xxcryztalxx · 2 years
With Venus entering Gemini I've decided Im up to no good so here goes chaos
Spontaneous *ahem* rituals 🥵
sometimes your hormones are knocking; there is no time to prepare a ritual but still you wish to direct your 🥵 slytherin 💦 energy into magick. Try this:
- quickly imagine a circle of protection
- imagine two burning candles as representation of any ritual space
- dedicate your energy to your spiritual development, with a mantra like "I open up for my full potential" or magical word "open up"
- enjoy 👀 yourself while seeing with your minds eyes the reality you desire! (or person *ahem* toxica)
- and reconfirm the circle of protection.
(Put honey in your mouth if you feel like saying names out loud)
Obsession spells are no joke, and the outcomes sonetimes are extreme.
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
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Prevention is the best medicine, and the issues of psychic defense are often much like illness. Things are out of balance and need to be brought back into harmony. Basic forms of psychic care, or hygiene, when done regularly, give you this magickal immunity to most forms of harm.
A simple ritual to boost that immunity, exercise protection and to do almost daily, is the act of smudging.
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Below are some tried-and-true protective and cleansing substances:
Sage: The favorite choice of Native American healers. There are many kinds of sage, including garden sage, sage brush, and California white sage.
(Keep in mind to be respectful of other practices and cultures)
Cedar and Sweet Grass: Both are from the American traditions. They can be used separately, together, or with sage.
Frankincense & Myrrh: This is the incense of choice for both witches and the Catholic church. Frankincense has a masculine quality of both the Sun and Jupiter, while myrrh has a feminine, lunar, and Saturn quality. When burned together, they create sacred space and banish unwanted influences.
Copal: Copal is a resin burned by Central and South American shamans, with strong protective qualities.
Lavender: Lavender is one of the most versatile herbs. Its wonderful, relaxing scent can be used to cleanse and protect a space.
Dragon's Blood: Dragon's blood is a red resin that acts as a power enhancer in any mixture. Burned alone, it holds the power of the warrior, ruled by Mars, and forcibly banishes unwanted spirirs and energies.
Cinnamon: This aromatic spice, which is often used in cooking, can be burned to protect the home.
Cloves: Cloves are another herb of protection. Whole cloves are used as a safe substitute for "protection spikes," usually nails, pins, tacks, and glass called for in traditional protection spells, but when burned on a hot coal or in a fire, they release strong vibrations to clear out unwanted energies.
Mugwort: Traditionally known as a visionary and magickal herb, mugwort can also be used to banish unwanted energies and spirits when burned. Mugwort is used in acupuncture sessions because it stimulates the flow of healthy energy, and traditionally is said to banish the energy of illness.
Pine: Pine, particularly white pine, holds a powerful protection of the God force. Each 'leaf" bundle contains five needles, like a five-pointed flower. Such flowers often possess the power of protection attributed to the pentacle. Pine makes an excellent incense to invoke the protective powers of the God force , ruled by both the Sun and Jupiter. It is often burned near the winter solstice in honor of the new God.
Sweet Fern: Sweet fern is a magickally diverse plant. It is used most often to soothe skin irritations and poison ivy. When burned, it is used to repel all unwanted pests and energies. Sweet fern works well with mugwort and juniper.
Smudging can be a ceremony. You can hold the burning incense to the north, east, south, west, above, below, near the ground, left side, right side, and your heart, asking for the blessing of all the directions and the gods, before smudging yourself, someone else, or an object. If you work with specific deities, totems, or angels, you can call upon them as a part of your personal cleansing ritual.
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
Programming a crystal
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Crystals are prepared for programming by charging them. Programming a crystal aligns the energy of the crystal to the intent. Using a carefully thought-out affirmation and directing this to the centre of the crystal is sufficient to program it. Below are three of the most common ways of programming. • Place the crystal on a large crystal cluster dedicated to the specific purpose for which it is required. • Place the crystal in the centre of a circle of other crystals whose ends are pointing towards the centre and the new crystal. • Put the crystal in sun and/or moonlight, stating the specific intent connected with the crystal. Many people believe that the days relating to the summer and winter solstices, the Full and the New Moon, and the vernal and autumnal equinox are more heavily charged than other days.
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
Cleansing a crystal ✨
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When you acquire a new crystal you should first of all cleanse it and then dedicate the crystal for the purpose intended. This can be done simply by holding the crystal while consciously thinking that it will be used only for good, or during a meditation. You could also call upon your deities, if you wish, using your own ritual. There are many different ways of cleansing crystals. Below are several of the more practical approaches.
