#idubbbz x reader
pupcroft · 1 year
MY SONGS…YOUR VOICE — joji x reader
IN WHICH y/n is cooking and starts to hum Window and joji starts melt.
TW:: Japanese is spoke,, translations provided , fem reader.
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˖⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ݁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀˖
⠀𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌⠀𝘄𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵⠀𝖺⠀𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖺𝗇𝖽⠀𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕⠀𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 ,
⠀⠀🗝⠀𝗈𝗋⠀𝖺𝗍⠀𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁⠀𝖾𝗇𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁⠀𝗍𝗈⠀𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗹⠀𝗍𝗁𝖾⠀𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆 !⠀
˖⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ݁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀˖
As y/n rolled the makisu,, the sushi began to take shape as the birds twittered outside she began to absentmindedly hum her husbands song.
“I see nothing out the window, window~” y/n mused under her breath as she began to slice the sushi with the sharp knife,, as it hit against the board eventually placing the sushi on the slate platters.
“Nothing out the window” y/n sung as she lay the chopsticks down on the table she knew joji wouldn’t use them , most likely.
As joji walked out of the bedroom he heard slight singing and muttering he quickly recognised the song as one of his own, window from the In tongues (delux) album a small rose tint spread across his neck as he smiled.
Walking into the kitchen joji wrapped his arms around y/n’s waist as she smiled moving her head back to meet her husbands eyes ,, the eye bags she loved so much the honey eyes she could loose herself in for hours.
“Hi, Ningyō (doll)” joji whispered planting a kiss on her forehead as his eyes scanned over his wife’s face her smile,, her soft lips the grapefruit chapstick made them evermore soft.
“Afternoon Dārin (darling)” y/n smiled as she gestured to the kitchen table jojis eyes darting to it as he noticed the plethora of home cooked food he smiled.
“Y/n miller what did I say about overworking yourself?” Joji remarked as he sat down at the table next to his girlfriend planting a firm hand on her thigh.
“Believe me, George, it didn’t take long to make I’ve been doing it for years it doesn’t feel like too much anymore” y/n answered as she played some of the tuna rolls.
“Whatever you say, Shin'ainaru-kun e (my dear)” George’s laughed lightly as he picked up some of the salmon sashimi.
“Anyway love, how are max and Ian?” You asked as george sighed eventually finishing the sashimi
“They were busy today but I plan to see them soon!” He laughed as smiled widely as y/n planted a hand on his shoulder as a knock rang through the apartment George perked his head to the side as y/n stood up
“Hold on I’ll get it hanii (honey)” y/n sped to the door watching as a very excited max and Ian waited at the door y/n planted a finger over her lips ushering them in
“Ian? Max?” Joji asked as he sprung from his seat speeding to the two men engulfing them in a group hug they both smiled.
“I thought you guys where busy??” Joji questioned as they all sat at the table tucking into the food below them.
“We where on the plane here you silly cunt” max chuckled as he swallowed the sushi.
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delicrieux · 7 years
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requested by anon🌻 prompt:  yay!! im so glad you write for ian he’s adorable! can you do one of just general cute couple affection and fluffiness around his friends but he doesnt quite care a/n: he is so cute
masterlist | ko-fi | fics as movies
You and Ian had been dating for a while now. And you really aren’t the kind of person to hide your feelings. What came as a surprise is that Ian is relatively the same, too. He likes to hold your hand. He likes to play with your hair and he always pulls you into his chest when the two of you are sitting. Being around people doesn’t change him. Neither of you care if Max or Joji are watching you two talk and cuddle, but damn does it get annoying when Max starts spouting bullshit as if it would hurt him to shut up.
It had been a long night and you and Ian plopped down on the couch as soon as you got home. It was after Joji’s concert, and Max was tagging along like a lost puppy. Ian hugged you. You aww’ed. Max pretended to throw up.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, if you two start calling each other ‘Snuckums’ or ‘Loveberry’ or some shit like that, I swear to fuck I will vomit.” Max mumbles.
“Oh?” You raise a brow, “Should we?”
“Would make for some fine content, Max.” Ian chimes in.
