youtubexreader · 6 years
I usually do not like first person fics - just my input
Thank you for your input! I really appreciate readers taking their time to let me know where I can adventure outside the norm of POV and where it’s the most preferred. Please feel free to share/send in any other preferences or suggestions. Thank you for your time, anon!
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youtubexreader · 6 years
I would love you forever if you wrote Matt Peake x reader! Could you write one where they are dating secretly and maybe the rest of funhaus finds out somehow or the audience.
I wish I would’ve checked my inbox so much sooner, this is probably one of my favorite requests so far, I’m so sorry it’s been 245 days since you sent this my lovely anon and I haven’t responded, hopefully when i post it you’ll find my account again and find what you’re looking for. Matt Peake has always held a special place in my heart since I started watching Funhaus. Idk why really but he makes me happy and is just such a sweetheart, and I never get bored of him, I even made a vine edit or two of him back in the day. (Let me know if you guys would be interested in me digging that up lmao) I’ll start working on it as soon as I can anon, thank you for your request.All my love,Xx
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youtubexreader · 7 years
hey fam squad, I’m currently writing, but needed your opinions/preferences on if I were to write in first person, rather than how I traditionally write imagines. If you want to simply send me an anon saying what you think about it I’d really, really, really, appreciate the feedback! (keep in mind that I wouldn’t write like that every time, I think we’d all get bored of always getting the same thing.)
All the love. X
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youtubexreader · 7 years
working on some treyco x reader, should be done soon but I'm still having a lil writer's block.
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youtubexreader · 7 years
Send in yo' requests ~ final's week relief
I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you at this ungodly hour (it's 9:41am and I have so much school shite I should be doing but therz no time) Fellow readers and lurkers, reading fanfics have kept me up days in a row (back when I went to a traditional fckn school) and I would get up and read them specifically in government/Econ because we'd work on group projects so we'd lounge in the library while on our laptops and phones working and listening to music and I'd also be reading Matt peake x reader ff (sHHSHHH don't tell my Econ teacher) ANYWAYS! I know x reader ff have kept me occupied and helped get me out of anxious times during finals so I'd like to be able to write and provide the same for those alike: However I can't do much without your own thoughts, your preferences, prompts, specific requests, non specific requests, song requests, etc. You name it, send it in via anon, non anon, message, post. (Whatever you prefer <333)
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youtubexreader · 7 years
quick LUL (1)
Am I the only one who's noticed how the tags aren't working completely anymore? Like for example if you; a casual reader, were to search up some person x reader, it wouldn't show you all the posts that had been tagged. Anyways if this is an issue for yourself as well, what I've been doing is just doing *insert person* x reader into the web search bar/google.
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youtubexreader · 7 years
i n s e c u r e // aleks x punk/emo!reader
Hey, sorry I haven't posted an imagine since dec 25th 2015. (Yikes) I can't thank this person enough for reaching out and letting me know what they thought of my work, if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't have posted anymore, but I really cracked down on myself to focus on things I love doing, and that being writing for you guys. (Also I'm sorry it took so so long to finish and post this, the request was fun to write- I just have been continuously been getting non-stop, back to back, extremely sick out of nowhere and also for things I don't think I could have prevented- it has been a really rough time for me and I've been under a lot of stress and pressure for my age.) hopefully it's somewhat good or moderately enjoyable, ESPECIALLY for the AMAZING AND RAD REQUESTER ILYSSSSM Much love as always! Keep sending in requests, and share your thoughts! / reblog to share the luhv of ff <333 Xx. !request: “ Thank you so much!!! Could i please have an Aleks x Punk/Emo Reader please? I dont mind what i will let you choose Again i love your work ❤️❤️❤️ ” (again thank you to the person who requested this, I didn't know if you were comfortable or not with your blog being directly @'ted. Regardless! Much love to you, thank you for your amazing amazing amazing support and incredible patience!) Warnings(ish idk??): swearing, slight sexual themes, self esteem issues. ((sorry I don't know how to actually do posts with cuts in them/posting without good formatting, I'm still using mobile.)) - - - - - "Thanks for the ride-" he started, but you cut him off with a "don't mention it-". You pulled out of the driveway of aleks' house and made your way to the 'boonies', not with much excitement. It was just early enough with the time change to need a pair of shades. 