seokjin teaching jungkook and jimin about vegetables
seokjin: this is a cucumber *holds up cucumber*
seokjin: well then this is a butternut squash *holds up butternut squash*
jimin: why isn't it squishy? if its called a butternut squish then shouldn't it be squishy?
seokjin: *sighs*
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-ghost yoongi my hearteu
-so yoongi started out as a normal person
-he was a coffee barista and had his own coffee shop and everything
-he didn’t have a family but there was a cute cat in the building next to his
-and he also was good friends with the bookstore owner next door, taehyung
-that means he a single pringle ready to mingle *wink wink*
-his coffee and tea shop was a cute lil place with an apartment upstairs where he lived
-but one day he got robbed and the robber set the shop on fire
-yoongi was so dazed and tired bc he woke up from a nap and he tripped and fell into the fire
-rip yoongi
-he was probably in his twenties when he died
-in this au ghosts stay the same age when they die
-but a ghost can turn human again if it experiences a true love, given and returned
-wow we got some beauty and the beast stuff going on here
-but once they are human they begin to age normally again
-so about 50 or so years later
-the place where the coffee shop once was has been reconstructed and stuff
-now it is just a tea house
-with boba don’t forget the boba
-just saying boba is life so yeh
-and you and your best friend own the shop and run it by yourselves
-and yall live in the apartment upstairs
-no one informed you guys about the guy who died there like 50 years ago
-but yoongi isn’t a violent ghost or anything
-he was very lowkey when you moved in
-but when you did move in
-boy was he confused
-”whoA THERE'S HuMAnS”
-yoongi actually admired you and your friend
-he liked the decorations and the way that everything was laid out in your apartment
-he was really curious about what you sold in your tea house what a cutie
-”cOLD teA whAt in tHe wOrLD”
-he always kinda wanted to try boba too
-he’s a ghost so like he can’t eat or drink
-sorry yoongi
-as time went on yoongi actually really started to admire you
-and he admired your friend too but
-his old friend taehyung next door who died like a few weeks after him already had a crush on your friend so
-yoongi liked the way you yelled when you got excited and he loved how you always put a smiley face next to everyone’s order at the tea house
-and he loved how passionate you were about your job
-yall love your tea and boba and coffee and stuff
-so in this au ghosts can physically show themselves when they feel strong emotions
-any strong emotions btw
-ghosts can also communicate with other humans when they are experiencing strong emotions and showing themselves too so go figure
-they can learn to control it eventually but it's rare to find a ghost that can vanish and disappear as they please
-so you have a piano in your apartment that you play all the time
-yoongi always loved playing the piano back when he was alive
-dang that sounds ominous
-”when he was alive”
-i get distracted easily sorry
-but yoongi always loves sitting on your piano bench and remembering all of the songs he used to play
-he can't physically play the piano anymore but you get the idea
-he also really likes your piano skills and stuff
-and your taste in music he loves your taste in music
-so anyway back to the story
-one day yoongi was sitting at the piano and was just minding his own business
-and you walk up to the piano and sit on the bench next to yoongi
-keep in mind that you cant see yoongi and you have no idea he exists (as a ghost or human lol)
-and poor yoongi got startled bc he didn’t see you next to him and he gets startled?
-he practically jumps off of the bench
-actually he falls off the bench but that's a minor detail
-and he physically shows himself
-because i mean he was scared so
-and then you freak out and he freaks out and your roommate freaks out from upstairs bc of all of the noise downstairs
-there's a lot of screaming and luckily the tea house isn't open because you would have scared all of the customers
-and then everyone’s screaming at each other
-a lotta mixed feelings there cough
-you keep screaming at yoongi and try to attack him and then your friend eventually figures out that he’s not your boyfriend
-and yoongi looks so scared and soft and startled and you realize that he looks kind of pale and ur just ???
