zoematherswrites · 3 years
7 New Book Releases I Can't Wait to Read in 2022
7 New Book Releases I Can’t Wait to Read in 2022
I know we’re already a month into 2022 but I still wanted to share the 7 new book releases I’m excited to read this new year because there are SO many! I’ve been off my reading game for the last couple of years, so this year, I want to prioritize getting back into reading. My goal is to read at least 2 books a month, so if that’s the case, I’m going to need some new books to add to my TBR. (Not…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
January Reading Wrap-Up + February TBR
January Reading Wrap-Up + February TBR
January came and went, and I’m happy to say I actually got some decent reading done! This month, I read 2 books that I really enjoyed. One was a re-read and the other was one I’d never read before. But we’ll get into that in a moment. I’m also going to go over my TBR for February too, so let’s dive in! January Reading Wrap Up Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert This was a re-read for me and is a…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
My Reading & Writing Goals for 2022
My Reading & Writing Goals for 2022
Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year where I share my reading and writing goals for 2022. These are some of my favourite posts to write. I love creating goals, especially ones surrounding reading and writing. And I love to share them! Without further ado, let’s start by looking back to a year ago when I set my goals for 2021. What did I accomplish? What didn’t I accomplish? I will cross…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
My Top 4 Favourite Books of 2021
My Top 4 Favourite Books of 2021
It’s already that time of the year: The time where I reflect on the books I read and choose my favourite books. My goal was to read 25 books this year but that didn’t work out…Instead, I read 16 books. I’m fine with this because it was a busy year! I did full-time school and part-time work, and I also had a really difficult year mentally. So, 16 books it is! While I didn’t read a lot, what I…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
My Proofreading Services
I'm so excited to officially offer proofreading services once again! Learn more in my recent blog post.
Happy Monday! I’m excited to write this post announcing that I am officially offering editing services once again! If you’ve been around for a while, I used to offer copyediting and proofreading services. In early 2021 though, I stopped editing to focus on my social media management business, which is now on its way to becoming a book marketing business for authors. (I’ll have a post explaining…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
8 Awesome Books on Kindle Unlimited You Need to Binge Read Today
8 Awesome Books on Kindle Unlimited You Need to Binge Read Today
Happy Monday! I love reading on my Kindle, not only because of its convenience but it’s a more sustainable way to do what I love. Another reason I love Kindle is because it has Kindle Unlimited! Kindle Unlimited has so many amazing books, but it can sometimes be hard to sift through them all and find the ones perfect for you. That’s why I wanted to put together this list of 8 Kindle Unlimited…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
NaNoWriMo 2021 Week 4 Update
NaNoWriMo 2021 Week 4 Update
Hello! Sorry, this NaNoWriMo update is coming a few days later than I said, but I was busy working on a whole other post for Monday so wink, wink. Stay tuned for that because I’m really excited about it. Unfortunately, I did not hit my goal of 20k this past week, but I’m okay with that. I got sick on Thursday, November 25 and luckily, I got over it pretty quickly but I chose to take it easy so I…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
NaNoWriMo 2021 Week 3
NaNoWriMo 2021 Week 3
Happy Monday! How did week 2 of NaNoWriMo go for you? Did you hit all your goals? Did you miss all your goals? The important thing is that you’re still trekking along, whether you’re ahead, on track or behind. Before diving into this update, make sure to check out my week 2 update to hear about how week 2 went and what my goals for this week were. NaNoWriMo Week 3 Update Week 3 has probably…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
NaNoWriMo 2021 Week 2 Update
NaNoWriMo 2021 Week 2 Update
Surprise, surprise, I am back with an update of week 2 for NaNoWriMo 2021! Make sure you check out my week 1 update before reading this one 😉 Let’s just dive into this update because spoiler alert…I did not hit my goal of 10k by the end of week 2 OR my goal of having a 2k writing day. And that’s okay! It would have been awesome to hit 10k yesterday, but things just got too busy and it didn’t…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
Reading Update + November TBR
Reading Update + November TBR
Hello! Long-time no blog, but as always, I’m back to share a reading update and my November TBR. I am back full-time in school and working part-time, but finally, I am figuring out how to manage my time in order to get back into the swing of blogging. Before I get into the reading update, I have been fairly active on my NEW blog where I chat about travel tips, share travel guides, etc. If…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
Author Interview with Alicia Dea
Author Interview with Alicia Dea
How did you first fall in love with writing? When I was a child, I loved to read. And my own stories started forming in my mind, and I knew at an early age that I wanted to be a writer. Is there a book or series that has shaped your writing? There are many books that stuck with me and shaped my writing. Over the years, there have been different influences. One of my earliest influences, other…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
Author Interview with Alicia Dean
Author Interview with Alicia Dean
Happy Monday! Today I have an exciting post and it is an author interview with mystery, thriller, and paranormal romance author, Alicia Dean! I asked Alicia a series of questions about her writing process and her books, so I hope you enjoy 🙂 1. How did you first fall in love with writing? When I was a child, I loved to read. And my own stories started forming in my mind, and I knew at an early…
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zoematherswrites · 3 years
April + May TBR
April + May TBR
Once again, I have risen from the dead after three-and-a-half months of university and work to bring you my April and May TBR! April is one of my favourite months because classes come to an end (finally! My last class is April 12th) and summer starts. While I will be working full-time all summer (life update to come!), I plan on spending a LOT of time reading and writing. Around this time last…
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zoematherswrites · 4 years
5 Tips for Creating Buzzworthy Social Media Content
5 Tips for Creating Buzzworthy Social Media Content
Whatever size your business is, social media is fundamental to your success. Through platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, you can reach a wide audience that ranges from all around the world. That’s a lot of pressure! Especially when there are so many other businesses out there, like yours, who are on social media and trying to reach their target audience. This is why you need to…
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zoematherswrites · 4 years
Why You Need to Focus on Inbound Marketing on Instagram
Why You Need to Focus on Inbound Marketing on Instagram
When creating a marketing strategy for your business and deciding how your social media channels will contribute, focus on inbound marketing. Especially focus on inbound marketing on Instagram. Instagram is meant for sharing valuable and attractive content that your audience wants to engage with, which is why inbound marketing strategies are much more successful than outbound marketing…
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zoematherswrites · 4 years
My Goals for 2021
My Goals for 2021
With 2021 around the corner and me being on my holiday break from work, I’ve finally taken the time to map out my goals for the new year and now, I’m here to share them with you! I have a pretty lengthy list of goals, but a lot of them don’t have a solid end goal or point. Most of them are just activities or things I want to spend time working on throughout the year. Anyways, before getting into…
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zoematherswrites · 4 years
My Post-NaNoWriMo Plans
I cannot believe December is almost halfway over and I am only now just thinking about my post-NaNoWriMo plans. Well, at least we’re here now! For the last NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month: an international, online writing event that takes place every year during November and encourages writers to write 50k words in 30 days), I wrote around 25,000 words for my Aztec fantasy novel.…
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