0-amateur-writer-0 · 24 days
Oof. Yeah. Regret is definitely one of the main things Ford will feel when they sail.
He'll be happy, but he'll also be like: "Oh god, I could've had this earlier. I could BE happy earlier." And that'll eat him up
Do you ever think Ford has some kind of crisis once he realizes how many years he wasted without Stan? He kept thinking of what could've been, what should've been if he didn't push anyone away. Maybe he would've had things easier if he let Stan to stay with him all those years. His regrets filling up his head for enough tears to fall out of his eyes.
"Oh this is what's it like to have a brother again," his thought when they were sailing across the sea and Stan's arm rest on his shoulders, laughing. Then those memories of them as kids flashed in his eyes. They were short and felt distant but also like yesterday.
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 24 days
Stan Pines: *exists*
Angst writers:
I'm sorry
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 25 days
I finished watching the video. And got a lot of thoughts and feelings, so...
op I hope you don't mind me dumping some of my thoughts/perspective, here.
Technically speaking, the minute Filbrick threw Stan out. Stan could be considered homeless at that point. So Ford, technically, knew that Stan was homeless at one point. Because he himself saw it.
And Stan may not have told Ford outright that he was homeless for a prolonged period of time, but he did told Ford that things were BAD since he got thrown out (i.e going to prison, chewing his way out of a trunk of a car), so idk how Ford could think that Stan was doing okay? Like, me, personally, I wouldn't think someone was doing okay when they say something like that.
And lastly, Ford got TWO versions of the story: the UNFILTERED version he heard when he was alone with Stan. And the FILTERED version he heard when the kids are around. Now, Ford may not have the highest wisdom, but he is smart. So like...shouldn't he have noticed this? That he got another version when there are kids around?
That said, I also don't think Ford has malicious intent. He was running high on emotions at the time and probably wasn't thinking at all, and he probably felt really guilty (i hope) about it once he remembered.
I headcanon'ed that Ford has some idea of it, but is just...severely in denial of it. Because admitting that Stan was homeless, and he didn't do a thing to help, would absolutely destroy him (with guilt).
So yeah, its kinda hard for me think that Ford has no idea of it. But hey, that's just me.
Was watching Hana's totally-45-minute-and-not-4-hours-long video analysis about the Tale of Two Stans and realized something...
Stan...never really came clean about being homeless, right?
So, with Ford's comment about wanting Stan to give back the house and leave, it seems less malicious here as Ford still didn't know.
He didn't know about it before getting pushed into the portal and he didn't know about it coming out of the portal.
All he knew was what Stan directly said:
Look, I've been around the world.
No, no. You don't understand what I've been through! I've been to prison in three different countries! I once had to chew my way out of the trunk of a car! You think you've got problems? I've got a mullet, Stanford! Meanwhile, where have you been? Living it up in your fancy house in the woods! Selfishly hoarding your college money, because you only care about yourself!
Post-Portal (while talking about his past)
Meanwhile, your old uncle Stan was doing great. I had come up with a sophisticated new business strategy. 
Stan never said anything about living in his car! He kept avoiding or sugarcoating it!
And from Ford's perspective, because of the things Stan said, Stan has connections and probably still does and easily get back on his feet!
I know things go great in the end but...
Boys...please! Communication is key! Talk!
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 1 month
Once it was revealed that Stan was homeless at one point. My mind immediately went there.
Like, a 17 year old with no money, no prospects, and no support system??
Let me tell ya; the real world statistics ain't pretty.
This thought isn't going to leave me alone until I write it down so I'm just gonna say it
The wheel of shame on the website straight up acknowledges that Stan has done sex work and in general engaged in sexual activies, willingly or otherwise, to survive.
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Not only this, but you also have to remember that he's been to prison an unknown number of times in three different countries.
The kinds of horrible things known to go on within prison walls already provide some pretty rough implications, but this combined with the fact that, at least at first, Stan didn't seem to know the language(s) of those countries well enough to understand his fellow inmates and was likely more heavily targeted for being a foreigner to begin with....it paints a pretty upsetting picture to say the least.
I don't think any of us really thought about this aspect of his past back when the show was still going because like...he was a character in an animated Disney show and we were like 12, characters with this kind of dark complexity to them were a fresh & new concept to us and a lot of Stans past was toned down and/or put in a comedic light since it was meant to be a kids show.
But now that we're adults and Alex has acted accordingly by targeting older audiences with the new book and website, we've gotten a much clearer and more serious look into just how horrifically bad Stans time on the street really was...and honestly? I think more people should be talking about it.
