yano-sama · 3 years
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yano-sama · 3 years
The Significance of Luffy’s Birthplace
There is a relationship between the Birthplace of Luffy and Roger, and it’s beautifully hidden in the town’s names. Roger was born on Loguetown. Luffy was born on Dawn. Both islands were the beginning of their journeys.
Logue is derived from the words: Prologue(The beginning of the story) and Epilogue(The end of a story)
While, Dawn marks the end of the previous day and the start of a new one. In other words, both names refer to the start and end of something.
Being born at Dawn Island, Luffy is a symbol for the end of that previous era (end of the WG) and the start a new one (of revolution and peace). Luffy will bring about the star of a new era, once he finally reaches his goal of becoming Pirate King, through finding One Piece, shaking the foundations of the World Government forever. I read about this in their wikis and it gave me chills. Oda at it again.
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yano-sama · 3 years
Hey yano-sama. I read your detailed post about Doflamingo's eyes. I was wondering I like to ask if you have anything for Dragon. How he started in the Revolutionary. Advanced sorry for the grammar english isnt my first language.
Yoo Anon Thanks! This is the first I’ve got. Glad you like my post and glad to receive a question from ya’ll. Btw your grammar is on point. No worries.Now concerning Dragon. I haven’t thought of this topic, so this made me do a lot of research to answer your question properly, make it interesting enough. So here we go. Here’s my take on this. 
I believe there is not yet any confirmed backstory why he formed the Revolutionary Army. That’s the most clear and factual answer I can give you. Oda hasn’t confirmed anything yet.
BUT.. there is actually still a topic I can expand on relating to Dragon’s character as a Revolutionary. 
Why Oda decided to write Dragon in this way. 
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For 24 years of the show’s runtime, so little is still known about Dragon. All we know is that he is the son of Monkey D. Garp, who is honored as the Hero of the Marines. It’s kinda ironic. Why is the son of the most idolized Marine figure, rebellious to the branded justice his father proudly upholds?
There is a hidden brilliant duality that Oda portrayed between the Father-Son Dynamic. They have the same goal to create a better world but at the same time at polar opposites.
It’s been built that the World Government is actually the main villain in the series (but that doesn’t justify that the life of Piracy is as righteous, they are still criminals. Oda still portrays that there are good marines-bad pirates and good pirates-bad marines. No side is pure evil and pure just.And both Dragon and Garp know this. )
Serving a High position in the Marines doesn’t make Garp uncaring about what the Government is doing to the world. Even Sengoku knows that he doesn’t embody the type of justice the World Government incorporates.
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Garp serves his own Brand of Justice. Rising from the ranks as a high ranking marine, he might’ve discovered little by little that the Government is actually corrupt and has done a century of atrocious deeds. But this is where Garp and Dragon differ. 
The action they took upon knowing the truth.
Knowing the Government’s true nature as corrupt and power-hungry…
Garp chose to keep on serving the marines to change the Government from WITHIN. 
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Using his position to keep on influencing the new generation to a more humane kind of justice the world deserves. So that the youth he groomed will uphold and establish a more righteous government when it’s there time to lead. That is his cause. 
Dragon chose to lead a revolution to fight AGAINST the Government. 
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Opposing everything the government has built, paving a new path to free the people from the world government’s tyrannical oppression. That is his cause.
Oda showed two sides, two faces, with the Father-Son Dynamic.
Garp is the Face of the Marines. Dragon is the Face of the Revolution.
Two perspectives on “What can you do to change a world?”, knowing it is unjust and corrupt-
To influence it from within or To lead a front against it. 
Both serve the people in their own way. Both give effort and risk their lives to create this opportunity/chance for the new generation, to step up and change the world.Funnily enough, there is a Certain character from this new generation that will surely shake the foundations of the World Government, carrying both of their will.
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yano-sama · 3 years
So I read the Ace story novels and I think I figured out a fundamental difference in Ace and Luffy that was always in the manga but was magnified in the novels. Specifically how is it that while Ace was stronger than Luffy, he got destroyed the moment he entered the New World while Luffy is able to stand against teo Yonko. I love Ace, he’s one of my favorite characters but Ace had two big weaknesses. He was impatient and never trusted anyone.
