#lily x james
mobirights · 2 days
Jegulily drabble -170 words
"I'm thinking of a number between one and five," Lily says, eyes flicking between the two of them.
Regulus pauses. Looks at her. And with a slow smirk, his tongue pressed in his cheek, he asks, "Three?" raising an eyebrow.
Less than a second later, James—Oh, James—asks the same, but in a much more curious tone.
Lily grins, and Regulus is sure that smile could stop a thousand hearts.
"Exactly," she breathes. Regulus feels the moment that James gets it, his breath hitching. But of course he has to say it.
"Oh?" Lily questions.
James swallows thickly, his eyes darkening. Regulus imagines what that would look like in another context.
"Yeah," he says, "Oh."
Regulus looks at James, then at Lily, her green eyes sparkling with an amount of mischief he only thought possible in the former, and decides suddenly that three is his favorite number.
A magic number, really. Only for the fact that what happens next is truly the most magical moment in all his life.
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outromoony · 2 days
James Potter, born 27 March 1960, died 31 October 1981
Lily Potter, born 30 January 1960, died 31 October 1981
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
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hedgehog-troops · 3 months
i want james potter who just when he starts dating regulus/lily, is so surprised when the actually want to hang out with him, have dates with him which dont just lead to having sex.
the first time the decide to have a sleepover, things begin to escalate, and after james declines, he makes out to leave, hes told that its fine if they dont have sex, not everything has to end with sex.
and james is just like 🧍‍♂️ when hes told that his worth is not defined by his body. hes so confused because his previous partners always complimented his toned body as they traced their fingers all over them, but when now hes praised for his mind, eyes, heart and soul, he finds that once empty feeling replaced by an ooey gooey one, and he realised oh. this is what love is supposed to feel like.
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lilyerida · 2 months
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love love love
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hpseeker99 · 4 months
Teacher: Harry James Potter! I want you to call your parents this instant! 8-year-old Harry, who has absolutely been anticipating this exact moment: *pulls out a Ouija board* This might take a minute.
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florenceafternoon · 14 days
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
I've also seen a lot of people asking for 6/7th year jily so I tried to include some. These fics explore how much they've grown in that period between the end of school and the rising tensions of war.
Of course, I've also included fics with marauders shenanigans. As always, these fics are set in the wizarding world but aren’t necessarily canon complaints.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries.
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Death and Other Inconveniences by @asteriaem
When James Potter disappeared for ten days in the middle of the spring term of their fifth year, the whole school noticed. He buried his parents in a quiet ceremony and returned to school amid outrageous rumours.
When Lily Evans disappeared for three days before the Christmas holidays in sixth year, two people noticed. She found the house packed, a nasty note from her sister, and spent the rest of the holidays sleeping rough. Both are left grieving and angry at Hogwarts over the summer, with no where else to go and war raging around them. Really, how else could it have gone?
God where do I even start? This fic is incredibly well written; everything from how well-rounded and dynamic all the characters are to the dialogue and descriptions. For everyone tired of character deformation and would like to read a long-form that explores the turbulence of adolescence coupled with grief and the uncertainties of war this fic is for you. When I say I miss old jily, I mean this exact era of characterisation.
Notes by @scriibble-fics
On an ordinary Tuesday in October of 1975, James Potter passes Lily Evans a note. She has no way of knowing it, of course, but it’s the first note of thousands that will pass between them in the years to come.
Head of House by SwissCheesePlant
The consequences of Sirius and James pretending to be boyfriends weren't supposed to come to a head during a convoluted and unnecessarily kinetic drinking game... but such is life.
As If By Magic by @annabtg
Lily Evans, Head Girl, is starting her seventh year at Hogwarts. Alongside her, Head Boy James Potter, who has always had a crush on her yet has given up all hope of winning her over. But between working together, sharing fun times with friends and getting through the darker moments that come with living in an era of war, things between them are bound to change...
Questions and Answers by lizardcookie (on ao3)
The simple question of whether or not they're dating doesn't exactly have a simple answer (seventh Year jily).
