aromanticduck · 2 months
Sorry if you're already over 50, I ran out of room (you're welcome to leave your thoughts in the tags or replies!)
If you're younger than 10, get the fuck off Tumblr. People are saying swears on here!
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[EDIT: It's OK to vent a bit about negative feelings in the comments/tags, but if you're gonna talk about killing yourself, do me a favour and fucking don't]
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bidotorg · 7 months
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Today, we take a moment to celebrate a historic milestone - the anniversary of South Africa legalizing same-sex marriage. 🇿🇦🏳️‍🌈 On this remarkable day, South Africa not only became the first country in Africa to recognize love in all its forms, but also set a precedent for human rights and equality across the globe. This day serves as a reminder of the progress we've made, and the work that still needs to be done. Let's continue to fight for love, acceptance, and equality for all. Today we celebrate love, human rights, and the beautiful rainbow nation of South Africa. 🌈❤️
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incognitopolls · 21 days
This includes both developmental and cultural milestones. Think about things like starting to talk at age 2, learning to read and write around 5–6, having your first dating relationship as a teenager, working your first job, moving out of your parents' house in your early 20s, having a certain amount of money saved up, career growth, getting married, etc.
"Ahead" and "behind" are not intended as value judgements, it's just the easiest way to refer to where you are right now in relation to others.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
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tadpolesonalgae · 9 months
Azriel x reader: Milestones
A/N: I was listening to FaceTime with my Mom (Tonight) by Bo Burnham for the entire time while writing this :’)
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 2,255
Visual Prompt here!
You’re so screwed.
So, so, so screwed.
Check the second hand on your watch, dodging out the way of passersby, feet practically dancing over the cobbles as you speed-walk toward the restaurant. There’s no way you’re going to make it. Absolutely no way. Gods, you were already marked late last week. One more strike and the consequences will be inflicted on your salary. You really don’t want to have to rely on Azriel to get food in again.
Eyes flit through shop windows mindlessly, hoping the weather will still be relatively temperate after your shift—your hopes are pretty high. The afternoons have been fairly mild recently, the smallest crispness only just beginning to creep in. Frost dusting the leaves, diamond dew-drops glittering in finely spun web.
A flash of white causes you to come to an abrupt halt, backtracking a few steps to peer through the large expanse of glass, the shop name typed out in bold letters across the pane. Contained within the front display are three dresses: pale yellow, white and pale orange, from left to right. Each is held upon a female mannequin torso, the fabric swishing as customers pass by in the background.
The centre dress. It’s lovely. The stitching, the length…the fabric looks like it wouldn’t itch, either.
Shuffle around some mental calculations…size, width, length. All good.
Damn. It looks like it would fit you.
Your watch practically burns into your wrist, searing your skin, urging you to move forward, time ticking away as you stare and stare. Looking at it alone, you know it’ll be pricey…possibly unaffordable, if you get a portion of your wages spliced off. You just have to try it on. Even if it’s utterly out of your price range, you can get to wear it, just to see if it really is as lovely as it looks.
But for now, you’ve got to sprint to work. You’ll just stop by later. Have something to look forward to.
You’re in absolutely no condition to try on that dress.
One slightly too-loud word away from crumpling into a pile of tears and washing down a drain, never to be seen again. Left to wallow beneath the city, dissolving into the Sidra.
Velaris is a lovely place to live, but it’s not perfect. Well, its citizens aren’t perfect. Between the male who had insisted his steak wasn’t properly cooked, to the female who sent her food back seven times, to the group of fae who were short on their bill by five gold pieces… Tears well at the memories alone. You got stuck on cleaning up, anyway—punishment for being late. At least your salary will remain untouched for now. The dress still stands a chance.
However, it will have to wait for tomorrow. Cleaning up takes long enough as it is, but having to do it on your own is a whole new level of misery. By the time the chairs are up on the tables, the floor’s been swept and the remaining utensils washed and returned to their rightful places, you’re on the verge of collapsing. Feet aching, wrists aching, head aching. The moment you get home, you’re going to pass out on the welcome mat.
The key clicks in the restaurant lock, finally done with the horrifically long day, and your back slumps, spine aching. What a miserable day.
Footsteps sound behind you, closer than any of those passing by, and you turn. Only to be overshadowed by—
You nearly burst into tears. “Az…” Lips tilt down in the corners, vision blurring as your voice wobbles.
“You were supposed to be home three hours ago,” he says gently, stepping closer, wings flaring to shield you from the partygoers and other currently unwelcome folk. “I thought you might’ve been hit with a long day,” he sighs, arms reaching out, tucking you against him, wings curving round, swallowing you whole.
You whimper as you fall into him, a few tears slipping out as you grip him, pressing into his leathers as his scent encompasses you. Heat warms your bones, sinking into your skin, slowly encouraging your light to start up again. Tears begin to slow, eyes drying as his comfort soothes you out, calming you down from the utterly hellish day. His hand strokes patterns down your back, pressing kisses to the crown of your head, making you want to melt like butter. Melt and splash onto him, soak into his skin so you can always be together.
