#wow birthday whump day 13
kabie-whump · 5 months
WoW Birthday Whump Day 13
Prompt: Natural disaster / Shock collar / “Shut up!” Additional content: captivity, servant whumpee
Whumpee is allowed to sing. Usually.
Thing about Whumper is, they never tell Whumpee when they need to be silent. Most of the time they’re allowed to talk to themselves and whistle and sing as muc as they want as they go about their chores. But there are days when silence is a rule, and Whumper refuses to tell them.
That’s what the shock collar is for.
Whumper will wait until they can hear Whumpee’s voice echoing down the corridors, and then they’ll press the button on the little remote in their pocket, listening with a smile as the singing turns into agonized screams. 
“Shut up!” Whumper shouts down the hall.
The screams become muffled as Whumpee clamps their hands over their mouth.
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i-eat-worlds · 5 months
Wow Birthday Whump Day 13: Natural disaster / Shock collar / "Shut up!"
*sighs in Immortal ALS* This was fun, though it did get kinda long. Hope y’all enjoy!
Related to Day 4
Content: floods, pretty detailed medical whump, gore (descriptions of serious injuries and dead* bodies), immortal whumpee, implied past abuse, briefly mentioned finger gore, fear of punishment, caretaker new whumper, medicinal drug use, feelings of suffocation
The stairs creaked under Joseph’s feet as he descended, and he hoped they wouldn’t give out. He could smell the awfulness from the top of them. Whatever the floodwater had washed in absolutely reeked.
It hadn’t all drained out yet. Several inches of murky water shimmered in the light from his headlamp. It sloshed as he stepped down into it, wrinkling his nose at the smell. This was going to be hell to clean out of his uniform. Once he was off the stairs, Eric came down behind him. He looked a little green faced at the pungent aroma, but they continued into the pitch-black basement nonetheless.
Joseph led the way, headlamp only illuminating one small portion of wall at a time. The stench grew stronger as they walked, and it was only a matter of time before they finally found the cause.
There was a body.
They were slumped against the wall, one hand shackled on a short chain. Their head was squarely below the line of grime on the wall that marked the crest of the water. Blood swirled around them, oozing from the open wound across their belly. Several loops of bowel were hanging out, and they were starting to turn a blackish-green color. Their unrestrained arm was puffy and swollen, and their clavicle protruded from their shoulder, stained a muddy color from the water. It was a horrible scene.
Joseph’s stomach dropped as he approached them. Despite the gray skin and blue tinge to their lips, they looked so young. Who the fuck had Darkstar been keeping in his basement?
He reached his hand out, sliding it under their jaw. As he expected, there was nothing there, just the sensation of cold skin. For another brief second, he stared down at their face, mouth unable to form the words to call in the report.
And, suddenly, there were two big, amber eyes staring up at him.
He did a double take, blinking a little in surprise. The eyes flickered wildly around the room before settling on him. This was real. They were alive.
“Unshakable,” he called, squatting down into the water while he removed his pack, and Eric quickly wheeled around, confused. “They’re immortal.”
His eyes flashed with understanding. “I'll call it in.”
“Can you cut them loose?” He pulled a pair of gloves on.
“On it.” He reached behind to grab his bolt cutters while he requested an ambulance.
His hands worked quickly as he wetted a pad and placed it up against their abdomen. “I’m Exhale, and this is Unshakable. We work for INSUPA. We’re going to help you.”
Their eyes widened at that, but they gave no other response. With a loud chink, the chain snapped, and their arm dropped like a ragdoll. A little splash went up as it hit the water. Once their wound was dressed, his hand flittered higher, feeling for a pulse again, and watching their breathing.
Both were entirely absent. Great.
He looked up to Eric. “We need to get them upstairs.”
*** Someone was touching them.
Nova could feel someone’s finger pressing under their jaw, pulling them back to consciousness. They tried to fight it, begging their body to descend back into nothingness, but they were unable to. Slowly, their eyelids slid open, and the awful sensation of their existence returned.
There was a crushing weight on their chest, and it felt still and empty and wrong. Panic surged through them as they were reminded that they couldn’t breathe. Something was lodged in their throat, suffocating them, and they couldn’t do anything to get it out and- A cool, wet bandage pressed against their belly. Right. There was a person here. People? Maybe.
Their eyes flickered downwards. He was saying something to them. They should be listening, shouldn’t they?
“…Exhale….We….INSUPA…..going to….”
No. No no no. Darkstar was too late. They’d been captured. Fuck. And Exhale. The name was familiar but they couldn’t place quite where…
Oh. Oh no.
That was why he was here, looking for them in this half-flooded basement. Revenge.
It didn’t matter, though. Their body was still dead and it wouldn’t move or respond or do anything. He was going to do as he pleased. Did it really matter? Was Darkstar any different?
They still couldn’t breathe. They wanted to breathe. Why wasn’t it working?
Suddenly, the chain pinning their arm to the wall was cut and their arm flopped down into the water. They glanced over and found another person standing by them. He was holding some sort of long handled tool.
Please, please no. They couldn’t speak to beg for mercy, but maybe the pleading look would work. Darkstar liked to lop off their fingers when they’d been bad. Hopefully Exhale wasn’t the same. Or, maybe he would wait until they healed? Did it matter?
It wasn’t like he wasn’t justified.
They’d tortured him, because Darkstar had asked them too, and they really didn’t have any integrity, did they? And they’d failed Nebula, and Darkstar had kicked them out, and they’d failed everyone and hurt so many people and it was all for nothing.
It would be hard for them to argue that they didn't deserve this.
Suddenly, hands seized them, hosting them up out of the water. They tried to gasp in surprise but they couldn’t.
They just wanted to breathe.
The movement was agonizing, pulling at their injuries and sending waves of pain rolling through them. Neither of the heroes touched their shoulder at all, steering clear of the limb entirely. It was odd.
Exhale started to ascend the stairs, light slowly growing brighter as they neared the top. The fabric of his uniform was grating against their skin as he walked through the safehouse’s hallways, each step jostling their body.
Stupidly, they tried to breathe again. It didn’t work, their lungs still empty of air and the choking, suffocating sensation still stuck in their throat.
The cold air stung as Exhale carried them out the door, laying them down on the pavement. Not dropping. Laying.
He dropped his bag down next to them, and the hero they didn’t recognize took up a spot by their head. His lips moved, and he was obviously trying to tell them something, but they couldn’t hear it. Everything was a blur.
Two fingers slid under their jaw again, and he bent down low, his cheek right by their unbreathing mouth. It stayed there for what felt like a small eternity, and he straightened up, locked his fingers together, leaned over them, and pushed.
Their eyes went wide as his hands came down in their chest. He was crushing them, pushing their sternum down again and again and again. They wanted to fight him away, but their limbs still weren’t cooperating and their chest felt empty and they couldn’t breathe.
While Exhale beat into them, they could feel the hero working behind them. There was the ghost of something against their cheek, and then something invaded their nostril. They could feel the slime coated tube slithering down the back of their throat, eventually coming to a stop.
Exhale’s hands finally let up, and he leaned back on his heels. They didn’t get a break, though. Immediately, their head was yanked back and a piece of thick plastic clamped over their mouth and nose. Air was forced into their lungs, but it didn’t feel like enough.
The mask fell to the side and Exhale was back on them, pumping their chest. It hurt. They almost wished for Darkstar’s loppers.
There was an incessant drone in their ears, loud and screeching, and they were finally able to place it as sirens. An ambulance was charging down the road, lights visible out of the corner of their eye.
Exhale pulled away from their chest again, and air was pushed into their lungs. He leaned over them, ready to start, and they strained to stop him. All they could manage was a dull twitch of their hand.
He went back to pushing down on their chest, slamming his weight into them relentlessly. In the far field of their vision, they were able to see several more people approaching, laden with many bags. That couldn’t be a good sign.
They swarmed around them, voices swirling while they exchanged information. Exhale tilted back and the mask descended over their face again. They tried to resist, straining to breathe on their own, but they couldn’t do it.
Once more, he brought his hands down repeatedly, slamming his body weight into them repeatedly. More hands worked around him, a pair sticking things to their chest while another tugged at their wrist. The touch was overwhelming, and they tried to get their limbs to cooperate.
This time, though, was more successful than the first.
They raised an arm at Exhale’s body, weakly trying to fend him off. They noticed that their wrist was a little less swollen as they slapped it against his side. It probably wouldn’t end well, but they needed him to stop, even if it was just for a moment.
“Rhythm check!” someone called out.
Surprisingly, his hands pulled away, and everyone’s eyes turned towards something they couldn’t see. Two fingers came to rest under their jaw.
“Back in sinus.” Was that good? “Still not breathing.”
They tried to pull a breath in, but they still couldn’t, their lungs refusing to pull in air. The hero quickly brought the mask back down over their face, his fingers pressing up against their chin.
Exhale looked down at them. His face was calm, almost thoughtful, not angry. Why? He’d just beat their chest into pieces. He was supposed to hate them.
