#eating disoder mention
support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
If you need some inspiration and comfort on your dashboard, follow Post It Forward on Tumblr.
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alizeh-talks · 4 months
today my dad told me about my first tooth. he said that he came back from work and my mum so excitedly gave him the news, and when he asked how she knew she said it was because she could hear it against the spoon when she fed me. he said it with something so distant in his face. like he could remember when i was that small, small enough to only have one tooth, small enough to still need to be fed with a spoon.
stories like this always hit me because they remind me that i am not to my parents who i am to myself. because while my my body is just my flesh and my skin and my fat and my bones to my parents my body is their baby. it's the little arms they would rub baby oil on and the little face they would kiss every chance they could. it's the little fingers that would grab their hair and their cheeks and their clothes and the little feet that would kick when they tried to fit them into shoes. it was a body that didn't know how to have an opinion of a body, a body that needed to be loved, a body that they dressed in pretty dresses and bundled up during winter and held close during the night, to make sure it wouldn't accidentally roll out of bed. this was the body that i had for at least a third of my life. before my brain caught up and turned it into a body it could be mean to.
i think about how my parents must have felt when they first saw me cry over a plate of food. all the times i screamed at them when they tried to get me to eat a proper meal. the times i insisted that they didn't understand, that they didn't want me to be happy, that they wanted to ruin my life by making me eat more than what i wanted. i think about how they must have felt when the hair that first sprouted and was so excitedly pasted into the first haircut page of my baby book started falling out in clumps, residue left in the bathtub, on hairbrushes, on my pillow. how they must have felt when the baby that they used to wake up with tickles and kisses couldn't stay awake more than a few hours everyday, the baby whose first steps they cheered getting lightheaded whenever she walks up the stairs, when the baby whose first tooth hit the spoon for the very first time was telling them that eating a slice of her favourite cake made her want to die.
my body is my body in the same way that my phone is my phone and my bag is my bag. a resource. a utility. something that i can toss around a little without it mattering much.
but my body is also a baby, because it is my parents' baby, and if they can still remember the sound of the spoon against my first tooth twenty years on, then the body that they have watched me hurt so much is the same body they love with all their hearts.
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greenteabaee · 8 months
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camhasproblems · 6 months
Learning to purge was the worst mistake of my life. Ignoring the obvious and dangerous consequences, knowing I can eat whatever I want and just throw it up has completely fucked up my ability to restrict. If I try and restrict under 1000 I just think well I can just have more because I can purge. Purging doesn’t even get all the calories out so I don’t even lose weight. I want to quit purging and go back to my restrictive ED please lord
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bocadeemetaal · 1 year
"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."
-Kate Moss
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lightrxys · 1 year
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, behold me.
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ddringo · 7 months
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Blades, Bodies, and Battles
Yuuri Katsuki didn't know when it started. When hurtful comments changed to worried looks. When the laughter had turned into silent whispers. When skating had stopped being just skating, but something more. A tool. A tool that was slowly breaking his body down, atom by atom.
And then...
Yuuri falls.
He isn’t jumping. He isn’t spinning. He isn’t even moving. But he drops, suddenly, towards the ice.
Victor watches in slow motion as the skater crashes, crumbles, catatonic towards the ice. Hears the deafening sounds of Yuuri’s skill hitting the surface. And Yuuri doesn’t get up.
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sadsickandstoned · 5 months
I need to stop eating I need to stop feeling I need to stop thinking I'm good enough for anyone to love me I need to stop being so delusional I need to stop being so desperate I need to fade away and be erased from everyone's memory
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crochetingmysoul · 7 months
To do everything to have a belly and a waist like this for finally being able to do belly button piercing.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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my1yf3 · 1 year
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Ur so pretty when ur sad
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blond-b · 1 year
None of my clothes fit anymore 😭
None of my clothes fit anymore 🤭🥰
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angelic-high · 2 years
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Me coming back to relapse 🤪
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dizzyninja-2 · 2 years
I'm fucking crying
My school really gave me an assignment to learn about Mexican culture, and the assignment is to make and try an authentic dish from Mexico
And make a video showing me making it 💀
They REALLY gave the anorexic bitch this project 🤡
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bocadeemetaal · 1 year
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is-this-how-it-is-now · 5 months
this whole eating disorder culture we've created is kinda wild. I could literally tell my girlies that I haven't eaten in 3 days and only drank 5 cups of coffee a day and they'd be like "yaaaaas slay!!! get that summer body ready" like what the fuck? xD since when is it normal for everybody to skip meals and be on diets all year? people used to go to therapy for that shit because hey... that's an eating disorder 🤙 when'd we normalize that so much?
i literally told a friend of mine that I made a poached egg on toast the other day and she said "can't have eggs every day, there's a lot of calories in them" girl what the fuck
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sadsickandstoned · 2 years
I see so many people saying that starving in autumn and winter just feels better... HOW? My fingernails literally turn blue when it's less than 20°C, wearing 4 layers of clothes doesn't feel good and you can't even wear mini skirts...
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