zodiactings · 8 years
Someone: I love you
Earth Signs: Proof?
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zodiactings · 8 years
The Signs as Grey’s Anatomy Characters
Aries: Alex Karev
Taurus: Arizona Robins
Gemini: Lexie Grey
Cancer: Derek Shepherd
Leo: Miranda Bailey 
Virgo: Amelia Shepherd
Libra: Mark Sloan
Scorpio: Meredith Grey
Sagittarius: Callie Torres
Capricorn: Christina Yang
Aquarius:  Jackson Avery
Pisces: April Kepner
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zodiactings · 8 years
The Signs as Makeup Brands
Aries: Mac
Taurus: Stila
Gemini: Becca
Cancer: The Balm
Leo: Makeup Forever
Virgo: Anastasia Beverly Hills
Libra: Benefit
Scorpio: Urban Decay
Sagittarius: Smashbox
Capricorn: Nars
Aquarius: Tarte
Pisces: Too Faced
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zodiactings · 8 years
The signs on the 4th of July
Aries: grill master
Taurus: by the bonfire, roasting smores or something
Gemini: probably admiring the firework display
Cancer: singing to Lana Del Rey with Virgo
Leo: dancing to firework display music, drink in hand
Virgo: singing to National Anthem by Lana Del Rey (probably tipsy)
Libra: drink mixer
Scorpio: laughing at everybody else
Sagittarius: setting shit on fire
Capricorn: only one who actually knows what the holiday is about
Aquarius: setting off the fireworks with Saggittarians 
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zodiactings · 8 years
more stuff about the signs
they look like don’t mess with me but actually they’re love me
too smart
they don’t care a lot about emotions… unless their own
one of the easiest ways to lose them is lying to them
cry baby
they talk too much, so it’s hard to know when they’re serious
somehow they can convince people to do the most stupid things
sexually frustrated 24/7
they’re strong like when everything is going to shit they have strength and don’t let themselves get dragged
they move their hands a lot when talking
they’re the kind of people who bite their lips when thinking and accidentally bleeds
on the outside they look very calm and quiet, but in the inside they burn like hell (they’re too intense)
they don’t lose control easily but they do lose it often
they have a hard time trusting/believing in people’s emotions
they could kill you if you hurt an animal
a great part of them have a great sleeping schedule
they care too much about people they love
they cheat on board games
very good friends
too selective when choosing who to spend their time and energy with
they move their eyebrows a lot in their facial expressions
they don’t let people go completely
their hugs are the best hugs when you have a bad day
emotional mess (they feel nothing in the right way)
they know a lot of useful shit
but they don’t know what sleep means
being bored is the worst thing that can happen to them (they get too mean, like little children)
narcissistic af
they’re never wrong
they express their feelings in thousands of different ways, however none of them seem to work
incomprehensible love for snacks
they cover their feelings with humor/indifference 87% of the time
they can make anyone laugh, no kidding
they lie to themselves
sensitive af, if you spend a lot of time with them you’ll see they’re such babies
very insecure
random happiness/sadness attacks
their brain is an exhaused roller coaster
innocent without wanting to be
they seem to fit everywhere but nowhere at the same time
they look like love me but actually they’re like i fuck with you or you fuck with me
they don’t know how to handle their feelings, so they don’t
they can be too selfish
unpredictable af
leave me alone, but give me attention
their cellphone is part of their body
their true friends knows their family (even if they have never seen them) because of all the stories they tell, all the time
they victimize themselves a lot
they know how to listen and they give the best advice ever but they don’t use it
that kind of people who their first impulse when doing eye contact with someone is smiling
they care a lot about what other people think
they plat a lot with their hands and lips
the most adorable people when they’re not angry
children loves them
they can tranquilize people quickly
misunderstood because they don’t let anyone understand them
very sharp ideas/way of thinking
high moral
they need constant acceptance/validation
if you do them one you pay ten
always reading your intentions
they tend to joke about other people insecurities
they tend to do good things for people without even realizing
despite being surrounded by people, they still can feel very alone
they talk to themselves when nobody’s whatching
insecure af
a lot of craziness under the calm person they have
they wink a lot
will never cry or look vulnerable in front of others (unless they totally trust that person)
they always look like they want to kill someone (maybe they do)
