zigfink · 11 years
Nature is a weird and wonderful thing.
I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the past 2 weeks looking at incredible starry and moonlit skies; watching hermit crabs, snails and other sea creatures “do there thing”; and watching the never ending march of tides come and go, erasing all sign of our passage. It kind of leaves you in awe of the vastness of the universe, and the incredible power of nature. And while we will all inevitably leave some mark - be it however large or small - on this earth, it will continue to move along at it’s own pace long after we’ve all gone.
I’m not trying to get all existential here, or make any sort of global warming, human footprint type statement - I’m certain that we as a species are making significant changes to this planet, many of them probation not for be best. But this planet has been here for millions upon millions of years, and seen more significant changes to it than we can know, and yet it still ticks on.
And I think that is pretty cool.
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zigfink · 11 years
At various times over the last couple of months I've had to deal with pretty much all of these little quirks of CSS. Great summary of some of the gotchas in CSS layout.
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zigfink · 11 years
So without further ado, here’s two years of the most common mobile web problems and what you can do about them.
Brad Frost goes over a bunch of don'ts when it comes to creating your mobile presence. Lots of good (and one would think obvious) stuff here.
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zigfink · 11 years
Jeremy Keith explores what the real meaning of Google's shutdown of Reader implies at more of a macro level. Interesting take on the open web vs the closed web.
(via @viticci and Marco Ament)
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zigfink · 11 years
Damn, I guess I don't even need an editor anymore, the Chrome guys have turned my browser into one for me...
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zigfink · 11 years
A helpful resource to help remember the 'logic' in media queries.
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zigfink · 11 years
Note to self: position and z-index are relative, but sometimes inversely so.
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zigfink · 11 years
While I'm at it, also this...
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zigfink · 11 years
Great talk about keeping up with the ever moving world of tech.
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zigfink · 11 years
While on the subject of introverts...
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zigfink · 11 years
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Another super cool example of the crazy things you can do on the web these days.
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zigfink · 11 years
Great take on being an introvert; can definitely identify with Chris Coyier on this.
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zigfink · 11 years
Great post that summarizes the current philisophy of RWD.
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zigfink · 12 years
An interesting take on interface design.
Progressive Reduction
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I’m very excited to talk about a technique that we’ve started using at LayerVault. We call it Progressive Reduction.
Read More
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zigfink · 12 years
Discussion on best practices wrt CSS and how to properly build up a collection of CSS selectors and classes that provide a good level of seperation of concern
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zigfink · 12 years
Great new website that teaches the fundamentals of using CSS to produce website layouts.
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zigfink · 12 years
Eric Meyer, "The Era of Intentional Layout" at W3Conf 2013
I can't wait for some of this stuff to be readily available and supported in browsers. Fortunately it looks like I'm just coming (more seriously) to the world of web design (and layout) at the turning of the tides.
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