Sniffing, you step back, wiping your cheeks; drying your eyes as you manage to get a hold of yourself. Azriel’s hands rest atop your shoulders, holding you together while you gather up the strength to do it yourself. “Feeling better now?” He asks, attention solely on you. Head dips in confirmation, though he waits a moment longer before stepping away. “Let’s get home. Then we can get into bed and forget today ever happened.” A sad smile lifts your lips as you look up at him gratefully. “Thanks, Az.”
He shrugs it off, hand swallowing yours as you begin the darkened walk back, faelight illuminating the way. You don’t miss how his shadows dart around you when you reach a slightly unstable part of the cobbles, how his hand tightens on your own. “Want to talk about all the shitty people?” He offers, a laugh bubbling from your chest. “Not really,” you mumble, “I don’t want to give attention to their shittiness.” He nods in the low light, going quiet.
“You know,” he starts slowly, “I think you’re pretty strong for going back there day after day.” You snort. Hand squeezes you, “I’m not joking. Having to interact with that many people, put up with so much bullshit, and keep going back?” He hums quietly, and the tears well again—you turn your head slightly. “Says the Spymaster,” you mumble, “you’re one of the strongest people I know.”
“And you don’t see me waitressing,” he counters.
Laughter bursts suddenly from your lungs, blaring through the night air. Tears spill as you laugh, squeezing closer to him, feeling how his wing wraps around you affectionately. “I really love you sometimes, Az,” you half cry, half laugh. You can feel the grin on his mouth as he peers at you, a single brow quirked. “Only sometimes?” You sniff again, praying your nose won’t start running this time. “Okay…all the time,” you relent, “but particularly now. I extra-specially love you.”
He replies with a laugh of his own, making you go all soft and fuzzy inside, heat warming your breastbone as your temperature spikes with pleasure. Hearing him laugh…it makes you happy. Especially when he’s happy from you. That’s the Special Happy—only his kind.
You blink a few times, comprehending the words. It was sold a few days ago.
“Do you know…I mean, will there be another?” You ask, trying not to sound as crestfallen as you feel. The shop assistant shakes her head, curls bouncing as she does so, “I’m afraid not. At least, not that I know of. It was a one-off from the seamstress—she generally doesn’t do dresses like that.”
“Oh…” You repeat.
“I’m sorry you missed it,” she tries to console. “If it helps at all, the male who bought it mentioned it was for his wife—it’ll have a loved home.” You nod weakly. It helps a little. You press your lips together in a tight smile, “thank you anyway, for being so kind about it. You probably didn’t want to have to comfort a moping customer today when you clocked in.”
She smiles gently, “it’s no skin of my back. I hope you’ll find something else at some point.” You nod your head dutifully, then turn, glumly padding out of the shop. Azriel remains where you left him, stood just to the side of the entrance—worried about knocking a mannequin over in the compact shop. “They didn’t have it?” He asks, noting your expression. Shake your head dismally, sighing. “Gods, if I’d been earlier that day I could’ve gone in after work. It might’ve still been there.”
His arm wraps over your shoulders, pulling you into his side while you fall into step beside him. “Oh well,” you murmur, “the female was very nice about it, so that’s something, I suppose. Not a totally awful experience.” Azriel hums in response, squeezing gently. Puff air out from your lips, “anywhere you’d like to go, then?” He thinks for a little, pausing to contemplate the question. As if he hasn’t already made a list ranging from highest to lowest priority of places he’s like to visit today. You know his games quite well.
“What about food? A hungry stomach won’t help with your mood.”
“I asked where you’d like to go. Not where my stomach does,” you reply grumpily. He gives you a pointed look and you sigh. A reluctant smile raising your lips. He’s right.
“Will you at least pick a place you like?” You sigh, leaning into him, taking in his scent. He chuckles at that, already leading you away from the shop, distraction having succeeded.
A week later, and the dress still glimmers in the backstreets of your memory.
Eyes have begun checking the store front day after day, just to see if another similar one has been sent over, but—nothing. So far.
So far, you remind yourself. There’ll be other dresses. Other nice things to look forward to. Other things to be happy about. Like your husband having been completely free today. A smile curves you lips as you shuffle through your wardrobe, searching for something nice to wear for him.
Neither of you particularly fancied going out to eat—despite it probably having been easier to do so. But you spend so much time around other people eating, and you’d just be habitually tense the entire evening. Not to mention Azriel wouldn’t find it fun, either. So you’re having a quiet night in, after a loud day out, shared with friends and family alike.
He knocks on your door, stepping in soon after. “Looking for something to wear?” He asks, a lilt to his voice. You roll your eyes, smiling none the less, “how’d you know? And you didn’t wait for my answer. I could’ve been changing.” Tongue flicks out to wet his lips, eyes latched upon your own. Heat warms your cheeks, shaking your head, grinning to yourself.
Azriel walks over, large hands settling at your waist, gently turning you to face him. Lowers his mouth over yours, lips slanting together. You’re surprised at first, caught off guard by the soft display of affection, but then you melt into it, hands cupping his jaw, his own keeping you close against his chest. Pull away to look at one another. “What was that for?” You whisper hoarsely, peering up into gentle hazel eyes.