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 1 month
Your Letting Go fic is the most cathartic gf fic I have ever read even if you don't finish it and leave it where it is I still love it because it is awesome
Aw, anon. You have no idea how much this comment means to me.
I think you'd be glad to know that I am still working on Letting Go. This fic is near and dear to my heart, and I'm not planning on abandoning it anytime soon. But I just can't work on it as much as I wanted.
And so, as a way to motivate myself, and because you seem to enjoy it, here's a small sneak-preview of the next chapter:
(may change during final edit)
Chapter 4: Rolling with the Punches
--I mean it, when I said you’re not my family anymore.
57th. It was funny really, how the human mind could come up with the most creative ways to torture its host: convince us there are monsters lurking in dark corners, where none was ever there in the first place. Show us a slideshow of our most embarrassing moments to keep us wide awake at night. Or in his specific case: constantly replay the exact words his brother used to disown him.
--I mean it, when I said you’re not my family anymore.
58th. That was the 58th time, now. He’d been keeping track on each and every instance those words flitted through his consciousness—much like how someone would count sheep in their heads in order to fall asleep. Why is he doing this? Well, that’s something he’d been wondering himself. There were so many other matters that he should be focusing on: safeguarding the Rift, finding a way to destroy Bill, keeping everyone safe…
--I mean it, when I said you’re not my family anymore.
59th. And yet here he is losing sleep over the words of someone who’s practically a stranger to him. No…he supposes labeling Stan as just a stranger wouldn’t be wholly accurate, would it? What do you call someone who ruined your life not once, but twice now? Who got in your way in almost every turn?
The word ‘enemy’ immediately popped into his head.
Ford frowns. Is Stan his enemy? The word somewhat fits, but then again…whenever he thinks about who his enemies are: Bill undoubtedly comes to mind, and then there was Crampelter and the others who treated him like a freak. Unfortunately, he supposes his dear father would also have a place in this list—his expectations almost gave him an aneurysm.
And then there’s Stan. Who sabotaged his chance to go to a prestigious college. Who pushed him into the portal and made him lose 30 years of his life. Who stole his house, and his name to commit crime. Who made a mockery of his life’s work. By those merits, his brother surely deserves to have a place in this list too, shouldn’t he? Along with all the others?
--I mean it, when I said you’re not my family anymore.
That’s right. Don’t forget what Stan did. Never forget what you’ve lost because of him. All the things you could’ve had.
Immature. Bullheaded. Always shirking away from responsibilities.
Don’t forget about all the things you’ve accomplished; when he wasn’t there to drag you down: 12 PhD’s, a sizable grant, a dream job where you get to study anomalies as strange as you are. And solve all the mysteries the world has to offer.
--I mean it, when I said you’re not my family anymore.
If Stan is angry at you, then remember that you’re just as angry as he is. If he hates you, then you hate him just as much. If he wants nothing to do with you, then…you feel the same way.
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 1 month
People call Stanley stupid as if he didn't teach himself basically every science-y subject ever and rebuilt a portal all by himself
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 1 month
A Collection of unsent letters
Dear Stanley,
I know it's been awhile. I'm sorry. I got a science grant and I really wanted to call you, but I realized I didn't have a number for you. Did you hear about Dad? I'm sorry.
Miss you,
Dear Stanley,
I've made a big breakthrough! I met someone that can really help me. It's dangerous, but I've got help. When I'm done you could visit, maybe? I hope wherever you are, you are okay.
Dear Stan,
I'm close. So so close to a breakthrough! Fiddleford has left, but my work is still on track. Soon, I will find you and with the money I'll have made, we can travel. I'll buy a nice boat and we can go wherever you want. I really miss my brother. I really miss you.
Dear Fiddleford,
You need to come back. I'm sorry for what I said, and I'm sorry I let go. I'm sure Emma-May and Tate miss you, but I can't do this without you. When it gets really quiet here, all I here is his voice and I'm sure what's real or not. I didn't mean what I said. I didn't mean what I did. I lov I hope you can forgive me. Because I can't.
