your-schoollion borrowing books is the highest form of love, like, "here's a piece of my soul that I think you'll like".
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your-schoollion you live in a small house surrounded by thousands of flowers and red roses.
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your-schoollion believe me, your mental health is more important than your grades or the toxic opinions of others.
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your-schoollion you are part of something huge and cosmically beautiful, you just learn to notice it.
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your-schoollion sometimes you need to walk alone. just be left alone with your thoughts, sit in a park on a bench or take a walk around the city, photographing old buildings, watch people. at such moments you realize how beautiful this world is. ♡
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yourschoollion winter came. The most wonderful time of this season is the evening. a cozy evening filled with happiness and atmosphere. you go to the kitchen and make your favorite cocoa with marshmallows. In the meantime, as cocoa is prepared, you go to your room and make your place. a cute blanket with New Year's deer and a garland on the window. ah, cocoa is ready. you go pouring it into a glass and putting marshmallows. You go with a glass to your room, sit down on the window and look through the window, behind which stands the street absorbed into the darkness. this is that perfect winter.
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yourschoollion you wake up and smell the aroma of your favorite cinnamon cake that your mom bakes. you look out the window and see all the wonders of winter, breathe in the fresh air. You wash your face and get a boost of motivation and inspiration. You go to breakfast and you see on the table a freshly baked cake, from which the aroma went to the whole house. he was wonderful. a little latte in the morning will not hurt anyone, you too. after an incredible breakfast, go to your room with a hot latte and ginger biscuits, and go to bed to watch TV shows. here it is - happiness.
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yourschoollion believe me, your life will not end with another person who has left, even if there is an entire universe inside you, named after him. honey you can bear it.
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yourschoollion concept: the most important person in your life is you. if you do not feel very well, then just remember that you are dear to me. I love you.
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