#or non anons
mlarayoukai · 5 months
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andi-is-bored · 8 months
if you send me anon asks i’ll love you forever <33
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zosanbrainrot · 4 months
awww no now Sanji might need some hugs after all that crying
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not exactly a hug but dont worry Zoro's got him
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love-filter · 1 month
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in PANIC S01E06 ― "Dead End"
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askchuuyanakahara · 26 days
Chuuya~ we're not so lucky or worthy to get an actual kiss, can you at least blow us one 🥺👉👈
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Chuuya: "Please leave my office."
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Chuuya: "It'd be unfair if he knows where I live but I don't know where he lives, right?"
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Chuuya: "I doubt Dazai's gonna get scared over a phone message."
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Chuuya: "Although I really can't say what I do in depth."
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Chuuya: "I don't particularly like sitting down all day.."
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Chuuya: "It's not always because of me. He sometimes turns red even when I don't hit him."
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Chuuya: "Not that he'll check. He hates going to the hospital."
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@lacunazai @bioluminescentcat
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arkhamslvts · 11 months
jason has a big dick. we all know. what about him training you to take him all the way in your throat and you just can’t seem to do it so he takes control and throat fucks you
rahshshsjw ur genius angel.
listen. he tries to be gentle with you, at first he just eases in halfway, talking you through it nice and slow “it’s alright baby, breathe through your nose.. don’t gag too much angel, good girl” but he gets impatient, and quickly. he’s only a little more than half way in, and you’ve pulled back twice already gasping for air, tears in your eyes. it seems like the gentle route doesn’t work much with you. he grits his teeth and mutters "you can take it angel.. you dont really have a choice". you know to tap his thigh if its all too much, but the idea of getting used has you almost dizzy.
its filthy, the way he forces himself in and out of your throat, without a care in the world. his hand is in your hair, youll probably scold him for it later but you feel too good for either of you to notice it. "fuck… good fucking girl, good fucking slut. gonna make me.. gonna make me fuckin' cum" and you dont have much time to prepare before its shooting down your throat. you dont gag though, and he makes sure he rewards you for being such a good girl.
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shepscapades · 5 months
🎤 so what exactly do you think Xisuma's subconscious is trying to tell him exactly........... it couldn't have ANYTHING to do with a certain doctor would it.........
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I cannot believe someone on the internet would send me this message
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anonpositivityforu · 11 months
Making a positivity post for the non-ambulatory wheelchair users!
I hope you have a super good day, especially if you:
Can't walk even with other mobility aids besides wheelchairs
Need heavy-duty stuff to transfer like hoists
Need to use the extra wheelchair features like tilt-in-place or elevate
Are bedbound without your wheelchair
Never learned to walk
Or anything like that!
We are super awesome and cool, even without the walking, and sometimes even the standing!
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kerrste · 4 months
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darcylindbergh · 2 months
I have no idea what Harris' actual views on I/P are, but even if she is fully pro-Palestine wouldn't she still have to meet with Netanyahu? I mean realistically any change the US can possibly make would have to involve talking to Israel, right? Presidents meet with Putin even if they hate him/Russia's actions because that's how international politics works, it doesn't mean they like/agree with him
Well, theoretically, there's a bit of political game playing involved yes. But because the ICC has issued warrants for Netanyahu's arrest, if we're strictly following international law, Netanyahu shouldn't have been meeting anybody, he should have been arrested. But we're not doing that because the US currently thinks the ICC is wrong, which is a bad look for the US and which undermines the strength of international law, so I think this is bad and also wrong, but that's what's happening at present. And although US presidents etc have historically met with Putin, they would not at this point because Putin also has warrants out for his arrest. The difference between how the US has treated Putin v Netanyahu is, as it seems, pretty hypocritical.
Practically speaking, as you say, meeting with Netanyahu is a bit of a political game. The US has historically been a very strong ally to Israel and the US has historically been very much involved in the normalization of relations vis a vis Israel and the rest of the Middle East, and the US would very much like to remain involved in brokering a lasting peace, which involves not seriously alienating Netanyahu and Israel et al. Netanyahu and his far-right government are the ones holding up the ceasefire, and the US is only able to exert pressure so long as they are a valuable ally to Israel - if Israel has nothing to lose, in other words, the US loses its ability to exert pressure. And Harris wants very much to hang onto that ability, because she's setting herself up to exert more pressure than Biden has.
Harris has been critical of Israel. Harris is the highest-ranking Dem that has been critical of the situation in Gaza. She has been upfront about highlighting the suffering in Gaza. She's not oblivious to the conversations going on re: Palestine and the ongoing genocide. She's not sticking her head in the sand on it.