“When was the last time you uploaded?” You question.
“I think we might be doing you a favour.”
Max snorts, “Oh, fuck off…”
requests are open!
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lovebxt · 7 years
Requests are open!
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Hello all! Sam here to let y’all know that all request slots are open! That includes but is not limited to:
❥ drabbles
❥ matchups
❥ headcanons
Please take a look at my faq before submitting! Fandoms that I write for most often are listed here as well as some dos and don’ts!
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crashed-in-deep · 7 years
All Choked Up
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Chapter Two: Drunk Mario Kart
For the next two weeks, Ian would go into the café every day. There was always the occasional day where (Y/N) wasn’t working but that was alright. At the end of the two weeks, he finally got her number.
Ian: Hey girl, how you doing?
Y/N: Missing you ;) Jk, just playing some video games
Ian: Awe, I was hoping u would start missing me by now :( u’ve gone five minutes without seeing me
Ian: what r u playing?
Y/N: You know I always miss you when we aren’t together, you nerd. Playing splatoon. I would play Mario Kart but it’s boring alone :/
Ian: omg!! Mario kart is like my fave game ever!! I bet I could beat u at it ;)
Ian: actually, I have some friends over rn what if we all played together that’d b cool right?
Y/N: Sure, that sounds like an awesome idea!
Ian: sweet, do u want us to come get u or do u want to just come over? I have it on the switch and have ton of different controllers
Y/N: Just give me your address and I’ll head over. Want me to pick up some pizzas? :)
Ian: ilu ur the best
Ian: jk I actually don’t
Ian: well mayb
Ian: get papa johns, pepperoni sausage and mushroom. All on separate pizzas tho otherwise ew
Ian: I’ll send u directions to my house since ik where u live
Y/N: Well, that’s totally NOT creepy. >.>
Ian sent her the directions and then set his phone down, telling her to be safe on her way over here. He sat his phone down and returned his attention to Joji and Max.
“So, you guys ready to meet the most perfect girl in the universe?” Ian grinned, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“You? Net a perfect girl?” Max snorted. “What is she, fucking gay?”
Joji snickered at his joke and Ian rolled his eyes. “Hey dude, don’t be so negative. I’m really happy that Ian has finally found someone to be interested in. He can only fuck his dog for so long.” Joji wrinkled his nose up and laughed his ass off, Max joining him in the intense laughter.
Ian punched Joji in the shoulder. “Dude what the fuck. I thought you were going to stick up for me.” Ian rolled his eyes and groaned. “Come help me clean up the entertainment room, faggots.”
The guys followed Ian to the basement to help clean up the entertainment room. On the far side from the door was a personal bar. The wall behind the bar was stocked with tons of different types of alcohol. There was probably about a hundred bottles behind there. In front of the bar was four bar stools. In the center of the room, back against the wall, were three rows of theater seats. The wall in front of those seats had a large movie screen on it.
“I always forget how bomb it is down here.” Joji trailed off, shocked.
“Well, Max has Pokemon. I have movies and video games.” Ian smirked. “I need something fun for the gaming channel.”
Max rolled his eyes, pretending to be unimpressed.
“Oh, there’s also a pool table, air hockey, ping pong and other games like that through that door.” Ian pointed to the door in between the movie screen and the bar. “Now, help me set up the switch. We about to Mario Kart up in here, bitches.”
Ian made a mixed drink of pineapple juice, cake vodka, and sprite over at the bar. After his concoction was finished, he grabbed two slices of mushroom pizza and plopped down on the couch with (Y/N). The other three split the other two pizzas in between themselves. Ian looked over at (Y/N) and smiled softly at her. She had her hair tied up and was wearing glasses. She had on a t-shirt with a green mushroom from Mario that said, ‘get a life’ and a pair of Rick and Morty pajama pants. Ian had on a black sweatshirt that said, ‘cunt’ in the middle of it and gray sweatpants. Joji had a pink hoodie on and was wearing plaid pajama pants. And Max was wearing a Pikachu kigurumi.