'Sonofa-' and with that, you realized you left yours on your kitchen counter. 'Great' you thought, thinking you'd be able to look decent and have everything together so this wouldn't have to be a more agonizing ride than it was planned out to be. But clearly that wasn't going to happen. It was agonizing because of your own mind. It was making this 'internship' harder than it should. Constantly having to deal with an overwhelming amount of editing, filming, and have a cute colleague drive your blood pressure through the roof whenever they're around was really bringing you to the brink of insanity. "So." He started "You're different." Just that half of a statement made you want to jump out of the car. You didn't want to play this game; the whole 'get to know why she acts that way', 'dresses this and that way', 'simply breathes that way'. It was crystal clear to say the least, that in your mind he's way out of your league. There's no reason for him to try to get to know you? What's he pushing this for? Just to be a dick to the dumb intern? All of these thoughts running faster and faster, only adding to your groggy state. Your knuckles were practically white from your grip on the wheel. Somehow, Aleks noticed that. You can feel his eyes on your hands, so you try to ease up. But he'll never seem to make things easy. "Uu-h yeah, I guess.-" trailing off, Aleks still had his eyes set on you. "I mean not in a bad way- oh god..." sighing in defeat almost, letting his head fall back on the headrest as if he had a migraine or broke his great grandmother's fine china. "It's fine, I get it." You replied simply, trying your hardest to not fall into your insecurities. Whatever he saw that was "different" made you worry. What was it exactly? The band tees, the consistent hair dye changes, the piercings, the stacked amount of bracelets on your arms of random ones you've come across, and ones with your favorite band's logos on them? As soon as the car was parked, you hopped out, grabbing your bag and heading towards the barn while hitting the lock button on your keys as soon as you heard aleks' door close. 'Please ease up- just today?' You mentally bargained with Christ. He's probably too busy, and that leaves you with the one and only Satan. He didn't even know he was doing this to you, and you'd figured that was possible but just had found it easier to believe he did it on purpose. Aleks was at his desk, which was facing yours, just humming and doing the random subconscious things he always does. Persona pushed aside, he had so many features that were meant to be framed in an art museum. When he's concentrating, he always wrinkles his forehead and rests his chin on his hand. Both of you had been stuck with editing a lot more than usual, and James had something to do so he left early. The quiet background music you had playing on another tab ended, you didn't bother with putting on another song, you were so close to finishing the last couple post-rolls. Aleks was still in front of you, probably almost done too- you just stared at your screen till you heard him start quietly saying something in Russian. He was so out of it- If someone was just walking in it would seem like it was just you watching carefully, as if you knew what he was saying. But really, it was you distracted completely by him slowly gliding his tongue across his bottom lip and biting down on it out of habit. The sound of his feet shifting across the cold floor made you look back at your screen, but his voice- whatever he was saying, you had no clue. But it was hot as fuck, yet also so soothing. Letting your head rest on your hand you instinctively let your eyes rest as well. You've never breathed deeper than in that moment. "y/n?" He carefully whispered, looking across the desk to see you, looking peaceful and completely at ease. His breath was stuck in his throat instantly. He would've taken a picture of you so he could remember what you looked like when you're not tense and stressed but your eyes quickly opened. "You look tired as hell, if you have more post-rolls left I don't mind finishing them for you tomorrow." He said almost in a whisper; like he was afraid of bothering you. "Hmn-? Oh! N-no, I was finished a little bit ago, I must've dosed off." "You look like you chugged a bottle of zquil, y/n..." Eyebrows raised and all, you realized that you were indeed the most tired you've ever felt, Lack of sleep to be the blame- the third night without sleep to be exact. "You can call shotgun, I'll drive. C'mon, it's the least I can do. Besides paying for gas money until I can get my car done." He continued giving you hopeful brown eyes that you were quick to avoid. You were easily convinced to say the least. How could you not be? "Fine, I guess..." you said grabbing your jean jacket and backpack. Quickly turning off lights and set ups, you both walked out and locked the door in a slight hurry, the temperature dropped, no surprise. Keys in one hand you passed them to him, your hands briefly touching. "Hope you know how to drive a stick shift." You said hoping he couldn't see your flushed cheeks as you strolled slyly over to the passenger side keeping your eyes down. Quickly hopping in, you rubbed your arms up and down trying to create some warmth. He chuckled, his breath visible in the cold air. 