cattyraejepsen · 2 months
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PSA #TaylorCasey
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feelingemotjons · 3 months
a black trans women is in need of help
@miracleon63rdstreet is a black trans women who has gone through absolute hell and back. She is currently in a lot of debt and she and her cousin don’t have enough money to feed her cats and her cousin’s kids. She is living with her cousin and her cousin’s electricity bill is due on the 10th
if anyone could give her money on her cashapp, venmo, paypal, chime, or gofundme it would be greatly appreciated
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molsno · 2 months
I feel conflicted whenever a white trans woman's murder becomes a headline because like. yes, these deaths deserve to be talked about, these women deserve to be mourned, they deserve justice. but at the same time, it's hard not to notice that this only happens when the trans woman in question is white. trans women of color - especially black trans women - are murdered all the time, and their deaths rarely if ever get reported, and when they do, the news basically never gets widely circulated. I just wish this mourning was extended to all of our sisters, not just the white ones. I wish there was more awareness that we need to protect them, too.
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illnessfaker · 7 months
tw: murder, transmisogynoir
( article published feb. 24th, 2024 )
COLUMBIA, S.C. — A South Carolina man was found guilty Friday of killing a Black transgender woman in the nation’s first federal trial over a hate crime based on gender identity.
After deliberating for roughly four hours, jurors convicted Daqua Lameek Ritter of a hate crime for the murder of Dime Doe in 2019. Ritter was also found guilty of using a firearm in connection with the fatal shooting and obstructing justice.
A sentencing date has not yet been scheduled. Ritter faces a maximum of life imprisonment without parole.
The four-day trial over Doe’s killing centered on the secret sexual relationship between her and Ritter, the latter of whom had grown agitated by the exposure of their affair in the small town of Allendale, according to witness testimony and text messages obtained by the FBI. Prosecutors accused Ritter of shooting Doe three times with a .22 caliber handgun to prevent further revelation of their romance.
Doe’s close friends testified that it was no secret in Allendale that she had begun her social transition as a woman shortly after graduating high school. She started dressing in skirts, getting her nails done and wearing extensions. She and her friends discussed boys they were seeing — including Ritter, whom she met during one of his many summertime visits from New York to stay with family.
But text messages obtained by the FBI suggested that Ritter sought to keep their relationship under wraps as much as possible, prosecutors said. He reminded her to delete their communications from her phone, and hundreds of texts sent in the month before her death were removed.
Shortly before Doe’s death, their exchanges grew tense. In one message from July 29, 2019, she complained that Ritter did not reciprocate her generosity. He replied that he thought they had an understanding that she didn’t need the “extra stuff.”
He also told her that Delasia Green, his main girlfriend at the time, had insulted him with a homophobic slur after learning of the affair. In a July 31 text, Doe said she felt used and Ritter should never have let Green find out about them.
Green said that when he showed up days later at her cousin’s house in Columbia, he was dirty, smelly and couldn’t stop pacing. Her cousin’s boyfriend gave Ritter a ride to the bus stop. Before he left, Green asked him if he had killed Doe.
“He dropped his head and gave me a little smirk,” Green said.
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from the HRC:
Doe’s friends and family remembered her on social media as having a “bright personality” and being someone who “showed love” and who was “the best to be around.” Another friend wrote, “If I knew Friday was my last time seeing you, I would have hugged you even tighter.”
according to NYT's article, she also worked as a hairdresser. she was only 24.
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maxophone · 5 months
A black trans woman was on her way to a gender affirming care appointment when her at the time boyfriend pushed her onto the subway tracks. She has had the lower parts of both her legs amputated.
There is more info in the fundraiser page and here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5zL5buP1iN/?igsh=NTF1NmVmYThyNHE=
Please share widely - not sure if this has been posted on tumblr yet but i’m sure it cant hurt to post it again.
(PS - she has chosen anonymity, which is why her name is not mentioned.)
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butchniqabi · 7 months
i dont know if yall remember Pebbles LaDime Doe, but her killer was finally put to justice. rest in paradise angel
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lina-transverse · 2 months
Queer discourse on this site of fun cause it just turns into mostly White Queers just saying the same things over and over and no one is capable of understanding nuance or willing to consider the others point of view cause they're more concerned with "winning" the argument. Which is stupid and pointless because arguing is for idiots.