It's been twenty years in here. This dream dimension is scary and dangerous. I had to remember all those boxing lessons you gave me. I'm trying to be strong like you. I'm sorry for everything. I'm getting old. I wish I could see you and Shermie again. For your sake, I hope I never do. I will die here. I hope that you are okay. I hope you can forgive me. For everything. I wish we went on that damn boat. I hope you are happy, wherever you ended up, with a big family that loves you. I should have been a better brother and a better friend. Stay out of trouble for me please
I had a strange dream. I hope you are safe. I think he's back. I hope you did burn that stupid book. I know now that you were right. I was selfish to continue building and I was selfish to bring you to Gravity Falls. I was selfish when I turned you away all those years ago. Knowing you, you probably took a steel bat to that stupid machine right after I left. In a lot of ways you were always smarter than me. I think I probably would have ended up here a lot sooner, had I gone to my dream school. Alone and scared. You probably hate me now. I hate me now. I've pushed away everyone who loved me, everyone who supported me.
I hope that Fiddleford was able to get better. If I ever see him again in the great whatever-happens-next I hope I can apologize properly. I'm starting to lose my fight. I stopped counting the years after I turned seventy.
I think somewhere out there is a universe where I invite you to my house sooner. I hug you and say I'm sorry. You apologize too and we are brothers again. You and Shermie visit. I'm best man at your wedding. I find myself wanting to ask you for help more and more often. I want my big brother to save me.
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 1 month
This always bothered me:
Why did Ford wait so long to reinforce the rift??
We found out in D,D&moreD about the existence of the rift. How it's going to cause weirdmageddon if it were to break and all that. But later on in D&MvTF (5 episodes later), we find out that you can actually prevent it from ever breaking with that alien glue, and I'm like...
Why are we not doing this sooner? Why wait until the rift started cracking to haul ass and get it? I get that he's a busy guy and all, but it wouldn't even take a day for him to do this. And he'd gone to the U. F. O many times before, which means he's more than capable of doing it himself.
Like, is he doing this as an excuse to spend time with Dipper, and maybe even impress him? Maybe. But either way, it's weird how someone as cautious and paranoid as Ford would take that chance.
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 1 month
Either it's because Alex forgot.
It's meant to show how Shermie probably feels guilty about all this. And he couldn't bear to see Stan's dead body?? idk
I wouldn't be surprised if it was the first one. For as much as I love and praise GF, it's honestly not the most tightly-written show out there.
Still love it to bits tho
So why didn’t Shermie come to the fake funeral?
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 7 months
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Well buckaroos, looks like it's time for this old month of Stanuary to mosey along to greener pastures once more.
Thank you all for participating and keeping the joy of Stanuary alive for its 8th year running! Whether you created something or simply shared your love for others' creations, it wouldn't have been the same without you here. ♥ I'm so happy you all enjoyed the double dose of prompts this year; maybe we'll do it again sometime? 👀
Don't forget to check out @forduary if you're looking to give our boy Ford some love too!
See you next year! ♥
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 8 months
With Gratitude
Characters: Stan Pines, Ford Pines.
Tags: Post-finale, Hurt-Comfort, Mostly Fluff
Wordcount: 823
“Do ya still want me around if I didn’t save the world. If I wasn’t--…y’know, a hero?”
“Do ya still want me around if I didn’t save the world. If I wasn’t--…y’know, a hero?”
Ford looks up from where he was tending to Stan’s arm. Stan was looking down at his bandaged arm, though it was clear that his mind was someplace far away.
So, it was one of those days.
He had picked up the signs quickly enough. This happens whenever a recently recounted memory was deeply affecting his brother. It’s a bad one. The bad memories always illicit this sort of reaction. Though, previous incidents weren’t quite this bad.
Ford gently, yet firmly tightens the bandages on Stan’s arm. Closely inspecting his handiwork once more, before finally allowing Stan to tuck his injured arm closer to himself.
Ford chuckles. “I think that’s where you’re mistaken; you were always a hero, Stan.”
The look Stan threw him in return, were equal parts skeptical as it was confused. By all means, what he just said probably came off as absurd; calling his brother who lies and cheats as constantly as he breathes. Who has a criminal record a mile long—a hero, will no doubt come off as such.
But it doesn’t make it any less true.
“Always?” Stan questioned.
“At least to me.” Ford adds with a lopsided smile. “Remember how you gave me your glasses when those mean kids from the playground broke mine?”
Stan stares at him in confusion over the sudden change of topic, before nodding carefully; letting himself be led along the conversation.
“Once we got home, Dad yelled at you for 10 straight minutes; even grounded you for a whole month because of it. But you never told him what really happened. Or how about that time--…er, I suppose the several times you punched Crampelter in the face for calling me a freak. Or all the other times you—"
“I remember; why’d ya ask?” Stan’ eyes are getting more, and more focused now. The fog was lifting, and his brother was slowly coming back to himself.