“The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time - we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”
But she's trying to walk a very careful line on public sentiment re: Israel and Palestine. She's going to be very cautious to condemn anything with even a whiff of antisemitism in strong terms. She's going to be very cautious to affirm Israel's right to exist and to defend itself, which she does in the article linked above, with the caveat that "how it does so matters." But her willingness to call attention to the crisis ongoing in Gaza and her willingness to imply wrong-doing by Israel in how that crisis has been created signals to Netanyahu that her government will have stronger limits than Netanyahu has encountered previously. Will she be a perfect candidate? No. Will she always align with my moral compass? No. Will she be totally evil? Also no.
As voters, what does this mean for us and how we support Gazans and Palestinians?
To me this is very simple. Harris is a candidate who is willing and able to exert pressure on Israel to end the genocide and, ideally, to broker a long-lasting peace. Trump is a candidate who is willing and able to exert pressure on Israel to blow Gaza off the face of the earth. Between "willing to tell Netanyahu this is unacceptable" and "willing to tell Netanyahu to break out a nuke," I'm voting for the former every fucking time.
Not voting or voting third party doesn't actually tell Democrats anything except that you didn't care. They don't have a list of people who would otherwise have voted blue if only they'd taken harder pro-Palestine stance, they're not cross-checking your voting status against your social media posts and going, oh, nuts, we lost that one. Not voting or voting third party doesn't exert pressure on the Dems to go more left, you're not "teaching them a lesson," you're not making a point. It's non-information. It's not a boycott - it's a white flag. It's giving up.
You know how you exert pressure on politicians? You call. You write. You protest. Are you still calling your representatives about Gaza every day? Are you going to town halls and asking them about what they're doing to stop the genocide? Pressure is exerted through participation.
Progress is made by the people who show up.
If the Dems lose, you can pressure them all day and it won't make a difference because they don't have any power to make a difference. And the racist, anti-Muslim, anti-Middle East far right won't be listening no matter how much you shout.
I'm not giving up on Palestinians just because some greyface anon on the internet tells me I'm a bad person for choosing to vote for the candidate I can pressure to make a change.
I'm also not going to give up on people here at home who's lives are hanging in the balance. I'm a queer woman with a uterus and a pre-existing condition - I simply do not have the luxury or the privilege to stay home in November. I do not have the luxury or the privilege of being a single issue voter. I'm not going to give up on trans kids or immigrants or BIPOC or women or disabled folks or poor folks. I'm not going to give up on healthcare or on libraries or on public schools or on the environment or on the court systems. I'm not going to give up on safe workplaces and livable wages and safe products. I'm not going to give up and let corporate monopolies and censorship and AI and five rich dudes decide what the future will be.
Don't you care? Don't you look around you and care about the people in your own communities? Or are those people too real, too complicated? Do you only care when you can win points off it in someone else's inbox on tumblr dot com?
Is Kamala Harris going to be the perfect pro-Palestinian candidate? No. But I'm not inviting her to brunch. I don't need her to be my bestie. I don't need her to be my moral compass - I have one of my own, thanks.
I just need her to step forward instead of back.
Progress is made one step at a time.
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cowardlykrow · 7 months
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Despite herself, the Emma is wooed
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shehzadi · 10 months
Used to support gaza. But with the way you and other crazies support hamas out loud makes me understand the IDF's actions
lol ok and? sick and tired of people like you who ‘support palestine’ only as long as they’re helpless and defenceless and dying, because that’s not support — it’s pity. and palestinians don’t want or need your pity. if you can’t support palestinians when they’re resisting, you never supported the palestinian cause.
you don’t get to decide which palestinians are worthy of your support. you don’t get to decide which palestinians deserve freedom (spoiler: the answer is all of them). the palestinians you have the privilege of pitying today wouldn’t exist if they and the people before them hadn’t resisted.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 month
do you have recommendations for introspective fiction? :) i've been craving for something for my brain to much on that will also cause me pain, but i honestly have no clue where to get that. any advice?
Hello! I had trouble finding ideas at first because all the introspective & thought-provoking books that came to mind were nonfiction (diaries, etc—especially when it comes to women writers) but here are 10 suggestions, with excerpts :) Note that I took your "cause me pain" request seriously; these are not exactly feel-good reads.
Steppenwolf, Herman Hesse Man is not capable of thought in any high degree, and even the most spiritual and highly cultivated of men habitually sees the world and himself through the lenses of delusive formulas and artless simplifications—and most of all himself. For it appears to be an inborn ... need of all men to regard the self as a unit. In reality, however, every ego ... is in the highest degree a manifold world, a constellated heaven, a chaos of forms, of states and stages, of inheritances and potentialities. It appears to be a necessity as imperative as ... breathing for everyone to be forced to regard this chaos as a unity and to speak of his ego as though it were a one-fold and clearly detached and fixed phenomenon. Even the best of us shares the delusion.
