yellowwsmilee · 4 years
This one is about Boku no Hero Academia✨
I’m... huh, keeping up with the manga? I'm not sure about this form, so please tell me if it is right in the comments🥰
Anyway, I was thinking really hard about how everybody is worried for Deku, who hasn’t waken up because of the talk he’s having with the predecessors and this is what came out!
Allert: it’s just what i wish could happen, if you don’t like the idea of a strong bond between Deku and Kacchan than you shouldn’t go on (I’m not talking about a romantic relationship, it’s just a strong relation of -huh- respect? affection? I don’t know ahaha)
Bakugou was looking out of the window. Ten days had passed from the day he had woken up, and Deku was still asleep.
Doctors said he would have regained consciousness soon, his conditions were bad but stable.
Despite that, everyone was still worried.
“You shouldn’t be here, young Bakugou.” Said All Might, closing the door behind his shoulders. “You’ll worry your friends.”
“They don’t want me to see him.” He whispered, without looking at the Ex-Number One Hero.
All Might nodded. “It makes sense, since you always act aggressively in their presence.” He sat on a chair. “Why do you feel the need to stay here?”
“I don’t feel the need to stay with Shitty Deku!” He shouted, but the other one just laughed. “It’s just... I can’t wait anymore. He MUST wake up.”
“What do you mean by ‘why’? He’s the one who has your quirk. He wants to be the number one and I want it too, he can’t just.. die. Not now.” Bakugou looked at Deku.
“You don’t really need to make such excuses, but if you prefer so...” All Might stood up. “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. He’s very strong.” Then, he left the room, leaving Bakugou alone with a still-sleeping Deku.
“Tsk, this is unbelievable.” He whispered to himself. “I don’t have any reason to be here.”
Bakugou moved some steps towards the door, then he stopped. He gave a glance to Midoriya, taking a deep breath.
“You better wake up soon, or I’ll kill you before you can open your eyes, Nerd.” He reached the door and grabbed the handle. “Don’t you dare to leave me here alone.” He whispered.
“Ka… cchan?”
Bakugou turned back and fastly reached the bed. He wasn’t dreaming, Deku’s green eyes were pointing to his face, a little smile on his lips.
“Were… you… worr… died?”
“Shut up, you idiot.” Bakugou shouted, grabbing kindly one of Deku’s hands between his hands. “I’ve been awake for ten days, how much did you want to make me wait?”
Midoriya’s smile widened. “I’m… sor… ry.”
“You better be. Everyone was getting mad of worry because of you.” He gave him a bad look.
“I’m… glad… yo… u’re… fine.” Deku whispered.
“Jesus, you’re such an idiot. I’m strong, you know. That thing could never kill me, you asshole.” He growled. “Instead, are you ok?”
“Err… my body… hurts.” He laughed slightly. “Like… every… where.”
“What an idiot.” Remarked Bakugou. “I’ll call the doctors.” He left Deku’s hand.
“Kacchan.” Midoriya called him again.
He took a deep breath and looked at him seriously. “I’m not… gonna leave you behind… or alone… so you better… don’t do it… either.”
Bakugo smiled slightly. "Then make sure you don't fall behind."
Well, this one was really difficult to write. I checked my dictionary so many times that i lost the count. Please let me know any error you’ll notice, so that I can correct it✨😘
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yellowwsmilee · 4 years
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your anti - racism must include Asians , if you’re racist and you follow this account , please unfollow .
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yellowwsmilee · 4 years
So, I just watched the ep. 10 of Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! and huh, the post-ending scene gave me an idea and here it is
Allert: angst, just a figment of my imagination, Atsushi!centered
It started to drizzle.
Raindrops were mixing up with tears, on the faces of the members of the Armed Detective Agency, together with Akutagawa and Chuuya from Port Mafia.
"It was too late even for you, I'm sorry." Whispered Ranpo, laying his hand on the shoulder of Yosano.
"I couldn't save him." Sobbed her.
"Did he really...?" Kunikida stopped, not knowing how to say it, and watched silently at Ranpo.
"Yes." He answered. "He committed suicide."
