yukakouehara · 3 years
Many people are troubled by the presence of poisonous parents not only in their childhood, but also in their adulthood. However, sometimes parents and children become co-dependent on each other and the child is unable to become independent from the parent. Let me introduce the case of a 22-year-old woman from Okinawa who came to see me.
Abuse by Parents Continues from Childhood
 The author, who mainly writes underground articles on girl prostitution and the underworld in Okinawa, has interviewed and talked to people in various situations. A woman in her early twenties who continues to work at a cabaret club even during her last month of pregnancy due to poverty, a woman who prostitutes herself to earn money for her treatment even though she has cancer, and a sixteen-year-old girl who has no choice but to prostitute herself because her parents told her to bring home 60,000 yen a month if she does not go to high school. As I listened to the fierce lives of these women, I couldn't help but think about how much the environment of the home one is born into can affect one's life.
Such was the case with the girl who came to visit me this time, Ako. She had just turned 22 this year and was born and raised in Naha, Okinawa. When she contacted me, she was at her parents' house preparing to run away from her mother.    
She had food allergies, but her mother tried to force her to eat the foods she was allergic to, and she seemed quite upset, saying, "I feel like my mother will kill me if I don't leave my parents' house.    
Currently, Aoko's father is not at home, and she lives with her mother and daughter. Her father had a terrible gambling habit and his parents divorced when she was in high school.
She said. “But when I was little, my parents used to take me to the zoo together, so it's not all bad memories. But when I was little, my parents used to take me to the zoo together, so it wasn't all bad memories. I ended up getting angry with my father on the way home and he burned my arm with a lighter in the car”
 There is no doubt that what her parents were doing was abusive. What her parents were doing was undoubtedly abusive, but she was so starved of her parents' love that she could talk about it as a good memory just because they took her to the zoo.
She has spoken." My mother denies everything about me. Even when I got good grades in school, she would accuse me of being too clever, and even when I drew illustrations as a hobby, she would deny it, saying I was weird for drawing such nerdy pictures. But when I draw slightly erotic illustrations, for some reason they praise me. She says that the physical abuse stopped after she grew up, but her mother still torments her mentally by telling her in detail about the sex she had with her father. In addition, A-ko still sometimes meets her divorced father, and he would show A-ko a vibrator that he said he used to have sex with the woman he is currently dating, which is clearly a form of sexual abuse.
 Child A wanted to be independent, but was unable to do so because her parents were developmentally disabled and had a poor understanding of the social security system.
 Child A struggled with the conflict of wanting to be independent from her parents but not being able to do so. Whenever her mother relied on her, it seemed to stimulate her longing to be loved by her parents, making it even more difficult for her to leave them.    It would be difficult for anyone other than her to truly understand her suffering. Currently, Aiko is suffering from dissociative disorder and is unable to work. Sometimes she even has symptoms of another personality coming out of her.    
 She was born and raised in a world that she cannot control. She seems to have chosen to stay with her parents, who are nothing but poison, but behind her choice is her upbringing where she was not loved by her parents. However, her choice is based on her upbringing where she was not loved by her parents. Her actions cannot be dismissed as "self-responsibility.
I use deepl.
it a real story.
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yukakouehara · 3 years
He said Even if they know the other person is under 18, they will still do it. Some of my friends don't pay and run away if they're underage, though.
 One afternoon, I listened to a man in his thirties who was on the side of buying girls for prostitution, and I had very mixed feelings. He recounted his experience of having a relationship with a girl and how his friend had threatened her, as if it were a saga. I wondered why such a seemingly ordinary man in his thirties would talk so happily about such things.
When I asked him about his personal life, including his upbringing, happy memories of his boyhood, current friendships and work, I found some similarities with the girls. His family environment was not calm, he had experienced exclusion and denial from school and society, and his work was unstable. The words they speak and the values they hold. He had become an adult with the values of juvenile delinquents in his mind.
For a long time, I thought that the men who buy them are absolutely evil. But I had never imagined that if I rewound their time, they would be as "supportive" as the girls. They were directing the verbal, mental and physical violence they had been subjected to at the girls. It was a chain of violence within a closed world.
This is not to say that I am defending the "men who buy" anything. But if we had given them proper support when they were boys, we could have prevented the girls from being victimized. And yet, we didn't look out for them. In this respect, I think we should reflect on what we did and use this as a reference when we think about how we should support them in the future.
