yeehawgust · 29 days
Hope y’all enjoyed all the booping yesterday on Tumblr, and Yeehawgust’s own little joke. You’re of course welcome to use these, but be sure to enjoy the playlist, too! 😉
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Ahoypril 2024: Raise the Jolly Roger
Avast! It's time for Ahoypril, Tumblr's favorite Pirate-themed art prompt month. Whatever your artistic skill be, you're welcome to join the crew and set sail for adventure! Just remember to tag yer works with #Ahoypril so yer fellow crew know where they be.
Ahoypril features daily art prompts as well as alternative weekly prompts, for those of us who are a bit slower on the draw. Don't draw? No worries, matey, you can fly the flag however you want! Write, sculpt, play music, or even tattoo your crewmates while the anchor is dropped.
If ye be needin' some inspiration, check out the official Ahoypril playlist. Welcome aboard!
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yeehawgust · 30 days
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Ahoypril 2024: Raise the Jolly Roger
Avast! It's time for Ahoypril, Tumblr's favorite Pirate-themed art prompt month. Whatever your artistic skill be, you're welcome to join the crew and set sail for adventure! Just remember to tag yer works with #Ahoypril so yer fellow crew know where they be.
Ahoypril features daily art prompts as well as alternative weekly prompts, for those of us who are a bit slower on the draw. Don't draw? No worries, matey, you can fly the flag however you want! Write, sculpt, play music, or even tattoo your crewmates while the anchor is dropped.
If ye be needin' some inspiration, check out the official Ahoypril playlist. Welcome aboard!
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yeehawgust · 6 months
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Inktober 2023 #26: Remove
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yeehawgust · 6 months
This is what i meant when i said i made him babygirl coded
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Anyways wow its my dbz oc who i haven't shown on in forever. I also changed him a wee bit, nothing too crazy. He's been on my mind lately and im taking advantage of that. Giggles.
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yeehawgust · 6 months
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Final Yeehawgust batch, soft and spooky edition
Day 15: Desert Rose Day 7: Tall Handsome Stranger Day 28: Gunsmoke Day 21: An Unusual Steed Day 25: Heatwave
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yeehawgust · 6 months
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Yeehawgust, goofy fun characters edition Day 24: Uranium Fever Day 27: A Whole Heap of Trouble Day 29: Mighty Fine Shootin' Day 20: Rodeo Clown Day 30: Bottom of the Barrel
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yeehawgust · 6 months
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Yeehawgust, some bright and weird ones Day 22: Learning the ropes Day 26: Horse with no name Day 30: Do-si-do Day 18: Red Rock Canyon Day 10: Neon Moon
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yeehawgust · 6 months
A Whole Heap Of Trouble
NicoMaki, NozoEli, Love Live, 2.4K, 6/?
The time to track down the A-Rise gang is nearing. Nishikino Maki has feelings to confront; Sonoda Umi has allies to recruit
A Whole Heap Of Trouble
For once, Nozomi Tojo was eager to climb the stairs to her room over the general store, to have  some private moments. Business had been bustling, people in and out, full of news, but Nozomi couldn’t shake the sense that as much as the flow of information flowed freely on the surface, there were undercurrents and shadows in the depths. Maki’s cousin, Rin, was a friendly visitor nearly every day, but some days her purchases made no sense if Nozomi tried to link them to Hanayo’s ranch. And frankly, the only person in town who had as much cash as Rin was spending was Doctor Maki. Even when they socialized together, dinner with the girls and Hanayo at the saloon, once a week as usual for Maki, Nozomi couldn’t get a read on their relationship. The Doctor was even more closed off than usual. And Eli, Eli was working later, spending more time visiting distant ranches, and restless when she and Nozomi found themselves together. That wired energy would translate into nights with Eli that Nozomi wanted to linger in bed and daydream about, but somehow it wasn’t exactly the Eli that Nozomi knew and loved. Today, today, Nozomi would get answers from her oldest friend, the well worn Tarot deck she carried everywhere. Her thoughts on Eli, the feel of the cards against her fingertips familiar, Nozomi dealt out three cards.
A very mixed picture. In the Past slot she had the Two of Pentacles. Freezing passerbys outside looking in, unable or unwilling to reach for help. The Present slot was the frankly disturbing reversed Eight of Swords, a woman blindfolded in a maze of deadly edges. There is a path out of the present twisting around, but steps must taken blindly, forward. The future was a strike from a reversed Ace of Wands. Unexpected change. What path will be chosen?
