's watchtower, you bid him and Beidou farewell with a wave before disembarking. The morning air was cool and inviting, and you sought a quiet spot to relax. Just as you began to wander, you noticed Heizou sprinting towards you, waving his arms frantically. Sensing urgency, you paused and waited for him to catch up.
Heizou reached you, his hand on his shoulder as he gasped for breath, clearly flustered but determined to convey something important. With a swift motion, he pulled out photos from his kamera and held them out to you.
"You might want to see this," he managed between breaths.
Taking the photos, your heart sank as you studied them intently. Your jaw dropped in disbelief as the images revealed something you feared was true..
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xiaosspear · 5 months
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an eternity without you part V || xiao x reader
As the night wore on, you and Xiao fought off monsters near Liyue, honing your skills with each encounter. During moments of respite, Xiao took the opportunity to impart fighting techniques, offering critiques while also acknowledging your progress.
By the time dawn approached and you began the journey back to Wangshu Inn, exhaustion weighed heavily upon you. Your legs protested with every step, and you couldn't help but voice your complaints to Xiao. With a tsk, Xiao glanced over at you, seemingly unfazed by fatigue.
"I knew it was a bad idea to bring you with me," he remarks dryly, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "You can't even handle a few hilichurls." Despite his teasing, there's a glint of respect in his eyes, recognizing your efforts despite your weariness.
You quickly absorb Xiao's words about reconsidering bringing you along in the future, determined not to show any signs of weakness. Straightening your posture and summoning newfound resolve, you reply with false bravado, "I'm actually not even tired. Let's go tomorrow again." Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on you, you're determined to prove yourself and continue accompanying Xiao on his missions.
Xiao, clearly unconvinced, sighs before approaching you. Without warning, he picks you up, startling you. "Hey, what—" you start, but before you can finish, a rush of air hits your face as he launches himself upward with great force.
Instinctively, you tighten your grip around him, preparing for impact as you speed towards a nearby mountain. Just as you brace for the collision, Xiao effortlessly pushes off the mountain, redirecting your path.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself outside Wangshu Inn.
Releasing your hold on Xiao, you pull back and survey your surroundings from the balcony of Wangshu Inn. A wide smile spreads across your face as excitement courses through you.
"Wow, that was incredible!" you exclaim, turning to Xiao with a mixture of awe and curiosity. "How did you manage to bounce off the ground like that? I had no idea you could do that!" Your voice brims with wonder as you express your amazement at Xiao's unexpected display of skill.
Xiao responds bluntly, still holding you in his arms. "Now you know," he states simply, his tone conveying a sense of understated confidence.
You roll your eyes playfully while smiling at Xiao, accustomed to his typically terse responses. "You can let me down now, you know..." you chuckle awkwardly before suddenly feeling Xiao let you go and yourself falling to the ground. With a soft thud, you land on your butt, startled by the unexpected descent.
"Sorry," Xiao offers briefly before walking off to his room, his movements fluid as he stretches his muscles. Left sitting on the ground, you can't help but laugh at the comical turn of events, grateful for the shared moments with him.
You stand up, straightening your clothes and running a hand through your hair before making your way to Xiao's room. Sitting down on his bed, you meet his confused gaze with determination.
"What are you doing?" he asks, puzzled by your presence.
You meet his gaze steadily. "Go home," he says, his tone firm.
But you shake your head, unable to hide the truth. "I have no mora for a hotel," you confess reluctantly.
Xiao sighs, his annoyance evident, and you immediately regret saying that. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that," you hastily interject, sensing his frustration. "I understand that you need your space. I have no problem finding a place outside to sleep." You offer the explanation with sincerity, hoping to diffuse the tension and reassure Xiao of your respect for his boundaries.
Xiao's annoyed expression fades as he joins you on the bed, his eyes holding a complex emotion that you struggle to interpret. "Stay here then, just for tonight," he says, his voice softer now. "Tomorrow, go visit the Liyue Qixing. Show them that tattoo on your arm, and they will tell you everything you need to know. They'll also help you find somewhere to live." His words carry a sense of reassurance and guidance, offering a solution to your current predicament.
Your brows knit together in confusion. "What tattoo?" you murmur, lifting your right arm to examine it. To your bewilderment, a new symbol has appeared, one you're certain wasn't there before. It resembles Xiao's tattoo—a teal upside-down bird, a reflection of his true form. But yours takes the shape of a delicate light blue jellyfish-like creature.
As the tattoos emit a soft, ethereal glow in the darkness, Xiao's confusion deepens. He peers at your tattoo with a furrowed brow, clearly perplexed by this unexpected turn of events.
Xiao suddenly stands up, his gaze avoiding yours as he dismisses the strange occurrence. "Sleep on the bed," he says curtly, "I'll go somewhere else." His tone is brusque, and you sense his discomfort with the situation as he moves to leave the room.
"Hey, hold on!" you interject, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Why did we have to walk all that way when we could have just... jumped around like we did earlier?" You raise the question with genuine curiosity, wondering about the practicality of utilizing your newfound ability for travel.
"In her presence, there's inexplicable calmness ," Xiao muses silently, acknowledging the solace he finds with you. "No pains, no flashbacks... I wish it could last longer."
But instead of addressing your question, Xiao offers only a fleeting glance before silently departing, leaving you to contemplate everything alone. As the night's tranquility settles around you, you find yourself slipping into sleep, thoughts swirling with the day's revelations and the enigmatic presence of your companion.
You awaken abruptly, heart racing from a troubling dream, to find the room still cloaked in darkness. Before panic can fully set in, you notice Xiao sitting right next to you, perched on the floor with his hands crossed on the edge of the bed, seemingly making it more comfortable for his head.
"Huh?" you wonder silently, feeling a mixture of surprise and curiosity at his unexpected presence
As the moonlight cast a soft glow over him, you couldn't help but notice how strikingly beautiful Xiao appeared in his sleep. Despite the uncomfortable position, he exuded an aura of peace and serenity that captivated you. It occurred to you that, like yourself, he likely struggled with nightmares from his past.
Lost in your thoughts, you found yourself simply gazing at him, unable to tear your eyes away. A warmth spread across your cheeks as you realized the intensity of your admiration for him, tinged with a sense of empathy for the shared experiences you both endured.
As you continued to gaze at him, you felt an inexplicable pull towards Xiao, a desire to unravel the mysteries of his past and understand the depths of his being. Yet, his closed-off personality posed a barrier to your curiosity, a challenge you were willing to confront.
With determination fueling your actions, you slowly sat up, moving closer to where Xiao was sleeping. Hesitantly, you reached out your hand, drawn by an instinctual urge to comfort him. But just as your hand hovered inches away from his head, Xiao's eyes snapped open, and he immediately sprung into action, alert for danger.
For a moment, tension hung heavy in the air as Xiao braced himself, but as his gaze met yours, his expression softened. Recognizing you as a familiar presence, he relaxed, a faint hint of gratitude flickering in his eyes.
"Sorry if that made you uncomfortable," Xiao murmurs, his voice quiet yet sincere. "I wasn't watching you sleep," he adds, though his words carry a subtle hint of evasion. Despite the lie, he attempts to diffuse any discomfort, his expression betraying a flicker of vulnerability beneath his usual stoicism.
"Were you having nightmares again?" Xiao inquires gently, his tone laced with concern. "I sensed danger, but when I came, you were just sleeping." Despite his typically reserved demeanor, his concern for your well-being is evident in his words, offering a glimpse of the care he holds for you beneath his stoic exterior.
"You heard me..." You whisper almost inaudibly before speaking up, "I'm fine. I've already gotten used to them. I'm sure you know how it is..." Your voice carries a sense of resignation, acknowledging the shared burden of haunting memories that weigh on both of you. Xiao tilts his head slightly, his expression unreadable yet tinged with a hint of understanding.