Come Together by @thequibblah
It’s difficult to say when James and Lily took the first steps to love. Perhaps they had always been walking this road, unaware of the person they were walking towards until the mist cleared. They would fall in love eventually — but we would be remiss in ignoring the hiccups along the way.
Okay so confession, I haven’t read this but it's been on my TBR for ages and everyone's been recommending me to read it. Judging by other works by the same author that I have read, I can attest that Lily and James have always been well-written so I trust that this fic is no exception.
These next few fics are all by @gigglesandfreckles-hp because Abi's characterisations are perfect and there’s just something about her writing that transports me to the scene. This woman can make me laugh and cry and worry all in under three thousand words.
roots of memory
Lily frowns slightly, mulling it over. “I’m not really sure either,” she admits. “Honestly, don’t take this personally, but I don’t remember much about you in the first couple of years. I think I was too focused on trying to figure out school and magic and everything else.”
James clutches his chest in mock offence. “I’ll act like that didn’t just irreparably damage my soul.”
crafting chemistry
“Is there something that needs to be discussed between the three of us?” Minerva prompts, her eyes narrowing sharply.
Lily’s face betrays her first. A bright flush creeps slowly along her cheeks, blooming from her neck upward, as though her skin can’t hide the emotion simmering underneath. She keeps her eyes stubbornly trained on the far corner of the office, anywhere but James. Minerva notices James’s hand, the one that had been habitually running through his hair, freeze mid-motion, his fingers tightening slightly.
but we dream in the light (a continuation of one of my favourite fics)
“Lily Evans, we have got to stop meeting like this,” he grins.
She shakes her head, laughing. “Jesus Christ.”
James spins around dramatically. “Where?”
the dance of mischief and duty
Lily Evans is an infuriating mosaic of traits—beautiful and she knows it, captain of the House Quidditch team, and the loudest voice in nearly any room. She has this way of floating through the school, her laughter ringing out as she moves between corridors and classes, one arm usually slung around Sirius Black’s shoulder and the other gesticulating wildly as she spins tales of misadventure.
But she also sort of has a point, and that’s possibly the most infuriating part about her.
prompt: flip the script
my church offers no absolutes
She stares at him, her eyes the only ones open as the priest prays, but she can’t look away.
James Potter is here.
under the influence of loss
“Like what? You fancy me! Kiss me.”
Each time she says it, it’s like a new bruise blooms around his heart, her words pressing on all of them at once.
“I can’t!” he shouts, the frustration cracking through.
“Because I’ve been drinking?” she demands, a bitter laugh escaping her. “Your chivalry is duly noted, Potter, but I’m giving you a pass here. Just—”
“It’s not about that,” he interrupts.
You know what they say, you can tell who an author's favourite character is by how much they make them suffer
From the Edge by @maraudersftw
A three-hour-long detention. A barrage of unspilled words. A kiss that has remained unacknowledged. Until now.
That Summer by the_casual_author (on ao3)
In which James and Lily spend the summer in a house by the sea. (and fall in love in the process)
pleasant, poised, polite, professional by @ohmygodshesinsane
Lily Evans' journalism career is stagnating, and when Mumblemumps sweeps through the office, she couldn't be less pleased to be asked to cover the sports beat. James Potter, the captain of the Wimborne Wasps who is campaigning to win Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile, only seems to confirm her worst fears about athletes. Until.
If you enjoyed James' characterisation in James Potter Won't Go Quietly then you'll enjoy this
Fantasise also by @ /ohmygodshesinsane
When Lily ends up taking Veritaserum as part of one of Sirius' games, James finds that he really doesn't need to know any of the nitty-gritty details. Fate has other plans.
And James Potter also by @ /ohmygodshesinsane
The most unfortunate part about being one of the best students in the year, if you ask Lily Evans, is being forced to work alongside James Potter. The most fortunate part about being one of the best students in the year, if you ask James Potter, is getting opportunities to annoy Lily Evans. The fact of the matter is, that despite their both being talented, intelligent students with bright futures and burning competitive streaks, Lily and James will never get along. No matter how much others think they ought to.
