zekalin · 4 years
10 Tips for first time solo travellers
It is not as scary as you may think it is.
In 2016, I thought I was being brave so I took a trip to Paris, alone for 2 days. Stayed in a lovely boutique hotel and hung around alone and then met someone at a cafe and chatted to them.
This year, I thought I’d do something scarier and go somewhere where I’ve never been before and stay in a hostel. I went to Montenegrofor 10 days, as well as…
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zekalin · 4 years
12 Tips for self care in lockdown || First half of 2020 life
12 Tips for self care in lockdown || First half of 2020 life
I forgot what wearing real clothes feels like. Sometimes I do try and dress up to make myself feel better.
I’m sure none of us imagined we would be here now. Uncertain times, it all does call for some self care. Today, I should have been in Amsterdam for my friend’s birthday but that obviously didn’t happen nor will be happening any time soon.
The thing with this lockdown is, it has made a…
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zekalin · 4 years
What to do in Bucharest, Romania for a weekend | Travelling to Bucharest
Romania is not the first country that comes to mind when deciding on a little weekend break. Known as the ‘new Berlin’ and the ‘little Paris of the east’ – it definitely is a reminiscent of those two cities. The city isn’t the most prettiest, but it does have an appeal to it, some sort of a charm.
We went in the beginning of November so the weather was quite cold but mild. We walked around a…
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zekalin · 5 years
9 tips on decluttering your wardrobe
9 tips on decluttering your wardrobe
It is important not to purge most of your wardrobe to then to go out and do more shopping. Try to wear and use what you already have – this is more environmentally friendly too. Decluttering is a great way to know what you own, what your style is and to keep your space more organised.
Decluttering (and minimalism) will not only help with keeping your space organised, it will also help with…
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zekalin · 5 years
2019, time to say goodbye
2019, time to say goodbye
Overall, 2019 has been mostly ups. Oh, I also turned 25 this year – Fun. I saw a LOT of sun though. Finally.
I went to about 8 places abroad. They all have been amazing. I feel like I spent most of the summer abroad and I am still keeping the tan from then. I think it’s been very travel focused. Somewhere along the line, I’ve become a pro packer.
I started off the year with going to…
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zekalin · 5 years
Mostar in less than 12 hours and love at first taste | Travelling to Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Mostar in less than 12 hours and love at first taste | Travelling to Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina
I become obsessed with Mostar, before I even booked my flight to Montenegro or thought about going there. I saw a picture of it and I remember thinking how beautiful it was.
Mostar, was part of my solo trip, In May/June 2019. It wasn’t planned but nothing during my time there was planned. It was a ‘holiday’ within a holiday – holiception?
I ended up going to Montenegro. Whilst there, I…
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zekalin · 5 years
Portrait of a lady by Frederick Malle | Perfume review
Portrait of a lady by Frederick Malle | Perfume review
I was talking to someone and she told me this was her favourite perfume, I checked the notes but I found them slightly heavy. Few months later, around Christmas, my friend and I were in Green Park and we ended up at the Frederick Malle store. The lady in the was lovely and we spritz on a few on testers. I wore a little of Portrait of a lady on myself and I did find it heavy at first.
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zekalin · 5 years
Postcards from the French Riviera | Travelling to Cannes
Postcards from the French Riviera | Travelling to Cannes
Cannes in July 2019.
I was in Cannes for about over a week and it is certainly charming. Nice airport is also pretty cool, right next to the sea, probably one of the coolest landings. We spent most of our time at the beach, either on sand or on the sun beds.
View from outside the Notre Dame Outside the Notre Dame Red carpet View from outside the Notre Dame Plage du Midi Near Le…
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zekalin · 5 years
Humours and how they affect our emotions and personality|Outfit diaries (from Budapest)
Humours and how they affect our emotions and personality|Outfit diaries (from Budapest) #psychology #style
There are four humours, organised into the 4 elements of Air, Water, Earth and Fire
Founded by the Greek philosophers Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Galen.