Ford smiles sadly. “I seemed to have forgotten all that. I was only reminded of all those things you did for me, because of…recent events.” His smile drops. “…I should be the one asking you that: why do you still want me around after everything I’ve done?”
Stan opens his mouth to answer, but Ford shook his head. “It was rhetorical; I know why.”
“And to answer your question: you were a hero even before you went ahead and saved the world. And I couldn’t think of anyone I’d be lucky enough to get to spend my time with.” A pause. “Well, apart from the children, our friends, and our immediate family but…you know.”
“I ought to say this more often, but…thank you; for having been there when nobody else was.”
Thank you.
Stan blinks. Out of all the recent changes that happened in his life, this is definitely one he still wasn’t used to. It still somehow felt weird to hear Ford say that; maybe it’s due to how hard he had to work just to get one in the first place. But now, Ford just…kept giving it away to him so freely. Things that don’t require thanks, and even the smallest gestures that should’ve been paid no mind, were met with an almost unreasonable amount of gratitude.
Thank you for making breakfast.
Thank you for playing D, D, and more D with me.
And then,
Thank you for remembering.
Thank you for being here…
The last one really threw him for a loop. Because where else would he be besides here: on the Stan O’ War, sailing around the world on the adventure of a lifetime? It was just unnecessary, especially at the rate of which Ford’s doing it. Often times, they would be doing something mundane like fishing, or cleaning when Ford would all of a sudden turn to him, and then thank him for…simply existing it seems.
A sap, that’s what his brother is. He’d made it a point to say so whenever Ford gets like this. This time was no exception; because Ford really just dropped a whole speech on him about how he was totally his hero this entire time. Sure, like he’s supposed to believe that.
It was a good speech at least.
He was about to call Ford out on his sap-like behavior yet again, but then he stops. Ford was looking at him, not only that, Ford was looking at him the same way he often does whenever he looks at the kids—warm eyes, and tender smiles.
Stan absentmindedly rubs his bandaged arm. “…Anytime, Sixer.”
Looks like Ford’s not the only sap in this damn boat.
"Stanley Pines was the man who saved the world, not me. ... If I'm totally honest, I must admit that he's a hero and I'm...a hero's brother. And I'm OK with that."
--From the Journal of Stanford Pines.
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 9 months
The opinions "Ford Pines is a human who made mistakes and can grow from them, but at the end of the day he's a good guy who does care for his twin" and "Ford was way too quick to close off Stan and was the one who betrayed him the most" should not be unable to coexist
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 9 months
Ford barely gave any effort on his relationship with Stan. Meanwhile Stan did most of the heavy lifting. But somehow Stan is just as, or more culpable when their relationship turned crap???
Like, seriously. What meaningful effort has Ford done towards the relationship?
Wait some people think Stan was the unreasonable one in the relationship??? Please tell me you're joking
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 9 months
My brain: hey you know how the Pines family is canonically Jewish?
Me: yes... Why?
My brain: :3 Hey don't think about Stan's first Chanukah away from home. Don't think about him spending a few dollars he can't spare on birthday candles stuck into a stick he whittled out because he can't afford a real menorah. Don't think about him alone in a shitty motel missing his mom. Actually do think about it. All day.
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 10 months
To add on to my previous post...
'Lines' is missing scene that I imagined took place in the following days after Ford’s return, but before the next episode happened. So basically, in-between AToTS and D, D, & more D.
At the end of AToTS, we see Ford at one of his lowest point. He was probably at the height of his bitterness, and resentment towards Stan (The man literally gave his brother an eviction notice). But then at the very next episode (aka D, D, & more D) we see Ford being kinda nice to Stan, and even going so far as to want to spend time with him.
Like, Ford fought that alien squid to try and impress both Stan and the twins. And later on, he even invited Stan over to play D, D, & more D.
The way Ford acted towards Stan kind of gave me whiplash. So, I have a headcanon that something drastic like this might’ve happened during the days in-between these two episodes.
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 10 months
Characters: Stan Pines, Ford pines.
Tags: Angst, Hurt no comfort, Character study.
Wordcount: 1,810
“You really don’t understand why I want this place to be shut down, do you?”
Stan sniffs. “I think I got some ideas.”
Ford narrows his eyes. “Do you?”
He’s home. He’s actually home. Back in his Earth—in Gravity Falls, Oregon.
Hard to believe that a few days ago, he was at the precipice of life and death. About to end things once, and for all with Bill. That’s how it was supposed to be. One way or another, everything was supposed end that day. But now he’s honest to God walking through his house. Opening cupboards, and drawers. Studying every nook, and cranny. Observing how much has changed, and how much has stayed the same.