Braid also by @ /ohmygodshesinsane
Sick and tired of revision, Lily gladly takes a distraction in the name of giving James Potter a helping hand.
Revenge Tastes Sweeter by @charmsandtealeaves
This by far had to be one of the more stupid things that Lily Evans had ever agreed to, and she’d gone along with a lot of her friends' bullshit ideas. She’d wanted to maintain her dignity in breaking up with her shit of an ex-boyfriend. However, fake dating James Potter hadn’t been in her grand plan of dignity. She’d merely been venting her frustrations to her dorm mates in the common room, she hadn’t expected advice and well… plotting. Though she should have expected better, these lot were always plotting something. Was it too late to just go with Dorcas’ “Stab him!” suggestion?
Simmer Until Ready by @kay-elle-cee
James Potter is not a healer. His is a potioneer—the Order of the Phoenix's lead potioneer, in fact. So when their top field fighter—Lily Evans—comes to him for treatment after a particularly rough mission, he helps the best way he knows how: a vial of freshly-brewed Skele-Gro and a dose of laughter.
Kels always writes the best order!jily
climb higher by penniesinthepool (on ao3)
It's been three (long) years since Lily and James have seen each other. Now, he's living out his dream playing Quidditch with Puddlemere United and she hers as an Auror.
They're happy. But fate (and annoying friends) works in funny ways, sometimes, and through a series of chance meetings, they begin to wonder if maybe, just maybe, they could be happier. My take on what would maybe happen in a universe where James wasn't Head Boy, taken to the extreme.
after O.W.L.s by @juniperpyre
a short snippet of James Potter's and Lily Evans' thoughts after their Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L., and before the altercation with Severus Snape changes everything.
It was so close to going a better way
Haley's characterisations are always on point
”Just” Partners by @petalsthefish
James asks Lily what they are after a series of long and hidden snogs in dark corridors.
tied to you by @jjameslily
Lily’s foot sank into the damp earth as she stepped closer to the water’s edge. The lake mirrored the starry sky above, but something else caught her eye – a shape in the reflection.
James my sweet summer child, thank you for looking after her
Love for the Summer by @missgryffin
It's the summer after sixth year, Lily Evans is realizing she fancies James Potter, and James has Sirius Black's motorbike to thank for getting Lily out of the friend zone.
of hearts and keys by the_crownless_queen (on ao3)
In a world where magic means everyone can see your soul, Lily Evans wonders what it would feel like for someone she loves to open her heart.
Seven Years and Seventy More by surlybobbies (on ao3)
When James walked into the 7th year Gryffindor boys’ dormitory a few moonstruck minutes later, he found Sirius lying in bed with his hands folded across his stomach. “Been with Evans, then?” he asked, without lifting his head. There was a distinct note of disapproval in his voice.
James froze in the act of unwinding the scarf from his neck. “Er, yeah.”
“She doing well?” Remus asked from his bed, the closest one to the door. He had a book open on his lap but had lifted his gaze when James came in. His stare was steady and pleasant, but there was a sharpness behind it that put James on the defensive.
(James has some news.)
This Town Is Fake But You're The Real Thing by @tedwardremus
Teen radio star Lily Evans works for a show on the wizarding wireless network called, The Marauders. The teen soap drama stars James Potter as an arrogant school jock and centers on the secret adventures of his friends in the forbidden forest as illegal animagus and a werewolf. The show's antagonist, played by Severus Snape, left after a scandal, and now Lily has a romantic storyline with James in the final season of the show. Basically, her life is a disaster.
Prophecy by Alohaemora (on ao3)
Faint rays of sunlight began to filter into the nursery from the pink-red sky outside, the morning song of robins and thrushes lilting as all of Sirius's worst fears manifested before him, devastating in their might.
"Fuck," he whispered. A horrible, painful lump swelled in his throat, clawing, stinging. "Fucking hell."
The corners of Lily's lips trembled. "James didn't know how to tell you."