Lips curve, turning you around to face the bed. A cream box laying atop the neatly made duvet, pretty bow tied atop it. “For me?” You ask, looking up at him, head tilting back against his chest. He nods, gentle pushing you forward, “have a look.”
Smiling, you raise the lid from the box, feeling his gaze warming your skin.
White fabric…
Eyes lock on hazel, mischievous and adoring.
Turn back to the gift.
Swallowing, shaky fingers dip into the box, latching on the familiar fabric. Stand from the bed, allowing the dress to unfold in front of you, held up by the seams atop the sleeves. It’s the dress.
Your dress.
Lower it slowly, eyes heating as they connect with his, softened with affection. “You…” Azriel nods gently, expression shifting to something a little vulnerable. “I hope you like it.”
The tears start before you have the chance to even try to stop them, lip wobbling as you set the dress down on the bed, hurrying over. Arms wrap around him, burying your head in his chest, willing your eyes to dry. Hands settle against you, stroking your hair, tracing circles over your back, laughing quietly. Keeping you safe in the quiet of your bedroom.
“You like it?” He asks, making sure he’s gotten it right. He could never get it wrong, but you nod anyway. “I love you and hate you so much right now,” you mumble, sniffing. Pulling away a little—enough to peer up at him. “What have I done to earn your hate?” He smiles, hand still stroking your hair. “How am I ever supposed to top this for you?” You murmur, fingers gripping him tighter. “You’ve set the standard so high, how am I ever supposed to match it?”
Azriel laughs, shaking his head, “go put it on for me, and you’ll have done so.”
You doubt it, but follow his instructions anyway, changing out of your day clothes, shifting into the dress. Soft and gentle on your skin, fitting comfortably, not too heavy; not too light. Utterly perfect. Lip wobbles again as you arrange the fabric to sit how you want, turning to look at him, waiting his opinion. “What do you think?”
“I think I pity everyone who’ll never get to see you like this,” he murmurs, silently walking forward, stopping when his feet are either side your own. “And I think I’m the luckiest male alive because I’m the first you chose to show.” Cups your jaw, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Pulls away to look at you, smiling adoringly.
“Happy Birthday.”
General Taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog
Az Taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch
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midnights-dragon · 2 months
hey guys
I’m 24 days clean today
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thetriumphantpanda · 13 days
TheTriumphantPanda's 4,000 Follower Celebration
Join me for a night at Charlie's Tavern!
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I am still so incredibly grateful to you all for being here, for continuing to support me, and for enjoying it enough around here to stick around! I say it all the time, but you all are such a joy in my life, and I love this little corner of the internet that I've managed to carve out. Thank you for everything, I love you all! 🧡
To celebrate, we're going to do one of my favourite things - head to the bar for a raucous evening! All you have to do is send your drink order to my inbox, and any other information that I've listed on the menu above, and I'll serve you up something wonderful!
As with any good bar night, you can order as many drinks as you want, but please send them in separately! 🍸🍹🍷
Negroni Sbagliato - Pick a prompt from the list below (or one of your own!), and a Pedro boy, and I’ll give you a perfectly stirred 500 word drabble
Aperol Spritz - Send your order into my inbox and I’ll make you a perfectly mixed moodboard. All you have to do is send a Pedro boy and a situation, and you’re Aperol Spritz is served
Virgin Piña Colada - A playlist based on your mood. Send your order into my inbox and I’ll give you a freshly blended playlist to match whatever mood you’re in
Amaretto Sour - For Mutuals Only! Order an amaretto sour and I’ll tell you which object from our beloved Pedro boy I think you are! Joel’s flannel? Oberyn’s gold robe? Coming right up!
Large Glass of Wine - No good bar night is complete without a therapy session over a glass of wine. Do you have tension with a friend? Maybe nervous about a first date? Spill what you’re comfortable with and i’ll give you my advice over a large glass
Margarita - Order a margarita (all variations welcome!) and let me know what kind of fic you’re looking for, and I’ll do my best to rec some options for new reading!
❛ you can't expect me to do all the work. i want to see what that pretty mouth of yours can do. ❜
❛ you're mine, and i take care of what belongs to me. ❜
❛ i want to fuck you so badly. ❜
❛ i want you to fuck me so badly. ❜
❛ please. make me feel good. no one else can like you. ❜
❛ you can call me whatever you want, baby. ❜
❛ be good, and i'll fuck you / let you fuck me. ❜
❛ we're going to fuck right here? what if someone sees us? ❜
❛ that really does make you hard. i can feel you pulsing inside me. ❜
❛ do whatever you want with me, i'm yours. ❜
❛ you keep your hands where they are or i'll tie them up. ❜
❛ you want gentle? wrong fucking address. ❜
❛ have a little trust in yourself, i know you can take it. ❜
❛ i'm waiting for your permission to let me have my way with you. ❜
❛ you're such a fucking tease, you know that? ❜
❛ let me come in you, please. i want to fill you up. ❜
❛ come in me. i need you to fill me up. ❜
❛ now, i'll ask again, are you going to be good for me? ❜
❛ i'm sorry, what was that? i can’t hear you over all that noise you’re making. ❜
❛ begging is a good look for you. ❜
❛ i'd say you need someone to put you in your place. ❜
❛ so good for me. look how much you came. ❜
❛ you're mine. you've always been mine. ❜
❛ i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty. ❜
❛ you came so fast, i barely even touched you. ❜
❛ missed my touch that much, did you? ❜
❛ someone's needy. ❜
❛ you taste like heaven. ❜
❛ you'll be begging for me by the time i'm through with you. ❜
❛ let me stay like this in you for a little bit. ❜
❛ was it good for you too? it's never been like that before. you've never been like this before. ❜
❛ i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do. ❜
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adore-laur · 7 months
— a series of firsts from the dadrry universe 🩵
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The First Hunch
Intuition seemed to follow Harry around the house like a ghostly shadow.