The house definitely had seen better days. Everything was aged, and weathered. You could even spot some awkward patch jobs here, and there. The ones you do on your own to save money, instead of by someone who actually knew what they were doing.
Indeed, Stan must’ve been a stingy on the upkeep. He could hear a lot of new creaks, and sounds now. But…the house is somewhat neat, and tidy at least.
He supposes he should be thankful if for that. That his home is still here after all this time. Still standing. Still livable. When he already made peace long ago, that his house would be left to rot—reduced to a pile of would-be firewood.
Ford rounded a corner, and stops in his tracks. Any feelings of gratitude he had had quickly went down the drain.
Now this is a change he could really do without.
The house doubles as a hokey tourist trap now. One that’s entire gimmick was based on showcasing a variety of very made-up anomalies.
Being in this room is already starting to royally piss him off. Though for some reason that escapes him, he decided to stay and look around. Making his way the first exhibit that caught his eye.
Ford glares at the taxidermized monstrosity before him. It was obviously meant to resemble sasquatch, or even bigfoot. Brown fur, big feet, and ape-like features, though a striking difference could be seen on how it’s…wearing an underwear.
(Why even? What evolutionary need could it possibly fulfill by wearing one?)
“Sascrotch,” He sneers. “I can’t believe people actually—"
“Yeah, ya don’t like the Shack. We get it. Keep steppin’, and move on already.” A gruff voice piped up from his left.
Ford turns his head to the source of said voice, to find Stan leaning against the counter—counting the money he made off from the last group of tourists.
(Has he always been there?)
“You really don’t understand why I want this place to be shut down, do you?”
Stan sniffs. “I think I got some ideas.”
Ford narrows his eyes. “Do you?” He challenges.
Stan muttered something under his breath, but otherwise did nothing but continue to count the money in his hands. The sound of paper bills being shuffled seemed to fill the empty gift shop. It grated on his nerves. Then again, everything that Stan does seem to grate on his nerves these days.
Ford made his way to the next set of exhibits. The Six Pack O’ Lope. The Cornicorn. He swears some of them looked more like one of Mabel’s arts and crafts projects.
“I have spent most of my life studying the weird. Trying to make sense of the nonsense. Trying to prove their existence to the scientific community.”
“I had to take on twelve PhDs to get people to take me seriously. Twelve. And that wasn’t even accounting the number of favors, and good standing I had to build up just so I could get my grant approved by the committee.”
Of course, I could’ve avoided all that if I had gone to West Coast Tech instead. He almost wanted to say, but quickly bit his tongue.
“Well, that’s kinda’ dumb.” Stan comments.
(If his ears weren’t mistaken, Ford could’ve sworn there was a note of genuine sympathy in Stan’s voice.)
Ford just shook his head. “The committee didn’t see my want to research anomalies as top priority. Especially when compared to things like researching the cure for cancer, or alternative energy, or artificial intelligence and whatnot.”
“But one way, or another. I managed to show them my worth. I gave them reason, after reason as to how my research could be beneficial. And eventually, they decided to give me a chance.”
Ford wrinkled his nose when he passes by some shelves filled with tacky souvenirs. One lined with snow globes, another with Mr. Mystery bobbleheads, and another filled with…ugh, those horrific Burpin’ Stanford Pines figurines. Though he stops when he comes across a nearly empty shelf lined with empty glass jars. A sign nearby tells him that these are ‘invisible fairy companions! Only $35!’.
His attention wasn’t on the obvious scam in front of him. Instead, Ford watches his face being reflected on the glass jars.
“I thought,” he says. “If I did all of that, then…maybe I could finally change the way people view them.”
“I wasn’t hoping to change everyone’s minds, but if I could get a few people to stop looking at them like something to be afraid of. Like something to be pointed, and gawked at…” He pauses, and then turns to look at Stan. “Do you see where I’m going with this?”
Stan just stares at him with a blank expression on his face.
(Dear Tesla, does he really have to spell this out?)
Ford took a deep calming breath, before saying: “What you’re doing here with the Mystery Shack. Not only is it a mockery of my life’s work, it’s a mockery of me.”
Stan narrows his eyes. “What are you talkin’ about?”
Ford could feel the threads of his self-control being cut. “Do you really not realize what you’re doing here!? You’re bringing all sorts of people in here, and teaching them it’s okay to point, and laugh at things they don’t understand. You’re teaching them to point, and laugh at things like me!”