“Ian made a good choice when he picked you.” Max winked at (Y/N). “You’re fuckin’ sexy as hell.” He smirked at her.
“Max shut the fuck up you dumb cunt.” Ian gave him a shitty look. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
(Y/N) looked at them both, very confused. Her face was red due to embarrassment, confusion, and a tiny bit flattered. “Uhm… thank you, Max?” She scooted closer to Ian, uncomfortable about this situation.
Ian rested his hand on her back, rubbing it softly. He helped her calm down a bit, and she smiled at him in thanks. He quickly finished off his mix drink and got up to make another. “Now whose ready for Mario Kart? I’m ready to kill your asses you guys.” Ian grinned deviously
Ian picked Waluigi, obviously, (Y/N) picked female Villager from Animal Crossing, Max picked Donkey Kong, and Joji picked pink Shy Guy. They had picked banana cup because it was the worst cup and they thought worst should be first.
As they progressively got more drunk while playing, everyone was beating Ian by miles. During one of the races he drove backwards for the entire race. Once he had realized what had happened he quickly went and finished the race. The other three had been done and just laughed over how slow he was for doing this shit. Overall, (Y/N) won three cups, Joji won two, Max won one, and Ian won none. It was kind of sad, really. He was trying his hardest to impress (Y/N) but obviously couldn’t when it had to come to drunk Mario Kart.
Ian probably won the contest for drinking the most alcohol, though. He had finished off an entire bottle of vodka and the others finished off a whole case of beer. It was about an hour and a half later and everyone was dead drunk. Everyone was laying on the couches completely out of it.
“Maybe we should like… sleep?” Ian croaked out.
They all groaned in agreement. Slowly, but surely, they all got up and headed for the staircase. Max had tripped going up it and fell down the stairs. It was hilarious, but they were all way too out of it to laugh at him. Ian grabbed his hand and pulled him up, even though he was still pissed off over the comments he made about (Y/N).
“Thanks dude…” He mumbled, taking another shot at the stairs.
After about fifteen minutes they made it all the way up the stairs. Ian and Max went to their rooms. They weren’t always at Ian’s but when they were they would be there for a while. (Y/N) followed Ian to his room. Ian sat down on his bed for a moment and held the bridge of his nose, trying to regain his composure.
“Um, would you be like, comfortable sleeping in here with me?” He asked her, still looking down and holding his nose.
“Yeah, that’s fine as long as you don’t try to cop a move.” (Y/N) laughed loudly. “Because I probably wouldn’t oppose to that.” She walked to the side of his bed, pulled the blankets back, and plopped into his bed. She let out a quiet moan from how comfortable the bed was.
Ian stood up and rummaged through his closet, looking to find a pair of pajama pants. Once he found a pair he dropped his sweatpants and slid the other pair on. As he was changing, (Y/N) happened to look over and watched. As she was watching she bit her lip, checking out his ass. When he turned back around she looked away. Her cheeks burned as she tried to act like she hadn’t noticed what had happened.
Ian turned the lights off and then pulled the covers back on the other side of the bed. He slipped into the bed, took off his glasses, grabbed (Y/N)’s, and sat them on his bedside table. He relaxed into his bed on his side, until (Y/N) made grabbed his arm and pulled him onto his back.
“I get snuggles. Now.” She pouted, squeezing herself in between his arm and his side. She nuzzled against his chest softly.
The blush that had spread across his cheeks felt like a thousand suns, burning in one particular area. He wrapped his arm around her tightly. He left a soft kiss on the top of her head.
All that I want to show you how you’re nothing like all of them tell you.
To be more than just a cricket on your shoulder,
A little closer.
He had closed his eyes and prepared to sleep when she suddenly crawled up him and smashed her lips onto his. His eyes flung open as he looked at her, perched on top of him and kissing him aggressively. This night did not turn out how he expected it to.
A/N: Hey, follow this story on http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Go4V0yKmiF I update it more there. Thanks for reading :)
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sinsenator-blog · 8 years
Imagine the boys buying you lingerie
Joji, Max, Ian, and Chad. Saw a request for panty preferences and I screamed. Also, don’t let any of these pictures make you feel bad about yourself, you’re all fuckin’ sexy and you could rock it all.