"YOU-" Chuuya shouted at him, and only Kunikida was fast enough to stop him. "HE WOULDN'T HAVE KILLED HIMSELF!"
"Ranpo has never been wrong." Whispered Atsushi.
"Are you sure, Ginko?" Asked Akutagawa, covering his eyes. He didn't want nobody to see him crying.
Atsushi turned his shoulders at them. "Yeah." He closed his hands in fists. "If Ranpo says so, Dazai must have killed himself. At the end, he really did it."
He walked away, far away from the sobs and cries of the others and from Chuuya's screams.
"Why wasn't I enough for you?" Whispered Chuuya, heard only by the feline hearing of Atsushi.
The boy covered his ears and started running. It wasn't enough, he could still hear them and their pain. He stumbled and fell to his knees, unable to stand up again.
"I should have known it." He whispered at himself. "That time, looking at the fireworks, you appeared so sad. I should have understood what you were going to do."
Tears on his cheeks, he shouted at nobody, or maybe at Dazai hoping he would have opened his eyes hearing him. He cried his sorrow.
Dazai was the first person to accept him for what he was, even with his ability. Nothing in the world will ever fill the void his death had left, nor make disappear the loneliness that embraced Atsushi's heart.
Atsushi will never smile again.
Yeah, I know, it's short and confused but I'm confused too about how I'm feeling about this scene so... That's what came out!✨
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yellowwsmilee · 4 years
Ok, now I'm gonna tell you something that came up on my mind last night and I really want to share it with all the JJK's fans...
Allert: probably it will make you cry
Gojo has in his hand a bag which contains every Sukuna's finger remained.
Nobara and Fushiguro are watching from a glass panel that divides them from the room where the Sensei and their friend are in.
Itadori looks at the glass and smiles gently. "Thank you for everything." He says, while the other two are crying. "Sensei," now his eyes go on Gojo, whose hands are shaking slightly, "please, take care of them for me."
"I promise, Yuji." He caresses his student head. "You did it really good. I'm proud of you."
"Is that so?" Itadori smiles again, embarrassed. Then, he becomes serious. "It's time, Sensei."
"Yeah, it's time."
Gojo gives Itadori the bag, and the last one puts a hand in it. He doesn't need to take off the fingers, Sukuna has already eaten them from the palm of Itadori's hand.
It's just some seconds, Sukuna takes the control over Itadori's body and Gojo inhales deeply.
Nobara covers her face with her hands, she can't face it. Her friend is dead, for the second time, but she knows that this time he's never coming back.
Fushiguro tightens his jaw and closes his hands on fists, unable to take off the look from the body of Itadori, of whom now remains only the appearance.
The curse laughs, licking his lips. "It's time to play." But something isn't right.
Under the eyes of the others, the arm of Sukuna is moving by itself. The hand is closing around the neck.
"You bastard! You're still fighting, after all." Growls Sukuna.
"Nobara, you have to see this." Whispers Fushiguro. "Itadori is still here."
"Sensei," says lowly Itadori, "please, exorcise me. I can't take him any longer."
And Satoru Gojo can't help but listen to his student.
"Thank you, Sensei." Are Itadori's last words.
Some minutes later, Nobara is crying over the death body of Itadori, while Fushiguro is at her sight.
Somewhere, in the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, sorcerers from all over Japan are waiting for Gojo, who should report the success of the exorcise, but he's late.
Satoru Gojo is on one of the roofs of the school, looking at the sky, while tears are running over his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Yuji." He whispers at the wind. "I'm really sorry."
Aaand sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language and I only studied it at school, but I hope you'll understand what was the idea🙃
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yellowwsmilee · 4 years
I'm writing a sort of novel with my bf and we have a character, Charlie, who we should refer with the pronoun "they". The problem is that we're Italians and in Italian language there isn't a translation for that.
The solution? We won't change Charlie, we will use the "they" even if we write in Italian. Easy✨
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yellowwsmilee · 4 years
Love is always love, nothing can change it🏳️‍🌈
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Reblog to let your followers know you are a safe person to come out to.
