#white women
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sher-ee · 2 months
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Saving America from Authoritarianism is the main goal. President Biden is making sure that will happen by passing the torch. It’s time to run with that torch.
Donald Trump will not be returning to The White House.
We are not a cult we are a movement.
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sbrown82 · 8 months
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gasmasters · 4 months
Round bubble ass bubblers
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frenstimulator · 6 months
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asianhaven4u · 24 days
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hussyknee · 2 years
What would your reaction be to a pilot program confining male comedians to safe asylums until they prove they are safe to interact with women and kids? Ideally they would be able to perform under guard and psychiatric supervision, and after a period of years a panel of social workers, doctors and women from the community would assess their compatibility with society at large.
Which males are those? Black? Brown? Indigenous? Undocumented immigrant? Muslim? Disabled? Mentally ill and neurodivergent? Queer? Trans men? Unhoused and poor? All of those men already get arbitrarily thrown in what you euphemistically call "safe asylums" because their very existence is seen as dangerous to women and children. It's why I'm a prison abolitionist. And now you want to add the crime of making bad jokes?
See where it says "Radfems DNI" on my bio? That means clowns like you who send me asks like this. Even if you meant it as a joke, this entire premise is grossly ableist, and pathologizing half the human population frankly unhinged. Take your white female victim complex and GTFO.
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snowbunny-breeder · 5 months
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Taking whats ours
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tsarinasdreams · 1 month
Because I'm using this blog to dump all my guilty thoughts and controversial baggage:
I genuinely don't know how to sensitively address the way a lot of black women express their internalized misogyny by speaking to, or treating white women in the same way that white men do.
It stems from catharsis of course--they've been hurt, but white men can genuinely pose a lethal threat, so white women are the (comparatively) safer target to take out those pent up feelings on. A lot of the black women I've spoken to get genuine pleasure/a power trip over interrupting or insulting me and knowing I'll be the "Karen" if I stand up to them.
I'm a childhood abuse survivor. It took me so long to learn to use my voice again that it quite literally atrophied from lack of use. I was cut off, spoken over, threatened, interrupted and screamed at so much growing up that I couldn't use my voice until the age of 22.
22. It took me 22 years to get my voice both literally and metaphorically back and not let men abuse and walk all over me anymore.
But now, when I practice that skill with black women, the skill of not allowing myself to be spoken over that I had to practice for 20 years, it's viewed in a negative light because of the racial context.
A lot of black women have the same "submissive" view of me that white men do. They have often interrupted and spoken over me just as much as white men have, except now, when I assert myself and continue speaking, I'm viewed as a spoiled Karen who never learned to shut up. Like white men, some black women have come to expect, or feel entitled to, a submissive response from white women, and often for the same reasons: "this makes me feel strong after a long day of being mistreated". These specific women, like white men, become angry when they don't get the response or catharsis they were craving.
It's a frustrating combination of feeling shamed for asserting yourself, guilty because you know they've been through worse, and frustrated because their viewpoint is from a place of ignorance and a lack of knowledge: they have an outside, fantasy view of white women's lives that white men and men of color alike have spoonfed them.
The more I think of it the more it stands out: the similarities between many white men and many black women and the way both groups tend to target white women for stress relief.
Vent post/just needed it off my chest/fully acknowledging that this of course not indicative of all or even most black women.
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sher-ee · 2 months
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If you aren’t pissed then you need to do your research or find a woman that can clue you in to the devastating changes America faces under a Republican presidency. Because let’s face it, if it’s not Trump there will be a MAGA soldier to take his place. We will never be safe or free if Republicans have control.
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sbrown82 · 6 months
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vintageseawitch · 28 days
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keep yourself registered as a Republican (if your state requires this), then vote how you want. you can do this, ladies. i believe in you. just stay safe (& discreetly tell anyone else that one of the things trump's administration wants to do is get rid of no-fault divorce. jd vance had quite literally stated that women need to stay in marriages even if they're abusive. they hate women & want to take away our autonomy).
this is mainly aimed at white women since we're a demographic who notoriously votes Republican but like I've said in another post i will cheer any woman on who is in this same situation. we got this, ladies.
never stop talking about Project 2025/Agenda 47. check your registration status multiple times. vote early if you can (& you're allowed to keep it private or just omit the truth). we got this 💙
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asianhaven4u · 24 days
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"in Travis County Black kids were nearly 8 times more likely to be removed from their family by CPS than white children" remember about the hart family case, when a black woman and relative of the kids had all the conditions to raise the children but was denied by CPS while the children were adopted and abused by 2 white women. The children got killed by the white women after several people proved the abuse. CPS did nothing at all.
I had forgotten about this and yeah I think they're the same women that photographed one of their adopted sons hugging a police officer
this shit is so scary. it could help if I had the spoons to find that picture with an article.
mod ali
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