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Joji would buy you something with as little coverage as possible, finding the tease of skin exposed through lace and sheer panels sexy. He’d also make you take it off, slowly.
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Max loved to see you in anything soft, and frilly. Finding that they highlighted the natural, sexy shape of your body. Hugging your curves just right. He also loved how easily bralettes were to get off.
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Ian loved over the top lingerie, garter belts, stockings, the whole nine yards. He especially loved how you looked in red. He never really spent that much on any underwear he bought you though. Since it’d probably get torn off anyways.
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Chad thought the whole idea of lingerie was unnecessary, he preferred you naked, over all. So it surprised you when he did buy you some. He’d keep it simple and basic, easy to take off. More for you to feel sexy, than him.
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idubbbzarms · 6 years
Here I am I have returned! So requests will be back open, I am feeling inspired to write some more fanfic but maybe keep them cancer crew based,
Thanks for sticking around kids :)
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jojismile · 7 years
masterlist ♡
hello! so i don’t know how many imagines or whatnot i’ll be writing but i just think this may be a more accessible way to read what i write! (if you want to of course)
send me requests in my ask!
here are a few rules or whatever:
if you want a specific plot please lmk so I don’t write something you don’t want
no smut!! I’m not really comfortable writing it!!
You can now request song fics!! i never realized how much inspiration i get from music lmao
I’m not open for pregnancy fics but im like opne to write ‘dad!whoever’ fics/drabbles
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Cancer Crew
we’re not a couple (platonic)
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George “Joji” Miller
summer loving
dawn of love {one} {two}
i didn’t need this anyway
i miss you baby
i still love him
pleasant surprise
it’s been too long
work in progress
work in progress
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Ian “idubbbz” Carter
just a few thoughts
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Max “maxmoefoe” Stanley
work in progress
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Brian “Rich Brian” Imanuel
a little more than friends
dating brian
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cxncxrcrxw · 7 years
Right Now (( Joji Miller Imagine ))
warning: this one is a tear jerker. 
You had left him alone. In a room. With your family and some of your closest friends. He was sweating too, to the point that in had comedic potential. 
His hair, messy from lack of care, bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, clothes in wrinkles and hands shaking, he cursed your name under his breath. 
Because you had left him here alone. 
Joji wasn’t entirely angry at you- he knew you didn’t do it to vex him. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop you from going. Fact of the matter was- you didn’t just leave him, the two of you hadn’t broken it off. 
You had left everyone. Every single person in the room. And they all felt what he was feeling, however, he couldn’t relate to any of them. 
They’d arranged this, this church service, for you? Did they even know you at all? It was hypocritical bullshit, the idea that they would put you through this when they knew very fucking well how you felt about these types of things. 
But you had, yet and still, left him in the spotlight of your beloved. He skimmed around the room with his bloodshot eyes, hazily he read the minds of people around him. 
Your best friend. You hadn’t seen them in years, but the two of you called every day, and were still constantly texting like you did in highschool. They were staring right back at Joji with the same look. 
Your family, the ones who planned the service and gave George no say or chance for input, stared at the japanese-australian with a look of dispair, anticipation, and anger. 
He knew damn well how they felt about them- fucks sake, he had taken their little girl miles away, maybe they had a bit of a right. He knew what was going on. They were waiting for his speech. 
George coughed, skimming his eyes around the room one last time, before realizing that he knew what you would want, if you were here right now. 
“Y/N was the funniest person I’ve ever met, or will meet. She was dependable, loving, and young-spirited. She was my babygirl.. as she was yours.” He began, he could feel tears welling up already. 
“When I met her, she told me that her best friend and her had seen my channel, and thought it was the funniest shit. She told me that whenever her parents were giving her a hard time, she turned on my music and listened to my voice, no matter how serious or not serious the lyrics were, or the video was.” His voice level was rising, becoming angrier. 