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yellowwsmilee · 4 years
I guess i'm in love with this fanfic huh✨
AU where Haru is a jeweller who only carves sapphire (he has a lot of intricate gold and silver pieces, but sapphire is the only stone he cuts) and rin comes into his store looking for something for Gou. Haru becomes enchanted with the colour of Rin’s eyes, can’t forget the colour. He starts noticing Rin whenever he walks past in the shopping centre but Rin never comes into his store. Haru orders in a shipment of uncut rubies but leaves them in the back room, unsure about what to do with them or how to go about shaping them.
Finally, after almost two weeks without even catching sight of Rin in the shopping centre, Haru pulls out the rubies and starts shaping them. When he looks up properly, almost two hours later, Rin is browsing his store. Shocking himself, he asks, “Can I help you with anything?” He usually doesn’t offer his assistance to those who come to browse, only speaking when necessary.
Rin looks up and smiles and it’s the most beautiful thing Haru’s ever seen. He’d forgotten just how red Rins eyes are; the rubies can’t compare. Rin declines his offer for assistance and Haru tries to go back to shaping the stones, but can’t seem to concentrate.
Rin’s slowly moving closer as he browses the jewellery until he’s standing at the case beside the till, leaning over to peer closer at the rings arranged there. Haru watches as he tucks a bit of hair behind his ear and leans closer. Haru sees a glint of silver in his ear, but realised he’s staring when Rin’s eyes dart up to meet his.
Haru quickly glances away, back to the ruby he’s polishing and blushes slightly. Rin rests his elbows on the case and props his chin in his hands and Haru tries to be irritated with the fact that he’ll have to wipe it over when Rin leaves, but all he can think about is the way Rin’s looking at him so intently.
Eventually Rin speaks, saying, “Ive never seen anything but sapphires here.”
Haru doesn’t say anything, but thinks about how Rin always seems to walk past his store, never pausing or looking in.
“I love looking at the window displays,” Rin admits. “I always want to come in, but it’s not like I’d be able to buy something for every time I have a look.”
Haru wonders why he’s saying it, but doesn’t ask and doesn’t dare look up from his work to catch sight of the smouldering red of Rin’s eyes.
“You gonna start selling rubies too?” Rin asks.
“Would you buy something if I did?” Would you come back if I did? Haru doesn’t say it but blushes again, face a light pink, and bites his tongue. He doesn’t let himself look up.
“I might buy that,” Rin says, sounding interested. He nods at the single earring in Haru’s hands; a small silver black-tip shark coiled into a circle. Haru is setting the ruby into the hole it’s body makes, so it appears to be swimming around the gem.
“The other’s missing,” Haru mutters, referring to the matching shark he had ordered it with, the one which had never turned up; a faulty shipment.
“I only need the one,” Rin says and Haru’s eyes are drawn to him as he tucks his long fringe behind his ear again, revealing a cartilage stud.
Haru looks at him suspiciously, wondering distantly if he’s gang affiliated. Seeing his careful look, Rin laughs and let’s his hair fall back into place, hiding the piercing from Haru’s eyes.
“Not a gang sign, don’t worry. I spent a few years abroad. I got it in Australia,” he explains.
Haru hums and drops his eyes, getting back to work on the earring. It’s finished. He just wants an excuse to not look at Rin, so he keeps his hands busy, making unnecessary adjustments. Rin watches him intently until Haru sighs and puts it down, pinning Rin with an indecipherable look. “Can I help you with something?” he asks for the second time.
Rin smirks and nods this time. “Yeah. Id like to buy that,” he says and points at the tiny earring, “and then Id like to buy you lunch, or maybe dinner.”
His cheeks flush a little under Haru’s scrutiny, but his smile stays fixed, so Haru nods and says, “¥3,000,” and reaches to scoop the earring into a small velvet bag.
Rin’s hand intercepts his as he hands over the money, scooping the earring up and exchanging it for the one in his ear immediately, smirking at Haru with his head tilted sideways as he clips the back on. “That a yes to lunch?” he asks, finishing and tucking the old earring into the pocket of his skinny jeans, leaving his hands hanging in his pockets. Haru can see the glint of the ruby through his hair, but only because he’s looking for it.
“Dinner,” he corrects, letting his eyes slip across to meet Rin’s.
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