The irregular morning sickness could have been entirely coincidental. Still, the moment you lost the hopeless battle of keeping your eyes open and eventually drifted off beside him was the indisputable sign he had been seeking. You, the person he knew like the back of his hand, were succumbing to a nap before dinner. The notably rare occurrence was a spectacle to behold, and he didn't move a single muscle except for his heart, which wildly thumped in his chest at the mere thought of it being true.
You had to be pregnant. No other conclusion could be drawn.
When you awoke an hour later in an evening daze with mellow light from the sunset casting a silhouette of the open shutters on your face, Harry found it amusing how disoriented your expression was. It was almost as if you were astonished at how your body managed to do a simple human function, such as letting yourself fall asleep. He gazed down at you and raised his eyebrows with an unspoken assumption of what you had been so futilely denying.
"Don't say anything," you said through a yawn before he could make a witty comment.
Harry kissed your forehead and knowingly smiled against it. "Just take a test, love. There's no use in putting it off any longer."
"I'm scared,” you mumbled.
"Why?" he asked softly, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulders. You rubbed your tired eyes while sinking into his embrace. "We've talked about how much we want this."
"It's still scary.”
Harry swallowed thickly. Hell, he was scared too. Priorities shift monumentally once a baby is born and brought home to be raised for eighteen years. How did a person even go about preparing for that enormous responsibility? It was always nice to fantasize about until the harsh realities of parenthood caused him to spiral mentally.
"Well," he said with a loving pinch to your cheek, "I think it's a girl."
You grinned into the sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Have you been reading up on things already?"
"Maybe," he mused. Setting his feet on the ottoman, he continued, "Look at me for a second." You did, and he absentmindedly stroked his thumb across your stomach. "Tell me that you don't think you're pregnant."
A wary pause ensued. Your unintentional signals were as clear as day.
"I think I am," you whispered.
"For real?"
"Harry, you're the one who's so confident that I am."
"I know, but... do you actually feel like there's a baby?" His palms turned clammy when he said it out loud. "It's your body. I'm just guessing based on mom blogs I read online."
You pursed your lips, then replied, "What else could it be? My period was supposed to start two weeks ago. And I've been nauseated recently."
"Do you want to take a test soon?" he asked, trying to steady his ragged breathing.
You nodded briskly. "Sure. I'll buy some after work tomorrow."
"Promise me," he pleaded, a slight impatience taking over him of wanting—no, needing—to confirm it once and for all.
"I promise. We'll find out this week." You were deliberately quiet for a moment before you asked, "Why do you think it's a girl?"
Harry immediately perked up and held his pointer finger in the air. "An old wives' tale claims that—"
"Stop right there," you interrupted with a hand to his chest.
"No, hear me out." He laughed contagiously and cradled your cheeks. "They say if you crave sweets, then it's a girl. Remember when you begged me to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast a couple of days ago? I had to go to the store for more milk because you were on the verge of tears."
You narrowed your eyes. "Everyone gets cravings, though. It doesn't mean they're pregnant. Or that it's a girl."
He frowned and said, "You're starting to sound like you don't want to be pregnant."
"I do," you replied frantically, kissing his precious pout. "I do, Harry. I want a baby with you more than anything."
"Then let's find out. There's nothing to be afraid of."
The First Heartbeat 
Boundless possibilities could either leave you in a state of serenity or in absolute shambles. The thin paper on the exam table crunched under you when you shifted restlessly for the umpteenth time, your jittery limbs bouncing with each second that noisily ticked by on the clock. With your shirt bunched up to your ribcage, you awaited the gel that would be spread on your stomach. The skin there had become a little firmer during the previous week, yet somehow pudgier.
Harry stood next to you, his face visibly flushed with an equal amount of anxiousness. He looked around the room with observant eyes, scanning the daunting equipment and colorful pamphlets that presented themselves to eager parents-to-be.
He got off work early and rushed to the hospital to meet you, still in the grubby clothes he wore in the restaurant kitchen. You noticed his fingernails were bitten raw when he grabbed your elbow and leaned in for a kiss. Gentle and nervous smiles had been exchanged before the two of you walked down the hallway toward the elevators, your arms looped around his waist.
As the ultrasound gel was applied with an icy sensation that made you jolt, you held your breath and locked eyes with your husband.
"Is it cold?" he whispered, wringing his hands together.