“And she told me, that when she told her parents she didn’t believe in anything, she had never felt more isolated. She told me that she had never felt at home until she was with Y/BFF/N, or me. When she moved in, that first night she cried because of how comfortable she felt being there. We sat on the couch we now shared and watched The Simpsons, she layed in my arms and kept hold of my hand.” 
Finally, Joji broke down. 
“You don’t understand how badly I want her hand in mine again.”
Your family looked appalled, but it was within reason. Joji didn’t care. He pulled a box out of the pocket of his sweatpants, the ones he’d been wearing for three days straight. He opened it up, in it a ring. Gold, with diamonds forming a rough circular shape. And engagement ring. The crowd went silent. 
“I was going to ask her.. I was going to take her to her favorite restuarant, and I was going to ask her to be my wife. She never came home for our date.” He was now choking out sobs, slobber dripping from his lips, nose running as he had to yell to make words come out. 
“She wouldn’t of wanted me to do this.. she wouldn’t want me crying in front of people who will only talk about the spectacle our relationship was.. but here I am. I failed Y/N, we all did.” Leaning against the podium, he could feel his heart pounding, stomach folding inside his torso. 
You had left him. You had left them. 
Joji walked off the front, running out, the door slamming open and shutting behind him.
He had to leave this funeral home.
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moneyshotian · 7 years
"why do you always walk your dog at exactly 12am every night? do you not enjoy sleep?"
I chose ian for this prompt, hope you like it! feedback is always appreciated
Youwere for the most part; not too much of a light sleeper, but lately,it seems every little thing wakes you up in the middle of the night.
Everynight for the past week, your neighbor, you can’t recall his name,the cute one with the glasses, you’d call him, always walked his doglate at night.
The dogwas usually on it’s best behavior. You couldn’t recall it barkingduring the day and it was mostly quiet, except for when he decided totake it on a walk at 12 AM, it gets so excited that it’d bark loudlyuntil you were forced out of your sleep, waiting for the guy and hisdog to leave. You had no idea why no one else decided to complain.
Yougroaned loudly, hearing the dog start to bark and you moved theblankets from your body, anger sweeping over your features as you gotup from the bed. You glanced at the clock before walking out, 12 AM.
Youshook your head, throwing on a sweatshirt over your pajamas as youmade your way to the front door of your apartment. You pressed yourear to the door, waiting for the sound of his door to open.
Onceyou heard the door open and close, you swung open the door. Thesudden movement right across the hall, mildly startled the tall manin front of you.
Hecould tell you were angry, but he didn’t have much time to greet youbefore you started talking.
“Whydo you always walk your dog at exactly, 12 AM, every night? Do younot enjoy sleep?” You narrowed your eyes at the man, who onlylaughed in response.
“It’snot my fault you’re such an early bird.” He responded, tilting hishead at you, looking much like a puppy.
Youscoffed, wanting to sass the man back, but his dog decided to paw atyour leg and your eyes immediately softened at the creature. Youkneel down to be at eye level with the dog as a grin was replaced onyour face when the dog licked you. “Well, thank you! Aren’t you thesweetest?” You smiled at the dog, scratching behind it’s ears andpetting it’s head, completely forgetting about the dogs owner and whyyou were here in the first place.
Iancleared his throat, attempting to hide a smile at the view in frontof him. A cute girl petting his dog, maybe he should use Silvio topick up girls more often.
Youwere pulled away from the dog to look up at his owner; your neighbor.“Sorry, your dog is just so cute. What’s their name?” You smiledup at him, still petting the dog.
“Ian-I mean, that’s my name, the dog is Silvio.” He stuttered a bit, asmall blush making it’s way onto his cheeks and you laughed, standingup again to face him.
“Well,Ian, it’s nice to finally know your name. I’m Y/N.”
Ianpushed up his glasses, nodding his head at you, a shy smile on hisface. “It’s nice to know your name too, Y/N.”
Youstood there for a minute in silence before biting at your bottom lip.“I came out here to complain, but I like you and your dog enough tooverlook this.”
Ianlaughed and the sound made your smile widen even more. “How verykind of you. I’d love to continue talking, but I don’t want Silvio topiss in these hallways, I’ll probably get evicted.”
