yin-tho-blog · 8 years
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
This guy spent over a year throwing eggs to his unsuspecting mum (x)
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
I be preparing to get over people way before we fall off and stop talking to each other
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
Procrastinating is just enjoying all the side quests in life whilst you delay the main quest story mission
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
Does anyone else with anxiety find themselves constantly googling the definition of different words? Even if I know the definition of the word, I still google it before I use it in conversation just encase I was wrong so I don’t look stupid. Is that just me?
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
i’m so tired of the AU where your soulmate’s name is on your wrist. i want my enemy’s name on my wrist. i wanna know who i’m going to have to physically fight eventually. turn on your fucking location
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
resource for procrastination
if you’re anything like me, working on a computer is a dangerous thing. i’ll get distracted by everything - that one email i should respond to, all the pictures of my dog, tumblr, and so on. I recently discovered an amazing resource to stop that.
it’s called writer’s block, and is free to download! 
when you open it, it shows this screen, where you can choose either a time limit or word goal
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then when you start, it opens a document that fills the entire screen like this
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and you cannot quit the app or open anything else until your word/time quota is filled. i just wrote half of my english speech that i’ve been putting off all morning, and it took only 20 minutes!
so yup, it’s called writer’s block and is free for both mac and windows. enjoy!
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
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Korra + Impossible Redirection
Aqueous + Ferrous Fluids
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
being sleepy has just become one of my defining personality traits
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
Guess who’s wasting their time?
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
Your OTP is snowed in at Person A’s house, so Person B suggests an impromptu movie night while snuggled on the couch with blankets and hot chocolate. Person A insists that they watch all three High School Musical movies. Person B doesn’t really understand why Person A is so excited about it, but they think that A’s excitement is kind of cute, so they go along with it. By the time they’ve gotten to the second movie, both A and B are singing along and dancing with each other. A falls asleep on B’s shoulder before the movies are over, and B finds themself still watching the ending and crying as the characters head off to college. They gently plant a kiss on A’s forehead before turning off the movie and snuggling with A, quietly humming the songs as the snow falls outside. (OT3: Person C has been watching from the window the entire time. They’ve been trying to get the attention of A and B from outside for the duration of every movie. They’re getting very cold. Someone needs to help Person C.)
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
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more valentin
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
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tag yourselves i’m kumiko
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
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you’ve been visited by the ✨grandma of prosperity✨🍻 reblog for good fortune and mad cash 💰💸💥🔫💸💰
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
Planets i learned about via youtube while procrastinating my english essay
Planet 55 Cancri e is basically a giant diamond. like the planet is a diamond. and it would be worth $26.9 nonillion
Planet Gliese 436 b is an ice planet that is constantly on fire do to its close proximity to its parent star. the ice doesn’t melt bc the planet’s gravity is so strong it physically prevents the ice from melting
Planet HD 189733b rains sideways glass…. constantly
Planet J1407-B has planetary rings that are 200x the size of saturn. if saturn’s ring were as big as J1407-B’s we’d be able to see them with our naked eye from earth AND they would dominate our sky and look larger than a full moon
Planet Wasp-12b rotates so close to its parent star that its slowly being consumed by the it
Planet Gliese 581c is one of the candidates for a planet that can support life however it orbits a tiny dwarf star and is tidally locked so one side is constantly subject to immense sunlight while the other is constantly in darkness. there’s a small area of the planet however, that is just the right temp to support life. u just can’t step out of said area. the skies are red and the plants would have be a black color instead of a green bc they would use infrared light for photosynthesis. (a message was actually sent to the planet in 2008 in hopes that there’s life on the planet but the message wont reach the planet until 2029).
Planet GJ 1214b is a water planet nicknamed “water world” is has no land at all and the water is so deep it goes down miles all the way to the planet’s core.
Planet Wasp-17b is the largest planet discovered thus far. its so large its existence contradicts our understanding of how planets are formed. and it has a retrograde orbit, so it orbits in the opposite direction of its parent star.
Planet HD 188753 has 3 suns you should have triple shadows and there would be almost daily eclipses. and no matter which direction u face on the planet u would always see a sunset
Planet HD106906b is the loneliest planet discovered thus far. its known as “super jupiter” bc its 11x bigger than jupiter. it orbits its parent star at a distance of 60 billion miles (which is v strange) hence why its the loneliest planet.
Planet Tres 2b is the darkest planet known. it reflects less than 1% of light (it reflects less light than coal and black acrylic paint). the tiny part of the planet that does reflect light is red making the planet glow a dim red.
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yin-tho-blog · 9 years
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