Not quite a jily fic but I wanted to share
not as smart as you think you are (or how to fall in love in 7 months) by Squidge_06 (on ao3)
Lily Evans has spent the past 6 years excelling at school and hating James Potter. Both these facts converge suddenly at the beginning of her 7th year when she’s confronted with a less than perfect grade and a Transfiguration tutor who is the very last person she wants to see.
That same person might just turn out to be a whole lot more complicated and just a little more wonderful than she could ever have imagined.
Meeting the Potters by FloreatCastellum (on ao3)
It's always a risk, introducing your parents to your girlfriend. Most people don't have to worry about whether or not their mother is going to be in handcuffs, though.
Mistle-Wow by LiveLaughLoveToRead (on ao3)
Lily and James Potters’ love was fiery, filled with passion, tragedy, and love. It was not a fast ignition of a flame that proceeded to burn bright. No, it was a flame that was lit on the Hogwarts Express before anyone had joined the compartment. It burned brighter as their years progressed, and it was lit ablaze in their seventh year. It burned until the day they died.
Or an incident that would have had Madam Pince seething (if they were caught)
Simple Math by yallofthemwitches (on ao3)
Remus notices something is off about James and Lily at the Prefect's meeting.
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courfee · 9 months
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I've been feeling rather nostalgic about them recently so I had to draw them again for the first time in about 15 years
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theprongspotter · 3 months
James, about Lily: She's very pretty. And confident. And smart.
Remus: She’d eat you alive.
James, sighing: What a way to go.
c: @givethispromptatry
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bunniesandsilk · 4 months
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outromoony · 3 months
If Lily has five million fans, I'm one of them. If Lily has five hundred fans, I'm one of them. If Lily has five fans, I'm one of them. If Lily has one fan, then that's probably James.
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hedgehog-troops · 4 months
can we talk about how genuinely disappointed lily would be with herself when she realises she found the quidditch captain hot.
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number1abbasupporter · 4 months
jily is the type of couple whose friends would call them “mom and dad”
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let’s be honest, everyone’s favorite ship dynamic is just a character they can project on or relate to, and a character who’s their type
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florenceafternoon · 5 months
━。゜✿ jily fic recommendations ✿ ゜。━
These fics are set in the wizarding world but aren’t necessarily canon complaints.
For reference, anything in italics is taken from the summaries on ao3.
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Gilded by @charmingwillow
Beneath her jumper, her heart was fluttering fast. Her free hand rubbed at the spot, willing it to calm. Her eyes ached from all the nights she spent awake, unable to sleep because it hadn’t calmed in days. Weeks.
She knew why; beneath her fingertips, under the soft cotton of her sweater, her skin tingled. She knew without seeing that the spot above her heart sparkled faintly with gold, like stars spinning in the cosmos. Scattered and dancing around a name that wouldn't quite focus. It was as beautiful as it was terrifying.
Someone, somewhere, was falling in love with her. They were close enough that Lily could feel a tug of alignment if she concentrated enough.
Or, Lily and James go on a walk in the forest.
Sunshine in My Eyes (requires an ao3 account) by monroeslittle
Mr. and Mrs. Evans are killed when Lily's only a girl, and she's supposed to go to a home with her sister. Instead, a relative they didn't know they had comes to collect them, and introduces Lily to manners, magic, and a life that's just the slightest bit different from the life she was supposed to live.
Or, an AU in which Minerva McGonagall raises Lily.
Dying Fires by @jamesunderwater
In fifth year, James attempts to comfort Lily by a dying fire - but finds this will require restraint on his part in a number of ways.
Their tentative, developing friendship is something so special to me
basic maths by @gigglesandfreckles-hp
Euphemia cuts Sirius off sharply. “I was simply verifying whether this is indeed the same Lily Evans whose name is written under my dining room table with a heart around it.”
or Lily meets the parents and James tries not to hyperventilate. over and over and over again.
Blue Jay by @neurowriter14
In a world with magic, the only thing that really took Lily by surprise, and trepidation, was the fact that she had a soulmate.
