zenas-q · 4 years
Hey there, I hope you feel better soon lovely
I hope so too. A wise person told me to get better out of sheer spite, and you know what? That sounds great 😌
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zenas-q · 4 years
don't want to butt in but it seems like a genuine misunderstanding on both sides, you both seem like decent people and you both probably just tried to explain your side but the other percieved it as an attempt to be confrontational. probably best to not drag it on.
Yeah, I won't keep talking about this. I just deleted most of the posts I made and tbh I blocked everyone in question because I don't want to prolong the interactions and don't want to let them prolong them either.
They were all my mutuals and ofc I believed they're decent people, I still respect what they're doing about calling out issues, but I don't respect them as individuals anymore. I didn't attack them, I did not make posts about them - I messaged them privately, but they insisted on making it all public. Which immediatly means they're doing this for attention. They're always whining about notes anyway.
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zenas-q · 4 years
i swear the discourse on this site makes no sense... i don’t understand what you’ve done that’s so wrong???
What I've done is that I've made a post about the fact I'm disgusted someone wrote a fic about fetishizing wlw. Someone said I'm taking away from black voices with that because that user also wrote a blm fic. I wasn't aware of that, I knew only about the wlw part.
I deleted the post. I moved on.
But before that, I unfollowed some people, which you all know lmao, and now they think it's because I don't care about the blm issue. And I should apologize for "not caring".
And now, I'm getting dragged into more drama, even though I have apologized and tried keeping it all private because I'm trying to be a decent person here.
They want drama. And they want notes. And they want attention. Because why tf would we talk about a misunderstanding privately? The user making public posts about me did NOT answer my private messages. She doesn't care about private. Just publicity.
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zenas-q · 4 years
How much longer are people going to stop pretending that racism isn’t a large part of fandom culture? And I don’t mean things like outright slurs or overt racism.
When are people going to stop pretending that things like micro-aggressive behavior or baity statements, holding POC characters to a different standard than white counterparts, whitewashing fan work such a gifs or fanart aren’t also racism? That their need to keep POC characters in a friend space with white ones and citing it as a ‘preference’ isn’t also racism?
because it is.
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zenas-q · 4 years
Baby Lysander 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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zenas-q · 4 years
when will straight men fuck off outta our tiny space in this fandom? we've got queer women writing our fics we dont need u. now he writing blm in a COP fic. im so angry of this man being allowed here and the self-hating lezbians defending him.
........I don’t know who are you talking about anon....
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zenas-q · 4 years
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veronica's turn now 😗✌
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zenas-q · 4 years
Me looking at my wips
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zenas-q · 4 years
i’ve never actually talked to 95% of my mutuals but that doesn’t stop me from automatically thinking “friend!!” whenever their icons pop up in my feed
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zenas-q · 4 years
oh hush everything you make is beautiful!!!!!!!!
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Me looking at my wips
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zenas-q · 4 years
Zuko: There’s something off about her. I can’t explain it but she’s slipping. 
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zenas-q · 4 years
i have a feeling like edward would be very good with technology in the future, he just has these sexy vibes u kno, like nothing could stop him
If you show him your phone, he does not even bat an eyelash! Our man can adjust to anything 😌🌸
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zenas-q · 4 years
I thought Asterin and Ezra were a couple
They are... Kinda! You see.. 😔I had to change her name since like 80% of the characters had names starting with A and that really bugged me and Theo/Theya is one of my faves so i just changed it lmao she's still alive I fixed her marks to go with the plot too
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Tbh the story is just them making heart eyes at each other with extra sexual tension sprinkled in for the angst.. That and Lysander's butt😳😳😳
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zenas-q · 4 years
Ok so, I have things to say. Again.
Comparing different villains or just generally not good characters in the game with each other, makes no sense. Comparing Marc, Gaius, Aerin etc. to Poppy makes no sense. They are so different in so many ways.
In this situation, we have to compare them. Because there is no other way to tell people they're hypocrites. What brings a point across better than saying, you like Marc, even though he is a very morally grey character. You like Gaius, even though he did so many bad things and will never be a saint, mind control or not. You like Aerin, a guy responsible for... a lot, and you find excuses for him. But you don't understand how someone might find Poppy, a woman, interesting.
Us wlw, that get so little variety in female lis, always end up liking some, so to say, random character. You don't get to say things like, "oh but you guys are the hypocrites here", because you don't have the same experiences. We always found these characters, that you put into the same category as mean women - interesting.
Let's talk a bit about why. Women almost never get actual depth in their personalities when portrayed by the media. Especially when we're talking about women that aren't straight up good. They're just mean. Or evil. Now, rivals to lovers has always been our thing. Because we are yearning for complex female characters, okay? I have so many examples for this, Xanthe and Priya are the first that come to mind. They could've both been incredible characters if someone just wrote them better. Xanthe was never even evil in the first place. Priya is a terrible person, but she could've had depth. Which she wasn't given, like your male villains always are.
Anyway, stan Poppy ✌
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zenas-q · 4 years
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zenas-q · 4 years
me thinking about mutuals who I've never spoken to and admired from afar
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zenas-q · 4 years
fuck it, edward adjusting to life in the future headcanons
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