Ace was a ship captain, and like Luffy he had a small crew. The Spade Pirates were 20 people strong, half of them weren’t even pirates, and Ace hand picked them all. The crew was extremely loyal to Ace, all of them were completely devoted to him. And while Ace was willing to die for them, he wasn’t willing to trust them enough to open up to them. He never explained his goal to them, never told them about himself outside of his little brother Luffy. Meanwhile in the Strawhat crew, Luffy never kept anything a secret from them. They learned about Luffy’s family along with him. Also Luffy is open and active with his crew. He’s like glue, holds things together. Ace’s first mate described him as a sun, someone that is brilliant and attracts you but you can only get so close because he won’t let anyone else in.
Since Ace is like that with his crew, an alliance is out of the question. Ace wouldn’t even consider working with or for others. Meanwhile Luffy is making alliance after alliance. Luffy may be a little too trusting and making alliances one after the other, but these allies Luffy has been creating are a big part of why the strawhats are still able to be a crew. In fact, in almost every arc since we entrees the New World, Luffy has been accidentally and intentionally making powerful allies and full crews swearing their allegiance to him. One crew even left the protection they were receiving from a war lord to be at Luffy’s service.
Ace and Luffy’s difference is how they treated their crews and others comes from in a fundamental difference in how they see the world. For Ace, the world hated him because of who his father was and the current world structure murdered his brother. Ace saw the entire world as his enemy. As far as Ace was concerned it was a fight that started simply because he existed. Luffy sees it as a fascinating adventure and he CHOOSE to declare war. So while Ace struggles to see some of the good, Luffy almost always only sees the good. And while Ace relies on his strength to grt through the bad, Luffy relies on his crew to help him get through the bad.
Which brings up the other difference. After Sabody, Luffy knows he nor his crew are ready for the new world. He tells everyone to stay where they are, heal, and get stronger for two years before they go back on their adventures again. Ace however didn’t hesitate. He plunged directly into the New World. In addition Luffy had intended to take out the emperor’s just like Ace, but Luffy trusted Law’s plan and despite the hiccups along the way has pretty much been following it. Ace had no plan. Ace just declared war on Whitebeard and hoped it would all work out in a one on one. Ace was very rash and didn’t even consider if his crew was at the ability to fight a yonko but he figured he could handle it.
Now honestly how things turned out seemed to be for the best. Ace actually had a home in the Whitebeard pirates that meant more to him than his own life. And of course Luffy is meeting two Yonko head on, not just from his own strength but the thousands of warriors he is currently aligned with.
Just random thoughts
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yano-sama · 3 years
I’m glad alot of you think the same. Oda’s quite a storyteller himself. You know that he loves his characters. Also in a SBS interview. Oda was confronted about this topic. What would Doffy look like without his glasses. and Oda drew this.
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Oda: Another pair of glasses instantly appear under the glasses.
Oda can be a troll sometimes.
Doffy’s Blind Spot
This is a well known theory and I for one also want to give my take on this. So strap in yo seats this is gonna be a lengthy post.
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I’ve already established on my previous post that when Doffy and his family were hanged and burned at the stake, what has been said and done by the humans, Doffy carried it with him up to his adulthood. see previous post
The trauma he experienced during his childhood didn’t just mentally scar him for life but also scarred him
When Doffy recalls his past, we see an arrow about to shoot towards his left eye. We don’t find out if the arrow hit- but we’ll get back to that.
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For some clues about this, we have to analyze his fights and how he evades attacks. 
First scene we are given a subtle clue, is when Sanji surprise attacks Doffy from his left view. In the manga, Doffy had to do a 180-degree turn to see where Sanji was coming from to block him. 
Doffy’s smile at the end indicates that he wasn’t even harmed, he was just caught off guard, despite of the 100% difference in strength and speed.
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Then it happens again.. 
During Doffy’s initial fight with Luffy. He was dominating the fight, toying with Luffy. Until he received two consecutive attacks, and guess where it’s coming from…… his left side.
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Toei’s animation in the anime is quite subtle, but in the manga, it shows it as clear as day. It is drawn in a way that he always gets caught off guard and surprised when attacks are coming from the left.
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Yes. He does get frontal assaults from Luffy from time to time. Rewatching the episodes you’ll see a recurring pattern in their fight.
Doffy sees Luffy’s frontal assault clearly -> tries to block it -> fails to block Luffy’s attack -> Gets hit on the front or punched on the right. As shown below
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it is always the attacks coming from the left, when he becomes the most exposed and it’s when he least suspects Luffy.
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And it’s during these unguarded moments that they always focus or magnify on his left eye before getting sucker punched to kingdom come. 
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Assaults from the left are also the attacks that inflict the most fatal wounds (making him vomit out blood from his mouth and/or weaken him).  Because this is the side where he’s the most unguarded, giving Luffy a chance for a fatal strike.
