#Crossover Universe
tamiisnthere · 21 days
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A very dumb comic I've been working on for a long few days. Idk what it was supposed to be about exactly... 😔
Some parts are done poorly like the water photo and the flowers are not rigged at all, because for two or three days in Blender I was just modifying Arno's new model I ripped from the game and it was traumatizing... 😭
(↓ Credits under Keep reading)
Programs: XNALara & Fire Alpaca
Assassin's Creed © Ubisoft 
The Sims 4 © Electronic Arts Games
Tami © Me (TamiIsntHere) Note: I don’t own the most Custom Content. These belong to their creators.
Credits for Models/Textures/Meshes (Authors only; I hope I credited them all right):
From DeviantArt: milance941, LorisC93, ItalianUtent, carbint, XXLife-Starts-NowXx, deexie, raccooncitizen, DecanAndersen (deactivated), HarleySin & Tokami-Fuko
From Other Websites: OMG Theres A Bear In My Oatmeal! (Steam), lidiakoifman (Sketchfab), Matt Hardy (Unsplash) & MichaelDarkAngel (Tbotr.net)
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forlovewithyou · 2 months
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"They are talking about their children."
Someone wanted me to draw Mirrorverse!Woody🤠 and Carmilla🩰
Gee, I'm not good at imitating Hazbin Hotel style, but I tried my best to make Woody look the same as Carmilla💀
I thought they would have a lot in common about protecting their families🥹🥹
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toonsforkicks22 · 8 months
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Vaggie doesn’t take sh*t and Loona IS that piece of sh*t.
(First time I’ve drawn Hazbin Hotel that wasn’t a maid outfit request or a paid commission. Who am I? 🙃)
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hoe4rairai · 3 months
* Oi Oi *
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small-tragedies · 30 days
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(Click on pictures for better quality)
Lisa Simpson lay on the rooftop of the Simpson house, gazing up at the starry night sky. The cool breeze rustled her hair as she sighed deeply, feeling the weight of her thoughts pressing down on her. She had always found solace in the stars, but tonight, even their twinkling beauty couldn’t lift her spirits.
Suddenly, a strange, triangular figure materialized above her. Bill Cipher, with his single, glowing, and mischievous eye, floated in the air. “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” he said in a voice dripping with curiosity. “A troubled mind seeking answers in the cosmos?”
Lisa sat up, startled but not entirely surprised. She had encountered many oddities in her young life but was still weary. “Who are you?” She asked, her voice steady despite her surprise.
“I’m Bill Cipher, a muse of sorts,” he cheerfully replied, tipping his top hat. “There’s a crazy amount of ‘weird’ energy surrounding this place, and I thought I would check it out.”
Lisa gave the one-eyed little creature a flat look. “And why did you appear in front of me then?”
“I’ve been watching you for a while, kid, and I think out of all these meatsacks here, you’re the most interesting one.” He said as he gave her a wink—but since he only had one eye, it honestly just looked like he blinked as if he had something in it.
Lisa grimaced. Well, that was creepy. She was pretty sure he was trying to be flattering toward her, but she didn’t quite think he understood social cues.
“So if you’re some kind of ‘muse’ then what makes me so special?” She asked while she crossed her arms over her chest in skepticism.
A fascinated glimmer twinkled in his eye. “Ooh, skeptical, huh? I like it!” His one lone eye looked around, seemingly lost in thought. “Well, then let me tell you why I’m here~ I appear to those who are troubled, those who think outside the box.” He said while spreading his arms out before pointing at Lisa. “And you, Lisa Simpson, are quite the outside thinker.”
Lisa raised a brow, slightly concerned with him knowing her full name, but responded with a flat. “Uh-huh.” Well, that was a first, since not a lot of people commend her for her ‘outside thinking’.
Bill floated closer, his eye narrowing in a conspiratorial manner. “Kid, I don’t know if you know this, but you got a lot of inner turmoil going on. You’re at a crossroads, aren’t you? Something about college and your mother giving you a hard time?” He said sounding not unlike a mentalist—whom Lisa knew more than not—could be con artists. 