public nerds
the most damaged sleeping schedules lol hello it’s 4 am
they read weird things
super committed and and helpful
they get angry when things are not done in their way
they’re the midpoint between introvert and extrovert
they have a great stalking until they have no crush anymore
they can’t tolerate it when someone is angry at them, even if they’re the ones to blame
their favorite acronym is lmao… laughing my anxiety off
they do this face a lot > 😏
they’re always in love
they listen to shitty music but won’t admit it
super emotional
they probably don’t know what is happening right now
they get too weird when they’re not comfortable
a stranger is a person they’re not friends with yet
they have good intentions
they blush easily
they have a hard time saying no
they hide things so they don’t disappoint people they care about
they try to make everyone happy, even if it’s exhausting
they try to look rude, actually they’re cry babies
dark mind, bright personality
they have secret hobbies
they crave love
talking to them will make you either appreciate life or want to jump off a bridge
they get easily offended
scary when angry
protective with people they love
they hate being ignored
random laugh attacks
they can make you laugh in the most fucked up moments
they’re that kind of people who give more priority to the problems of those who love than their own
they easily connect with music
ready to disappear in any moment
they have watched every. movie. on netflix
using my emotions? caring about yours? nah, tomorrow… maybe
34 hour-long naps
they fuck up 10 moments and make a very epic one
they have a hard time when apologizing
they have a hard time when asking for help, they believe they can do anything
would yell at strangers if needed
intentionally do things and then say they weren’t planned but went well anyway
they tend to be sad before sleeping
this is probably not a good idea but i’ll do it anyway
very competitive, but never satisfied
superiority complex
more party souls than you could imagine
they just want you to shut the fuck up
they’re cute until you’re obstrusive
able to intimidate people for good or for bad
they recognize their mistakes and then apologize without making a lot of drama
they keep their cool in the craziest situations
have random acts of love, like biting, cuddling, etc…
can make you feel important one minute and shit in the next minute
always have backup plans
physical appearance is important
always have weird obsessions
they play a lot with their feet
they need hugs and you to show them love, but will never say it
they disappear with no reason
cuter than you
they get confused when choosing between good and bad
everything is overrated for them
they’re addiced to memes
feelings out of control
they’re the special snowflakes
cannabis 23/7
they will know if you lie
they lose their shit often
they think and feel more than they show
the smartest ones
they don’t like dealing with their responsabilities
they like music more than they like you
they like attention but not too much
will never accept being the 2nd option for someone
can listen to you for hours, without making it awkward
fake friendliness (sometimes)
too weird but in a sweet way
super funny. their humor is either too simple or too hard to understand
they overwhelm your mind
big heart, even bigger imagination
confused af
if you really analyze them they look like they’re stoned
translated from x
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zodiactings · 8 years
If Your Zodiac Sign Was a Drug:
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ARIES- CRYSTAL METH: If Aries was a drug they would be crystal meth. It increases their energy and alertness, and Arians have a lot of energy to dole out. When excitement comes over them, they have a strong desire to go for it, and when they want something, they’ll go after it with full force. They are quite impulsive and impatient, and may suffer a lack of tact or self-control. They get restless especially if life gets predictable.
TAURUS - ECSTASY: If Taurus was a drug they would be ecstasy. It increases your awareness of the sense, and Taureans truly enjoy the sensual pleasures of life. When they look they have to touch, because they simply love indulging all of their senses. They especially have a great need for a lot of physical expression. They have a strong appreciation for music and the comforts that surround them.
GEMINI - SALVIA: If Gemini was a drug they would be Salvia. The effects can be short-lived much like a Gemini’s attention can be fleeting. They are quick to change their mind and attitude just as well. They are carefree and lighthearted. They have their heads in the in so many things and have a love for life and laughter. Gemini is definitely fun to be around, and their charm is endearing and engaging.