"Yeah," you answered just as quietly.
The room was so still, you could probably hear a pin drop. You inhaled deeply when the doctor moved the transducer wand around your lower stomach. Harry cleared his throat and broke eye contact with you to watch the computer screen that displayed a blurry black-and-white view of your womb. It was strange to see the inside of your body, and even more strange to know a baby was growing in there.
After a painstaking moment, the device finally picked up on the most beautiful, muffled heartbeat. It wasn't your own, and it wasn't Harry's—it was your baby's. A lub-dub rhythm that was your responsibility to bring into the world.
Harry whistled in amazement and pressed two shaky fingers against his lips. He glanced between you and the screen several times before touching his heart and rubbing the spot. A reaction took over him that you had never seen before. Tears welled in his eyes, and a transfixed smile dimpled his cheeks. A sentimental ache bloomed in your chest, caused by love for him and his vulnerability.
"They've got a very strong and healthy heartbeat," said the doctor while adjusting the screen monitor.
You stared at the ultrasound that showed a blob with no distinguishable features or anatomy, yet it was somehow part of you and part of the man you lived and breathed for.
"Harry, look," you said through an emotionally tightened throat.
He crouched beside you and sniffled. "I see, sweetheart."
"How far along am I?" you asked the doctor, blindly reaching for Harry's hand.
"Around eight weeks," they told you, clicking their pocket pen and writing down information. "As for your due date, you guys will be looking forward to early November!"
Harry clutched your hand, leaving a prolonged kiss on your knuckles. "An autumn baby," he murmured against your skin. He then turned his attention to the doctor and asked, "Can we please have copies of the ultrasound pictures to hang on the fridge at home?"
The timing was perfect. The color of the leaves would change the same way your lives would change together. It would be a season filled with pure bliss and a turning of the tide. The end of the year would give you a love you could cherish forever.
The First Cry 
"Is she breathing?"
It was the first string of words that tumbled from Harry's mouth after you gave birth. Babies were supposed to cry once they came into the world. Why wasn't she crying? Where were the shrieks he had prepared for months to hear?
Nurses crowded around you as she was pulled out all the way and set on your chest, her squirming body sensitive to the air. It was beautiful chaos happening in slow motion. Harry felt like he was floating outside of his body, feeling a surreal concoction of confusion, euphoria, and hysteria.
"W-what... why isn't she crying?" you asked breathlessly. Your body was shaking due to the immediate shift in hormones.
Two nurses roughly rubbed your daughter with towels until she gurgled a high-pitched wail. Relief, relief, relief. Nothing could quite encapsulate Harry's raw emotion when he heard that sound come from a fresh pair of baby lungs. It was piercingly loud and overwhelming, yet heavenly to his ears.
Harry stepped forward with a wide smile. "There she is," he said, his voice scratchy. "She's here, love. She's breathing."
Your hands, wavering and sweaty, cautiously cupped your daughter's fragile figure. With that first maternal touch, you broke down with a cascading waterfall of tears.
"Hi, baby girl," you cried happily. "Shh, it's okay. You scared us for a second."
Eyes glossy, lips trembling, and heart growing tenfold, Harry was lost in admiration. The scene surrounding him was a mess, and it was merely an afterthought in his mind. He had never been so mesmerized by someone except for the day he married you. Even so, this was a different type of love—one that had flourished over nine months and was now a tangible fondness lasting for eternity.
Absent nods and weak affirmations were given to the nurse's questions thrown his way. The bubble he was in simply couldn't be popped. You scooted over on the hospital bed so he could sit next to you while they suctioned his daughter's tiny mouth, nose, and ears. Her cries were still going strong, and Harry soaked them in as he smoothed over the back of her small head with his hand. She had a decent amount of hair, courtesy of his genes, and something about that realization broke the dam behind his eyes.
When he blearily looked at your awestruck face, he knew he had made the right choice. The mother of his baby girl. And, if he got lucky, a couple other bundles of joy as well. It had to be you. No one else made him feel as complete as you did.
"We had a baby," you whispered in disbelief, staring at him with eyes rapt in wonder.
Through his tears, Harry laughed with astonishment. "It was all you. Do you hear me? All you." He kissed your dewy cheekbone. "I'm so grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
You exhaled heavily and murmured, "I'm starving."
"When we get home, I'm going to cook you the best damn meal you've ever had in your life."
The First Smile 
Harry entered the sunlit nursery with dragging movements similar to those of a zombie. He had only one sock on, and the staticky-sounding baby monitor was tucked under his armpit.
That morning, a whopping four hours of interrupted sleep was the new record. The days and nights blended together like watercolor on wet paper, and no amount of espresso shots or afternoon naps could cure his poor, sleep-deprived soul. His circadian rhythm had now changed to a cadence of chaos, and there was nothing he could do about it. The millisecond he became a dad, a certain little someone shifted to the number one spot on his list of priorities.
After turning on the lamp in the corner of the room and setting the baby monitor down, Harry leaned against the bassinet and let his baby girl's subsiding cries wake him up just like a freshly brewed pot of coffee would. They made him feel sad, but if getting up at the same time as the sun meant they could be soothed somehow (and that you could get more shut-eye), then he would do it over and over again.