'I'm so fucked' you thought. "Hm?" Aleks murmured stopping what he was doing and staring directly at you. "What? Did I say something?" You asked, trying so hardly to play it off. "Well, I guess not-" he looked back down with a smirk and turned the keys igniting the engine. "Do you have an aux cord?" He asked "Uh no..." "Do you always just drive in quiet?" He pressed. "Ha, no!? I just have a lot of uh..." squeezing your eyes shut to avoid getting worked up. 'CDs, y/n?! Just say you are an avid CD collector because you deeply appreciate your emo phase and the bands that had been apart of it!' You thought. 'Stop being such a baby!' Your conscious scolded. You wanted to curl up in a ball. There's no way to avoid it anymore, you sold yourself to the devil when you listened to 'I don't love you', by my chemical romance. You'd rather be in a passenger seat with your worst ex right now rather than deal with his judgement. "Oh! You have cds? Are they in the console? Dude, that's so sick! I have a ton of cds too!" He exclaimed with a childish but sincere excitement. Every single word flew over your head. He began to lift up your console that was stashed full of your life's collection of ridiculous cds, special edition copies, ep's. Oh god... As he scooted your elbow off of it and went on to open it, you inhaled and let your head fall against the window. 'FUCKFUCKFUCK-' you screamed repeatedly over and over in your head, but you were stopped by the sound of the console quickly closing. "I'm so stupid," he muttered, letting out a sigh. "Just- uh, get comfortable and shit, and uh try and sleep- that was my reason for driving you-" he spoke almost mad. His previous excitement completely gone. Just a douchey outer shell of a content creator you used to admire. Maybe he really isn't the way you thought he was, that cute, rowdy, and funny personality who would give even a weirdo like you a chance. Or even a friendship. "Aleks, you really don't need to! I'm okay, really, you look much more tired-" you stopped when you saw his stare saying all too much. "Okay, fine. I'll try and sleep." You groaned turning on your side facing the window as best as you could. Your hood helped a lot, but still it was cold as heck. You drifted off quickly, the last thing you remember seeing was rain drops rolling down the window. "You call the shots babe, I just wanna be yours, secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought, maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, wanna be yours, wanna be yours, wanna be yours..." your eyes blinked open slowly trying to reassess what's happening. You see the familiar street lamps passing by and you slowly breathe again, happy to almost be home. You smiled at the realization that Aleks had been singing the entire time, and it definitely wasn't the radio, no one has played this since it was big only meaning he went through your cd stash. His voice distracted you, making your stomach giddy like it does when you're on a trampoline, not knowing how high up you're going, and the unknowing feeling of when you're going to catch ground, over and over. Finally the car was parked, ignition turned off. And a tired Aleks gently rubbed your arm up and down in an attempt to bring you back to consciousness, although you definitely already were. You also realized the familiar fabric laying over you; it was his jacket. Your heart melting, you attempted to fake stirring in your sleep, not giving up the act that easily. An audible sigh was heard from your left, Then the obvious jingling of keys, and then another sigh. "y/n/n, What's wrong?" He asked out loud. Him calling you by your nickname hit you in your gut. No one does that. "Huh?" You asked, pretty confused. "Why do you always do shit to push me away?" Now he had your full attention. "What are?-" "No!" He loudly stopped you. What's happening with him? "Why do you always push me away?" He asked again while attempting to keep you in your seat with his awfully harsh eyes glaring into your own. "What the fuck Aleksandr?" You pushed yourself up grabbing the door handle and seeing he purposely locked the door. Great. "I- I just want to know why, you won't ever talk to me normally, you can barely tolerate a drive with me? What's your fucking deal?!" He was yelling too loud for you to even think. Your fingers pulling at your roots out of frustration. Not even feeling the pain it was causing to your head. "Have you never felt insecure, aleks? You don't get it! Why the fuck do you care anyways?! Just so you can hear someone say how much they like you? Or how much better you are than them?