"I do," Xiao admits softly. "However, this time I didn't dream of anything." He furrows his brows in confusion, puzzled by the absence of his usual nightmares. Unbeknownst to you, he conceals the truth that tonight, his dreams were filled with visions of you, a detail he chooses to keep to himself for now.
As a week passes by, the Liyue Qixing officially recognizes you as a half-adeptus, entrusting you with the responsibility to watch over Liyue alongside others of your kind. You agree to their request wholeheartedly, and with determination, you arrange to have your belongings moved from Inazuma to Liyue.
Upon your arrival, you are given a room in one of the tall, elegant buildings that grace the cityscape of Liyue. You are informed that a person named Ganyu also resides in the building and will assist you in acquainting yourself with the city.
During the nights, you find yourself in the company of Xiao, seeking solace and camaraderie in the quiet hours. During the days, you dedicate yourself to honing your combat skills, practicing alone to master the use of your hydro vision and fulfill your duty to protect Liyue.
As the weeks pass, your presence in Teyvat becomes increasingly renowned, with whispers and gossip spreading about the new adeptus residing in Liyue. Your name becomes a topic of conversation among the citizens, and rumors swirl about your origins and abilities.
Your fame reaches new heights when you appear in the Fontaine's newspaper, further cementing your status as a figure of intrigue and interest across the land.
"Well, it looks like what I anticipated is coming to fruition," Zhongli muses calmly, his gaze fixed on the newspaper spread before him. Taking a sip of his tea, he flips the page with practiced ease before glancing at you and Xiao. Xiao stands nearby, his arms crossed in frustration, while you sit beside him, exchanging concerned glances.
Seated at a round table alongside Lumine and Ganyu, Zhongli continues, "Don't worry. This isn't the worst outcome yet. The most important thing is that people don't find out about you two." His words carry a sense of reassurance, a reminder of the delicate balance you all must maintain in the face of growing attention and scrutiny.
You steal a glance at Xiao, sensing the tension radiating from him as his gaze fixates on something in the distance. Your heart skips a beat when you follow his line of sight and spot a familiar figure approaching—a figure you never expected to see in Liyue.
"Childe..." you whisper, the name escaping your lips almost involuntarily. Surprisingly, the others at the table hear you too, but they refrain from turning to look, keen to avoid drawing any suspicion.
"Act normal," Zhongli advises calmly, taking another sip of his tea as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening. His words serve as a reminder to maintain composure in the face of unexpected encounters.
Childe strolls over with an amiable smile, greeting everyone at the table with a warm demeanor. "Hello there!" His eyes sparkle with mischief as he turns his attention to you, his gaze lingering with curiosity.
"It seems you've gained quite the reputation," he remarks casually, his voice tinged with intrigue. "Even back in Snezhnaya, people are talking about you. I'm curious if you're as powerful as they say." A playful smirk graces his lips as he suggests, "Perhaps we should spar sometime, just for fun." The challenge in his voice is unmistakable, but there's a playful glint in his eyes, suggesting a friendly rivalry rather than anything more serious.
You can't help but roll your eyes sarcastically, exchanging a knowing glance with Lumine and Paimon. Zhongli cuts straight to the chase. "What brings you back to Liyue? I thought you had important matters to attend to in your homeland," he inquires, his tone betraying a hint of curiosity.
"Indeed," Childe replies smoothly, sliding another chair from under the table to join the group. Squeezing in between you and Lumine, he continues, "Part of my mission leads me here to Liyue." His gaze shifts to Xiao, a smirk playing on his lips, but Xiao's death stare remains unwavering.
"Don't pull any more crazy stunts," Paimon warns, settling into Lumine's lap. "We won't let you off the hook so easily this time!" She crosses her arms and pouts, shooting Childe a pointed look.
Childe lets out a playful giggle at Paimon's words, clearly amused by her admonishment. Zhongli weighs in calmly, offering assistance. "If there's anything we can do to assist you, Childe, just let us know," he says, his tone measured and thoughtful.
"Will do!" Childe replies with a smile, casually propping his arm on the table and resting his head against it. "Dottore sent me here to gather materials for his next experiment," he explains, noticing Xiao's widened eyes. "So, it looks like I'll be staying in Liyue for a while. I'm glad I'll have the chance to spend time with all of you and catch up!" He flashes a genuine smile, genuine excitement shining in his eyes.
Your heart sinks at Childe's revelation. Zhongli's warning echoes in your mind, and if your suspicions are correct about Dottore's experiment, Childe's presence in Liyue poses a significant threat. It dawns on you that he may already be onto your secrets, and a sense of unease settles in the pit of your stomach.
Zhongli interjects, his voice calm yet tinged with concern. "And what exactly does this experiment entail?" he inquires, his gaze focused on Childe. "I want to ensure that there's no danger posed to Liyue and its people." His words carry a subtle warning, a reminder of the responsibility they all bear to safeguard the city and its inhabitants.
Childe's laughter fills the air, his expression sincere as he continues, "I assure you, Zhongli, the experiment is dedicated to finding a cure for those suffering from the withering virus." His words carry a weight of honesty, reassuring Zhongli and the others that the endeavor is aimed at aiding those in need, rather than posing any threat to Liyue or its people.
A sudden wave of pain grips your head, causing you to wince, and a chorus of whispers fills your ears. "Trap," they echo in unison, sending a chill down your spine. Just as swiftly as they came, the whispers fade away, leaving you bewildered.
Realization dawns upon you as you recognize Xiao's method of communication. He had mentioned his ability to convey messages through telepathy, and now, in this moment of distress, his voice resonates in your mind, a silent but powerful warning.
Sensing your unease, Lumine swiftly intervenes, suggesting that she and Childe take a walk by the Liyue harbor. As they depart, you release a heavy sigh, your distressed expression revealing the turmoil within. Placing your hands on the table, you run them through your hair in a display of anxiety.
Noticing your distress, Xiao pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on and takes the seat next to you, a silent gesture of support and solidarity. Sitting in silence, his presence offers a semblance of comfort amid the uncertainty swirling around you.
Zhongli signals to the waitress for another cup of tea before turning his attention to you. "They may not know yet, but their suspicions are certainly strong," he remarks quietly, his tone serious. "Childe has eyes everywhere, so it would be wise for you two to lay low for a while." His words carry a sense of caution, emphasizing the need to tread carefully in the face of potential danger.
Zhongli's expression remains grave as he continues, his voice low and cautious. "Y/N, it's not safe for you to be alone at the moment," he advises, his concern evident. "If anyone were to be targeted, it would likely be you." He pauses, his gaze shifting to Xiao before he adds, "Furthermore, it's also unsafe for Xiao to remain at the Wangshu Inn for the time being. The Fatui often pass through the nearby path to distribute supplies, and there's a possibility they could attempt to spy on you." His words carry a weight of urgency, urging you both to take precautions for your safety.
Xiao nods in understanding as Ganyu offers her advice, suggesting he stays where you and she reside until Childe leaves Liyue.
Zhongli's voice carries a somber tone as he speaks next. "Childe has received orders from the Doctor to spy and gather intel on you," he reveals, his expression grave. "Given our acquaintance, he sees the perfect opportunity to carry out these orders. If he suspects anything, he won't hesitate to apprehend you and deliver you to the Doctor."
Zhongli turns to Xiao, his gaze unwavering. "Xiao, can I count on you to ensure her safety?" he asks solemnly, the weight of responsibility evident in his words.
Once again, Xiao nods in silent agreement before rising from his seat. "There's something I need to show her," he declares, his tone determined. Turning to you, he adds, "Come with me, if you will." His gaze meets yours, a silent invitation to follow him as he leads the way.
"I see. Let's meet again tomorrow," Zhongli suggests, his voice calm and composed.
You rise from your seat, feeling a mix of confusion and anticipation about where Xiao will take you. With a wave to Zhongli and Ganyu, you bid them farewell before hastening to catch up to Xiao's departing figure.