Lisa’s shoulders slumped as he hit the nail on the head. She sighed. “Yeah. I don’t really want to go to college. I feel like it’s not the right path for me, but my mom... she just doesn’t understand. She thinks it’s the only way for me to succeed.”
Bill chuckled softly. “Ah, college-schmollege, who needs it?!” He said it with a wave of his hand. He sobered up a little, becoming slightly serious. “You see, Lisa, you and I aren’t so different. Let me tell you a little story. I came from a place called Euclydia, a flat world with flat minds and flat dreams. I was different, always thinking beyond the confines of my dimension. My ideas made me an outcast, but they also made me who I am.”
Lisa listened intently, an unsure light reflecting in her eyes. “...Why… Why are you telling me all of this?”
Bill said, his voice growing more animated. “Because your outside-the-box thinking is what makes you special~ College isn’t the only path to success. You have the potential to carve your own way, like I did. Stick with me, kid, we’ll go places.” He winked, “I’ll make it worth your while~”
Lisa looked at him and commented dryly. “‘Worth my while,’ huh? Maybe I should go to college.”
Bill’s eye narrowed just a smidge. “Well, I can see you need time to think about it.” He floated down, reached into his non-existent pocket, pulled out a crisp one-dollar bill, and placed it into the palm of her hand, using his much smaller hands to close her fingers around it. “If you ever want to see me again,” Bill continued, his single eye narrowing playfully, “just hold this bill up to the light. You’ll see the color-shifting ink and some other strange symbols. It’s a little trick of mine~”
Lisa examined the bill, noticing the intricate details and a pyramid with an eye on it. She looked back up at Bill, who was already starting to fade away.
Bill tipped his hat once more. “Until then, I’ll be watching you.” He said in a chipper tone. “Always watching~ And remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy crypto, bye!” With that, he vanished into the night, leaving Lisa alone with her thoughts and the twinkling stars above.
(Whatever is blue and underlined is a link)
The two manips were made by my sister, @twisting-echo Thank you, sis. They look fantastic!
So... I'm not going to lie, I've secretly shipped Older!Lisa Simpson with Bill Cipher ever since I watched the Bill Cipher cameo in the Bart's in Jail! episode back on October 3rd of 2021, and in light of "The Book of Bill" and BillFord craze that's sweeping the internet, I thought that I'd share my mini-fic idea of how Bill and Lisa met based on the events of the Mother and Child Reunion episode.
The reason I ship them is because Lisa is often portrayed as an outcast in Springfield due to her outside-the-box thinking and intellectual pursuits. Her interests in science, literature, and social issues frequently set her apart from her peers and even her family. Her struggles to fit in due to her progressive views and high intelligence make her similar to Ford Pines in a lot of ways. And Bill’s attraction to Ford Pines was primarily driven by Ford’s intelligence and curiosity. Ford was a brilliant scientist and researcher, which made him an ideal partner for Bill’s plans. Bill saw Ford as someone who could help him unlock the mysteries of the universe and achieve his own goals.
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darius-1 · 2 months
Devil defeated by Canary!
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blueikeproductions · 15 days
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I finished Stranger Things X TMNT and while the ending feels a smidge rushed, it was a lot of fun.
I think to some extent I was expecting a crossover involving the 80’s cartoon TMNT, but the Mirage versions are a better fit tonally. So unless the current SATAM Adventures TMNT comics by IDW decide to crossover with Stranger Things, I’ll just poke around at my leisure with it on my end.
Like the original comics, Eleven hitches a ride to New York on a bus to meet up with Mike’s class, but in the Heathers AU, naturally this involves running into JD on the same bus who had a similar idea.