-so then you stop trying to attack him
-and ur voice hurts so like lets just talk for now heh
-the conversation goes like this:
-”whO aRE YOu”
-and then ur just like oh there's a ghost in my house i mean it's just fiNE its not like i have a whole business downstairs and i can't move or anything lol everything's fine lmao
-*nervous laugh*
-eventually you and yoongi and your friend get used to each other
-yoongi explains the concept of ghosts and stuff too so none of yall are confused
-actually your friend ends up meeting the ghost next door too cough cough
-yoongi can’t verbally speak with you when he isnt showing himself but sometimes he can knock things over if he really tries
-sometimes you will be making ramen or something but when you stop paying attention to the water boiling on the stove yoongi will knock over a book or something to get your attention
-he doesn't want you to die in a fire so
-learning from our mistakes are we yoongi
-over time you and yoongi acknowledge each other almost on a daily basis
-and sometimes he shows himself but then again he can’t really control his habit of just disappearing and showing up
-you eventually figure out that he shows himself when he gets strong emotions
-every once in a while you will purposely turn on a horror movie or something and yoongi shows himself what a smol ball of fluff
-but then one day you realize that yoongi is showing himself a lot more than usual
-like he shows himself about twice a day
-little do you know that the emotions he feels when he shows himself daily comes from seeing you everyday hehe
-and whenever he shows himself you always smile at him and it just melts his heart
-dang im sounding real cheesy today
-but you always smile at yoongi or playfully push him or something like that bc,,,,,i mean,,,,he is cute after all right,,,,,
-you just can't get over how watchful and protective he is over you, and in the smallest ways
-and one day
-yoongi shows himself as usual
-you see him and smile but
-keep in mind that you're probably on a caffeine rush or something like yas boba
-you are in such a good mood that you reach over and like trap him in this big bear hug
-as stated before like yas go boba
-the boba you consumed beforehand has caused you to experience these feelings
-the boba gave you this adrenaline and happiness
-the boba starteD this physical contaCT
-poor yoongi gets flustered and you begin to notice that he’s turning color?
-normally he looks kinda gray and pale
-but now he looks less gray and pale?
-he looks more human like?
-and then after a while you realize that he’s not vanishing???
-what is happening
-eventually he disappears but he was in physical form longer than usual?
-anyways you and yoongi begin to have a closer relationship
-”i think i'm going to move out yoongi but y/f/n is staying here and i’ll live next door with taehyung”
-”yah sure like you would leave me it should be the other way around”
-eventually your friend actually moves next door lol
-and you n yoongi become really close
-like really close
-you guys talk all the time and watch movies and stuff and yah
-and you realize like wow i would date yoongi if he wasn’t dead
-you guys are already practically dating anyway
-but one day ur just sitting on the couch and you fall asleep
-you had no idea that yoongi was sitting beside you so when you fall over to lie down on the couch he sees you on his lap and he’s just  ???
-*internal yoongi screaming*
-he gets up and just stares at your face
-yep just casually staring at your face no strange feelings here
-and he finds himself just placing a sweet lil kiss on your cheek
-and then he realizes that he was in phySICAL FORM and you feLT THE kiSs
-way to go yoongi
-like he’s just falling in love with you but he doesn’t want to fall in love with you but he likes falling in love with you?
-ya know what i’m saying
-and now he’s scared because you’re waking up and he has no idea how to vanish again so yep we’re all screwed
-you wake up and see yoongi all red faced and staring at you with wide eyes
-those big brown eyes bless
-you realize what happened and you smile bc he’s just sO cuTe
-you keep on smiling and you reach over and give him a little kiss on the cheek too
-get ready for the really cute and fluffy and squeal worthy part ok
-you and yoongi are maintaining eye contact but then you guys smile and both whisper a sweet little “saranghae”
-i ship
-but then yoongi begins to glow
-like literally glowing he’s burning your eyes
-and then he begins to float?
-and at that point the light is so bright you can’t look at him
-when he stops glowing and floating and stuff
-he just stands and stares at his body in awe
-bc he’s humAN
-he is human
-and he isn’t pale and he’s in physical form and he’s human
-and he’s just so happy and you’re just so happy
And you jump up and you guys just hug
-you know that situation when you’re just so happy and you’re hugging someone who makes you happy and you guys just stand in a hug for a really long time but its not awkward
-yah that’s what happens
-bc you guys know how ghosts work
-*flashback time*
-”a ghost can turn human again if it experiences a true love, given and returned”
-remember our beauty and the beast inspired standards
-but yes you and yoongi are just so thankful for each other and love each other
-and eventually you guys double date with the other ghost-to-human couple next door:)
-but then again maybe it ends differently
-this is your story isn’t it
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-yas first post lets go
-in this au your soulmate feels pain when you feel pain and vice versa
-also marks on your skin shows on your soulmates skin and vice versa but the marks aren’t exactly alike, they’re just similar
-also you can hear your soulmates thoughts when they’re within 5 miles of you and their thoughts are louder the closer they are
-so you first discovered that you had a soulmate when you were a smol child
-you were probably around 4
-one day you were at school and then you felt this sharp pain on the back of your hand
-and you looked down and saw this scar looking thing
-you were confused like why does it feel like there’s a cut on the back of my hand but there’s no cut??? why is there a scar instead of a cut?? where did this come from???