“We’re going to move you up onto the stretcher now,” he said, voice far too gentle. “I know it's scary, but we’re going to take care of you.”
They couldn’t detect any malice in the statement, but they also couldn’t bring themselves to believe it. He had to be lying, right? He had to be.
The people around them shifted positions, and then, on the count of three, they were lifted into the air and quickly deposited on the stretcher. It was agonizing, their legs jerking and kicking on instinct.
“Stay still for us,” Exhale said. “I know it hurts, let us help.”
They were quickly loaded onto the ambulance. It was the warmest they could remember being. Exhale disappeared from their vision, but the other hero stayed by their head, keeping the mask on their face, steadily pushing air in and out. They were hungry for it. Every pause felt like an eternity.
One of the medics was messing with their arm again. They could feel a tight band around it, the ends ticking their bicep. The other was clipping something to their finger and covering their legs with a blanket.
“Sharp scratch,” a voice said, and then something burrowed into the crook of their elbow. Several seconds later, a rush of cool washed up their arm.
Exhale reappeared. “You got access?” He sounded surprised. There was a pause, presumably for a response they couldn’t make out, and then he turned away.
“We’re going to get you something for the pain now,” the medic said. They nodded weakly, still unable to speak. Another chilling wave rolled up their arm. Exhale kept breathing for them, and try as they might to resist, they couldn’t do it. It just wouldn’t work. He looked away from their face, eyes flickering over to the monitor and back down to them. What was he going to do?
There was a brief discussion that they couldn’t follow, and then he bent down to speak with them. “Hey, you with me?” he asked. They blinked in response, tears welling in their eyes for some reason. “Good. We’re concerned about your breathing, so we’re going to put you to sleep so that we can breathe for you. It’ll be more comfortable for you, yeah.”
His voice was calm, but it struck horror in them nonetheless. Darkstar had threatened them with this before, reminding them that the drugs wouldn’t work. But they couldn’t talk, beholden to the hero moving air in and out of their lungs.
People were shifting around them, preparing for something. The painkillers were starting to dull the agony. Even though everything still hurt, it was further away. Exhale swapped out for the other hero, still squeezing the bag in time. They half expected him to stop, forcing them to feel the crushing sensation of suffocation.
He didn’t though, his face still free of any malice. It had to be fake, considering the awfulnes they knew was coming.
There were two more consecutive rushes of cold. “Ket’s in,” somebody said.
Exhale looked down at them. “You might start feelin’ pretty tired soon, and that’s okay.”
They waited, but nothing happened. He didn’t seem too shocked by this, and he told the medic to push more.
It took a moment, but eventually they felt their eyelids start to grow heavy. Were the drugs working? They hoped they were. Please. Please.
Exhale’s face hanging above them was the last thing they saw before everything went black.
*** It took nearly a double dose of ketamine to get them out, but their eyes finally slid closed. The look on their face was strangely peaceful as he instructed the paramedic to push the roc. That one took a less dramatic amount to work, but it still irked him a little. After a minute had passed, the BVM was removed, and he began.
Using his right hand, he scissored their mouth open, then went in with the laryngoscope. He moved past their teeth and pushed their tongue away, descending further into their throat. It was coated with secretions, thick and slimy and a little bloody. “Suction,” he called out.
The tool was placed in his hand, and he quickly swept it back and forth across their mouth, vacuuming the goop away. It revealed their vocal cords, still and unmoving. “Bougie, please.” He kept his eyes on their glottis as it was passed to him.
He threaded it into their mouth and down their throat, feeling it click as it moved past the rings of their trachea. Once he felt the bougie stop, he asked for his tube. He’d just gotten it past their teeth when their face jerked.
Oh fuck.
They slowly pulled their eyes open, and it was obvious they were immediately aware of what was happening. “They’ve regained consciousness, I need another dose of ket in.”
He kept sliding the tube down as their eyes flitted around frantically, eyes watering. “We’re going to get you to sleep again.” Tears started to flow down their cheeks as he pulled the bougie out. “I know, I know, but I have to.”
They were obviously terrified, eyes wide and begging for relief. “Ket’s in.”
“Good.” He inated the balloon, then attached them to the ventilator while the paramedic used tape to secure the tube. “We’ve got the medicine in now. I know it's scary, but you’ll be asleep soon.”
Slowly, it started to work, and their eyes slid closed once more. They pushed another dose of roc, since they’d eaten through that too. Immortals were always hell to keep out, and this one wasn’t going to be any different.
Once they knew it was placed correctly, they got off to the hospital. Everything else that needed to happen could be done en route. They were eating through meds at a ridiculous rate, but the procedure had done its job, and their vitals were less awful.
They looked less dead now, somehow, and as he studied their face, looking for any signs of consciousness, it hit him. He knew them.
That was Darkstar’s sidekick.
That was Nova.
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps @rainydaywhump@painful-pooch@snaillamp @rainbowsandwhumperflies @whumperofworlds
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
Changing of the Guard, Part 2
WoW Birthday Whump Day 13: Natural disaster / Shock collar / "Shut up!"
Prompt List
first part
TW: imprisoned, electrocution, earthquake
Context: It has been several weeks since Henry has been appointed as Dragon Keeper. Arcturus has come to value their friendship. But the magic designed to keep Arcturus imprisoned might be stronger than Henry had anticipated.
It wasn’t the distant rumbling that signaled to Arcturus that something was off. He was used to inexplicable phenomena in a world where wizards could conjure storms and create fire with nothing but a source to draw from. Earthquakes were uncommon in the valley, sure, but not unheard of.
It was when Henry arrived hours before he was supposed to.
During the weeks since his appointment as Dragon Keeper, Arcturus had gotten to know Henry quite well. More than he had any of his previous Keepers. And the boy had not raised his hand against Arcturus. Not once.
He had a good heart.
Surprising, given the upbringing Arcturus had come to expect of the Order. But such was the passage of time for humans. Death came knocking, and new generations replaced the old, removed from the reasons for their ideologies. And so cultures change. Such a thing was obvious to someone with a longer lifespan, such as Arcturus. But anyone who’s studied history can come to the same conclusion. 
From what Henry had told him during their visits, it was pure luck which resulted in his appointment. He was one of many apprenticed wizards, never even set his sights on Dragon Keeper. But when Lars fell ill, the Order drew lots among the apprentices. It was clear by their actions they did not understand what sort of person was expected to be a Dragon Keeper.
In a way, Arcturus pitied Henry as much as Henry seemed to pity Arcturus. The boy was a black swan among his predecessors. It was only a matter of time before one of the more rigid members noticed his milder disposition. 
So the first thing on Arcturus’ mind when Henry entered the cavern, long before the day had elapsed, was that the Order had discovered what was happening.
“What are you doing here?” Arcturus asked softly.
The boy hesitated, the golden light floating above his hand flickering briefly before stabilizing. He’d gotten better at keeping his magic from reacting to his emotions under Arcturus’ guidance, but he still had far to go. “An earthquake has struck the valley,” he said, “I was sent to make sure you haven’t caused it.”
Arcturus snorted, wisps of smoke puffing from his nostrils. “These chains greatly hamper my magic. I might be able to shake my cavern, but not the entire valley to such magnitude. You know this. Why are you really here?”
Henry was silent for a long time. Far away, deep in the valley, the earthquake continued. The vibrations reaching Arcturus’ prison were pitiful, but it must truly be devastating if he could sense it even at this distance.
“I’ve decided,” the boy finally said, his light brightening, “that we are leaving.”
Arcturus blinked in surprise. “Leaving? We?!” It had been a long, long time since he’d been rendered nearly speechless from shock.
“Yes,” was Henry's response before he crossed the cavern, purpose in his stride. Arcturus watched him carefully. Was this some sort of trick? As the thought crossed his mind, Henry reached Arcturus and put his hands on the chains. He murmured the words to a disintegration spell, one Arcturus hadn’t heard in many, many years.
As the chain crumbled into dust, it glowed with electricity, a last-ditch effort in case of escape. The pain that followed was like a thousand sharp needles digging underneath Arcturus’ scales, burning across his body like wildfire. His muscles spasmed, and he could only watch as Henry crumpled to the floor, shaking and thrashing, the scent of burning flesh heavy in the air.
The shock passed as soon as it had begun, and Arcturus lay limp, focusing on his breathing and trying to remember the spells for healing. The chains were designed specifically for him, they would have released enough electricity to incapacitate him.
The boy had taken most of the bolt upon himself. He wouldn’t survive without intervention. 
And Arcturus would rather spend an eternity imprisoned than do nothing for the first human he ever considered a friend. The words of a healing spell fell from his lips as he struggled to get off the ground. The magic flowed around Henry, mending the damaged skin of his hands and sinking into his body. His muscles relaxed, and his breathing eased as the magic put him into a healing sleep. When he awoke, his memory would be the only thing remaining of the injury.