I think Eleven and JD would be friends in this universe, bonding over similar bad parents and mental scars, though Eleven wouldn’t be too keen on learning JD murdered some students years later. She understands they were “bad men” though but is still disappointed in the lapse in judgment. She is nevertheless proud he’s cleaning up his act and doing better.
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ideaconcepting · 1 month
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Random views for fun
and out of context
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twisting-echo · 10 days
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anjels001 · 1 month
SVSSS / Star wars (The Mandalorian) crossover Headcanon
I’ve been obsessed with this idea for a few days now, so here it is… I wanted to share some exciting headcanon that I've been developing for the SVSSS and Star Wars (The Mandalorian) crossover. I’ve been thinking about how to fill in some of the gaps in the world’s history within the SVSSS universe, specifically regarding the origins of Pico Qing Jing. Since Qing Jing literally means "Peak of Knowledge," it made me wonder: why not have a hidden library or secret vault within the peak itself? Imagine this: the peak is not just a place of strategic importance but also a repository of immense knowledge. It’s equipped with an advanced archival system, hidden rooms, and underground catacombs designed to protect and preserve their invaluable knowledge. This setup ensures that in the event of an emergency or an attack, there’s a secure location where the clan can safeguard their secrets and continue their work without interruption. Pico Qing Jing is the pinnacle of strategy, so it’s only fitting that the leadership always be prepared for potential sieges. The archives and defensive systems would be a crucial aspect of their strategy, ensuring that even if the peak were under threat, they would have the means to protect their wisdom and maintain their strategic edge. Feel free to dive into these ideas and let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions! I’m excited to hear your thoughts and expand on this fascinating crossover.
✨ The Arrival of the Mandalorians and Their Decision to Remain Hidden:
Thousands of years ago, Mandalorians traveled through a portal from the World Between Worlds and arrived in the Endless Abyss. After three years of exploring this new and dangerous environment, a rift opened, leading them to a wild and uncharted world. The Mandalorians, recognizing the complexities and threats of this new world, decided to remain hidden. Acknowledging that revealing themselves could pose additional risks and threaten their safety, they chose to protect both themselves and the new world they had encountered.
✨ Adaptation and Survival:
During their initial stay, the Mandalorians adapted their skills and knowledge to survive in the hostile environment. They developed new tactics and techniques to address the challenges of the new world, integrating their traditions and strategies with the evolving landscape. Preserving their practices and knowledge was crucial for their survival and adaptation to this transformative world.
✨ The Founding of Peak Qing Jing by Clan Mirdal:
Clan Mirdal, one of the most respected and strategic clans of Mandalore, played a crucial role in the founding of Peak Qing Jing. The first lord of the peak was a Chinese human adopted by Clan Mirdal, who became the founder and established a new legacy. He integrated Mandalorian knowledge with local practices, creating a solid foundation for Peak Qing Jing's development. This new leader began excavating hidden caverns, preserving a vast knowledge base and implementing Mandalorian traditions within the new society.
✨ Cultural and Strategic Integration:
Cultural integration was essential to the founding of Peak Qing Jing. The first lord and his followers brought with them not only advanced technologies but also a rich cultural and strategic heritage. This exchange of knowledge helped shape the structure and identity of Peak Qing Jing, blending elements of Mandalorian culture with local traditions.
✨ Secret Archives and Accumulated Defenses:
Deep within the caverns of Peak Qing Jing are stored secret archives that include Mandalorian technology and knowledge from the Star Wars universe, as well as locally collected and cultivated information. These archives contain valuable secrets and essential information for preserving the clan's legacy. Only the chief disciple and the future lord of the peak have full access to these secrets, ensuring that knowledge is protected and transmitted securely.
✨ Accrued Defenses Over Generations:
Each lord of Peak Qing Jing has contributed to the defenses of the secret caverns over the generations. The defenses are a complex system of protection that combines Mandalorian technologies with sorcery and strategic tactics. These defenses continuously evolve to ensure the safety of the archives and accumulated knowledge, reflecting the skill and wisdom of past leaders.