You sprint to catch up with Xiao, who abruptly halts and scans the surroundings, his instincts alert to potential danger. With a swift motion, he grasps your hand and swiftly pulls you behind a nearby building, out of sight from any potential threats.
As your cheeks flush with warmth, you can't help but notice the intensity of his touch. It's the first time he's ever made physical contact with you, catching you off guard with its unexpectedness. A whirlwind of emotions swirls within you as you find yourself drawn to his protective gesture, despite the perilous situation at hand.
With Xiao leaning against the wall, you stand in front of him, your heart still racing from the adrenaline of the close encounter. As you glance over and spot another Fatui agent passing by where you were just moments ago, a sense of gratitude washes over you for Xiao's vigilance.
"Where are we going?" you whisper, your cheeks still flushed pink with embarrassment. You cast your gaze downward, noticing that Xiao is still holding your hand. As he realizes this too, he quickly releases his grip and averts his gaze, a subtle indication of his discomfort.
"You'll see," Xiao responds, his voice barely above a whisper. A faint smile tugs at the corners of your lips, and you notice a hint of pink coloring the tip of his ear. The sight of his subtle blush fills you with a warmth that matches your own, and you can't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the mystery of where he's leading you.
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xiaosspear · 6 months
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an eternity without you || part IV || xiao x reader
Under the soft glow of Liyue City's lanterns, Lumine and Y/N strolled side by side, their steps synchronized as if they were dancing to the rhythm of the night. Lumine's gaze wandered over the bustling streets, but her attention soon turned to Y/N, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "Y/N," she began softly, "I'm grateful for you. In a world where everyone seems to demand something from me, you're the one person who accepts me just as I am." Y/N's eyes met hers, reflecting understanding and warmth, a silent promise of unwavering support amidst the chaos of their journey.
"I'm glad you feel that way, Lumine," You replied with a tender smile, your voice carrying the warmth of genuine friendship. "You're my best friend, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll always be here for you, supporting you through everything."
Lumine sighed wearily, her voice tinged with exhaustion as she lamented, "I'm drained from these endless side missions. All I want is to find my brother, but every day is a relentless cycle of battling, assisting others, and traversing through lands. It's taking a toll on me."
Her exhaustion was palpable, evident in the heavy bags under her eyes, a silent testament to the weight of her weariness.
"Lumine," Your voice softened with sincerity, "if you ever need my help, I'll be more than happy to assist you. Just say the word, and I'll be there by your side, no matter what."
"I... I don't want to trouble you," Lumine murmured softly, her gaze filled with concern.
"Lumine," Y/N replied with a reassuring smile, "you could never bother me. Your well-being and happiness are important to me, so please don't hesitate to lean on me whenever you need."
"If you could help me with commissions, i would be the most grateful," Lumine expressed, her tone hopeful. "I have one from Katheryne. I need to fight some Lawachurls in Jueyun Karst."
"Consider it done! I'll take care of them right away," Y/N responded eagerly, her determination shining through. "You go and rest, Lumine. You need to eat and recharge. I'll handle everything."
The commission atop the rugged mountain proved to be no big deal for you. With every step, you faced treacherous terrain, the path demanding both physical endurance and mental fortitude. Battling through a horde of Lawachurls, your muscles strained with effort as they fought valiantly to overcome the challenges in your path.
Exhausted, you sought respite upon a narrow ledge, the cool mountain air offering a brief reprieve. Yet, amidst the tranquility, an eerie flute-like whistling pierced the silence, sending shivers down your spine. It was a sound that seemed to emanate from the very heart of the mountain, carrying with it an ominous presence that stirred a sense of unease within your soul.
("Bird call from afar" from the genshin soundtrack, if you're confused! :) , it's said that it is xiao calling out to his dead friends)
As the haunting melody lingered in the air, you were suddenly engulfed by a cascade of memories that weren't yours, each one more disorienting than the last. Your head throbbed with intense pain, as if a thousand needles were piercing your skull, while your heart felt constricted, as though gripped by an invisible vice. Gasping for breath, your vision began to blur, darkness encroaching upon your senses.
In that moment of despair, all you could recall was the relentless pounding in your head, a symphony of agony that drowned out the world around you. And then, as swiftly as it had begun, consciousness slipped away, leaving you adrift in a sea of darkness.
As you began to stir, your senses gradually returning, you were greeted by a persistent ringing in your ears, the aftermath of whatever had just transpired. Your head throbbed with lingering pain, making it a struggle to even crack your eyelids open. Yet, amidst the haze of disorientation, you felt something gentle and plush brushing against your face, a sensation both comforting and perplexing. Unable to fully comprehend what it was, you reached out tentatively, fingers grazing against the softness as you tried to piece together the puzzle of your surroundings.
Through the persistent ringing in your ears, a muffled voice pierced the haze, calling out urgently. "Y/N, get off her, come on," it urged, the words barely audible yet filled with urgency.
Your mind struggled to piece together the fragmented puzzle of consciousness, the voice stirring a sense of confusion within you. Slowly, you forced your heavy eyelids to open, squinting against the dim light as you attempted to make out your surroundings. The sensation of someone beneath you registered, prompting a dawning realization that you needed to move. With a concerted effort, you pushed yourself up, disentangling from whatever—or whoever—you had unwittingly been resting upon.
As your senses slowly returned, the delicate scent of Qingxin flowers filled the air, their fragrance permeating the dimly lit space. Blinking away the remnants of disorientation, your vision gradually cleared, dispelling the black and purple circles that had clouded yoursight moments before.
"Verr Goldet? Where am I?" you questioned, your gaze settling on the figure before you, whose presence had only just become apparent.
As consciousness gently embraced you, you found yourself greeted by the warm smile of Verr Goldet, a seasoned adventurer with eyes that shimmered like molten gold. With a graceful motion, she delicately placed a fluffy cat onto the ground before extending a hand to help you rise from the bed. "She's awake!" Verr exclaimed with a sudden burst of excitement, her voice echoing through the room like a call to arms.
Not long after Verr Goldet's outburst, a mysterious puff of teal and black smoke materialized before you, unveiling none other than the vigilant Yaksha of Liyue, Xiao. With a stern expression and a powerful aura surrounding him, he stood before you.
"You're okay.." Xiao stated with a hint of reproach, his normally impassive expression clouded with a hint of anger. "Why were you even all the way up there?"
"Uh," You stammered, meeting Xiao's gaze with a sense of apprehension. "Lumine asked me to help with a commission that happened to be there."
Taking a moment to survey your surroundings, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disorientation. "Where am I?" You inquired, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"You don't need to concern yourself with that," Xiao's voice softened, a touch of worry underlying his words. "Just focus on resting. You took quite a hit to the head."
"Xiao, were you the one that got me here?" you asked, your voice tinged with uncertainty as you searched the enigmatic Yaksha's eyes for answers.
Xiao's voice, soft and barely above a whisper, resonated in the stillness of the moment. "I did," he confessed, his gaze steady yet somber. "I heard the cries of help echoing from within your heart."
You let out a soft chuckle, shaking your head slightly in disbelief. "I don't remember calling for help," you remark, your voice tinged with bemusement as you meet Xiao's gaze, a flicker of curiosity dancing in your eyes.
Xiao furrowed his brows, a subtle crease forming on his serene countenance as he closed his eyes for a fleeting moment. "Be grateful that I saved you, mortal," he intoned, his voice carrying a hint of solemnity. "Who knows how long you would have lain there unconscious without my intervention."
You giggle lightly, finding your footing as you stand up, albeit with a slight stumble. With determined steps, you make your way over to Xiao, a grateful smile gracing your lips. "Thank you for saving me," you express sincerely, your eyes reflecting genuine appreciation. "I really appreciate it." You continue smiling, though a sense of urgency tugs at your thoughts. "Anyways, Lumine is probably worried, so I should get going," you add, a touch of regret lacing your words as you prepare to depart.
