#incorrect dc universe quotes
arguablysomaya · 10 months
Tim (about Kon): I can fix him.
Cassie: You are literally worse.
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daemonmage · 1 month
Bruce about to reveal his identity to the JL
Bruce: “I’m going to do something that may traumatize two of you. I am not sorry.”
Oliver: “oh come on Batman your identity isn’t that special.”
Bruce going full whiny play boy: “Dinah! Ollie is being mean to me!!!”
Oliver: blue screens
Dinah: “YOU BITCH!?”
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duke: who do you guys think is bruce's favorite child?
jason: it's probably fingerstripes
dick: me?! it's obviously you, jay
tim: it's jason
steph: facts. b lets him get away with everything, including murder
cass: jason
damian: as much as i loathe to admit it, father does treat todd differently
jason: ya'll are trippin'
clark: b, just curious, but, do you have a favorite child?
bruce: hn, what date is it?
clark: um, may 12th?
bruce: then it's batcow
clark: what
bruce: did i stutter?
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cablecar-s · 2 months
Jason and Tim fighting about something
Jason: Yeah? Well YOU'RE adopted!
Tim more or less about to lose his shit: We're ALL ADOPTED
Damian in the background about to speak up
Tim: You're not a part of this
Damian: >:[
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batfamilycannons · 3 months
Bruce *storming in, burnt and covered in ash*: Where is your brother?
Damian and Tim: tf??
Tim: uh I think Jason’s in the library?
Bruce: no not him the other one
Dick, *scurries past the door*
Bruce: RICHARD JOHN GRAYSON why did you set my bed on fire
Dick: You deserve it!!
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iwannabealice · 4 months
clark: i met this boy last night that seemed to really hate you
bruce: that could be anyone, what did he look like?
clark: tall, white, dark hair, really big-
bruce: ah, that’d be jason. my son
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vivianthepigeon · 7 months
Tim: “I need to tell you something”
Bruce: “What did you do??”
Tim: “when Alfred was doing our taxes he noticed a missing check”
Bruce: “what did you do???”
Tim: “Before I answer do you trust me enough to understand that it was for a good reason and just leave it at that?”
Bruce: “What. Did. You. Do.”
Tim: “it’s all Jason’s fault! He is a BAD person, I’ve been telling you for years!”
Bruce to Jason: “WHAT DID YOU DO?”
Jason: “okay now before I answer that-“
Bruce: “just tell me whatcha did”
Jason: “I got a DUI”
Bruce: “Jason!”
Jason: “it’s not as bad as it sounds”
Bruce: “How is driving drunk not bad???”
Jason: “I wasn’t exactly driving”
Bruce: “I don’t follow.”
Jason: “I was at the bar with Damian and I had a few”
Bruce: “DAMIAN?!”
Damian: “With God as my witness I’ve never been to that bar in my life.”
Jason: “He knows.”
Damian: “Oh I’ve been there a bunch”
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Jason, laying in the lounge, bat boys sleep over (duke couldn’t join them): do you think cows like to sing?
Tim, on his phone definitely not sleeping: it's 3am, go back to sleep
Jason, defensive: they can moo, so they must be good at opera!
Dick, who’s secretly been awake starts mooing opera style, it’s awful:
Damian, shaking awake: WHERE'S THE COW-
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sodamnbored · 2 months
Damian, entering the living room: Oh, Drake. I didn’t realise you were here too.
Tim, distracted on his phone on the couch: Yeah, best WiFi around. Keeping busy?
Damian, looking in cupboards and chandeliers for acrobatic older brothers: Looking for Dick.
Tim absently, not looking up from Grindr: Mm, me too.
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rad-batson · 1 year
Damian: Dick said he wants me to try acting my age
Tim: So you’re having a tea party with your pet cow in the living room?!
Damian: I looked it up. Kids have tea parties. I’m having a tea party.
Tim: Why are you doing this??
Damian: To get a good grade in acting my age, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
Alfred: Would Master Batcow care for some more finger sandwiches?
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fleur-dans-la-nuit · 4 months
Damian: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Dick: Damian, no.
Jason: Mistlefoe.
Dick: Please stop encouraging him.
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arguablysomaya · 29 days
tim: bart, may I manipulate you to prove a point? bart: sure! I'm always down to be manipulated tim: aw, thanks, bart! you're a good friend bart: and you're a really good manipulator! we go hand in hand cassie: ...something seems off in that sentence, I can't put my finger on it
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Nightwing: "I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time." Red Hood, cracks his knuckles: "Manslaughter it is."
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frappegoddess · 22 days
Tim and Damian sneak into Dick's apartment after patrol without him knowing.
They have a big fat fight because Damian called Tim a troglodyte after Tim wore his shoes in the house and tracked in dirt.
The fight ends with Damian hurling a baterang at Tim, who was standing in front of the TV, which then breaks and they don't have the courage to tell Dick because they know he'll snitch to Bruce, instead they steal a TV from Bruce's study.
The job unwillingly uniting the brothers for a short amount of time, they left thinking they were slick.
2 weeks later Dick is over at the Manor wondering why all that was on his TV was British Rom-Coms and animal planet (and a news channel that tracks Superman's every move. 👀👀👀)
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dick: what are you guys doing?
tim, frozen in surprise, as damian struggled against his bonds, apples scattered around them: uh... it's not what it looks like
steph, oblivious: i got it! he's 11 apples tall
jason, a little shit: damn, we were one off. i thought it'd be 10
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batfamilycannons · 5 months
Dick*the eldest daughter reaching a breaking point and it was this or manslaughter*: Due to my emotional trauma, I have decided I will be reverting back to my childhood Goblin lifestyle
Jason*always one for chaos*: Good for you
Bruce*traumatized from the first time not sure if he can survive a pt.2*: oh no
Tim*never left his Menace Lifestyle and is very exited to help cause more problems*: yay!
Bruce*even more scared*: oh no
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