 As we were leaving, he opened his wallet and asked, "Do you want something to drink? He asked me. I caught a glimpse of his crumpled 1,000 yen bill, which gave me a glimpse of his unstable daily life.
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yukakouehara · 3 years
I became interested in "Jodo-shu and Eisa" after hearing about the Buddhist priest Fukuchu Shonin and Eisa in class. The reason is that in Okinawa today, events to enjoy Eisa are held outside of the Lunar Bon Festival. In this report, I would like to focus on "Jodo-shu and Eisa," although I will not discuss why this happened.
 It is assumed that research on eisa in Japan has been conducted since the 1990s. Therefore, it would be impossible to assert that there is any core material. This means that research on eisa is extremely difficult. In other words, eisa research is an extremely difficult field. It is reasonable to assume that it has been constructed by analyzing from various angles with limited materials.
First of all, there is the "Yamauchi theory" that the Buddhist priest Fuchu Shonin of the Jodo sect brought Nembutsu to the Ryukyu Islands in 1603. In 1603, in order to propagate Nembutsu from mainland Japan to the Ryukyu Islands, he translated the culture of Nembutsu into an easy-to-understand form and created many Ryukyu Nembutsu. Later, in the late 18th century, they invited Nembutsu practitioners to the Bon Festival in the area where Shuri Castle, the symbol of the Ryukyu Dynasty, is located. It is said that the custom of having them sing Nembutsu songs and make offerings to the spirits began to take root. The Nembutsuja is a Kyotaro (Chondara) who performs the Banzai dance and goes from house to house.
At about that time, a song with sanshin accompaniment was composed by a musician based on the Jippin Nembutsu. It is said to have been an eisa song that was sung at the beginning of the Bon dance. However, Gibo, who inherited the "Yamauchi theory," noted that the lyrics of the songs used in the eisa, which were supposed to be Bon dances, were moashibi songs (folk songs, etc.) about love. On the other hand, eisa in many areas is originally a Buddhist prayer song. I personally am not sure if this is the basis of the story, but Yamauchi and Gibo state that the Buddhist monk Fukunaka Shonin spread eisa to Okinawa based on these facts.
However, there are some eisa researchers who doubt and criticize the fact that Fukuchu Shonin was the first to bring Nembutsu to the Ryukyu Dynasty. According to Ikenomiya, "It is the consensus of various scholars that the nembutsu sage, who chanted nembutsu songs, came to Ryukyu long before the Satsuma clan's invasion of Ryukyu (1609) as a puppeteer (chondara). This is because the nenbutsu has titles such as "Jodo-shu no bunda" and the lyrics include words such as "Amida no jodo" eisa monogatari, which would have linked the nenbutsu to Fukunaka of the Jodo sect" (Tsukada, 2019, Kindle edition, No. 656). (Tsukada, 2019, Kindle edition, No. 656). Sadahiro China, a researcher in the history of Okinawan religions, has also criticized the descriptions in "Derivation Records".
As a layman, it is difficult for me to judge whose argument is correct: Yamauchi, Gibo, Ikemiya, or China. Nevertheless, I can say that it is a fact that there are various sects of Buddhism, and that there are people who brought "Pure Land Buddhism" to Okinawa.
 Eisa today has become an event for tourism and to entertain the locals, in addition to the Doge's festival held during the old Bon Festival. I saw a scene where Kyotaro (Chondara), who used to go around the house chanting Buddhist prayers, handed out candy balls to children who were watching the eisa while following the rhythm. Furthermore, as creative eisa has become more active, the existence of traditional local eisa is diminishing. In other words, it could be said that they are losing their religious significance.
 It is difficult to say at this point whether the Buddhist monk Fuchu Shonin brought eisa to the Ryukyu Islands or whether the Jodo sect of Buddhism was established before that. However, it is a matter of concern that the religious connotation is fading from the eisa, which continues to evolve with time.
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yukakouehara · 3 years
I am a Japanese non-fiction writer.  I live in  Naha ctiy Okinawa and I from Naha ctiy Okinawa.
I have contributed to Japanese news magazines, newspapers, and Web News. My main articles are about poverty and crime in Okinawa.
In this Blog, I would like to write about the manuscript published in Japan in my poor English.
If you have anything on your mind about Okinawa, just ask!
but i use deepl.
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