✨ The Ritual of Knowledge Transmission and Adoption:
Before ascending, the current lord performs a manda adoption ritual, a spiritual and formal process to pass on knowledge and power to the chief disciple. This ritual is crucial to ensure that the new lord is prepared to assume leadership and contribute their own insights to the defenses of the caverns. Through this ritual, knowledge is passed from one generation to the next, ensuring the continuity and protection of Peak Qing Jing’s legacy.
✨ Preparation and Transition:
During the ritual, the chief disciple receives intensive training and guidance on the secrets and defenses of the caverns. The transition of power is carefully planned to ensure that the new lord is fully prepared to face future challenges and maintain the integrity of the accumulated knowledge. This preparation is essential for the stability and continuity of Peak Qing Jing.
✨ Consequences of Revealing the Existence of Clan Mirdal:
If the existence of Clan Mirdal were to be revealed to the world, there would be significant implications for both Peak Qing Jing and the Mandalorians. The revelation could result in a series of adverse reactions, including increased attention from local and external factions seeking to exploit or conquer the clan's knowledge and technologies. The accumulated secrets and powerful defenses could attract unwanted interest, putting the security and stability of Peak Qing Jing at risk.
✨ Changes in Power Dynamics:
The exposure of the clan could alter the power dynamics in the new world. Local factions and governments might attempt to conquer Peak Qing Jing to gain access to advanced knowledge and technologies. This could lead to conflicts and wars, forcing Clan Mirdal to engage in battles to protect their legacy. The clan’s neutrality would be compromised, requiring new strategies to address external threats.
✨ Preservation and Adaptability:
To avoid revelation and safeguard their legacy, Clan Mirdal must continue to maintain discretion and rigorously protect their secrets. Adapting their defenses and strategies, along with ongoing training and preparation of leaders, is crucial for ensuring the clan’s survival and integrity. The impact of a potential revelation underscores the importance of maintaining secrecy and security in a world filled with dangers and intrigue.
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tamiisnthere · 2 months
Altaïr (Crossverse version) Ref Sheet! 😍
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(↓ Credits under Keep reading)
Programs: XNALara & Fire Alpaca
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad © Ubisoft 
Altaïr’s Robes Model © LorisC93 (DeviantArt)
Lower part of Altaïr’s Robes © milance941 (DeviantArt)
“Altaïr’s” Head Model © ItalianUtent (DeviantArt) Note: This is AC3 Desmond’s model, which I edited textures on it.
Altaïr’s Weapons Models © DecanAndersen (DeviantArt; deactivated)
Thorton’s Hair © deexie (DeviantArt)
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forlovewithyou · 8 months
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“Something’s not right with bumblebee.”
“Wellwell, it looks like we have new friends I guess I should thank you for finding me more delicious energy, my little helper.”
New trouble:
About energy vampires
About one of the capabilities of Nos-4A2——
Mind Control: By biting a robot or a machine (or using energy on machines or robots he has already bitten) NOS-4-A2 can simultaneously drain it and hack into its systems, installing a mind control program that enables him to command it in any way he pleases.(from BLoSC wiki)
Thanks for the question box!
Also, I’m a little excited about crossovers lately, so maybe I’ll continue drawing them!😋
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fidenciojesusfan92 · 1 year
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majingojira · 2 years
One of the bad things about the Crossover Universe Blog...
I keep finding new things to add. I must currently fight off the urge to write up the Wakandan Voltron.
Because that is a real thing they did, and it needs to be seen more often!
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frostcorpsclub · 2 years
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I decided to put this together after this status: https://www.tumblr.com/frostcorpsclub/712173305219710976/oh-my-goodness-im-a-geniusyall-know-how?source=share
I gave some headcanon names for characters that obviously have to exist, like Oskar and Sunshine's parents. Some slots will get filled in as I design next gens. 
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darius-1 · 1 year
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Team RWBY Witnesses the Third Impact - Part 2
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