Keep reading
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zodiactings · 8 years
poets born under each sign
aries: robert frost
The best way out is always through.
taurus: william shakespeare
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground: And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare.
gemini: walt whitman
Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)
cancer: pablo neruda
But wait for me, keep for me your sweetness. I will give you too a rose. 
leo: charles bukowski
attend the boxing matches, go to the racetrack, live on luck and skill, get alone, get alone often, and if you can’t sleep alone be careful of the words you speak in your sleep; and ask for no mercy no miracles;
virgo: mary oliver
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
libra: e.e. cummings
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling)
scorpio: sylvia plath
I wait and ache. I think I am healing.
sagittarius: emily dickinson
I dwell in possibility.
capricorn: edgar allen poe
Ah, dream too bright to last! Ah, starry Hope, that didst arise But to be overcast! A voice from out the Future cries, “On! on!“—but o'er the Past
aquarius: langston hughes
Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly.
pisces: jack kerouac
This transcendental Brilliance Is the better part (of Nothingness I sing)
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zodiactings · 8 years
Take your chart and make yourself into a character, someone straight from the pages of a graphic novel, amplify your traits, wear them on your sleeve, and never say sorry for the way you wish to live and love. 
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zodiactings · 9 years
The Truth About The Signs
- Extremely motivated, like having a list of things to get done at work
-Optimistic people
-go with the flow
- Typically Extroverted, but enjoys time alone too
- On the negative they can be very selfish and compulsive
-Blunt, the tell it like it is and are not shy from the truth
- They are very charismatic
Aries children are often more like their fathers than their mothers, when they are girls, Aries usually grow up as the “tomboy” Aries children love to be noticed for having a brain! They need respect from peers and elders.
Aries have a drive to get what they want, and they will always go after it. This is good because it keeps them balanced.
- Romantic/sensual
- Artistic, innovative and creative, they are easily inspired by people and environments that they are around a lot.
-Sentimental, to the point of hoarding.
-Self-indulgent particularly with money and food.
-Affectionate, the ultimate cuddle buddies <3
- Slow to rely on people, but once they do, they do so heavily.
- They are patient and methodical in their work as well as in others’ work, this makes them great manager-types
- On a negative side they are very self-critical and suffer anxiety because of this.
In childhood Taurus children spend a lot of time alone, and they are usually pretty happy this way. They often dream of having families and living in beautiful places. They have a habit of thinking that they are always in the way.
Taurus can be power hungry and need to watch it sometimes with unconscious manipulative behaviors.
- Quick- minded and creative they are the ultimate story tellers, and great at improv.
- Dramatic and usually outgoing, they love concerts and a lot of Gemini folks love to swim.
- They are curious and tend to look and act younger than they are.
- The most likely sign to have anxiety.
- Charming and Charismatic, they get themselves thrown into leadership positions, even though it is not usually what they want.
- They are open-minded
- They are also typically good with money.
In childhood, Gemini tend to get along with everyone (except that ONE person, if you know what I mean)  They are the trouble maker kid who just got a little too excited to jump in on the action. They are clever and likely to pull pranks.
Gemini are one of the most exciting signs to be around and have as a friend.
-Subjective, Cancers are very good at being an uninvolved third party during an argument.
- They are intuitive and are likely to be mediums and/or empaths.
-They are imaginative and are the writers of the Zodiac.
- They are patient and attentive while learning about new things.
- Cancers are the introverts that always find themselves in extroverted situations.
- On the negative side, Cancers can be manipulative, and vengeful, though this is usually only in their thoughts and not reflected in their actions.
- They are sensitive and think of themselves as “average.”
In childhood, Cancers are usually closer to their mothers and don’t always get along with their fathers. They are inquisitive children and question their parents’ decisions on everything, they act much older than they are. Cancer children often find it difficult to sleep.
Cancers are understanding in relationships, however, sometimes they expect too much from their lover.
-Romantic, not in the same sensual way as the Taurus friends, but in the grand gesture, pebbles on the windows with a boombox outside kind of romantic.
- Leos are born to be social, but will often convince themselves that they aren’t. Leo’s tend to think that they are quieter than they are.
-Without even realizing it, Leo’s treat life as a sales pitch, and they have to sell you on themselves.
- They are very proud, and one of the most opinionated signs of the zodiac, they love to share their opinions and get into feisty debates, but hate actual arguments.
- Big-spenders.
