#ship of theseus.....
elfcollector · 2 years
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“I didn’t...realize it was that bad.” “Pretty stark.  You okay?”
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fadedlovemp3 · 5 months
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swamp jimin hwaiting
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trek-tracks · 2 years
When a student copies an essay online instead of writing it and then painstakingly changes every word to a synonym until the text no longer makes any sense...
call that the Ship of Thesaurus
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
The Ship of Theseus is a story of a ship which, over time, has part after part replaced. By the end, 100% of the original ship's pieces have been replaced. The paradox begs the question of whether it is still the same ship.
The Ship of Theseus is a story of a ship which has its pieces replaced one after another. By the end, every single piece of the original ship has changed. The paradox asks if this is the same ship.
The Ship of Theseus tells the allegory of a ship whose crew are replaced one at a time. Eventually every single crewmate has been swapped for a new one. No one left knows what the carved initials in the mast mean. The paradox wonders whether the ship is still the same ship.
The Ship of Theseus refers to a company which has experienced complete turnover and rebranding. The query wishes to know if it is still the same company. The debtors are asking.
The Ship of Theseus is about a family. The original constituents are dead now, replaced by younger generations which have dispersed, found love, married and gained new names. No one is Theseus anymore. No one remembers the bones. But the genes never forget. Who is the family now?
The Ship of Theseus is you, shed of all the cells which first made you. They're stardust again. You'll be stardust many times over. Who are you?
The Ship of Theseus is me. All my words have changed. Who do I get to be now?
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proxycrit · 8 months
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Salvaging the Ship of Theseus au! Posting on the sketch acc because i haven’t decided on anything permanent yet.
Emmet’s having a grand time guys.
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He’s doing great!
On a side note, here’s Ingo!
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Ingo’s fighting very hard to retire from Wardenship after seeing a whole train fall from the sky and land on the other side of Hisui. Unfortunately, this is a track he can not disembark until either him or Sneasler become permanently indisposed.
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He’s also doing great! Don’t worry about it!
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wasyago · 5 months
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recks cleo !
she's a human btw, not a robot teehee ^_^
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shapeshifter911 · 1 year
But wait…
If Elon is changing the name, logo, moderation policies and basically everything that made Twitter the bird app that it was…
Then couldn’t someone buy back the name, duplicate Twitter and we can leave the sad billionnaire with the X obssession alone?
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fairsweetlonging · 2 months
imagine if after the transmigration shen qingqiu became a combination of shen yuan and shen jiu, not in a "second person living in my head" kind of way, but a "this house is haunted and carries the echoes of the dead" kind of way; imagine shen yuan having nightmares about a house, a fire, a faceless boy behind a door he can't remember; imagine him having flashes of emotions he doesn't understand, rage at a name he doesn't recognize, helplessness when yue qingyuan apologizes for something he won't mention, nausea when ning yingying says the name "a-luo"; imagine parts of his own self have changed too, how he now likes bows in his hair, pretty flowers and flowing robes, but can no longer stand a stranger's touch, a man's touch, yet he longs for the brothels, but never sexually, only fondly, like there's something there he misses. there are many empty spaces in his heart where he feels something is missing
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twiggybeing · 8 months
if we had cyberpunk style body augmentation shit I would ship of theseus myself as performance art piece
in a transgender way of course
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tainebot01 · 3 months
I was working on this video when the Investigations Collection Announcement dropped, then proceeded to spiral for the next few days before finally finishing it.
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thekinkymadscientist · 4 months
Idea: applying the Ship of Theseus thought experiment to your mind.
We start with something simple, like making you enjoy being hypnotized more than before. You already wanted to be hypnotized, so this is barely a change at all, really.
Then something else, equally uncomplicated. Perhaps I make you more submissive than you used to be, or make you enjoy praise more. Again, hardly a change.
And if I were to give you a new kink, one you didn't have before, for my own amusement -- well, you'd still be the same person, right? Just with one new kink.
Changing your kinks to align with my own, making submission and obedience your greatest desire, modifying your interests, changing how you see yourself, how you think, even how you walk... Each change, on its own, is inconsequential. Just one more fun suggestion.
And I think we both agree that you are not your name. That if I were to change your name, but keep everything else the same, you'd be fundamentally the same person.
But when I give you a new name, and erase your memory of the old one... by then, I've altered every part of your mind. Each change left you basically the same person... so are you essentially the same 'you', or have you changed?
Well, for you, it doesn't matter. Because you love who you are -- I told you so.
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holidaygirl125 · 10 months
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brokentrafficknight · 4 months
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marinovels · 3 days
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has this been done before?
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proxycrit · 7 months
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(Takes your kneecaps)
Au’s Salvaging the Ship of Theseus! Gotta figure out how to draw these guys. Inconsistency my beloathed!
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