Notes From Underground, Fyodor Dostoevsky Why, suffering is the sole origin of consciousness. Though I did lay it down at the beginning that consciousness is the greatest misfortune for man, yet I know man prizes it and would not give it up for any satisfaction. Consciousness, for instance, is infinitely superior to twice two makes four. Once you have mathematical certainty there is nothing left to do or to understand. There will be nothing left but to bottle up your five senses and plunge into contemplation.
The Book of Disquiet, Fernando Pessoa I asked for very little from life, and even this little was denied me. A nearby field, a ray of sunlight, a little bit of calm along with a bit of bread, not to feel oppressed by the knowledge that I exist, not to demand anything from others, and not to have others demand anything from me — this was denied me, like the spare change we might deny a beggar not because we're mean-hearted but because we don't feel like unbuttoning our coat.
Ishmael, Daniel Quinn All sorts of creatures on this planet appear to be on the verge of attaining self-awareness and intelligence. We were never meant to be the only players on that stage. [But] man is the first of all these. He is the trailblazer, the pathfinder. [….] Man’s place in the world is to be the first without being the last. Man’s place is to figure out how it’s possible to do that—and then to make room for all the rest who are capable of becoming what he’s become.
The Lady and the Little Fox Fur, Violette Leduc Her hope was stored in a safe place. On tiptoe, avidly, she gazed through the windows. ... She was filled with a fixed determination to pay the next month’s rent, to sally forth once more to the pawnbroker’s, to offer him the clothes off her back, to sell her teeth, ... but at all costs to go on living against the panes of strangers’ windows. She bumped into women hurriedly buying food for their dinners; she was breathing the oxygen meant for people who had spent their day working. To cry out that it was impossible for her to begin her life all over again would be useless.
The Last Summer of Reason, Tahar Djaout The city with the many forms of iridescence that once danced on the foam ... is now a field of merciless thorns. Love is a recumbent effigy, a dead tree. Song flees into exile. ... Books—the closeness of them, their contact, their smell, and their contents—constitute the safest refuge against this world of horror. They are the most pleasant and the most subtle means of traveling to a more compassionate planet.
The Royal Game, Stefan Zweig They did nothing—other than subjecting us to complete nothingness. For, as is well known, nothing on earth puts more pressure on the human mind than nothing. ... There was nothing here that could release me from my thoughts, from my obsession with them, from my pathological reiteration of them. And that was exactly what they intended: I was to choke and choke on my thoughts until they asphyxiated me.
Dawn, Elie Wiesel [Words] serve only to give meaning to our actions. And our actions, seen in their true and primitive light, have the odor and color of blood. This is war, we say; we must kill. ... And what else can we do? War has a code, and if you deny this you deny its whole purpose and hand the enemy victory on a silver platter. That we can’t afford. We need victory, victory in war, in order to survive, in order to remain afloat on the surface of time.
Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler All our principles were right, but our results were wrong. This is a diseased century. We diagnosed the disease and its causes with microscopic exactness, but wherever we applied the healing knife a new sore appeared. Our will was hard and pure, we should have been loved by the people. But they hate us. Why are we so odious and detested? ... Whenever had a good cause been worse represented? When and where in history had there ever been such defective saints?
All the Lovers in the Night, Mieko Kawakami The job that I was doing, the place where I was living, the fact that I was all alone and had no one to talk to. Could these have been the result of some decision that I’d made? I heard a crow crying somewhere in the distance and turned to the window. It occurred to me that maybe I was where I was today because I hadn’t chosen anything. I had faked it the whole way. ... I was so scared of failing, of being hurt, that I chose nothing. I did nothing.
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“Never again is only for Jews”?? So you’re cool with genocide as long as Jews aren’t the victims??
Imagine being media and history illiterate.
You know why Jews say never again? Because of how much genocide, pograms, forced exiles, rape, slavery, etc.
When we say never again, we say mean it by we will never go through that again without a fight.
I also only say it’s for Jews because we are the ones that coined the term, we are the ones that wrote poems about it, we are the ones that truly embrace it.
Honestly it’s a little lazy to just say “never again for anyone” because it erases all Jewish meaning behind it.
If it makes you feel better, I don’t like it when Jews use it for other things.
So die mad about it anon.
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havanillas · 2 months
I get that you were following official artworks for that (and hoyo is a colorist company) but drawing sugilite that gray is racist...? Where is his color
i went back to check and saw that not only is the skintone off but the colors for the bathrobe and obsidian's hair are not what i remember using
most likely suspect is my past self rushing the drawing because of sleep deprivation (the proportions aren't the best either looking at it now)
they're not severe errors but i was cross checking on different screens and it was a lot more noticeable on my phone so you may have the same case
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ooowyn · 1 year
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i keep reading fics where akira is scared of scary movies and i love that for him. ryo’s not impressed by the inaccuracies of blood splatter.
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