All That's Known by @women-inthe-sequel
Wizards view nearly everything as a problem for magic to fix. Other people might view him that way, but James has never felt broken. He doesn’t need to be wound like an old-fashion toy and programmed to do what everyone else does.
I am in desperate need of more deaf!James (or deaf!Lily). Please can someone recommend me fics
just like a tattoo by sleepygirl0305 (on ao3)
Shortly after he witnesses Remus and Sirius realize that they're soulmates, James gets his own soulmate tattoo. A fairly inconvenient time, given that there is a war going on. And N.E.W.Ts. But no matter, he was going to try anyway.
A Happy Thought by @thelighthousestale
The 7th year Defense Against the Dark Arts Class learns the Patronus Charm.
James is shocked to learn what Lily's Patronus is.
I know that this is a very cliché trope but I'm a sucker for patronus fics.
The Boy (in the bedroom) Next Door by @eastwindmlk
Lily Evans has to move in with her new potion's teacher to finish her apprenticeship. There is one small issue, said teacher? Fleamont Potter, father of infinitely annoying and frustratingly fit former rival James Potter. Who she has not seen after leaving Hogwarts after her third year.
Put on Bed Rest also by @/ eastwindmlk
Hogwarts is covered in snow and James Potter is sick. Who better than Lily to nurse him back to health.
May Moon by Elynn (on ao3)
May Moon- also known as the Flower Moon or Blooming Moon, due to the abundance of flowers that occur as spring arrives.
She glanced up, catching sight of Mary and Marlene in the crowd of unsorted first years, the both of them bouncing on their toes as a new student was called up. She’d already made two friends (she hoped) and Lily was always a bit of an overachiever. “Hiya,” she said, doing her best to sound upbeat. The boy—Lupin—looked up at her, face a bit shocked. “I’m Lily.”
or sixth year, a bad pick-up line, and a secret.
Not really a jily fic (it's pre-relationship) but I really wanted to include it in this rec list
Accidental Magic by @missgryffin
What else is there to do after confessing feelings in the middle of the night than spend a lazy Saturday in bed?
Hell Is Empty (And All The Devils Are Here) by @nodirectionhome-ao3
When an Order mission takes an unexpected turn, James and Lily find themselves stranded together. In the aftermath of the chaos, sheltering together through the storm, a fire catches between them.
Ignore the fact that I can't remember if I've recommended this fic or not. Regardless, the back-and-forth between James and Lily is so good in this fic.
Starlight by @suzyq31
Under the cover of stars, Lily and James go out in search of an elusive flower. The northern lights make Lily contemplate how plans change.
The next few fics are all by @apalapucian because I may or may not have been stalking her ao3 page. Everything, and I mean everything, Jayne writes is incredible.
maybe it was egos swinging (maybe it was her)
James starts rolling his shoulders, wincing. "Jesus, Evans." "back at ya," says Lily, testing her wrists. "ever heard of taking it easy?" "with you? never." "can’t believe you’d use confringo on me." "knew you'd block it," he says. "can’t believe you’d use depulso." she shrugs, grinning. "knew you'd block it."
(or: seventh-year, auror-aspirant, academic rivals, head boy and head girl James and Lily.)
I still can't get over the fact that Jayne wrote me over 11 thousand words of academic rivals jily. ELEVEN THOUSAND WORDS OF ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS JILY!! The banter, the stakes, I love everything about this fic
calliope calling
in which:
James wields a wand for the first time; Lily giggles, tracing an impossible dancing deer in the sky; Sirius slams the door; Peter sighs; and Remus screams, raw and screeching and piercingly young.
(or: the marauders and lily evans as children, and something about invisible strings glinting in the moonlight.)
green light
There are yellow roses on the kitchen table. a cup of coffee charmed to keep warm for a time. a scrawled "morning! :) –James & Harry" on a scrap of paper, the torn bottom of a receipt for... milk, she finds. and strawberries. harry was signed by Harry himself, and Lily wants to cry at the shaky strokes, the crooked lines. she can hear them in the other room where James' window seat project is almost finished. harry is laughing. he asks questions, mocks his dad's shabby handiwork, drops the things he's asked to hand.
roses and handwritten notes and coffee and giggles nearby. this is her life now. she skims the flowers, the sun itself in her heart.
or: the war is over. everybody lives AU. (well, not everybody everybody, but the potter family + sirius + remus + even peter* live.) old fic rewrite.
