#i hate calories
aliendietcoke · 2 days
for my girlies who struggle with binging
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ang33licc-cvnt · 3 days
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Mealspo ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍵 ⋅
via pinterest
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vivs-soul · 19 hours
"I encourage Ana/SH/Mia/!!"
You're a bad person, and a bad role model for younger girls and boys, you're just teaching them to hate themselves. There's a difference between encouraging and supporting btw (You can support someone and help them during bad times,) but encouraging them to go further is absolutely horrible, and you aren't a good person. Idc if shit like that is mainstream now, it really SHOULDN'T, in no way possible should this generation or any other think that it is normal to put a blade to their skin or count their calories. In no way should it be normal for younger kids to feel uncomfortable in having a natural body. In no way should kids be introduced to sex work and porn at a young age, I find it repulsive that people have to say this and that it isn't common sense. Making mental illness a trend was never going to be fun, we were supposed to give them a safe space and instead people use it as an option to show their superiority complex through trauma, it's vile and horrible behavior and should NOT be at all be normalized. Men being abused by women or other men, whether sexually, physically or mentally should not be normalized. What happened to the weird great revolution where everyone agreed we wanted to ve better people and provide safe spaces, and talk about your experiences without making yourself seem better than others, trauma shouldn't be a competition, and what happened to encouraging those with curable mental illnesses to solve their issues and making them feel loved. And i know there will be one person justifying that pedophilia is a mental illness, it is not. You had the option to be a good person, a child should never cross your mind nor your hands. It never will be. 1/3 post
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honeym00nheart · 2 days
another study season thinspᡣ𐭩
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sl3epyskul · 7 months
sometimes i forget that ⭐️ving will actually make me drop w31ght.. like i ⭐️ve for weeks and get confused when family members point it out😭 im such a dunce sometimes
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nolife-sin · 2 months
Don’t report just block
Tips and tricks to pũrg1ng
Foreword- only do it when it’s the last resort ( consistent vomiting can be very detrimental to your health).
Foreword 2- I don’t encourage anyone to do this, but this will make sure if you have to, it can be less painful, tiring, and quick. It’s not a pleasurable experience and I don’t want anyone to do it all the time.
1. You have a 30 min window to insure all food comes up after eating
The longer you wait, the more acidic it will. Ofcit will be acidic still bcus it was in your stomach at some point, but less is better .
2. Chew food thoroughly! The mushier (gross word) it is the easier it’ll come up.
For dry foods, take a small sip of water during bites to help.
3. Take sips between chews, if you drink w/e all at the end, that’ll be all that comes up- and only a little bit of food
4. Sometimes your finger doesn’t do shit, so use the end of your toothbrush (nothing else or you could hurt your throat more)
5. Once you find that sweet spot, keep going at it until you start to gag, that’s when you know you got it all ( or at least most of it)
6. Be gentle! You’re already doing damage to your health, you don’t want to cause damage to your mouth/ throat.
7. DO NOT FORCE IT! It is OK if you can’t do it or slim to none comes up. Forcing it can do more damage than the actual act
8. REPLENISH! When pũrg1ng you are dehydrating yourself. Drink an electrolyte beverage (most are 0-10 cals). It will replenish and hydrate you more than plain water
9. Rest. You will feel tired afterwords, so be lazy for awhile
10. Take care of yourself ❤️
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ed-zia · 16 days
Typ schudł 120kg a ja nawet 10 nie umiem
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gonand0 · 1 month
Things to read before you eat or for your fast <3 :
-fat lasts longer than flavor
-this months choices are next months body
-you are what you eat
-are you hungry or bored?
-nothing tastes as good as skinny feels 🎀
-eat for the body that you want, not for the body that you have
-junk food you craved for an hour or the body you craved for years?
-losing weight is hard, being fat is hard, choose your hard
-do it for the “wow you got so skinny”
-do not reward yourself with food, you’re not a dog
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jack-the-killler · 4 months
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aliendietcoke · 2 days
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stupidlyskinnyy · 4 months
How to lose 20kg in a week no glue no borax
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imstillaghost · 3 months
My cravings be making me forget im disordered.
Like some good boiled ramen with a soft boiled egg.And some chives and some good seasoning and some chicken-
Like bitch wtf you talking about? Chew your damn gum and stfu.
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honeym00nheart · 5 days
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stonerexicfaery · 4 months
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nolife-sin · 22 days
You did this
You ate yourself to this weight, now you can starve your way out
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motylekaaany · 4 months
Nie mów im, że się gł0s1sz
Pokaż im, że się gł0dz1sz.
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