Disgruntled, Nozomi reached again for the deck, taking the top card and turning it, giving the pictures shuffling around her some grounding. Three of wands. A horizon, perhaps a journey, a new start. A new start that embraced a past Nozomi had asked Eli had put behind her. Nozomi sighed. She should have known better than to set Eli on a path that took nothing forward.
Something important was about to happen, an opportunity for Eli to help, but only if Nozomi could convince her that breaking a promise was the only way forward. Reshuffling the cards, Nozomi left them out, where Eli would see them. The next step was to return something Eli believed gone forever.
Kousaka Honoka walked at a brisk pace, blue eyes taking in as much detail as possible, goofy grin on her face covering serious thoughts. She’d gotten a message, a fellow marshal had taken a chance and sidled up to the bar next to her, demanding they cut cards for whiskey shots. Honoka had lost two pulls of of three, but thanks to very carefully phrased challenges, Honoka knew that help was coming, riding out to the train intercept. Not from this town though. Honoka had realized A-Rise had chosen this Colorado town as a reunion point because Tsubasa had a very cozy relationship with the sheriff, who was passing information from the marshals. Honoka and Rin had known that there was a turncoat in the organization somewhere. They kept their plans limited to the people they could absolutely trust. Yazawa Nico had become one of them so Honoka was glad Rin had ridden after her. But that left Honoka in a lonely, dangerous position.
“Honoka!” Yuuki Anju, one of A-Rise’s lieutenants bounced up to throw an arm around Honoka, “Where ya been? Tsuba’s been looking for you.”
Honoka rolled up the frayed cuff of her jacket, showing a new undyed shirt sleeve. “Caught my sleeve on a nail at the livery, needed a new shirt.”
“Can’t wait to get to San Francisco and buy something fancier than you can get here.” Anju scuffed at the material.
“Yeah.” Honoka chuckled, “I’ll go straight for linen. Calico’s too coarse.”Honoka straightened her battered gray bowler, “Need a new hat too. This one’ll see me through the winter but…”
‘No flair.”
Honoka swallowed a wince at the woman’s matter of fact assessment. She really needed to dandy up before she saw Umi and Kotori again.
Yazawa Nico knocked gently on Maki’s office doorframe. “The girls are all packed and ready for tomorrow. Nico’s about to cook up lunch. Want some?”
Maki shook her head.
“They’re so excited. They say they've been wanting to go camping for awhile now. All the songs made them curious." Nico grinned, bright and jaunty.
Maki shrugged, “Busy.” She smiled down at her inventory, thinking of Ruby and Dia playing, tumbling around and roughhousing with her. “Plus, they outnumber me.”
“Nico fixes that.”
“You do.” The smile continued.
A pause.
“Nico will save you lunch. For whenever you're done with serious doctor things.”
“Thank you.” Back to serious doctor face.
Getting Maki to talk about anything for more than a sentence or two was becoming impossible. Nico wondered if it was punishment for Nico leaving or just the doctor shutting off her emotions. But Nico kept throwing out topics like baited fish hooks, hoping to snag the doctor's attention.
“Nico is looking forward to seeing this waterfall. Your pictures are gorgeous.”
Maki grunted.
“Nico is very lucky to have found such a beautiful place and such a beautiful doctor.”
Why did Nico keep doing that? Maki grumbled to herself. Maki didn’t know, had never known what to say to compliments. Nico must know that. She’d been tossing sweet words at Maki like lariat loops, but Maki just let them slip to the ground. She raised a hand to her warming cheek. A blush. Had Nico seen that?
Since their conversation under the stars two nights ago, Nico had carefully kept her talk mostly general, telling stories to the girls, asking Maki about ‘doctor things,’ but no more lips brushing anything or Nico expressing future plans. Why not? How could Nico just leave that statement out there, “Nico wants a family of her own sometime”, ambushing Maki at random, without any further discussion.
Maki was on feet, out of her office, before Nico was halfway across the living room.
Nico turned.
“If you want…” Maki couldn’t articulate what Nico had described. Her hands flailed in the air, “Why are you going away to get yourself shot? Again?”
Nico’s shoulders slumped, she looked back, but the girls remained in the kitchen. So she stepped toward Maki. “It’s the right thing to do. It’s what Nico has to do.”