• Take the crystal to the sea, clean it thoroughly in the sea water, and allow the water to wash over it for several minutes. The crystal should then be left in the sun or in moonlight whichever pleases you most, where it can ‘energize’.
• If you cannot use sea water, soak the crystal in salt water for anything from one to seven days – you will know instinctively how long is needed. Use the proportions of approximately three tablespoons of salt to a cup of water (the water must fully cover the stones), put the salt water in a glass container with the crystals and leave in a sunny or moonlit place.
• Bury the crystal in commercial sea salt for at least seven and up to 24 hours (overnight is good), then rinse it with pure water and ‘energize’ it in the sun as before.
• If you have a sacred space out in the open, bury the crystals for 24 hours, and as you bury them ask that they may be cleansed ready for your work. Don’t forget to mark the spot where they are buried – it is very easy to lose them!
• Smudge the crystal thoroughly with, for example, a smudge stick or favourite incense. That is, allow the crystal to be engulfed in the smoke until such times as it feels clear. Suspend smaller crystals in the smoke or burn incense underneath larger stones.  
• Put the crystal in the middle of a large group of crystals or on top of another mineral (one which is a specific energizer, such as copper for the qualities of Venus) for 12 to 24 hours. • Clean the crystal in flowing spring, lake, river or tap water and then energize it by leaving it in the sun. It is important to think of the crystal being cleansed by the movement of the water.  
Note: Make sure your crystal is water friendly!!!
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
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There are many crystals that can be used in magical workings and as you become more practiced in spell making, and more interested in their various attributes, you will discover for yourself that certain crystals resonate for you more than others. These are perhaps the ones that you will put in your talisman bag, or use in your healing rituals. Using techniques for ‘finding’ crystals and being open to them ‘finding’ you, are the best ways of obtaining the crystals you need. Because our lives are so busy, many of us will come into contact with crystals only as gifts or in a commercial environment. You may acquire them by various methods, for example buying them, receiving them as gifts, or very occasionally unearthing them. One relatively common way of ‘finding’ the best crystal for you is by using the ‘first recognition’ method. • Stand in front of a group of crystals. • Close your eyes. • Open your eyes quickly and pick up the first crystal you see or the one that attracts you in any way. • When holding a particular crystal or running your hand over it, you may find that your hands tingle or you have some other physical reaction. This usually means it is for you. • At other times you may feel drawn to a particular crystal without knowing why. The crystal may not necessarily be for you, and could be for somebody else or a purpose not yet specified. If you are choosing a crystal for a specific purpose (meditation, healing, and so forth), hold that purpose in mind as you choose. Usually you will sense an energy ‘reaction’ from a particular crystal, perhaps in the form of a tingling sensation, heat or a flash of light.
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
Signs from candle-burning
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1. The candle gives a clean, even burn This might be called a successful burn and suggests the spell will most likely achieve the right result. If a glass-encased candle burns and leaves no marks on the glass that is best. If a free-standing candle leaves little or no residue, this is by far the best result. 2. The flame flares, dips, gutters, repeatedly Check first for draughts and then decide intuitively whether there is a pattern to the flaring and guttering. If you are performing the spell with someone in mind, you may feel the recipient of your spell is trying to block your efforts. Sit quietly for a while until you feel you have grasped the significance of the pattern, which may be because the spell itself is not right for the time. In this case simply be prepared to try again another time.
3. A free-standing candle runs and melts a lot while burning This gives you an opportunity to observe the flow of wax for signs. Quickly melting wax shows there is a good deal of positivity available. If one side burns quicker then the other, a balance can sometimes be achieved by turning the candle round and it is useful to note how many times you do this, since this can indicate the number of adjustments the person may have to make to ensure success. Other people prefer to let nature take its course and to watch the wax run for signs, without interfering in its movements.
4.  A free-standing candle burns down to a puddle of wax or sets in runs down the side of the candle When this happens, most workers will examine the shape of the wax for a sign. For instance, a heart-shaped wax puddle is a good sign if you are burning a red candle for a love spell. You may see something of importance there, for the shape of the run may suggest an outcome regarding the matter at hand. Wax puddles come in all kinds of shapes; most candle-workers look for symbols in the wax, or sometimes use numerology or other divination techniques similar to teacup reading, to discover meaning.
5. A glass-encased candle burns clean to begin with but ‘dirty’ with a great deal of smoke later This indicates that things will go well to begin with, but there are other conditions that have. not yet revealed themselves and will need to be resolved. Someone may be working against the required outcome, so the correct timing and correspondences of further spells are crucial.
