spooknik-wolf · 3 days
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DMC doodle
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liberaljane · 12 days
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it can be hard to leave a toxic environment, but you deserve to be safe.
Digital illustration of a young Asian woman sitting on a staircase in a green tank top and pants. Text reads, 'you deserve to be in an environment that brings out the softness in you -- not he survival in you.'
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odinsblog · 1 month
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🗣️ If it’s considered ‘unacceptable behavior’ or leads to ‘immediate termination’ in your job’s employee handbook, then it’s probably DV
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lacking-hydration · 1 year
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dove-tears · 10 months
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can you guys tell ive been hella autistic for these games in particular for years /silly
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sinningtamer · 6 months
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taming the monster hunter 🦊🩸🔮
this tooootally wasn't an idea i had back around halloween and only found motivation to draw now... what gave you that idea?
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robsheridan · 5 months
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Nine Inch Nails' And All That Could Have Been DVD, released on this day in 2002. I found a folder of raw screengrabs from 2001, during the editing process, where some of the footage was still interlaced from the consumer DV cameras I filmed on in 2000. Here are some enlarged details, which have a phenomenal early-digital texture to them now, and it’s remarkable to see the resolution we were working with to put that film together (these were direct TIFF frame outputs from FCP - all the compression you see in here is from the camera!)
I always loved the way interlaced frames digitally ripped an image apart, and it inspired me in the creation of the “With Teeth” visual aesthetic a couple years later. In 2004, as the prosumer digital video world was continuing the clunky transition away from interlacing, I discovered the first version of Apple’s Motion software did not know what to do with interlaced footage, and would in fact render the interlacing as part of the video when you zoomed into it. That happy glitch accident formed the aesthetic foundation of the video for “The Hand That Feeds.”
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japyjazzz · 1 year
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Now i can see the whole world through my fingers… And the world smiles at me
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Hey so like. Im not good with words and emotions and all that. But. Incase anyone needs to hear it,
Emotional abuse and manipulation is STILL abuse.
If the person you are with is making you feel like you cant trust yourself and you are going crazy, if they blame every problem on you, if they make you dependent on them. You are being abused.
But I promise, there are people out there who care about you. There are people who love you and will help you in a heartbeat.
We just got my sister out. And my youngest niece. We didnt know what was going on, because he made my sister feel like all of it was her fault. She told us Monday. Today is Thursday. Now, we are dealing with the fallout. The rumors and accusations from him and his family. But none of that matters cause they are safe. And for the first time in a decade, my sister can be happy. And my niece can be allowed to be a kid. She got help from people she hadnt talked to in a LONG time. And watching her realize just how much everyone loves her and were willing to drop everything and help her. Well. It was the most heartbreaking and yet beautiful moment. Seeing my sister realize just how much support she never knew she had.
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wordsbymae · 3 months
Honestly I wouldn’t mind if ya did a story that was just breeding kink baby fever pregnancy centered focused 🙈 No thoughts head empty just 🌽
But I do have to ask out of your ocs who’d actually make a great father vs shitty father vs meh father? And what are some of ya ocs parental habits for raising the babies?
Hi!! Honestly I wish I was sooooo much better at smut cause that's all I would write. I'm trying to get back into writing smut but I'm really not very good at it, but I'm practising! Also i promised a fic tonight but I'm tired and my writing is shit so I'll have a red hot crack go tomorrow after work.
Ok so I'll just do out of my yandere ocs, cause they are the ones everyone is more familiar with. TW: talks about domestic abuse
Great Father goes to the Farmer for sure. Look he's got traditional (aka outdated views) but that doesn't mean he would ever disown his children. He had a really horrible childhood and he always promised himself he would do a better job as a parent then his own ever did. He is very hands on, giving his children life skills and most importantly the belief that they can overcome what life throws at them. The farmer knows how hard life is, so he tries to instil good work ethic and most of all a be good to others way of thinking. Being a helping hand is important to him.
He may not like people that much, but being someone others can rely on made him feel as though he is wanted and worthwhile when he was always told by his parent's he was not. He would unfortunately believe in boy's things and girl's things. But that doesn't mean if a son of his wants to help mama sew or a girl of his wants to help him fix the truck he's going to go crazy. No, of course not, he believes that ALL life skills, whether others believe them to be men or women jobs, need to be taught to children. So he doesn't care about division of labour based on gender.