Arcturus didn’t dare do the same for himself. With Henry now incapacitated, it was up to him to get them both out. He gently picked up the boy in one of his claws and, for the first time in decades, walked along the tunnel to the outside world.
It was snowing, the tiny frozen droplets cold against his scales. Far below, the grove in the valley shook, still affected by the earthquake. Arcturus breathed the freezing air in for several moments before setting his sights south and spreading his wings to their full span.
How good it felt to finally stretch them out after all these years! He doubted he would get very far on them, weak as they were, but it would be far enough. The Order would never find them again.
“Don’t worry, Henry,” he said softly to the sleeping boy, “we’re going home.”
@fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds
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whumperofworlds · 8 months
WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Hi everyone! WoW here, and after some thought, I decided to do this! Unfortunately, no fancy picture or anything so this will have to do!
Also, instead of the entire month, I'll do 15 days instead! Thinking up different prompts for all 30 days is kinda hard, so this will have to do LOL
The event starts this year, 2024, on April 1st and ends on April 15th! So get your stuff ready till then!
And since it's my first time doing something like this, feel free to critique and suggest anything :D
Day 1
Kidnapping / Bound and gagged / "I have your loved one."
Day 2
Starvation / Thirst / "Please..."
Day 3
Crying / Parting Words Regret / "Why...?"
Day 4
Electrocution / Waterboarded / "Anything but that!"
Day 5
Scream / Captivity / "NO!"
Day 6
Nonhuman whumpee / Reluctant Whumper / "Run!"
Day 7
Bloodied knuckles / Wounded / "Is that blood?!"
Day 8
Stranded / Team whump / "Is anyone there?!"
Day 9
Aftermath of rescue / Sickness / "You're burning up."
Day 10
Hypothermia / Heat flashes / "Bind them."
Day 11
Used as bait / Held for ransom / "It's a trap!"
Day 12
Magic exhaustion / Collapsed / "So tired..."
Day 13
Natural disaster / Shock collar / "Shut up!"
Day 14
Guilt / Chased / "I bought you time, use it!"
Day 15
Hidden injury / Outnumbered / "I'm sorry."
Abandoned whumpee
Bridal carry
Forced to hurt another
Mouth stitched shut
1. Anyone can join, not just whump blogs!
2. NSFW, gore, etc are allowed, just make sure you tag properly and use community labels! If it's not tagged properly and/or no community labels are used, I unfortunately can't reblog it, sorry!
3. Anything can be used for these prompts (art, writing, gifs, etc!) Just as long as they're related to the current prompt!
4. If you like me to find you, tag your posts with #wow birthday whump , #wow birthday whump [day #] , and/or #wow birthday whump alt prompt , along with the prompt name (ie if it's day one and you're writing for the "Bound and gagged" whump, tag as #bound and gagged )
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3-2-whump · 7 months
Created: 2/3/24
Updated: 9/6/24
Whump Quotes
Quote 1
Quote 2
Quote 3
Quote 4
Quote 5
Quote 1 Art
Whump One Shots (Generic Names)
Tear-Filled Noncon (Mutual!)
Valentine's Day Shopping
Tear-Filled Noncon (Mutual!) Art
The Informant
The Informant, Second Half
Rescue: The Informant, Part Three
Post-Recovery Arc Fluff
Language Barrier Idea
Hidden Injuries/Keeping Secrets/‘Drop the Act’
Eternal Masterlist
Other Projects/Ideas to be Developed
New(Old?) Whump Story Idea
Rinnico Kaa Design
Mermay and MerWhump
Events and Whatnot
WoW Birthday Whump Event:
Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
OC Week 2024: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 p1, 5 p2, 6, 7
Whump Intro
Whump Author Portrait
Whumpy Bingo Sheet
About the Author, or Adoption Trauma and Whump
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writingphoenix · 2 months
Wow Birthday Whump Day 13
Here's Day 13! I've finished up the rest of it so Day 14 will come tomorrow and Day 15 will come the day after. Once it's all up on here, I'll work on posting to ao3 and I'll have a link for that in the masterlist. Day 12 is here. Enjoy!
Shock collar / "Shut up!"
Nathan was finally starting to feel a little less feverish when Alex came back. Josh was still sleeping but he started awake at the sound of the door opening. Nathan was used to it and didn’t move but Josh scrambled back to the wall. Nathan could see him grimacing in pain. Alex laughed at his nephew’s panic.
“I’m not here for you, Joshy. I have a gift for the boy here,” he said. He held up familiar-looking collar. Nathan felt his eyes widen and he panicked as Alex reached for him. He tried to scramble away but his hands chained to the floor didn’t give him the room he needed. Alex roughly grabbed his hair and yanked his head up. Before Nathan could try to fend him off, he had the shock collar around Nathan’s neck and locked it on.
It was the same type of collar as the one he had made Nathan wear before but it was a new one, one that hadn’t been cut off.
“Why don’t we give it a test?” Alex asked, grinning. Nathan tensed, preparing for the inevitable pain. Josh threw himself at Alex.
“No! Don’t, just leave him…” Nathan heard before pain overtook his sight and hearing. When it faded, he was lying on the floor and Josh was trying to pick himself up. Nathan figured Alex must have thrown his nephew back.
“Please, Uncle Alex, just leave him alone, please!” Josh begged.
“Shut up!” Alex yelled. Another shock hit him and Nathan thought he screamed.
“But…” Josh started but Nathan cut him off.
“Josh,” he said, his voice weaker than he expected. “It’s fine.”
It wasn’t, Nathan knew. The shocks had taken a lot out of him and he wasn’t sure if he would survive many more of them. But he needed Josh to stop so that Alex would leave them alone. Josh looked at him and must have understood because he sank back down to the floor and stayed quiet. Alex grunted his approval and left.
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
An End and a Beginning
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch
First of the prequels! I couldn't resist writing some of Lian and Morfydd's traumatic backstory.
Morfydd and Lian meet, and years later join the Hero League together.
CWs: lab whump (implied/mentioned – nothing graphic), human experimentation (mentioned – again, nothing graphic) , minor whump, past minor whump, gunshots, parental death, manhandling
Lian's partway through his first lesson of the day when the classroom door opens. He looks up, curious. Maths is interesting but they don't often have people arrive late, since they all live at or near Razor's base, making this even more interesting.
A girl enters. She's in a wheelchair clutching a clear pencil case, several wires with monitors sticking out from the sleeves of her gown. Her head is shaved and lightly scarred, and her feet are bare, an ankle tag around one ankle, flashing away. The two burly guards escorting her help her into the only available seat in the room, next to Lian. Well– more force her, he thinks, judging by the fear in her eyes.
"Ah, Subject 27, you're here," says Mrs Lawson. "Catch up what you can from Lian, and I'll answer any questions, okay?"
Oh. She's one of the secret people that Lian's dad told him about. He's not allowed to talk about them but he has to be nice to them, because they're not as lucky as him.
She nods, and Lian pushes his exercise book across the table between them. "Hi. My name's Lian. What's yours?"
"I don't have one," she murmurs.
"Oh. Are you one of the secrets people? Dad says his boss keeps secret people and they're not treated very nice but I'm not allowed to talk about it. 'Cept I'm sure I can with you, because you are one."
"I– I think so," she replies hesitantly.
"How old are you?"
"Wow. How come you're with people who're seven, then? I've never seen you anywhere."
"I haven't been to school before. Now the experiments are working they said I can go learn things if I'm good."
"They're giving me superpowers."
"Wow. Cool!"
The girl shakes her head. "It hurts my head. And other things, but really my head. And now everything's too loud and bright."
"Oh." He's not sure what to say to that.
She glances nervously towards the guards at the door. "So, what are we doing?"
They're firm friends after that.
It's three weeks later that the girl tells Lian her secret name (it's Morfydd, and he thinks it's very pretty).
Six months before he visits her in her room, and another six before he's allowed to do so regularly (his dad pulls some strings so it's possible, and he's very grateful. She doesn't have much to do in there).
A year after that, he brings her to he and his dad's quarters for a sleepover, because she's controlled enough to be allowed that now so long as it's within the base, and Lian's dad wants to meet his best friend. They spend a long time talking, the three of them, and then Lian introduces Morfydd to shadow puppets.
Later, he's able to bring her outside, provided they're accompanied by guards, and she revels at the feeling of grass between her toes. She enjoys the air, sunlight on her face for the first time in years.
It's several years later, when Lian's 13 and she's 17, that everything goes wrong (or right, if you were to ask them later – but either way, everything changes).
It's Morfydd's 17th birthday today. She knows it is because she has a calendar on her bedroom wall, and she knows the date of her birthday because her mum would celebrate it and sing her lullabies before... everything happened.
Also, she knows because Lian's gotten her a massive card.
Her head feels like it's about to split open today, every sight is too much, every little sound makes her flinch, even just Lian's dad rustling around as quietly as possible. She can smell the trifle, one of the few smells she likes in this place, with its neutral decor and neutral textures and neutral smells and tastes. Her food doesn't taste of much at all, there's no texture to it either – Lian's dad said it's to "preserve the integrity of the experiments" and he didn't sound entirely happy about it.