- They are likely to be obsessive-compulsive, type A personalities.
- In a negative light, Leo’s can be complacent and deal with the hand life gave them instead of trying to change it for the better.
- Leo’s have a big, yet fragile ego.
In childhood, Leos are very demanding. they like things done a certain way, and are not the best at hiding these feelings. They tend to be very talented children with seemingly “normal” childhoods. They are often closer to their mother than their father.
Leo’s like to dress up and present themselves one day, then watch Netflix and wear sweats all day the next. They are complex and exciting signs.
- One of the most mysterious signs, they don’t often show their true emotions, even though they are one of the signs most likely to suffer from emotional disorders like depression or bipolar disorder.
- Hardworking, Virgos think that they can do anything that they work hard for, they like to impress people with the amount of work they do, unfortunately, Virgos often work hard instead of smart, doing a lot more work than they really needed to.
-The above being said, Virgos are incredibly intelligent. They are witty and charming.
- They like everything to be in a specific order and are often afraid of things being dirty.
- They like to debate and persuade others to think the way that they do.
- Virgos are people who often have a wide variety of interests.
In childhood, Virgos were introverts that had a lot expected from them. Virgos tend to grow up feeling unappreciated and underwhelmed with affection from their families and peers. I personally believe that this is what causes their want to keep things orderly.
Out of any of the signs, Virgos are the best teachers. If you need a study partner or a tutor, go to your Virgo friend! They just have a good way of explaining things so that it makes more sense.
-As a whole, Libras are very attractive people. They draw others in with a sense of attractiveness both physically and spiritually.
- They are sociable, and likely to get along with everyone they meet. They are the ones that know literally everyone.
- Their downside is that they are incredibly indecisive, they are not right for a position of leadership.
- They are aggressive when it comes to things they care about, and one of those things is equality, so you may see a lot of Libras fighting for social equality.
- Team-workers.
- Libras typically feel like the “ugly-duckling” or the “odd one out” which is mostly in their own heads because they are a very likeable sign.
- Polite.
In childhood, Libras are slightly devious but highly independent. They are curious and like to learn many different skills. Unfortunately, most Libra children are blind to the many talents that they posses, quick learning being one of them.
Libras are surprisingly sexual people.
Complex thinkers with big imaginations
-Practical, they get shit done
-Passionate, sometimes possessive
-Likely to have psychic inclinations
-On a negative side, they can be insensitive to others
- Intense feelers
-Although many are introverts, they are natural leaders
- They are self-destructive, their own worst enemies
- Typically they are really adventurous, they like to try new things (once they trust it of course, witch they are slow to do.)
-Indulgent in things like drugs, shopping, and food
- Stubborn
Scorpios often have a difficult childhood lacking in emotional support. They have to work harder to get things right than some other signs that get things a bit easier.
They can be jealous lovers, but are totally capable of controlling those jealous urges, and usually do for the fear that they are being too clingy. (even if they aren’t)
Scorpios are really competitive, but they are not frigid and mean, but will do everything they can to win. They aren’t always the most cooperative sign.
-High-spirited and free, these friends like to learn and have their freedom whether it be in romance, adventure, or even just creativity.
- Loyal and trustworthy, Sagittarius may not always be there when you need them to be, but when you have their attention, you have their full attention.
- They are very giving people, they love seeing others happy.
- This sign has uncanny good luck. Where did it come from???
-They are charming and incredibly talented, they make good public speakers.
- Sagittarius are very independent and progressive, they typically have talents in art, music, acting, and social skills.
- Philosophy interests them and they like to come up with fresh ideas.
In childhood, these are the kids that asked “why?” about everything. They are curious, free thinkers with a sharp head on their shoulders. They retain information better than most other signs, with the exception of Capricorns. Music comes easy for Sagittarius children.
Sagittarius are likely to indulge in things like drugs, shopping, and food, and they have a sense of emptiness when they do.
- Nothing describes a Capricorn like the word ambitious. This is the most hardworking, diligent sign. They know where they want to go, they know how to get there, and nothing can get in their way.
-Capricorns have a sturdy inner-self that guides them even when they think that they cannot go anymore.
- They are the most likely sign to suffer from depression.