-you decided that you probably cut yourself by accident a while ago and it just scarred and it still hurt
-but then a few days later you saw a smiley face drawing itself
-it was appearing on its oWN
-you got freaked out and screamed in the middle of school and you scared everyone
-you told your teacher and she was like “ohh sweetie you have a soulmate thats why”
-but she wouldn’t explain anymore and you got frustrated bc i mean you have a right to know abt your owN SOULMATE right
-so you asked your parents later and they explained the concept of soulmates
-and like everyone is meant to be with someone and you can communicate with your soulmate through markings on your skin
-and you feel injuries that your soulmate feels
-so you got excited and took a marker and in your 4yo handwriting you write “HI SOULMATE” on your wrist
-you wait what seems like hours for your soulmate to respond
-eventually he responds and says “HI SOULMATE :)”
-reading his message gave you so much happiness you could not even maintain your precious 4 year old self’s sanity
-from then on whenever you were feeling down or something you would write to your soulmate and you knew they had your back whoever it was
-lets fast forward about 15 years later
-so you were just binge watching metflix
-i don´t want to get copyrighted here im doing my best
-then suddenly you start to feel a bunch of pain in your torso
-you also start to find cuts pretty much everywhere
-let me just say it hurt like A LOT
-and because you aren´t doing anything besides lying down like a potato, you realize its from your soulmate
-you can hear your soulmates thoughts and it freaks you out
-why is his voice so dEEP wowow
-nothing interesting has happened in the past years, which is why you started to freak out
-you started to hyperventilate, which might have been because you were out of shape but
-you run out of your lil apartment and next thing you know ur running down the stairs
-and you run down the street
-his thoughts are getting louder?
-and then you hear someone yelling
-you hear three people yelling actually
‘-theres two voices cursing and stuff and then there’s another voice that sounds like your soulmate that’s yelling?
-and then you realize that your soulmate is probably getting mugged or something
-and you realize that’s its truly your soulmate bc that’s something that would happen to you tbh
-so then superhero y/n kicks in
-i mean you have to save your soulmate right
-so then you decide to turn on your war cry mode and attempt to get the people attacking your soulmate oFF OF YOUR SOULMATE
-i mean he may not even be your soulmate but
- im sorry this is off topic but did i mention that min yoongi is a dangerous man
-anyways back to the story
-the guys attacking your maybe-husband-soulmate-person
-so you run to the guy and give him a nice punch in the arm
-did i mention you are physically active and are into sports or dance or some other physical activity so youre pretty strong and flexible:)
-the guy looks at you and takes you down but then your maybe-husband-soulmate-person gets up
-he drags the guy and you take the chance to punch him again but that’s when the cops appear
-they take the guy and you maybe-husband-soulmate-person looks at you
-WoW hE’s HaWtTeR ThAn YoU eXpEcTeD
-his lips cut and he has a bunch of bruises and then he sees you do too
-his eyes get bigger and you smile like youre evil hehe
-he hugs you and his eyes get teary
-’youre my soulmate…?’ and you nod
-your heart starts to beat faster and your face gets super hot
-wow whats this feeling but then again its nice
-he looks at you again and says his name,’taehyung, kim taehyung’
-you, being the awkward person that you are, look up at him and tell him that your name is Y/N and then try really hard not to scream bc i mean you sCORED
-wow did i mention how hot your soulmate is  
-so then you take your soulmate home and you talk and clean up each otherś injuries and stuff
-but you and taehyung are actually meant to be
-anyways you can imagine the rest of your life with your soulmate
-this is your story isnt it
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“don’t touch my shirteu”
-hobi, probably
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