What makes him a bit weary is if his son wants to wear florals or pinks, or if his daughter ONLY wears masculine clothes, especially if they go into town. He's just not comfortable about it. However, over time I think he just wouldn't care anymore and would only fuss if they are wearing improper clothes to work on the farm with. Likewise he wouldn't disown his children if they came out as queer, he would most likely make really cringy jokes and ask embarrassing questions and then say something like "Oh, so I can't ask my child a genuine question? Is that not politically correct now?", but like sir, please the question was embarrassing.
But yeah, once he kinda understood it he would come to terms with it and actually would be funny. Like if someone in town asks him if he's proud of his kid for coming out hell say (absolutely seriously) "why the fuck should I be proud of them coming out of the house, why do kids these days need praise for every little thing they do!". like he wouldn't understand what the phase coming out even means. Anyway on to the next!
Meh Father goes to the Mad King. The man is all bark no bite. He pretty much only wants children as heirs and also to have levrage over the reader. He's not horrible by any means, he spoils his children when they deserve it, but he also makes them understand that nothing good in life is freely given and you have to take it. But unfortunately he also causes rivalries between his children. They are desperate for any attention/praise from him that they will try to out compete one another to gain it. Often resulting in arguments and injuries.
Reader (whether they wanted children or not) has to act overly motherly and affectionate to their children to counteract his actions. There is no favouritism or stern reminders of their places as heirs, just warm, welcoming love. Also his children aren't idiots, they can all tell that their parent's did not marry for love. At least on their mother's side.
They are torn between desperately wanting their father, the king, to show them true love not just cold approval and hating him for the emotional abuse he has put their mother through. It's actually kinda sad, because he was always desperate for the attention and love of his father and now he's caused the same thing between his own children.
There is moments of affection and love but the more he see's himself or god forbid his brother in his children, he begins to be very cold and distant. The man kinda forgot that a kid is 50/50 not just 100% their mother's. That's why his youngest is his favourite, although he would never tell anyone ever. His youngest is pretty much reader cloned, looks, personality, and everything. When he looks at them he is harshly reminded what he took away from reader the day he became king.
Bad Father goes to the Killer. This man would have absolutely no fucking clue what the fuck to do. And he would not care to try. Reader (who is usually gn but for the sake of this is afab) is heartbroken when they realise they are pregnant, and Killer has no idea why they won't stop crying. And why do they keep being sick all the time. A primal part of him likes the idea of caring and providing for his darling and their children, in fact he loves it.
When he figured out reader was pregnant, he started stocking up in furs, wood, meat and cloth. He made a crib from what he remembered his little brother's to be (omg lore drop). He likes to provide, but damn does he actually hate having a child. He leaves ALL baby stuff to reader, he pretty much refuses to look after or even pick up the baby. He gives reader all the resources they need and the Killer calls it a good job done. The poor kid(s) grow up very isolated and confused. Their mama loves them with everything they have but their pa won't even acknowledge them.
Resentment grows as they do. They of course don't really understand why they are here and why their mother/parent is with killer, because it's all they have ever known. They've known nothing other than this. I can see this going either two ways. One day the oldest snaps, they are sick and tired of listening to the screams of the their father's victims. Their mother/parent tries so hard to keep them from barging out of their small shack.
The eldest faces their father, who has grown grey over the years. However, he is still a scary and strong man, and the eldest falters slightly, it's enough for the Killer to smack their eldest to the ground telling them to go back inside. Reader sees this and just loses it. They have spent a good chunk of their life under Killer's thumb. They have seen so much death and violence they have become almost immune. But to see their child being struck by the man who killed all her friends all those years ago just causes absolute rage.
Reader picks up the old shotgun that they found hidden in the attic, they were always too scared to use it, especially when the kid(s) came. But now its time. Killer doesn't stand a chance.
OR the other way is that once the kid(s) reach maturity they follow in their father's footsteps unfortunately for reader and finally get their father's approval. I like the first idea better.
Hope you liked it! I should have my home invader story out tomorrow!
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vestergil · 6 months
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messing with emv engine again lol👁️👁️
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weirdmefrom13 · 1 year
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bonus panels:
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odinsblog · 2 months
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States with Republican governors or that are controlled by a majority of Republicans are going back to the 1970s and as far back as the 1860s to pull out misogynistic laws against women. And please don’t mistakenly believe that this tactic will stop at controlling women only. Think about all of the homophobic, ableist, racist laws that existed wayback then and are still on the books. This trend of reproductive coercion by way of outdated laws is a blueprint for Republicans. Vote every conservative politician out of office in every election and at every opportunity.
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storytellering · 4 months
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Happy Valentines 🖤
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dove-tears · 2 months
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delirium from tboi + delirium dragon from dragonvale fusion because why not
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lacking-hydration · 1 year
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I'm obsessed with her and her crimes against humanity
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