“You’re not a marshal, you're not a hero. You’re just…” Maki stopped before she started crying.
“No, Nico’s not a hero.” Nico had Maki's hand again, and then Nico was brushing tears from Maki’s cheek. Her voice was a whisper, “Tsubasa threatened my family. I have to make sure they’re going to be safe. Nico made a big mistake back then; I’m gonna fix it. I can’t bring my problems here, Maki. You deserve better.”
“I don't care. I can help.”
“You have to take care of Ruby and Dia. They need you. Nico can take care of Nico.”
“You shouldn’t have to.” Maki was on a cliff and neither she nor an imaginary speeding horse knew where the fall would start.
“It’s what Nico does.” Nico was too good at easily shrugging off Maki’s arguments.
But before Maki could explode, two cheerful voices came rushing forward.
“Mama, come have lunch.” Dia skipped to Maki.
Ruby crushed Nico’s leg into a hug. "Soup!!!"
For this moment, the present, the presence of Ruby, Dia, Nico, and lunch pushed future concerns past the horizon. Perhaps Maki could just stay in this moment, not think, and let the cheerful bustle surround her.
“Yeah, come have lunch, Doctor Maki. You can sit next to Nico.” Nico winked, before she turned to pull Maki into the kitchen, not letting go of her hand.
“Soup!!!” Ruby cheered.
Maki picked up her youngest daughter, engaged in every detail, every sensation around her, forcing a match for Ruby’s enthusiasm. “Soup!!!”
Nozomi had fallen asleep. Eli had crept into the room so quietly, sitting next to Nozomi, brushing her hair with gentle fingers. Twilight had left the room in a limnal state, Eli catching just enough of a glow from Nozomi’s Tarot deck to wonder what the psychic had been up to before her nap.
“mmmmmm….Eli.” Nozomi murmured softly as she nuzzled into Eli.
“I’m back, Love. Did you have a good nap. Shall I cook you something?”
Nozomi shook her head, then pulled Eli down into a deep, slow kiss. Surprised at the sudden intensity, Eli pulled back, blue eyes seeking clues.
“I love you, Eli. From the very first day we met. You know that, right?”
“What’s wrong, Nozomi?”
“You’ve been restless.”
Eli sighed, then laughed, “Much as I love horses, they’re not really much for talking.”
“You miss….”
Eli’s response was sharp, cutting off what she thought Nozomi might say, “I gave that up when you asked me to, Nozomi. I have no regrets.”
Another kiss.
“I was silly. And worried. Scared.”
“I know.” Eli held Nozomi’s hand, lacing their fingers together.
“I have something for you, something you'll need.” Nozomi whispered, her head pressing into Eli’s shoulder. She then leaned over to pull something out from Eli’s usual pillow. The dark, polished leather of Eli’s gunbelt, customized pearl handled twin revolvers were so out of place on the bed they often shared.
Eli froze, shocked at her lover’s action.
“Nozomi? Love???” Eli’s voice cracked. "What did the cards..."
“They say it’s time to embrace your past, to not be an outsider, to take steps forward.”
Eli pushed back from Nozomi, “You made me promise never to wear those again.”
Nozomi’s eyes fluttered closed, as the seer considered her next statement, “I should never have asked you to bury your past.”
“But it was for our future.”
Nozomi put both hands on Eli’s cheeks, holding the teary blue gaze, “Can you tell me you’re happy?”
A harsh knock on the door sent Eli diving off the bed, reaching instinctively for a pistol. The Russian’s reflexes were deep muscle history, the weight of the gun lay perfectly in her palm and she lined up a shot, just as if someone were about to break into her hotel room, to try to recover some of the money Eli had won at poker.
“Nozomi, Eli?” Umi. “I have a favor to ask”
“Of course.”
Nozomi slowly opened the door, Eli taking the opportunity to stash the gun belt under the bed. Umi stepped inside, head bowed.
“My apologies for intruding.”
“You’re always welcome.”
Umi flashed a glance at Nozomi, who pointed her to a chair. Nozomi joined Eli on the bed.
“What can we do ya for?” Nozomi asked gaily in her best company drawl.
Umi twisted her hands, weight centered, leaning forward over her firmly planted boots. “I’ll be riding out in a couple of days, with Rin and Nico.”
“Nico?” One question, two voices.