Y'all know we're on the same side right? There's no point in having discussions over 'who the most oppressed' is when it's obviously black and brown queer people, especially transfem black women.
This is a fact.
Do y'all even remember back in the late 2010's when the only time "transgender" or "transfem" trended n this site was when another black or brown sister was killed?
Do y'all even care about them? I've seen tons of posts for Pauly Likens which is great, but where's the outrage for Shannon Boswell, shot to death in the street while police denied said shooting even happened? What about Tayy Thomas and River Goddard, just children who were killed by their partners? Where's your rage for TK Hill, shot outside his hair salon? Or Africá Garciá, homeless and shot to death in a dirty street.
Last year 320 trans people were killed. Three-hundred and fucking twenty.
Of those deaths, 94% of them were transfem/ trans women and over 80% were black and brown people. Many were sex workers or homeless. Lots of them were degendered by the media and police in death. Even more deaths are unreported either due to degendering or their bodies not being found. So many of these people (again, mostly black and brown transfem's) are violated and horrifically tortured by their tormentors.
If your discussion of transphobia doesn't include black and trans people, if you cannot recognize this simple fact, then you're no ally to the trans community.
Community means you look out and support those that are the most vulnerable; it means you show the fuck up and speak the fuck up when you hear racist shit. It means you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT call the cops on a homeless person, it means you look out for those that have less than you, the disadvantaged and disenfranchised. White queers have white privilege! We still benefit from our whiteness (especially in the US) so fucking use that shit!
Get your heads outta your asses and actually be a part of your community instead of whinging and whining and wringing your hands helplessly while ignoring the ACTUAL dangers trans people face.
I'm gonna close this with a quote from a friend of África Garciá that perfectly encapsulates how the world views transfem's.
“A lot of trans women are on the streets and are made invisible because many people believe that their lives are worthless,” LeQueen, a trans artist and friend of García’s, told the paper. “They don’t give them the ‘spotlight’ that they deserve, and those men take advantage of that. They think, If I kill her here, no one is going to care.”
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Source 2
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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white women's tears are DANGEROUS -and now she's trying to back pedal after causing immense harm against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif (who also CHECKED on this woman right AFTER she hit her in a boxing ring... my fucking GOD).
And now there's talk of 'eligibility' criteria... the rampant transphobia/transmisogyny/misogyny which is interconnected to the rampant and disproportionate hatred towards Black and Brown women who appear to be 'masculine' is beyond fucking disgusting -and for those who have read about and who understand the intricacies of reactions like this (mainly being how white women often think they can gatekeep femininity and determine who can be 'a woman,' in the most cissexist of ways, for one -but also because they think THEY need to be protected for what has been deemed 'a threat' to their womanhood is beyond alarming and disturbing and must be challenged and dismantled). Because who the FUCK cares what an athlete looks like when they are competing, for one. But also -Imane is a woman. And you know what, if you trained with 10 pound weights, I'm sure a fly would be able to knock you over Carini.
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simbistardis · 4 months
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"Another example I can draw on from oral histories I have conducted is of a Black trans woman who was kicked out of African Ancestral Lesbians United for Societal Change in the early 1990s. Until she was outed, she had been part of that community for some time, participating in dialogues and events and helping to sustain the organization. Members of the organization determined, however, that she was a “male infiltrator” who had to be extracted. Her assertion that she was a lesbian among lesbians was viewed as a hostile takeover in the eyes of the other members of the group. What would happen if, instead of being an object of fear and suspicion, there was recognition among lesbians that trans women have helped shape lesbian politics and culture? How would that change the narrative of women’s history?"
Good and Messy: Lesbian and Transgender Identities by Matt Richardson, taken from forum: Lesbian generations, L.J. Rupp, Nan Alamilla Boyd, R. Vanita, M. Richardson, S. Stryker (2013)
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"Trans women of color, who are among the most likely targets of violence, see statistics that reflect their reality co-opted to bolster the idea that all women are facing the same level of danger. Yet support from mainstream white feminists for the issues that directly impact trans women has been at best minimal, and often non-existent."