- Contrary to what many think of Capricorns, they are one of the most full-of-life signs. They work hard, and they like to party just as hard. Capricorns love to entertain.
- They are very sexual people who have the needs of their lover at heart.
- On the negative, Capricorns can get stuck in routine easily, and they hate that about themselves.
-Capricorns are one of the most humorous and talented signs. They are introverts who know how to play the role of an extrovert, and they know how to do it well. They are very charismatic, others want to follow the Capricorn in the room, and Cappys need to keep this in mind and not manipulate others.
In childhood, Capricorns were often expected to live to a standard that was impossible, and that is how Capricorns learned how to achieve the impossible. Capricorn children have a difficult time connecting with others on an emotional level, and are often closer to their fathers than their mothers.
Capricorns are the go-to leaders in an emergency situation. Your wedding was cancelled? Call your Cap friend. Your mom is in the hospital? Call your Cap friend. Your house is on fire, you have a broken arm, and your dog needs to be picked up from the vet all at the same time? Call your Cap friend, they make the impossible, possible.
- This is the quirky sign, they are full of cool ideas and unique interests.
- They are tense, always on the lookout for people trying to use or hurt them, they are often very lonely, and the most likely to be “only-children”
- They are curious and experimental, they love thinking of, and testing new ideas.
- While Aquarians are not very emotional and loving, they crave emotion and love. They try not to let anyone see it, and often will not admit it to themselves, but it is what they need and want deep down. They need someone that they can rely on that will accept them and their odd, independent ways.
- Even though Aquarians are a little on the strange side (in the best way :) they are the most courteous and polite sign, and are very honest, forthcoming people.
- They have a quick temper and they fear true intimacy (while still craving it)
- These are a proud group of individuals, when they are very talented at something, they know that they are, and they are proud of it. This is a very good quality, but good luck trying to get an Aquarius to apologize.
- Aquarians often have a difficult time figuring out what they want to do in life, but once they find it they are driven and will stop at nothing to see their dreams come true.
In childhood, Aquarians are lonely. They don’t get the attention that they need to thrive. They are typically cast-off by teachers and sometimes peers because they have unique interests. Aquarius children usually are closer to their fathers than their mothers because they are critical.
Aquarians are friendly and once they trust you, they are some of the most loyal friends that you can have. Once they care about you, they would do anything for you, whether it be meet you to talk at 3 am or do six back flips, Aquarians always find a way.
- Pisces do not like conflict, but are usually pretty self-confident, just not assertive.
- They are romantic, just like their Taurus friends, they appreciate simple sensuality and the comforts of home and good cooking.
- While it is true that this is an emotional sign, they are an elastic sign too. They are not weak, they bounce back from anything life could ever throw at them.
- Pisces are very artistic and have a great love of music.
- This is the sign that would rather stay home than go out, they are in love with quiet activities. Don’t mistake them though, they can party.
- This is the most nurturing and self-sacrificing sign, they will do and be everything needed for the people that they love.
 -On the negative side of things, Pisces have to be careful, because they like to play the victim, but then wonder why no one thinks they are strong.
In childhood, Pisces tend to feel a sense of guilt because they can see their mothers, who they are close with, not being treated right by their fathers. Pisces children learn that it is ok to settle from their mothers.
Pisces is that friend that will listen to you talk about the same thing for hours on end while feeding you cookie dough. They are reliable and true friends.
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zodiactings · 9 years
Astrology 101 // Lesson Five - Moon Signs (rules the emotional self)
ARIES MOON - Lunar Ariens live in the moment and don’t like to wait for things to happen. They have a need for acting out their needs. It’s not easy for them to see things long-term. Lunar Ariens take things very personally and often like to deal with their problems right away.  They enjoy trouble and confrontations, so they get easily bored in peaceful environments.