Umi frowned, “The big black horse new at Hanayo’s is hers. Maki’s been tending her bullet wounds. She and Rin escaped from the A-Rise gang.”
Umi’s voice was soft. But this was hard news. Eli and Nozomi had both heard A-Rise tales, a flood of crime, mayhem, and murder from Colorado to the Pacific sea. The gang had splinter groups, always on the move, uniting together for big heists. They had never been active in these mountains, but the stories went everywhere the rails did.
“Rin’s not Maki’s cousin? But she’s so nice. Does Hanayo know?”
Mutual confusion worrying her, Nozomi took Eli’s hand in hers.
“You cannot share this with anyone. Anyone.” Umi’s tone was so solemn Nozomi and Eli nodded automatically.
“Rin is a marshal. She was undercover with another marshal to get enough evidence to bring down the gang leaders. She saved Nico’s life, but had to leave her assignment.” Umi’s golden brown eyes flooded with worry. “The other marshal has been keeping her cover. And now we have a chance to ambush and corral the gang.”
“They’ve caused a whole heap of trouble.” Nozomi knew the news and gossip was always full of the gang.
“And they have informants inside law enforcement. They’ve paid off many sheriffs. We don’t know who to rely on in other towns.”
“So you’re going to go ambush the biggest gang in the West and rescue a marshal, you, Rin, and this Nico person. With no sheriffs to help you.”
“Kotori, as well. The other marshal is…” Umi sighed, “our partner.”
A memory of the fair haired tailor at work, strong hands cutting through leather fabric, sharp eyes measuring unerringly came to Eli. She had faced many less sure opponents across gaming tables and duel distances.
“Why did you come to us?” Nozomi batted her eyelashes, voice coy.
“Nontan.” Eli chided.
Umi cleared her throat, but there was no embarrassment in her voice, “My job is to keep Otonokizaka Falls safe. So when someone new arrives in town, I send discreet inquiries to some trusted colleagues. Eli Ayase is a well known name in some very big towns.”
“That’s not true.” Nozomi leaned forward, turquoise eyes glittering with mischief.
Eli smiled apologetically at Umi. “Nozomi, please don’t tease our friend.”
“She is right though.” Umi stood, “I am not here for Eli Ayase, blacksmith. I need the skills The Russian can bring to this job, guile, street smarts, and unerring aim.” She extended her hand to Eli, “I know you’ve hung up your guns, but I must ask you to take one more gamble.”
Nozomi stood next to Eli, her arms wrapped around her lover’s waist, Eli seeing nothing but a hearth fire worth of warmth in those eyes. She remembered the thrill of taking a risk, of only knowing the probable outcome, not certain of the success of a gambit. And Umi was her good friend. Eli wanted to be there, to help her return a loved one home.
“I’m in.”
Nozomi’s loud kiss smacked on Eli’s cheek covered Umi’s “thank you”.
“My hero.”
Eli rolled her eyes. “We’ll be doing this with a minimum of heroics and a maximum of solid planning.”
Nozomi’s raised a hand to her heart. “Y’all make a lady swoon with your sweet talk.”
Even Umi couldn’t hold in the giggle.
A/N: This one was hard yo…so many feelings. Although I did enjoy the chance to cast Tarot cards for Nozomi
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yeehawgust · 7 months
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Prompt #1: Gather the Posse Farmer Wize Jack is tryna talk Zion into helping him rally the townsfolk for a witch hunt on the local apothecary, but he ain't convinced that the shop's discount herbs were actually what caused the terrible dysentery outbreak . . . .
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yeehawgust · 8 months
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Chapters 31 and 32 are up and the fic is complete! Prompt: Bottom of the Barrel
Summary: Sheriff's deputy Haurchefant Greystone forms a bond with the handsome stranger who just rolled into town. The local clergy is less receptive.
Chapter Preview: Blood has seeped through his clothing. There isn’t much he can do for the deputy now, not unless he wants to start digging. Still, Aymeric waits. He doesn’t know what he’s waiting for.
Until someone new rolls into town.
Link While the Sun Shines (I pumped some of these chapters out super quick to keep up with the daily prompts, so I've gone back and made some revisions all the way through, for clarity and cohesion. I hope you enjoy the fic in its entirety! All 44,000 words of it. Boy howdy.)