Morfydd's not sure what to think of him. He's better to her than most other people here, at least. But Lian himself says the room's boring, and she's inclined to agree.
Lian's behind her, his warm presence nearly touching her back, and she desperately wants his warm, comforting arms around her, but she knows that right now she'd explode at all the sensation and who knows where that'll get her? So she stays curled up on the hard mattress, thin blanket thrown across the room, her best friend at her back.
This wasn't what they had planned for her birthday. Well, she doesn't know what Lian had planned, but she's sure it wasn't this. She feels guilty but... he doesn't seem to mind.
"Hey," says Lian's dad softly, "whenever you're ready, there's a present for you. No pressure though, it'll keep."
Morfydd nods to show that she's heard, but she doesn't get up. She can't deal with it all right now.
She hears the electronic beep of a keycard against the lock and stiffens, preparing herself. The door opens.
"No, what are you doing?" shouts Lian, panicked and angry, the only warning Morfydd gets before she's lifted off the bed and deposited in her wheelchair, strapped in tightly. She tries to settle her racing heart. They're often doing this, it's okay, it's okay, she knows what happens next. She digs her nails into the arms of the wheelchair. She can deal with the mass of sensation. She can.
"You said she had the day off," says Lian's dad tightly.
"Boss' orders. Since her powers are flaring we're moving her next test forward a day."
Morfydd whimpers. The guard's voice is too loud, it's always too loud, and it's too bright and there's too much touching her and she wishes she could at least cover her ears but her hands can't move.
Nobody hears.
"But it's her birthday!"
"It's her birthday!"
"Yeah, and? She's a test subject, it doesn't matter when her birthday is."
Morfydd's inclined to agree with the guard here, to be honest. Her birthday never meant anything in this place before Lian, and even now letting her have it free is more about keeping him and his dad happy. It's just another day.
She hates it when she agrees with the guards.
Lian steps in front of her. "You can't take her! It's her birthday, it's not fair!"
"It's okay," whispers Morfydd, desperate to take the shouting down a notch. She doesn't want to lose any privileges by being 'uncooperative', even if she's not the one arguing. "It's okay, it's okay."
"Stand aside, or you won't be allowed to visit her again."
"That's– that's–" Lian doesn't seem to know what to say, and Morfydd can hear the rattling of tiny stones behind her. She hunches her shoulders, unable to look away as her pebble collection goes flying past her head and hits something with multiple soft thuds.
"What the... security! I need an intake team in Subject 27's room! We've discovered a child with–"
Lian's dad aims his taser at the security guard and he falls to the ground. "Run, both of you! I'll hold them off!"
"No, dad!"
"I have to. You won't make it out of here otherwise. Run!"
Lian takes Morfydd's wheelchair and runs. She's never gone this fast before and in other circumstances she'd love it, but this isn't other circumstances. Lian's dad follows them at a slower pace, firing his taser in bursts.
There's the bang of a silenced gun and Morfydd ducks as the bullet whizzes over her head. The guards have live ammunition! She hasn't seen that since she was brought here.
But of course, they're coming for Lian.
They're almost at the outer door when there's a hiss behind her and Lian lets go, crying, "Dad!"
"Go," he says, pained, "take Morfydd and go. I love you."
Lian sobs and catches Morfydd's chair again, and they burst out through the heavy metal door. Outside. They're outside. This side of the compound's concrete, surrounded by a high chain-link fence. Lian runs determinedly for the hole in the fence.
As soon as the ankle with the tag on crosses the threshold, a jolt of white-hot pain shoots up her and she screams, vision whiting out. She's only felt this once before, during intake, and that wasn't this painful.
When she comes back to herself, panting, they're in the middle of the city. She stares. She only vaguely remembers being outside of the compound, and the buildings seem so much smaller at the same time as the city's massive. She can hear Lian's heavy breathing behind her.
"Lian?" she whispers, head thrumming, body aching from the shock.
"You're back. What happened?"
"Electronic tag. Forgot to tell you."
"'s okay. Nearly there."
"Where are we going?"
"Hero League HQ."
Lian jogs along, slower than earlier, and Morfydd can see a large concrete and glass building up ahead. It's so tall. Lian steers them around the back, over bumps and cracks, and presses a buzzer by a battered green metal door in the large building.
Is this HQ then?
"Hello?" says a crackly voice through the speaker. Morfydd shivers – voices through speakers are never good – and Lian squeezes her shoulder, next to her now.
"This is Bai Lian, son of Bai Yi, one of your undercover agents, requesting entrance and asylum for myself and my friend." He squeezes his eyes shut. "In– in the absence of my father you, um, you have, um... I– I can't remember the rest of the wording, please, please let us in!"
They wait a few minutes, and then the door opens with a buzz. Two people stand on the other side, and although they look friendly Morfydd quickly notes the concealed firearms. She's sure Lian does too, by the way he stiffens.
"Hi. I'm Sam, this is Jodie. You're Lian, right?" Lian nods, and Sam directs his attention to Morfydd, undoing the restraints and holding a fleece jacket out towards her. She drapes it over herself with trembling hands. "What's your name?"
Morfydd shakes her head. She's not about to reveal her forbidden secret name, and she can't be referred to as Subject 27 again, she just can't.
"Okay, that's cool. You don't have to tell us. Can you walk at all? Management won't put in a ramp because they say this doorway's not well used enough to 'justify the cost', and it'd be a lot easier to just carry your chair over the lip. Don't worry if you can't."
Morfydd nods and uses Lian to lever herself up, and he tightens the jacket around her, squeezing her fingers. Her legs are still shaky from the shock, and the two of them lean on each other as they follow their guards down the corridor, the wheelchair forgotten by the entrance.
"We need to call someone to accompany them," says Jodie, "you know what management's like."
"God, yeah. Their cost benefit analyses. Mars maybe? Are they free?"
Jodie shakes her head. "They're on leave. By the time they get here it'll be too late. Gemma though..."
"I'll call her." Sam stops at the doorway to a set of lifts and presses a button on his communicator.
"What is it?" asks a woman, sounding harried.
"Gemma. We need you in the meeting room. We've got two kids here and if they end up with management as their legal guardians–"
"I got it. I'll be there as soon as I can. Any powers?"
Sam glances at them. "Not that I know of. But the girl seems a little overwhelmed, can you bring something for that?"
"Yep. Over and out."
The painful static cuts out and Jodie rolls her eyes. "Does she always have to end calls like that?"
Sam smirks, which softens into a genuine smile as he stops Morfydd and Lian just after they exit the lift.
"Alright you two. I know this is confusing, and scary, and it's about to get scarier, but don't agree to anything, or sign anything, until Gemma gets there. Okay? She has your best interests at heart, and you may not believe that, but please believe that these guys don't. You understand?" They both nod. Morfydd doesn't really understand but she knows an instruction when she hears it. "Good. Well, let's get you in there, and good luck."
Jodie knocks on a door and steps inside, beckoning Morfydd and Lian to follow. They step inside, Morfydd's heart pounding as she sees the three smartly-dressed people sitting at one end of the long table. Jodie fetches two wheelie chairs and ushers Morfydd and Lian into them at the other end.
Morfydd sits stiffly, still shaking slightly. Her legs feel like jelly, near-collapse, and she thinks it's a combination of lingering effects from the shock and more walking than she's done in a while. She did exercises in her room but it's not the same as actually walking, apparently.
Lian sits down beside her and nudges himself closer, almost unnoticeably in front. She breathes out a long breath at the sight, and squeezes his hand tighter.
"Here are the children. Don't be too mean to them." With a last smile that Morfydd thinks is meant to be reassuring, Jodie leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.
Morfydd's body locks up the moment she hears it click. It's not a lock but a completely closed door isn't good.
"So," says the man in the centre, "you're Lian Bai, son of Yi Bai. Where's your dad?"
"He's– I don't know! He was shot and Razor's base shut and I don't know what happened to him."
"Out... of... commission," murmurs the woman on the left as she scribbles on a notepad, "status... unknown." Lian's mouth tightens in displeasure and Morfydd squeezes his hand. He shouldn't talk back, they... belong to these people now.
"Right," says the man in the centre (the leader maybe), "that's that. We should get you two to medbay."
Morfydd shrinks back in her chair and Lian stands, gripping her hand tightly, blocking her from view.
"You're not experimenting on her anymore! Leave her alone!"
Morfydd whimpers and claps her free hand over her ear. "Nonono, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, please."
"Oh for– we're not going to hurt you, it's a medbay," snaps the woman on the right. "They just need to run some tests."
No. No, no more tests, no. She moves her chair back instinctively, back back back, dragging Lian with her, even though she shouldn't. It's against the rules to back away but she can't help it, she's so scared, back back back, until she bumps into something solid and warm and–
"Woah, hey there. What are you two doing?"
This woman's voice is gentler but Morfydd doesn't trust it. Lian tumbles to his feet.