When you look at their fight on a technical perspective, you might notice that he’s having a hard time guarding his left rear. Ergo discovering Doffy’s Blind Spot.  
This links back to his past. When the arrow shot him, that would’ve caused enough damage to blind his left eye. So his left eye isn’t just the reason for a blind spot in his fights, it’s a literal BLIND spot. Oda you fuc-in mastermind.  
And if you have been watching One Piece for years, you already know that..
(Observing Doffy’s Jolly Roger…)
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Oda never shows or does things without a purpose. 
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yano-sama · 3 years
Though it is not yet known how Dragon discovered the truth. He surely carried this burden for a long time. Now what was the final straw that pushed Dragon to say fuck it and go against the world to lead his revolutionary cause.
This is stated on his wiki and I’ve also looked up on the Vivre Card Databook.
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It was…
24 to 19 years ago 
when he decided to dedicate his life, opposing the entire world, to fight for his cause. We can look on the major events that happened between these years.
Roger’s Execution
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The most likely culprit of Dragon’s motivation to go against the World Government. 24 years ago, Dragon was present during Roger’s execution. This might just be the start of Dragon’s journey to opposing the government, ergo the reason for the absence of his tattoos. Roger’s speech might’ve fanned the burning flame inside of him. 
Ohara Incident 
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This is a flashback of pre-time skip Robin about the Ohara incident. So in post time-skip this is 22 years ago. Being the son of a high ranking marine he might’ve known about this (or some speculate that he was previously a marine).  Maybe this incident was related to him having more reason to fight against the marines and the government. Who wouldn’t be? But this is less likely related to him , more like just a news that adds a spot on his reason for hating the government checklist.
Luffy’s Birth
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19 years ago, Luffy was born. Knowing Dragon, he would want his son to live in a world free of the World Government’s reign. Hearing Roger’s speech and now bringing a child into this world, might’ve pushed him to take the stand and lead. It is even shown that Dragon is very proud that Luffy is growing his name as a notorious pirate. Sadly, he can’t come up to congratulate him since he’s chosen a dangerous life, he wouldn’t want Luffy’s life to be at risk.
These are all speculations. Nothing is yet proven on how Dragon became what he is. We just have to wait for Oda’s backstory. 
And that’s my answer. 
Hey yano-sama. I read your detailed post about Doflamingo's eyes. I was wondering I like to ask if you have anything for Dragon. How he started in the Revolutionary. Advanced sorry for the grammar english isnt my first language.
Yoo Anon Thanks! This is the first I’ve got. Glad you like my post and glad to receive a question from ya’ll. Btw your grammar is on point. No worries.Now concerning Dragon. I haven’t thought of this topic, so this made me do a lot of research to answer your question properly, make it interesting enough. So here we go. Here’s my take on this. 
I believe there is not yet any confirmed backstory why he formed the Revolutionary Army. That’s the most clear and factual answer I can give you. Oda hasn’t confirmed anything yet.
BUT.. there is actually still a topic I can expand on relating to Dragon’s character as a Revolutionary. 
Why Oda decided to write Dragon in this way. 
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For 24 years of the show’s runtime, so little is still known about Dragon. All we know is that he is the son of Monkey D. Garp, who is honored as the Hero of the Marines. It’s kinda ironic. Why is the son of the most idolized Marine figure, rebellious to the branded justice his father proudly upholds?
There is a hidden brilliant duality that Oda portrayed between the Father-Son Dynamic. They have the same goal to create a better world but at the same time at polar opposites.
It’s been built that the World Government is actually the main villain in the series (but that doesn’t justify that the life of Piracy is as righteous, they are still criminals. Oda still portrays that there are good marines-bad pirates and good pirates-bad marines. No side is pure evil and pure just.And both Dragon and Garp know this. )
Serving a High position in the Marines doesn’t make Garp uncaring about what the Government is doing to the world. Even Sengoku knows that he doesn’t embody the type of justice the World Government incorporates.
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Garp serves his own Brand of Justice. Rising from the ranks as a high ranking marine, he might’ve discovered little by little that the Government is actually corrupt and has done a century of atrocious deeds. But this is where Garp and Dragon differ. 
The action they took upon knowing the truth.
Knowing the Government’s true nature as corrupt and power-hungry...
Garp chose to keep on serving the marines to change the Government from WITHIN. 
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Using his position to keep on influencing the new generation to a more humane kind of justice the world deserves. So that the youth he groomed will uphold and establish a more righteous government when it’s there time to lead. That is his cause. 