As you turn around, ready to take your leave, Xiao's voice cuts through the air, halting your movement. "Wait," he calls out softly, prompting you to face him once more. "You're leaving?" he inquires, a subtle hint of reluctance evident in his tone as he meets your gaze with an unreadable expression
You turn back to face Xiao, a hint of confusion creasing your brow at his question. "Well... yeah," you reply, a touch of uncertainty in your voice. "I don't want to bother you any longer. Don't you have, like, a city to protect?" You add a touch of sarcasm to your words, accompanied by a wry smile, attempting to lighten the mood.
Xiao's expression remains unchanged, his demeanor serious and composed as he addresses you. "I have no wish to spend my free time with a mortal like you," he admits bluntly, his tone unwavering. "However, there are matters we need to discuss, for your..." he pauses momentarily, his voice lowering to a near whisper, "...or my safety." The gravity of his words hangs heavy in the air, underscoring the importance of the conversation ahead.
Intrigued by Xiao's words, you turn around and walk back to the bed, taking a seat and patting the space beside you, gesturing for Xiao to join you. Your curiosity piqued, you await his next words with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.
Xiao's expression remains inscrutable as he observes your invitation, but eventually, he takes a seat at the end of the bed, keeping a noticeable distance between you. His posture is rigid, his gaze focused ahead as he prepares to discuss the matters at hand.
Breaking the tense silence, Xiao speaks up, his voice low and serious he mimics an expression of slight cringe. "This whole my blood in yours thing...," he begins cautiously, "you need to be careful about it. If anyone finds out, especially the Harbingers, they will stop at nothing to capture you. You'll become like a lab rabbit, subjected to all sorts of experiments." The gravity of his warning hangs heavily in the air, emphasizing the dangers that lie ahead.
You nod in understanding, recalling the interaction with Childe from the other week. "Oh, I see," you remark, the implications sinking in. "So, they'll try to capture any of us, just to conduct tests on what my blood and body are capable of?" The thought sends a shiver down your spine, realizing the extent of the danger lurking in the shadows
Xiao nods solemnly. "Indeed," he agrees. "However, it might only be you. They know they can't just take me." His words carry a weight of inevitability, underscoring the disparity in their vulnerabilities within the realm of Teyvat's intricate power dynamics.
Xiao's gaze softens slightly as he continues, his voice carrying a rare note of sincerity. "If that were to happen, or if you're in any danger," he says, his tone unwavering, "just call out my name. I'll be the first one there." The promise of his protection resonates with unwavering resolve, offering a glimmer of reassurance amidst the looming shadows of uncertainty.
As Xiao's words sink in, you can't help but wonder about his true intentions. Does he genuinely care about your safety, or is he merely fulfilling his duty to protect Liyue and its inhabitants? The Yaksha's stoic demeanor makes it difficult to discern his true feelings, leaving you with a sense of ambiguity as you contemplate his words.
Xiao's voice carries a hint of melancholy as he speaks, his gaze momentarily dropping before meeting yours again. "I saw... your fighting abilities back there," he begins, his words tinged with sorrow. "They're quite similar to mine... to... theirs." His mention of "theirs" hints at a deeper connection beyond mere combat prowess.
He pauses, then continues, his expression troubled. "How come you have a hydro vision, not an anemo one?" he asks, curiosity mingling with the sadness in his eyes. The question hangs in the air, laden with unspoken implications about your past and the mysteries surrounding your existence.
"Should I have obtained an Anemo vision like yours after everything happened?" you question, a sense of uncertainty threading through your words. The query hangs in the air, revealing your curiosity about the nature of visions and their role in your own journey.
Xiao nods slightly once more, his expression grave as he rises to his feet. "You have the potential to be like me, a protector of Liyue," he acknowledges, his voice tinged with caution. "However, if anyone takes notice, word will spread, and that could prove to be dangerous." His words carry a weight of warning, underscoring the delicate balance between wielding power and attracting unwanted attention in the realm of Teyvat.
"Don't worry," you assure him with a warm smile. "I'd love to help you, and I'll be really careful, I promise!" Your sincerity shines through as you offer your reassurance, determined to navigate the complexities of your newfound abilities with caution and diligence.
As you express your willingness to assist, Xiao's thoughts drift, contemplating your resolve. "She's the same, just like back then..." he thinks to himself, a glimmer of emotion flickering in his eyes. He struggles to comprehend why you would willingly put yourself in harm's way night after night, solely to aid him. The enigmatic Yaksha remains silent, his thoughts shrouded in a mixture of gratitude and concern for your well-being.
Brushing off his fleeting emotions, Xiao adopts his usual stoic demeanor and bluntly states, "I don't need your help. Do you think I won't be fine alone?" His words carry a hint of dismissiveness, revealing his reluctance to rely on others and his unwavering confidence in his own abilities.
Your smile falters momentarily at his rejection, but you quickly regain your composure, refusing to be discouraged. "Hmm..." you muse, a determined glint in your eyes as you offer a solution. "Okay then, how about I just tag along? You could teach me, you know, about all of my abilities, since you're the experienced one here," you suggest with a playful roll of your eyes, attempting to lighten the mood with a hint of humor.
Xiao's arms fold across his chest, a reluctant acknowledgment in his tone. "Fine, if you're insistent, you can accompany me," he concedes, though his expression remains guarded. Turning to you, he fixes you with a stern gaze. "But on one condition: you follow my instructions and refrain from acting recklessly," he insists, emphasizing the need for caution and obedience to ensure both of your safety.
You spring from the bed in excitement, a grin spreading across your face. "Okay, boss," you exclaim eagerly, your enthusiasm palpable. "Do we start tonight?" Your readiness to embark on this new journey with Xiao shines through, eager to prove yourself and learn from his expertise.
Xiao observes your excitement with a hint of confusion, his understanding of human emotions limited. Despite your enthusiasm, he remains focused on the gravity of the situation, unable to comprehend why you would be eager to embark on such a dangerous thing. His expression remains impassive as he processes your excitement, his mind calculating the risks ahead.
Xiao proposes, "We should leave now. It's getting late, and the monsters will soon be active." His stomach rumbles unexpectedly, causing him to visibly startle. You chuckle at the sound and quip, "Looks like someone's hungry! I am too. It's best to head out on a full stomach. I'll cook. Anything specific you'd like?" Your cheerful demeanor and offer to cook reflect your eagerness to ensure both of you are well-prepared for the upcoming journey.
Xiao scoffs, his skepticism evident, yet he's intrigued by your offer to cook. "Mm, I doubt you could make it as good... or not burn the kitchen down," he retorts, his tone laced with doubt. Despite his teasing, there's a hint of curiosity in his eyes, as if he's willing to entertain the possibility of your culinary skills.
You take in Xiao's remark, realizing that the usually serious Yaksha just made a joke. A laugh escapes you as you playfully respond, "Oh, come on, I bet I'm way better than you!" With a mischievous grin, you turn around, heading towards Yanxiao's kitchen with determination. But before you leave, you glance back at Xiao and add, "One plate of almond tofu coming up!"
Before you could turn back around, you swear you catch a glimpse of a subtle glimmer in Xiao's eyes and a faint curl of his lips as you mention almond tofu. Intrigued by his reaction, you proceed to the kitchen, with Xiao following behind. He looks puzzled as he asks, "How do you know I like that?" His curiosity piqued, he awaits your response.
You respond with a playful smirk, "Zhongli told me that's how I would get you to talk to me, but it looks like you did that already." A mischievous giggle escapes you as you revel in the light-hearted banter, enjoying the unexpected turn of events.
"Tch, of course he did," Xiao responds with a hint of resignation, taking a seat on a nearby table. Meanwhile, you take charge behind the counter, scanning the ingredients with determination as you begin to prepare the meal. With focused intent, you set about gathering everything you need to create the almond tofu, your movements efficient and purposeful.