- Mikki Kendall, Hood Feminism
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thedorkdionysia · 29 days
transmisogynists on this site say "white trans women" like james somerton says "white women". (that is, to be [trans]misogynistic but be woke about it)
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momxijinping · 12 days
GIRLS YOU CAN HIT (original .pdf)
In a nine-day period between June 25 and July 3, six Black trans women - Brayla Stone, Merci Mack, Shaki Peters, Draya McCarty, and Tatiana Hall - were found murdered. The news barely made a ripple; Black trans women and trans women of color are murdered regularly - and no one is shocked, because the gender class structure is operating as usual. Liberal-individualist analysis claims that this is simply the result of amorphous personal "prejudices" -- that individual men, fearful of the unknown or afraid of change, attack trans women for personal reasons.
This is both idealist and ahistorical, a comforting fantasy that naturalizes and atomizes the oppression of trans women as a class and protects the underlying gender class structure of the empire.
In fact, reactionaries make trans women a primary target. ICE imprisons trans women in special separate concentration camps under under even worse conditions than cisgender men and women, and during protests, police subject captured trans women for especially brutal treatment. On July 25, a group of pro-police protesters outside Pittsburgh switched their chant from “all lives matter" to "kill transgenders" and "kill faggots." State power and reactionary elements target trans women specifically - but why? Because the oppression of trans women as a class is critical to the gender class structure of the empire, and by centering the oppression of trans women in our material feminist analysis, we can understand that class structure much more clearly.
Fundamentally, the gender class structure is built on the domination of white men over women; white women constitute a subordinated but privileged class under the control ("protection") of white men, and reactionary white manhood is ultimately defined in terms of control of women.
Trans women, nonbinary transfeminine people, and feminine gay cisgender men are treated as a gender underclass. Structurally, they are "girls you can hit." They are also subject to substantial sexual violence in the form of sexual assault and rape. Cisgender women from oppressed and colonized nations are treated more like "girls you can hit" if they are less acceptable as potential members of the "protected" class of potential wives and mothers.
Thus, Black and Indigenous women are treated disposably as "girls you can hit." Likewise, sex workers, who are seen as disqualified from the "protected" class of women, are "girls you can hit." The further they are from the "protected" class of women, the more disposable they are, and they are treated more and more like trans women. This develops intersectionally as well; Black trans women are often accused of sex work to justify violent treatment, and Black trans women sex workers are murdered casually.
This dynamic arises in childhood, where they are an acceptable target for violence and covert sex ("practice girls") by boys trying to enact their manhood. Men can gain status and an identity as controllers of women by hurting “girls you can hit." They "protect" (white, cis) women in the same way that the police "protect" communities: by enacting violence on the underclass, they gain control over the "respectable" class of women.
The threat to the women they control is supposed to be implicit, not enacted: "Serve me faithfully and you will never be hurt the way | hurt those sissies in middle school." But the opposite side of the coin is that any "protected" woman who refuses to comply in a serious and sustained way can be threatened with degradation to the underclass.
They get to not be treated like trans women, sex workers, and other "girls you can hit." Their respectable status is contingent on having an underclass they are not part of.
The greatest threat to a trans woman's life is being treated like a trans woman. For trans men and nonbinary transmasculine people, the greatest threat to their lives is being treated like a cis woman. We can see this play out in fascist fantasies of "correcting’ trans men to become cis women, and in the way that transmisogynists like JK Rowling claim that "trans activists [code for trans women] are seducing your daughters into mutilating their healthy, fertile female bodies in an impossible attempt to become men." In fascist and reactionary rhetoric, trans men are framed as deluded, innocent cis women who have to be saved from a horrible error. In the material world, this agenda often plays out in the form of corrective rape and other atrocities.
Trans men from colonized communities are treated much more violently, as in the case of the murdered Tony McDade; there is no prospect of forcing them to be "protected" women, so they are treated disposablly, like trans women.
The reactionaries are not mistaken to see the liberation of trans women (and sex workers) as linked to the liberation of cis women from colonized communities, nor is their targeting of trans women a mistake.