* = you'll see.
bad day wall
Lily calls it the bad day wall. it's like this weird communal one-liner diary thing.
every time i think i'm over her something happens and it hits me just as stupidly intense as all the other times. i'm SICK of it
why can't people just LIKE by default the people they LOVE? why do they have to be separate feelings? it would make things so much less complicated
or: in sixth year, Lily starts talking to a stranger(?) through messages on a wall. she also befriends James Potter. These two things are completely not related.
I haven't read this one but it on my marked for later
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Jily x Gn!Reader {Blurb}
Jily x Slytherin!Reader
Summary: An interesting situationship with Jily}
Cw; No use of {Y/N}, Jamie being a meanie, this is NOT proofread, Straight up porn for the first 500 words.}
A/n: This was an idea born out of ovulation and exhaustion, I do not plan to continue it
James’s hands slipped down the curve of your hips, his thumbs pressing down hard on the divot of your pelvis.
His breath was heavy, his hips rolling forward in a rhythm that you gave up trying to follow. He applied pressure to your bruising hips, not allowing you to squirm or falter any longer, forcing you to comply with his wishes. Not that you could say much to fight it, face covered by the divine place where Lily’s ivory legs met.
“They're doing so f’good.” James slurred out, gasping between statements, trying his best not to come undone by his view. You, laying across his bed, unable to hide your body from him, as Lily held your hands on her love handles. Giving a chuckle when he pressed a bit too hard and caused you to grab harder at Lily’s skin, leaving angry red marks, 
“So f’good. Just f’us..” He groaned and leaned down, running his tongue along a strip in the middle of your chest, savoring the taste of your salted skin, admiring how your chest raised to try and keep him there. 
“Look at them.. Lily, look at how- fuck…” He groaned and had to slow himself with how hard you were clenching around him. Only serving to make you whine into Lily’s soaked cunt, making the older girl give a shaky breath.
“Yeah, yeah, I see them, Jamie.” She whined and began to grind down on your tongue. Her eyes rolled back as you pulled down on her hips to bring her as close as possible. Even with how dominant she played in the bedroom, she still seemed to think you couldn't take her full weight. She grabbed your wrist and hand, throwing her head back as she began to gasp.
You continued to assault her clit, making her shutter. “Close! Close!” She cried out. You curled your legs, her sounds like music to your ears. Even with James slow yet hard motions, you were close, so bloody close.
Lily gave a cry of your name, a slur of a few curses she'd normally never let fall from her pretty lips in any other scene, and began begging for James. 
She eventually couldn't take any more, crawling off of you to catch her breath. James took her place and stole your lips for himself, savoring the taste of Lily on them. You lifted your wobbly hands to grab his hair, suddenly, there was no hesitation. 
His hips fired off hard and deep inside of you, your back arching off the bed sheets, screaming out into his mouth. He pulled back to watch as you reacted to his suddenly brutal assault. “J-Jamie- Jamie, s-s-slower!” You shouted and he licked his lips clean of Lily's cum and your fucked out taste.
“Come on.. just one more. One more for me.” He groaned out and you stuttered, unable to argue when Lily took your lips next, just gripping the pillow under your head as if it would give you any purchase through it all.
“They're so good for us, Jamie. Tell them how good they are.”
“Lily, please..” You whined out through clenched teeth, James only seemed to go more erratic at your sounds. “C-can't.. can't-”
“You can.” Lily encouraged, with those soft motherly eyes. Coaxing you further as tears threatened to pour at the pure intense pleasure of being pushed past your third ending. 
“And you will.” James spoke, almost like a threat. Cupping your thighs and forcing your hips higher to get as far as he could. “You'll know who you belong to.”