"Let us go! You're not gonna hurt her!"
"No, of course I'm not." She turns to address Morfydd directly and pulls something out of her pocket. "Here, put these over your ears. They should help with the noise." Morfydd slides them over her ears and oh, that's so much better. The light dims too as the woman does something and she can think again. She didn't realise how much it all hurt until it was a bit better. "I'm Gemma. Let me just sort this out, yeah? Stay here."
Gemma crosses over to the table and folds her arms, leaning close to the officials. Her voice turns sharp. "Right. You need a legal guardian for these two. Where do I sign?"
"Are you sure you're up for this, Ms Donovan? We can handle them."
"Yeah, their reaction sure tells me you can. You're terrifying them and I don't trust your cost-benefit analyses to be beneficial to either one of them. It's not like I won't be able to find anyone to help me, anyway. Give me the papers."
The man who was scribbling earlier fishes some papers out of the pile and hands them over to Gemma, who scans and signs them.
"There. They're mine now, right?"
"Great. Now I'm going to need the room, if you don't mind. With all due respect, go back to your cosy offices."
The three people at the table pack up and leave, and Gemma turns the light down further until it's only a glimmer. Morfydd can still see, though, and it's a relief. It's somewhat like she vaguely remembers normal vision to be like, although she doesn't remember it well. She watches Gemma warily as she approaches. Lian grips her hand tightly.
Can he even see?
"Is this okay for both of you? Can you see?"
"Yes," whispers Morfydd.
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good. Now, if I'm going to take you in, I need something to call you."
"I'm Lian. And my friend doesn't have a name."
"Not even a secret name? Lots of people have secret names. I'm very good at keeping secrets." Morfydd bites her lip. She's not sure it's wise.
"It's my forbidden, special secret name," she whispers, "you won't tell anyone?"
"Not a soul, I promise. Only the three of us will know, unless you ever decide otherwise."
Morfydd nods once, firmly, but Lian narrows his eyes.
"You're sure? You won't punish her for having one?"
"No. Never."
He doesn't look completely satisfied but he steps back anyway, letting Morfydd decide. Her heart skips a beat.
"Morfydd. My secret name is Morfydd."
Gemma smiles. "Nice to meet you, Morfydd. You're a long way from home." She sits back on her heels. "So. Do either of you have any questions?"
Morfydd and Lian glance at each other.
"Do we belong to you now?" asks Morfydd. She hopes so. She'd rather belong to this woman than those people earlier. Is that what legal guardian means?
"Not exactly. I'm going to take care of you, but you belong to yourselves. I'm not going to force you to do things. We don't own people here. I'm kind of... well, not your parents, you probably had parents at some point, Morfydd, and Lian, I knew your dad. I would never try to replace them, but I hope I can do good enough as a stand-in."
Morfydd frowns. So... it's like when she was with her mum? Maybe? That's nice, in theory. But people always care about her powers more than her, so she's not entirely convinced.
"What did they mean about taking us to medbay?" asks Lian, after a minute. He sounds emotional. "Are they going to experiment on Morfydd again?"
"No. Never again, I promise. They want to make sure you're healthy. But if you were one of Razor's captives I assume he monitored your health. Do you know anything?"
Morfydd nods. "I'm a bit undernourished, they couldn't get me to put any weight on no matter what they did, and I get tired easily, I always have. But s'nothing really bad, I don't need to go to medical."
"No. No, I don't believe you do. That can wait until you're ready. Lian, do you have any medical conditions? I know your dad would've taken good care of you."
"Nothing– nothing that I know about, ma'am."
"No need to be so polite, it's okay. Anything else, before we go and get you settled in? You could both do with a wash and some food down you."
Morfydd shivers. She doesn't like the food she's allowed, it's bland and tasteless. But something's been on her mind for a while. She's just... not sure whether requests are allowed. Gemma's very different to anyone else.
"I– I heard people use they for one person earlier. Can I try that? For me?"
"Of course you can. You can try out as many pronouns as you like here."
Morfydd smiles, relieved. As many as she– they like? They never imagined that was even an option.
"Thank you."
"It's no problem. Anything else?" Morfydd and Lian both shake their heads. "Okay. Let's find you some warmer clothes than a hospital gown and fleece, and a torn, bloody t-shirt and jeans, shall we?"
Warm! They're going to be warm, too! Properly warm! They're sure they'll lose the privilege at some point, they always do, but for now they get to be warm! They launch themself at Gemma, forgetting their wariness, not really noticing that they're pulling Lian with them, just so, so grateful for it all.
"Hey. Hey, it's okay. Lian, you want a hug too? Yeah? It's okay, you can cry all you want. We'll stay here as long as you need."
Morfydd snuggles into Gemma's cloak, Lian's hair tickling their cheek, their arm around his shoulders. It's so, so warm, and Gemma doesn't seem to mind their clinginess. Maybe this place can be nice for them.
Well. They don't really believe that, but they certainly hope so.
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If the sun don’t shine on me today
Prompt | Two people, running away from a blind, arrange marriege, in which one is suppoused to marry the other, meet on the road by coincidence and fall in love of each other.
(I’m usually all for whump and angst, but after so many Glee covers, my heart is just for some ridiculous love.)
The plan was: wait for the meeting night, escape using the back door on the kitchen and stole the car of my oldest brother (because he can easily buy another). I was planning this since my parents decided that I was old enough to have a fiance, since I turned eighteen last year. My brother had married at age 20, and my sister, at 19. It was my turn now, and my parents were planning this and meeting a lot of boys who would fit and deserve my hand since my fifteen birthday. 
My mother’s favorite candidate was Magnus Dellanova, a guy from my school and heir of a big data company, who I’d prefer to live among the rats to marry with. After my fiercy protests (and a broken mirror - by accident, I have to say),  she declined. I must say, you probably think of me as a bitch, who broke things to have my parent’s attetion. Well, they spend most time of the day working, and working hard. I can’t actually complain, since this is how I can live the way I do. And I’m sure they love me as much I love them. 
But this doesn’t mean that I’m gonna marry some guy just because they want me to be a “trophy wife” - as my sister call herself when she married. Jenna was suppoused to be a scientist - her biology grade was beyond excellent, and she got a full ride to MIT - but my parents insisted that she could study after having a stable family by herself.
After my Maguns disaster, I thought I had left my intetions clear as crystal: no fiance, no marriage, college first. And a job, a internship, everything. But, as my mother decided that Magnus Dellanova wasn’t worth it, my father came with a even more ridiculouse idea: other boy whose parents had more money than the queen or something; the Warrant Companies were pretty solid and growing in the market. But as soon I put my eyes in Dom Warrant’s-possible-fiance file (my mother kept all in her desktop), I wanted to run. He had the resumè of a prince from the 19th century and spoke more languages than it should be possible. And, for some reason, his photo showed a 13 years old kid that had more hair than I did and some really crooked teeths. I couldn’t know how was he today, and had no interest.
Incompatible. I pass.
Since then, I started to plan my escape. In the night before my 19th birthday, I would meet him and his parents in a unconfortable, shameful  dinner. And the fateful day had arrived and was knocking on my front door. Literally.
I listen carfully to parents, greeting our gests, and I know this is my chance. I was already hidden in the closet under the stairs, so, in the first signal for human life, I grab my packbag and run towards the kitchen, the garden, the garage and I am free, putting my brother’s car on the street and running for dear life.
It’s raining when I got out of town, on my way to the next most populate city. I has my itinerary ready and my radio on; I would call my parents by the morning to tell them I was all right, no, not gonna marry some strange guy and would just come back home after got a degree. I had my paperwork to do a enrollment in college ready. 
Well, I has analysed every single thing possibility of disaster, but one didn’t cross my mind. Because, not even two hours after I left home, in a almost empty road, I almost run through someone with the car. 
In my defense, it was dark, the rain didn’t help and the person - that I notice as a young man, maybe my age - could be a bit drunk, as he ran in front of the car, wagging his arms. I hit the break with ful force, guiding the car to stop by the road side.
“Are you crazy?” I shout, open the passager window, for sure I don’t want this guy near me. But, as he approaches the vehicle, I notice he’s not drunk, just looking a little lost and soaked in the rain. Not so tall, skinny and a dark olive skin that match his eyes.
“Sorry, miss.” Wow, what a nice voice. Like, deep and low voice. Why is this the first thing I noticed? “My name is Nick. Can you give me a ride?”
“To where?” I raise an eyebrow. 
“Just to the next city. Please, I’m not gonna hurt you.” There’s a pleading in his eyes that makes me think he is close to tears. “The last ride I got left me here and run with my bag. I just, I can’t go back home, I’m going to my uncle’s house, you can drop me at the next town, I swear, please.”
“Calm down, Nick. Were you robbed? You don’t want me to call the police?” Is he running from someone?