6. A free-standing candle lets out a lot of smoke but burns clean at the end Difficult conditions need to be dealt with first of all but eventually conditions improve.
7. There is a dirty, black burn (especially one that deposits soot on a glass-encased candle) This means things are not going to go well – the spell may not work, the blessing may fail, the person is in deeper stress or trouble than you first thought. There is a great deal of negativity around. Sometimes it is good to change the focus of the candle and ask that it be used to burn off the negativity, which will enable you to get a handle on the situation.
8. The candle goes out before completely burning  This can mean that the spell you are using is not the most appropriate one and you need to use stronger means than you first employed. It can also mean that someone is actively working against you. In this case it is wise to go back to the beginning and start your whole spell over again.
9. The candle tips over and flames up into a potential fire hazard Provided that you know you have placed the candles properly, this indicates there is danger about for you and your client. You should clear your sacred space and cleanse it by whatever means you prefer. It is probably wise to wait a while before retrying the spell and remember to take a ritual bath before you do.
10.  The candle burns too quickly  Generally a fast burn is good, but an overly fast burn means that although the work will go well, its effect will not last long. Again you might wait before retrying the spell, though sometimes a fast result is required. You should use your own judgement.
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
Candle Colors
Many different colors are used in candle magic and below are listed the most common ones, along with their key associations and purposes.
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• The Goddess • Higher Self • Purity • Peace • Virginity
• Binding • Shape shifting • Protection • Repels negativity
• Special favors • To influence friendships • Healing earth energies
• General success • Property deals • Legal matters • Justice • Selling
• Third eye • Psychic ability • Hidden knowledge • To influence people in high places • Spiritual power
• The Element of Water • Wisdom • Protection • Calm • Good fortune • Opening communication • Spiritual inspiration
• Affection • Romance • Caring • Nurturing • Care for the planet earth
• The Element of Earth • Physical healing • Monetary success • Mother Earth • Tree and plant magic • Growth • Personal goals
• The Element of Fire • Passion • Strength • Fast action • Career goals • Lust • Driving force • Survival
• The Moon Goddess • Astral energy • Female energy • Telepathy • Clairvoyance • Intuition • Dreams
• Professional growth • Business productivity • Career manoeuvres • Passion • Money goals
• The Sun God • Promote winning • Male power • Happiness
• The Element of Air • Intelligence • The Sun • Memory • Imagination supported by logic • Accelerating learning • Clearing mental blocks
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
Charging Candles
This is a quick, uncomplicated method of more fully charging a candle. This method can be used without having to set up your altar completely. It can equally be used to charge your altar candles. A candle or candles of the appropriate color (if preferred, mark them with appropriate symbols) A candle holder Matches rather than a lighter ✤ Hold the candle in your ‘power hand’ (the hand you consider you give out energy with). ✤ Open the other hand and turn that palm towards the sky. ✤ Breathe deeply and visualize your goal. ✤ Now perceive whatever you think of as Universal Energy flowing through the palm that is turned skyward, filling your body. ✤ Visualise that Universal Energy mixing within you with the energy of your intention. ✤ Now allow that mixed energy to flow into the candle. ✤ Be conscious of the energy as it builds up. ✤ Feel the energy streaming into the candle. ✤ Fill it from bottom to top as though the candle were an empty vessel. ✤ If you are comfortable with doing so, speak your intention out loud. ✤ As you place the candle in its holder, stabilize the thought within the candle so that it will be converted into pure clear intent. ✤ Strike a match above the candle ✤ Draw down the flame toward the candle, lighting the wick.
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
Different Types of Magic
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In this particular type of magic the Elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water are given their own directional focus to create added power and give extra energy to your spells. You will no doubt find that you tend to favor one particular direction but you should be able to use all of them.
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Perhaps the simplest form of magic is that which involves color. This method of working is also used in conjunction with various other forms of magic. Color can enhance, alter and completely change moods and emotions and therefore can be used to represent our chosen goal. At its simplest it can be used alone and in dressing an altar.
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Herbal magic is often used alongside many other forms of magic. Used as talismans and amulets – for example in a pouch or bag – herbs become protective; the oil from herbs can also be used in candle magic. There are many different types of herbs available for use in this way. Each herb has its own specific use, but frequently is used along with many other herbs and oils to produce a desired result.
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In candle magic, man discovered the ability to control light and this is one of the oldest forms of magic as well as one of the most simple. Using candles to symbolize ourselves and our beliefs means that we have access to a power beyond ourselves. Candle magic also forms an effective back-up for most other forms of magical working.