TAURUS MOON - Lunar Tureans like formality. Once they have made a commitment, they are going to go through with it. They will go out of their way to avoid any unpredictable situations. They often focus on creating a reliable and secure life. They are sentimental and warm in relationships, but often had trouble noticing their partner’s needs for change, growth, or emotional stimulation. GEMINI MOON - Lunar Geminis can be described as pleasant, witty, and charming, although they tend to be moody and irritable at times when they’re home and with their family. Lunar Geminis have a constant air of nervousness and worry and the often need more stimulation than the other signs. Lunar Geminis almost always have a way with words. CANCER MOON - Lunar Cancers are often in touch with the feelings of moods and others, but they are also mostly wrapped up in themselves. Lunar Cancers are never detached in that they cling to things they care for, and seek out security and familiarity. There is little change welcomed in by these signs. When Lunar Cancers are insecure, they can become quite manipulative. LEO MOON - Lunar Leos are not really the most outgoing people, but when they feel comfortable, they often take the role as the center of attention. Lunar Leos have a need to organize and be in control of everything. Lunar Leos are very creative people, but they require a ton of love and care in order to function. Lunar Leos are also fairly easy to reason with. VIRGO MOON - Lunar Virgos feel most content when they’ve straighten out all the details of everyday life. Many Lunar Virgos are quite practiced at nagging and complaining, but if somebody needs help, they are usually the first to get on the task. Lunar Virgos are often considered underachievers. While most Lunar Virgos do have a low self-confidence, they appreciate simplicity and are often comfortable not getting too much attention as they are easily overwhelmed by stress.
LIBRA MOON - Lunar Libras have a strong need for parternship.Without someone to share their lives with, they will feel incomplete. Lunar Libras are sympathetic and concerned for others, enjoy socializing, and revel in a good debate. Lunar Libras often can’t  help but see flaws in their environment and their relationships. Anything out of the norm will bother them until it’s fixed. SCORPIO MOON - Lunar Scorpios seek out emotional intensity. They can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person. Most have powerful and emotionally intense lives. Lunar Scorpios often have an unconscious need to test their own strength and stir up emotional excitement. It’s all or nothing with them. Many Lunar Scorpios are intelligent. Those that use their powers for intimacy and honesty are the happiest. SAGITTARIUS MOON - Lunar Sagittarians have a need for personal freedom and space. Lunar Sagittarius are often extraordinarily happy and easygoing people, as long as they don’t feel caged in or cooped up. Meeting new people and experiencing new things are all important to their sense of wellbeing. It’s hard to stay at a Lunar Sagittarius, considering that their optimism is catchy and they have a cheerful and upbeat personality. When things get tough, these people are usually the first to escape. Not on to work on detail or plan a routine, Lunar Sagittarius prefer to wing it and believe everything will work out for the better CAPRICORN MOON - Lunar Capricorns come across as steady and reliable people. They often desire clear boundaries and realistic goals. Lunar Capricorns look for safety and security in almost anything they do, not wanting to take any risks. They often respect authority and tradition and are have usually already planned far ahead. Capricorns had a strong desire for structure and control, and that includes their emotions. AQUARIUS MOON - Lunar Aquarians are extremely observant. They love to analyze why people act the way they do, which stems from a detached personality.  Their inner feeling of loneliness, that they don’t fit in, usually puts them on the outside, looking in. Many Lunar Aquarians can often lack compassion, since they expect people to be just as independent and detached as they are. Lunar Aquarians make a point of never leaving anybody out, and will fight for other’s rights and crusades for equality. PISCES MOON - Lunar Pisceans are often dreamy and not often in touch with reality, but they make it up with their remarkable intuition. They have a lot of compassion and love for others, but this also means that they often lose themselves in others’ suffering. They have a odd but delightfully silly sense of human. Lunar Pisceans are often forced to learn between sincerity and manipulation as they are a sucker for sob stories. Solitude is important to them, but they also need people.
Learn more about the moon signs here 
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zodiactings · 9 years
Libra Venus // Aquarius & Scorpio
Reblog with your Venus sign and the sign you're obsessed with
Aqua Venus//Pisces
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zodiactings · 9 years
Send a space thing for questions
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
Venus: What’s your first language? 
Earth: Where’s your home? 
Mars: What’s your sexuality? 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? 
Saturn: Any pets? 
Uranus: What’s your hobby? 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? 
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? 
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? 
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? 
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? 
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour? 
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie? 
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? 
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? 
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? 
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? 
Other stuff: Wishes 
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? 
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? 
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? 
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