You start by measuring out the appropriate amount of almond milk, ensuring it's smooth and creamy. Next, you carefully dissolve the agar agar powder in water, heating it gently until it forms a clear liquid.
While the agar agar mixture cools slightly, you turn your attention to the almond flavoring, adding just the right amount to enhance the tofu's delicate taste. With precision, you mix the almond milk and agar agar solution together, ensuring a smooth and even consistency.
Once combined, you pour the mixture into individual molds, allowing it to set in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
During this time, you take a moment to clean up the kitchen, your movements efficient and methodical, while also talking about everything with Xiao, you were surprised how he was way more talkative than you've ever seen him be.
As the almond tofu sets, you prepare the sweet syrup topping, blending together sugar and water in a small saucepan. With a gentle simmer, you cook the mixture until it thickens slightly, infusing it with a hint of vanilla for added flavor.
After the allotted time has passed, you carefully unmold the almond tofu, marveling at its smooth texture and delicate aroma. Placing each serving on a plate, you drizzle the sweet syrup over the top, creating a beautiful and enticing presentation.
With a wide smile and a hint of nervousness, you serve Xiao the almond tofu, carefully presenting the plate before him. You watch intently as he reaches for a piece, anticipation building as he takes a bite, awaiting his reaction with bated breath.
As Xiao takes the first bite, you observe him, his eyes immediately light up with surprise, a flicker of delight dancing across his features. A slight tint of pink colors his cheeks, betraying the unexpected pleasure he finds in the flavor. Your own smile widens at his reaction, heartened by the evident enjoyment he derives from your cooking.
You ask eagerly, "Well, what do you think?" anticipating Xiao's response with excitement.
Xiao ponders silently, impressed by the flavor. "The flavor is amazing... This might be the best one I've had yet," he reflects inwardly.
"It's alright, thank you." he says aloud, continuing to eat at a rather brisk pace, though his subdued tone belies his true feelings of appreciation for the dish.
You smile, content in the knowledge that Xiao enjoyed the almond tofu. As you make yourself a less aesthetically pleasing plate with the leftovers, you join him on the counter. Together, you eat in comfortable silence, savoring the simple pleasure of each other's company and the delicious meal you prepared.
With your stomachs full of delicious almond tofu, you and Xiao walk in silence towards your destination, your senses alert for any potential threats lurking in the shadows of Liyue. The chilly night wind brushes against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine as you navigate the darkened streets with vigilance. In the quietude of the night, the bond between you and Xiao strengthens, forged through shared experiences and a mutual determination to protect Liyue from harm.
Breaking the silence, you address Xiao,
"Hey Xiao, do you ever call someone's name too, expecting them to come?"
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xiaosspear · 6 months
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ᴀɴ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴɪᴛʏ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ || xiao x reader
Part III
"I'm informing you, there appears to be an inexplicable bond between them," Zhongli explains with a furrowed brow, addressing Madame Ping in a tone of perplexity. Having sought Madame Ping's wisdom to unravel the connection between you and Alatus, Zhongli's demeanor reflects a mixture of confusion and intrigue as he attempts to make sense of the enigmatic ties that bind you.
"In my millennia of existence, I've encountered such occurrences only on rare occasions," Madame Ping responds solemnly, her voice tinged with a sense of gravitas born from centuries of wisdom. "You should seek answers from your Yaksha companion regarding the nature of this connection," she advises Zhongli, her words carrying the weight of her vast experience and insight into matters of the mystical and arcane.
With a nod of understanding, Zhongli absorbs Madame Ping's words, his expression betraying a hint of concern at the gravity of the situation. With a determined yet cautious demeanor, he takes his leave, his mind preoccupied with the mystery surrounding your connection to Xiao. Determined to seek answers, Zhongli sets out to find Xiao, his steps guided by a sense of duty and an unwavering resolve to unravel the secrets that lay hidden within the depths of Liyue.
"I know nothing of this matter. It is best for you to leave now, I got things to do." Xiao replies curtly, his voice carrying a hint of detachment. He offers no further explanation, his demeanor closed off and resolute. With a firmness in his tone, Xiao makes it clear that he wishes to be left alone.
"Lying is unnecessary," Zhongli states calmly as he places the medicine he procured for Xiao on his bedside table. "It is best to speak openly," he continues, his tone gentle yet firm. Zhongli's words carry a sense of reassurance, inviting Xiao to share his concerns and burdens without fear of judgment.
"On that day, she saved me... I failed to comprehend the mortal's choice to rescue me, yet she perished because of me. In an attempt to revive her, I offered a portion of my own blood," Xiao recounts solemnly, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.
"If she were alive, even a drop of my blood would have been deadly," Xiao explains simply, conveying the gravity of the situation.
Zhongli pauses for a moment, contemplating the revelation. "I understand now. Interesting. It clarifies why she senses your presence. Do you experience any side effects from this as well?" he inquires, his tone thoughtful as he considers the implications of Xiao's unique connection with the mortal realm.
Xiao recalls the recent occurrence where he witnessed you abruptly rising from the tavern table, wielding your polearm as if in search of something. He has been observing your actions from a distance for a while now. Whether during your visits to Liyue or your engagements in commissioned tasks, Xiao admits to a vigilant observation of your movements and endeavors.
"I delved into this matter last night," Zhongli begins, his voice measured as he imparts his findings. "Given that she possesses a quantity of your blood that exceeds her tolerable limit by tenfold, both she and you may be susceptible to side effects," he explains, his words conveying a sense of concern for both parties involved.
Lost in thought, Xiao recognizes the consequences of his actions, aware of his own side effects. However, he decides to keep this to himself for now, shifting his thoughts to you with a growing curiosity.
Waking up with an unfamiliar ache coursing through my body, memories of yesterday's unsettling events weigh heavily on my mind once more. A wave of questions floods my thoughts, leaving me overwhelmed. "Where should I begin? Who can I turn to for assistance?" My mind races with uncertainty.
With a sense of urgency, I gather my belongings and set out, leaving behind the city where I have spent the past two months traversing. My destination: the city of Inazuma, where I currently live.
As I made my way towards the docks, a familiar sight catches my eye—a tall figure with striking red hair emerges into view. It's none other than Childe.
He approaches me with a friendly smirk, his hand casually draping over my shoulder. "Hey there, girlie. Off to somewhere exciting?" he asks with a playful tone.
Despite my smile, I can't shake the unease bubbling beneath the surface. Lumine's words echo in my mind, reminding me of the danger Childe poses to Liyue and its people. I tread cautiously, keeping my guard up as I engage in conversation with him.
"Long time no see!" I greet him warmly. "I'm heading home. What about you? Are you traveling too?"
"Long time no see indeed! Just got errands to run," Childe replies with a casual shrug. "Fatui business. So, heading home, huh? Liyue treating you well?" he asks, his tone light and curious.
I let out a sigh, feeling the urge to confide in someone about everything that's happened over the past few days. However, I quickly reign in my emotions, realizing that Childe isn't the right person to share my current worries with.
I force a smile, not wanting to arouse suspicion, and reply, "Yeah, Liyue was a blast! Met some interesting folks and did a lot of traveling, mostly with... Lumine."
"Lumine, huh?" Childe muses with a smirk, his hand moving away from my shoulder to lightly trace my back, settling at my waist. Suddenly, a ship sails into one of the docks nearby. "Oh look, that's my ride," he says casually, stepping back. "It was nice catching up with you here."
I roll my eyes in resignation as I realize that I'll have to spend at least a few hours with Childe by my side on the same boat.
Childe's surprise is evident as he realizes we're on the same ship. "Oh, that's your ride too? How convenient, we have so much catching up to do!" he remarks with feigned innocence, flashing a warm smile. Despite his friendly demeanor, I remind myself not to let my guard down. Trusting Childe is difficult, especially with the nagging feeling that he may have ulterior motives.
"Yeah, quite convenient indeed," I respond with a forced chuckle, accepting Childe's offered hand to help me board the ship and maintain my balance on the narrow plank.