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yeehawgust · 8 months
We Ride at Dawn
It was just before dawn when Edie woke up. She sat up with a groan and rubbed her ribs. Her lungs still aches despite how brief her infection with tuberculosis was.
Edie glanced across the room. The other bed was unslept in. Garnet was still gone. She had only left yesterday with Silas and Nate. Edie rolled out of bed, put on her dress, and tied her hair in a quick bun.
In the kitchen, last night’s cooking fire was now embers. She rekindled the cooling fire in the hearth and put on the coffee kettle.
Once she had a fresh pot of tolerable enough coffee, she took her steaming tin mug and went to enjoy the sunrise. It would be a little while before their host woke up.
Out on the porch, Edie spotted a horse a short ways away across the field by the fence. Next to the horse was a man, no, a boy. It was Delacy and Humble Ned. Delacy was standing next to a saddled Humble Ned, hands on his hips as he studied the horse.
Edie leaned against the railing, clutching her coffee, and watched the boy. The sun had only started to rise.
Delacy placed one foot in the stirrup, his knee practically in his face. The boy struggled to heave himself up and into the saddle. Humble Ned didn’t seem to mind the sliding saddle and flailing teenager on his back.
By the third try, Delaney managed to get in the saddle and got his other foot in the second stirrup. Without his hat, he looked even younger than usual. Not to mention how small he looked on Humble Ned. Humble Ned was a stagecoach horse, a decent sized Belgian Draft. Delacy was shorter than the horse was at the withers.
She knew Delacy had been bluffing when he volunteered to drive the coach when they went after the museum train, but he’d been so confident with the horses for the whole job that it hadn’t occurred to her he might not have actually had much experience riding a horse properly, let alone driving a coach. Not that Delacy would ever admit such a thing. She knew he was self-conscious about his age and lack of experience compared to the rest of the group. Now he was teaching himself to ride a horse at the crack of dawn while three-fifths of the posse were gone and Edie would hopefully still be asleep.
Delacy looked over the reins in his hands and held them just like he did when he drove the coach. “Walk,” ordered Delacy. The horse stood still.
Delacy shuffled in the saddle. After a moment, Delacy tapped his heels into the horse's sides and repeated the order. Humble Ned started into a walk. Delacy quickly gripped the saddle for support.
Humble Ned walked along the fence at a confident stride despite the unbalanced kid on top. By the time Humble Ned reached the corner of the fence and decided to take a right turn, Delacy had found his seat and was sitting taller. Delacy slowly pulled the horse into a right turn, back the way they came.
Edie watched as Delacy rode the horse, practicing left and right turns, going in circles. His position caught more natural and he began to move along with the horse’s stride.
After a while, Delacy spurred Humble Ned into a trot and repeated the process. Grip the saddle to not fall off, get his balance, let go of the saddle, start steering and do laps around the pasture.
When Delacy urged the horse into a canter, he nearly fell off. He gripped the saddle for dear life as he struggled to stay seated.
“Woah! Woah! Slow! Slower!” Delacy pulled back on the reins hard. Humble Ned came to abrupt stop. Delacy was sent forward in the saddle and was now leaning against his neck.
Edie watched as Delacy and Humble Ned just stood for a few minutes as Delacy caught his breath. Delacy finally got back into a proper riding position and spurred the horse into a slow walk.
Delacy directed Humble Ned up towards the horse and ranch stable. As he got closer, his eyes locked on to Edie’s. He hadn’t seen her, she realized.
“Good morning, Delacy,” she called, walking over to them.
Delacy’s face was flushed. She wasn’t sure if was from fear of nearly falling off or embarrassment of her seeing him nearly fall off. “Good morning, Miss Edie.” He stopped Humble Ned and dismounted, sliding off the horse’s back on his stomach. He dropped the last foot down.
She smiled at him. “I saw you out riding Humble Ned.”
Delacy shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. His stance reminded her of Silas. “I’m just getting the fella some exercise is all. No good for him to stay in his stall all day.”
“I see.” She took a sip of her cold coffee, trying to hide the smile on her lips.
He shuffled his boot in the dirt. “I’m going to take him back to the stable,” he said, nodding the ranch stable down the path from the house. He pulled on the reins and started to lead his horse away.
“You know, Delacy,” she called after him.
Delacy paused and looked back at her.
“You’re a natural rider. Best one out of us honestly and I’m sure you’ll only get better with time,” Edie said earnestly to the boy.
