#autism things
mortallycrispygardener · 11 months
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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This is what I sound like talking about my current hyperfixation to people
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jax-likes-snax · 1 year
I hate how oddly sexualized breasts are, and how oddly sexualized bedrooms are, and I hate how anything not inherently sexual gets sexualized, it was hot outside and me and my boyfriend were watching his friend repair his truck at my house and I had a shirt off and only my binder on since yk it was hot out, and the other guys also had their shirts off and it was considered fine, but when me and my boyfriend went to go relax in the ac in my room I changed from my binder to a sports bra cause my ribs hurt and kept a shirt off cause I was still sweating a lot and really hot, and my mom came in complaining about how I need to wear a shirt and how it's weird to wear only a bra in a bedroom with your significant other even though she knows I'm ace and she thinks it's weird since he isn't ace and I have breasts and bedrooms are sexualized, why is it okay to not have a shirt as one assigned gender and not the other, why are certain environments more sexualized than others, it makes no sense especially since we weren't doing anything sexual, neither me nor him made it weird, but my mom was making a huge deal out of having tits in a bedroom
maybe it's cause I'm autistic or maybe cause I'm asexual but I think the oversexualization of literally everything is weird
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frankieroslesbian · 9 months
Nah man having intense hyperfixations as a neurodivergent person is probably the most isolating feeling in the world
Like all I can think about is this specific thing but I'm not allowed talk about it because it doesn't interest anyone else around me. So instead it just builds up to the point where I feel like I'm going to explode
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seweage-monster · 11 months
All of you complain about overstimulation and sensory overload
We need to talk about under stimulation. I’m not saying I want to be overloaded with information. No I mean when I get panic attacks because there is not enough self stimulation in a situation. I have to walk out of meetings to pace around and think to calm myself down because my fight or flight response has activated from being not being able to stim.
I get so anxious when I cannot listen to music or have something playing in the background because I need stimulation that I choose to have and which I have control over
It physically hurts my brain.
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antelopelovefan · 4 months
Can we talk for a moment about how lonely being autistic is? Nobody sees what you see. Nobody hears what you hear. What resonated with you doesn't resonate with anyone else.
Craving connection and nobody can know you.
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galacticscrotum · 1 year
Neurotypicals all need to be reminded that if you made fun of someone in school for being “weird,” you were making fun of autistic people and that’s ableist and wrong. If you don’t educate yourself and change, you’re a bad person.
Things I saw kids get made fun of for:
Walking on their toes
Communicating directly
Not making eye contact
Making too much eye contact
Having special interests
Not having the right interests
Having few friends
Trying to make friends
Being “too” happy
Feeling overwhelmed
Being shy
Not talking much
Talking too much
Having fun being silly
Being serious
Doing well in class (nerd)
Doing poorly in class (stupid)
Any noticeable stims
The way we eat
A lot of other shit
Yeah, those kids were neurodivergent and you were an asshole to them. Do you see all the contradictions in that list? You never actually had a problem with anything we did or didn’t do. You had a problem with our existence. The way we talked, walked, breathed, you bullied us for it.
What’s even more disgusting and insane:
Lots of these kids chose to spend their elective periods with the special ed kids class. Lots of them grew up to be teachers, SpEd teachers, psychologists, etc. not because they want to help autistic people, but because they want to feel superior.
A big fuck you to all of the bullies and jerks that treated us like shit simply for being different from you.
I hope you’ve changed, but I know you probably haven’t. You’re doing the same shit, all that’s changed is you’re getting paid for it now. Go to hell. (A very particular section of hell where you’re marginalized for your neurotype and forced into ABA therapy and treated exactly how you treated us).
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aphel1on · 5 months
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AURGH auwarghh the autistic parental trauma... the epi was wacky hijinks then dropped this on us out of nowhere... (sobs) laios... laiiiiooooos
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themaskedlady · 5 months
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pebiejeebies · 11 months
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stimminw stimmmwmn
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Black Autistic Culture is people not believing you're autistic while also critiquing you on everything you said that was "disrespectful" and "rude" as well as telling you to learn how to talk right.
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"Autism mom" organizations treating autism like a horrific disease in the 90s did so much harm to autistic people. Still today people are torturing autistic children in an attempt to exorcise the autism from their bodies to get back their healthy normal child. People aren't giving their kids necessary vaccines out of fear they might catch this horrific illness. All because these organizations painted autism as a horrific illness stealing healthy children from their loving parents instead of just like, people with slightly different brains that can be accommodated.
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circusinarun · 3 months
Welp... Just some time ago I realized that this is not what neurotypicals feel...
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Yeah...I gotcha Don 😞
And yeah, small headcanon that Splinter was not aware of such a thing as neurodivergence, so he made a lot of bad decisions towards his sons, (despite the fact that he is the same... Come on, am I the only one who thinks so?). Therefore, for at least half of his life, Donnie (and his bros) suffered from not knowing what was happening to him and tried to be “normal”... Sad, but very realistic
Don't be afraid, Donnie gave Splinter a lecture and now he understands his fuck ups
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weirdplutoprince · 5 months
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Autistic? Me?
1- Normal [2]
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finnslay · 1 year
My entire childhood: Don't use that tone with me!/Don't talk to me like that!/Why do you have such an attitude?
Me, who didn't know about autism: What?
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cattisect · 1 year
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baked autism and adhd cookies yesterday with my lovely partner !! @frowningcats
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