Younodded your head at him before petting his dog on the head once more.“Till next time.”
Youentered back into your apartment, a grin still on your face from theencounter, you didn’t want to be creepy, but you wanted to get toknow him better.
Itwas the next weekend that you could stay up late and not care, yousat on the couch, waiting for the sound of Ian’s door to open. It wasprobably creepy, probably really creepy, but you wanted to see himand his cute dog again.
Yousighed, glancing at the clock, 12:30 AM. You were beginning to thinkthat maybe Ian wasn’t home, but you changed your mind as you heardthe barking and the door. You quickly shot up from the couch.
Yourfeet carried you to the door as you swung it open, face to face withIan. You weren’t exactly sure what your plan was, maybe just to talk.
“Hey!Glad I caught you I… Uh…” You racked your brain for some dumbexcuse as to why you needed to talk to him, but settled for the truthinstead. “I just wanted to see Silvio again.” Okay, so maybe itwasn’t the whole truth.
Ianbit his lip, nodding his head at you. He didn’t buy the excuse.
Youknelt down by the dog, Silvio gives you a hello kiss, you laughed yetagain at the feeling. “What a sweet dog.” You glanced up at Ian,who was already smiling down at you, but quickly averted his gazewhen you looked up.
“Heseems to like you.” Ian finally spoke, studying the way the dogacted around you.
“I’mglad! I definitely like him.” You gave Silvio one last pet beforeyou stood up. “I’ll let you two go, now.” You laughed, movingyour eyes away from Ian’s.
“Itwas good seeing you again.” He said before he moved to walk awaywith Silvio, but stopped abruptly, turning around to face you again.“Hey, do you wanna…” Ian cleared his throat. “Do you wannawalk with us, tonight? If you’re not busy or you don’t have to go tosleep yet?” Ian asked hopefully, hoping it wasn’t an odd request.
Youlaughed, looking down at your attire before you decided to shrug.“I’d love to.”
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fistingjoji · 7 years
39 IanxReader
From the OTP requests, hope this is ok!
You had no idea why Ian had dragged you out with him. Not that you didn't like being at the park or anything, you just weren't feeling it today. The air was chilly at this time of day, the sun was setting slowly, glimmering and sparkling as it nestled itself behind the luscious emerald trees. "Keep staring at the sun like that and you'll go blind, y/n" Ian said, smiling down at you. How long had he been looking at you? What did you miss? "Shit, sorry" you laughed nervously. "I think the cold's getting to me." Ian looked at your bare arms and frowned. You'd forgotten to bring your jacket again, he could see your finger tips becoming discoloured from the change in temperature. "No fucking wonder" Ian smiled comfortingly as he held your arm loosely, rubbing his warm thumb over your arm. A blush tinted your cheeks as a smile brightened your lips. "Here" Ian continued, slipping his jacket off, revealing a black 'I eat ass' shirt. You stepped back and held your hands out in front of you. "No no no no no. That's your jacket, you put it back on now. Besides, you're skinnier than me, the cold will get to you faster" you protested. The lanky man in front of you smiled, as he pushed up his glasses with one finger. "Alright" he said, slipping the jacket under his arm. "I guess neither of us are wearing it then." You could already hear a tremble in his voice. "Don't do that, just put it on already" you spoke nervously, worried deeply for your boyfriend's well being. "Nope, this jacket's for you and you only. I'm not putting this shit back on" he said as he gave you a childish, shit eating grin. He was stubborn as hell when he wanted to be and you didn't have the time to argue. The sun was barely peering over the horizon now, lamps throughout the park were warming up in an orange blaze. "Just.." you started, looking around you desperately. "Here, follow me." You grabbed his wrist, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of holding your hand and dragged him to a bench. "Sit" you said firmly, pointing to the bench. Ian laughed and sat down. "Whatever you say" he laughed with a bow, your cheeks burning with annoyance and embarrassment. "Shut up" you giggled. "Now, put your jacket on, but don't zip it up" you demanded. Hesitantly, Ian slipped his arms into his jacket, unsure of what to expect. "Perfect" you smiled. "Now stay still, I'm taking this seat." You walked towards Ian slowly, his eyes never leaving you. You climbed onto his lap, swinging both legs over one side before sitting down on his legs, your