shonayee · 29 days
Men masturbate to shit that would be considered an actual fucking crime in literally any other context outside of porn and then act like that has no influence whatsoever on how they view and interact with women.
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blackseduce-bnwo · 3 months
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feministfang · 30 days
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South Asian men and their usual obsession with using racism-card to play victim. Good that nobody likes you disgusting men anymore. You are worldwide known as rapists now. Deal with it! It’s your fault! And btw, india is actually a rape capital. India is in the top five countries with the highest rape rates. Thanks to Indian girls for not staying silent and defaming south asian men everywhere in the world.
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hippyfem · 1 year
I can't put into words how terrifying this new MRA rhetoric is that "rape is not really that bad" "it only lasts for a few minutes" which they will then use to justify less punishment for rapists, less help for women, as if rapists even get any punishment currently! And women who are raped are already told to move on or are ignored, or even accused I being an antagonist. They are always coming up with a new thing to silence us and they won't stop no matter how many women will say how traumatising it was for them they will just selectively pick the information that suits their agenda.
And their agenda is to rape women.
There is no point trying to explain to them how horrible it was for you because they are well aware. This is weaponised ignorance when men pretend they dont understand that their actions hurt women to get away with it. The only thing we can do is highlight that this is clearly a tactic in their war on women.
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where is the woman with the list??
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sandwichsugarbong · 5 months
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Radical feminists are against rape until it happens to trans people
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shonayee · 1 month
I'm seeing so many petty men commenting "what about false rape cases?" "What about the guy who was killed in xyz?" "What about men?" Under posts discussing the rape culture in India and talking about women's issue. I find it funny because that's the only place you'll ever see them talking about male issues. Under a post discussing women ailments.
If the only time men are talking about their problems when women's problems are being addressed, you don't want justice. You simply want attention. You're weak, insecure and pathetic.
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leftistfeminista · 10 months
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Israeli soldier rummages through a woman's lingerie and personal belongings in Gaza
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feministfang · 7 days
All men are rapists and that’s the truth. I said what I said. I don’t care about your opinion. Good night!
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kittycomrad · 11 months
Men go around defaming random victims all the time and then wonder why women don't believe when they cry "false rape accusations". You felt very comfortable falsely accusing a woman of "lying about rape" while sitting behind your keyboard and now you're mad that women around you are putting you on blast and other women are ignoring you? Ok lol.
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sealedreality-blog · 3 months
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shonayee · 1 month
Whenever I see men talking about rape incidents analytically and giving it a political angle, I'm always stunned by the audacity. The only reason you can talk about it "logically" is because the chances of this happening to you are slim, or negligible compared to an average woman. Because you know you won't be subjected to the same violence and game of power control. Because unlike women, your mind doesn't draw a parallel to every single time you felt unsafe. Because you don't hear "be safe and aware of your surroundings" from your families every single day.
All the self proclaimed "straightforward" and "blunt" men who call women "too emotional" and "crazy" for reacting as we do, as if reading these cases happening daily in multiple numbers doesn't give you enough trauma. It's frightening.
How am I supposed to trust any guy I come across my workplace, or city? This incident in Kolkata was just one highlighted amongst thousands of cases buried in files, half of them go unreported due to family pressure and public image. The actual numbers are way more horrifying and grotesque.
How am I supposed to trust any man I come across? Because what are the odds?
This 'meet new people, make friends, have fun, create memories' philosophy is irrelevant because women live in constant fear.
This fight or flight mode affects our nervous system.
This affects our emotional intelligence.
This affects our health.
This affects our Lifestyle.
But please, do go on and enlighten me how I'm exaggerating, overreacting and should calm down.
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notyourdad6y · 3 months
Sometimes I feel like resting my head on your warm lap, you'd run your fingers through my hair and caress my back,
Sometimes I feel like grabbing a handful of your hair and dragging you to the basement and ripping off your clothes, only to tie you up and torture your cunt just to hear you scream and moan in pain and pleasure,
Sometimes I feel something is weirdly wrong with me,
Sometimes I feel you're the only one who will ever understand me.
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