We've been sailing for about an hour now, sampling the various dishes Childe bought for us and engaging in conversation. Mostly, it's Childe regaling me with tales of his battles and boasting about his strength. I listen politely, occasionally interjecting with questions or comments, but mostly content to let him dominate the conversation.
Childe casually remarks, "So, darling, I heard from my people that you and Zhongli were engaging in quite the conversation at the tavern." He takes a bite of his food, his gaze fixed on me as he waits for my reaction. "What was so interesting?" he adds with a smirk, clearly intrigued by the topic.
I reply nonchalantly, "Oh, nothing much. It's just been a while since I visited Liyue, and Zhongli was updating me on some things."
Childe's smirk persists, indicating his skepticism. "Is that so?" he replies, his tone suggestive. "Well, regardless, it's been a pleasure spending time with you, girlie." As our ship sails into the Inazuman docks, he offers a farewell nod before preparing to disembark.
A week has flown by since my return to Inazuma, and each day has been a whirlwind of intensive research and relentless determination to unravel the mysteries of my situation. There's been little time for rest or respite, as my nights are consumed by the solemn duty of protecting the village of Inazuma.
Yet, despite the exhaustion that threatens to overwhelm me, I press on, fueled by a fierce resolve to uncover the truth and safeguard those who rely on me.
After returning from a grueling night of battling, I check my mailbox, expecting the usual assortment of advertisements. However, amidst the sea of trivial letters, one particular envelope catches my eye—a letter from Zhongli. Instantly intrigued, I rush inside, so engrossed in the contents of the letter that I forget to close the mailbox behind me.
The envelope seems to have been opened already, which strikes me as odd. Maybe it got damaged during delivery. Shrugging off the curiosity, I decide to read the letter
Dear Y/N,
I trust this letter finds you well. I am aware of your return home, and I would like to extend an invitation for you to visit Liyue within the coming week. I have recently come across some information that I believe may be of interest to you, and I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss it further.
Warm regards,
Having read Zhongli's letter, I realize I have no choice but to return to Liyue once again. However, I know I'll have to report my absence to Kujou Sara, who was less than pleased about my previous departure. I can only hope she's not too annoyed with me this time around.
After a lengthy journey at sea, I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I step onto solid ground. With the moon casting its gentle glow, illuminating the path ahead, I embrace the soothing breeze of Liyue as it tousles my hair. Making my way to the Baiju Guesthouse, I am grateful for the familiar tranquility of this place.
After checking in and getting comfortable in my room, I opt for a breath of fresh air out on the balcony. The moonlight bathes everything in its serene glow. My mind is filled with a whirlwind of thoughts as I soak in the tranquility of the night.
That familiar sensation washes over me once again, though not as intense as before, it still lingers, a persistent presence in the back of my mind. Leaning against the balcony rail, I rest my hands on the cool metal and lower my head onto them, succumbing to the weight of my thoughts.
My contemplation is abruptly interrupted by a sudden whooshing sound, as if something has erupted out of thin air nearby.
I whirl around, my muscles tensing instinctively, but before I can even reach for my polearm, my body freezes as I come face to face with the unexpected figure standing before me.
As I gaze upon the figure before me, I'm captivated. His teal blue hair shines brilliantly in the moonlight, framing his face with an ethereal glow. Amber eyes, radiant and mesmerizing, meet mine, seeming to hold the secrets of the universe within them. And there, on his skin, his intricate tattoo adds to his mysterious allure, completing the breathtaking sight before me.
My body remains frozen in shock, expecting him to vanish into thin air like before. But this time, he remains, standing before me with an unwavering presence. All I can manage is a stuttered utterance: "Alatus..."
His once emotionless expression now shifts, his eyebrows furrowing slightly and his eyes narrowing in a hint of anger. Then, in a smooth, melodic voice that resonates with authority and determination, he speaks, his voice carrying a sense of quiet intensity.
"Do not ever call me that again," he says, his facial expression betraying his anger while his voice remains eerily calm. As he strides closer, I instinctively back away until my back presses against the railing. His demeanor softens, his face returning to its usual melancholic expression. Avoiding eye contact, he speaks again, his voice gentle but firm, "It's Xiao to you."
With my back still against the railing, nerves getting the better of me, all I can muster is, "I'm sorry... I'm-" He interrupts me, his voice cutting through, "Y/N. I know."
As my heart quickens its pace, I become visibly anxious, my words stumbling out, "How do you know? How did you find me?" My expression betrays my escalating unease. I observe him as he approaches the balcony railing, resting his head on his elbow, his mesmerizing gaze meeting mine softly. "You know why," he responds in his usual tone.
Fidgeting with my fingers out of anxiety, I bite my lip and shift away from the railing, which had started to press uncomfortably into my back. Turning to face him, I maintain a cautious distance and place my hands on the railing as well. "Do you... know anything about this?" I mutter, my voice barely audible.
Xiao nods softly, his gaze turning away from me to focus on the distant horizon. "I know everything about this," he murmurs, his voice carrying the same subdued tone as mine. "I've had thousands of years to search for answers."
"Why haven't we spoken before? With Zhongli being close to both of us, wouldn't he have known everything as well?"
"I cannot speak on behalf of Zhongli," Xiao's gaze remains fixed on the distant horizon. "Perhaps he had his reasons for keeping our paths separate. Regarding our lack of communication, I was unaware that you remembered everything until recently. It's quite unusual."
"Yeah..." I murmur softly, casting my gaze downwards and nervously fidgeting with my fingers.
After a minute of silence, Xiao deliberated whether to disclose this information, ultimately deciding it was best for you to know.
"When you're not present, I can hear you. Sometimes, I can even hear the thoughts of your heart," he explains in his usual monotone voice, pausing before adding,
"However, if you call my name, I can hear you anytime, anywhere."
He continues, "It has been this way ever since you were given back your life. Back then, when everyone, including you, perished, I thought I could try to save you with my blood, considering you were the only half-adeptus there..."
I lifted my eyes to meet his gaze, noticing how his porcelain skin seemed to glow under the moonlight. "I see," I say, processing his revelation. "So, since I have some of your blood in mine, it's like I have a part of you inside me?"
His gaze shifts from my eyes to my vision, prompting a lift of his eyebrow, yet he remains silent on the matter. "That's correct," he affirms. "The side effects only diminish once the bond is fully sealed."
Illustrating a perplexed expression, I ask, "Bond? How is it sealed?"
Xiao disregards your question and begins, "We must both be cautious now. Who knows what manner of individuals may come after either of us. Who have you told about this?"
I regard him with a plethora of questions swirling in my mind. Why? How does one seal this supposed bond? What are the side effects I should be aware of? "Uh... just Zhongli knows," I reply cautiously.
Xiao gives a slight nod, his features void of emotion as he straightens up from the railing. "That's good," he says quietly. "I've got to go now." His eyes meet yours for a moment, and then he adds softly, "See you around," before disappearing into thin air, leaving behind a swirling trail of black and tealish blue smoke.
I step away from the railing, my gaze lingering on the spot where Xiao stood moments ago. As I move closer, the faint scent of Qingxin flowers wafts through the air, enveloping me in their delicate fragrance, a reminder of his presence.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
hi!! let me know if this fic is any good for now, its my first time writing one after a long time, also excuse any grammar mistakes, english isnt my first language !! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა see ya in chapter IV tommorow
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xiaosspear · 6 months
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ᴀɴ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴɪᴛʏ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ || xiao x reader
Part II
As tension mounted, your mind raced, failing to conjure a convincing lie. Before you could respond, Zhongli interjected, shifting the conversation. "What are your thoughts on Osmanthus wine?" he inquired, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "To me, its fragrance is akin to the gentle embrace of a summer breeze, its taste a harmony of floral sweetness and subtle undertones of fruit," he described, painting a vivid picture of the beloved Liyuean beverage.