arms wrapped around him tightly. You pressed your head into his chest, listening to his heart beating quickly. Despite everything, he was still really warm. "Quickly, zip it up" your muffled voice broke out from his chest. Without a word, Ian's arms wrapped around you, zipped his jacket up, then rested comfortably. "Anybody who sees us will think I'm a pregnant homeless guy" Ian snickered. "You are a pregnant homeless guy" you laughed. Warmth swept over you quickly, as the lights in the park burned brighter and stars began to sprinkle themselves through the darkened sky, you reminded yourself of how nice it was to just be here in this moment. "You're very warm... It's nice" you yawned, sleep creeping up on you. "You wanna go home, baby?" Ian asked, his hands patting your hip gently. No reply. "I'm not gonna carry you... Baby?" Ian snuck his head under his jacket to find you sleeping softly, arms still clinging to him for dear life. He smiled and shook his head. He wasn't going to wake you, he's not that much of an asshole. His arms slipped under your butt and around your waist, cradling you as he started up the long journey back home. Part of him was jealous of you, knowing you'd be able to wake up in a nice warm bed. The rest of him was just happy to be this close to you, knowing he'd get to wake up next to you tomorrow.
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I will start back writing tomorrow- I promise I'll get SOMETHING out oml, it's just too late to start something tonight.
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gingersexualcunt · 6 years
Y’all should I post my shitty sad reader x Ian Carter/iDubbbz? Would y’all wanna see that shit?
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when joji posted these pictures
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wellick · 6 years
idubbbz x reader: ian roasts you on content cop
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crashed-in-deep · 7 years
All Choked Up
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Chapter One: Christmas Lights
A/N: This is slightly a song fic. I might just use this one song for the first chapter and then move on from there? I’m not quite sure yet, this is an experiment ;) This is the song, by the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCFHwoOObJk
All Choked Up
~ Third Person POV ~
Thank God I don’t think out loud
Too many thoughts in my head right now
Ian let out a soft sigh, warming his hands with his mug of chamomile tea. This was his favorite coffee shop. It was the only coffee shop in this area of California that still had outdoor seating during the middle of winter. Over the seating was a veranda which didn’t have full roofing. White Christmas lights were woven in between the wooden beams over head. The only lighting were the Christmas lights in this outdoor area. Besides the windows to the inside, of course.
Ian held the mug in one hand and used the other to push his bangs out of his face under his hat, the snow catching on the loose bangs. He replaced his other hand back on the mug and brought it to his lips, taking a sip of the still hot tea. The steam from the tea fogged his now cold glasses. I always hate when this happens. He frowned softly, waiting for the fog to disperse from his glasses.
“Excuse me, sir?” Ian quickly whipped his attention to the girl in front of him. “Are you sure you aren’t cold, sir? You can always go back inside. I just checked my phone and it’s only thirty degrees out right now.”
Everything slowed down in Ian’s perception when his eyes came across this girl.
Mostly concerning the moonlight
As it dances across your neck.
The snow lightly powdered her (Y/H/C) hair, light dust of snow making her hair look magical. The Christmas lights made it seem as if she was glowing. As if she was… some sort of queen. She was bundled up in a fuzzy sweater, far too thin for this temperature outside. She shivered slightly as she awaited a response from him.
“E-Excuse me… Can you please say that again?” Ian mumbled, entirely entranced by this woman.
“I asked you if you wanted to go inside, s-sir?” She repeated, her teeth quietly chattered in the cold.
“I, uh, no. I’m perfectly fine. I actually enjoy this type of temperature. Especially at this coffee shop, it is my absolute favorite.” Ian rambled, not knowing how to shut up.
“Alright then, s-sir. If you need me, I will be inside cleaning things up.” She smiled at him awkwardly and went to walk back inside the café.
“Excuse me, before you go! I never caught your name.” Ian nearly tripped over his own tongue as he asked.
“Oh, it’s (Y/N)… It’s nice to meet you.”