Delacy’s blush intensified. He looked away but didn’t lower his head. “Thank you, Miss Edie.”
“You’re most welcome. Once you get Humble Ned situated, go clean yourself up and come inside. I’ll make us some breakfast before we go see what work Victoria has for us next.”
Delacy flashed her a grin and gave her a thumbs up. He walked a little straighter as he led Humble Ned away.
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yeehawgust · 8 months
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This idea wouldn't leave me alone so I finally drew it. Reference photo under the cut. It just seems like the right kind of vibe for them
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yeehawgust · 8 months
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“Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly Fond of Each Other" is a song written by musician Ned Sublette in 1981 and covered by Willie Nelson in 2006.
I really wanted to finish this piece for YeeHaugust, but alas, it was a menace from start to finish to restart to second finish.
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Some of the lyrics use outdated language, but I loved this line so much I asked Gav to draw an image to go with it for me to embroider. 8x8 inches, hand-stitched.
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yeehawgust · 8 months
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Week 3, Day 19: Barbie Horse Adventures
Yeehawgust 2023
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yeehawgust · 8 months
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I'm Very behind but here is another yeehawgust prompt comission!!
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yeehawgust · 8 months
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Yeehawgust never ends when you're working on a western.
Brought my tablet back on my last trip home, so I colored my piece for the Warning Shot prompt.
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yeehawgust · 8 months
NicoMaki, Love Live, 1.2K, 1/?
Summary: Nico is healing. How will Nico, Maki, and the girls cope when goodbyes have to be said.
Yazawa Nico leaned closer to the piano, singing softly, fingers becoming more confident as they reached for notes to strike.
“We sing on Sundays.” Dia Kurosawa declared, arms crossed over her torso, refusing to make eye contact.
“You should sing every day.” Nico countered, patting the piano bench next to her.
Dia approached cautiously.
“My dad taught me that. Sing every day.” Nico remembered her father and the other miners, their voices bright as the cage lowered them into the dark each day.
Dia seated herself close enough to Nico that Nico could pull her in for a hug. When Nico released her, Dia scooted a scant three inches away.
“Do you miss him?” Such a quiet question.
“Every day.”
“Is that why you sing?”
Nico chuckled, “You’re a sharp one, Miss Dia Kurosawa. But Nico also sings to make people happy.”
“Can I do that?”
“Of course.” Nico grabbed the Cowboy Songbook off the music stand, “Is your favorite song in here?”
Dia shook her head.
“What is it?”
“Oh, Shenandoah.”
“That’s a pretty one. And sad.”
Dia nodded.
“But sad songs can be magic too and come out happy.”
Dia frowned as she worked out that puzzle. “Because you’re happy to sing.”
“Yes!!!” Nico hugged Dia again. “How’s it start?”
“Oh Shenandoah…”
And Nico joined in.
Rin dropped bags on the table. “Everything on Nico’s camping food list. And the coat you ordered from Kotori.”
Nico’s clothes had been ruined when she arrived, bloodied and torn. Rin had ridden to the mining town last week for shirts, long underwear, and denim for both of them. Nico’s boots were sound, but her coat had been shot through, bled through, ridden over. Maki knew there would soon be very cold nights on the trail so she had Kotori customize a duster with wool and extra pockets. It was finally ready, just in time for their trip to The Falls.
“I’m just gonna leave Smiley here.” Rin popped open a ginger beer, “He misses Nico and is getting along pretty well with Scherzi.”
Ruby ran through the door, her palm out and open, “Smiley ate an apple from my hand, Mama.”
“You left her…” Maki hissed.
“No, no, not me. She must've been hiding.”
“Smiley was sad.” Ruby frowned at Maki, “You made him stay away from Nico.”
“No, I did not…”
Rin knelt next to Ruby, sneaking her a licorice twist “We needed to keep Nico a secret. To keep her safe.”
“Is Nico not a secret anymore?”
“Nico is leaving with me and the Sheriff. She needs her horse.”
“You’re coming back. Hanayo said.” Ruby chewed thoughtfully on her twist.
Rin nodded.
“Is Nico?”
Rin glanced to Maki.
“We don’t know, Ruby.”
“But Nico…”
“Nico has a family of her own. You know that, Ruby.” Maki picked up her tiny daughter, “Don’t you want Nico to see them?”