“They couldn’t help. The car is way too far. I am... just really cold. And wet.” And this Nick guy is only in jeans and a t-shirt. No jacket, no sneakers, just barefoot. “I sill got my documents, but I do not have money to call a cab.” His eyes widen and and somehow he thought this is the wrong thing to say, as his next words are: “Oh, man, sorry, I can’t pay you, oh, I, shit-
“Are you wanted? For the police?” I cut him off.
“Oh. No, no, definitely no.”
“Okay, come in” I say. Seriously, he is now looking like a lost puppy in the rain, probably thinking if the next driver will robb the rest of his clothes and left him naked in the street.
“Really?” Really a lost puppy.
“Quickly, before I change my mind.”
Nick doen’t need more than this to get in the car. I instruct him to take his wet shirt off and put my pullover. We get back on the road, and, as he slowly warm himself up, don’t stop thanking me.
“I thought that I would have to walk all the way back home. Oh, you are an angel... What’s your name?”
“Angela. Oh, really an angel, Angela. And I already know that you are grateful, Nick, can stop thanking me now” I say with a grin.
Half an hour later, my cellphone starts buzzing. And again, again. One quick look and I know my mother is trying to call me. I sigh so loud that Nick can’t do anything but ask me:
“Should you answere this call?”
“Yes. It’s... my mother. I was supposed to meet my fiance tonight, but I run away.”
I don’t kwon why I tell him this, but as soon as the words leave my mouth, I can’t take them back.
“I was suppose to meet my fiancee, too.” Nick lets a half laugh out and stares at me. “Run away too...”
The most ridiculous though cross my mind. I let it run inside my brain furiously for ten minutes before ask him:
“What is your full name? I mean, a Nick should have a last name, at least.”
“Hum. Nick is just a nickname, because my parents manage to give me a name awful as Dominic. My uncle calls me Dom, and my friends, Nick.”
My heart it beating so hard that I think it’s going to stop any moment by now. “Dominic. Dom. Like Dom Warrant.”
I keep  my eyes on the road, but I can feel him turning in the seat to really look at me. Once, twice. 
“Don’t tell me you are my fiancee.” 
“Well, I’m not gonna tell you so.”
A glance in his direction and we’re both laughing so hard that I have to pull the car on the road side again. After long minutes, I’m crying and laughing and he is trying to catch his breath again.
“I ran away from you” I manage to say. “And you LITERALLY ran into my car!”
Nick stares at me again, his brown eyes almost unreadable in the faint light that the night sky provides. His smile is soft, and for a brief moment, I can see a little of the boy from the picture on him. But is gone and there’s a whole new person on the passager seat, soaked in rain with a delicious voice.
Slowly, as if somehow uncertain, Nick take my hand. He gives me a glance asking for permisson, and, as I say nothing, he kisses the back of my hand really gently.
“I thought I would never say this, angel Angela, but it was a pleasure to meet you.”
And doesn’t let go.
“If the sun don't shine on me today And if the subways flood And bridges break Will you lay yourself down and dig your grave? Or will you rail against your dying day?”
Sleep on the floor, The Lumineers
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i-eat-worlds · 6 months
Wow Birthday Whump Masterlist
Aaron, Phoenix, Kai, and HAL belong to @pigeonwhumps
Day 1: Kidnapping / Bound and gagged / "I have your loved one."
Day 2: Starvation / Thirst / "Please..."
Day 3: Crying / Parting Words Regret / "Why...?"
Day 4:Electrocution / Waterboarded / "Anything but that!"
Day 5: Alt. Bridal Carry / NO!"
Day 6: Nonhuman whumpee / Reluctant Whumper / "Run!"
Day 7: Bloodied knuckles / Wounded / "Is that blood?!"
Day 8: Stranded / Team whump / "Is anyone there?!"
Day 9: Aftermath of rescue / Sickness / "You're burning up."
Day 10: Hypothermia / Heat flashes / "Bind them."
Day 11: Alt. Forced to Hurt A Loved One
Day 12: Magic exhaustion / Collapsed / "So tired..."
Day 13: Natural Disaster / Shock Collar / “Shut Up!”
Day 14: Guilt / Chased / "I bought you time, use it!"
Day 15: Hidden injury / Outnumbered / "I'm sorry
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tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
Hypothermia: 0/10 Do Not Recommend
WoW Birthday Whump Day 10: Hypothermia / Heat flashes / "Bind them."
Whumpril Day 10 (Adrenaline), Day 13 (Angry Tears), Day 28 (Fight/Flight/Freeze)
WoW Birthday Whump Prompts List
Whumpril Prompts List
Forsaken: The Doomed City Masterpost
TW: hypothermia, blood, broken nose, bruises, attempted escape, swearing, captivity
Context: Directly after Sam's hypothermia torture at the hands of Blizzard, she attempts escape. She doesn't get far. (guess who fucking finally got a proper working title???)
Rough hands dragged Sam out of the tender grasp of sleep. She blinked, eyelids heavy, and wondered why everything was so white. It was only when the hands pulled her out of the snow-covered cell that she remembered the storm.
Why was it snowing in the cell? They were underground.
“Is she still alive?”
That voice….
“Yes, but she won’t be for much longer without intervention.”
Sam forced her eyes open. Two people stood over her, a man and a woman. The woman was vaguely familiar, with long hair colored an unnatural shade of white. She looked down at Sam with disdain. “I expected more of her. Physical talent and all.”
It was the woman’s expression that clicked the pieces together. She tried to kill me!
A sudden burst of rage and adrenaline fueled Sam. She scrambled to her feet and tackled Blizzard to the ground, screaming incoherently. Blizzard tried to fend her off, to create a snowstorm, anything, but Sam punched her in the face once, twice, three times, disrupting each attempt.
The man tried to pull her away from Blizzard, but Sam turned on him, whirling around and striking him in the face with her elbow. He staggered back, blood gushing from his newly broken nose, and Sam leaped off Blizzard and stumbled down the corridor.
She only got two steps before she was lifted off the ground. Sam struggled and yelled as an unseen force dragged her back to where she’d started. The man’s hand was outstretched, brow furrowed in concentration as blood streamed down his face and dripped onto the floor. Telekinetic!
Blizzard slowly picked herself up off the floor, gently probing the forming bruises on her face. “Shut her up, will you?”
The telekinetic stepped forward and punched Sam in the gut. She gasped, air whooshing out of her lungs, and sagged in the air, struggling to breathe.
“Not so tough now, are we?” Blizzard asked sweetly, tracing a manicured fingernail across the scar on Sam’s cheek.
“Fuck… you....”
“Oh, so terrifying,” Blizzard smirked. “You really should save that ferocity for the arena. You’ll need all the help you can get.”
Arena? “What…?”
“You’ll find out soon enough, darling.” Blizzard turned to the telekinetic. “Take her to the infirmary until she recovers. When you get there, bind her. I don’t want her trying to murder our doctor.”
Sam couldn’t muster the breath and energy required to scream the obscenities running through her head as she was dragged down the corridor away from Blizzard. If I’m ever alone with you, she vowed, tears of fury and helplessness beginning to stream down her face, no one will be able to identify the body.
No one.
@fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @whumpril
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 6 months
“We Are TroubleD” Masterpost
Welcome to the "We Are TroubleD" masterpost! Here you will find a list of things related to my OC whump fic "We Are TroubleD"! If any links aren’t working, please let me know!
Story Overview:
Two college boys have their peaceful lives ripped apart when a ransom-seeking stranger abducts Darius, the son of wealthy parents. The kidnapper gets more than he bargained for when Tristan, Darius’ roommate is home during the invasion. In captivity the friends must lean on each other to survive their harrowing situation and find a way out of their shared hell.
18+ - contains mature themes
Series content warnings, Chapters, FAQ and more below the cut!
Content warnings:
Please note that each chapter/entry will have its own individual content warnings listed at the top of its page. Not all of these elements will appear in every chapter (especially the more intense and mature things, those will come much later in the story and will have clear warnings, so you should be safe for a while if you want to avoid that stuff!)
Overall warnings for this story’s content include (but aren’t limited to):
abuse (physical, emotional, and mental), blood, bondage, cages, captivity, crying, distress, drugging, dub-con, emotional whump, fear, forced participation (in sexual and non-sexual acts), gaslighting, hunger/starvation, hurtful language, injuries, insults, kidnapping, manhandling, non-con (both sexual and non-sexual), pet whump, physical violence, shocking, sickness, stress positions, swearing, things that are neither safe nor sane, thirst, threats, restraints
This list will be updated as things come up or need to be removed.  
Character Profiles:
Coming Soon!
Canon story:
Coming soon!
Misc. entries and one-shots (some might be worked into the canon story later):
Listed in chronological order, even if they were posted out of order due to an event/whump prompt.
