yvaineswonderland · 1 hour
24/6/2024 (Monday)
[days of productivity - 1/18]
Today I completed my physics practical hw (yay!) and though I did in fact procrastinate again at least I did something and that's all that matters rn
nothing else to report bcs school has lowkey worn me out and I'm starting to slowly procrastinate again and the last thing I want rn is a messed up sleep schedule so I'll sleep now, bye!!!
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yvaineswonderland · 9 hours
today is the day we start grinding fr ☝️
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yvaineswonderland · 9 days
y'all, I lied again (abt posting soon)
this week felt like 1 whole month bcs there are SO MANY things to do (all school related) and it's just the 2nd week of school
which all happened bcs I got elected as a cr, which I'm very grateful for HOWEVER being a cr comes w lots of responsibilities (esp during the 1st few months) and I am burned out (mentally and physically)
anyway, if God permits, I'll be posting v soon (maybe today, or tmr or after a few days bcs i just had to get sick during these trying times) as all I've been doing for the past 2 weeks is do a ton of homework (they literally gave us hws every.single.day) + cr things which messed up my sleep schedule bcs your girlie has a very bad habit of doing things at the last possible moment
so, I think this is a sign that I need to get my stuff together asap BECAUSE we will have our exams next month *screams* and frankly speaking, SOME of our teachers lowkey cannot teach and all of them talk in 2x speed bcs as I've said, exams are next month
and thereforeee, as a struggling student (in a room full of geniuses), I absolutely NEED to get good grades (my classmates can't know how incompetent i can be at times) so i'll try to post everyday again to report my stats
ty for coming to my Ted talk
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yvaineswonderland · 19 days
No posts for the past few days because I am TIRED
Okay I might be exaggerating but this the the 2nd day of school and so far we have done nothing but have functions one after another and my energy can only take me so far yk
Anyways I'll be back to posting v soon + I'll be cancelling my 10 dop and instead come up with a much, much more better + scheduled and organised dop which I'll be planning today because your girlie cannot function without a proper schedule smh
I'll be starting with small steps because that's exactly what I (who has an attention span of a goldfish) need atm
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yvaineswonderland · 23 days
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✎ᝰ 1/6/2024 (Saturday)ˎˊ˗
[days of productivity - 1/10]
Not much studying done today (except Spanish) BUT I did journal (for the very first time) and I felt so relieved. Plus, I did complete some of my personal goals, not as much as I wanted to but small steps everyday ig
Also I stayed up till 12am bcs I had to cover my very thick textbooks lol
Anyways, here is my progress---
Studies: (did 1/4 goals)
✓ Completed 2 lessons of Spanish on Duolingo
Personal Goals: (did 3/6 goals)
✓ Read the Bible 10 mins a day
✓ Journal
✓ 3k steps
Rules: ✗ (couldn't follow)
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yvaineswonderland · 27 days
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✎ᝰ 28/5/2024 (Tuesday)ˎˊ˗
Not much done today as well, my fault again however, tragic events unfolded today and I wasn't in a mood to do anything at all tbh
Anyways, here are today's reports-
Physics - //
Chemistry - note making
Mathematics - //
Total Time: 49mins
Self-rating: ★★★☆☆
"Good things are coming"
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yvaineswonderland · 28 days
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✎ᝰ27/5/2024 (Monday)ˎˊ˗
hello tumblr!!! I'm finally back!
It's been a very long time since I've posted, and my reason of absence wasn't anything big lol, however I'm very happy to announce that I was accepted to the school the really wanted to go, and I will officially be a girl in stem!!
Also, I've been delaying my studies for a couple of days now and I decided its time to actually study and get things done, and that's why I'll be starting a 10-days productivity challenge, starting form (29/5 - 7/6)
Today's report -
Physics - Revised a chapter
Chemistry - //
Mathematics - // (Planned to solve some problems at night but had to help my friend with her maths hw)
Total Time: 58mins
Self-Rating - ★★★★☆ (Not much done but revising today's chapter really helped me understand the basics of physics, which, in my case, is a veryyy good thing)
Quote of the day-
"The pain that you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming" - Romans 8:18
(one of my favourite verse from the Bible <33)
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yvaineswonderland · 1 month
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Oh how I love chemistry *bangs my head against a wall*
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
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✎ᝰ 10/5/2024 (Friday)ˎˊ˗
Hi!! Today mostly consisted of Chemistry note-making, which took quite a lot of time as compared to what I wrote down BUT making my own notes has helped me revise the previous topics that I've learnt, and as of now, I can say that I have a solid understanding of the materials that I've learnt so far, and I feel like I'm slowly getting back on track too^^
Chemistry: Completed some topics and made notes
Mathematics: //
Physics: //
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
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✎ᝰ 8/5/2024 (Wednesday)ˎˊ˗
Today was mostly note taking (on Chemistry) since I completed one out of the three parts of the chapter, I didn't make many pages of notes as I planned bcs I had to re-read the whole thing again
Chemsitry: Made 2 pages of notes + re-read a few topics
Mathematics: //
Physics: //
Total Time: 1hr 32mins
Self-rating: 3/5 (Okay-ish but could do wayyy better)
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
Which app do you use
Hello! I am currently using Yeolpumta, also called YPT to record/schedule my studies!