"Eh!?" I blurted out, startled by the intensity of my own reaction to Zhongli's seemingly innocent question. "I shouldn't be getting so worked up over a simple question," I chided myself internally, feeling the weight of my anxiety pressing down on me with each passing second.
Little did you know, Zhongli keenly observed your reaction to the question, swiftly discerning your unease. His demeanor shifted, his expression growing more serious as he turned to address Lumine and Paimon. "Dear friends, there is a matter I wish to discuss with Y/N in private," he began, his tone carrying a weight of importance. "If you would be so kind as to excuse us."
Paimon rolled her eyes. "Oh, Zhongli, you just had to ruin our night!" Lumine shot Paimon a brief side-eye before apologizing. "Sorry about that," Lumine said, dismissing Paimon's remark. "No worries, Zhongli. Until next time, Zhongli, Y/N," she added with a smile, trying to diffuse any tension.
Zhongli nodded in acknowledgment as a farewell gesture. I returned Lumine a smile and a wave before my expression shifted, the smile fading as quickly as it had appeared. Anxious anticipation gnawed at me as I turned my attention back to Zhongli, bracing myself for the conversation that was to come.
"So, what do you remember?" Zhongli asked, his tone returning to one of friendliness as he took a sip of his now cold tea. "According to my understanding, you should have lost all memories completely."
You're just a funeral parlor assistant," I challenged. "What could you possibly know about this?" My skepticism masked a growing unease, as I grappled with the implications of his words.
"I understand your skepticism," Zhongli began, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "But allow me to offer some perspective." He paused, as if contemplating how much to reveal. "In my line of work at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, I've encountered individuals who, like yourself, have faced extraordinary challenges, including memory loss."
His eyes briefly flickered with a distant intensity. "Some memories, however deeply buried, have a way of resurfacing in unexpected ways," he continued, choosing his words carefully. "Bonds forged in battle can transcend even the deepest of forgotten memories." Zhongli's implication hung in the air, subtle yet undeniable, hinting at a shared past that extended far beyond the confines of our present understanding.
My eyes widened in sudden realization as a flood of memories surged forth. The man before me, Zhongli, the consultant from the funeral parlor, was none other than the Archon himself—the one who had saved me during the war. But if he was here, then who was the teal figure? Confusion gnawed at my thoughts, mingling with the sharp pang of disbelief. As the pieces of the puzzle began to click into place, my head throbbed with intensity, my vision clouded by vivid flashbacks of the war—a big whirlwind of chaos and sacrifice that threatened to overwhelm my senses.
As the headache eased, I began sharing with Zhongli the blunt memories that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Slowly but surely, recollections started to resurface, like pieces of a puzzle coming together. An hour passed as we talked, until at last, the mysterious name I had been trying to remember finally came back to me.
"Zhongli, can you tell me... who is Alatus?" I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "Are they still alive like me?"
"Alatus was a brave ally in the Archon War," Zhongli explained, his tone respectful. "He faced many dangers alongside us with unwavering courage." Zhongli paused, recalling a perilous moment. "When an explosion threatened his life and other adepti perished, you and I protected him, ensuring his safety." Reflecting on their bond forged in the chaos of war, Zhongli felt both pride and gratitude.
"He is alive and well, still watching over Liyue to this day," Zhongli continued, his voice tinged with a hint of solemnity. "However," he paused, "he now goes by a different name, much like you." Zhongli's expression grew somber as he spoke. "He's become a reserved individual, and I'm not certain if he harbors any ill feelings toward you for what transpired. It may be difficult to engage him in conversation, let alone earn his trust."
A surge of anger welled up inside me. "So, let me get this straight," I began, my voice edged with frustration. "I risked everything to save him from being crushed by falling rocks, and now he wants to blame me for what happened?" The injustice of the situation gnawed at me, fueling my indignation as I struggled to make sense of it all.
As the familiar feeling of unease crept over me, reminiscent of my time at Wangshu Inn, I couldn't bring myself to care in the midst of my frustration.
Zhongli's voice broke through my turmoil. "I'm not entirely certain," he began, his tone thoughtful. "It's possible he believes he could have changed the outcome, but the reality is that the explosion was too powerful and sudden. There was simply no time for anyone to react." His words carried a sense of resignation, acknowledging the harsh truth of the situation.
"I see," I replied, calming myself as I attempted to comprehend Alatus's perspective. Despite my efforts, my heart continued to race, a sudden feeling of unease prickling at the edges of my consciousness.
"Someone is here," I murmured, my senses on high alert as I scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of intrusion. With a nod to Zhongli, I added, "I should get going." Waving goodbye, I prepared to investigate the source of the unease, knowing from past experience that danger loomed whenever this feeling gripped me.
As I mentioned someone being present, Zhongli's demeanor shifted abruptly. His eyes widened in realization, and after a moment of silent acknowledgment, he took a deep breath. With a sense of urgency, he stood up and swiftly made his way home, his departure signaling the gravity of the situation.
As the city of Liyue laid deserted and the gentle hum of insects filled the air, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that enveloped me. Despite the emptiness of the streets, I sensed a powerful presence nearby, much like the unsettling atmosphere at Wangshu Inn. The familiar sensation sent a shiver down my spine, alerting me to the imminent danger lurking in the shadows. With every sense heightened, I remained vigilant, preparing to confront whatever threat awaited me in the silent darkness.
Stealthily navigating the empty streets of Liyue, I made every effort to minimize noise, moving with silent determination. With a focused gaze, I summoned my polearm into my dominant hand, its familiar weight reassuring against my palm. Each step was deliberate, every movement calculated as I remained on high alert, prepared to face whatever danger lay ahead. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, urging me to proceed with caution through the silent city streets.
Suddenly, my eyes caught sight of a figure perched atop a tall mountain, reminiscent of the scene at Wangshu Inn. Black smoke billowed ominously from its form as it fixed its gaze upon me. A chill ran down my spine as I locked eyes with the mysterious figure, its intent unclear but undeniably foreboding. With a sense of urgency, I remained on guard, prepared to confront whatever malevolent force lurked in the shadows.
In the blink of an eye, the figure vanished from the mountaintop, leaving me momentarily startled. Fear gripped me as I frantically scanned the surroundings, my polearm at the ready. Suddenly, a sharp impact jolted through my weapon, causing me to whirl around in alarm. To my horror, the figure now stood mere inches away, its penetrating gaze fixated on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Frozen in place, I could feel its eyes stare into my soul, leaving me paralyzed with a sense of dread.
As I turned around, my heart pounding with trepidation, I found myself face to face with the figure that had haunted my thoughts. Standing tall and graceful, he emits an aura of extraordinary elegance. His midnight-blue hair cascades down his face in a sleek, flowing manner, contrasting sharply with his fair, porcelain-like skin. His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of golden amber, hold a depth of wisdom and melancholy, hinting at the countless ages he has witnessed.
His features are striking yet delicate, with high cheekbones and a perfectly sculpted jawline that accentuates his allure.
As I beheld the figure before me, a rush of recognition flooded through me like a tidal wave. The same ethereal teal-blue light emanated from him, casting an otherworldly glow in the darkness. It was him—Alatus, the one I had saved all those years ago.
My heart quickened with a mix of disbelief and awe as I realized the truth of his identity. Alatus stood before me, his presence a tangible reminder of the bond we shared, forged in the crucible of war. But before I could utter a single word, he vanished once more, leaving me standing there in stunned silence, grappling with the fleeting glimpse of the past that had slipped through my fingers.
I made my way home, my mind still reeling from the encounter. I splashed cold water on my face, only to be met with a startling sight when I looked into the mirror. My eyes, once ordinary, now glowed with a captivating amber light, like stars in the night sky.
Fascinated and bewildered by this unexpected change, I couldn't help but wonder what had caused it. Was it a lingering effect of my encounter with Alatus, or something else entirely? Lost in thought, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a journey into the unknown, one that would forever alter the course of my life.