Harry eventually reached down to pull his daughter's tiny body against his bare chest. It made his heart swell to see how she always calmed in his arms. "Already up and at 'em, huh?" he rasped, giving her his knuckle to suckle on since the whereabouts of her pacifier were unknown. She cooed and looked at him with curious eyes that resembled yours. "Why are you so precious all the time? Got me so wrapped around your finger that I couldn't possibly be mad at you for waking me up this early."
She kicked her legs outward, apparently a happy camper now that she had some love from her dad. Harry shook his head in amusement. "Were those fake cries?" he accused lightheartedly.
Once he changed her diaper and stole a few minutes of snuggles before she started becoming fussy again, his next destination was the kitchen, where most mornings began as a new family of three. Opening the fridge decorated with baby pictures galore and a calendar scribbled full of upcoming postpartum appointments, he grabbed the first bag of breast milk he saw and then took an empty baby bottle out of the dishwasher so he could make her breakfast. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he had the energy to cook himself a nourishing meal before noon.
Harry attempted to screw on the cap of the bottle using only one hand since his other was being occupied by a hungry, babbling baby. His face grew hot with frustration when the cap kept resisting being twisted, and it definitely didn't help when the bottle tipped straight over, causing valuable milk to spill onto the counter. Nice going, idiot. That wasn't good at all. He dreaded delivering the news to you, especially considering you recently told him how pumping felt like an extreme sport.
"Well, that's just wonderful," he muttered while looking down at his daughter, wholly prepared for her to literally cry over spilled milk.
But no, she didn't cry. Instead, she smiled at him for the first time. A gummy, wonky baby smile that woke him right up.
Harry gasped in surprise and completely forgot about the milk mishap, his heart pounding. "Are you smiling at me? Holy sh- I mean, shoot. We have to show your mom. Wait, she's sleeping. Um, okay, hold on." He aimlessly scanned the kitchen for his phone. "Keep smiling, okay? I need to take a picture of this."
He abandoned the 'no phone around the baby' rule and rounded the corner of the island. In the process, he accidentally hit his side on the corner, causing him to stifle a groan. His clumsiness made his daughter smile even wider, along with a noise that could be interpreted as a giggle if he believed hard enough. And if he looked close enough, he could make out two miniature dimples indenting her cheeks.
He picked up his phone, and with the rays of the golden sunrise dancing over her happy face, he snapped a picture while his face beamed behind the camera. "Look at you," he cooed, pressing the capture button repeatedly. "Is my struggling funny to you? Hmm? Just wait until mommy sees this. She'll freak out."
After he put his phone away, which now had nineteen new keepsakes in its photo album, he observed her a little longer. At that moment, a sudden realization dawned on him.
His daughter's smile looked a lot like his own.
The First Year 
Hot wax dripped from the candle in the shape of the number one, making a black mark on the cake's blue fondant. It took the combined respiratory strength of three people to blow the puny flame out. Afterward, there was a brief pause in the festivities to settle a crying baby because it escaped Harry's adult mind that babies don't know how candles—or birthdays in general—work.
The cake was made with admirable precision, which he somehow pulled off using his amateur cake-decorating skills from ages ago. Piped seashells made from buttercream frosting sat atop the circular cake, and a message of Happy Birthday was spelled out in dainty cursive icing. A graham cracker and sugar concoction caressed the bottom edges to resemble sand, and an impressive starfish cookie rested against the side. She wouldn't remember the cake, or the day, for that matter, but Harry definitely would.
Once the slices were eaten, it was time to clean up for the night. The cheap chandelier hanging over the kitchen table shined upon a dirty mess of paper plates and plastic utensils and opened presents containing toys aplenty.
"I need a shower," you told him, an exhausted sputter leaving your lips after you threw all the crumpled napkins away. "Do you mind cleaning the rest?"
"Not at all. C'mere." Harry loosely grabbed your elbow and pulled you toward him, smacking a vanilla-flavored kiss onto your mouth. "Love you. Go relax."
You thumbed away some frosting on his chin. "Don't put her to bed without me, okay?"
He smiled softly and stole another kiss, slower this time. "I won't. We're actually planning on partying all night."
You just laughed and made your way upstairs. Harry took it upon himself to clean the kitchen until it was spotless for you. He had been genuinely trying to help more around the house since motherhood is not easy on the body and mind. Taking an extra load off your shoulders was the least he could do as part of his lifelong repayment for giving him the most extraordinary experience imaginable.
After every surface was scoured clean, he walked over to his daughter and kneeled, observing her childlike wonder as she smeared frosting on the tray of her highchair. Curious eyes distracted, he felt a crashing wave of emotion wash over him. It just didn't seem possible that an entire year had already passed by. Wasn't it just yesterday that he unbuckled her from her car seat and showed her around her forever home? Didn't her newborn fingers curl instinctively around his thumb whenever he pressed it to her palm? Hadn't she only been something he dreamed about with you?
If he thought about it too much, he'd start weeping.
"Stop growing, please," Harry said while scrubbing her sticky fingers with a baby wipe. "I know you need to, but it's killing me inside."