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
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✎ᝰ 7/5/2024 (Tuesday)ˎˊ˗
Today, I woke up pretty early and completed a specific part of Chemistry which I've been wanting to complete, and started some maths problems, no physics though because I've completed 2 short chapters already (I haven't completed any chapter of both chem and maths)
Anyways, I've been feeling low and even though really want to better myself, I'm struggling to break free from my bad habits and its quite frustrating honestly...I wish I have more self control
Chemistry: Completed 4 topics along with exercises
Mathematics: Learned the intro of a new exercises
Physics: //
Time Studied: 1hr 26mins
Self-rating: 2.5/5 (not good at all)
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
✎ᝰ 6/5/2024 (Monday) ˎˊ˗
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Image (left): Time Studied throughout the week (29/4 - 5/5)
Hello again Tumblr, first of all, excuse me for not posting on 4th and 5th May, there wasn't much going on and studying was okay-ish I guess.
(Time Studied on 4/5 - 53mins)
(Time Studied on 5/5 - 2hrs 48mins)
As of today, I felt so unmotivated and didn't do any sort of studying (a bit disappointed in myself), however, what I did do was searching for academic book recommendations online.
I thought I was going to have a productive day which I didn't, but Iet's just consider today as a rest day bcs we all need one anyways...and hopefully, get back on track tomorrow.
That's it for today and to whoever reading this, I hope you have a good night/day!!
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
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✎ᝰ 3/5/2024 (Friday)ˎˊ˗
I'm very proud to announce that I've finally studied for 3 hrs today!!! As you can see from the image, I spent more time on chemistry (again). Honestly, I felt that I didn't learn that many new infos on chemistry as I somehow always found myself stuck on practice problems or examples.
Anyway though, I think I finally found out why - it was because of silly little calculation mistakes that happened due to me not applying the ~laws/rules~ properly.
I'll definitely be careful next time I move on to other topics because not thoroughly learning the basics had cost me a lot of my time and energy (and tears)
On a good note though, I understood my maths concepts pretty well so far
So my progress can be seen as follows-
Chemistry: Solved 8 exercises
Mathematics: Solved 2 exercises
Physics: //
Overall Study Time: 3hrs 24 mins
Self-rating: 3.7/5 (I'm feeling a bit of 3.5 - 4 so 3.7 it is, although I did study of 3 hours and almost 30 mins, the material that I covered were quite less imo)
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
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✎ᝰ 2/5/2024 (Thursday) ˎˊ˗
Today was truly a day of productivity as I completed 1 full chapter of Physics, and I was finally able to start Maths, still having troubles on the Chemistry part but it's getting better!!!
From now on, I'll also be writing down what I have completed on each subject for the day, particularly Chemistry, Physics and Maths (+ English and Computer Science later on as school starts) and maybe even Spanish and Hindi too!
Chemistry: Completed 1 topic (+ 5 sub-topics) along with 6 example problems (which I spent a long time understanding)
Physics: Chapter-2 (All)
Mathematics: Intro to Chapter-1, and I solved about half of the 1st exercise
Overall Time Studied: 2hrs 56mins
Self-rating: 4/5 (Pretty proud with myself as i managed my time quite well, both for my studies and leisure time)
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
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✎ᝰ 1/5/2024 (Wednesday)ˎˊ˗
Today, I finally was able to complete a topic of chemistry (which was quite frustrating) and I'm pretty happy about it! I'm planning to study maths tmr too.
Also i feel that I should continue to learn Spanish (on Duolingo) again as its been weeks since my last practice
I also made planners for tmr which I'll hopefully be able to follow and that's all about it.
Time Studied: 1hr 2mins
Self-rating: 3.5/5 (Again with a 3.5 BUT I feel like I'm improving however I do need to learn how to manage my time better.)
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yvaineswonderland · 2 months
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✎ᝰ 30/4/2024 (Tuesday)ˎˊ˗
image: Time spent on studying from 22/4 - 30/4
Today, I solved Chemistry practice problems and thankfully, I'm getting a hang of it!
Though I only spent 50 minutes on studying, I'm quite relieved to be able to work out the problems without much assistance + I finally was able to paint again after a long time so I spent hours on painting (very therapeutic) so I felt like I didn't waste my time today.
And so, overall-
Time spent on studying: 50 minutes
Self-Rating: 3.5/5 (Still pretty good but I need to learn how to manage my time well)
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