Ford clicked his tongue. Whether Stan’s earlier confusion was genuine, or an act mattered little to him at the moment. The damage was done. To his house. To his reputation. To his life’s work.
--You’re a six-fingered freak!
And they would be right. That’s all he is. All he will ever be.
He’d lost the chance to ever prove them wrong.
“Be honest,” Ford demanded. “All those times you told me that I wasn’t a freak was a lie, wasn’t it?” He gestures towards the various exhibits in the Shack. “This is how you actually feel about me.”
“Do you also have stuffed six-fingered hand lying around? I’m surprised I haven’t seen it yet. An exhibit like that will surely—"
“You think I’d do that?” Stan asks.
Ford pauses, and then turns to Stan. And once his eyes landed on his brother, the red mist that clouded his vision seemed to dissipate at that moment.
Stan was staring at him, and though his expression was blank—there was a gamut of emotions swirling in the depths of his brother’s eyes. Raw and honest emotions that Ford didn’t want to look too closely into.
“You really think I’d do that to you?” Stan asks again. His voice quiet.
Ford opens his mouth, but he quickly finds that no words could come out. Something in Stan’s eyes. Something in the way his brother spoke, seemed to sap all the remaining fight and anger in him.
“I used to beat up every single punk who bad-mouthed you when we were kids. And ya really think that I’m gonna’ turn around, and start doin’ all that crap they did to you?” A pause. “You really think that I’m no better than guys like Crampelter?”
Ford’s looks down—suddenly finding it hard to look Stan in the eyes. “That isn’t what I…”
He tries to find something to defend himself with, but nothing kept coming up. After all, that was essentially what he had just implied wasn’t it?
The silence hung between them until Stan took several steps forward, only stopping when he’s at an arms-length in front of Ford.
“…Y’know,” Stan says. “I got a lotta reasons for starting the Mystery Shack. And that thing you just said… You think that folks come through here to point and laugh at all these arts and crafts rejects. But the only thing being pointed and laughed at in here…is me.”
“Cause you wanna’ know something?” He jabbed a finger onto Ford’s chest. “Just because you got no problems callin’ me worthless, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna’ stoop to your level and start callin’ you a…”
It took everything in him to not look away—to return Stan’s glare head on. On the outside, one might mistake him for being the picture of indifference. The only thing anyone could see was a mask of cold, hard disapproval plastered on his face
But on the inside, in the deepest parts of him where no one was privy to—part of him dreaded of what’s to come. The part of him that used to go on adventures with Stan on the beach. The part of him that used to spend whatever free time available, to work on an old derelict sailboat. The part of him that used stay up to the late hours of the night talking, and planning about the places they’d sail away to one day.
That part of him was terrified of his twin brother calling him that word.
But he knew it was coming. It’s only a matter of time. He braces himself and…
…nothing happened.
Stan just looks down, his hand falling limply back to his side. And Ford found himself letting out a breath he didn’t even knew he was holding.
Both men stood at the middle of the empty gift shop. Stan kept looking down at the floor, and Ford couldn’t seem to peel his eyes away from his brother—at how tired, and defeated he looked. His right-hand twitches, and then starts to lift and inch itself closer towards Stan.
He didn’t really know what he was trying to do. He just…has a sudden urge to reach out. But before he could make any contact, Stan took a step back from him.
“Believe it or not, I actually got lines I ain’t never gonna’ cross.” Was all Stan said to him, before he made his way outside.
The front door slammed shut.
Ford watches the door for a moment. Before his gaze, inexplicably, wanders back to the shelf lined with those Burpin’ Stanford Pines toys. It was an insult. It was his name being printed on those boxes, but looking at those figurines again—at how it was wearing a bright red fez, and a black tuxedo…the similarities that he somehow hadn’t seen before became so clear.
It was Stan.
Ford pinches the bridge of his nose. “What the hell am I doing?”
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0-amateur-writer-0 · 10 months
Still can’t get over this:
No matter how angry, or upset he was at Ford. No matter how bad the fight between them, or how broken their relationship is. And even when Ford basically called him worthless; Stan just…never once called Ford a ‘freak’ to get back at him.
Stan must’ve known very well that this is something that would hurt Ford the most. But despite that, he just never uses that word against Ford. He refuses to use the word that bullies often do, to make Ford feel unwanted, and unloved.
It’s such a small, and often overlooked thing. But this, to me at least, shows a surprising amount of mindfulness, self-control, and class on Stan’s part.
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