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Every stone or gem has its own attribute which can be used in magic. Crystals are used  extensively in healing because of the vibrational impact they can have. Because of this, they lend themselves to the enhancement of any spell making or magical working. Even ordinary stones have their own power and can be used as repositories for all sorts of energies and powers.
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Knot magic works partly with the principle of binding, which is a type of bidding spell, and also with that of weaving, which was traditionally a female intuitive occupation. It utilizes ribbon, rope, string, yarn, or anything that can be knotted or plaited to signify our aspiration. It is a type of representational magic, and is used in conjunction with many of the other forms. The techniques of color, form and use of energies are all used in its practice.
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Representational magic involves using an object that represents something or someone for whom you are working the spell. It helps in concentrating the energy and visualizing the desire and the end result. Representational objects should never be used for negative purposes.
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In this system different symbols, rather than objects, are used to represent various ideas, people or goals. These symbols can be personal to you, or such things as Tarot cards, runes, Hebrew letters or numerology. You will often use symbolic magic in your magical workings and will soon develop your own preferred symbols.
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Talismans, amulets and charms
These devices use all the other forms of magic in their formation, but principally representational and symbolic magic. They are ‘charged’ (given power) magically and usually are worn or carried on the person for protection or good luck. Many are worn around the neck, perhaps as jewelry, or carried in a pouch and incorporate crystals, herbs or other magical objects. There are many types of each of these objects and you will gradually learn to differentiate between them.
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
The Elements
The four Elements are energies, and
manifestations of energy, that make up the
entire universe. They also influence our
personalities and therefore what we do. Magical
working calls to each elemental kingdom and its
ruler to protect each cardinal point and its
properties. Each Element has an intrinsic power
and is known for having certain qualities,
natures, moods and magical purposes. Each
also has positive and negative traits.
Earth, Air, Fire and Water are the four
Elements and you may well find that you work
best using one of them in particular. People
drawn to candle magic, for instance, are using
mainly the Element of Fire, while those who
work with incense are using Air with a fair
smattering of Earth in the herbs and resins.
The fifth Element is that of spirit, which is the
‘binding principle’ behind everything.
Sometimes known as aether, it is, on the whole,
intangible, yet is that which makes everything
Traditionally the direction of this Element is
north and the color normally associated with
Earth is green. It is represented on the altar
usually by salt or sand. Crystals, because they
are totally natural substances, can also be used.
When invoking Earth and the powers of the
north, you are looking for recovery and healing
and perhaps trying to find answers to questions.
These powers deal with gaining knowledge,
blessing, creating and shielding. When working
within a magical circle, this is the first corner or
quarter on which you call for protection.
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The direction of this Element is east and the
color usually associated with it is yellow.
Incense is often used to represent Air, since the
movement of the air can be seen in the incense
When you are looking for inspiration, need
new ideas or perhaps to break free from the
past or undesired situations, you would use
this Element. The quality associated with it is
that of thinking or the use of the intellect. When
working in a magical circle, Air is the second
quarter on which you call for protection.
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Fire is the Element of the south and is usually
represented by a candle or a cauldron with a
fire inside. Its color is red and its associations
are to do with power, determination and
passionate energy.
You would call upon this Element for
protection from evil forces, cleansing and
creativity. The quality associated with Fire is
‘doing’ and it is a male principle. It is the third
quarter or cardinal point on which you call for
protection when working in a magical circle.
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Water is the Element of the west and is
represented by a bowl of water or a goblet of
wine or fruit juice. Its color is blue and,
because it represents the giving of life, it is
associated with the Elements of sea, rain, snow
and rivers.
When you need cleansing, revitalizing, the
removal of curses or hexes or change of any
sort, you will call upon Water. It is to do with
emotions, right through from the most basic
passions to the most elevated forms of belief. It
is predominantly feminine. It is the fourth and
final quarter that you invoke in any magical
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
Removal of the Evil Eye
Lemon Iron nails (any nail) ✤ Drive the nails with some force into the lemon. ✤ Visualize the evil eye being pierced. ✤ Keep the lemon for three days, by which time it should begin to rot.
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xxcryztalxx · 2 years
Diagnosis of the Evil Eye
Olive oil Bowl of water ✤ Pour three drops of olive oil on the surface of the water. Watch what happens. ✤ If the drops remain distinct there is no evil eye. ✤ If they run together there is. ✤ Dispose of the oil and water safely
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