Ruby nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Everything will be fine, don't worry.” Maki gritted out, lying to her daughter for the first time she could recall.
Rin’s sympathy face almost broke Maki’s self control.
“Ruby fell asleep before I could sing to her.” Nico stretched her arms, leaving the door to the girls’ room ajar behind her, “Then Dia shooed me away.”
“Dia is the definition of overprotective.”
“Yeah, Nico gets that. It is just the two of them.”
What do you mean?” Maki’s hand knocked one of the glasses she was handling into the whiskey bottle.
“Not a criticism of you.” Nico grabbed the glasses, her fingers brushing Maki’s. She could feel the warmth. “Children live in a…harsher world, everything is immediate, so everything that hurts Ruby is something that Dia wants to take care of now.”
“Were you like that with your siblings?”
“Are we going outside?” Nico asked, pointing the glasses at the door.
Maki nodded, picking up the bottle.
“Nico was…determined to keep bad news away from them. So Nico made the world glow like the sun was always up.”
“You’d never see stars.” Maki held the door open for Nico.
“We’re talking about Nico’s siblings who were under seven years old at the time. I wanted them to never be afraid of the dark. Or feel alone. Stargazing wasn’t as important.”
“Oh.” Maki followed down the porch steps.
“Since you rescued them from a fire, Dia probably just needs to keep Ruby safe from any physical danger.”
“That’s too much pressure.”
Nico leaned against the fence, “Yeah, Nico’s glad you realize that. Is Dia trusting you more?”
“Yes. Especially this summer.”
“That’s a good sign. She’s learning you’re safe for Ruby. And her.”
The night's sounds and scents were becoming familiar to Nico. She could feel herself relaxing into this landscape, the sharpness of pines blending by some alchemy into a welcoming softness.
“Ruby wants you to stay.” Maki offered Nico the whiskey, Nico held out her glass.
“Ruby does…” Nico gave Maki the side eye.
“She told me.”
“I just thought you should be prepared for when she mentions it.”
“What did you say?”
“You wanted to see your family. She can understand that.”
Nico hummed.
“Did I say the wrong thing?”
Nico shook her head, then took a sip of the whiskey, “No.”
Did Nico shuffle nearer? Maki could feel her hand trembling and a warmth flooding her cheeks like a false Autumn heatwave. “You healed quickly.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Nico raised her glass to the stars in a toast, “Thanks, Doc. Must be eager to get me back out on the trail.”
“No.” Maki’s denial rushed out, whiskey splashing at her hasty turn, “That’s not…”
“Nico knows.” Soft. But confident.
Suddenly Maki and Nico were almost nose to nose, Maki wondering if Nico was sweating from a sudden rush of heat as well. Too dark to register colors, but Nico’s eyes rivaled the sky for infinities of space just waiting. Maki could feel the expectation, the pause as Nico slowed her breathing, each exhalation reaching Maki’s cheeks another warmth on this suddenly febrile night.
Nico put the glass behind her, taking the bottle and Maki’s glass out of her hands, placing them carefully on the ground. She took both Maki’s hands in hers, pulling her closer. Maki raised her chin, confused eyes meeting Nico’s steady gaze.
“Nico wants a family of her own sometime, somebodys to tuck in with a lullaby, someone to talk to at the end of the day, somewhere together to share warmth in winter.”
“Oh.” Maki froze, petrified by surprise, her eyelids the only movement, blinking, rapidly, hummingbird wings, not fighting off tears, but counting each thought racing through too fast for Maki to do anything but stare after its shadows.
Nico stepped back, raising both of Maki’s hands, a slow, gentle kiss barely brushing Maki’s knuckles, then letting the hands go, “That’s what Nico wants.”
Nico had both glasses and the whiskey bottle and had gone inside before Maki could move, before Maki could get her heart slowed enough that blood wasn’t pounding in her ears.
Did Nico mean…how could such a light, short contact still linger, still burn? Maki rubbed her fingers against skin, feeling the bones beneath, glancing up to the stars above, sparkling, new and brighter somehow. There were rubies there, deep deep in the darkness, scattered among blues, brights, and yellows. Far far away. Burning. Like Nico’s lips on Maki’s hand. What would have happened next? What if Nico had…
What did Maki want?
This has 2 or 3 stories left so Yeehawgust will be continuing for awhile. Take care, cowpokes.
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