Saturdays Are For Soup - (Pre-Capture) - Tristan pushes himself too hard and needs a hand from Darius. - Day 9 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
The Capture (Darius' POV) – Darius comes home to an unwelcome surprise after a night out on the town – Day 1 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
It's Never Enough – Darius and Tristan are in need of sustenance, but their captor likes to play sick games – Day 2 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Painted Into A Corner - Tristan takes a bold stand against their captor and lands both himself and Darius in a heap of trouble. - Day 3 of Whumpmas in July
Below the Belt - Darius tries not to scream as he faces the painful, stinging consequences of his actions - Day 9 of Whumpmas in July --- 3 part mini story ---
Cut Me Loose – Part 1 of 3 - A crazy stroke of luck allows the boys a chance to escape if only they can cut through their bonds. – Day 3 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
A Shocking Offence – Part 2 of 3 - Tristan must find help if he hopes to save both Darius and himself. – Day 4 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Feeling Bushed – Part 3 of 3 - With their captor so close, Tristan must be very careful to avoid being spotted. – Day 5 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event! BONUS CHAPTER!
Feeling Bushed - Trailing Behind - You never know who's watching...
A Breathtaking View - Darius is desperate to buy Tristan more time to find help - Day 14 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak no Evil - The captor returns from searching for the escaped Tristan, and Darius is left wondering just what happened to his friend. - Day 8 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
White Out - Darius slowly loses himself mentally, physically, and emotionally. - Day 6 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Reunited and Ignited - Things heat up when Darius and Tristan's reunion does not go how they hoped it would. - Day 15 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Burning For You - Darius has Tristan's back, but who's got his? - Day 13 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Dinner and Unmoving - Tristan is plagued by a food coma while their captor follows his own agenda. - Day 27 of Whumpmas in July
Alternate Universes (AUs):
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Weren't Tristan and Darius called “T” and “D” before? Yes, for a long time several entries had the boy's names as their stand-in names, which were "T" and "D". I wanted to get the entries that I wrote for WoW's Birthday Whump Event! posted in time for the month that the event was happening, so Tristan and Darius were still nameless when I initially started posting pieces of the story. That is also why you might see comments below entries, my own personal tags, and several other things on this blog referring to the characters as "T" and "D". Their names weren't properly bestowed them until 7/17/2024, even though they had been around on this blog since 4/1/2024.
Does their captor have a name? Yes, but I'm not sure what it is yet. Like Tristan and Darius, I didn't have one in mind when I started writing and posting the event entries. He might get one later, but for now he's just "their captor" or "the man".
How old are the characters in your main story? Darius and Tristan are college age, though Iʻm not sure what specific ages yet. Theyʻre both beyond legal drinking age, and Darius is slightly older than Tristan. Thatʻs all I know for now, as Iʻm still writing the main canon story.  Tentatively I have set Tristan's age at 22, but that is subject to change. They might be older or younger in side fics/AUs. If so, Iʻll state it in the post of the story entry itself.
Why is the “D” capitalized in “We Are TroubleD”? Because the character's initials make up the title of the story! The "T" comes from "Tristan" and the "D" comes from "Darius", therefore, "T"rouble"D"! The "We" is Tristan and Darius, and they are in trouble because they are whump characters.
How often will you update the canon story? Hopefully frequently once I get it off the ground, but you can never really predict that. Iʻm going to try to have as much as I can done of the whole story before I start posting in earnest, so hopefully once it starts going you wonʻt have to wait long!
Can I draw/write about your characters? Sure! Though it might be a bit challenging without references or profiles for them yet. Fingers crossed Iʻll have those made for the future! The one thing I ask is that if you create anything with my characters, please link back to me and donʻt claim them as your own. Thanks!
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whumperofworlds · 5 months
WoW Birthday Whump Day 13
Natural disaster / Shock collar / "Shut up!"
Good luck! Also waiting for a meeting, so won't get to everyone's current entries till I'm out!
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writingphoenix · 2 months
WoW Birthday Whump Day 14
Here's Day 14! It's just a short one but that's what I got. Only one day left after today! Like I mentioned yesterday, once I post tomorrow's, I'll work on getting this onto ao3. Here's Day 13 and here's the masterlist.
Prompt: Guilt
Nathan lay there catching his breath after Josh left. His whole body felt tingly, weak, and sore from the shock.
“I’m sorry,” Josh said. His voice was barely higher than a whisper. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I made it worse.”
“It’s ok,” Nathan panted. “I’ll be ok.”
He heard Josh moving and realized that Alex had left some water and sandwiches for them. He let Josh help him back to sitting and they ate the sandwiches in silence. He felt stronger after some time and food. Josh looked better as well. Nathan figured now was as good a time as any to find out what had happened when Josh disappeared.
“They didn’t tie me very well so I used my pocket knife to cut myself free. I just let myself fall off the back while going over a bump. I tried finding someone to call 911 but I couldn’t. I left a note in a house I found but I don’t know when they’ll be back or if they’ll see it. I had one chance to help you and I messed it up, Nathan. I’m sorry.”
Nathan felt a pang of guilt coarse through him. Josh had put himself in danger, had gotten himself beat to a pulp and locked in the tiny basement room, just to try to help him out. 
“Why? Why’d you help me?” he asked. “You knew it was risky. And you came back too. You could have stayed away, somewhere safe.”
“I didn’t think I had a choice,” Josh said. “The way Uncle Alex was treating you, I just couldn’t let that happen. I knew it would be worse after I tried to help you. I couldn’t leave you to suffer for that.”
“Thank you,” Nathan said. 
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 5 months
We Are TroubleD - "A Breathtaking View"
Written as a part of @whumperofworlds' WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Day 14 (my chosen prompts are bolded): Guilt / Chased / "I bought you time, use it!"
Event page | My event participation masterpost (coming soon) | “We Are TroubleD” Masterpost | First | Previous | Next
Don't worry, you haven't missed the entries for days 6-13! For more info, please see the notes at the bottom of the post.
Content warnings: Blood (minor), captivity, difficulty breathing, fear (and fear of death), inability to breathe, injuries (bruises, leg, minor cuts), loss of consciousness/passing out, manhandling, physical abuse (kicking, punching, slapping, strangling), potential character death, recapture, restraints, strangulation, struggling, swearing
            The escape attempt hadn’t gone well for Darius. While Tristan had been able to slip out and actually get away, Darius… well…
            Once his friend left, Darius had managed to make a decent dent in his ankle cuff by focusing on the strap that held the metal loop securing the chain. He had weakened the leather considerably by raking the scissor blades across the spot over and over, and finally, after a lot of yanking and twisting, it had popped open. At last, he was free from the shackle that tethered him to the wall. The cuff itself was still attached to him, but he could work with that. 
            He hastily stuffed the scissors under his mattress, then bolted into the main area of the basement and scanned around for the window that Tristan had used to escape. There was a chair pushed up to one of the walls, and he figured that was the spot.
            His breath caught at the sound of floorboards squeaking above him. Shit, shit shit! His captor was awake! It was do or die now. No time to waste. He scurried up the chair, slid the glass open, hoisted himself up, and stuck his front half out into the world.
            Cool morning air filled his lungs, so crisp and refreshing that his heart wanted to sing. He could see the sky again without a windowpane separating him from it. The sun hadn’t quite crested the horizon yet, but it was marching along. And the grass… God, he never thought he’d miss seeing grass.
            The image was ripped away far too quickly though. There was no warning, just an instantaneous action– an unseen hand grabbed his ankle and yanked, violently jerking him back through the window frame. In a frenzy he grasped for anything he could find, but there was nothing around him large enough to latch onto.
            Darius crashed to the basement floor with a howl of pain as he landed on his right leg. It cushioned him a little bit, but it was not a short distance to fall. He couldn’t even process what had just happened before his captor was behind him seizing his arms and holding them securely behind his back.
            “THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING?!” he demanded.
            Darius was aghast as he was pulled to his feet.
            “Get off of me!” he threw his whole body to try to wriggle free of the man’s grasp, but that only caused him to be drawn in tighter and held against his captor’s chest.
            A strong hand wrapped itself around his throat and applied pressure, not enough to choke, but enough to send a warning.
            “STOP!” Darius shouted, tossing his head, but he was suddenly quite scared.
            “How the fuck did you get free?!” the man squeezed his throat a little tighter and Darius stilled for his own safety, swallowing hard. He pulled in a few shallow gasps as he thought about his answer, his heart pounding.
            “Dull tool… sharp wit…” he croaked. A small cocky smile pulled at the edge of his lips. It wasn’t the time for sass, but snark made him feel better.
            “Real explanation, boy.” the grip tightened, so much so that Darius could no longer answer him.
            Darius strained until the man’s hand loosened, allowing him to suck in deep breaths again. Unfortunately, there was virtually no time to recover before he was pushed toward the storeroom. He planted his feet, but his captor just swiveled him around and dragged him backwards. Darius growled and flailed again.
            He was furious, but he wasn’t foolish enough to think this wouldn’t be a possibility. It had taken him a long time after Tristan had left to work through the strap. It truly was just a matter of time before his captor woke up and came to check on them. The odds of Darius being caught were pretty high. Still, he had that stupid little glimmer of hope in his mind once he was free. The second he stuck his front out the window and smelled the dew on the leaves… heard the birds chirping their morning melodies…
            Darius grit his teeth, snarling, kicking, and thrashing against the man’s grasp. His intention wasn’t exactly to get away—though he would try to run again if he got the chance—he just wanted to slow the bastard down a bit and make it harder to pull him back into the storeroom… Anything to buy Tris more time to find help.