The liberation of trans women and "girls you can hit" in general would invert the gendered class structure of the empire and strike a critical blow to the control of "protected" women that reactionary men depend on for both social reproduction, personal exercise of power, and identity formation.
We must center the liberation of trans women, sex workers, and other “girls you can hit." This will immediately help to liberate cis women from colonized nations, remove the hierarchical power of "protected" white cis women over other women, degrade the power of white cisgender men over oppressed genders, and remove the basis for treating trans men and transmasculine people as deluded cis women.
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bfpnola · 1 year
please watch the whole video! i’ve always loved the work of @/thatbrownguurl on tiktok!
— reaux (she/they)
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clowncaraz · 29 days
a transandrophobic's guide to transandrophobia
a small and short guide that oversimplifies things so even normies can understand. basically "don't say these things, be normal about queer men."
what is transandrophobia?
transandrophobia was coined around 2017 by a user named Saint (st-dionysus). it's a term describing multiple ways transmascs, trans men, or genderqueer men experience a form of androphobia that has the main goal of separating manhood from trans identities.
what is transandrophobia made of?
transandrophobia is made up of transmisogyny and androphobia. the transmisogyny is the ideas that trans men are either women in disguise, traitors or alien to womanhood, or lost little girls fetishizing lesbians. the focus on trans men as confused women is to assume that women cannot be anything but little innocent girls or servants. if a woman is not of those categories, then they are traitors, snakes, and are not real/pretending to be women. we see this in all sorts of spaces. if a woman is not subservient and tolerable, then they must be a "bitch," or a man in hiding. for trans men, this narrative means that they are failing womanhood because they too are not tolerable or subservient.
androphobia is the fear of men or the patriarchy. it affects women more than it affects men, and most trauma resulting from it comes from direct or indirect sexual violence or misogyny. androphobia in terms of trans men would be the fear of manhood or isolation of manhood from transness. a common pushback against androphobia and transandrophobia seems to be the idea that trans men are just trans, not men. they aren't women, but they aren't men either, so they stay in the gray zone of being defined by their agab or their sex traits.
the isolation of manhood from transness is a tactic used to correctly gender trans men without having to acknowledge their gender as being related to manhood, even if that fear is towards those who uphold the patriarchy - which trans men, by identity, do not fit in the patriarchy. it is why androphobia is known as irrational or abnormal, as all phobias are, but isn't recognized as hate or discrimination. when trans men and cis men are perceived as the same type of manhood, the assumption becomes that trans men are of the patriarchal system instead of being completely outside of it.
why androphobia and not misandry?
misandry was created to be used as a gotcha towards feminism. no one wants that. misandry is real, but is not represented in the term. instead, the subsequent discrimination and hate of men would stem from androphobia's fear. fear is the reason many people say they hate something that could cause it, and it's not irrational to fear, but the consistent anxiety and distrust leading to narratives that affect men who are not of the patriarchy is a phobia.
no one hates cis men for being men, it is hate of their ability to use their cis status and patriarchal power. cis manhood is preferred, it is widely accepted, it is natural.. trans men on the other hand are hated for being failed cis men and confused women, who are then hated for being related to cis men by being men incorrectly.
you might be transandrophobic if..
...you see trans men as the cis men of the trans community. this is a running joke in some spaces, but it perpetuates the idea that since cis men are of a higher power due to privilege, that trans men must have the same privileges and the same status due to them being men. this is not how you affirm transmasculine identities and frankly, it's downright gross. when you begin to see trans men as trans men instead of removing their manhood from their transness, you see that the manhood is inseparable from our transness and is in close quarters to how our identity functions. without that manhood, we are not trans and we are no longer of that community - we are then lumped into three categories; "non-men," nonbinary, or afab. when trans men say that we do not want our manhood to be reduced/separated from our transness, we mean that the other terms to categorize us are inaccurate, false, or derogatory.
...you don't think theyfab is a slur. it was made specifically to go after those who were assigned female at birth and used they/them primarily. this affects most if not all trans people who are genderqueer/nonbinary and were assigned female. it's a slur and is used that way.
