#disordered eating tw
support · 5 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone.  
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Eating Disorders Association (support, resources, treatment options)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find help lines related to eating disorders for your country. 
For self-help courses on body image and general peer support, please try Koko. 
If you need some inspiration and comfort on your dashboard, follow Post It Forward on Tumblr.
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she-whodreams · 7 months
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Im back fellas
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
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I feel like we need to be talking more about this book and Jennette McCurdy in general
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
It actually does bother me that eating is treated like spending money - that you have an allotted allowance in the form of calories that you are supposed to budget.
"How are you spending your calories?" I'm spending them on experiences. I'm spending them on time with my community, my people, those who matter to me. I'm spending them on satiating a human need. I'm spending them on the feeling of being alive and not just living.
If there is one experience that I don't want to "pay" for, it's the basic human right of comfort, security, community, and care.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
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Funfact! Alligator snapping turtles will gladly eat younger, smaller turtles, even of their own species :)
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Whump Prompt #1256
Submitted by Anon - thanks!
TW: starvation | disordered eating
If a character has become accustomed to prolonged under-nourishment, they probably won't be "fine" as soon as they can eat adequately. Of course there's the psychological recovery from whatever experience(s) they had, but also their body may not remember how to deal with normal amounts of food.
A few things they may experience when they start eating more (severe cases can be dangerous and require medical intervention, these are just in the "unpleasant" range):
Poor appetite and rapid/disproportionate satiety
Bad stomach aches
Increased lethargy/fatigue, in general but especially after meals
Suddenly needing a lot more sleep
Dizziness/shakiness/weakness if they haven't eaten for a few hours, even if they don't feel hungry.
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all-i-want · 1 year
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lululiuya · 2 months
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Pinterest is full of th1nspo 🙏
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greysexualobje1 · 1 year
i feel like it is easier to loose weight when there is someone in your life your trying to please. i have never had any one shame me or anything like that, i just need them to obsess over me.
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saintchaser · 10 months
sirius’ girl dinner is a black coffee, five cigarettes and a mint-flavoured gum
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ellesburnbook · 1 year
"remember this feeling"
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x-aki-tsuki-x · 2 years
When someone asks what my coping mechanisms are..
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In other words I'm not coping please excuse my flaming dumpster existence thank you.
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hmshermitcraft · 5 months
Mumbo had huge anorexia for a few years, and is now as thin as a twig. Due ti be so tall, it's also just bad for him, bring 6'5 and weighing 87ibs
Grian helps him eat now, and cooks him healthy things when he relapses. Grian makes sure Mumbo isn't counting calories, or stressing out about food, or trying to throw up a good meal.
At the beginning of this relationship, Mumbo would lie about being allergic to milk, or nuts, or gluten to make Grian stop, even though he only has hay-fever. Grian found out soon enough, but wasn't mad.
Mumbos forever greatful, even though Grian insists its what boyfriends do. Grian says it isn't right for him - 5'6 - to be carrying a 6'5 adult. And Mumbo has to agree.
Grian knows the path to recovery is never straight. He's going to stay by Mumbo's side through thick and thin, though. That's the promise he made and Grian doesn't break promises.
And, he's going to make sure he works out and gets stronger too. As Mumbo gets healthier, he's still gotta be able to pick him up! He's not giving up the ability to scoop his spoon of a boyfriend into his arms.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
The thing that sucks about disordered eating recovery is that... you're expected to have a completely healthy relationship with food, eating, and exercise, but you also need to know and self-enforce the idea of Good Foods and Bad Foods, and you also cannot recover into a fat body or keep a fat body, but you also need to effortlessly maintain a thin and trim body. You also can't make other people (i.e. the "normal" folk) uncomfortable if you aren't doing okay or if you have a disordered experience. But you also cannot "glamourize" your past experience, even if you aren't glamourizing it at all.
It's really hard to internalize the idea that there isn't a "good" way to recover, and that recovery will look different. I always felt so out of place amongst people who don't get it because they often have their own ideas of your experience that they expect or even demand you adhere to.
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icedcoffestarv · 1 year
How do start starving myself again?
I’m so done with eating this much. All i do is eat like a fricking pig i literally swallow food whole. And i’ve gained 3 pounds in the last week. I know what i’m doing when I ask. Just please help and give me advice. I’m so done with looking like this.
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niniprettydoll · 8 months
overeating isn’t going to solve your problems, being skinny will.
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