Next chapter: First encounter with "Alatus"? Will it be pleasant or does he think the death of 4 other yakshas was your fault?
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xiaosspear · 6 months
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ᴀɴ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴɪᴛʏ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ || xiao x reader
Part I
As the tumultuous winds of the Archon War raged on, I found myself amidst the chaos, my energy waning with each passing moment. The deafening cacophony of battle surrounded me, the anguished cries of the people mingling with the clash of steel and the thunderous rumble of magic. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring my vision as I fought tirelessly to protect those caught in the crossfire. Yet, despite my efforts, the overwhelming tide of conflict threatened to engulf me, leaving me gasping for breath amidst the swirling chaos.
As I battled against the relentless onslaught of enemies, my senses heightened by the intensity of the conflict, a sudden eruption caught my attention. "Shit," I muttered under my breath, instinctively bracing myself for the impact. In a blur of motion, a streak of vibrant teal green streaked past me, accompanied by a rush of wind that seemed to carry the very essence of speed itself. The figure, cloaked in that ethereal hue, collided with the earth in a tumultuous crash, creating its own miniature explosion upon impact.
In an instant, I recognized the silhouette—a fellow adeptus, I was not quite one myself, a half adeptus, among those with whom I had honed my skills in the art of combat. Yet, our acquaintance remained distant, forged merely through shared trials under the watchful gaze of the divine. Bound by the mandates of the cruel Archon, our duty eclipsed personal bonds, compelling us to carry out deeds that defied our very principles.
With swift movements, I dashed forward, leaving a trail of shimmering hydro particles in my wake. Gently, I began to clear the debris that trapped the figure, helping them to rise. Yet, before we could even register relief, another deafening explosion rent the air, triggering the collapse of towering mountains. The accompanying adepti, valiant protectors of Liyue, were mercilessly overwhelmed by the relentless force. "NO!" cried the figure, consumed by despair, their pain eclipsing any acknowledgment of my presence.
"Alatus,get out NOW!" commanded Bosacius, an adeptus endowed with the power of electro, just moments before succumbing to the crushing force of impending demise.
Startled from my slumber, I was abruptly jolted awake by the presence of a floating figure- Paimon, and concerned Lumine, standing at my bedside. Paimon's gentle voice broke the silence, expressing worry: "Are you alright? Another nightmare, huh? Who is Alatus?" Overwhelmed by her inquiries, I struggled to find my bearings, emerging from the depths of my most vivid dream yet. Its resonance echoed as if the events of a millennium past had unfolded mere moments ago.
"Alatus..." I whispered, the name of a distant figure from a bygone era escaping my lips, yet lost in the mists of time. Paimon's puzzled expression mirrored my own inner turmoil as I sought to comfort her. "It's nothing, just recurring nightmares of my past," I reassured them, my smile masking the lingering shadows of memories long past. With a gentle gaze, I sought to convey to both Paimon and Lumine that despite the haunting echoes of my history, I remained fine in the present moment.
Paimon gently grasps your hand, urging you to rise from your bed, thoug you take the initiative to stand on your own accord, making it easier for her. With a playful tone, Paimon suggests, "Come on, Y/N! How about we distract you from your thoughts and treat you to a meal at Wangshu Inn? It's on Lumine!" Paimon's mischievous smirk is met with a sarcastically perplexed expression from Lumine.
With a warm smile, I graciously accept their kind offer. As we leisurely stroll through the bustling streets of Liyue, we engage in lively conversation, all the while marveling at the splendor of the cityscape. Lumine initiates the dialogue, her expression inviting. "So, Y/N, with the Lantern Rite approaching, do you have any plans?" Her smile hints at an unspoken invitation, one that I eagerly interpret as a desire to accompany me to the festival.
"I do not have any plans," I chuckled softly, feeling a hint of embarrassment at the realization that I had been contemplating spending the most beautiful event in Liyue alone. "I suppose I would love to accompany you," I admitted, grateful for the opportunity to share in the festivities with Lumine and Paimon by my side.
As we neared Wangshu Inn, an uneasy sensation began to creep over me, my heightened senses as a vision wielder amplifying the bustling energy around us. Despite feeling overwhelmed, I brushed off my unease, reminding myself that it was merely my imagination running wild. "It's nothing," I reassured myself inwardly, determined to overcome my apprehensions. "I need to learn to be comfortable in crowded places and not let irrational fears take hold."
As we took our seats at a table in Wangshu Inn, accompanied by Paimon and Lumine, Verr Goldet handed us our menus with a smile. But as I scanned the offerings, an uneasy feeling crept over me. It was as if a sense of impending danger lurked nearby, despite the relatively quiet atmosphere of the restaurant. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, even though there were only a few other diners around—a sensation I had never experienced in public before.
I jumped up, earning surprised looks from Lumine and Paimon. "Nah, this won't do," I blurted out, my distress evident as I stood. "Let's hit up Third-Round Knockout instead!!," I suggested, punctuating my words with an awkward chuckle and a sheepish smile, hoping to dodge any questions about my sudden change of plans.
As you departed, Verr Goldet seemed puzzled by your suddenly vacant table, but found a small pouch of mora left behind as a token of appreciation. As you three made your way back to Liyue, you made a concerted effort to study the building of Wangshu Inn from afar as best you could. And to your surprise, there was something all the way up on the roof of the building. "Surely no one is able to get that high" I brushed off, as I turned back, Paimon, ever observant, noticed your frequent glances behind you and your unusually subdued demeanor, but wisely chose not to press for answers.
As I stepped into the tavern, Zhongli's presence caught my eye. I knew him as a familiar face from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, but little did I know, he held memories of me from a time long past. His gaze, filled with a hint of recognition, met mine, though I remained unaware of our shared history from the Archon War. Despite my limited knowledge, there was an unspoken connection between us, one that transcended our current acquaintance and hinted at a deeper bond forged in the crucible of ancient conflicts
Paimon's voice rang out excitedly, breaking the momentary silence. "Lumine, Y/N, it's Mister Zhongli! Let's go say hi!" Her enthusiasm was palpable as she urged us to greet Zhongli.
"Ah, Lumine, Y/N, and Paimon," Zhongli greeted us with a measured tone, his demeanor serene yet enigmatic. "A fortuitous encounter indeed. Pray tell, what brings you to this humble establishment?"
Paimon interjected with a hint of exasperation, "Eh?! I never understand you, Zhongli! You always use those big words Paimon can't wrap her head around!" A chorus of laughter erupted from Lumine and me, while Zhongli offered a gentle smirk in response, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he took a leisurely sip of his tea.
"I deemed it fitting to take respite within the confines of this establishment," Zhongli began, his voice carrying a hint of contemplation. "And lo, what a fortuitous encounter it is to behold the presence of Lumine, Y/N, and the ever-vibrant Paimon within these walls. Truly, your company brings a welcome spark to this humble tavern." His eyes glimmered with a subtle excitement as he acknowledged our presence, a rare glimpse of genuine pleasure amidst his usual composed demeanor.
Zhongli's keen gaze lingered on you, noticing the subtle signs of distress and disassociation clouding your thoughts. For some time, he knew you remembered some details, though he had contemplated revealing the truth about your past—a tale of being a half-adeptus, half-human, who had once risked her mortality to protect an immortal Yaksha. It was a story of sacrifice, of being granted a second chance at life by the Archons, with memories of the past allegedly erased. As he observed your troubled state, Zhongli wrestled with the decision, knowing that the revelation could bring clarity but also upheaval to your fragile sense of identity.
"So... Y/N," Zhongli began, his measured tone instilling a sense of anticipation tinged with anxiety. His piercing gaze seemed to penetrate through the facade, causing a flutter of unease within me. "What is he going to say?" I thought, feeling the weight of his scrutiny. "He sees right through me, doesn't he? Shit, I need to think of something..." My mind raced, scrambling to concoct a plausible response to his probing inquiry.
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