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...you don't say trans man, but instead say "tme." tme is transmisogyny exempt, and is known to be used as a stand in for anyone not presenting as a woman. it's a bioessentialist/intersexist term alongside it's counterpart; tma. these terms leave out and actively discriminate against intersex bodies and identities - and if pointed out - those who use the terms tme/tma will have a meltdown.
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...say more slurs. if any of this is in your daily or private vocabulary and you actively refer to trans men or transmascs like this, there is a problem.
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...you position our HRT or manhood as poison. i don't have to explain this that much but would it be acceptable for a trans man to say that estrogen is a poison and womanhood is essentially harmful by nature? if not, that might be a reason as to not do the same to trans men who need it.
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...you position our oppression as lesser or never experienced. trans women face transandrophobia. that's the truth. the fear of supposed men in women spaces is one of the most rampant forms of prejudice against trans women.anyone can experience transandrophobia and transmisogyny. anyone can experience exorsexism. the main point of it is what it is supposed to be attacking. transmisogyny attacks womanhood that is trans or queer. transandrophobia attacks manhood by removing it from transness.
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...you ignore the quarrels of trans men against rampant transandrophobia that seem to revolve around fears of being excluded due to not being feminine or woman enough, which the community seems to gravitate towards.
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...you make transandrophobic claims that don't make sense at all.
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magz · 7 months
What do you mean by "trend" posts, I don't understand?
Theres a trend where
Whenever an "event" happens that brings up the subject of transmisogyny (in this case avewy being permabanned by the tumblr ceo, and the transmisogyny of the situation)
In spaces where the event is talked about a lot -
There will be an uptick of popular posts by fellow TMEs of color about black/brown transfems being ignored, as a way to "react" to the topic
But worded in ways that imply not understand the underlying issue nor why/how transmisogynoir happens, n how they too are responsible for that (magz too, but am try actively minimize it)
N sounds like ppl are talking about specimens n not like. Actual people. Or putting them on pedestals ala the surface-level cliché phrase of "but like, Marsha P. Johnson threw the first brick at stonewall"* but reinvented
And then black/brown transfems get ignored or erased or chased out again until the next event where they can be brought up as a topic. Tools of subject.
Or as specific people that they have to gain the approval of to not be seen as a bigot, but silence the ones that don't.
A thing you will often hear black n brown transfems that have been around that for too long - bemoan n groan about as a pattern. Whether in private or publicly.
A trend, a pattern. Its a form of transmisogynynoir. and a TME (magz) criticizing oneself and other TMEs abt it will have less backlash and obsession garnered towards him.
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thottybrucewayne · 9 months
All I'm saying is many white leftists, esp in online spaces, have an antiblackness problem.
They need to investigate why that is if they want to be an actual ally to the Black community and not just pay lip service.
Ain't no way yall should be more comfortable getting all your knowledge of Black liberation politics from secondhand, nonblack sources than you are from Black leftists.
The Soulbunni situation is fucked up, but what makes it even more fucked up to me is watching the same people with big platforms who came out to defend Kelly Cadigan, the racist grifter white trans woman off of TikTok who said that Black people enjoyed slavery, stay completely silent about the harassment campaign against Soulbunni…
Soulbunni has been doxxed, and she has to move out of her town because she's being harassed online and irl, people are building a cottage industry on YouTube out of making video after video on her trying to paint her as an "Insane purple-haired tenderqueer sjw Black lady who hates white people."
Even though, everything she's said in the seven videos she has up on her channel is just shit you would already know if you spent any amount of time talking to Black and Native trans leftists or reading any theory from Black and Native leftists like, at all.
Soulbunni has not once said, "These white people are irredeemable, they must be culled."
But the fact that white leftists, most notably white trans leftists, are acting like she did is very telling!
Black leftists are never allowed to talk about antiblackness, transmisogynoir, or misogynoir in left spaces. We have to be attack dogs for the bigot of the day and that's it.
We're expected to wait in the wings for a larger white content creator to speak on our behalf because you're way more comfortable talking about us than to us!
I bet you if a white leftist like Thoughtslime or somebody like that remade any of Soulbunni's videos word-for-word bar for bar, they would not be getting the same level of harassment Soulbunni is getting for it and we all know why.
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