-" by now tears tinted black were streaming down your face uncontrollably. All the pent up frustration and feelings were unveiled and put on show like a trophy case. If you weren't so sleep deprived and out of your head you'd shut up by now. "You know what? Tomorrow, I'll just turn in my r-" With no warning, and ridiculous speed, he had his hand impatiently bringing your face to his, he let his other hand take your chin, tilting it up towards his soft and smooth lips. He didn't bother being polite or delicate, he was just as pissed off at you for no clear reason too. He made sure to let you know that- he wasn't easing up, and you couldn't care less. His lips were saying things that words never could, but in sync, as if you completely were on the same page. He'd bite down on your bottom lip harshly and use his teeth to pull on it, then suck on it again and again until you'd moan uncomfortably. Groaning he grabbed your hips and managed to sit you on his lap while not leaving your mouth alone. You impatiently kissed and bit all along his jaw, the smell of his aftershave burning through you, watching his head tilt back and eyebrows furrow. His hands weaving in your hair, pulling slightly, continuously panting against your mouth as he let your weight fall against him, foreheads resting on another. Your skin was dotted with bruised and pulsing teeth marks. His pale skin practically mirrored yours. "Ah f-fuck y/n-" he moaned in your ear, tightening his hold on you. He shifted in the seat from under you trying to get you to stop subconsciously writhing your hips back and forth, not doing anything other than holding you tighter, and letting his head fall into your neck when you'd stilled finally getting the message. He clearly was trying to control himself, he wouldn't take advantage of this; no matter how much he enjoyed being under you. "y/n? Can I take you to your room? Not like to fuck! But to sleep with- shit, next to you?" He asked, eyes rolled back. "Yes- yes, please... Are you okay, Aleks? I'll get off of you-" "Ah. No, fuck- just don't move for a second babygirl, okay?" He hissed grabbing your hips as you arched yourself forward. Smirking, you nodded in his neck, though the nickname he gave you just made you want to do your worst, he probably hadn't even realized he said that, but damn. You breathed heavily and stayed as still as you could so he could catch his breath. Soon enough he finally got out of the car, and swiftly picked you up, not without kissing you harshly on your lips, before picking you and his backpack up, and made his way to your bedroom. He laid you down softly, and set his backpack down, taking of his shirt and jeans in the process as you did somewhat the same. He made his way around the bed and crawled under your covers, his needy hands reaching out for your sides to embrace, you could feel how easy it was to reciprocate his feelings. Which you did. He pulled you tightly flushed against him, his cold fingertips tracing up your sensitive sides with his head resting into your neck and hair. Any movement would probably just grind on him- which was fun, but both of you were so content being just like this, it could wait till morning. Never thinking you'd be in the same bed as him washed over you, and his cold breath and movements, it was hard to close your eyes from trying to burn the mental picture of him. He looked so peaceful and worry free. His arms tied around your back as his chest became the best pillow you'd ever had. Getting to stare at his tattoos felt like a blessing. Tracing the outlines of some and relaxing to the feeling of his breathing was something you can't help but want to be able to do forever. Occasionally while admiring his entire being a kiss would be planted here and there on his chest. This went on till he moaned and slowly opened his brown eyes to only be a couple inches from yours. He trailed his hand ever so slowly up the outside of your left leg to pull it up on his waist. Feeling every part of him as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest and letting his lips dwell all over. "y/n?" he asked in a rough voice, "Why didn't you want me to look in the console?" He softly asked "…well, it's just embarrassing. I don't want you to see my cds and shit because I know you would hate me even more and peg me as some punk ass if you saw how many band posters I have-" "Wait- you think I hate you? y/n, of all things to get insecure about- your music taste is nothing that you should be paranoid about." He said leaning on his elbow looking down at you "I love a lot of the same bands you do- I just thought I'd look like a tool if I walked up to you and sounded like a dick only talking to you about one band on your shirt. I'd been wanting to ask you out- I just didn't have the balls to make a move till last night..." His sentence was cut short by your mouth on his, stopping his banter of self consciousness made you understand how ridiculous your own was. It was definitely reassuring to hear him say that he did like your He sat on top of you quickly, to whisper "my taste in music iS YOUR FACE!-" as loud as he could, which in turn, started a pillow fight of attempting to suffocate each other with a pillow. Also making you both late for work, let's just say you regret not having time to put makeup over the bruises that littered your neck. You two would never hear the end of that.