“(Y/N)…? That’s a wonderful name. I’m Ian, it was a pleasure to meet you, miss.” Ian felt his cheeks begin to heat as he realized how big of a dork he probably had sounded like.
She blushed softly as well and looked away, covering her mouth with her sleeve to muffle a giggle. God, she was absolutely precious. She raised her hand to him and walked back inside.
Ian leaned back in his chair and just stared at the sky. “What the fuck just happened…” He whispered softly to himself. He sat back and just thought about what just happened. How have I never seen her before? She must be new… I’m here at least once a week.
He slipped his phone out of his pocket and looked at the soft glow of the screen. The time read 11:43 pm. He noticed he had some missed texts from the guys and just ignored them. He needed this time to himself. He also needed this time to ponder what he would do next with this girl. Should he go bug her for her number? Or should he wait till another time to do that? This was all so confusing, he never acted like such a dumbass for a girl before. And hell, he didn’t even know her. After a few more moments of sitting he grabbed his mug and walked back inside.
“Finally decided to come out of the cold, huh?” (Y/N) laughed as she watched Ian come in.
Ian let out a small chuckle as well, brushing the snow off of his shoulders. “Yeah, I suppose I should come in since it’s so late. Do you need any help cleaning up? I see that I’m the only customer left here, sorry about making you stay late if I did.”
She shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Just don’t let my manager know you were helping for free. He doesn’t approve of slave labor.” She winked at him and laughed.
She walked into a door to the back and emerged a second later with a rag and bottle of cleaner. She handed them to me. “Can you wipe off the tables and booths, please? That would be so helpful as I finish up the dishes.”
“Yeah, no sweat. I went to college for table washing.” Ian chuckled and grabbed the bottle and rag from her.
“Hey, next time warn me when you’re going to make me clean the entire café. I might as well have a job here after tonight.” Ian laughed with her, gently bumping his shoulder against hers as they walked out.
“I didn’t say you had to do it. You just went and did it! I’ll make it up to you somehow, I promise.” A soft blush invaded her cheeks as she went to lock the door to the café.
As she was locking the door, Ian sized her up. Not exactly checking her out in a sexual manner, but more like just getting a better look at her. She was shorter than him, obviously since he’s a fucking giant. She also had good hips and just overall a good body. It firmly cemented the fact that he found her incredibly beautiful.
“You ready to go, Ian?” She tilted her head while looking at him, confused about what he was so intensely looking at.
Ian nodded, his cheeks pink once again. They walked next to each other along the sidewalk, getting to know one another as they walked towards their houses. This is the closest they have been so far. He became a bit more anxious. Was he being weird? Did she even like him? Was he just coming off as a creep? His hands began to sweat from his nerves and jammed his hands into his pockets.
He hadn���t even realized she was still talking to him because he was stressing over the fact he was anxious. “Ian. Ian. Dude, this is my place.” She gently punched him to get his attention.
He snapped his head to look at her and smiled at her. “Well, I guess this is goodnight then?”
“Yeah, I’m super beat after today. Am I going to be seeing you more often at the café from now on, since we’re buddies?” She looked at him innocently, which made his heart pump harder.
“Oh definitely. I’ll be coming for you from now on, not the tea anymore.” He winked at her, turning away slightly.
“Hey.” She said, in a smaller voice.
He turned around, a bit confused. “Hm?”
“Do you think… I could get a goodnight hug? You did walk me home and keep me safe… and all that stuff.”
Ian pepped up and nodded. He then started worrying about being overly excited. I wish someone would kick my ass over this stuff, Jesus Christ. Ian walked closer to her and held out his arms. She met him and they wrapped their arms around one another. He breathed in while they had been hugging and noticed how wonderful she had smelled. Stop being weird. Stop being weird. We both let go at the same time and I took a step back.
I’m out of practice, and you smell like roses.
I’m the mortal soldier, you’re queen of hearts
He waved good bye to her and began to walk towards his apartment. He really needed to get better at associating with women.
Hey, follow this story on http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Go4V0yKmiF I update it more there. Thanks for reading :)
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