Dragon chose to lead a revolution to fight AGAINST the Government. 
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Opposing everything the government has built, paving a new path to free the people from the world government’s tyrannical oppression. That is his cause.
Oda showed two sides, two faces, with the Father-Son Dynamic.
Garp is the Face of the Marines. Dragon is the Face of the Revolution.
Two perspectives on “What can you do to change a world?”, knowing it is unjust and corrupt-
To influence it from within or To lead a front against it. 
Both serve the people in their own way. Both give effort and risk their lives to create this opportunity/chance for the new generation, to step up and change the world.Funnily enough, there is a Certain character from this new generation that will surely shake the foundations of the World Government, carrying both of their will.
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yano-sama · 3 years
Hey yano-sama. I read your detailed post about Doflamingo's eyes. I was wondering I like to ask if you have anything for Dragon. How he started in the Revolutionary. Advanced sorry for the grammar english isnt my first language.
Yoo Anon Thanks! This is the first I’ve got. Glad you like my post and glad to receive a question from ya’ll. Btw your grammar is on point. No worries. Now concerning Dragon. I haven’t thought of this topic, so this made me do a lot of research to answer your question properly, make it interesting enough. So here we go. Here’s my take on this. 
I believe there is not yet any confirmed backstory why he formed the Revolutionary Army. That’s the most clear and factual answer I can give you. Oda hasn’t confirmed anything yet.
BUT.. there is actually still a topic I can expand on relating to Dragon’s character as a Revolutionary. 
Why Oda decided to write Dragon in this way. 
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For 24 years of the show’s runtime, so little is still known about Dragon. All we know is that he is the son of Monkey D. Garp, who is honored as the Hero of the Marines. It’s kinda ironic. Why is the son of the most idolized Marine figure, rebellious to the branded justice his father proudly upholds?
There is a hidden brilliant duality that Oda portrayed between the Father-Son Dynamic. They have the same goal to create a better world but at the same time at polar opposites.
It’s been built that the World Government is actually the main villain in the series (but that doesn’t justify that the life of Piracy is as righteous, they are still criminals. Oda still portrays that there are good marines-bad pirates and good pirates-bad marines. No side is pure evil and pure just. And both Dragon and Garp know this. )
Serving a High position in the Marines doesn’t make Garp uncaring about what the Government is doing to the world. Even Sengoku knows that he doesn’t embody the type of justice the World Government incorporates.
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Garp serves his own Brand of Justice. Rising from the ranks as a high ranking marine, he might’ve discovered little by little that the Government is actually corrupt and has done a century of atrocious deeds. But this is where Garp and Dragon differ. 
The action they took upon knowing the truth.
Knowing the Government’s true nature as corrupt and power-hungry...
Garp chose to keep on serving the marines to change the Government from WITHIN. 
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Using his position to keep on influencing the new generation to a more humane kind of justice the world deserves. So that the youth he groomed will uphold and establish a more righteous government when it’s there time to lead. That is his cause. 
Dragon chose to lead a revolution to fight AGAINST the Government. 
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Opposing everything the government has built, paving a new path to free the people from the world government’s tyrannical oppression. That is his cause.
Oda showed two sides, two faces, with the Father-Son Dynamic.
Garp is the Face of the Marines. Dragon is the Face of the Revolution.
Two perspectives on “What can you do to change a world?”, knowing it is unjust and corrupt-
To influence it from within or To lead a front against it. 
Both serve the people in their own way. Both give effort and risk their lives to create this opportunity/chance for the new generation, to step up and change the world. Funnily enough, there is a Certain character from this new generation that will surely shake the foundations of the World Government, carrying both of their will.
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yano-sama · 3 years
Marco had the biggest Glo Up in One Piece.
From ‘Local Stoner Guy’ to ‘Sugar Daddy’. We’ have witnessed the Pineapple’s stages of maturity. Marco lookin like a ripe snack now. lol
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As much as I want to be joking and scam ya’ll, but goddamn it Toei. The left image is his first debut in the series. This is legit. Oh my god. I’m laughing so hard right now. 
This is what happens when Toei goes about their way, not consulting Oda about certain characters... that just might be... important in the future. I think the animators had LEGIT NO IDEA that he’d be one of the main protags and become a recurring character.
This is hilarious.  and the fact that Toei in the past, didn’t take minor characters and details seriously, until they found out that GODA literally plans his characters and plots YEAAARS ahead. Even us fans, still look back to some episodes and scratch our heads because of some missed details, epic foreshadowing and crazy theories inside this entire universe he created out of his mind. Jesus.   