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youtubexreader · 7 years
update (I'm sorry for holdin out fam)
update: 1 (for the road) // pun tho — just an fyi: I am still alive, and currently writing. Although it's taking longer than usual, due to the forces of life, and being in a bad, depressing, and stressful place in life as a junior w a lot of bad stuff on my shoulders. (I promise I'll dig myself out of this hole, with or without Shia laBeouf's help.) ->> I will post as soon as I can :) please, by all means send me your requests, +prompts if possible, also it's always okay with me to be as specific as you want too. ((Also, sending me inspiration/ideas or random shit is strongly encouraged! :D)) I love you guys so so so much. (((Ps. To 'whoever' stole my MacBook, enjoy all the pictures of josh dun on it, and all of my fckn writing on it that wasn't backed up. I hope you're really freaked out by that. Lmao- my. pen. is. a. harpoon.)))
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youtubexreader · 7 years
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youtubexreader · 8 years
If I started writing again would you guys be interested in sending in some prompts and who you'd like??
//yo girl wants to start writing- but she needs your requests, so send in a prompt and person and I’ll do the rest// Xx.
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youtubexreader · 8 years
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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youtubexreader · 8 years
Aleks X Reader| Anxiety Attack
Hey friends, so here's a rough Drabble I did, and the first imagine on this blog! Please leave feedback and tell me what you think! :) —> pleaѕe ѕυвмιт yoυr reqυeѕтѕ! <— •Summary: reader has an anxiety attack and Aleks comforts and helps calm the reader down (Lotsss of Fluff) ——– -•|disclaimer: I put my personal experience with my own anxiety disorder in this so its just my own feel about it and stuff. Please know that if you need anyone to talk to about this subject or if you feel anxious or just need someone to talk to please feel free, I'm always on here and am willing to take hours to talk! Xx. |•- —— •Warnings: anxiety is mentioned in this so if you are easily triggered then I recommend you don't read this one. <3 —— •Mood: FLUFF! ———————————— >Sudden loud sounds are your enemy, each one is noise to most, but a weapon of timely destruction to some.< - The striking of lightning bolting to wherever followed by a unfortunately familiar crash of thunder scared you awake. Shooting up in bed in a confused panic, you realized what had you almost in tears, you're body ridden with tremors and anxiety, an ice cold yet warm feeling crawling suddenly down your spine alerting you of a triggered panic attack. Aleks? I need Aleks where is? You frantically tossed the covers off of you turning to focus on the dimly lit alarm clock. "Huh?" It's just now 12:36am. Aleks must be on his way home then! And you hoped to all that was holy that he would be home quick. Quickly with trembling hands you reach to your side table and grab your phone looking at the notifications, "sorry for bein at the office a little late I'm on my way home, be there in like 5 mins" Oh thank god you thought, you ran down to the living area waiting impatiently, you feel your chest tighten at the feeling of not being able to breath, 'Hurry up aleksandr I need you I swear to-' your thoughts were silence day the sound of keys dangling against each other as the lock to the front door was unlocked and in walked your savior. "Aleks!" you said in a rush to get to him from across the room. His head snapped in your direction startling him "Fuck! Y/n I didn't know you were there! You scared the shit out of me!" He put his hand on his heart with his eyes shut, then looked back at you, " I'm sorry, I just-" his facial expression quickly changed to a look of concern and worry when he took in your appearance, he dropped his backpack without a thought, "oh shit, babe." he walked fast to you and held your