She looked up at the sound of his voice. "Da da da da," she babbled, her fists excitedly hitting the tray and becoming dirty again.
He sighed and decided to give her a sink bath before bedtime. "Yes, I'm your dad. And you need to listen to him when he tells you to stop growing, yeah?"
"No!" Her new favorite word was spoken shamelessly, and Harry couldn't help but chuckle.
"All right, little lady. Keep breaking my heart, then."
She raised her arms. "Up."
After standing with a huff, Harry lifted her in the air and shook her body playfully until she let out an infectious burst of giggles. Tickles came next, an innocent attack on her belly as she squirmed over his shoulder. He held onto her kicking legs and stomped up the stairs dramatically, making a right turn into the master bedroom. A gentle toss on the bed had her giggling even louder.
"An entire year of loving you," he said, kissing her cheeks repeatedly. "Happy birthday, lovebug."
The Last Night 
There used to be a time when her legs couldn't wrap all the way around Harry's waist because they were simply too short. What were once chunky baby legs that happily kicked against his rib cage turned into toddler ones that kicked because they wanted to run free.
No more holding her sideways while she fit like a puzzle piece in the crook of his elbow. No more swaddling her tightly in a blanket after a midnight meltdown. No more tummy time, carrying her in a sling, or being there to catch her whenever she tried to walk on her own. Her dependence was slipping away.
Time was slipping away even faster.
Often, he looked back on all the moments he had taken for granted with his firstborn. Those screeching cries that wouldn't stop no matter what left him with a daylong migraine and maybe a side of tears. Those tantrums left him feeling defeated and on edge, only to end with her just wanting to be held by him. Those summer evenings on the beach, only him and her lying on a blanket and watching the sun go down while he answered all her nonsensical questions about the world around her.
Tomorrow, the date circled on the calendar's December page would allow Harry to relive those moments. However, it would be with an entirely new person he's never met. It'd be undeniably different—an accustomed bond to be formed and a shift in dynamics to adjust to. The challenge of keeping two humans safe instead of one.
Was he ready for that?
"Are you ready to be a big sister?" Harry asked the tiresome, limp child in his arms. He might as well pass off the question to someone unaware of it all.
He laughed at the confidence with which she answered. "I understand. It's a huge responsibility, but you'll be a natural. That's what your mom told me before you were born."
She nodded slowly against his shoulder, most likely oblivious to what he said. "Wanna go night-night."
"I know." The weight of his soul sank, realizing time was ticking by faster than he'd like it to. "Let me hold you for a while longer. Is that okay?" Another nod. "You can fall asleep, darling. I promise I'll carry you to bed and tuck you in."
"Where's Mama?" she asked with her sweet, soft voice.
Harry rubbed soothing circles on her back, and tears stung behind his eyes for some reason. "She needs rest just like you do," he explained vaguely, not wanting to talk about the pre-labor pain you had been so gracefully pushing through the entire day. "Grandma's taking you to the park tomorrow, so you can't be cranky."
"Okay," she mumbled, approximately thirty seconds from a dream-filled sleep.
After swiping a finger down her button nose to get her eyes to flutter shut, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and steadily hiked up the staircase toward her room. He checked on you when he passed the master bedroom, finding you hunched over the bed and swaying through a contraction. It hurt to see you in such discomfort.
Harry opened the door to his daughter's bedroom, laid her in her toddler bed, and tucked the blanket around her body like he did every night. "Sleep well, sweetheart. Don't grow up overnight."
Her eyes popped open, and she was suddenly wide awake due to not being in his arms anymore. "'I'm not tired."
"You just said you wanted to go night-night!"
"Go to sleep, crazy girl," he told her, ruffling her hair. Your mom needs me right now. Can you tell your angels and fairies to make her feel better?"
She hummed an affirmation and settled down. Harry's lips twitched into a smile, and he spread his arms out in his unvoiced gesture of love. She immediately spread her arms out too.
"Love you this big," she said cutely.
"I love you even bigger," he replied, gently pinching her cheek.
Doubt, incompetence, and fear swirled in his stomach when he realized that, come tomorrow, he would no longer have his paternal attention solely focused on the little girl in front of him. His chest ached for her, knowing how hard it'd be to adjust to someone who required more nurture and care under the same roof. He'd just have to share his love, and his heart was more than capacious enough to manage that.
Before Harry turned off the lights, he confessed a secret that had only been shared between them. "You'll always be my biggest love."
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if we get to 1k we can take over the world
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hope that helps.
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Writing Notes: On Children
16 weeks Gets excited, laughs aloud. Smiles spontaneously in response to people. Anticipates eating at sight of food. Sits propped up for 10 to 15 minutes.
28 weeks Smiles and vocalizes to a mirror and pats at mirror image. Many vowel sounds. Sits unsupported for brief period and then leans on hands. Takes solids well. When lying on back, places feet to mouth. Grasps objects and transfers objects from hand to hand. When held standing, supports most of own weight.
12 months Walks with only one hand held. Says “mamma” and “dada” and perhaps two other words. Gives a toy in response to a request or gesture. When being dressed, will cooperate. Plays “peek-a-boo” games.