In a theory by Galen, humours existed as liquids within the body and were identified as blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. Having too much of one means we would be more inclined towards that emotion.
Outfit details
Top –…
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zekalin · 5 years
Can I become a minimalist? October Challenge
Can I become a minimalist? October Challenge
With most things (perfumes, pens, books, notebooks) I have been a hoarder. The more the better right or what if incase I need it. I have more clothes than I could fit into my wardrobe currently, I do wear most, but majority is not really a necessity.
This year, I have stopped giving into fast fashion. I stopped acquiring things every month that I will probably only use/wear once and now I…
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zekalin · 5 years
What to do in Kotor, Montenegro | Travelling to Montenegro series
What to do in Kotor, Montenegro | Travelling to Montenegro series
Kotor is a coastal town about 10mins drive from Tivat airport and it is where I booked my stay in. Surrounded by Lake Lovcen, the bay and the mountains, Kotor has one of the most beautiful landscape. With the most preserved old towns along the Adriatic, Kotor does feel like stepping back in time. It can be explored solo or with people. I chose it to go solo, I wanted somewhere that not a lot of…
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zekalin · 5 years
My time in Montenegro & Bosnia: What I did| My experience of first time proper solo travelling for 11 days overview
My time in Montenegro & Bosnia: What I did| My experience of first time proper solo travelling for 11 days overview
A last minute decision and my mum’s hype, ended me up in Montenegro with a backpack.
When I got to the airport, I was like, who am I kidding, solo travel isn’t for me. Why am I even here. I was a ball of nerves. To make things more better, it was raining. I went to drop my things at the hostel and went to look for a place to eat. Found a wifi and texted family and friends – who were…
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zekalin · 5 years
Chanel Coco Noir (eau de parfum) perfume review
Chanel Coco Noir Perfume review
My second perfume from the house of Chanel. I first tried this at Selfridges when I was buying Gabrielle as a present. I tried this coco mlle and mlle intense, but this one definitely caught my eye nose. The elegant black bottle helped too. I bought a 50ml bottle at the airport in April, on my way to Prague, despite already taking 2 other bottles of perfume with me.
Chanel coco noir Notes of…
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zekalin · 5 years
Top 5 Perfumes for Spring/Summer (2019)
Top 5 Perfumes for Spring/Summer (2019)
Perfumes that are more suited for Spring and Summer tend to fall on the floral, citrus and fresh categories.
My top 5 perfumes for Spring/Summer. My picks are mainly in the florals family.
“A woman’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting. ”  ― Christian Dior
Top 5 perfumes Chanel Coco Noir
I bought this last year, at the airport on our way to Prague, in…
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zekalin · 5 years
Modern dating - what is wrong with it?
Modern dating – what is wrong with it?
Social media has grown a lot in the past 9 years. I have seen many people meet their partners online, even back when there were Bebo, msn etc. I was always late to the social media game. In School, it took my friend a long time to convince me to get msn, then Bebo and finally Facebook. Facebook because they used to have games – anyone remember ‘Yoville’?
When I had Bebo, I ended up talking to a…
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zekalin · 5 years
15 Countries/Cities I would like to live in
15 Countries/Cities I would like to live in
Some of the people I know are talking about moving elsewhere, since the future of UK is currently unknown. Anyway, I had an idea to do a post on the countries I would live in, even though I haven’t actually been to the majority of them.
I think, moving is one of my favourite things, maybe because I like packing or probably because I haven’t found my place yet. However, one thing that I am scared…
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zekalin · 6 years
Welcome to Booo-dah-pesht | Travelling to Budapest, Hungary
Welcome to Booo-dah-pesht | Travelling to Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, the capital of Hungary, was a mixture of east and the west. Quite confused, I would say. It was beautiful, no denying that – but I didn’t fall in love with it, like I did with Prague.
Buda and Pest were two different cities. Buda is the more hills and Pest is flat. The parties happen in Pest side. We stayed at the Pest side, near Oktogon metro station. We (me, Alice and another friend)…
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