elbows walking you steadily to the couch as your hands placed on his chest. "Aleks I just freaked out, I don't know! But my anxiety I can't breathe" you struggled to say in a breathless voice. " hey, hey, look at me." You did as he said, "I will help you get through this, I'm here now, you aren't alone baby it's all alright now." " now inhale 5 seconds" he said as he demonstrated by breathing with you. "-and exhale 5 seconds" as you did so you felt his thumb lightly glide across your cheek, wiping stray tears rolling down your face. this kept going for a few minutes till you calmed down a little. And thankfully the storm let up, now only rain was heard against the windows. Aleks held you so close as you were clinging to him while continuing breathing routines, but he could even tell that it wasn't working, he remembered that you needed your meds when it got this bad. "y/n, baby?" You looked up at him with puffy red blotchy eyes, "hmm?" You hummed in response, "I'm going to grab your meds from upstairs, okay?" He said while rubbing soothing circles on your hip, his hand slightly under the thin material of your shirt making his touch more comforting and loving. Still extremely anxious, you nodded carefully with a scared look on your face. "I promise I'll be right back you won't even know I moved. You need your pills badly and it kills me to see you like this any longer." "Okay." You said with a sad smile. He slowly leaned in and pressed his soft lips to your forehead as his hand raised up to gently cup the side of your face as he quickly kissed you and got up and headed for the stairs. "Top drawer, nightstand, right?" He said while making his way to the stairs leading to your shared bedroom. "Uh huh" "okay just a sec babe!" Rattling through the drawer in your side table could be heard, along with mishka's sudden whimpering from her spot in the corner across the room. " Mishka, Come here, it's alright." You called to the lonesome dog. You saw her ears perk up and she quickly got up and pranced to the ground under where your feet lay. you twiddled with your pj bottoms in hope to stop thinking anxious thoughts Aleks returned within a minute with 2 cans of Pepsi max, your medicine, and a bag of animal crackers, which you both oddly loved. After setting down the other items in a hurry he got close to you and faced you as He held out his hand with two pills, and in his other hand a just opened Pepsi max, you whispered a thanks, then grabbed both pills and popped them in your mouth and quickly took a swig of the pop, downing them. Aleks set the can down on the coffee table and grabbed the tv remote and turned on The Office. then gently wrapped a blanket around the both of you. You finally felt calm and content, he held you close to his chest, making sure you felt secure in his comforting embrace, he said he picked this episode knowing you'd laugh and so would he, this was his and yours' favorite episode, when they have a fire drill and it all goes to shit. - About an hour or so later you began to feel drowsy and sleepy. You were now spooned with Aleks, facing his chest while laying on the couch. You smiled at the way he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly. "Aleks?" "Yes?" "Can you carry me to bed? I wanna go to sleep on a mattress, ya' know?" He chuckled, and you smiled as you felt it through his chest. "Of course you are my princess after all." Getting up and carefully picking you up like a bride and carried you to both of yours room. He laid you down then yawned while taking off his shirt and jeans, shuffling back to the side of the bed he crawled on the other side pulling back the covers. You moved closer to him and he held you with your head resting on his chest, as he ran his fingers through your h/c hair, "I love you y/n" glancing at him you gave him a long and passionate kiss, "I love you too meme boy." You laughed and drifted into an uninterrupted sleep, safe in each other's arms. And it was the only place you'd ever want to be.
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