It was late afternoon in the Slytherin commons. It had been a day since you saw the two Gryffindor heads, and usually you wouldn't take longer then an hour apart to see eachother again.
Early morning you had snuck out of James’s bedroom, not waking either of them. You loved to be around the two, truly but.. Those words had kept you up the majority of the night. ‘You’ll know who you belong to.’ They were possessive and terrifying, just like his eyes. Like he was warning you.
This all started because Regulus had made a comment to Sirius about finding you a partner, joking about how you are always trailing after James and Lily like a lost puppy. Despite your age, the two upperclassmen were extremely fond of you. Everyone knew it to be true.
You were a Slytherin to your core, ambitious, clever, and determined. However, you were also one of the sweetest green robe James had ever met. You were struggling in potions in year 4, and with James’s father being a potioneer and Lily being extraordinarily talented, the two 6th years volunteered to help you. 
Not that they had a clue who you were at the time.
They learned quickly. 
You were feisty, sassy, and always stuck by what you said. You were also Lily’s Sweetness. She liked you the first time she met you, quick friends. James was harder to convince, with the emerald green hanging from your ears and neck, the robes to match and even your nails.
You were a proud Slytherin. 
He did cave, eventually, and he fell hard into his ‘fondness’ for you. Eventually, when the next year came around, you went everywhere with them. Your grades had improved and they had no more reason to study with you. James’s solution? Just drag the poor kid everywhere. 
That was what started the entanglement of yours. They dragged you to a party in the Gryffindor commons to watch Potter strut around the room and make a fool of himself over their win. A few drinks down, a dare or two later, and you were feeling loose lipped. Loose lipped enough to admit to Lily, who was sitting beside you, something you never would have dreamed otherwise.
“Truth!” Your drunken mind clung to safety.
“What is your deepest fantasy?” Lily pushed, stealing away your beer and setting it aside. Seems to her you've had enough, must be on babysitting duty.
“Like, in bed?”
“In bed.” Lily mused and you bit your lip. Should you tell her the truth?
“Hm.. probably two at once?”
“Boring!!” Marlene shouted across from you, Sirius laughing and trying to keep her upright. Clearly plastered. Remus shook his head in amusement, Regulus laying his head across Remus’s lap with a smirk aimed at you. One you didn't like.
“And who are the two?” Regulus pushed and you bit your cheek, avoiding his eyes. 
“Well, only two people at this school I'd be close enough to do that with.” You spat back and Regulus gave a gasp of mock offense. “I'm wounded.”
“Stay down.” You smirked at him, not noticing Lily’s shocked expression turn slightly. She bit her lip and looked back to James, managing to catch his eyes.
That night was the best mistake you ever made. You were sure it was a one time thing. 
It had become almost nightly. So much so your hips knew James’s hands better than it knew your own. You could probably recite every one of Lily’s sounds by heart. It was amazing.
Until you made a mistake. You had fallen hard for the two.
Regulus noticed. He had made remarks in the past about setting you up, ever since he started dating Remus he seemed to think he was the go to for all of your relationship woes.
So that comment at Dinner wasn't completely out of left field, you just laughed. He pushed, offering to set you up with Barty or Pandora, both offers making you snort out. “You want to set me up with a flower child or a literal maniac? Does my type vary that much?”
“Would you do them?” Regulus cheeked and you smirked. 
“Yeah, probably.” 
To interrupt the conversation, James cleared his throat, frowning down at his plate while Lily cooed out to him. Regulus gave them a look before his eyes drifted back to you who didn't even seem to notice their odd display. 
“Oh James, you can't keep them from dating forever. Little butterfly has to spread their wings.” Regulus teased, mocking James’s words when Sirius found out about him and his best mate, taking notice of how his jaw clenched and he avoided their eyes. Interesting… Lily gave him a worried look as a weird tension filled their little area of the Gryffindor table. 
“You okay Jamie?” You spoke up, tilting to the side and trying to catch his eye across Lily’s form. He still refused to meet yours.