18 months Has a vocabulary of some 10 words. Walks well, seldom falls, can run stiffly. Looks at pictures in a book. Feeds self, although spills. Can pull a toy or hug a doll. Can seat self in a small or adult chair. Scribbles spontaneously with a crayon or pencil.
24 months Walks up and down stairs alone. Runs well, no falling. Can build a tower of six or seven blocks. Uses personal pronouns (“I” and “you”) and speaks a three-word sentence. Identifies simple pictures by name and calls self by name. Verbalizes needs fairly consistently. May be dry at night. Can pull on a simple garment.
36 months Alternates feet when climbing stairs and jumps from bottom stair. Rides a tricycle. Can copy a circle and imitate a cross with a crayon or pencil. Comprehends and answers questions. Feeds self with little spilling. May know and repeat a few simple rhymes.
48 months Can dry and wash hands, brushes teeth. Laces shoes, dresses and undresses with supervision. Can play cooperatively with other children. Can draw figure of a person with at least two clear body parts.
60 months Knows and names colors, counts to 10. Skips on both feet. Can print a few letters, can draw identifiable pictures.
Source: Gesell, A., & Amatruda, C. S. (1947). Developmental diagnosis: Normal and abnormal child development, clinical methods and pediatric applications (2nd ed. rev.).
If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
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marydegrayskull · 9 months
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Day six of glimbow week, and my humble contribution is the wedding of this beautiful ship. ❤️😊
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puhpandas · 5 months
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crazy to think my first fic ever from when i was a beginner writer has this many hits on ao3 lol. kinda crazy to me. its still so special to me despite how rare updates are! the rabbit hunters are my guys! ill never stop caring for them. this au is my beloved
thanks for all the comments and fanart and nice stuff for this fic! its kept it going this long and its amazing knowing people like this story so much <3 even if ive moved past it a bit ill always try to come back for another update for these guys
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uwmspeccoll · 7 months
Milestone Monday
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On this day, November 20, 1820, an 80-ton sperm whale rammed and sank the Essex whaling ship in the South Pacific inspiring Herman Melville (1819-1891) to write his legendary novel Moby Dick.
The Essex set sail from Nantucket in August of 1819 with a 21-man crew in search of dwindling sperm whales. Over a year into their voyage, their captain decided to head further off the coast of the Galapagos than usual, finding themselves more than 1,500 nautical miles from the nearest shore. The bet paid off when the Essex came upon a pod of whales and set out in three whaleboats to harpoon them.
While they were away, their luck quickly changed when a monstrously sized sperm whale began ramming and ultimately capsized the Essex. Initially, all members of the crew survived the wreck and equipped their whaleboats with sails to head for land, however perilous weather and sparse rations soon took their toll. Within months, crew members were dying and left their companions to turn to cannibalism to survive. Ultimately, five men of the Essex were rescued by passing ships and lived to tell their tale. 
To mark the fate of the Essex we are looking at The Limited Editions Club (LEC) 1943 publication of Moby Dick; or The Whale presented in two volumes with illustrations by Boardman Robinson (1876-1952). Melville’s story of Captain Ahab and the great white whale is accentuated by Robinson’s muddy paintings that emulate the churning ocean adding foreboding layers throughout the book. Of the thirty-two paintings Robinson created for Moby Dick; or The Whale, eight are reproduced in full color with the other twenty-four reproduced “through an ingenious combination of the silk-screen process, offset lithography and varnish.” The volumes were printed by E.L. Hildreth and Co., bound in full sheepskin leather dyed to stimulate whale hides, and stamped in gold. 
Our copy of Moby Dick; or The Whale is number 289 from the collection of long-standing LEC member Austin Fredric Lutter of Waukesha, Wisconsin and is signed by the illustrator.
View other Milestone Monday posts here.
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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hisonetrueloveee · 1 month
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I hit a very cool milestone today on Ao3 - I have earned 10,000 kudos!
As a fanfic writer who writes primarily Remadora, and now Tedromeda and Tedoire, I have to say I'm really thankful that I've gotten as much engagement as I have. All of these ships are smaller in the greater HP fandom, and it means the world to me that my stories featuring canon couples have been received so well.
So thank you, from the bottom of my butt (which is much bigger than my heart) for all the kudos, comments, bookmarks, subscriptions, and hits. I feel very proud of myself right now.
(Also, coincidentally, I hit 20k words on my current dissertation chapter. My poor director is not going to be amused.)
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
1k followers is absolutely insane. im so glad there are as many of us as there are i need my crazy obsessive spencer reid lovers in the trenches with me at all times and you are here. we’re in this together. alsoi am so grateful for every single one of u, i know im just a silly little girl posting her silly word porn on her silly blog but writing is the thing i love doing most and it’s so fulfilling to have other people actually ENJOY what i post. so thank u🥲
p 2 to do you believe me now will be done soon! hopefully this week. i feel like u guys RLLY liked that one so im excited to see ur reactions to the next one and I LOVE YOU ALL!! goodnight !!!!! Or morning!!!! Or afternoon!! mwah
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