After that, Toei learned their lesson. And it’s also a lesson to us fans about Oda and his masterful worldbuilding. The attention to detail he put in his series... It’s unbeatable. It inspires us, as well, on how we should tell our own stories, that it takes a lot of heart in creating art. That’s all for my cheesy rant. Toei just made my day and I’m glad that Marco turned out the way he is. Hope we get more from him in the coming chapters! Especially Wano!!
Now show some love to our Beloved Pineapple Commander-yoi!
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yano-sama · 3 years
Doffy’s Blind Spot
This is a well known theory and I for one also want to give my take on this. So strap in yo seats this is gonna be a lengthy post.
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I’ve already established on my previous post that when Doffy and his family were hanged and burned at the stake, what has been said and done by the humans, Doffy carried it with him up to his adulthood. see previous post
The trauma he experienced during his childhood didn’t just mentally scar him for life but also scarred him
When Doffy recalls his past, we see an arrow about to shoot towards his left eye. We don’t find out if the arrow hit- but we’ll get back to that.
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For some clues about this, we have to analyze his fights and how he evades attacks. 
First scene we are given a subtle clue, is when Sanji surprise attacks Doffy from his left view. In the manga, Doffy had to do a 180-degree turn to see where Sanji was coming from to block him. 
Doffy’s smile at the end indicates that he wasn’t even harmed, he was just caught off guard, despite of the 100% difference in strength and speed.
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Then it happens again.. 
During Doffy’s initial fight with Luffy. He was dominating the fight, toying with Luffy. Until he received two consecutive attacks, and guess where it’s coming from...... his left side.
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Toei’s animation in the anime is quite subtle, but in the manga, it shows it as clear as day. It is drawn in a way that he always gets caught off guard and surprised when attacks are coming from the left.
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Yes. He does get frontal assaults from Luffy from time to time. Rewatching the episodes you’ll see a recurring pattern in their fight.
Doffy sees Luffy’s frontal assault clearly -> tries to block it -> fails to block Luffy’s attack -> Gets hit on the front or punched on the right. As shown below
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it is always the attacks coming from the left, when he becomes the most exposed and it’s when he least suspects Luffy.
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And it’s during these unguarded moments that they always focus or magnify on his left eye before getting sucker punched to kingdom come. 
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Assaults from the left are also the attacks that inflict the most fatal wounds (making him vomit out blood from his mouth and/or weaken him).  Because this is the side where he’s the most unguarded, giving Luffy a chance for a fatal strike.
When you look at their fight on a technical perspective, you might notice that he’s having a hard time guarding his left rear. Ergo discovering Doffy’s Blind Spot.  
This links back to his past. When the arrow shot him, that would’ve caused enough damage to blind his left eye. So his left eye isn’t just the reason for a blind spot in his fights, it’s a literal BLIND spot. Oda you fuc-in mastermind.  
And if you have been watching One Piece for years, you already know that..
(Observing Doffy’s Jolly Roger...)
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Oda never shows or does things without a purpose. 
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yano-sama · 3 years
Goda at it again
Doffy is one of the best villains of One Piece after Crocodile. He’s just sooo well - written, and his backstory reveals so much about his character and his motivations.  
There’s this one particular scene in the manga that sheds light on a deeper, complicated psychology behind Doflamingo. 
It’s the scene where they are being hanged and burned at the stake. It is here when Doffy and his family fully witnessed the hatred of humans against them being Celestial Dragons. The humans cursed them for sins that they did not do, but being Celestials, the human’s reasons were justifiable enough for Doffy’s family to also suffer. This experience in itself scars one’s mind for life.... and some particular words ingrained into him mentally.
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These words became one of his signature attacks. These aren’t even his base attacks. We’ve never heard of it before and he’s never repeated it in previous scenes, until his final stand with Luffy. 
He used these as his last resort attacks against Luffy. Against someone he can’t get away from and has him cornered with no other options left to think.
These where triggered, when he was in a situation where he felt he was at his most vulnerable and he was feeling...
Just like back when he was a child being hanged and experiencing hell. Recalling that feeling of helplessness and vulnerability triggered these attacks. A blast from the past I suppose? 
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It’s just sad. He’s a charismatic villain but deep inside (his mental state), he’s just a messed up child who can’t get over his-
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Also Oda did name Doflamingo after a rare and highly prized bird “Flamingo” and it’s genius storytelling that he made Doffy weaponize his strings into a birdcage. 
He’s an exotic bird trapped in his own cage.
I’ll be posting about his left eye soon. 
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