“Oh! I forgot, sweetness, if you are wanting to join us for study tonight, we should probably get to it now.” Lily declared and stood up. 
James began to stand up and didn't wait for your agreement, just grabbing your bag. You hurried to your feet and muttered a quick goodbye to everyone still at the table. 
When you got to his dorm they wasted no time with you, it felt almost like James wanted to say something that entire time.
He finally did, and it left you in more of a mess then you originally figured. You thought it was maybe going to be a conversation, then telling you they wanted to end it if you got a partner. Seemed only logical. What did you expect, really? James and Lily were made for each other. You were just some fun they had on the side. You liked having that sliver of intimacy, it fooled you into believing that there was something more there.
Instead, you got your back blown out and a few new marks of Lily’s teeth intended in your chest. Not that you minded, again, you knew what it was. 
You were lost in thought, facing the ceiling as your eyes followed the dancing ripples of light reflected from the Black Lake. 
“Quid for your thoughts?” You heard Regulus mused before his face invaded your view of the reflective green. 
“It's a penny.” You smirked up at him and he lifted his eyebrow at you with that same stoic expression.
“Penny? Bloody hell is a Penny?”
“It's an American currancy. I'm assuming you heard it from Remus.” You mocked, smirking as he huffed. 
“I don't like talking to you.” He mumbled and slid into the couch, forcing you to bend your legs to get out of his way. “Did you think about my offer?”
“To set you up with Barty or Pandora.” He mused and looked at the crackling fire. You shifted to stare at it too, fiddling with the helm of your shirt.
“I.. I don't know..” You mumbled and Regulus sighed. There was a moment of silence that filled the room, it was cold and unwelcomed. Like you knew what was about to be said.
“You know you have to move on eventually.” He offered no louder than a whisper, and yet you still reacted like he physically hit you.
“... I know.” You mumbled and curled in on yourself. 
“It's better to start now before it gets much worse.”
“I know.” You whispered.
“I can't promise you will fall for either of them, but it might help you get your mind off of those two.”
“... I know.” You muttered into your pillow. Before you shot upward as you hear another voice join your conversation. 
“Know about what?” Lily mused as she looked over the back of the couch. You were startled, but soon relaxed a bit when you realized she hadn't heard anything. 
“About getting them a partner.” Regulus mused and looked you in the eyes as if to dare you to say anything.
“J-just the same conversation as always.” You quickly countered, bending your knees as you watched Lily blink a few times in surprise. 
“Are you serious?” James finally spoke up, arms crossing and jaw clenching once more. He looked pissed. You narrowed your eyes at him before looking at Lily, whose eyes were burrowing into your head. Why did it feel like you were in the wrong here?
“I-I mean, why not? Why are you two here?” You pried and James scoffed, Remus slipping his way around the two to get to Regulus.
“Well,” Lily interrupted James, leaning closer to you. “We were coming to check on you. You've been gone all day.” 
You looked away from the two as Lily reached out to try and touch your forehead. “Just.. haven't been feeling well.”
“Is that so?” She cooed and leaned closed, her feet hanging a bit off the back of the couch. “Well-”
“So, you're going on a date? With who?” James interrupted her and walked closer, Lily sighed. “Jamie-”
“Pandora?” He pried and you began to get up. “Barty? What do they have that-”
“James!” Lily shouted at him and James had some sense to look embarrassed at Remus’s wide eyes and Regulus’s closed ones.
James sighed and ruffled the back of his hair in frustration and Lily pulled away from your space. “We'll be where we always are, Sweetness. When you're ready, okay?”
“Yeah.” You whispered, eyes locked on James piercing gaze.
‘Who you belong to’ 
It was those eyes again.
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unhinged-waterlilly · 13 days
"To be with you, that's all I want."
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"What can I say? I'm charming and irresponsible"
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"Nerd? I prefer the term more intelligent than you."
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James Potter & Lily Evans Moodboard
Jily Moodboard
Marauders Moodboard (1)
(Aka the beginning of me trying to clean up the Jily tag)
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