            Why not poke the hornet’s nest a bit while he was at it, too?
            “Mad you got outsmarted?” Darius taunted. “Yeah, I bet so, you piece of shit. I almost got away with it, too. You’re lucky I went for the window and not for your throat. I’ll get through both next time.”
            A heavy fist collided with his skull and momentarily stunned him, but he quickly shook off the feeling with a smirk.
            “Getting to you, hm? Can dish out taunts, but can’t take them? You’re pathetic.”
            He was punched again, harder this time. It took him a little longer to bounce back from that one, but he laughed, a little weaker than before.
            “It’s almost over for you and you have no idea. We won, bitch.”
            His captor was probably about to indulge him by asking what he was talking about when they reached the storeroom. He took one look over his shoulder to navigate inside, however, and saw that both mattresses were empty. His nails dug into Darius’ arms.
            “WHERE IS HE?!” the man bellowed.
            Darius lifted his head, staring his captor right in the eyes as he flashed him a smug, shit-eating grin.    
            The man roared and ripped something off of the wall- another set of thick leather cuffs. Darius was swung around and thrown to the floor where his wrists were shackled swiftly behind him. Still, he kept up his goading smile.
            “Tie me up again, sure. You’re a one-trick pony. It doesn’t matter either way; I’m not scared, and you’re too late. Help’s on its way.”
            A sharp kick connected with his ribs and Darius yipped, then groaned out a swear as he curled in on himself. It was the only thing that gave him pause.
            “Shut up you fucking brat! Where did he go?!” his captor flipped Darius over to face him, and Darius, battered but still combative, pressed his lips together and shook his head.
            He was slapped across the face. Darius might not have been scared in the moment, but the man apparently was.
            Darius felt something dribble from the side of his mouth, and he licked at it. Blood. Huh. Imagine that.
            “WHERE. DID. HE. GO?” another slap, but Darius stared defiantly back up at him.
            “Get fucked.”
            He only made a small gasp when the man’s hands were back on his neck, progressively constricting it tighter and tighter.
            “You won’t… kill me…” Darius challenged, and he knew it was true. The whole point of his stay here was to be ransomed. His parents would have no reason to pay this asshole if he was dead.
            The grip became more intense.
            “Last chance, boy. Where. Is. He?”
            Darius sputtered and quivered, his body fighting on its own to breathe. His thoughts were growing fuzzy, the need for air slowly beginning to overtake his loyalties.
            “I don’t… know… He ran…” he choked out.
            But the hands didn’t leave his throat… they only pressed tighter. Panic flashed in Darius’ eyes; He thought he’d be released after giving up some information. It was intentionally vague, but it was the truth. The threat had worked, at least a little bit.
            Black dots danced before his eyes, and he gave another desperate shudder, frantically trying to suck in a breath to plead for his life. The links on his cuffs rattled angrily as he struggled and shook. The world was falling away.
            No… It couldn’t end like this…
            His vision tunneled, darkness encroaching on all sides.
            ‘Tris… I need you… please…’
            Then there was nothing.
Day 14!
If you're clicking through these and wondering why you just jumped from day 5 to day 14, it's because I decided to post these in the order that made the most sense for my story chronologically. This whole escape scenario kind of blossomed far beyond what I expected it to and wound up becoming its own mini story, so here we are! I couldn't wrestle the prompt days in order to fit the story I wanted to tell, so that's why they're hopping around a bit. Sorry!
Entries for the other days are coming. To see the entries in event prompt day order, please see my event participation masterpost (coming soon, will be linked here when it's up).
If you have any questions, you can always ask me, but hopefully you can find everything I've written for this event in whichever order suits your fancy from the links up above!
Thanks for reading!
Tag list: @gala1981
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 5 months
... Okay so how much would it bother people if I posted the WoW Birthday event prompts out of order just so the story I'm working on makes sense chronologically? Because I've tried to bend over every which direction I can to fit the prompts together every day, but it's just not working and it's driving me insane.
All entries would still be tagged correctly with their assigned days and themes, the only difference is I'd post them to my blog out of order, IE: Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 8, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 10, 13, 15
I will have a master post where the entries are listed in order for the event, and a separate post where the story entries are listed in order, even if they were posted out of order for the whump event. I just don't wanna confuse people? But maybe doing this is making things more confusing actually...? I have (mostly) finished entries ready to go but I haven't hit publish because my brain is itchy.
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ineffableplanner · 4 years
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Newsletter #37 - The week of Saturday October 24th - Saturday October 31st 2020
What’s new this week? Upcoming events were found to be empty! All have moved to current! Or at least, starting some time between this Saturday and the next. Should you know of an upcoming event, feel free to let me know! (contact information is at the end of this newsletter)
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Wow O.o - if you know of any, please share
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Good Snowmens (winter exchange) signups open until Nov 30th
Signups for the Good Omens Reverse Bang open (run by DIWS) LAST CHANCE FOR ARTISTS OCT 25th (still open for writers and pinch hitters)
Racket's 13 days of Halloween - posting begins on October 19th
Good Omens Celebrations - Birthday Edition! October 21st - 25th LAST CHANCE
OTP-prompts & Mystery AU - both events run September-December
Ineffable Kinktober 2020 - October 1st - 31st
GOtober (artist Good Omens themed Inktober on IG) October 1st - 31st
We’re On Our Own Side - weekly prompts
Trickety-Boo - A Good Omens Halloween Event
Good Omens Fic Rec Bingo - (no deadline available)
T-RECS Tuesdays (GO fanfic recommendations) (no deadline/ongoing)
#ButterOmens (ongoing multi media event(writing/art/whatever you want))
#twist-an-omen (ongoing multi media event (writing/art/whatever you want))
Encourage good feedback (no deadline/ongoing)
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After Omens zine - [INTEREST CHECK]
Cider & Cocoa Zine - submissions open from September 14th - October 26th.
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As always, when entering a discord server, follow its rules, check out the dos and don’ts and don’t harass the mods or your server sibs.
Ace Omens Discord Server - Click here for information post
Do-it-with-style - runs various events like the mini-bang and upcoming Telephone Event. Takes all ages.
Fuck Yeah Good Omens Characters - give the other characters apart form Azirpahale and Crowley some love. Takes all ages, NSFW optional.
Good Omens Fic Writers (you don't have to be one to join! Direct link to server)
GO-events (this server is the one running the AUmens, RomCom and upcoming POV Pairs)
Good Omens Party House (18+) - Click here for information post
Good Omens Stitch-A-Long (ever wanted to learn how to stitch?) - Click here for information post
Good Omens Whump (18+) - Click here for direct access
Ineffable Wives Discord Server - Click here for direct access
Soft Omens Snuggle House (18+)- Click here for information post
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Book Omens (book) - This is a community is for the novel Good Omens, by Sir Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. There are communities for tv!omens, specific GO ships, and mixed book, radio and tv content, but we've been lacking one that's focused on just the book, so here we are!
GoodOmens - A community for the book by Neil Gaiman & Sir Terry Pratchett and its adaptions to radio and TV with an extra large helping of Ineffable Husbands/Wives/Partners.
Good Omens (TV) - Community for the TV version of Good Omens
Ineffable Husbands, Ineffable Wives, Ineffable Partners - A community solely for Aziraphale and Crowley from the Good Omens book/radio adaption/TV series being in some kind of romantic or platonic relationship. =) Please read the "Rules and Info" section before posting/reblogging here!
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Community Calendar (Trello) can be viewed here (it is updated through the week if I hear of any events to add).
If you have an event you want to add to the calendar and the weekly Newsletter, don’t hesitate to let me know either in the asks/PM or via ineffableplanner (@) gmail dot com.
Also, feel free to share this post. This blog is NOT for reblogging of events, but for listing and perhaps making it a bit easier for everyone to keep track of these events before they’ve come AND gone ;)
This newsletter is mirrored on pillowfort and tumblr and announced on twitter.
* This is something tumblr never learned but PF has adopted from the old LJ format - if anyone wants a PF invite, just ask - we get 3 per week anyway to give away and there are pillowforters who will happily share invites.
Disclaimer: I am not running any of these zines, events or servers (in the few cases where I am involved in the mod work, I will make note of this). Please use your common sense and if you feel you’ve entered an event/zine/server/community you feel uneasy about, do not hesitate to step away from it. You may let me know if there’s a problem with one, but please know that I am not able to police every single one of them, nor will I play God in other people’s domains. I will let the mods know there is a problem (without mentioning your name and if it’s grave enough, take the link off), but please do not expect miracles and do not use me as your tool to get back at servers/server mods for personal reasons. I abhor being pulled into fandom wars and kerfluffles.
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